I would like to know the formula that was used to get 120 cm

I Would Like To Know The Formula That Was Used To Get 120 Cm


Answer 1

The given figure is a 2d representation of a 3d figure. If we wrap this figure, we get a building block.

In the figure below, the unknown edges are written:

Now, we have to find the area of all the polygons given in the figure. It consists of two same triangles and three different rectangles.

The area of the two triangles is given below:

[tex]\begin{gathered} A=2\times\frac{1}{2}\times\text{base}\times\text{height} \\ =\text{base}\times\text{height} \\ =3\times4 \\ =12 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus, the area of two triangles is 12 cm^2.

We know that the area of a rectangle is length times width. Now, the area of three rectangles is given below:

[tex]\begin{gathered} A=9\times5+9\times4+9\times3 \\ =45+36+27 \\ =108 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus, the area of three rectangles is 108 cm^2.

So, the total area is 12 + 108 = 120 cm^2.

I Would Like To Know The Formula That Was Used To Get 120 Cm

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Please help on this, it's like for maths




Step-by-step explanation:

Subtract 14 from 32 giving us 18. Showing us that 18 is the amount of girls in the class.

Then do 32 x 1.515 which gives us 48.48

multiply the 14 x 1.56 = 21.84

then do 48.48 - 21.84 =26.64

then do 26.62 divided by 18

which gives us 1.48.

Write an equation in slope-Intercept form for the line with y-intercept -4 and slope




Step-by-step explanation:

just use y=mx+b formula, slope always goes for m and y intercept for b

A 20-oz bottle of shampoo cost $2.90. A 12-oz bottle costs $1.35. Which is the better buy?


The price of each ounce of shampoo for the 20-oz bottle is:


And the price of each ounce of shampoo for the 12-oz bottle is:


Answer: The 12-oz bottle is the best buy.

Which of the following is the average rate of change over the interval [−3, 0] for the function g(x) = log2(x + 4) − 5? (2 points)


The average rate of change of g(x) on the interval [-3, 0] is r = 2/3.

How to get the average rate of change?

For any function f(x), we define the average rate of change on an interval [a, b] as:

r = ( f(b) - f(a))/(b - a)

In this case, the interval is [-3, 0], and the function is:

g(x) = log₂(x + 4) - 5

Replacing that in the average rate of change formula, we get:

r = ( g(0) - g(-3))/(0 + 3)

g(0) = log₂(0 + 4) - 5 = -3

g(-3) =  log₂(-3 + 4) - 5 = -5

Replacing that:

r = (-3 + 5)/3 = 2/3

The average rate of change is 2/3.

Learn more about average rates of change:



QUESTION ONE!Arielle plans to purchase hanging baskets for her front porch. There are three businesses in her area that sell hanging baskets and she plans to purchase the baskets from one of these business.Which answer best describes the sample and population? Sample: all available hanging baskets at the three businesses in town that sell themPopulation: all available hanging baskets at one of the businesses in town that sells themSample: all available hanging baskets at one of the businesses in town that sells themPopulation: all available hanging baskets at the three businesses in town that sell themSample: all available hanging baskets at the three businesses in town that sell themPopulation: all available hanging baskets at businesses in her state that sell themSample: all available hanging baskets at one of the businesses in town that sells themPopulation: all available hanging baskets at businesses in her state that sell themQuestion 2An amusement park's owners are considering extending the weeks of the year that it is opened. The owners would like to survey 100 randomly selected families to see whether an extended season would be of interest to those that may visit the amusement park.What is the best way to randomly choose these 100 families? Have the owners of the amusement park ask the first 100 people they see.Choose a neighborhood near the amusement park and ask 100 families in this neighborhood.Ask the first 100 families that enter the amusement park on a busy weekend day.Allow a random number generator to come up with 100 families within a 50 radius of the amusement park.



Arielle plans to purchase hanging baskets for her front porch. There are three businesses in her area that sell hanging baskets and she plans to purchase the baskets from one of these business.

To find: Which answer best describes the sample and population?


It is given that,

Arielle plans to purchase hanging baskets for her front porch. There are three businesses in her area that sell hanging baskets and she plans to purchase the baskets from one of these business.

That implies,

Sample: all available hanging baskets at one of the businesses in town that sells them.


Population: all available hanging baskets at the three businesses in town that sell them.

An investment of $2,400 earns interest at the rate of 2.8% and is compounded daily. What is the accumulated value of the investment at the end of 6 years?


The answer is 2839.02

find the area of the triangle, carry your internediate computations to at least four decimal places round your answer to the nearest tenth


Heron's formula is defined as:

[tex]\begin{gathered} A=\sqrt[]{s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c)} \\ \text{where} \\ a,b,\text{ and }c\text{ are the three sides of the triangle} \\ s=\frac{a+b+c}{2} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Given: sides with length 12 yd, 14 yd, 15 yd.


[tex]\begin{gathered} s=\frac{12+14+15}{2} \\ s=\frac{41}{2} \\ s=20.5\text{ yd} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Plugin the following values to Heron's formula and we get

[tex]\begin{gathered} A=\sqrt[]{s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c)} \\ A=\sqrt[]{20.5(20.5-12)(20.5-14)(20.5-15)} \\ A=\sqrt[]{20.5(8.5)(6.5)(5.5)} \\ A=78.926785694085\text{ yd}^2 \\ \text{Rounded this off to the nearest tenth and we get} \\ A=78.9\text{ yd}^2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Umbrellas inLost and FoundNumber of sunny daysWhat conclusion can you make about the relationship between the variables?O A. As the number of sunny days increases, the number of lostumbrellas tends to increase.B. An increase in lost umbrellas causes a decrease in the number ofsunny days.C. As the number of sunny days increases, the number of lostumbrellas tends to decrease.D. An increase in the number of sunny days causes a decrease inlost umbrellas


From the given figure, we observe that,

The relationship between the variables is,

As the number of sunny days increases, the number of lost umbrellas tends to decrease.

Hence, the correct option is C.

use formula of boolean 1+1



i know i answered this but a mod must have got rid of it it is 1

Step-by-step explanation:

When something is NOT stated explicitly in a text, and a reader has to use evidence in the text to figure out the meaning, it is called _____.

.jumping to a conclusion
.making an inference
.searching for connotations
.creating mental pictures



making an inference is the correct answer.

Step-by-step explanation:

Making an inference

Using the predicate symbols shown and appropriate quantifiers, write each English language statement asa predicate wff. (The domain is the whole world.)B(x): x is a ballR(x): x is roundS(x): x is a soccer ballc. All soccer balls are round.d. Some balls are not round.e. Some balls are round but soccer balls are not.f. Every round ball is a soccer ball.


c) The statement "All soccer balls are round" is equivalent to "For all x, if S(x) then R(x)" and it can be written in predicate wff as

[tex]\forall x\text{ (S(x)}\rightarrow R(x))[/tex]

d) The statement "Some balls are not round" is equivalent to "There exist some x such that B(x) and not R(x)", which can be written in predicate wff as

[tex]\mathfrak{\Im }x(B(x)\wedge\urcorner R(x))[/tex]

e) The statement "Some balls are round but soccer balls are not" is equivalent to "There exist x such that B(x) and R(x) and there exist x such that S(x) and not R(x)", can be written in prediacte wff as

[tex]\mathfrak{\Im }x(B(x)\wedge R(x))\wedge\mathfrak{\Im }x(S(x)\wedge\urcorner R(x))[/tex]

f) The statement "Every round ball is a soccer ball" is equivalent to "For all x, if R(x) then S(x)", can be written in prediacte wff as

[tex]\forall x(R(x)\rightarrow S(x))[/tex]

Factor the expression completely.
5x - 5x-10
Please explain this step by step












Step-by-step explanation:

5x^2 - 5x - 10

factor out the 5

5 (x^2 - x -2 )

note how the 5 doesn't make any difference for our question.

now use  FOIL , know it?

First, Outside, Inside,  Last

(X ± ? ) * ( X ± ? )

we want that above form.  

(X+1) * (X - ? )


(X+1) * (X -2)  

that looks like it would work

now just put the 5 back on


there it is  :)

help meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


Answer: 2.5, 5.3

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]-16t^2 +126t=217\\ \\ 16t^2 -126t+217=0\\\\t=\frac{-(-126) \pm \sqrt{(-126)^2 -4(16)(217)}}{2(16)}\\\\t \approx 2.5, 5.3[/tex]

If P = (-1,5), Find:Ry=1 (P)([?], []).


The line y = 1 is a horizontal line and thus is a line that is parallel to the x-axis.

If we reflect about a line that is parallel to the x-axis, then the x-coordinate of the point (that is reflected) will remain the same, thus the image of (-1, 5) has x-coordinate -1 and thus the point is of the form (-1, b).

The point (-1, 5) is 4 units from the line y = 1 (because the difference between y = 5 and y = 1 is 4).

The reflected point has to be the same distance from the line y = 1 as the original point

Is (2, – 7) a solution to this system of equations? 5x+2y=7 13x+5y= – 9



Step-by-step explanation:

Multiply both sides of the equation by a coefficient:begin equation begin cases5  5 x + 2 y = 7 * 52 13.

Factor completely 3x^2+9x-54




Step-by-step explanation:

3x^2 + 9x - 54 = 0

x^2 + 3x - 18 = 0

(x+6)(x-3) = 0

x = -6

x = 3




Two concentric circles are shown. The length of the arc MN is 4π cm and the length of the arc RE is 8π cm.Which statements are correct? Select all that apply.ere to searchThe radius of the larger circle is 16 cm.The radius of the smaller circle is 16 cm.


We can express the length of an arc as a fraction of the circumference.

This fraction is equal to the the proportion between the measure of the arc and the full circle measure.

In this case, the measure is 45°, so the fraction should be:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \alpha=45\degree \\ \Rightarrow f=\frac{\alpha}{360\degree}=\frac{45\degree}{360\degree}=0.125 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Then, we can express the arc MN as:

[tex]MN=C_1\cdot f[/tex]

where C1 is the circumference of the smaller circle.

We can express then calculate it as:

[tex]\begin{gathered} MN=C_1\cdot f \\ C_1=\frac{MN}{f}=\frac{4\pi}{0.125}=32\pi \end{gathered}[/tex]

As the circumference can be related to the radius, we can us this value to calcualte the radius of the smaller circle:

[tex]\begin{gathered} C_1=2\pi r_1 \\ r_1=\frac{C_1}{2\pi}=\frac{32\pi}{2\pi}=16 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Then, the small circle has a radius of 16 cm and a circumference of 32π cm.

We can then calculate C2 and r2 for the bigger circle as:

[tex]\begin{gathered} RE=C_2\cdot f \\ C_2=\frac{RE}{f}=\frac{8\pi}{0.125}=64\pi \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} C_2=2\pi r_2 \\ r_2=\frac{C_2}{2\pi}=\frac{64\pi}{2\pi}=32 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The bigger circle has a radius of 32 cm and a circumference of 64π cm.

We can now calculate the length of the segments NE and MR. Both are equal and can be calculated as the difference between the radius of the bigger circle (r2) and the radius of the smaller circle (r1):


Both segments, NE and MR, have a length of 16 cm.

We can now check the statements. The ones that are true are:

• The radius of the smaller circle is 16 cm.


• The length of the segment MR is 16 cm.


• The circumference of the larger circle is 64π cm.

Answer: The true statements are

• The radius of the smaller circle is 16 cm.


• The length of the segment MR is 16 cm.

• The circumference of the larger circle is 64π cm.

what is the place value of digit 3 in the number 73892​



the digit 3 is in the thousands place in the number 73,892.

step-by-step explanation:

the answer was determined based on the definition of the thousands place. it may be easier to tell with a comma in place. hope that helps!

fills a 50gallon fish tank completely with water only to find that it has a
leak in the bottom. The leak is draining one gallon of water every two hours. Write an
equation that shows how many gallons of water are left in the tank:


The equation that shows the amount of water in gallons remaining in the water tank in terms of time t is A = 50 - t/2.

How to form an equation?

Determine the known quantities and designate the unknown quantity as a variable while trying to set up or construct a linear equation to fit a real-world application.

As per the given,

Amount of water initially = 50 gallons

Leakage of water in 2 hours = 1 gallon.

Leakage in t hour = t/2 gallons.


Amount = 50 - t/2

A = 50 - t/2

Hence "The equation that shows the amount of water in gallons remaining in the water tank in terms of time t is A = 50 - t/2".

For more about the equation,



Tonya spends 55% of her savings on a new dress. If she saved $120, how much was the dress?​


Answer: The dress was $66

Step-by-step explanation:

55(120) divided by 100 and you'll get the price of the dress :)

how many quarts are in 12 pints​




Step-by-step explanation:


which value of R makes the right side of the equation equal to 27,000?a)210,000b)220,000c)200,000d)183,000



The equation is



The value of "R."


The "R" is

[tex]\begin{gathered} 27000=R-183000 \\ \\ 27000+183000=R-183000+183000 \\ \\ R=210000 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The value of "R" is 210000.

So, the expression is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 27000=R-183000 \\ \\ 27000=210000-183000 \\ \\ 27000=27000 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Can somone please help me with this, find x.



11. x=13; 12. x=30; 13. 9

Step-by-step explanation:

9x + 3y = 14 what is y


here’s the answer*******

Select each equation which is equivalent to 60% of 25. 0.6 • 25 = x x • 1.6 = 25 610=x25 60100=25x x25=60100 6.0 • 25 = x


By using the concept of percentage, the equation which is equivalent to  60% of 25 is [tex]0.6 \times 25 = x[/tex]

What is percentage?

Suppose there is a number and the number has to be expressed as a fraction of 100. The fraction is called percentage.

For example 2% means [tex]\frac{2}{100}[/tex]. Here 2 is expressed as a fraction of 100.


Using concept of percentage.

Let 60% of 25

[tex]\frac{60}{100}\times 25 = x\\0.6 \times 25 = x[/tex]

To learn more about percentage, refer to the link-



You deposited $3,000 in the bank in 2019. It is compounded annually at 4%. How much money will you have in 9 years (in 2028)?



[tex]\begin{equation*} \$4,269.94 \end{equation*}[/tex]


To find the amount of money that you will have in 9 years, apply the formula for annually compounded amount:


where P = principal

r = interest rate

t = number of years

Hence, the amount after 9 years is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} A=3000(1+\frac{4}{100})^9 \\ A=3000(1+0.04)^9=3000(1.04)^9 \\ A=\$4,269.94 \end{gathered}[/tex]

That is the answer.

Using the graph as your guide, complete the following statement.
The discriminant of the function is
• A. negative
• B. zero
• C. positive



B. Negative

Step-by-step explanation:

A discriminant of zero indicates that the quadratic has a repeated real number solution. A negative discriminant indicates that neither of the solutions is a real number.

Casho is trying to find the height of a radio antenna on the roof of a local
building. She stands at a horizontal distance of 26 meters from the building.
The angle of elevation from her eyes to the roof (point A) is 32°, and the
angle of elevation from her eyes to the top of the antenna (point B) is 36°. If
her eyes are 1.75 meters from the ground, find the height of the antenna (the
distance from point A to point B). Round your answer to the nearest meter if


Distance from point A to point B is approx. 3m

What is the difference between Distance and Displacement?

While distance and displacement appear to signify the same thing, they actually have very different definitions and meanings.

A scalar quantity known as distance measures "how much ground an object has traversed" while moving.

An object's total change in position is referred to as displacement, a vector variable that measures "how far out of place an object is."

Distance is the sum of an object's movements, regardless of direction. Regardless of an object's starting or ending position, distance can be defined as the amount of ground it has covered.

The term "displacement" refers to a shift in an object's position. It is a vector quantity with a magnitude and direction. The symbol for it is an arrow pointing from the initial location to the ending place. For instance, if an object shifts from location A to position B, its position changes. Displacement is the term used to describe this shift in an object's position.

∠BCD = 36°

∠ACD = 32°

CD= 26m




BD=CD x tan∠BCD

AD=CD x tan∠ACD



= CD x tan∠BCD - CD x tan∠ACD

= CD x [0.726 - 0.624]

= 2.652

= approx 3 m

Learn more about Distance nd displacement from the link below





Step-by-step explanation:

WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST please rewrite the hypothesis for all 3



if the egg was the same size then that must mean the eggs had different reactions than each other.

Step-by-step explanation:

Are the ratios 5:2 and 15:6 equivalent?


yes they are equivalent



Step-by-step explanation:

5 x 3= 15

2 x 3= 6

Since they are multiplied by the same number to get to 15/6 they are equivalent fractions

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