which figure has rotational symmetry and line symmetry?

Which Figure Has Rotational Symmetry And Line Symmetry?


Answer 1
Option D is correct (star)

It has 5 line of symmetry and has rotational symmetry as well
Answer 2


Figure 1 (The Star)

Step-by-step explanation:

Line symmetry is symmetry created by a line that divides a shape. Only the "star" (Figure 1) and the "A" (Figure 2) can be split through the center into two identical halves, therefore we can rule out Figures 3 & 4. Rotational symmetry is when a shape looks the same after a partial turn. Rotational symmetry is only true for the "star" (Figure 1) which will be symmetric every 72-degree (360/5) turn. However, the "A" (Figure 2) can only be flipped 180 degrees to remain symmetric.

Therefore Figure 1 is the only figure with both rotational and line symmetry.

Related Questions

triangle ABC is being enlarged using a scale factor of 1/2 and center (1,9) to give triangle A' B' C'



When a triangle is enlarged using a scale factor of 1/2 and center (1,9), the resulting triangle will be similar to the original triangle. This means that the angles of the new triangle will be the same as the angles of the original triangle, but the lengths of the sides will be scaled down by a factor of 1/2.

For example, if triangle ABC has vertices at (0,0), (3,0), and (3,4), then the coordinates of the vertices of triangle A'B'C' would be (1,9), (1.5, 9), and (1.5, 9.2), respectively. The side lengths of triangle A'B'C' would be half the length of the corresponding sides of triangle ABC, but the angles would be the same.

It is important to note that the center of the enlargement, (1,9), will not be a vertex of triangle A'B'C'. Instead, it will be the point at which the enlargement is centered, and the resulting triangle will be positioned relative to this point.

Step-by-step explanation:

How many inches are in 32 yards?




why cant you bing it?

2: Angle 1 and Angle 4 are vertical angles. If the measure of angle 1 equals 3x + 14 and the

measure of angle 4 equals 5x − 52, what is the measure of Angle 1?

3: Suppose that ∠ = 3x + 8 and ∠ = 2/3x + 62

If ∠ and ∠ are supplementary

angles, what is the measure of ∠?

4:Angle 2 and Angle 3 are vertical angles. If the measure of angle 2 equals 13x + 27 and the

measure of angle 3 equals 9x + 59, find the value of .


Each part of the question is answered above and the angles are given below.

What are angles?In Euclidean geometry, an angle is the figure formed by two rays, called the sides of the angle, sharing a common endpoint, called the vertex of the angle. Angles formed by two rays lie in the plane that contains the rays. Angles are also formed by the intersection of two planes. These are called dihedral angles.

Given are the angles as mentioned in the question.

[1] -

Since, angle [1] and angle [4] are vertically opposite angles, we can write-

3x + 14 = 5x - 52

14 + 52 = 5x - 3x

2x = 66

x = 33

∠1 = 3x + 14 = 3 x 33 + 14 = 99 + 14 = 113°

∠1 = 113°

[2] -

Since, angle [A] and angle [B] are supplementary angles, we can write-

(3x + 8) + {(2/3)x + 62} = 180

3x + 8 + 62 + (2/3)x = 180

3x + (2/3)x = 110

x{3 + 2/3} = 110

x{(9 + 2)/3} = 110

(11/3)x = 110

x = (110 x 3)/11

x = 30

∠A = 3x + 8 = 3 x 30 + 8 = 98°

∠A = 98°

∠A = (2/3)x + 62 = 2/3 x 30 + 62 = 82°

∠B = 82°

[3] -

Since, angle [2] and angle [3] are  vertically opposite angles, we can write -

13x + 27 = 9x + 59

13x - 9x = 59 - 27

4x = 32

x = 8

∠2 = 13x + 27 = 13 x 8 + 27 = 104 + 27 = 131°

∠2 = 131°

∠3 = 9x + 59 = 9 x 8 + 59 = 72 + 59 = 131°

∠3 = 131°

Therefore, each part of the question is answered above and the angles are given above.

To solve more questions on angles and triangles, visit the link below -



The school is having a fundraiser where each rose sold makes $1.25 in profit.
The school has to pay a flat shipping
cost of 50. How many roses must be
sold to earn a profit of $1000?


Answer: 800

Step-by-step explanation: 1.25$ x 800 is 1000



Step-by-step explanation:




Evaluate 5 remainder 5


The remainder is 5. To calculate this, first, divide 599 by 9 to get the largest multiple of 9 before 599. 5/9 < 1, so carry the 5 to the tens, 59/9 = 6 r 5, so carry the 5 to the digits. 59/9 = 6 r 5 again, so the largest multiple is 66. Multiply 66 by 9 to get 594, and subtract this from 599 to get 5, the remainder.



Step-by-step explanation:

(a) what is the coefficient of x3y4 in (-3x 4y)7? (b) what is the coefficient of x2y7 in (5x - y)9?


a) The co-efficient of x⁴y³ = -241920

b) The coefficient of x²y⁷ =  900

What Does an Expression Coefficient Mean?

A coefficient is an integer that is either multiplied by the variable it is associated with or written alongside the variable. A coefficient is, in other words, the numerical factor of a term that contains both constants and variables. For instance, the coefficient in the expression 2x is 2.

The expansion is given by the following formula:

(a + b)ⁿ = Σⁿₓ=₀(ⁿₓ) aⁿ⁻ˣ bˣ, where

(ⁿₓ) = n! / (n-x)! k! and n! = 1.2..3.....n.

a) (-3x+4y)⁷ = ⁷C₀ (-3x)⁷(4y)⁰ + ⁷C₁ (-3x)⁶(4y)¹ + ⁷C₂ (-3x)⁵(4y)¹ + ⁷C₃ (-3x)⁴(4y)³ + ⁷C₄ (-3x)³(4y)⁴ + ⁷C₅ (-3x)²(4y)⁵ + ⁷C₆ (-3x)¹(4y)⁶ + ⁷C₇ (-3x)⁰(4y)⁷

The co-efficient of x⁴y³ = 35x - 27x³ * 256y⁴

= -241920x³y⁴

Hence, the coefficient of x⁴y³ = -241920.

b) (5x - y)⁹ = ⁹C₀(5x)⁹(-y)⁰ + ⁹C₁(5x)⁸(-y)¹ + ⁹C₂(5x)⁷(-y)² + ⁹C₃(5x)⁶(-y)³ + ⁹C₄(5x)⁵(-y)⁴ + ⁹C₅(5x)⁴(-y)⁵ + ⁹C₆(5x)³(-y)⁶ + ⁹C₇(5x)²(-y)⁷ + ⁹C₈(5x)(-y)⁸ + ⁹C₉(5x)⁰(-y)⁹

The coefficient of x²y⁷ = 36 * 25x² * y⁷

= 900x²y⁷

Hence, the coefficient of x²y⁷ = 900.

To know more about coefficient check the below link:



Number 16 is the question


The translation from the triangle ABC to triangle A'B'C' is 3 units right and 2 units up.

What is the translation?

A translation in math moves a shape left or right and/or up or down. The translated shapes look exactly the same size as the original shape, and hence the shapes are congruent to each other. They just have been shifted in one or more directions.

Given that,

The coordinates of triangle ABC are A(-3, 1), B(-1, 2) and C(1, 1)

The coordinates of triangle A'B'C' are A'(0, 3), B'(2, 4) and (4, 3).

When the shape is moved towards the right by k units, then replace x with x + k.

When the shape is moved up by k units, then replace y with y + k.

A(-3, 1)→A'(-3+3, 1+2)

B(-1, 2)→B'(-1+3, 2+2)

C(1, 1)→C'(1+3, 1+2)

Therefore, the translation is 3 units right and 2 units up.

To learn more about the translation visit:



what does x+y=7 equal to


open image below.

Step-by-step explanation:

Juan owns three different surf shops at Sunny Beach . Last summer , he sold 12 , 195 surf boards , 9,6 12 bathing suits , and 11,047 beach toys at his shops How many more bathing suits and surf boards did Juan sell than beach toys ?


Juan sells 1148 more surfboards than beach toys and sells 1435 fewer bathing suits than beach toys.

As of the mentioned data, Juan has three different surf shops at Sunny Beach. Where he sold 12,195 surfboards, 9,612 bathing suits, and 11,047 beach toys.

What is arithmetic?

In mathematics, it deals with numbers of operations according to the statements. There are four major arithmetic operators, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division,

The difference in beach toys and surfboard sell = 12,195 - 11,047 = 1148
Differences in beach toys and bathing suit seel = 9612 - 11047 = -1435

Thus, Juan sells 1148 more surfboards than beach toys and sells 1435 fewer bathing suits than beach toys.

Learn more about arithmetic here:



What does a scale factor of greater than 1 indicate?


Scale factor of greater than 1 indicates the size of the shape will increases

The scale factor is defined as the ratio between the original size of the figure and the new size of the figure.

The scale factor of the figure maybe greater than 1 or the between 0 and 1

If the scale factor of the figure is between 0 and 1, then the size of the figure will decreases, the new size of the figure will be less than original figure

Similarly, if the scale factor is greater than 1, the size of the figure will increase, new figure will be larger than original figure

Therefore, if the scale factor is greater than 1  the figure will enlarge

Learn more about scale factor here



What is the meaning of infinitives example?


Meaning of infinitive generally represents the action or some purpose of the given word. For example: They will lock the front gate to prevent the house from theft.


Meaning of infinitive :

Infinitive generally represents the some action or the purpose of the given word.

Example of infinitive representing action is:

They will lock the front gate to prevent the house from theft.

To prevent represent the action.

As subject of the sentence.

Example: To swim in the deep lake may be dangerous for a person.

As direct object :

Example : i like to read in Sanskrit.

As an adverb infinitive

Example : I can't wait to eat.

Therefore,  infinitive meaning generally represents the action or some purpose of the given word. For example: They will lock the front gate to prevent the house from theft.

learn more about infinitive here



Find the area of the surface. The part of the plane x + 2y + 3z = 1 that lies inside the cylinder x2 + y2 = 9.


The surface area of the plane is π√14 sq. units.

Given plane = x+2y+3z=1 and cylinder = x² + y² = 9

Let J be the projection on the plane x+2y+3z=1

We know that the surface area of an equation is

∫∫j  √{1+(∂z/∂x)² + (∂z/∂y)²} dA

It is given that the plane is inside the cylinder.

We can use the coordinates of the cylinder to get

x = r cosθ and y = rsinθ


x² = r²cos²θ

y² = r²sin²θ


x² + y² =  r²cos²θ + r²sin²θ

= r²(cos²θ + sin²θ)

=  r²                                         [Since cos²θ + sin²θ = 1]

Putting the value of x² + y² in the initial equation we get

r² =  9

or, r = 3


J = {(r,θ)/ 0 ≤ r ≤ 3, 0 ≤ θ ≤ 2π}


x +2y + 3z =1

or, z = 1/3(1 - x - 2y)

Partially differentiating z with respect to x gives us

∂z/∂x = -1/3

Partially differentiating z with respect to y gives us

∂z/∂y = -2/3


Surface Area = ∫∫j √{1+(∂z/∂x)² + (∂z/∂y)²} dA

= ∫∫j √{1+ (-⅓) ² + (-⅔) ²} dA

= ∫∫j √(9+1+4)/√9 dA

= √14 /3∫∫j dA

=√14/2 [2π - 0]

= π√14 sq units

To know more about the Surface Area visit



a report of the national center for health statistics says that the height of a 20-year-old man chosen at random is a random variable h with mean 5.8 feet and standard deviation 0.24 feet. find the mean and standard deviation of the height j of a randomly selected 20-year-old man in inches. there are 12 inches in a foot.


The required mean and standard deviation of height J is 69.6 inches and 2.88 inches.

What is mean?

The mean of the values is the ratio of the total sum of values to the number of values.

1 foot = 12 inches,
Mean  = 5.8 feet
Mean = 5.8 (12 inches)
mean  = 69.6 inches,

Standard deviation = 0.24 (feet)
Standard deviation  = 0.24 (12 inches)
Standard deviation = 2.88 inches

Thus, the required mean and standard deviation of height J is 69.6 inches and 2.88 inches.

Learn more about mean here:



twice a number is equal to negative for. which equation could be used to find the number? 2 n - 4 2 n


The equation which can be used to find the number is 2n = -4, and the number is -2.

What do you mean by equation?

A mathematical statement which is known as an equation makes two expressions' values equal to each other. It is mathematical statement which says "this is equivalent to that," in different words. It appears to have an equal sign in the centre, with a mathematical expression on the right side, and a mathematical expression on the left side.

Let the number be n,

we have given that the number is being twice.

So, the number becomes 2n

And, it is also given that the this twice of the number is equal to -4.

So the equation becomes as:

2n = -4

on solving this equation, we get n = -2

Therefore, the equation is 2n = -4 and the number is -2.

To know more about equation, go to link



What percentage of women in the united states work and have a child under 6 years of age?


In 2021, 65.6 percent of mothers with children under age 6 participated in the labor force

What is Percent ?

Percentages are fundamentally fractions with 100 as the denominator. To show that a number is a percentage, the percent symbol (%) is placed next to it. For instance, if you answered 45 out of 100 questions on a test accurately (45/100), you would have gotten a 45% mark.

According to the given information

In 2021, 65.6 percent of mothers with children under age 6 participated in the labor force compared with 75.5 percent of mothers whose youngest child was age 6 to 17.

In 2021, 65.6 percent of mothers with children under age 6 participated in the labor force

To know more about Percentage



What is the remainder if the divisor of a polynomial is a factor?


The remainder will be constant if the divisor of a polynomial is a factor.


Polynomial division;

Divide the first term of the dividend by the first term of the divisor to divide polynomials using long division. The quotient's initial term is this. Dividend is calculated by multiplying the new term by the divisor. The new dividend is this difference.

We have to find the remainder if the divisor of a polynomial is a factor;


You know, from long division of regular numbers, that your residue (if there is one) has to be smaller than whatever you divided by. Since we're dividing by a linear factor (i.e., a factor whose degree on x is just an understandable "1"), the remainder in polynomial terms must be a constant value.

That is,

If a polynomial's divisor is a factor, the residual will always be a fixed number.

Learn more about polynomial division here;



Question content area top Part 1 Write an equation in​ slope-intercept form of the line that passes through the given point and is parallel to the graph of the given equation. (-3,-7);y=-2x+1


The equation of the line that is parallel to the line y = -2x + 1 and passing through (-6, -7) will be y = -2x - 13.

What is the equation of a parallel line?

Let the equation of the line be ax + by + c = 0. Then the equation of the parallel line that is parallel to the line ax + by + c = 0 is given as ax + by + d = 0.

The slope of the parallel line will remain the same. Then the equation of the line that is parallel to the line y = -2x + 1 will be given as,

y = -2x + c

The equation passes through (-3, -7), then the value of the variable 'c' is given as,

- 7 = -2(-3) + c

-7 = 6 + c

c = - 13

Then the equation of the line that is parallel to the line y = -2x + 1 and passing through (-6, -7) will be y = -2x - 13.

More about the equation of a parallel line link is given below.



what is the best approximation for the area of this circle? use 3.14 to approximate pi.


The best approximation for the area of this circle with a radius of 8in is 201.0 in².

A circle is a two-dimensional object made up of points that are spaced out from a given point (center) on the plane by a fixed or constant distance (radius). The area, a circle occupies in a two-dimensional plane is known as the area of the circle. Therefore, the area that a circle with radius r encloses is πr².

Given the radius r of the circle is 8 in. Then, the area is,

A = 3.14×(8 in)² =200.96 in²=201.0 in²

The answer is 201.0 in² and the correct option is option c.

The complete question is -

What is the best approximation for the area of this circle? Circle with radius labeled 8 in. Use 3.14 to approximate pi.  a) 25.1 in² b) 50.2 in² c) 201.0 in² d) 803.8 in²

To know more about the area of a circle:



Identify the quadratic function that is in standard form and has zeros −2 and 8.
f(x) = x2 − 6x − 16
f(x) = x2 + 10x + 16
f(x) = x2 − 6x + 16
f(x) = x2 + 10x − 16


The quadratic function is f(x) = x² -6x + 16.

What is a polynomial?

An expression that consists of variables, constants, and exponents that is combined using mathematical operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division is referred to as a polynomial.

Let the standard form of quadratic function polynomial is ax² + bx + c = 0

And the zeros of the equation is (x +2) and (x-8)

Now to find the polynomial,

we multiply both zeros

(x +2)(x -8)

= x² + 2x -8x + 16

= x² -6x + 16

And the function in the standard form.

Therefore, the quadratic function is f(x) = x² -6x + 16.

To learn more about the Polynomials;



a line passes through 9,-9 and has a slope of 2/3 write an equation in Ax+By=C



The answer is 2/3x - y = 15

Step-by-step explanation:

A coach selects 2 of his 8 team members to gather the equipment. In how many ways can-the coach select this pair?
PLEASE Help me


There are 28 ways can-the coach select this pair.

What is Combination?

A combination is a technique to determines the number of possible arrangements in a collection of items where the order of the selection does not matter.

Given that;

A coach selects 2 of his 8 team members to gather the equipment.


Since, A coach selects 2 of his 8 team members to gather the equipment.

Hence, Number of ways = [tex]^{8} C_{2}[/tex]

                                      = 8! / 2! 6!

                                      = 8 × 7 / 2

                                     = 28

Thus, Number of ways = 28

Learn more about the combination visit:



What would it mean to make a scale drawing with a scale of 1 1?


To make a scale drawing with scale of 1:1 means a full size image .

Scale drawings are images that depict objects at a scale different from their actual size.

Depending on the size of the object being represented and how the drawing will be used, they can depict objects at either a bigger or smaller scale than full size.

The scale gives the proportion of a distance at full size to the distance that, at the scale in use, would have the same length.

The notation " : " is used to denote the scale of drawings as a ratio.

So, According to the question,

In full size drawings, the ratio is 1:1 (or occasionally 1/1 or "one to one").

Hence , a full size drawing is made by scale 1:1

To know more about Scale drawing here



I need help with this question



Step-by-step explanation:

In what ratio is the line joining the points (- 5 1 and 2 3?


The ratio is 7:4 for the line joining the points (- 5 1) and (2 3)

In mathematics, a ratio shows how many times one number is represented by another. TA ratio can have quantities of any kind, such as counts of persons or objects, measurements of lengths, weights, or times, etc. Both numbers must be positive in the vast majority of situations.

We can calculate the ratio by subtracting the x-values and y-values of the given points:

(2 + 5) : (3 - 1)

= 7 : 4

Learn more about ratio here



to rent a certain meeting room, a college charges a reservation fee of and an additional fee of per hour. the film club wants to spend at most on renting the meeting room. what are the possible amounts of time for which they could rent the meeting room? use for the number of hours the meeting room is rented, and solve your inequality for .


The maximum period of time they could reserve the meeting space is 9 hours.

Mathematical expressions with the symbols > and are known as inequality. Finding a range, or ranges within ranges, of values that an unknown x can have while still satisfying the inequality is referred to as "solving" an inequality. In this lesson, inequalities are resolved using graphs and algebra.

An algebraic inequality expression is a mathematical statement that uses the it as a sign to connect an expression to a value, a variable, or another expression. One type of variable inequalities can have solutions that can be graphed either in a coordinate plane or on a number line.

Inequality expression is 31 + 5.9*t < 84.10.

To understand it, collect all constant on the right side:

5.9*t < 84.10 - 31 = 53.10,

Hence, t < 53.10 % 5.9 = 9 hours.

Learn more about Inequality visit this link : brainly.com/question/25944814


Correct Question:

To rent a certain meeting room, a college charges a reservation fee of $31 and an additional fee of $5.90 per hour. The chemistry club wants to spend less than $84.10 on renting the meeting room. What are the possible amounts of time for which they could rent the meeting room? Use t for the number of hours the meeting room is rented, and solve your inequality for t.

Combine like terms to create an equivalent expression.


The expression equivalent to the given expression is 7.5 - 10x

Writing an equivalent expression

From the question, we are to create an equivalent expression to the given expression

The given expression is

-2.5(4x - 3)

To determine the equivalent expression, we will simplify the expression by applying the distributive property.

Simplifying the expression

-2.5(4x - 3)

Apply the distributive property

-10x + 7.5

= 7.5 - 10x

Hence, the expression is 7.5 - 10x

Learn more on Writing an equivalent expression here: https://brainly.com/question/28306663




Answer: A

Step-by-step explanation:

adding two circles to the left side would result in square triangle circle circle and if you add a square to the right it would be circle circle triangle square thus balancing it

f(x)=x^2. What is g(x)?



g(x) = (1/2x)^2

Step-by-step explanation:

The function of g(x) is stretched in the graph, so the value is going to be less than 1, which eliminates choice A.

Because the graph g(x) lands on the point (2,1), input this in each of the expressions and see which one is true. C is the only one that truly works.

Solve the system of equations by the substitution method.
x +9y = 24
2x + 3y = 3



x= 24 − 9y

x= 3/2 − 3y/2

Step-by-step explanation:

Need help ASAP

Remember to round your answer to the nearest cent


Jamal paid $3.51 as a tip.
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