Find two values of angle A between 2pi where sin A = [tex] \frac{ - \sqrt{2 } }{2} [/tex]


Answer 1



First of all, we know that

[tex]\sin \frac{\pi}{4}=\frac{\sqrt[]{2}}{2}[/tex]

And knowing the unit circle, we know that the sine takes negative values in 3rd and 4th quadrants. Therefore, from the above value of the angle, If we go π radians counterclockwise, we encounter negative values of sine; hence,

[tex]\sin \lbrack\frac{\pi}{4}+\pi\rbrack=-\frac{\sqrt[]{2}}{2}[/tex][tex]\rightarrow\sin \frac{5\pi}{4}=\frac{-\sqrt[]{2}}{2}[/tex]

The second value of the angle that yields the above value for sine is found by adding π/2 radians to the angle above (we are now in the 4th quadrant)

[tex]\sin \frac{5\pi}{4}+\frac{\pi}{2}=-\frac{\sqrt[]{2}}{2}[/tex]

[tex]\rightarrow\sin \frac{7\pi}{4}=-\frac{\sqrt[]{2}}{2}[/tex]

Hence, the two values of angles between 0 and 2π are 5π/4 and 7π/4.

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a grid 2/3 of the squares are shaded with color.

And 1/4 of the squares on the grid is shaded blue

So, to Find the fraction of the Shaded squares are blue squares ​

Multiply both fractions



so, the answer will be 1/6 of the Shaded squares are blue squares

Line Segment AC is 10 centimeters (cm) long, Point M is the midpoint of AC.What will happen to the length of AC if Point A is moved so that the length of AM is squared and the length of MC remains the same?The length of AC will triple.The length of AC will double.The length of AC will be squared.The length of AC will be five times as large.


We know that AC is 10 centimeters long, and M is the midpoint of AC.

If we move point A as the problem says, we have.

As you can observe, the length of AC is triple.

Hence, the right answer is the first option: The length of AC will triple.

Solve 2sin (2x) + 2 = 0 on the interval [0, 27).π 3π 9π 11π8' 85π 7π4 4π 9π8' 85π 7π 13π 15π8' 8' 8' 8


[tex]\begin{gathered} 2\sin \mleft(2x\mright)+\sqrt{2}=0 \\ 2\sin \mleft(2x\mright)=-\sqrt{2} \\ \sin \mleft(2x\mright)=-\frac{\sqrt{2}}{2} \\ \text{General solution for }\sin \mleft(2x\mright)=-\frac{\sqrt{2}}{2} \\ 2x=\frac{5\pi}{4}+2\pi n,\: 2x=\frac{7\pi}{4}+2\pi n \\ x=\frac{5\pi}{8}+\pi n,\: x=\frac{7\pi}{8}+\pi n \end{gathered}[/tex]

Which number line shows the solutions to n -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6


The expression


means "n takes values less than -3 but without taking the 3", for the symbol <.

Then, the number line that shows the solutions of the expression is

which of the following describes the area of a circle?


The area of the circle is given by:

[tex]A=\pi r^2[/tex]

So, the area of a circle is basically:

[tex]A=\frac{1}{2}\times2\pi r\times r[/tex]

It can be seen as the number of squares inside of the circle

I need to know the new equation, I’ve provided a picture


Hello there. To solve this question, we'll simply have to make x => x + 5 in the function.

Given the function:


We have to determine f(x + 5)

By making x => x + 5 in this function, we get:


Now remember the binomial expansion of order 2:


Therefore we have:

[tex]f(x+5)=4\cdot(x^2+2\cdot x\cdot5+5^2)-3[/tex]

Multiply the terms inside parentheses and calculate the square.


Apply the distributive property


Multiply and add the numbers

[tex]\begin{gathered} f(x+5)=4x^2+40x+100-3 \\ \boxed{f(x+5)=4x^2+40x+97} \end{gathered}[/tex]

This is the answer we're looking for.

A way of showing this is the correct answer is to make x = 1 and x = 6 in the former function:

[tex]\begin{gathered} f(1)=4\cdot1^2-3=4\cdot1-3=4-3=1 \\ f(6)=4\cdot6^2-3=4\cdot36-3=144-3=141 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Then making x = 1 in the expression we found after:


As expected.

Find the volume of the rectangular prism O 8 cubic units O 4 cubic units 6 cubic units O 3 cubic units


Given data:

The given rectangular prism.

The volume of the given prism is,

[tex]\begin{gathered} V=6(\text{volume of a cube)} \\ =\text{ 6(1 cubic-units)} \\ =\text{ 6 cubic-unis} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Let's say you have a bag with 12 cherries, 4 of the cherries are sweet and 8 are sour. If you pick a cherry atrandom, what is the probability that it will be sweet? Write your answer as a reduced fraction.Pot)


1) A rolled die has just 6 outcomes; from 1 to 6

[tex]\text{Probability = }\frac{number\text{ of required events}}{nu\text{mber of total events}}[/tex]

Number of total events for a die = 6

[tex]\begin{gathered} a)\text{ p(6) } \\ \text{for this the number of required events = 1 because there can and there is only one six showing at a time} \\ p(6)\text{ =}\frac{1}{6} \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} b)\text{ p(even)} \\ Here\text{ number of total events are 1,2,3,4,5 and 6} \\ \text{The number of even numbers = 3} \\ \\ p(\text{even) =}\frac{3}{6}=\frac{1}{2} \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} c)p(\text{greater than 1)} \\ \text{Here total number of outcomes are 1,2,3,4,5 and 6} \\ \text{numbers greater than 1 are 2,3,4,5 and 6}\ldots..\text{ Th}ere\text{ are 5 of them} \\ \text{Hence} \\ p(\text{greater than 1) =}\frac{5}{6} \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} 2)\text{ Total number of cherries = 12} \\ p(\text{sweet) =}\frac{number\text{ of sw}eet\text{ cherries}}{Total\text{number of cherries}} \\ \text{number of swe}et\text{ cherries= 4} \\ p(\text{sweet) =}\frac{4}{12}=\frac{1}{3} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Can you just tell me the answer to this problem I need to finish it quickly I don’t need to work lol sorry it’s #6 I need help in


The combined triangles will look as shown below:

It can be observed that the lengths of the three sides fit alongside one another perfectly. This means that the lengths are equal.

Also, the middle piece of the three triangles has no space when it aligns with the other two triangles. This means that all the angles add up to 180°.It would also be a safe assumption that the angles are equal to each other, therefore the measure of each angle will be:


Therefore, it can be observed that the sides and angles of the three triangles are equal.

Art wants to calculate the diagonal distance across opposite corners of a rectangular parcel. The parcel is 161’ by 326’ . How long is the diagonal measurement?


Recall that the formula for the length of the diagonal of a rectangle is:


Where a, and b are the lengths of the sides of the rectangle.

Substituting a=161´, b=326´ in the above formula we get:

[tex]\begin{gathered} l=\sqrt[]{(161^{\prime})^2+(326^{\prime})^2}, \\ l=363.5890537^{\prime}\text{.} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Answer: 363.5890537 ´.

grandma has $250000 to invest. she divides her money into two accounts. one account is in ultra-safe treasury bills paying 4% interest, and the other is in riskier corporate bonds paying 6%. if she needs $12,000 per year in income from her investments, how much should she invest in each account


for the ultra-safe treasury bills:

[tex]\begin{gathered} I_1=PV\cdot r\cdot t \\ I_1=x\cdot0.04\cdot1 \\ I_1=0.04x \\ \text{where:} \\ x=\text{amount 1} \end{gathered}[/tex]

For riskier corporate bonds:

[tex]\begin{gathered} I_2=PV\cdot r\cdot t \\ I_2=y\cdot0.06\cdot1 \\ I_2=0.06y \\ \text{Where:} \\ y=\text{amount 2} \end{gathered}[/tex]

she needs $12,000 per year, so:

[tex]\begin{gathered} I_1+I_2=12000 \\ 0.04x+0.06y=12000 \end{gathered}[/tex]

grandma has $250000 to invest, therefore:



[tex]\begin{gathered} x+y=250000\text{ (1)} \\ 0.04x+0.06y=12000\text{ (2)} \\ \text{From (1) solve for x:} \\ x=250000-y\text{ (3)} \\ \text{ Replace (3) into (2)} \\ 0.04(250000-y)+0.06y=12000 \\ 10000-0.04y+0.06y=12000 \\ 0.02y=12000-10000 \\ 0.02y=2000 \\ y=\frac{2000}{0.02} \\ y=100000 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Replace y into (3):

[tex]\begin{gathered} x=250000-100000 \\ x=150000 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, grandma needs to invest $150000 in ultra-safe treasury bills, and

Find quotient of 5,433 % 8


Find the quotient of 5,433 by 8.

8 | 5,433

Divide 54 by 8. The quotient is 6. 6x8 = 48. 54 - 48 = 6.


8 | 5433




63 by 8 is 7. 7x8 = 56. 63 - 56 = 7.


8 | 5433







73 by 8 is 9. 9x8 = 72. 73 - 72 = 1. The final step is:

679 <== Quotiet

8 | 5433









1 <== Remainder



Let's begin by identifying key information given to us:


Given: AB = CB, LABD= LABD= LCBD Prove: LA= LCStatement Reason



We know that AB = CD and that ∠ABD = CBD because it is given information.

Then, we have that BD = BD because a side is congruent to itself. It is called the reflexive property of congruence.

Now, we can say that ΔABD = ΔBDC by SAS (Side - Angle - Side) because we have two congruent sides and the angle between them is also congruent

Finally, ∠A = ∠C because the corresponding sides of congruent triangles are congruent


Therefore, the answer is

how many people are :9 or younger ?At most 60 years old ?40 to 59 ?


Given the table represents the ages of people :

We need to find the following:

1. how many people are : 9 or younger ?

As shown in the table : the ages 0 - 9 has a frequency of 8

So, the answer is : 8 people

2. How many people at most 60 years old ?

From the table : the age 60 - 69 the frequency is 10

But there is no information to specify the age 60

The answer is : NEI

3. How many people are : 40 to 59 ?

From the table :

the age 40-49 has a frequency = 9

the age 50-59 has a frequency = 6

So, the answer is 9 + 6 = 15 people

Your friend subtracts to find
44 - 18 = 26. He uses 26+ 18 to check his work. Your
cousin tells him he should use 18 + 26. Who is correct?
Explain how you know.



technically it's both

Step-by-step explanation:

because if you have the answer plus 18 and if it works and you get 44 that will be the answer

6x-4>23what two values solve for x



[tex]6x-4>23[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} 6x-4+4>23+4 \\ 6x>27 \\ x>\frac{27}{6} \\ x>4.5 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Dane is using two differently sized water pumps to clean up flooded water. The larger pump can
remove the water alone in 240 min. The smaller pump can remove the water alone in 400 min.

How long would it take the pumps to remove the water working together?


The rate of work obtained from the 240 and 400 minutes it takes for the large and small pumps to remove the water alone respectively, gives the duration it takes for the two pumps to remove the water working together as 150 minutes.

What is the rate of work formula?

The rate of work in completing a project is given by the reciprocal of the time it takes to complete the project.

The given parameters are;

The time it takes the larger pump to remove the water, A = 240 minutes

The time it takes the smaller pump to remove the water, B = 400 minutes

The rate of doing work by the larger pump = [tex]\frac{1}{240}[/tex]

The work rate of the smaller pump = [tex]\frac{1}{400}[/tex]

The rate of work of the two pumps combined, [tex]\frac{1}{r}[/tex], is therefore;

[tex]\dfrac{1}{A} +\dfrac{1}{B} = \dfrac{1}{r}[/tex]


r = The time it takes for the two pumps to remove the water together

Which gives;

[tex]\dfrac{1}{240} +\dfrac{1}{400} = \dfrac{1}{150} = \dfrac{1}{r}[/tex]

∴ r = 150

The time it takes for the two pumps to remove the water together is 150 minutes

Learn more about rate of work here:


Answer: 150 min

(I completed the question)                  

12. What is the equation of a circle with center (6,-4) and radius 6?(x - 6)2 + (y + 4)2 = 6(x + 6)2 + (y - 4)2 = 36(x + 6)2 + (y - 4)2 = 6(x - 6)2 + (y + 4)2 = 36


The equation of a circle with center (h, k) and radius r is given by the following expression:


In this case, the center of the circle is located at (6, -4), and its radius equals 6, then by replacing 6 for h, -4 for k and 6 for r, we get:

[tex]\begin{gathered} (x-6)^2+(y-(-4))^2=6^2 \\ (x-6)^2+(y+4)^2=36 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Then, the last option is the correct answer: (x - 6)^2 + (y + 4)^2 = 36

The figure below is composed of squares and semi-circles. Find the perimeter of this shape. Show your work.




For this case we can find the perimeter of the figure with the following operation


Then the final answer would be:


evaluate the following expression 2 * 1 + 2 * 24/4


[tex]\begin{gathered} 2\times1+2\times\frac{24}{4} \\ =(2\times1)+(2\times6) \\ =2+12 \\ =24 \end{gathered}[/tex]


division is executed first followed by multiplication then addition

What is the vertex for the graph of y– 4 = - (x+1)^2??O A. (4,-1)O B. (1,-4)O c. (-1,4)O D. (-4,1)


The equiation of parabola in vertex form is:

[tex]y\text{ = a}\cdot(x-h)^2\text{ + k}[/tex]

where (h, k) are the coordinates of the vertex and a is a constant. In our case we have:


add 4 to both sides:

[tex]y\text{ -4 +4 = -}(x+1)^2\text{ + 4}[/tex]


[tex]y=-(x+1)^2\text{ + 4}[/tex]

Therefore we already have it in the vertex form and we have to:

[tex]\begin{gathered} h\text{ = -1 } \\ k\text{ = 4} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore the answer is c. (-1, 4)

5 Ramon sched 13 -6 She said she thought about taking away and then 3 more from 13. CanRamon do this? Show a diagram and write an equation to show what this solution path would look like


we know that

14-7=7 --------> given problem


we have


Rewrite the expression



Remember that





we have










we have






Please help me with these 2 questions they are both solved problems that go together with one huge problem so please answer both thank you



r = 11 in

The diameter is twice the radius, so:

d = 2*11 = 22 inches


d = 18 inches

The radius is half the diameter, so:

r = 18/2 = 9 inches

Select all the statements below that are true for the following graph


From the graph given,

It is an absolute function

The following statements are true about the graph

i) The vertex is located at (2, -2)

ii) The graph has two zeros

ii) The range is [-2, ∞)

Use the Distance and Slope Formulas to complete the tables below. Round to the nearest tenth,1. Find the length of MN, given the coordinates M (4,- 4) and N (2.0).imImMN:


Given the coordinates;

[tex]\begin{gathered} M(4,-4) \\ N(2,0) \end{gathered}[/tex]

The slope m of the line MN is;

[tex]\begin{gathered} m=\frac{y_2-y_1}{x_2-x_1} \\ \text{Where x}_1=4,y_1=-4,x_2=2,y_2=0 \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} m=\frac{0-(-4)}{2-4} \\ m=\frac{4}{-2} \\ m=-2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The slope of a line parallel to the line MN must have a slope equal to line MN, that is;

[tex]\mleft\Vert m=-2\mright?[/tex]

The slope of a line perpendicular to line MN has a slope of negative reciprocal of line MN, that is;

[tex]\begin{gathered} \perp m=-\frac{1}{-2} \\ \perp m=\frac{1}{2} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Using the distance formula to find the length of MN, the formula is given as;

[tex]D=\sqrt[]{(y_2-y_1)^2+(x_2-x_1)^2}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} \text{Where x}_1=4,y_1=-4,x_2=2,y_2=0 \\ |MN|=\sqrt[]{(0-(-4)^2+(2-4)^2} \\ |MN|=\sqrt[]{16+4} \\ |MN|=\sqrt[]{20} \\ |MN|=4.5 \end{gathered}[/tex]

If Rolle's Theorem can be applied, find all values of c in the open interval (a, b) such that f '(c) = 0. (Enter your answers as a comma-separated list. If Rolle's Theorem cannot be applied, enter NA.)


Since we can apply Rolle's Theorem:

[tex]\begin{gathered} f^{\prime}(x)=-\sin (x) \\ so\colon \\ f^{\prime}(x)=0 \\ -\sin (x)=0 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Take the inverse sine of both sides:

[tex]\begin{gathered} x=\sin ^{-1}(0) \\ x=\pi n \\ n\in\Z \end{gathered}[/tex]

Since it is for the interval:


The solutions are:



[tex]\begin{gathered} c=\frac{3\pi}{2},\frac{5\pi}{2} \\ or \\ c\approx4.71,7.85 \end{gathered}[/tex]

please help me 60 points please show all work this is due in 15 minutes5x-(3x-6)=182(3x-4)=102x+7=5x+16x/3-8=-23x – 6 = -12x/-3=8


[tex]\begin{gathered} 5x-(3x-6)=18 \\ 5x-3x+6=18 \\ 2x+6=18 \\ 2x=18-6 \\ 2x=12 \\ x=\frac{12}{2} \\ x=6 \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} 2x+7=5x+16 \\ 2x-5x=16-7 \\ -3x=9 \\ x=\frac{9}{-3} \\ x=-3 \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{x}{3}-8=-2 \\ \frac{x}{3}=-2+8 \\ \frac{x}{3}=6 \\ x=18 \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} 3x-6=-12 \\ 3x=-12+6 \\ 3x=-6 \\ x=-\frac{6}{3} \\ x=-2 \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{x}{-3}=8 \\ x=(8)(-3) \\ x=-24 \end{gathered}[/tex]

I need help question



The diffrentiated function will be



[tex]\begin{gathered} y=x^n \\ \frac{dy}{dx}=nx^{n-1} \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} y=kx \\ \frac{dy}{dx}=k \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} y=k \\ \frac{dy}{dx}=0 \end{gathered}[/tex]

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To talk quite reasonably about your own quite real wrongs is the quickest way to go off your head. But people with great troubles talk about little ones, and the man who complains of the crumpled rose leaf very often has his flesh full of the thorns. But if a man has commonly a very clear and happy daily life then I think we are justified in asking that he shall not make mountains out of molehills. I do not deny that molehills can sometimes be important. Small annoyances have this evil about them, that they can be more abrupt because they are more invisible; they cast no shadow before, they have no atmosphere.No one ever had a mystical premonition that he was going to tumble over a hassock. William III died by falling over a molehill; I do not suppose that with all his varied abilities he could have managed to fall over a mountain. 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If you wish to symbolise human building draw one dark tower on the horizon; if you wish to symbolise light let there be no star in the sky. Indeed, all through that strangely lit season which we call our day there is but one star in the skya large, fierce star which we call the sun. One sun is splendid; six suns would be only vulgar. One Tower of Giotto is sublime; a row of Towers of Giotto would be only like a row of white posts. The poetry of art is in beholding the single tower; the poetry of nature in seeing the single tree; the poetry of love in following the single woman; the poetry of religion in worshipping the single star. And so, in the same pensive lucidity, I find the poetry of all human anatomy in standing on a single leg. To express complete and perfect leggishness the leg must stand in sublime isolation, like the tower in the wilderness. As Ibsen so finely says, the strongest leg is that which stands most alone. 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