A plater holds 24 strawbers,2 aplles,16 oranges.What fraction of all the fruits are strawberiias?Fracion of apples?Fraction of oranges?


Answer 1

The fraction for strawberries, apples, and oranges is 12/21, 1/21, and 8/21 respectively.

What are fractions?

A fraction depicts a portion of an entire. This entire could be a location or a group of things. The Latin word "fraction," which means "to break," is where the word "fraction" comes from. In mathematics, a fraction is represented by a numerical value that designates a portion of an entire. The numerator displays how many pieces the whole has been divided into. It is positioned at the top of the fraction, beneath the fractional bar is the denominator.


Number of strawberries = 24

Number of apples = 2

Number of oranges = 16

So, the total number of fruits is given as

= 24 + 2 + 16

= 42

The fraction for strawberries = 24/42


The fraction for apples = 2/42

= 1/21

The fraction for oranges = 16/42


To know more about fractions, visit:



Related Questions

Please help with number 8Solve each equation by completing the square.simplify all irrational and complex situations


We're going to solve by completing the square the given equation:

5x²+14x=3 (divide both sides by 5)

x² +(14/5)x=3/

In this diagram, ABAC – AEDF. If thearea of ABAC = 6 in2, what is thearea of AEDF?DAE 2 inB3 inс=Area = [? ] in2Enter a decimal rounded to the tenths.a


Area of ΔBAC = 6 in^2

EF = 2 in

BC = 3 in

Both triangles are similar, so:

Area ΔBAC : Area of ΔEDF = BC^2 : EF^2


6 / Area of ΔEDF = 3^2 / 2^2

Cross multiply

6 * 2^2 = 3^2 * Area of ΔEDF

24 = 9 * Area of ΔEDF

24/9 = Area of ΔEDF

Area of ΔEDF = 8/3 in^2 = 2.7 in^2

Find the approximate mean and standard deviation of the following data.


Given the data in the table, to find the approximate mean we would need to find the midpoints for the given intervals.

The midpoint was gotten from the average of the upper and lower class intervals.

We can then find the approximate mean using the formula below.



[tex]\begin{gathered} \bar{x}=\frac{(8\times3.5)+(11.5\times3)+(19.5\times9)+(27.5\times5)}{8+3+9+5} \\ \bar{x}=\frac{28+34.5+175.5+137.5}{25} \\ \bar{x}=\frac{375.5}{25} \\ \bar{x}=15.02 \end{gathered}[/tex]

To find the standard deviation we would use the formula below;

[tex]\begin{gathered} \sigma^2=\frac{\sum^{}_{}f(x-\bar{x})^2}{\sum^{}_{}f} \\ ^{} \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} \sigma^2=\frac{8(3.5-15.02)^2+3(11.5-15.02)^2+9(19.5-15.02)^2+5(27.5-15.02)^2}{25} \\ =\frac{1061.6832+37.1712+180.6336+778.752}{25} \\ \sigma^2=82.3296 \\ \sigma=\sqrt[]{82.3296} \\ \sigma=9.074 \end{gathered}[/tex]


Therefore, the approximate mean and standard deviation is 15.02 and 9.074 respectively

Perform the indicated operation. Write your solution in scientific notation: 0.00000936 0.00000003 a. 3.12 x 102 son b. 3.12 x 10-14 C. 3.12 x 1048 3 d. 3.12 x 104


1) To write a scientific notation number we must write a rational number followed by its power of 10.

2) So we can write:


Which expression can be used to find the price of a $400 telescope after a 32% markup? Select all that apply.A.400 • 0.32B.400 • 3.2C.400 • 1.32D.400 + 400(0.32)E.400 • 400(1.32)


We want to know an expression that let us find the price of a telescope of $400, after a 32% markup. We remember that briefly, the markup determines the percent of earning you will receive from selling a product.

On this case, for finding the cost, we will have to add the percent of earnings to the cost. Then we find the excedent given by the expression:


And we add it to the original price:


which is an expression to find the price after the markup.

Another option is to find the 100% + 32% of the original price, this is, multiply the original price by 1.32. We obtain that another expression for finding the price will be:

[tex]400\cdot1.32[/tex]Those two are the only options, ok?C and D, those are the ones I wrote.Yes, I am here.Do you see what I'm writing?

Suppose that the dollar value v(t) of a certain car that is t years old is given by the following exponential function.v (t) = 19,900(0.91)^tFind the initial value of the car.Does the function represent growth or decay?By what percent does the value of the car change each year?


The general form of an exponential function is:


where a = initial value and b = the rate of growth.

In the given equation that we have,


we can see that the value of a = 19, 900. Hence, this is the initial value of the function and thus, the initial value of the car is 19, 900.

We can also see that the rate of growth is 0.91. Since the rate of growth is between 0 and 1, the function represents exponential decay.

The value of the car decreases by 9% each year.

Find the missing dimension of the figure shown to the right round to the nearest tenth.


On the right triangle, we know the measure of the hypotenuse and one of its sides, then, using the pythagorean theorem, we get:


therefore, the missing dimension is 25.4''

What is the lateral surface area of the prism shown below? 9 m 6m 6 m 10 m


we are asked to find the surface area of a prism. To do that, we will find the areas of each lateral rectangle and the areas of the top and bottom triangles.

The areas of the rectangles are:

[tex]\begin{gathered} A_1=(10)(6)=60 \\ A_2=(10)(6)=60 \\ A_3=(10)(50)=50 \end{gathered}[/tex]

To determine the ara of the top triangle we will use the following formula:


Find g′(4) given that f(4)=5, f′(4)=−1, and g(x)=(√x)*f(x).


Given that:


You need to find:


In order to derivate the function, you need to apply the Product Rule

[tex]\frac{d}{dx}(u\cdot v)=u\cdot v^{\prime}+v\cdot u^{\prime}[/tex]

Then, you get:

[tex]g^{\prime}(x)=\sqrt[]{x}\cdot f^{\prime}(x)+f(x)(\sqrt[]{x})^{\prime}[/tex]



You know that:



[tex]\begin{gathered} g^{\prime}(x)=\sqrt[]{x}\cdot f^{\prime}(x)+f(x)(\frac{1}{2\sqrt[]{x}}) \\ \\ g^{\prime}(x)=\sqrt[]{x}\cdot f^{\prime}(x)+\frac{1}{2\sqrt[]{x}}f(x) \end{gathered}[/tex]

Knowing that you need to find:


You can rewrite the function as follows:

[tex]g^{\prime}(4)=\sqrt[]{4}\cdot f^{\prime}(4)+\frac{1}{2\sqrt[]{4}}f(4)[/tex]

Knowing that:

[tex]\begin{gathered} f\mleft(4\mright)=5 \\ f^{\prime}\mleft(4\mright)=-1 \end{gathered}[/tex]

You can substitute values:


Evaluating, you get:

[tex]\begin{gathered} g^{\prime}(4)=(2)(-1)+(\frac{1}{2\cdot2})(5) \\ \\ g^{\prime}(4)=-\frac{3}{4} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the answer is:


I need further explanation on number 3 please enlighten me will give 5 stars if you give me a good explanation ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


To evaluate an expression at a given value means that you substitute the given value anywhere you see the variable. For example, if the expression is:


and the problem asks you to evaluate the expression at x=9, then we substitute x=9 and get:


Now, question number 3 asks us to evaluate

[tex](1.42+t)\times u+\frac{0.42}{v},[/tex]

at t=13.5, u=7, and v=6. Therefore substituting the given values we get:

[tex]\begin{gathered} (1.42+13.5)\times7+\frac{0.42}{6}=(14.92)\times7+0.07 \\ =104.44+0.07=104.51. \end{gathered}[/tex]

Answer: 104.51

Help me please and thank you I just need part a and d please


a. To complete the table, we have to assign the corresponding study hours per week to the hours worked per week.

For example, for the first interval 0≤h<4, the credits taken are 18 (according to the first table). When the credits taken are 18, the study hours per week are 39 (according to the second table). It means that for the interval 0≤h<4, the study hours per week is 39.

The values of this table will be, respectively:

39, 32, 24, 21, 17, 14, 12.

d. An student works between 12 and 16 hours every week, that allows him take 15 credits, which means that he has to use 21 hours to study. He wants to study 32 hours per week, that way, he can take 17 credits. To achieve it he needs to reduce its working hours to 4 to 8 hours per week, that way he would be able to take 17 credits and study 32 hours per week.

What’s the mid point of AB in the picture below


From the given linear graph, we would write out the co-ordinates of the points A and B first in the form of (x,y).

Thus, we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} A(-6,-4) \\ B(-3,3) \end{gathered}[/tex]

The mid-point of a line segment;

[tex]\begin{gathered} A(x_1,y_1)\text{ and} \\ B(x_2,y_2) \end{gathered}[/tex]

is given as:


Thus, we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} (\frac{-6+(-3)}{2},\frac{-4+3}{2}) \\ (\frac{-6-3}{2},-\frac{1}{2}) \\ (\frac{-9}{2},-\frac{1}{2}) \\ (-4.5,-0.5) \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the midpoint of the line segment AB is: ( -4.5, -0.5)

Consider the following word problem:Two planes, which are 1180 miles apart, fly toward each other. Their speeds differ by 40 mph. If they pass each other in 2 hours, what isthe speed of each?Step 2 of 2: Solve the equation found in Step 1.


To answer this question, we can state the problem as follows:

1. The two planes are 1180 miles apart.

2. They fly toward each other.

3. Their speed differs by 40 mph: that is one of the planes is faster than the other 40 mph, or the other plane is slower than the other plane.

4. The time they encounter each other is 2 hours.

Then, we need to remember the formula for a constant speed:



• d is the distance


• t is the time

Then, we have that the speeds for each of the planes are:


We also have that the sum of the distance for both planes is 1180 miles:


And we have that:

[tex]V=\frac{d}{t}\Rightarrow d=V\cdot t[/tex][tex]d_{p1}=V_{p1}\cdot t[/tex][tex]d_{p2}=V_{p2}\cdot t[/tex]



Then, we have that:

[tex]d_{p1}+d_{p2}=1180[/tex][tex]V_{p1}\cdot t+V_{p2}\cdot t=1180\Rightarrow V_{p1}=V_{p2}+40[/tex][tex](V_{p2}+40)\cdot t+V_{p2}\cdot t=1180[/tex]

Since t = 2, we have:


Subtracting 80 from both sides of the equation:


Dividing both sides of the equation by 4, we have:

[tex]V_{p2}=\frac{1100}{4}\Rightarrow V_{p2}=275\text{mph}[/tex]

Since we know that:


Then, we have:

[tex]V_{p1}=275\text{mph}+40\text{mph}\Rightarrow V_{p1}=315\text{mph}[/tex]

In summary, therefore, the speed of each plane is:

• Speed of Plane 1 = 315 mph


• Speed of Plane 2 = 275 mph

Rewrite the following equation in slope intercept form3x + 17y = -4Write your answer using integers, proper fractions, and improper fractions in simplest form.


the given expression is,

3x + 17y = -4

17y = -4 - 3x

y = -3/17x - 4/17

thus, the answer is,


Multiplication Lattice Model) 1 bicycle costs $ 215. 1. Use the lattice model to multiply 2. How much will be paid for 87 bicycles 3. Upload the work


1. Multiply the number on the top of the box with the number to the right of the box. Write the answer in the box (write the product one digit on the top of the green line and the other digit under that line:

Example 2 x 8 = 16 write the 16 as in the image above

2. Add the numbers in the box diagonally and carry to the next column when necessary. Start from right to left

Then, 215 multiplied by 87 is 18705.

For 87 bicycles cost $18705

Which conic section is defined by the set of all points in a plane that areequidistant from a single point and a line?A. HyperbolaB. EllipseC. ParabolaD. Circle



The conic section that is defined by the set of all points in a plane that are equidistant from a single point and a line is a parabola since the parabola is equidistant from a fixed point that we call a focus and a fixed line that we call a directrix.

Therefore, the conic section is a PARABOLA.

Hence, option (C) is correct.

The coordinates of three vertices of a rhombus are (-3, 0), (0, 5) and (3, 0). What are the coordinates of the fourth vertex?



Given the question in the image, the following are the solution steps to answer the question.

STEP 1: Write the given coordinates


STEP 2: State the side properties of a rhombus

In a rhombus, all sides are equal. This means that the length of the sides are equal and therefore the distances of the vertices apart will be the same.

And also, Diagonals of rhombus bisect each other. This implies that:

Co-ordinates of mid-points of AC= Co-ordinates of mid-points of BD

STEP 3: Find the distances of the sides

Midpoints of AC will be calculated as:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \mathrm{Midpoint\:of\:}\left(x_1,\:y_1\right),\:\left(x_2,\:y_2\right):\quad \left(\frac{x_2+x_1}{2},\:\:\frac{y_2+y_1}{2}\right) \\ \left(x_1,\:y_1\right)=\left(-3,\:0\right),\:\left(x_2,\:y_2\right)=\left(3,\:0\right) \\ =\left(\frac{3-3}{2},\:\frac{0+0}{2}\right) \\ =\left(0,\:0\right) \end{gathered}[/tex]

Midpoints of BD will be calculated as:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \mathrm{Midpoint\:of\:}\left(x_1,\:y_1\right),\:\left(x_2,\:y_2\right):\quad \left(\frac{x_2+x_1}{2},\:\:\frac{y_2+y_1}{2}\right) \\ \left(x_1,\:y_1\right)=\left(0,\:5\right),\:\left(x_2,\:y_2\right)=\left(x,\:y\right) \\ =\left(\frac{x+0}{2},\:\frac{y+5}{2}\right) \\ =\left(\frac{x}{2},\:\frac{y+5}{2}\right) \end{gathered}[/tex]

Since midpoints are the same as mentioned above, this means that:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \left(\frac{x}{2},\:\frac{y+5}{2}\right)=(0,0) \\ \frac{x}{2}=0,x=0 \\ \frac{y+5}{2}=0,y+5=0,y=-5 \\ \\ \therefore(x,y)=(0,-5) \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the coordinates of the fourth vertex is given as:


A house is worth $350,000 when purchased. It was worth $335,000 after the firstyear and $320,000 after the 2ndyear.1. Geometric or Arithmetic and Why?2. Complete a table that shows the value of the house for 5 years.3. Write an explicit and recursive formula for the sequence.4. What is the value of the house after you have lived in it for 10 years?


A house is worth $350,000 when purchased. It was worth $335,000 after the first year and $320,000 after the 2nd year.

So, the difference between initial cost and the cost after one year =

335,000 - 350,000 = -15,000

The difference between the cost after one year and after 2 years =

320,000 - 335,000 = -15,000

As the common difference is constant

so, the cost represents Arithmetic sequence

the first term is 330,000 and the common difference is -15,000

The general form of the sequence is a + d(n - 1)

where a is the first term and d is the common difference and n the number of term

so, a = 335,000 and d = -15,000

so, the general form will be = 335,000 - 15,000(n-1)

So, the value of the house after 5 years = 335,000 - 15,000 * (5-1) = 275,000


1. Geometric or Arithmetic and Why?


2. Complete a table that shows the value of the house for 5 years.

For 5 years:

first year = $335,000

second year = $320,000

third year = $305,000

fourth year = $290,000

fifth year = $275,000

3. Write an explicit and recursive formula for the sequence.

The formula will be : 335,000 - 15,000(n-1)

4. What is the value of the house after you have lived in it for 10 years?

After 10 years;

the value of the house = 335,000 - 15,000 * (10-1)

= 335,000 - 15,000 * 9 = $200,000


Tell whether the rational number is a reasonable approximation of the square root.1.) 277/160, square root of 3


we know that

[tex]\begin{gathered} \sqrt{3}=1.73205 \\ \frac{277}{160}=1.73125 \end{gathered}[/tex]


the rational number is a reasonable approximation of the square root

I need help with this question can you please help me ?



Given that,

The product of a number and 6 equals twice the result of the sum of the number and 6.

Let the number be x,

product of a number and 6 is 6x.

sum of the number and 6 is x+6.

we get,


a) The equation could be used to find the number is,


b) On solving the above equation we get,


The number is 3.

Answer is: 3

you are trying to upload a photo for your school picture,but you need to reduce the size of the photo by a quarter of its original size. Which is the correct power that will reduce the picture by a quarter?A: 2^2B: 2^4C: 2^-2D: 2^-4


the scale factor is 1/4, which is equivalent to:

[tex]\frac{1}{4}=\text{ }\frac{1}{2^2}=2^{-2}[/tex]

option 2 you have 1 hour of homework at the start, then amount of homework duobles every week.


As per given by the question,

There are given that to the construct of equation to reperesent the number of hours of home work.


Here, y for the total hours and x for the total weeks.


From option two;

In starting, you have 1 hours of homework, then after that amount of homework double in every week.


Total hours of homework is 1,

Then , y is represent the 1 hour of homework.


The amount of home work double in every week,



Here, x represent the week.

So, homework double in every week.

Hence, the equation is;


please answer both i will give brainliest and thanks!!!! please quickly!!! hurry pleaseeee!!!



The nth term is given by,

[tex]\begin{gathered} f(n)=f(n-1)+7 \\ f\mleft(1\mright)=2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The common difference can be calculated as,

[tex]\begin{gathered} f(1)=2 \\ f(2)=f(1)+7=9 \\ f(3)=f(2)+7=16 \\ d=\text{ 7} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore the tenth term can be calculated as,

[tex]\begin{gathered} a_n=a_1+d(n-1) \\ a_{10}=a_1+7\times9=2+63=65 \end{gathered}[/tex]



[tex]\begin{gathered} f(1)=30 \\ f(n)=2(fn-1)-50 \\ f(2)=2\times30-50=10 \\ f(3)=2\times10-50=-30 \\ d=-20 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus, the tenth term is,


Thus, the answer is -150.

Please I need help finding the equation of the parallel line and the perpendicular line.



The equation parallel to the given equation and passing through the point (8, 3) is:

[tex]y\text{ = }\frac{5}{2}x\text{ - 17}[/tex]

The equation perpendicular to the given equation and passing through the point (8, 3) is:

[tex]y\text{ = }\frac{-2}{5}x\text{ + }\frac{31}{5}[/tex]Explanations:

The equation of the line parallel to the line y = mx + c and passing through the point (x₁, y₁) is given as:


The equation of the line perpendicular to the line y = mx + c and passing through the point (x₁, y₁) is given as:

[tex]y-y_1\text{ = }\frac{-1}{m}(x-x_1)[/tex]

Now, for the equation:

[tex]\begin{gathered} y\text{ = }\frac{5}{2}x\text{ - 7} \\ m\text{ = }\frac{5}{2} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The line parallel to the equation and passing through the point (8, 3) will be:

[tex]\begin{gathered} y\text{ - 3 = }\frac{5}{2}(x\text{ - 8)} \\ y\text{ - 3 = }\frac{5}{2}x\text{ - 20} \\ y\text{ = }\frac{5}{2}x\text{ - 20 + 3} \\ y\text{ = }\frac{5}{2}x\text{ - 17} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The line perpendicular to the given equation and passing through the point (8, 3) will be:

[tex]\begin{gathered} y\text{ - 3 = }\frac{-2}{5}(x\text{ - 8)} \\ y\text{ - 3 = }\frac{-2}{5}x\text{ + }\frac{16}{5} \\ y\text{ = }\frac{-2}{5}x\text{ + }\frac{16}{5}+3 \\ y\text{ = }\frac{-2}{5}x\text{ + }\frac{31}{5} \end{gathered}[/tex]

what word represents when the line intersects with the y-axis



what word represents when the line intersects with the y-axis?

The intersection between a line and the y-axis gives:

the point of the y-intercept

2/7:12/7 how to divide


In order to divide two fractions, we cross-multiply them:

This way,


Therefore, we can conclude that


What is the product of 13/78 and 78/13?



10. Find f(-3) + 1 using the following equation f(x) = 5x – 4


We are to find the value of f(-3) + 1

using the following expression for f(x):

f(x) = 5 x - 4

Then f(-3) = 5 (-3) - 4 = -15 - 4 = - 19

since we need to add 1 to this result, we get:

f(-3) + 1 = -19 + 1 = - 18

Evaluate the expression when b= 6 and x = -5. -b+ 2x


Given the below expression;


Evaluating the expression when b = 6 and x = -5, we'll have;

[tex]\begin{gathered} -(6)+2(-5) \\ -6-10 \\ -16 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, when b = 6 and x = -5, the expression will be -16.

Tyrone's car averages 26.2 miles per gallon in the city and 12.2 more miles per gallon on the highway. The gas tank holds 15 gallons and is 2/3 of the way full. With his current gas level, approximately how many miles can Tyrone drive on the highway?


First, we need to find the nubser of miles it can rive on high-way

From the question Tyron's car can drive 26.2 + 12.2 = 38.4 miles on the high way

Next, we find gallon of gas level that is currently on his car

His car can hold 15 gallons, but his current gas level is 2/3

So we will find 2/3 of 15 gallon which is equal;

2/3 x 15 = 30/3 = 10 gallons

Now, using proportion;

Let X be the number of miles he can drive with 10 gallons

38.4 miles = 1 gallon

X = 10 gallons

X = 38.4 x 10

X = 384 miles

Therefore he can drive 384 miles on highway

Other Questions
6. A basketball coach purchases bananas for the players on his team. Thetable shows total price in dollars. P. of n bananas. Which equation couldrepresent the total price in dollars for n bananas?number of bananastotal price in dollars74.13B47295.31105.90O P = 0.596O P = 5.90-0.59O P = 590//O Pan0.59 Do you think you would like to do arson or explosion investigation for evidence testing? Why or why not? i need help on the biology lab lab project: building proteins from RNA from egenuity can anybody give me one of their old ones the ability for a study to reveal a statistically significant difference between the levels of an independent variable when one truly exists is known as? a block sliding on the ground where uk= 0.193 experiences a 14.7N friction force. what is the mass of the block in kg Donna earns a commission. She makes 3.5% of the amount she sells. Yesterday she sold a $800 recliner. How much was her commission. x/7=22x/3=87x-10=119x+2=20pls give a step-by-step answerITS URGENT Which of the following choices best describes the expression 2/3 (3/4x - 3/2)A: equivalent to 1/2x - 1B: equivalent to x - 1/2C: not equivalent to 1/2x - 1 or x - 1/2 how many 3/8 are in 3 Using the data above, how many people would be expected to live in Japan if the proportion of people to square miles were the same in Japan as in the United States? how many molecules of p2o5 are there in 7.32 moles I can send photo, which expressions are equivalent to 18x - 6? select all that apply In the normal course of law, where is the constitutionality of a case argued immediately before it is heard by the Supreme Court?the legislaturethe district courtthe US Court of Appealsthe US Senate One of Khalils sheep got out of its pen, and he found it in a field full of sorghum. Khalil knows that sorghum has cyanide in it and could be deadly for the sheep. He calls the vet, who comes out. Within 15 minutes, the sheep is breathing heavily and staggering as it walks. The vet tells Khalil he will do what he can. He says that if the sheep survives past the first ____, he has a much greater chance of recovering. A. 20 minutes B. 1 hour C. 2 hours D. 24 hours A company is making building blocks. What is the length of each side of the block? V=1 ft3 The length of each side is Myra has a remote control toy boat.she runs the toy boat on a lake at a constant speed. The graph of a function representing the toy boats distance, y , in feet , from the shore of the lake after X seconds includes the points (1,8) and (1.5, 10.1) A bank features a savings account that has an annual percentage rate of 4.1 % with interestcompounded monthly. Zach deposits $3,000 into the account.How much money will Zach have in the account in 1 year?Answer = $Round answer to the nearest penny.What is the annual percentage yield (APY) for the savings account?%. Round to the nearest hundredth of a percent.APY= At work one day, Erica Franz received 11 packages. Speedy Delivery delivered four times as many as Ralph's Express, while Ralph's Express delivered one more than SendQuick Package Service. How many packages did each service deliver to Erica? Describe how this idea influences beners lee work today. Use two details from the text to support your answer ( MUST READ THE TEXT ) A car's velocity is modeled by v(t) = 0.5t2 10.5t + 45 for 0 t 10.5, where velocity is in feet per second and time is in seconds. When does the car come to a complete stop? 2.5 seconds 6 seconds 10.5 seconds 15 seconds