what would the net present value be with a 12% cost of capital? based on the npv calculations, what would be the equipment's internal rate of return?g


Answer 1

The difference between the current value of cash inflows and withdrawals over a period of time is known as net present value (NPV).

Net Present Value (NPV):

To evaluate the profitability of a proposed investment or project, NPV is used in capital budgeting and investment planning.The difference between the current value of cash inflows and withdrawals over a period of time is known as net present value (NPV).

Using the appropriate discount rate, computations are performed to determine the current value of a stream of future payments, or NPV. Projects that have a positive NPV are generally worthwhile pursuing, whereas those that have a negative NPV are not.

The current worth of a stream of payments from a business, project, or investment is determined using net present value (NPV).

You must predict the timing and size of future cash flows in order to determine NPV, and you must choose a discount rate that is equal to the least allowable rate of return.

Your cost of capital or the rewards offered by substitute investments with equivalent risk may be reflected in the discount rate.

Positive NPV indicates that the rate of return on a project or investment will be higher than the discount rate.

      Learn more about Net Present Value:



Related Questions

in preparing the cash flows from investing activities section of the statement of cash flows, which type of account is analyzed for changes? a.long-term assets b.current assets c.stockholders' equity d.current liabilities


In preparing the cash flows from investing activities section of the statement of cash flows, a. long-term assets account is analyzed for changes

Long-term assets, often known as fixed or capital assets, are those that a corporation can anticipate using, replacing, or turning into cash after the typical operational cycle of at least 12 months. They are frequently in use for years.

Long-term assets include, for example, Fixed assets include things like land, machinery, buildings, fixtures, and transportation vehicles. Long-term investments in securities like stocks and bonds, real estate, or stakes in other businesses.

Long-term assets form a high part of the company's overall fixed costs, which will be helpful in the future. Long-term asset information is crucial for accurate financial reporting, business assessment, and financial analysis of an organization.

Learn more about Long-term assets here:



Which regulatory agencies provide general oversight for the banking industry?the fed and the fdicthe fed and oshathe fdic and the epathe fdic and the fda.


The Fed and the FDIC. The FED and the FDIC are the regulatory bodies that provide general supervision for banking.

Banking is an industry that handles cash, credit and other financial transactions. Banking is defined as the business activity of receiving and keeping money owned by individuals and other entities, and then lending this money to carry out economic activities such as making a profit or simply covering operational costs.

Banks provide a safe place to store extra cash and credit and they offer savings accounts, certificates of deposit, and checking accounts. Banks use these deposits to make loans. These loans include home mortgages, business loans, and car loans.

Banking Functions

Collect funds from the community.Channeling funds to the community.Support smooth payment mechanism.Support smooth international transactions.Money creation.Investment Facility.Storage of valuables.

You can learn more about Banking here brainly.com/question/14042269


mitchell company sells its product for $100 per unit. the company's accountant provided the following cost information: manufacturing costs $ 25,000 45 % of sales selling costs $ 15,000 20 % of sales administrative costs $ 25,000 10 % of sales what is the company's break-even point in units?


The company's break-even point in units is 2600 Units.

At breakeven Contribution = Fixed Cost

Fixed Cost =25000+15000+25000 =65000

X = break-even units

100x-.45(100x)-.20(100x)-.10(100x) =65000

X =65000/25 =2600 Units

In accounting and economics, 'constant fees', additionally referred to as oblique expenses or overhead charges, are enterprise charges that aren't dependent on the extent of goods or offerings produced by the commercial enterprise. They tend to be habitual, along with hobby or rent being paid in line with the month. those expenses additionally tend to be capital fees. this is in comparison to variable prices, which are extent-associated (and are paid per amount produced) and unknown at the start of the accounting year. fixed charges have an impact on the nature of sure variable prices.

for instance, a retailer has to pay rent and utility bills irrespective of sales. As another instance, for a bakery the monthly rent and getting in touch with the line are constant costs, regardless of how plenty bread is produced and bought; on the other hand, the wages are variable charges, as more people could need to be employed for the production to grow. For any manufacturing facility, the repair value ought to be all the money paid on capital and land.

To learn more about Fixed costs visit here:



What type of bank account is a deposit account?


For your banking needs, banks and credit unions offer deposit accounts, sometimes referred to as bank accounts. Bank accounts come in a variety of forms, including checking, savings, money market, and certificate of deposits .

From a deposit account, which is a bank account kept by a financial institution, a customer can deposit and withdraw money. Deposit accounts can be savings accounts, current accounts, or any of the various kinds of accounts listed below. The balance that results from a transaction involving a deposit account is recorded as a liability of the bank and represents the amount that the bank owes the client. In other terms, a bank and a customer have a debtor and creditor relationship. Some banks charge fees for transactions made on a customer's account. Additionally, some banks offer their customers interest on their account balances.

Learn more about deposits from



the norumbega villa resort sold investments that originally cost it $300,000 for $200,000. how would this transaction affect the investing activities section of its statement of cash flows?


As a $200,000 cash inflow this transaction affect the investing activities section of its statement of cash flows.

An investment is an asset or item purchased for income or capital appreciation. Valuation refers to the increase in value of an asset over time. When a person purchases a good as an investment, the intention is not to consume the good, but to use it to generate wealth in the future.

This is how an investment works when you put money into an account or fund to earn a profit. An investment has the potential to yield greater returns (and possibly greater risk) over time. For this reason, some people use investments to achieve long-term goals such as retirement.

Why Investing Matters. Investing is an effective way to put money to good use and potentially build wealth. With smart investments, money can outperform inflation and increase in value. The huge growth potential of an investment is largely due to the power of compound interest and the risk/return trade-off.

To know more about investment , visit:-



the physical arrangement of the illustration and the copy of a print advertisement is known as the _____.


The physical arrangement of of the illustration and the copy of a print advertisement is known as the layout.

Why is the headline such an important part of the copy in a print advertisement?

In print marketing, a headline frequently informs readers of the content they might anticipate reading on a brochure, flyer, or newspaper ad. A compelling headline entices readers to continue reading the article.

Institutional advertising advances political causes, ideas, and organizational images.

The organization of the ad copy's many components, such as the headlines, slogans, test, graphics, photos, sponsors, and logotype, may be seen in the layout. It is a method of physically conveying the message. It resembles a plan, design, or message structure for advertisements.

To know more about advertisement, refer:



when offering a sustainable/green product to the mass market, companies should expect the consumer to be willing to make big trade-offs in the products effectiveness compared to traditional products. when offering a sustainable/green product to the mass market, companies should expect the consumer to be willing to make big trade-offs in the products effectiveness compared to traditional products. true false





i did this in class

an engineering student must decide whether to pay for auto insurance on a monthly or an annual basis. if paid annually, the upfront annual cost is $2750. if paid monthly, the cost is $250 at the start of each month. what is the rate of return for buying the insurance on an annual basis expressed as an annual effective rate?


The rate of return for buying insurance on an annual basis is 3.2%.

The rate of return for buying insurance varies depending on the type of insurance policy. Generally, insurance policies do not provide a return on investment, but instead offer protection against the financial losses associated with unexpected events.

The amount saved by purchasing the insurance on an annual basis is $2750 - (12 x $250) = $750.

The rate of return can be calculated as (750/2750) x 100 = 27.3%.

The effective rate of return can be calculated as (1 + 27.3%)^(1/12) - 1 = 3.2%.

Therefore, the rate of return for buying insurance on an annual basis is 3.2%.

For more questions like Rate of return click the link below:



companies often use more than one capital budgeting method to determine which capital investment to make. True/False ?


The statement companies often use more than one capital budgeting method to determine which capital investment to make is false.

Long term investments known as capital investments involve assets with multiple year useful lifetimes.

Capital investments include things like building a new production facility and purchasing machinery and equipment.

A technique for calculating the financial feasibility of a capital investment over its lifetime is capital budgeting. Capital budgeting, in contrast to several other forms of investment analysis, places more emphasis on cash flows than profits.

Instead of accounting the revenues and expenses resulting from the investment, capital budgeting focuses on identifying the cash inflows and cash outflows. Long-term net values will be identical for conventional profit-and-loss analysis and capital budgeting.

To know more about capital budgeting:



What are some other names for a checking account?


An account with a financial institution called a checking permits both deposits and withdrawals. also known as transactional accounts or demand accounts

A deposit account held at a bank or other financial institution is known as a transaction account. It is also referred to at credit unions as a share draught account, checking account, chequing account, current account, and demand deposit account. It is accessible frequently and instantly to both the account holder and any other users they may name. The account owner can access it "on demand." There are numerous ways to gain access, including cash withdrawals, cheques, debit card use, and electronic transfers. Economically speaking, the funds in a transaction account are regarded as liquid funds. They are treated as currency in the context of accounting. Transaction accounts go by a variety of names, including current account, chequing account, and checking account.

Learn more about account from



an unambiguous description of each type of data that applies to all business circumstances and users is called a(n):


An unambiguous description of each type of data that applies to all business circumstances and users is called an definition.

What is data ?In the quest of knowledge, data is a collection of discrete values that communicate information, describing amount, quality, fact, statistics, other fundamental units of meaning, or just sequences of symbols that may be further understood. A datum is a unique value included within a group of data. Data in computing refers to information that has been transformed into a format that is effective for transmission or processing. Information that has been converted into binary digital form for usage with contemporary computers and communication devices is referred to as data. Data may be used as a solo or plural topic.Text, observations, figures, pictures, numbers, graphs, and symbols are all examples of data types.Data is a systematic record of a specific quantity.

To the complete question is;

An unambiguous description of each type of data that applies to all business circumstances

and users is called a(n):

A) name.

B) descriptor.

C) identifier.

D) definition.

To learn more about data refer to:



In comparing bonds with notes, bonds are typically issued to a single lender while notes are issued to many lenders.
a. True
b. False


In comparing bonds with notes, it is false that bonds are typically issued to a single lender while notes are issued to many lenders.

In finance, a bond means an instrument

that represents a loan made by an investor to a borrower (typically for corporate or governmental). It could be thought of as I.0.U. between the lender and borrower that includes the details of the loan and its payments. Bonds are popularly used by companies, municipalities, states, and sovereign governments to finance projects and operations. The owners of bonds are debtholders, or creditors, of the issuer.

In finance, a note refers to debt security

obligating repayment of a loan, at a

predetermined interest rate within a defined time frame. They are similar to bonds but typically have an earlier maturity date than other debt securities, such as bonds.

To know more about Bonds visit:



What is the most important job of the front office assistant?


They perform support tasks in the office, such as welcoming and greeting customers, answering phone calls, and scheduling and scheduling appointments.

It is your responsibility to sort emails, route calls and listen to voice messages.They need to organize and deliver communications promptly.The responsibilities of an office assistant include receiving customer calls and delivering messages, while also using basic office equipment such as fax machines or scanners.They help maintain files to keep track of important documents, organize travel arrangements, manage inventory of supplies, and perform data entry as needed. Office assistant, you will need to have good problem-solving skills when it comes to answering questions from others, arranging trips, coordinating meetings, and other tasks of a similar nature.

To learn more about equipment please click on below link.



an employer cannot discharge a worker who, in good faith, refuses to work in a high-risk area if bodily harm or death might result.a. trueb.false


It is true that an employer cannot terminate an employee who really refuses to work in a dangerous setting when there is a risk of harm or death.

Definition employer:

An employer is a person who employs others or provides a workplace. An employer could be a company, group, government agency, organization, large firm, consultancy, nonprofit group, new business, retailer, or individual.

Which are some instances of employers?

An employer is, more particularly, a company, institution, government body, agency, management consulting firm, nonprofit organization, small business, retailer, or individual who hires or otherwise places people who may be referred to as employment or staff members to work.

To know more about employer visit:



sarika(35) is single. her 2020 federal itemized deductions totaled $14,400, of which she claimed $1,000 of state income taxes paid in 2020. she filed her tax return on april 10, 2021, and on may 1, 2021, she received a $1,000 state income tax refund. how much of her 2020 state refund is taxable on her 2021 federal return?


The amount is received as a refund in 2021, it will be treated as income for 2021.

What is Itemized Deduction?

Itemized deduction is the amount that taxpayers can deduct from their adjusted gross income to reduce the taxable income. A taxpayer can either use itemized deductions for tax returns or standard deductions. Both the deduction cannot be taken together.

As Sarika has already taken the deduction of a $1000 tax refund in the 2020 income tax return, she is not allowed to take any deduction in the 2021 income tax return. Hence, on the 2021 federal return, the complete amount of $1000 should be taxable as income. As the amount is received as a refund in 2021, it will be treated as income for 2021.

To know more about Itemized Deduction, visit:



question content area the operating expense recorded from uncollectible receivables can be called all of the following except a.uncollectible accounts expense b.bad debt expense c.bad receivables expense d.doubtful accounts expense


he operating expense recorded from uncollectible receivables can be called all of the following except c. bad receivables expense.

Customers' outstanding debts for goods or services they have received but haven't yet paid for are referred to as accounts receivable. For instance, the amount owing when clients buy things on credit is added to the accounts receivable. It is a debt incurred as a result of a commercial transaction.

The term "accounts receivable" describes the unpaid bills or cash that customers owe a business. The term describes accounts that a company is entitled to get since it has provided a good or service.

Receivables, also known as accounts receivable, are a company's line of credit that typically include terms that call for payments to be made within a somewhat short time frame. Usually, it varies from a few days to a fiscal or calendar year.

To know more about accounts receivable:



every monday during the month of december, salespeople at lewis corp. who had the highest sales the previous week participate in a package surprise, in which they receive a package containing either a $50 or a $100 bill. this short-term incentive is known as a


Every Monday during the month of December, salespeople at Lewis corp. who had the highest sales the previous week participate in a package surprise, in which they receive a package containing either a $50 or a $100 bill. this short-term incentive is known as a sales contest.

A great salesperson can offer customers more than an inspiring sales pitch. They are passionate and resilient people who understand their customers' needs, show empathy, and take the time to sell their products with confidence.

Saleswoman is used much less frequently than Saleswoman. Both terms are often interchanged with salespersons.

The key traits of all successful salespeople are ambition and drive. Ambition and drive are the deep-seated desire to succeed and the willingness to do whatever it takes to get there. Money is very important to them, but they are driven by something else.

Learn more about salespersons https://brainly.com/question/25743891


more than 40 percent of the employees at a company lost their jobs during a recent recession. the human resource department of this company would call this multiple choice role ambiguity. voluntary turnover. role conflict. involuntary turnover. role overload.


More than 40 percent of the employees at a company lost their jobs during a recent recession: E. role overload

A company is a prison entity shaped by using a group of individuals to interact in and perform an enterprise—business or commercial—organization. An enterprise can be organized in diverse approaches for tax and financial liability purposes relying on the corporate law of its jurisdiction.

There are 3 commonplace kinds of corporations—sole proprietorship, partnership, and organization—and each comes with its very own set of benefits and downsides. In easy terms, the reason for an enterprise is to have a significant imagination and prescient after which to be worthwhile in accomplishing it. And we should qualify “profitable”: profitability means long-time period sustainable returns, and each word in that phrase is vital.

Learn more about company here:



williams software has 8.4 percent coupon bonds on the market with 20 years to maturity. the bonds make semiannual payments and currently sell for 107 percent of par. a. what is the current yield on the bonds? (do not round intermediate calculations and enter your answer as a percent rounded to 2 decimal places, e.g., 32.16.) b. what is the ytm? (do not round intermediate calculations and enter your answer as a percent rounded to 2 decimal places, e.g., 32.16.) c. what is the effective annual yield?


20 years to maturity the coupon bonds have semi-annual payments, are currently sold for 107% of face value, and have a 7.85% yield. b.7.78% c.8.58%

What is the formula for coupon bonds?

By dividing the total annual coupon payments made on a bond by its par value, one may determine the bond's coupon rate. A bond with a $1,000 face value that pays a $25 coupon twice a year, for instance, has a 5% coupon rate.

What distinguishes a coupon bond from a bond paper?

The payment of interest, also referred to as coupons, is what distinguishes a regular bond from a zero-coupon bond, Regular bonds are paid.

To learn more about bond here:



3. compare the three treatment groups and recommend the best feeding management system for calves of this size if adg is the most important variable worth considering 4. if you were to conduct this feeding trial again, what changes will you incorporate especially for the group with the least adg?


I would recommend to increase the feeding amount so that ADG value may increase a bit especially for the group with the least ADG.

Continuity and discontinuity are illustrated by the fact that the property of amount can be expressed as a plurality or magnitude. Quantities can be contrasted using the phrases "more," "less," or "equal," as well as by assigning a numerical value that is a multiple of the unit of measurement. One may easily think of quantitative qualities like mass, time, distance, heat, and angle.

A security's price movement over a specific time period to the extent that it supports or contradicts a trader's initial estimate regarding the performance of the security is referred to in trading and investing as a material amount. Any quantity or figure worth mentioning, such as in account balances, financial statements, shareholder reports, or conference calls, can be considered a considerable amount in a more generic sense.

learn more about amount here



what role is money playing when comparing a $5 price for a gallon of milk to a $4 price for a gallon of gasoline?


Money plays a role of store of value while comparing $5 price for a gallon of milk to a $4 price for a gallon of gasoline.

Money is known as a liquid asset which is used to make the transactions based on values. Money is used to determine the value of the products and its value must be kept in the possession of an individual. Money plays an important role while lending or borrowing and also while making transactions in buying different products.

Money plays different roles as it measures the value of other products and therefore money acts as both store of value and a unit of account.

To know more about role of money here



since national culture has a much greater impact on employees than organziations culture, multinational firms that want to hire employees in a foreign nation should


Employees are the people of the hard-working nation.

A person's sense of self-worth, functional efficacy, mental health, and quality of life are all regarded as key aspects of their national cultural identity, and this has a direct impact on how they manage their work environments. Culture and its heritage serve to define a people's national identity by reflecting and shaping values, beliefs, and aspirations. Our cultural legacy must be protected because it upholds our identity as a people. Building bridges across cultural divides and learning to accept and value others who are different from us are all made possible with the aid of cultural understanding.

As we get to understand ourselves better, we can relate to people from different cultural backgrounds more effectively. As a result, there is less intercultural conflict and more cultural connectedness.

Learn more about the national culture here: https://brainly.com/question/13415432


Under the equal pay act, an employer can legitimately pay different wages to male and female employees on the basis of:________.


Under the Equal Pay Act, an employer may legally pay different compensation to male and female employees based on the principal functions of the occupations, a seniority or merit system, or any other reason other than gender. Thus, option B is correct.

What is the equal pay act?

The Equal Pay Act of 1963 is a United States labor law that amends the Fair Labor Standards Act to eliminate salary disparities based on gender. John F. Kennedy signed it into law on June 10, 1963, as part of his New Frontier Program.

According to this act, an employer may legitimately pay male and female employees differently depending on the primary tasks of the occupations, a seniority, or merit system, or any other reason other than gender.

Therefore, option B is correct, means all the given choices are correct about the equal pay act.

Learn more about equal pay act, refer to:



Your question is incomplete, but most probably your question was:

Under the Equal Pay Act, an employer can legitimately pay different wages to male and female employees on the basis of:

The primary duties of the jobs.All of the choices.A seniority or merit system.Any factor other than gender.

megan has loaded historical stock prices for about 100 blue chip stocks into excel. she is now analyzing the data for trends and patterns. what type of analysis is she conducting?


She conducting technical analysis. Technical analysis can be described as a trading discipline that is used to assess investments and find trading opportunities.

What does technical analysis mean? Technical analysis is a trading strategy that analyzes price movements and chart patterns to find trading opportunities and evaluate assets.The past trading activity and price variations of a security, according to technical analysts, can serve as useful predictors of the asset's future price moves.A trader might, for instance, begin by examining the performance of a securities on a daily chart.If its daily performance is bullish, the trader may then look at its hourly chart to determine the best time to buy the stock.Technical (statistical) indicators and chart patterns are the two main categories of technical analysis.Technical analysts use chart patterns, a form of subjective technical analysis, to try and pinpoint regions of support and resistance on a chart.

To learn more about technical analysis refer



which phase does the firm analyses its end-user business requirements and refines project goals into defined functions and operations of the intended system? group of answer choices analysis phase. testing phase. design phase. development phase.


In the analysis phase the firm analyzes its end-user business requirements and refines project goals into defined functions and operations of the intended system.

The purpose of the analysis phase is to thoroughly explore and evaluate the viable options identified in the feasibility phase to arrive at an optimal, high-level solution that meets the customer's requirements and project constraints.

An example is a distributed client-server system where the database stores data on the server and the algorithms that manipulate the data are stored on the client. Object-based decomposition leads to a natural connection between data structures and algorithms that use methods to form objects.

The purpose of the analysis phase is to formulate and formalize system requirements. This is accomplished by having the system decide what to do according to the needs and expectations of the system's end users.

To know more about business, visit:-



Is rapid economic growth good for business?


Economic growth leads to increased sales and profits, which can create great opportunities for your business. But, these opportunities should be considered carefully.

As a business owner, you also need to do what you can to prepare your business for the inevitable recession. An increase in the demand for goods/services in the economy means that businesses have the ability to increase revenue. This often leads to an increase in the amount of profits that companies receive. As a result, economic growth often benefits businesses through increased sales and profits. Faster gross domestic product (GDP) growth increases the overall size of the economy growth and strengthens financial conditions.

To learn more about Economic growth, click here.



Conduct online research to find out about the career pathways for a job in logistics and inventory control. Write a note discussing the pathway. Choose any three careers in these pathways and discuss some professional and personal skills that will be helpful to a person who opts for these careers. Also discuss the technologies used in these careers.


Searching a job in a logistics & inventory management as per relevant skill and knowledge is a tedious task, but following a career pathways make it easier way to grab a job.

What are career pathways?

A career pathway is a more condensed collection of jobs within a professional cluster that share common competencies. There are various career trajectories within each career cluster. A career pathway allows you to start in a lower-lever job and advance along it as you gain knowledge and experience.

For a person who want to swing his career in logistics & inventory management; then follow this career path:

Have well versed with the Industry requirement.
Updating of Curriculum Vitae.
Work on skills required for the industry.
Gather the relevant training exposure.
Communicate with the human resource executive.
Approaching through reliable placement agencies & recruitment outsourcing firm.
Make a profile on career website & job portals.
Search through various mobile apps, choose the location & salary package.
wait for the results of communication with HR.
prepare well with modern technology used in the said industry.
Do regular follow up.

Thus in certain way a person can get better position in inventory management.

To know more about career pathways refer:



a company paid $200,000 ten years ago for a specialized machine that has no salvage value and is being depreciated at the rate of $10,000 per year. the company is considering using the machine in a new project that will have incremental revenues of $28,000 per year and annual cash expenses of $20,000. in analyzing the new project, the $200,000 original cost of the machine is an example of a(n): multiple choice incremental cost. opportunity cost. variable cost. sunk cost. out-of-pocket cost.


The machine's initial cost of $200,000 is an illustration of a Sunk cost used in the analysis of the new project.

Is pay a fixed cost?

The cost of hiring personnel is arguably the most prevalent example of fixed cost. As soon as you distribute the money, the wages you pay to employees become sunk costs. All compensation, including sign-on incentives, are considered sunk costs.

Sunk cost effects: what are they?

The sunk cost effect is the propensity for people to keep spending money on things that are obviously not working. People frequently continue investing time, energy, or money into trying to fix what isn't working instead of admitting defeat and moving on because it is human nature to desire to avoid failing.

To learn more about sunk cost here:



a christian organization owns a fourplex. it wants to rent to only christian tenants. under the federal fair housing act, is this legal?


The Fair Housing Act does not apply to religious organizations that rent to tenants for residential reasons.

Most housing is covered under the Fair Housing Act. Owner-occupied buildings with no more than four units, single-family homes sold or rented directly by the owner without the assistance of an agent, and housing managed by religious organizations and private clubs that restrict occupants to members are all exempt under very specific conditions from the Act.

The Fair Housing Act protects individuals against discrimination when they rent or purchase a home, apply for a mortgage, ask for housing aid, or engage in other housing-related activities. Housing that receives federal funding is additionally subject to protections.

To know more about organizations click here,



sweet manufacturing is planning to sell 400,000 hammers for $6 per unit. the contribution margin ratio is 20%. if sweet will break even at this level of sales, what are the fixed costs? group of answer choices $480,000 $1,120,000 $1,600,000 $1,920,000


Sweet Manufacturing plans to sell 400,000 hammers for $6 each. The contribution margin is 20%. If Sweet were to fail at this level of sales, fixed costs would be $480,000.

1) $480000

20 x 400,000 = 80,000

80,000 x $6 = $480,000

Manufacturing is the creation or manufacture of goods using equipment, labor, machinery, tools, and chemical or biological processes or formulations. It is the essence of the secondary sector of the economy.

Learn more about Manufacturing here



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