Hey if your in a lower grade and doesn't now the answer to a high grades quetion then don't answer it

Hey If Your In A Lower Grade And Doesn't Now The Answer To A High Grades Quetion Then Don't Answer It
Hey If Your In A Lower Grade And Doesn't Now The Answer To A High Grades Quetion Then Don't Answer It


Answer 1


I wouldn't do that anyways lol


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How does Philadelphia represent the changes cities underwent?


Answer from the global crisis, alsoooo flooding is going to be  thir new reality,  building codes must reflect that.


Explain the quote "American blood shed on American soil.”



Douglas thought that since the climate in Kansas and Nebraska is awful for cotton plantations, he thought that the non slave states would be okay with it being passed


How did the Gadsden Purchase make it possible for people to move to
California during the gold rush?



An effect of the Gadsden Purchase was that the United States gained land from Mexico to build a planned rail. The United States finally reached an agreement to pay Mexico $10 million for a portion of land.


Please help! Will give Brainliest!
View the art shown on the British Art of the First World War, The National WWI Museum and Memorial websites. Select two pieces of art, copy and paste them below, then in your own words write a paragraph response for each. Include the following information:

* What is the picture depicting?

* Which side does it favor?

* How accurate is it and how would it affect the public’s view of the war?

Each response should have a minimum of 5 sentences and include the picture.


Answer:Liberty Memorial was designed in the early 1920s by H. Van Buren Magonigle. From 1995-2006, Abend Singleton Associates restored the original Memorial to meet national standards for accessibility and security and designed the state-of-the art Museum space and supporting facilities underneath the Liberty Memorial. Ralph Appelbaum Associates designed the innovative and engaging exhibitions in the new gallery space. Learn about the many architectural and symbolic elements that make the Liberty Memorial one of Kansas City’s iconic landmarks.The Liberty Memorial Tower rises 217 feet above the main courtyard and 268 feet above the North Lawn. The cylindrical tower is 36 feet in diameter at its base, tapering to 28 feet at the top.  Guests can take an elevator followed by 45 stairs to the open-air observation deck for a breathtaking view of the Kansas City skyline. At night, a Flame of Inspiration, created by steam and lighting effects, is emitted from the top of the tower and can be seen from miles away. The monument received designation as a National Historic Landmark in 2006 and recognition from Congress as a national memorial in 2014.


Why did the military consider Louisiana an ideal location to hold war maneuvers? Check all that apply.

-Louisiana’s large areas of open, rural land were ideal for training.
-Louisiana’s lack of ocean access meant more isolated grounds for secret tests.
-Louisiana’s varied landscape was ideal for testing out new tank technology.
-Louisiana’s atom bomb research facilities meant military bases were already in place.
-Louisiana’s leadership in manufacturing made it easy for war supplies to get to the area.


Answer:Sparsely populated, thick with undergrowth and uncharted swamps, and scarred by rural traces that turn to muck at the slightest hint of rain, central Louisiana was an ideal place to prepare an army, with vast tracts of land that could accommodate the large-scale maneuvers the Army needed to conduct.


Why are the authors discussed in lesson 4.03 important to American History?

A. They were the first group of authors that were born and raised in America, writing about issues and themes in America.

B. They all became American politicians later in life.

C. They traveled the world and taught others about America.

D. They helped fight later in the Civil War.


A is the correct answer

The authors discussed in lesson 4.03 the importance to American History because They were the first group of authors that were born and raised in America, writing about issues and themes in America. Thus the correct option is A.

What is American History?

There have been more than 400 years of literary evolution in America. Beginning in the 1600s, the earliest European settlers in North America started to record their adventures in writing. The declaration of American independence in 1776 marked the beginning of a new era.

In North America, it has a reputation earliest known in American history. The authors of lecture, 4.03 are important to American history because they wrote them after the American War had been concluded.

4.03 are important to American History because they were the first group of founders to be born and raised in the country and because they read about American issues and themes in order to give brief summary.

Therefore, option A is appropriate.

Learn more about American History, here:



Only 1% of people can highlight copy then paste it in anyone comments
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Please help me 2 okay



the second one is right


The 2 one is right

Historians struggle to decide which country had more of an impact on modern society, but both ancient Athens and Sparta were affected. While Sparta was more well-known for its military victories, Athens had scholars and thinkers that are still talked about today. Both cultures are alive and their stories are retold because of their power and pride.
What makes this an effective conclusion? Choose two correct answers.
It introduces new evidence.
It sets up the thesis statement.
It summarizes the main ideas.
It reviews the supporting evidence.
It engages the reader with a “hook.”


Answer: It summarizes the main ideas. It reviews the supporting evidence.




C. It summarizes the main ideas.

D. It reviews the supporting evidence.


I did the assignment on Edg.2021 and got it right.

What resulted from the corruption investigations in Louisiana in the late 1930s?

Earl Long was elected governor of Louisiana in 1940 in a landslide victory.

The federal government took direct control of Louisiana’s executive branch.

The 1940 elections removed the Longites from the Louisiana state legislature.

Louisiana voters elected Sam Jones, an Anti-Longite, as governor in 1940.




When the Louisiana voters in 1930 elected Huey Long to the United States Senate, the thirty-seven-year-old dynamo already exercised a tight grip over state politics, built up during his years as governor. Unwilling to relinquish the reins of state power to an unfriendly lieutenant governor, Long delayed claiming his Senate seat until January 1932. The next summer, he employed his charismatic eloquence on behalf of both presidential candidate Franklin D. Roosevelt and his personal choice for the second Louisiana Senate seat, U. S. Representative John H. Overton. Long's strength in Louisiana had no equal, and in the September 13, 1932, primary, John Overton easily defeated incumbent Senator Edwin Broussard for the Democratic nomination, a prelude to an unopposed victory in the general election.

Can someone help me with this?


Supporting the reconstruction

What is the important question that the nation struggled with from 1789 until the Civil War?


The nation struggled with Slavery in the economy and in society from 1789 to Civil War.

What were the causes of the Civil War?

At the time of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, human slavery was not limited to all 13 British colonies in the United States but also continued to play an important role in their economies and societies.

Even when the US Constitution was adopted in 1789. Very few blacks and slaves were allowed to vote or own property.

These economic divisions also led to irreconcilable political and political divisions. , most importantly, slavery in American society.

Thus, these are the challenges that the nation struggled with from 1789 until the Civil war.

To learn more about the Civil war, refer:


Why the United States shouldn't have become an imperialist nation?



Imperialism impacted societies in countless negative ways. It led to slave trade which then led to social discrimination around the world. It also damaged the cultures and created disunity among the natives. Last but not least, imperialism stripped countries off their natural resources and left nothing for the natives.


When the Romans had their revolt they established _________________. *
A kingdom
The Empire
the Republic
Pax Romana


The answer is the empire. Good luck
The answer is The republic ;)

Hi, I need help with this question.


I think A but i’m not 100% sure
Yes it’s a give them person above me credit

Why was it important for the Aztecs to form alliances with other groups in the Valley of Mexico?



I might be talking off point. But em..


One of the ways in which the Aztec expanded in strength and wealth at the time was by acting as mercenaries and warriors for other societies in the region.  For example, in the decades after the founding of Tenochtitlan they worked as warriors for the Tepanec people.  The Tepanec used the Aztec to help with their battles and campaigns in the region against other rival societies.  For their help the Aztec received portions of the wealth that the Tepanec gathered from the societies that they defeated.  As a result, the city of Tenochtitlan grew in importance and wealth throughout the 14th and 15th centuries.  In general though, the Aztec were subjects of the more powerful Tepanec and Aztec leaders were only allowed to remain in power by paying tribute to the Tepanec.  Also, during this time period, Aztec rulers increased the power of their society by forming strong alliances with other societies around Lake Texcoco.  However, the relationship between the Aztecs and the Tepanec soon became strained and a conflict emerged. Itzcoatl became the leader of the Aztec in 1427 and became the fourth tlatoani of the Aztec people.  He reigned over the Aztec Empire from 1427 until 1440, and is best remembered as the leader who saw the Aztecs become the most powerful Mesoamerican society in the Valley of Mexico.  For example, as leader he famously formed an alliance with two other societies in the area in order to overthrow their mutual rivals.  The Aztecs, Texcoco and Tlacopan joined forces in 1428 to create the Triple Alliance.  Together they fought against the Tepanec and challenged them for superiority in the Valley of Mexico.  Over time the three were able to overpower all other societies in the Valley of Mexico.  As well, the Aztec became the strongest of the Triple Alliance and Tenochtitlan became the center of power in the region.  As such, the Triple Alliance was not always equal between the three city-states and heavily benefitted the Aztec.  Regardless, the formation of the Triple Alliance allowed the Aztec to expand their empire and eventually take control over large sections of the Mesoamerican region.


Texcoco, Tenochtitlan and Tlacopán of the Triple Alliance. (Osuna Codex)

All of the Aztec rulers at this time pushed forward with expanding the Aztec Empire across Mexico and strengthening the power of Tenochtitlan.  In fact, the city grew in size and importance during this time as the Aztec culture came to dominate the region.  For example, by the early 16th century, Tenochtitlan is estimated to have been three to five square miles (eight to thirteen square kilometers), and have a population of between 200,000 and 300,000 people.  This means that it was one of the largest cities in the world at the time and larger than any in Europe.  As well, the Aztec Empire had spread far from the Valley of Mexico during this time and, at its height, the empire consisted of land across most of central Mexico including the coastlines in both the Gulf of Mexico and Pacific Ocean.  This vast expansion meant that the Aztec had conquered and suppressed many different groups of Mesoamerican peoples.  The Aztec controlled these different societies by forcing them to provide tributes for payment and ritual sacrifice.  Although the Triple Alliance made this expansion possible it also created a large number of enemies for the Aztec.  This is important because many of these enemy altepetl would join the Spanish in their assault on the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan.

Sorry, If that's a lot this took me 2 hours to write. Hope all that helps..

- Lizzie

GIVE BRANLIEST Which statement describes a success and a failure of Reconstruction?

A. The Freedmen's Bureau was formed, but Congress refused to fund it.

B. African Americans won the right to work, but most were only able to find work as sharecroppers.

C. Racial violence was eliminated, but African American freedoms were taken away.

D. A sharecropping system was set up, but Southerners refused to participate.


Im pretty sure its b because african americans win the rights to be able to find the wrights as sharecroppers
It’s b I think it’s right anyway

What is the Sahel?

an African territory that is of historical importance

a landform found only in Africa, it is a cross between a mountain and a plateau

a climatic event with high winds and heavy rains

a wide area of dry land located along the southern edge of the Sahara

help quick!!!


I belive that the answer is D. because a Sahel is not A. "an African territory of historical importance". It is not B. "a landform found only in Africa, it is a cross between a mountain and a plateau" It is not C. "a climatic event with high winds and heavy rains". But it is correct that it is "a wide area of dry land located along the southern edge of the Sahara". which makes it D.

What is an effective counterclaim for an argumentative essay on Louisiana’s economy?

It is not the case that Louisiana’s economy is stronger than it has ever been because it still faces major issues, such as unemployment.
It is true that Louisiana’s economy is the strongest that it has been in years because industry is growing and thriving across the state.
Some may incorrectly argue the state’s economy is not strong because that’s just how negative people tend to think.
It is too difficult to tell what condition the economy is actually in because there are not enough economic indicators.



its b



its B Louisana state budget has been reduced by about 9 billion dollars , which is must smaller than it has been in years.


edge 2021

free youngboy bitcxx

What have influential economists believed in throughout history? What are the advantages of market economies?



influencial ecomists want to help improve economics, the advantanges to a market economy is if one stock crashes they dont all follow, and it isn run by government its ran by the people


Drag each tile to the correct location on the diagram.
Determine whether the following descriptions belong to Montesquieu, Locke, or both.


I believe this is the answer

Developed the political idea of separation of powers.

Developed the theory of social contracts/Explored the concept of natural rights

Contributed to the Enlightenment thought

The framers of the Texas Constitution showed the strongest commitment to popular sovereignty in-


Answer: B


The framers of the Constitution created the United States Senate to protect the rights of individual states and safeguard minority opinion in a system of government designed to give greater power to the national government.

During reconstruction abraham lincoln planned to use federal resources to:



Yes it should be I think
Yes it should be correct!

I need more help ;-; IYHAGSFHDJK

Of the following, which is NOT a reason Ulysses attacks the city in “The Ciconians?”

A. The villagers are hostile.
B. Ten years of war has made them savage.
C. They are greedy
D. It will be bad luck not to attack.


C is the correct answer
The answer is C I believe !

Read the passage below and answer the question.
In the 1930s, the Australian archaeologist V. Gordon Childe proposed that this suite of changes be called the “Neolithic Revolution.” Archaeologists first used the term Neolithic (or New Stone Age) to describe distinctive polished stone tools that appear from about 10,000 years ago. But Childe insisted that the real significance of this period lay in something more revolutionary: the emergence of agriculture. Agriculture laid the foundations for all the most important developments of later human history. Today, many prehistorians resist Childe’s term because they know that when examined closely, the changes turn out to have been gradual. Contemporaries could hardly have known they were living through a revolution. Nevertheless, Childe’s notion of a Neolithic or agrarian revolution deserves to survive, for on the scale of human history as a whole, the changes were both rapid and revolutionary. During a mere 7,500 years, between 11,500 and 4,000 years ago, agricultural communities with domesticated plants and animals appeared in at least three quite separate regions of the world, and perhaps as many as seven.
Excerpt From: David Christian, Maps of Time: An Introduction to Big History (2011), 489.
Which of the following arguments regarding the relationship between polished stone tools and the emergence of agriculture is most defensible?
Choose 1 answer:

A: The emergence of agriculture caused the emergence of polished stone tools

B: The emergence of polished stone tools caused the emergence of agriculture

(Choice C)
The emergence of polished stone tools was unrelated to the emergence of agriculture

(Choice D)
The emergence of polished stone tools and agriculture were probably related, but whether one caused the other is unclear



B. The emergence of polished stone tools caused the emergence of agriculture





What does the 2nd map reveal about the extensive area in the Islamic empire by 750 CE?

Map pdf: http://cmartinresgmsd.weebly.com/uploads/3/8/3/1/38314033/muslim_trade_routes_powerpoint.pdf



This reveals that the empire grew and expanded over the time of the caliphates.


This is evident as the shaded in territories represent what they conquered.

what happen was the empire was expanding and made them stronger

How do you think that Helen Keller was able to overcome her obstacles? Please describe an obstacle you’ve overcome.


Answer: I think Helen Keller got over her obstacles because there was someone that believed in her and there was someone to put pressure on her and that pressure helped her work harder for what she wanted. Which was to talk and see again.


I had a spelling bee and I was the only one from my school and I was anxious and scared to death that I was going to fail. But, I practiced and made sure that I did good and I reached my goal.

(I hope this helps you.)


I believe that Helen Keller was able to overcome her obstacles by not giving up and by her teacher Ms. Sullivan teaching her to communicate using the manual alphabet since she was blind and deaf. Although she was she let nothing get in the way of her education.

(Your obstacle you overcame) or you can use mine which is:

An obstacle I overcame was facing the unknown. Its come to me that I had become comfortable with what I am familiar and wanted to stay in that zone but there were many new things that I was too scared to try and were way out of my comfort zone because I did not know what could happen. That obstacle stopped me from many great opportunities and I came to the point in my life where I decided I was going to overcome it and was not going to give anymore excuses because that was all I was doing. Although it was not easy I stepped out of my comfort zone and took the opportunities given to me which was for the better and now I'm in a great place. Of course it was not easy but it will will be that's why they are called obstacles but you should not just give up because that's when you need to try your hardest.


plz plz plz plz hury ppppppppppppplllllllllllllllllzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Justinian is the answer. Hope this helps!

What happened to the population of Breckenridge, Texas?

A.The discovery of oil at Breckenridge swelled its population, then ten years later the town's population went down.

B.The discovery of oil at Beaumont caused many citizens from Breckenridge to abandon the town.

C.The discovery of oil at Breckenridge caused an environmental hazard that forced people to abandon the city.

D.This discovery of oil at Breckenridge swelled its population which caused it to remain one of Texas's largest cities.





beccaceeee soorryyyy I have to make this 20 characters

The answer is A!!!!!!

How did the following factors increase American production?

War, communication improvements, transportation improvements, and mass production





they needed guns and supplies for the soldiers  

communication...: people could ask for a certain product  

transportation...: get supplies easier for making stuff  

mass...: they could make large quantities of stuff faster

They required guns and supplies for the soldiers because of the war, people may request a specific product through communication, transportation could access supplies for producing things more easily, and mass production could produce enormous amounts of goods more quickly.

How do the factors increase American production?

War: Gunsmiths made it easier for soldiers to obtain the weapons and equipment they needed to fight.

Communication advancements: The telephone enabled individuals to ask for a specific person and speak with them practically quickly.

Transportation advancements: Cars and boats allowed humans to access supplies for producing things more quickly.

Mass production: Factories made it possible to produce enormous quantities of goods in a short period of time.

For more information about American production, refer below


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