the ability for a study to reveal a statistically significant difference between the levels of an independent variable when one truly exists is known as?


Answer 1

The ability for a study to reveal a statistically significant difference between the levels of an independent variable when one truly exists is known as power.

Experimental research involves randomly assigning individuals to various treatment levels, manipulating one or more independent variables, and then observing how the treatments affect the outcomes. The data should be subjected to a proper statistical analysis to ascertain whether the predicted difference or association was discovered.

The entire size of the effect will depend on the number of circumstances and participants in total. One can perform a power analysis using this data. It is preferable to consider the power analysis when planning a study so that the right number of participants may be enrolled and examined.

Know more about power analysis here


Related Questions

Which choice best explains how energy from the Sun creates wind?


The statement that best explains how energy from the sun creates wind is, the sun's energy causes condensation, which causes winds .

Wind energy is a product of the sun. the sun's irregular patterns of heating and earth's uneven surfaces , that is mountains and plain land, and the revolution of the planet, all of them contributes to produce the wind energy.

It's a sustainable resource , because of the huge supply. Wind energy is also useful to produce electricity through wind turbines , previously called windmills, they collect and convert the kinetic energy that wind energy produces.

To know more about wind energy,

The complete question is:

Which choice best explains how the sun's energy creates wind?

A. the sun's energy causes condensation, which causes winds.

B. the sun's energy causes differences in humidity, which causes winds.

C. the sun's energy causes uneven heating of the atmosphere, which leads to differences in air pressure, which cause winds.

D. the sun's energy causes precipitation in air pressure, which causes winds.

A document used to determine an individual's assets, liabilities, income, and expenses generally used to calculate a person's


A person's or a couple's total assets and liabilities are listed in a personal financial statement. A person's net worth is calculated by dividing their assets by their liabilities; a positive net worth indicates more assets than liabilities.

What other name is given to the balance sheet?

The balance sheet, which is also known as the Statement of Financial Position, provides the most comprehensive picture of an organization's financial situation. It provides information on an organization's assets—the things it owns—and liabilities—the things it owes.

What exactly is an individual balance sheet?

A comprehensive picture of your wealth over a specific time period can be obtained from a personal balance sheet. It is a summary of your assets (the things you own), liabilities (the things you owe), and net worth (the difference between your assets and liabilities).

Learn more about personal financial statement here:


Which of the following are typical weather patterns in North Carolina? Check all that apply

A. year-round precipitation in the form of rain
B. large amounts of winter precipitation in the form of snow
C. mild temperatures throughout the winter months
D. warm temperatures in the summer and fall
E. extremely dry, hot summers


A. Year-round precipitation in the form of rain

Which of the following is an example of cultural relativism?
a. Andy marrying a woman who does not practice his religion, though his parents disprove.
b. Helena putting aside her vegetarianism to eat meals with the local tribe she is studying.
c. Ingrid becoming upset over the course language used in the Australian Outback.
d. Joseph protesting the Running of the Bulls while visiting Pamplona.


Option b. Helena putting aside her vegetarianism to eat meals with the local tribe she is studying is an example of cultural relativism.

So option b is the correct option of the given statement.

What is the significance of cultural relativism?

Cultural relativism is the capacity to comprehend a culture on its own terms and refrain from passing judgment based on cultural norms. Its objective is to encourage knowledge of cultural customs that aren't normally found in one's own society.

How does cultural relativism impact our society?

According to cultural relativism, a person's perspective inside a particular culture determines what is right and wrong. The false concept that there are no objective standards by which our society can be evaluated since each culture has the right to its own ideas and accepted customs is known as cultural relativism.

To know more about cultural relativism visit:


How would you defend the colonists’ decision to build Jamestown in an area that was not good for settling? Give specific reasons in three to five sentences. PLEASE HELP I HAVE 15 MINUTES LEFT TO GET THE ANSWER



you can say no.


Notes of photosynthesis​



The process of making food by the using water air and sunlight in the presence of chrollophyll is called photosynthesis


Photosynthesis is mainly practised by the green plant because green plant have chrollophyll

The idea that there is a part of the mind that is not directly accessible to awareness but still drives a person’s thinking and behavior is most directly attributable to?

a. William James
b. Edward Thorndike
c. Margaret Floy Washburn
d. Sigmund Freud
e. Paul Broca


D. Is the correct answer

Sigmund Freud developed theories on how behavior and thought are influenced by events even if we cannot remember them.

What was one of the outcomes of the Great Compromise?


"The Great Compromise was forged in a heated dispute during the 1787 Constitutional Convention: States with larger populations wanted congressional representation based on population, while smaller states demanded equal representation.

                            The agreement, which created today’s system of congressional representation, now influences everything from “pork barrel” legislation to the way votes are counted in the electoral college during presidential elections.

The debate almost destroyed the U.S. Constitution.

At the Constitutional Convention of 1787, delegates from larger states believed each state’s representation in the newly proposed Senate should be proportionate to population.

The disagreement over representation threatened to derail the ratification of the U.S. Constitution since delegates from both sides of the dispute vowed to reject the document if they didn’t get their way. The solution came in the form of a compromise proposed by statesmen Roger Sherman and Oliver Ellsworth of Connecticut".

Learn to know more about Great Compromise at:


Which item was a particularly popular thing to send back to Europe?



Raw materials like precious metals (gold and silver), tobacco, sugar and cotton went from the Americas to Europe. American ships carried products such as lumber, tobacco, rice, and dried fish to Britain. In turn, the mother country sent textiles, and manufactured goods back to America.


Hope it helps!

Which of the following is the most appropriate step to take if authors believe that their manuscript was reviewed unfairly?
a) Nothing; by submitting to the peer review process, authors agree to accept the outcome. b) The author should ask the editor to reveal the identities of the reviewers. c) The author can contact the editor with their concerns. d) The author should contact the reviewers directly.


The author can contact the editor with their concerns.

What was the purpose of the articles of confederation



What was the purpose of the articles of confederation?


After the United States formally proclaimed its independence from Great Britain, the Articles of Confederation served as the written constitution that set forth the duties of the country's national government.

5. What factors influenced the development of religious Taoism PLEASE HELP!!!!!


The factors that influenced the development of religious Taoism is that there was a mixture of Buddhism as well as Confucism  which is been seen in asian community.

What is religious Taoism?

Taoism can be described as the religions that teaches  about the creation of creaturesand states that all creature should be living in a state of harmony with the universe.

It should be noted that the religion can be seen as one that is been influence with the presence of the  Buddhism as well as Confucism since the religions have some of the features with the Taoism.

Read more about religious at:


Why did United States forces invade Afghanistan in 2001?

Question 5 options:

1. Afghanistan's Taliban government was supporting al-Qaeda and sheltering its leaders.

2. Communist rebels threatened to overthrow Afghanistan's government.

3. Taliban leaders announced plans to develop weapons of mass destruction.

4. Afghanistan invaded and occupied oil-rich Kuwait.




i belive it was 4 i could be wrong but im pretty sure its right

Answer: it was 1, Afghanistan's Taliban government was supporting al-Qaeda.

Explanation: took the test and that was revealed as the right answer.

Why should students not be paid for performance in school?



1: Because studying at school helps the students with their future, not the school's.

2: That would drain the money from the school for paying for the teacher's jobs and for paying for things like sport and clubs.

3: It could give the students the idea that because they got good grades in school, they should be paid for good grades in collage. This could result in students getting kicked out from collage.


Pls mark Brainliest with the crown


because I said so


because i said so

Which statements explain why North Carolina’s coast has a mild climate? Check all that apply.

The area has a higher elevation.
The area is at a higher latitude.
The area is at a lower latitude.
Ocean currents keep temperatures warmer.
Mountains to the west block lower temperatures.


North Carolina’s coast has a mild climate due to the following:

The area is at a lower latitude.Ocean currents keep temperatures warmer.Mountains to the west block lower temperatures.

What is the climate of North Carolina’s coastal region?

The North Carolina coastal regions have lower temperatures during summer and snow falls only a few times in the area.

The Gulf Stream directly affects the temperatures, especially on the immediate coast of North Carolina where swirls from the warm water spin-off and calm down the winter air temperatures along the Outer Banks.

The mountain areas experience regular snowstorms, but the regions close to the ocean do not usually have ice and snow because of the Gulf Stream’s heating effect.

Hence, North Carolina’s coastal climate is mild because of its lower latitude, ocean current, and mountains that block lower temperatures.

Read more about North Carolina climate at


What information should be
provided to an IRB for review at
the initiation of a study? Choose
the best response.
O A. A synopsis of the study and an outline of
the advertisement to recruit subjects,
including how much they will be paid.
OB. The informed consent form.
OC. The study protocol (and amendments),
the information to be given to the subject
(informed consent, advertisements), the
Investigator Brochure (or drug label), any
other relevant safety information, and an
outline of the qualifications of the
OD. The study protocol (and amendments)
and the Investigator Brochure.


The study protocol (and amendments), the information to be given to the subject (informed consent, advertisements), the Investigator Brochure (or drug label), any other relevant safety information, and an outline of the qualifications of the Investigator should be provided to an IRB for review at the initiation of a study.

A committee known as an institutional review board (IRB), often referred to as an independent ethics committee (IEC), ethical review board (ERB), or research ethics board (REB), is responsible for enforcing research ethics by examining proposed research procedures to determine their propriety. These committees are formally charged for approving (or rejecting), supervising, and evaluating human subjects' biomedical and behavioral research. They frequently perform some kind of risk-benefit analysis to try and decide whether or not research should be done.

The IRB's goal is to ensure that the proper measures are taken to protect the rights and welfare of people who are participating as research subjects in a study. Many developing nations have set up national, regional, or local Institutional Review Boards in addition to wealthy nations.

Learn more about Institutional Review Board here:


She said to him," i don't believe you." change into indirect speech


She told him that she didn't believe you.

What will be the immediate effect if the government sets the price for rent at Point A?
The price of rent will rise to meet equilibrium.
The price of rent will fall to meet equilibrium.
There will be a shortage of rental properties.
There will be a surplus of rental properties.


The immediate effect if the government sets the price for rent at Point A would be that "There will be a shortage of rental properties."

The graphic depicts the link between supply per rental and demand (blue line) (red line). The intersection of the two lines, known as the break-even point, is where supply and demand for rent are equal. Between lines A and B is where this balance exists.The economy won't reach equilibrium if the government mandates that the price must be B since, at B, the quantity demanded will exceed the supply because the prices charged are below equilibrium. Although there won't be any stimulus, it will be beneficial for claimants but bad for bidders. Consequently, there will be a lack of available dwellings.

Thus the correct option is C.

Refer here to learn more about price for rent:


The electoral system of Australia enforces "compulsory voting," which means that
A citizens can only vote for one of two parties.citizens can only vote for one of two parties.
B voting for President is not for President is not allowed.
C all citizens are required to vote.all citizens are required to vote.
D citizens may choose whether or not to vote.


The electoral system of Australia enforces "compulsory voting," which means that all citizens are required to vote.

Election and referendum procedures are governed by a set of laws known as an electoral system, also referred to as a voting system.

Austria is a parliamentary (or representative) democracy. This means that lawmakers make laws as representatives of the people. Unlike in a direct democracy, political decisions are delegated to parliament rather than the people. Democracy is defined by free elections.

Hence, the correct answer is option "C".

To know more about the electoral system, click here.


Identify the main role of a country's central bank. Then, identify and describe the
three main monetary policy goals of central banks.


A central bank is an independent national authority that conducts monetary policy, regulates banks, and provides financial services, including economic research. Its goals are to stabilize the nation's currency, keep unemployment low, and prevent inflation.

Economics makes a speciality of the behaviour and interactions of financial sellers and how economies work. Microeconomics analyzes what's considered as simple factors inside the economy, along with individual dealers and markets, their interactions, and the outcomes of interactions. Individual marketers may additionally consist of, for example, households, firms, consumers, and dealers. Macroeconomics analyzes the economic system as a system where manufacturing, intake, saving, and funding have interaction, and elements affecting it: employment of the assets of labour, capital, and land, forex inflation, economic growth, and public rules that have impact on these elements.

Learn more about economic here


1. A person who has been abandoned
a. would feel powerful.
b. would feel bold.
c. would feel happy.
d. would feel lonely.


Answer: d. would feel lonely

Explanation: When someone is abandoned, they have been left behind and possibly even trapped. So, feeling lonely and scared is definitely to expressions you would normally feel.

D. Most people don’t want to be abandoned

Pick a topic either from another class you’re taking or another relevant academic topic that interests you. Which did you pick and why?
Discuss the impact of growing into the image of Christ as it relates to your choice of a research topic. How does your topic fit into the Gospel’s mandate to improve the world?


According to the Gospel mission, a Christian's responsibility to geopolitics is to love his enemies, do good to those he dislikes, and build peace.

The complexity of a Christian's geopolitical imperatives varies among Christian organizations and is often influenced by nationalism and political ideology, but should not be. Christian ideas. First, Christianity is based on the idea of ​​the inner transformation of the individual.

Christianity holds the view that people must first undergo transformation, unlike other religions that believe that following a set of external laws created by God will solve a person's inner problems. This position on grace sees the empowering work of the Holy Spirit that accompanies the preaching of the Gospel and believes that this work is accomplished by the Spirit of Jesus Christ in all believers. The main purpose of Sovereign Grace Church is to spread the gospel of Jesus.

Learn about Gospel:


Many argue that social media needs more regulation due to the numerous examples of online threats, harassment, and abuse. However, social media companies are unwilling to enact meaningful reforms. Which BEST explains how they frame the issue to avoid taking responsibility for what happens on their platform?


The best way social media companies  frame the issue of online threats, harassment, and abuse in order to avoid taking responsibility for what happens on their platform is the Freedom of  Speech.

What is Freedom of  Speech?

Freedom of speech refers to the human right that guarantees the freedom of an individual or a community to articulate their opinions and ideas without fear of retaliation, censorship, or legal sanction.

The freedom of speech is one of the fundamental human rights and any act to undermine such freedom results in oppression.

It is on this premise that social Medial companies are unwilling to enact meaningful reforms to censor the use of their platform. This is because, the freedom of speech guarantees everyone that they are protected under the law and that no harm would come to them when they voice out their opinion.

Learn more about Freedom of Speech at


7 Megumi goes to the doctor, complaining of fatigue. The doctor examines her and asks if she has experienced heart palpitations, muscle cramps, or tingling in her hands and feet. She denies any of these symptoms. A blood test determines that Megumi’s magnesium reading is not right. Considering her symptoms, which is MOST likely true of Megumi? A. Megumi has a magnesium inadequacy. B. Megumi has a magnesium deficiency. C. Megumi has a magnesium excess. D. Megumi has a magnesium balance.


Megumi goes to the doctor, complaining of fatigue. The doctor examines her and asks if she has experienced heart palpitations, muscle cramps, or tingling in her hands and feet. She denies any of these symptoms. A blood test determines that Megumi’s magnesium reading is not right. Considering her symptoms, Megumi has a magnesium deficiency.

Magnesium deficit is a condition in which the blood level of magnesium is lower than usual. Hypomagnesemia is the medical term for this disorder. The mineral magnesium is required by every organ in the body, including the heart, muscles, and kidneys. It also plays a role in the formation of teeth and bones. This encompasses the bodily physical and chemical processes that transform or utilise energy (metabolism).

Magnesium shortage is an electrolyte disruption caused by a low magnesium content in the body. It can cause a variety of symptoms. Tremor, palpitations, poor coordination, muscular spasms, lack of appetite, personality changes, and nystagmus are some of the symptoms. Seizures or cardiac arrest from torsade de pointes can be complications. Those with low magnesium levels frequently have low potassium levels.

Learn more about Magnesium Deficiency here:


What is the purpose of government? Select a quotation from a US leader on the subject of government. Then, write an argumentative essay that explains why you agree or disagree with the leader’s views. In the conclusion to your essay, present your own views on the purpose of government based on the statement you evaluated and discussed.


From the perspective of the President of the United States, the purpose of government is to protect the citizens of the United States and to provide suitable political and economic conditions for growth and development.

I agree with this statement. Because the federal government must create the necessary conditions so that Americans can be confident that they can be safe, go to good schools, and raise families in a friendly environment.

Americans should know that in a capitalist economic model based on free markets, with perseverance, skill and hard work, everyone can earn the income they want.

And finally, an important aspect of all this is the fact that governments must set an example in terms of ethics and moral practice. Corruption was unacceptable because American citizens trusted the President and his representatives through high standards of performance and conduct.

To learn more about government here


Can someone please help me write 1 or 2 (doesn't matter) paragraphs about the "Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire (March 25, 1911) ?


The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire is one of the most tragic incidents in American industrial history, which claimed the lives of 146 workers whose deaths were preventable. It was a calamity caused by the fire that broke out in a fabric company causing deaths and injuries to workers.

What is the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire?

The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire of March 25, 1911, was a fire incident that took place at a garment factory in Greenwich Village,  Manhattan, New York City.

It started on a rag bin on the top floor and spread to other parts of the factory building.

The tragedy resulted in the death of 146 garment workers. The workers could not escape because the doors to the staircase and the exits were locked. This locking of the door was commonly practiced then to avoid theft and workers from taking unauthorized breaks.

Some of the victims died as a result of smoke inhalation or from falling to death while jumping out of the window.

This fire incident and others like it prompted some legislation on health and safety in the workplace to curtail the recurrence of such a situation.

Thus, the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire resulted in the death of 146 workers because the exits were locked and workers could not escape.

Find out more about the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire at


What is a key artifact relating to David or Solomon?


The  key artifact relating to David or Solomon was 100 seals and signet rings.

David was King of Israel, successor to Saul, and the second legitimate monarch of the Kingdom of Israel. He unified and expanded the territory of Israel. He is important as the ancestor of the Messiah, as many Old Testament prophecies indicated that the Messiah would descend from the lineage of David.-Solomon was his third and last monarch of the United Kingdom of Israel, ruled over a vast area for about 40 years, from about 965 BC to 928 years.

During the reign of Solomon the first Temple in Jerusalem was built and he is the author of the biblical texts Ecclesiastes, Proverbs and Songs of Songs. He inherited a sizeable empire conquered by his father King David, and also possessed great wealth and wisdom.

Learn about David:


What title did Japan’s new rulers take?
A Daimo
B Samurai
C Shogun
D Monk


The answer is C I took the quiz

How do revolutionaries defend their beliefs and rights?



well they believed that they had rights and well as should have freedom so therefore that what they believe and they rights are defended by the government

Answer: knitting together the fragile union and creating our national identity


Hope this answers ur question! <3

Search the web to build your personal repertoire of PCK. Find one website that addresses PCK in your content area. Please provide a link to the site, a 2-4 sentence summary of what you learned from it, and a list of academic language vocabulary related to your content area and named in the identified resource.


The website that addresses PCK content area are:

I have learnt that PCK make use of some dominant methodologies that can be used as a tool to examine science teachers.

What is the  teaching area of PCK about?

Teaching-specific knowledge is known as pedagogical content knowledge (PCK). In order to "package" what they know (about the learners, the activity, the aims of the physical education program, the school, students, and community), teachers need PCK.

A science teacher's pPCK includes knowledge of pedagogy, which entails understanding content-specific instructional strategies that aid students in conceptually understanding topics related to force and motion.

Therefore, Teachers' comprehension of the instructional strategies they use when teaching issues connected to force and motion is revealed through an examination of the teaching techniques they shared during our conversations.

Learn more about Knowledge from

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