what are terms for the two principal sources of sediment that produce the two principal types of sedimentary rocks


Answer 1

The two principal sources of sediment that produce the two principal types of sedimentary rocks are clastic and chemical.

Clastic or detrital sedimentary rocks are made from pieces of bedrock, sediment, derived primarily by mechanical weathering. Clastic rocks may also include chemically weathered sediment.

Sediments are also classified by origin. There are four types: lithogenous,  hydrogenous, biogenous, and cosmogenous. Lithogenous sediments come from land via rivers, ice, wind, and other processes. Biogenous sediments come from organisms like plankton when their exoskeletons break down.

Common sedimentary rocks include sandstone, limestone, and shale. These rocks often start as sediments carried in rivers and deposited in lakes and oceans.

Clastic sedimentary rocks, like sandstone, form from clasts, or pieces of other rock. Organic sedimentary rocks, like coal, form from hard, biological materials like plants, shells, and bones that are compressed into rock.

to learn more about sedimentary rocks:


Related Questions

two students are talking about what causes the tides. student a says that the tide comes in and goes out based on differences in the height of the sea level. student b says that the changing tides are caused by earth rotating into and out of the tidal bulges. which explanation is more technically correct? why?


Technically, student A is more accurate. The difference in sea level height, according to student A, is what causes the tide, whereas the earth's rotation in and out of the tidal bulges, according to student B, is what causes the shifting tides.

The daily rise and fall of the tide is brought on by the gravitational pull of the sun and moon, according to the definition of the general cause of tides. The varying heights of the water during the day correspond to the rising and falling of the tides. The varying distance between the earth and the moon is what causes the daily variations in tide heights.

In order to study tides and the different phenomena that affect tides, such as hurricanes and winter storms, scientists monitor the height of the water level. They result from the earth's gravitational pull from the moon and, to a lesser extent, the sun. A shore experiences a high tide when the wave's highest point, or the crest, reaches it. A coast suffers a low tide when the trough, or lowest point, approaches it.

Learn more about sea level visit: brainly.com/question/2092614


What happens when magma rises inside a volcano?


Inside a volcano magma rises and collects in chambers within the crust.when magma fills the chamber, pressure grows. If the pressure gets high enough, the magma can break through the crust. Then it spew out in a volcanic eruption. most explosive volcanoes occur the subduction zones.

It is lighter than the solid rock around it, magma rises and collects in magma chambers. It has erupted is called lava. Some volcanic eruptions are explosive and others are not. It  can rise when pieces of Earth's crust called tectonic plates slowly move away from each other.

When this happens underwater volcano can form. It also rises when these tectonic plates move toward each other. Lava cools to form volcanic rock as well as volcanic glass. It solidifies in the air to form volcanic rock called tephra. In the atmosphere, tephra is more often called volcanic ash.

Learn more about valcano magma click the link here:



Why it is necessary for teachers to create a quality learning environment what they need to do to achieve this and how this will impact on meaningful learning?


According to research, an active learning environment helps students pay attention and concentrate better, facilitates meaningful learning experiences, boosts student achievement, and inspires them to use more sophisticated critical thinking abilities.

The creation of a learning atmosphere where students are inspired to study while adhering to the rules and expectations of a safe classroom is another crucial duty of the instructor. Students are inspired to act morally and support one another when a safe environment and clear rules are modeled and encouraged. Teachers can help students develop collaborative and respectful relationships by being aware of their diverse cultural backgrounds and by fostering inclusive learning environments. Students will therefore feel more emboldened to speak out, ask questions, and provide suggestions for improving classroom processes.

To learn more about environment click the link below:



The oceanic zone has a lower concentration of nutrients than the neritic zone because

the oceanic zone is an intertidal zone.
the oceanic zone is on the bottom of the ocean.
the oceanic zone doesn't have any life in it.
the oceanic zones are beyond the continental shelf and have a lower density of organisms.



If the ground distance between two place is 200km and the distance on the map is 10cm


1. Explain why it is important for scientists to be able to determine the relative ages of rocks.


It is important because some rocks hold many secrets and they could tell scientists facts about a long time ago when humans weren’t as advanced

where the cold downdraft reaches the surface, the air spreads out horizontally in all directions. the surface boundary that separates the advancing cooler air from the surrounding warmer air, is called a gust front. where the cold downdraft reaches the surface, the air spreads out horizontally in all directions. the surface boundary that separates the advancing cooler air from the surrounding warmer air, is called a gust front. false true


The air disperses horizontally in every direction where the frigid downdraft hits the surface. A gust front is the surface line separating the cooler, moving air from the warmer, surrounding air False.

A gust front's meaning, what does it mean?

When specific weather conditions exist, they can produce a line of extremely strong winds known as a gust front. Whenever a downdraft from a thunderstorm that is raining strikes the surface, it spread out in all direction. This air can expand quickly and produce a gust front as it does so.

The location of gust fronts?

That air expands outward from beneath the thunderstorm as it leaves the clouds and hits the ground. The gust front is located here. The frigid air is pushing in. By moving forward, it creates a barrier between the surface's warm, muggy air and the surroundings.

To know more about gust font visit:



which seismic wave type causes the most destruction of property during an earthquake?


Seismic waves can be marked into two straightforward sorts outline waves that visit through the Earth and floor waves, which travel along the World's floor.

Of the 2 kinds of surface waves, the L-waves are the most extremely antagonistic. they can in a real sense pass the floor under a structure faster than the actual structure can answer, productively sharing the base of the remainder of the development.

The essential arrangement of waves to be identified with the guide of seismographs is P waves, or essential waves, just like the quickest. They're compressional or longitudinal waves that to and fro the ground inside the course the wave is voyaging. They regularly cause next to no harm.

Learn more about earthquake:



in april 2017, only months before the end of cassini's mission at saturn, two discoveries from enceladus plumes suggested that its subsurface ocean is in contact with bedrock underneath it, instead of just being between layers of ice. what two discoveries prompted this conclusion?


In 2005, the Cassini spacecraft began a series of up-close flybys of Enceladus, revealing more about the planet's surface and surroundings. Cassini in particular saw jets of water erupting from the south polar area.

a few instances The moon of Saturn's atmosphere Titan resembles Earth in certain ways, but it also has lakes and seas that are made of liquid methane rather than water. Apart from Earth, it is the only other body in the solar system containing liquid on its surface. Underneath Enceladus' icy surface, Cassini found that geyser-like jets discharge water vapor and ice particles from an underlying ocean. Galileo Galilei, an Italian scientist, was the first to observe Saturn with a telescope in 1610. He was surprised to see two UFOs, one on each side of the globe. Drawing them separately, he noted that Saturn looked to have three bodies.

To learn more about enceladus plumes click the link below:



Some scientists claim that they can determine when the earth first formed as a planet. which technique do scientists use today to determine when the earth first formed?


The technique which scientists use today to determine when the earth first formed is called as Analysis of uranium and lead in meteorites.

The concepts of radiometric dating and their use in calculating the age of the Earth are explained by geologist Ralph Harvey and historian Mott Greene. As uranium decays in rocks, it produces subatomic particles and converts to lead at a steady pace. Measuring the uranium-to-lead ratios in the planet's oldest rocks gave scientists an estimate of 4.6 billion years.

The discovery of radioactivity at the turn of the century was a watershed moment. Scientists found that pebbles may literally be used as watches. Many chemical elements in rock exist in a variety of slightly different isotopes.

Certain isotopes are unstable and undergo radioactive decay, slowly and steadily converting into a new isotope molecule by molecule. The rate of decay for a given isotope is constant, and the time it takes for one-half of a particular isotope to decay is known as its radioactive half-life.

Every 100 million years, for example, around 1.5 percent of Uranium 238 will decay to lead. The age of a rock sample may be established by examining the ratio of lead to uranium in it. Scientists may "look" back in time using this technique, known as radiometric dating.

learn more about radiometric dating at https://brainly.com/question/8831242


what is the benefit of oklahoma having so many geographic regions?


Oklahoma is the only state in America whose state song is a musical show tune. Oklahoma's is beneficial to so many geographical regions that is all related to its musical form. This is a small portion of what Oklahoma has to offer in terms of its land.

It mentioned in their song about wheat, wind, and a hawk. The prairie is also mentioned in the song’s lyrics. The song contains references to Oklahoma’s topography. All their respected love spread in teh form of music.

All referred to Oklahoma’s topography. This song has referred to weather, biogeography, and physical geography. Oklahoma’s relative location is in the southern-central portion of the United States of America.

Learn more about Oklahoma click the link here:



What effect does temperature have on urchins?


The rate at which sea urchin embryonic cells divide is affected by water temperature. At the ideal temperature of 22 degrees Celsius, embryonic cells divide normally, whereas cells kept at 37 degrees Celsius divide much faster for the first few days before dying or developing abnormally.

What factors influence sea urchins?

Sea urchin larvae and adults are suffering as a result of ocean acidification and global warming. Because sea urchins calcify at both stages of their lives, they have been used as a model group to study the effects of climate change on marine species.

Ideal Temperatures:

The various organisms that live on Earth have evolved to live in specific environments, frequently adapting to hotter, colder, wetter, or drier climates and becoming extinct if these conditions change. The presence of liquid water is the primary requirement for life on Earth.

Learn more about sea urchin to visit this link



Which three of the following were contributions of ancient egypt? hieroglyphics bronze weaponry 365-day calendar wheat and barley pyramids and burial tombs.


Answer: Hieroglyphics, 365-day calendar, pyramids and burial tombs.


Answer: Hieroglyphics, 365-day calendar, pyramids and burial tombs


How geological structures are formed?


The strong tectonic forces that occur within the earth are typically what cause geologic structures. These forces result in deep faults, rock folding and breaking, and mountain formation.

Geological formations are naturally occurring shapes and structures in the bedrock and soil that are typically the result of incredibly slow geological processes that can range in age. Geological formations can be viewed as permanent and distinctive elements of geological history from the perspective of human time.

A few geological features developed simultaneously with the rocks in which they are found. These are fundamental buildings. Beds and laminae in sedimentary rocks like sandstone or shale and lava pillows in extrusive igneous rocks like basalt are examples of primary structures.

Learn more about  geological structures  to visit this link



Which part of an apple best represents earth’s inner core?
A. flesh
B. seeds
C. skin
D. stem


Seeds is an apple part which represent best about Earth's inner core. Then option B is suit most.

What part of an apple best represents Earth's mantle?The crust is mostly composed of igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks. Look at the white flesh or pulp of the apple. In our model, that is can illustrated as the Earth's mantle. And the seeds could be as an Earth's inner core.3 elements which make up the Earth's inner core are, the solid spheroid that comprises the inner core of the Earth is made of different metals, specifically, mostly iron and nickel. Siderophiles, or elements that dissolve in iron, are also found in the inner core. These elements include gold, cobalt, and platinum. Most of the Earth's sulfur is in the core as well.

Learn more about Earth's inner core here: brainly.com/question/2415975


How are whales affected by water pollution?


Ingestion and entanglement are two ways that whales are harmed by ocean plastic waste.

When the plastic obstructs their stomachs and respiratory passages, many suffer agonizing deaths. Entanglement is another way that plastic waste harms marine creatures, and abandoned fishing gear is one of the greatest offenders. It can trap unwary marine life if let float in the water.

Baleen whales are especially vulnerable to eating microplastics, which are plastic particles 5mm or smaller since they filter-feed on krill and other small animals.

Plastics could take hundreds or even thousands of years to degrade, during which time they can cause significant environmental damage.

Learn more about the effect of water pollution on whales at



About 200 people had to be rescued from a floating ice chunk in which northern US state?


About 200 people had to be rescued from a floating ice chunk in Minnesota's northern US state

In a Minnesota lake, 200 people have been rescued after becoming stuck on a sizable piece of ice that broke off. The people who were stranded on Upper Red Lake in northern Minnesota, according to the sheriff's office, were fishing when the ice broke.

Authorities reported that when a "huge block of ice" detached from the edge of a Minnesota lake, about 200 people were trapped on it. According to a Nov. report, one of the stranded on Upper Red Lake called 911 and reported that roughly 100 people were fishing when the ice block broke away.

To learn more about Minnesota visit: https://brainly.com/question/26090440


What are the things that need to be improved in the teaching profession in K 12?


The profession must be respected. Too many parents believe that the primary aim of the school is to keep an eye on their children. Too many firms believe that study should be prepared to step into a career.

The definitions of "foreign study" & "international student" differ depending on the country's education system. Students from European Union nations can participate in the Erasmus Programme, a student international exchange in Europe. Under a government agreement, the initiative allows students from the Eurozone to study in other countries. The study permit specifies the level of study or the length of stay in Canada. Foreign students do not require a study permit if they will complete the course during the length of stay granted upon admission unless it takes and over six months. Study is the primary right to students in every country for every student.

Learn more about Student here



Do whales sink when dead?


When a whale dies it float over the ocean surface due to the gas build up and eventually they sink. It is called as whale fall.

When whale dies the body will float to the bottom . Once the body comes to rest biologists refer to this as a whale fall. other fish and sea animals initially eat the meat off the carcass.  Bacteria that overtake a whale skeleton feed off the bones. The bacteria then produce hydrogen sulfide. Those thousands of chemoautotrophic sea creatures convert the hydrogen sulfide into usable energy to thrive and reproduce. Once a whale dies it may float at or near the ocean's surface for a few days due to gas buildup but eventually the carcass sinks, carried by ocean currents and often landing in the deep sea. These whale falls are rare but are most often seen along the migratory routes of living whales.

To learn more about Whale fall please visit:



Positive feedback interactions in earth’s systems are always a result of human action.
a. True
b. Flase





Good people can plant trees and bad people can cut them down. Cutting down trees destroys animal habitats, and planting them where they were cut down builds the habitats back up.

I hope this helps :)




just took the quiz

Granite and basalt rocks are exposed at the earth's surface in a hot, wet climate. Will mechanical weathering or chemical weathering predominate? which rock will weather more rapidly? be sure to explain your rationale.


Chemical weathering would impact basalt more because its minerals are more unstable to surface weathering processes than granite.

What type of chemical weathering affects granite?Chemical weathering from water will affect granite. This reaction is called hydrolysis. Hydrolysis occurs, for example, when water comes in contact with granite. Feldspar crystals inside the granite react chemically, forming clay minerals. The clay weakens the rock, making it more likely to break.Mechanical weathering, also known as physical weathering and disaggregation, causes rocks to crumble. Water, whether liquid or solid, is a common mechanical weathering agent. Liquid water, for example, can seep into cracks and crevices in rock.Basalt and granite share a lot of similarities. Both are igneous rocks, which means they formed from magma and cooled (the earth gets very hot just below the surface, and there is lots of liquid rock available). Because both are composed of silicate minerals, they contain a high concentration of silicon and oxygen.

Learn more about igneous rocks here: brainly.com/question/23555197


When the northern hemisphere has fall, what season is the southern hemisphere in?.



The southern hemisphere is in spring during fall in the northern hemisphere.


during which of the three stages of development of an ordinary (or airmass) thunderstorm does the downdraft develop?


During the Mature Stage of development of an ordinary (or airmass) thunderstorm does the downdraft develop. When precipitation and cold air from entrainment are dragged down to the lower regions of a thunderstorm, cold downdrafts form.

The storm is also at its most intense during the mature stage.

Meanwhile, a downdraft of cool, dry air flows downward in the cloud, bringing rain with it. The cloud is now called a cumulonimbus cloud because it has an updraft, a downdraft, and rain, and the cycling of air up and down is called a thunderstorm cell.

Learn more on thunderstorm



Share several specific ways early people found ways to move across the vast lands of Canada and the U.S what did they develop?


Climate changes, floods, and drought could all force people to leave. The availability of food is also impacted by climate change, and anthropologists believe that people arrived in the Americas in search of food.

What caused early people to migrate from the place?

Changing Climate A recent analysis found that some of the largest human migrations happened at the same time as significant climatic changes. According to researchers, early humans traveled in search of environments with greater food availability. Additionally, some populations remained in particular areas due to obstacles like glaciers that impeded their movement.

The Clovis people were the first to arrive in the Americas around 11,500 years ago, according to a consensus that developed among North American archaeologists during the second half of the 20th century. During the last ice age, it was believed that the Clovis ancestors traveled across a land bridge connecting Siberia and Alaska.

Learn more about early people here:



what is the opposing plate involved in the formation of the volcanoes of the cascades in north america?


Я не знаю, по этому прошу меня извинить


Juande fuca and gorda plate

is this statement true or false? the aegean sea is an arm of the mediterranean between turkey and greece.





Answer: true


Directions: Choose any river in the world. Conduct an internet search and list the following information on your river. (will reward brainliest :>)

1. Name of river, its source (beginning of river), and outlet (where the river flows to)

2. Location of the source (state, county, country, etc.) and its watershed (flow pattern). Include states or areas the river flows through, including major cities or lakes

3. Direction the river flows, names of tributaries that join the river

4. Names of any structures that affect the river's flow (dams, levees, etc.)

5. What is the condition of the water in the river? List and describe any environmental concerns.



Hi! Hope you are having a wonderful day! :)


The largest river in the world is the Nile River! Spanning across 4.132 miles, it begins in the rivers that flow into Lake Victoria (located in modern-day Uganda, Tanzania, and Kenya) and empties into the Mediterranean Sea more than 6,600 kilometers to the north, making it one of the longest river in the world.

The Nile River flows from south to north through eastern Africa. From its headwaters in Ethiopia and the central African highlands to the downstream regional superpower Egypt, the Nile flows through 10 nations;, Burundi, Tanzania, Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Uganda, Sudan, Ethiopia, and South Sudan. But by a quirk of British colonial history, only Egypt and its neighbor Sudan have any rights to its water.  

The Nile River flows north from its source. This river flows over 4,100 miles before it reaches the Mediterranean Sea, the location of the Nile Delta. It also has three main tributaries which are the White Nile, the Blue Nile, and the Atbara.

The Nile Rivers composes of 4 main dams;

Aswan High Dam, Aswan High Dam

Sudan, the Sennar Dam on the Blue Nile River.

Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam in Ethiopia.

"The water quality of mid-stream Nile water is still, at a clean level on an average, due to the dilution effect and the degradation of the discharged pollutants." (Abdel-Satar, 2005). But that was in 2005, a few environmental challenges have been introduced since then and some are ones that need to be dealt with.  Egypt is also believed to face a nationwide fresh water shortage by 2025. Already around seven percent of Egyptians lack access to clean drinking water and over eight million go without proper sanitation. The waters are mainly being polluted by municipal and industrial waste, with many recorded incidents of leakage of wastewater, the dumping of dead animal carcasses, and the release of chemical and hazardous industrial waste into the Nile River.

Hope this is enough for you <3 Have a goodnight.

what is meant by the permeability of a soil, and why might a sandy soil and a soil that has well-developed granular structure both have high permeability (5 points)?


The capacity of soil to transmit water through it is known as permeability of a soil. The reason for the high permeability of granular structure soil and sandy soil is:

The permeability of a soil defined as the capacity of the soil to transmit water through it. A sandy soil and a soil with well developed coarse structure have high permeability because, they have a truly well chance of connected porosity. As we know the permeability is directly dependent on the connected porosity. Both sandy soil and the soil with high coarse structure have a truly high chance of connected porosity, thus they can pass water through them significantly.

This is the main reason behind their high permeability.

To know more about permeability, click on the link below:



What is the speed of a point on the earth's surface located at 4/5 of the length of the arc between the equator and the pole, measured from equator? (hint: what is the radius of the circle in which the point moves?).


The speed of a point on earth's surface located at 4/5 of the length of the arc between the equator and the pol is 429 m/s.

How to calculate speed of point on earth's surface:The earth's radius is 6.37 × 10⁶ m, it rotates once every 24 hours.A point located 1/4 of the length of the arc between the equator and the pole, ([tex]\frac{4}{5}[/tex]) × 90° = 72°Since the arc angle of the line joining the equator and the pole is 90°, then the angle between the line joining the center and the given point, and the line joining center and the pole is,

         Φ       = 90° - 72° = 18°

         Sin Φ = (radius of the point ) / (radius of the earth)

         Sin 18 = radius of the point / (6.37 × 10⁶)

Then we should look for the radius point by;

        Sin (18) = 0.3090

                   r = (6.37 × 10⁶) × 0,3090= 1,9683 × 10⁶ m

Speed of the point on the globe is v = 2πr / (24 hours), then2πr = 2π × 1,9683 × 10⁶ = 37095 × 10⁷ mThen we can look for the speed of the point by:

        v = 37095 × 10⁷/24

        v = 1.545 × 10⁶ m/h

           = 1545 m/h

           = 429 m/s

Then the result of speed of point on earth's surface is 429 m/s.

Learn more about speed of point on earth's surface here: brainly.com/question/1542471


What happens to the melting point of rock as the depth and pressure increases?


The higher the pressure at greater depth, the higher the temperature required to melt rock. If a lot of heat or pressure, the rock melts and turns into magma. This causes the formation of an igneous rock rather than a metamorphic rock.

Pressure: Pressure rises with depth, but as pressure rises, so does the melting temperature, so melting is less likely at higher pressures. Water: Adding water to rock changes its melting point. The melting point decreases as the amount of water molecules increases. Because most liquids are less dense than solids, increasing the pressure raises the melting point.

Learn more on rock



What is the main idea of this article and why? (Must be at least 6 sentences. Write a short paragraph that explains the main idea of the article. Use at least two details from the article to support your response (evidence-based text).)


The main idea of this article are the characteristics of Canada such as its biodiversity, culture, conformation. These are the main topics covered in the article.

How to identify the central idea of the article?

To identify the main idea of an article we must carefully read the article several times. Once we have read it, we have the possibility of identifying the main themes of the text. In this case the text has different themes that are related to the characteristics of Canada.

In accordance with the above, after reading this text several times, we can infer that the central idea of the article is the characteristics of Canada. In general, one of the most striking details of this article is the division of the themes into different sub-themes such as: history, government and economy, people and culture, and nature.

Learn more about Canada in: https://brainly.com/question/22682396


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