Latanya has $1.90 worth of nickels and dimes. She has a total of 24 nickels and dimes altogether. Determine the number of nickels and the number of dimes that Latanya has.


Answer 1

Latanya has has 10 nickels and 14 dimes in total of 24 nickels and dimes altogether

What is equation modelling? What is a mathematical equation and expression?Equation modelling is the process of writing a mathematical verbal expression in the form of a mathematical expression for correct analysis of the given problem.A mathematical expression is made up of terms (constants and variables) separated by mathematical operators.A mathematical equation is used to equate two expressions.

Given is that Latanya has $1.90 worth of nickels and dimes. She has a total of 24 nickels and dimes altogether.

Let the number of nickels and the number of dimes that Latanya has be [a] and [b] respectively. Then, we can write the simultaneous equations as -

(a/20) + (b/10) = 1.90

a + b = 24

The equation is solved graphically. The graph is attached at the end. We get -

a = 10, b = 14

Therefore, she has 10 nickels and 14 dimes in total.

To solve more questions on equations, expressions and polynomials, visit the link below -


Latanya Has $1.90 Worth Of Nickels And Dimes. She Has A Total Of 24 Nickels And Dimes Altogether. Determine

Related Questions

A hallway has a length of 350 inches (in.) and a width of 90 in. What are the dimensions of the hallway in meters (m)?


The dimensions of the hallway in meters (m) are 8.89 m (length)  and 2.29  (width ).

Unit Conversion

The unit of length is essential information. There are different units for the length. In the International System Units (SI), the standard unit for length is the meter (m).  Nonetheless, there are other units, for example: inches (in) and feet(ft).

1 in = 0.0254 m

1 ft= 0.3048 m

The question gives the following dimensions in inches:

length= 350 inches width = 9inches

Therefore, you should know the relation between the units for solving this question.

Conversion of the length

   1 in-------- 0.0254 m

   350 in------- x m


x=8.89 m

Conversion of the width

   1 in-------- 0.0254 m

   90 in------- x m


x=2.29 m

Read more about unit conversion here:


Find x. 6x+2x-17+6x-1+-3x+20


In the preceding equation, x has the value -2/11.

How do equations work?

A mathematical formula that connects two expressions with the equals sign (=) expresses the equality of the two expressions. For instance, in English, an equation is any properly stated formula that consists of two expressions linked by the equals sign, whereas in French, an equation is described as containing one or more variables. To solve a variable equation, identify the values of the variables that cause the equality to hold true. The answer is known as the values of the variables that must satisfy the equality. Usually, it only has one variable and an equal sign. as in 2x - 4 Equals 2.

Equations can be categorized as identities or conditional equations.




x= -2/11

Therefore, in the preceding equation, x has the value -2/11.

To know more about equations, visit:


Find the equation of a line perpendicular to 4x + 3y = -24 that passes through
the point (-8, 3).


The equation of the line perpendicular to 4x + 3y = -24 that passes through the point (-8, 3) is 4y = 3x + 36.

What is the equation?

Equations are mathematical statements with two algebraic expressions flanking the equals (=) sign on either side. It demonstrates the equality of the relationship between the expressions printed on the left and right sides.


4x + 3y = -24 and point (-8, 3).

Calculate the slope,

3y = -4x - 24

y = -4 / 3 x - 8

so, m = -4 / 3

The slope of the perpendicular line, M = - 1 / m

M = - 1 / -4 / 3 = 3 / 4

Calculate the equation of the line as shown below,

y - 3 = 3 / 4 [x - (-8)]

y - 3 =  3 / 4 [x + 8]

4y - 12 = 3x + 24

4y = 3x + 36

Therefore, the equation of the line perpendicular to 4x + 3y = -24 that passes through the point (-8, 3) is 4y = 3x + 36.

To know more about equation:


Is the domain of a square root all real numbers?


Domain of square root is not all real numbers.

Domain of a function:

The domain of a function is the set of input values (x) for which it produces an output value.

Like if we consider a function y = f(x)

then input inside function that is x is know as domain of function.

First we write square root function as y =

So inside root negative numbers are not allowed so value of x should be positive numbers  means x>=0.

So domain of square root function [0, ∞).

Domain of square root function is positive real numbers.

Not all real numbers because in all real numbers both positive and negative real numbers come.

Negative real numbers can not be input for square root function.

To know more about square root here:


What is the population standard deviation?


Enter your answer as a decimal, rounded to the nearest tenth, like this: 4.2


3 is the standard deviation of the  population.

What is Statistics?

Statistics is the discipline that concerns the collection, organization, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of data.

The given data is {5, 8, 8, 5}

We need to find the standard deviation.

Before finding standard deviation we need to find the mean and then variance.

The mean of the population = Sum of the terms /  Number of Terms




The variance of the population = (5 - 6.5)² + (8 - 6.5)² + (8 - 6.5)² + (5 - 6.5)²

= (-1.5)² + (1.5)² + 1.5² + (-1.5)²

= 2.25 + 2.25 + 2.25 + 2.25

= 9

Standard deviation is square root of variance

Standard deviation=√variance



Hence, the standard deviation of the  population is 3.

To learn more on Statistics click:


A cone-shaped paper drinking cup is to be made to hold 30 cm3 of water. Find the height and radius of the cup (in cm) that will use the smallest amount of paper. (round your answers to two decimal places. ).


The height and radius of the cup that will use the smallest amount of paper are 3.86 cm and 2.72 cm. The result is obtained by using the first derivative .

How to find the dimension of a cone?

To find the height and radius of a cone for the smallest surface area, we can use the first derivative dS/dh. We then equate it to 0 for the maximum value.

The volume of a cone-shaped paper drinking cup is 30 cm³. Find the height and radius for the smallest amount of paper!

The radius of the cone can be expressed as

V = 1/3 (πr²h)

30 = 1/3 (πr²h)

90 = πr²h

r² = 90/πh

The surface area of the cone can be expressed as

S = πrs

[tex]S = \pi r \times \sqrt{h^{2} + r^{2}}[/tex]

[tex]S = \pi \sqrt{\frac{90}{\pi h}} \times \sqrt{{h^{2} + \frac{90}{\pi h}[/tex]

[tex]S = \pi \sqrt{\frac{90}{\pi h}} \times \sqrt{\frac{(\pi h^{3} + 90)}{\pi h}[/tex]

[tex]S = \sqrt{90} \times \sqrt{\frac{(\pi h^{3} + 90)}{h^{2}}[/tex]

[tex]S = \sqrt{90} \times \sqrt{\pi h + \frac{90}{h^{2}} }[/tex]

The 1st derivative is

[tex]\frac{dS}{dh} = \sqrt{90} \times (\pi - \frac{180}{h^{3}}) \times [(\pi h + \frac{90}{h^{2}})^{-\frac{1}{2} } ][/tex]

[tex]0 = \sqrt{90} \times (\pi - \frac{180}{h^{3}}) \times [(\pi h + \frac{90}{h^{2}})^{-\frac{1}{2} } ][/tex]

The height for the smallest amount of paper is

π - 180/h³ = 0

π = 180/h³

h³ = 180/π

h³ = 57.32

h = 3.86 cm

The radius for the smallest amount of paper is

r² = 90/πh

r² = 90/π(3.86)

r² = 7.42

r = 2.72 cm

Hence, the dimension of the cone-shaped paper drinking cup for the smallest amount of paper is

height = 3.86 cmradius = 2.72 cm

Learn more about the maximum value here:


write the function in terms of unit step functions. find the laplace transform of the given function. f(s)


The Laplace transformation in the given function is = 5 - 8e⁻⁷ˣ/ x

Rewrite f in terms of the unit step function:

[tex]f(t) \left \{ {{y=5} for 0\leq t \leq 7\atop {x=-3}} \rightfor t\leq 7[/tex]

⇒ f(t) = 5{u(t) -u(t -7) - 3u (t -7)}

        = 5u(t) - 8u (t-7)

Recall the time-shifting property of the Laplace transform:

L I u(t - c)f(t -c) I

= e⁻ᵃˣ L[f(t)]

and the Laplace transform of a constant function,

L(K) = [tex]\frac{k}{a}[/tex]

So we have

L{f(t)} = 5u(t) - 8u (t-7)

        = 5 L[1] - 8e⁻⁷ˣ

        = 5 - 8e⁻⁷ˣ/ x

Learn more about Laplace transform:


Please hleppp me memmemm


Neither parallel nor perpendicular

In 2012, there are approximately 275 students in the Delaware High School band. In 2018, that number increased to 305. Find the annual rate of change from 2012 to 2018 in the number of students.


Using exponential function, the annual rate of change in the school is 1.74%

Exponential Function

Exponential function, as its name suggests, involves exponents. But note that, an exponential function has a constant as its base and a variable as its exponent but not the other way round (if a function has a variable as the base and a constant as the exponent then it is a power function but not an exponential function)

In this problem, the annual rate of change can be calculated as

A = P(1 + r)ˣ

r = ratex = time

Let's substitute the values into the equation and solve;

305 = 275(1 + r)⁶

r = 0.0174

r = 0.0174 * 100

r = 1.74%

The annual rate of change is 1.74%

Learn more on exponential function here;


Let D = {16,19.21}, E = {16,18, 19,20} and F = {15, 17, 18,19,21). List the elements in the set DUE


All the elements in DUE are {16,18,19,20,21}. And the elements are combined elements of D and E.

What is the union of sets?

The set containing all the components that are present in both sets A and B, or both sets A and B combined, is referred to as the union of two sets A and B. The symbol "aUb" stands for the union of the sets a and.

Given, sets D = {16,19.21},

E = {16,18, 19,20},

and F = {15, 17, 18,19,21}.

To find the elements in the set DUE:

Here, we have to find the collection of sets D and E

And we have the elements of,

D = {16,19.21}

And E = {16,18, 19,20}.

To find the union of sets, we take all the elements in the union set.

And while doing, we should not repeat the elements.

And put the elements in the ascending order.

So, the union of set D and E is,

DUE = {16,18,19,20,21}

Therefore, the DUE is {16,18,19,20,21}.

To learn more about the union of sets;


A football field i 300 ft long. A loth moving very quickly travel 60 ft every 5 min. Baed on thi ratio how many minute would it take the length of a football field


Using simple unitary method, the time taken to take the length of the football field is 25min.

What do you mean by number system?

The system for naming or representing numbers is known as the number system or numeral system. We are aware that a number is a mathematical value that aids in the measurement and counting of items as well as in several mathematical operations.

What do you mean by unitary method?

The unitary approach is a strategy for problem-solving that involves first determining the value of a single unit, then multiplying that value to determine the required value.

Loth travels 60 ft in 5 min.

Loth travels 1 ft in 5/60 min.

Loth travels 300 ft in 5/60 * 300 min.

=1/12 * 30


To learn more about unitary methods visit:


Sam and Julia are running a lemonade stand. Sam is selling regular lemonade for $0.50 per cup, while Julia is selling pink lemonade for $0.75 per cup. In total, they sell 140 cups of lemonade and make $90. Define x = number of regular lemonade cups that Sam sells Define y = number of pink lemonade cups that Julia sells (a) Write a system of equations that represents this situation. (b) Find how many cups of regular lemonade that Sam sold. Response area (c) Find how many cups of pink lemonade that Julia sold. Response area


a) The system of equations that represents this situation is given as follows:

x + y = 140.0.5x + 0.75y = 90.

b) The number of cups of regular lemonade sold is given as follows: 60.

c) The number of cups of pink lemonade sold is given as follows: 80.

How to obtain the amounts?

The amounts are obtained with a system of equations, in which the variables are as defined in the problem.

Variable x: number of regular lemonade cups.Variable y: number of pink lemonade cups.

They sell 140 cups, hence:

x + y = 140.

y = 140 - x.

They earn a total of $90, hence, considering the amount earned per cup:

0.5x + 0.75y = 90.

Replacing the first equation into the second, the variable x is obtained as follows:

0.5x + 0.75(140 - x) = 90.

0.25x = 15

x = 15/0.25

x = 60.

Then the variable y has a value of:

y = 140 - x = 140 - 60 = 80.

More can be learned about a system of equations at


A survey is given to children and adults about their favorite meal of the day.

*Breakfast is preferred by one and half times more children than adults.
*Children and adults both had 24 respondents for dinner.
*There were 62 adults who responded lunch, twice as great as the number of children who responded lunch. The results are shown in the table.

Which category has an error in the table?

Table below:


The category has an error in the table is A. breakfast.

How to illustrate the survey?

A survey in human subjects research is a set of questions designed to elicit specific information from a specific group of people. Surveys can be conducted by phone, mail, or the internet, as well as on street corners or in shopping malls.

Historically, survey research has included large amounts of population-based data collection.

The primary goal of this type of survey research was to quickly obtain information describing the characteristics of a large sample of individuals of interest.

The category has an error in the table is breakfast. In this case, the children should be 45 and not 30.

Learn more about survey on:


250/100 in simplest form



5/2 is the simplest g will form.....

5. An isosceles triangle is shown below with side lengths of 12 and a base length of 20. If a line segment AD is drawn from A to side BC such that D lies on BC and AD 1 BC then find the length of AD in simplest radical form.



AD = 16

Step-by-step explanation:

Using the Pythagorean Theorem:

A2 + D2 = C2

122 + D2 = 202

144 + D2 = 400

D2 = 256

D = 256 = 16

Which of the correlation values represent a perfect linear relationship between x and y?
a. 0.5
b. 1
c. 100
d. -1
e. 0


The correlation values 1 and -1 represent a perfect linear relationship between the two variables x and y.

Step to Step explanation:

To represent perfect linear relationship between two variables the correlation values should be 1 and -1.When correlation value is equal to 1 it represent the positive linear relationship between two variables x and y.Slope of the correlation value positive 1 indicates the increasing slope.When correlation value is equal to -1 it represent the negative linear relationship between two variables x and y.Slope of the correlation value negative 1 indicates the decreasing slope.

Therefore, the perfect linear relationship between two variables x and y is given correlation value 1 and -1.

Learn more about correlation value here


I need help with quadrilateral proofs


The completed two-column table to prove that ABCD is a rectangle is presented as follows;

Step     Statement                      [tex]{}[/tex]      Reason

1   [tex]{}[/tex]       ΔABD ≅ ΔDCA                     Given

[tex]{}[/tex]            [tex]\overline{AD}[/tex] ≅ [tex]\overline{BC}[/tex]                            

2.         [tex]\overline{BD}[/tex] ≅ [tex]\overline{BD}[/tex]                             Reflexive property

3.         [tex]\overline{CA}[/tex] ≅ [tex]\overline{CA}[/tex]                [tex]{}[/tex]              Reflexive property

4. [tex]{}[/tex]      ∠CAD ≅ ∠BDA                       CPCTC

5.  [tex]{}[/tex]       [tex]\overline{AE}[/tex] ≅ [tex]\overline{ED}[/tex]                 Side length of isosceles triangle ΔAED

6.     [tex]{}[/tex]    [tex]\overline{AB}[/tex] ≅ [tex]\overline{ED}[/tex]                              CPCTC

7.  [tex]{}[/tex]       ΔABD ≅ ΔBCD                     SSS

8.        ΔDCA ≅ ΔABC         [tex]{}[/tex]             SSS

9.      ∠B ≅ ∠C ≅ ∠D ≅ ∠A   [tex]{}[/tex]          CPCTC

10.   [tex]{}[/tex] ∠B = ∠C = ∠D = ∠A [tex]{}[/tex]                Definition of congruency

11.   [tex]{}[/tex] ∠B + ∠C + ∠D + ∠A = 360°   [tex]{}[/tex]   Angles in quadrilateral

12.  [tex]{}[/tex] 4·∠B = 360°                              Substitution property

13.   [tex]{}[/tex] ∠B = ∠C = ∠D = ∠A = 90°       Substitution property

14.  [tex]{}[/tex]ABCD is a rectangle                 Definition of a rectangle

What is a rectangle?

A rectangle is a quadrilateral that has four interior angles that are right angles (90°) each and in which the length of the adjacent sides are different.

The details of the reasons used to prove that ABCD is a rectangle are presented as follows;

Reflexive property

The reflexive property of congruency states that a part is congruent to itself


CPCTC is an acronym for Corresponding Parts of Congruent Triangles are Congruent

Isosceles triangle

An isosceles triangle is a triangle with a pair of congruent sides and a pair of congruent base angles


The Side-Side-Side (SSS) congruency postulate states that two triangles are congruent if the three sides of one triangle are congruent to the three sides of the other triangle

Definition of congruency

A geometric shape is congruent to another geometric figure if they have the same measurement

Angles in a quadrilateral

The sum of the interior angles in a quadrilateral is 360°

Substitution property

The substitution property of equality states that if a = b then b can substitute a in equations and expressions, without changing their value

Learn more about rectangles here:


Please help!!! i need this done by tonight!! 50 points!!


The equation of best fit is y = (-22/5)x + 10.

What is an equation of a line?

The equation of a line is given by:

y = mx + c where m is the slope of the line and c is the y-intercept.


The slope of the line y = 2x + 3 is 2.

The slope of a line that passes through (1, 2) and (2, 3) is 1.

We have,

The following coordinates are given:

Pick two coordinates.

(0, 10) and (25, -100)

The equation of best fit.

y = mx + c


m = (-100 - 10) / (25 - 0)

m = -110 / 25

m = -22/5


(0, 10) = (x, y)

10 = (-22/5) x 0 + c

c = 10


y = mx + c

y = (-22/5)x + 10


Using the coordinates the equation of best fit is y = (-22/5)x + 10.

Learn more about equation of a line here:


Select the correct answer. Which statement is true about this equation? 3(-y + 7) = 3(y + 5) + 6 A. The equation has one solution, y = 0. B. The equation has one solution, y = -1. C. The equation has no solution. D. The equation has infinitely many solutions.



The statement that is true about the given equation is that it has no solution. This can be seen by rearranging the terms on both sides of the equation and then solving for y. When we do this, we get:

3(-y + 7) = 3(y + 5) + 6

-3y + 21 = 3y + 15 + 6

-6y = -12

y = 2

However, when we substitute this value of y back into the original equation, we find that it does not satisfy the equation. This means that there is no value of y that can make the equation true, so the equation has no solution.

Step-by-step explanation:


Please help asap I been doing the work for so long and can’t get a final answer


Answer x=1/2

Step-by-step explanation:






x= 1/2

Step-by-step explanation:



-4x     -4x


-2   -2


/2 /2


Ashley is ordering pizza. When ordering the pizza, she must choose one type of crust, one type of cheese, one type of meat, and one type of vegetable. The restaurant that Ashley is ordering from has 3 types of crust, 5 types of cheese, 6 types of meat, and 4 types of vegetables. How many different pizza combinations are available?


Ashley can order 360 combinations.

Simple interest can be found with the formula A(t) = P(1 + rt). A is the amount in the account, P is the principal, r is the interest rate, and t is time. Ronald has $200 in a savings account that earns interest at 1% a year. Write a linear function to model the amount of money in his savings account at any time t.

Step 1. Rewrite r as a decimal.

Step 2. Substitute P and r into the simple interest formula.

Step 3. You can use the Distributive Property to rewrite the formula in slope-intercept form.



A- 0.01

B- 200(1+0.01t)

C- 2t+200

Step-by-step explanation:

the term​ ________ is best described as​ a stream of equal installments made at equal time intervals​.


The term​ annuity is best described as​ a stream of equal installments made at equal time intervals​.

An annuity is a term used to define a series of payments of equal size at equal intervals. Equal time intervals such as months, quarters, or years, and uniform payments are the two characteristics that make a series of payments an annuity. Therefore, a series of payments can be an annuity however all series of payments are not annuities. If the series of payments is of different values or at different intervals, it is not considered to be an annuity. An annuity that provides for payments for the remainder of a person's lifetime is known as a life annuity.

To learn more about annuity; click here:


Triangle ABC is defined by the points A(3,8), B(7,5), and C(2,3).

Create an equation for a line passing through point A and perpendicular to BC.


The equation of the straight line would be y = (-5/2) + 15.5.

What is the general equation of a Straight line?

The general equation of a straight line is -

y = mx + cm → is slope of line.c → is the y - intercept.

Other possible equations of lines are -

(y - y₁) = m(x - x₁)                                  {Point - slope form}(y - y₁) = (y₂ - y₁) × (x - x₁)/(x₂ - x₁)         {Two point - slope form}x/a + y/b = 1                                        {intercept form}x cos(β) + y sin(β) = L                         {Normal form}

We have a triangle ABC is defined by the points A(3, 8), B (7, 5), and C(2, 3).

Assume the equation of the line to be -

y = mx + c

The slope of line BC will be -

m{BC} = (3 - 5)/(2 - 7)

m{BC} = - 2/- 5

m{BC} = 2/5

So -

m{BC} x m{l} = - 1

m{l} = -1/(2/5)

m{l} = -5/2

The equation will be -

y = (-5/2)x + c

For the point A(3, 8) -

y = (-5/2)x + c

8 = (-5/2) x 3 + c

8 = -7.5 + c

c = 8 + 7.5

c = 15.5

Therefore, the equation of the straight line would be -

y = (-5/2) + 15.5

To solve more questions on straight lines, visit the link below-



The equation of the straight line would be y = (-5/2) + 15.5.

Step-by-step explanation:

Samra's guardians invested money for her into a 529 college savings plan, which compounds annually. The growth of the savings plan per year, x, can be represented by the exponential function f(x) = 400(1. 02)x. What is the meaning of the y-intercept in the context of the problem?.


The exponential function f(x) = 400(1. 02)ˣ is $400 does the y-intercept mean in the context of the issue.

Given that,

Samra's guardians made a yearly compounding investment on her behalf in a 529 college savings plan. The exponential function f(x) = 400(1. 02)ˣ can be used to describe the growth of the savings plan on an annual basis, x.

We have to find what does the y-intercept mean in the context of the issue.

We know that,

The exponential function is f(x) = 400(1. 02)ˣ.

In this instance, the significance of the y-intercept in relation to the situation at hand is that the beginning value of the investment is equal to $400.

Therefore, The exponential function f(x) = 400(1. 02)ˣ is $400 does the y-intercept mean in the context of the issue.

To learn more about function visit:


Tariq went shopping for a new pair of pants. Sales tax where he lives is 4%. The price of the pair of pants is $30. Find the total price including tax. Round to the nearest cent.



Step-by-step explanation:

4% = 4/100

4/100 x 30 = 1.2

30 + 1.2 = 31.20 (nearest cent)



Step by step explanation: I got it from delta

find the next three terms.
-3, 12,-48, 192,-768...



3072, -12288, 49152

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]-3*-4=12\\12*-4=-48\\-48*-4=192\\192*-4=-768\\-768*-4=3072\\3072*-4=-12288\\-12288*-4=49152\\\\Answer= -3,12,-48,192,-768,3072,-12288,49152[/tex]

Jeremy has 50 ft of fencing to enclose a rectangular-pen for his dog. He plans on using a side of his house for one side of the pen. What dimensions will produce an enclosed area of 288 ft?


The dimensions such as length is 18 and width is 16 or length is 32 and width is 9 will produce an enclosed area of 288ft.

What is the dimension of length and width?

We know that,

P = l + 2w

50 = l + 2w

50 - 2w = l

A = l x w

288 = (50 - 2w)w

288 = 50w -2w²

2w² - 50w + 288

By dividing throughout by 2

w² - 25w + 144

This is in quadratic equation form.

By applying quadratic formula,

w = (-(-25) ± [tex]\sqrt{(-25)^{2}-4*1*144[/tex]) / 2

w = (-(-25) ± 7)/2

w1 =  (-(-25) + 7)/2

w1 = (25 + 7) / 2

w1 = 16

w2 =  (-(-25) - 7)/2

w2 = (25 - 7) / 2

w2 = 9

By substituting the values in eq1,

A = l x w

if w = 16

288 = l x 16

l = 288/16

l = 18

if w = 9

288 = l x 9

l = 288/9

l = 32

The dimensions will be length is 18 and width is 16 or length is 32 and width is 9.

To learn more about area of rectangle refer to :


a bag contains 80 balls numbered 1, . . . , 80. before the game starts, you choose 10 different numbers from amongst 1, . . . , 80 and write them on a piece of paper. then 20 balls are selected (without replacement) out of the bag at random. (a) what is the probability that all your numbers are selected? (b) what is the probability that none of your numbers is selected? (c) what is the probability that exactly 4 of your numbers are selected?


The required probability for P(all numbers are chosen), P(none of them are chosen), P (precisely four are chosen) are 0.24094, 0.75906,  0.1473 respectively.

What is probability?

A probability is a number that mirrors the opportunity or probability that a specific occasion will happen. Probabilities can be communicated as extents that reach from 0 to 1, and they can likewise be communicated as rates going from 0% to 100 percent.

According to question:

The complete likelihood of picking any 20 arbitrary balls out of 80 is ⁸⁰C₂₀ . We use mix since the request for determination doesn't make any difference

a) P(all numbers are chosen)

¹⁰C₁₀ are our numbers,⁷⁰C₁₀ is the choice of other ten numbers separated from our numbers.

So, ¹⁰C₁₀×⁷⁰C₁₀ /⁸⁰C₂₀ = 0.24094

b) P(none of them are chosen)

Since our numbers are not really chosen, we accept that every one of the numbers chose are from the other 70.

So, 1 - 0.24094 = 0.75906

c) P (precisely four are chosen)

Just four from our numbers are chosen and the rest 16 from the other 70 numbers.

Then, ¹⁰C₄×⁷⁰C₁₆ /⁸⁰C₂₀ = 0.1473

Thus, required probabilities are 0.24094, 0.75906,  0.1473 respectively.

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how to make 90/450 a percent




Step-by-step explanation:

90 of 450 can be written as:



To find percentages, we need to find an equivalent fraction with a denominator of 100. Multiply both the numerator & denominator by 100







= (

90 × 100


) ×






Therefore, the answer is 20%

If you are using a calculator, simply enter 90÷450×100 which will give you 20 as the answer.

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