hardest one yet..
complete all of these
i mean all of em

Hardest One Yet..complete All Of Thesei Mean All Of Em
Hardest One Yet..complete All Of Thesei Mean All Of Em
Hardest One Yet..complete All Of Thesei Mean All Of Em
Hardest One Yet..complete All Of Thesei Mean All Of Em
Hardest One Yet..complete All Of Thesei Mean All Of Em


Answer 1


1st one: 16

2nd one: 16

3rd one: 64

4th one: 27

5th one: 1000

Step-by-step explanation:

Have a great day

Related Questions

A square is inscribed in a circle as shown. If the side length of the square is 16 feet, calculate the area of the shaded region to the nearest tenth.



probably 145.15ft^2 but who really knows good luck

Step-by-step explanation:

we're gonna have to find the area of the square and circle and then subtract the square area to see the remaining shaded area's value. if the square has side of length 16 then we know it's area is 16ftx16ft=256ft^2. Now the area of the circle requires us to know its radius. we see the diagonal dashed line travels the diameter of the circle. you can use pythagoras theorem to find its length so sqrt(16^2+16^2)=22.63ft. but this is diameter and we want radius so 22.63/2=11.3ft. the formula for the area of a circle is pi*r^2 so pi*11.3^2=401.15ft^2. now we can say 401.15-256=145.15ft^2

The sum of 25 and h is divided by f cubed.​


the answer is (25+_h) / f3

How do you solve 3n-4=14! I need it explained


Here you go!
+4 +4
(Divide both sides by 3)



Step-by-step explanation:


Add 4 to both sides;




Divide both sides by 3




Milo has 5 nickels. Milo has 6 fewer nickels than Elliott. How many nickels does Elliott have?




Step-by-step explanation:

x - 6 = 5

Parents of children with developmental disorders can apply for federal funding, to help pay for psychosocial rehabilitation. A sociologist working for the annual Current Population Survey wants to know the percentage of applicants for this funding who are in poverty. She needs a sample of applicants from across the U.S., so she groups all of the applications by state and randomly selects applicants from each state. What sampling scheme did she use



Stratified sampling

Step-by-step explanation:

key word "groups"

The sampling scheme did she used is stratified sampling.

What is stratified sampling?

It is a method of sampling where the division of the population should be split into the smaller subgroup called a strata. The strata should be created depending upon on the members shared like the income etc. Here the sample should be needed for applicants for across the US also it randomly selects the applicants for each state.

So, The sampling scheme did she used is stratified sampling.

Learn more about a sample here: https://brainly.com/question/24526520

The director of a customer service center wants to estimate the mean number of customer calls the center handles each day, so he randomly samples 29 different days and records the number of calls each day. The sample yields a mean of 279.4 calls with a standard deviation of 25.1 calls per day. He can be 99% confident that the mean number of calls per day is between 266.5 and ________. (Round your answer to 1 decimal place.)



He can be 99% confident that the mean number of calls per day is between 266.5 and 292.3.

Step-by-step explanation:

Confidence interval:

A confidence interval is symmetric, which means that the difference between the sample mean and the lower bound is the same as the difference between the upper bound and the sample mean.

In this question:

Sample mean: 279.4 calls

Lower bound: 266.5 calls

Upper bound: x calls

Due to the symmetry of the confidence interval:

[tex]x - 279.4 = 279.4 - 266.5[/tex]

[tex]x = 12.9 + 279.4[/tex]

[tex]x = 292.3[/tex]


He can be 99% confident that the mean number of calls per day is between 266.5 and 292.3.

A parallogram is ______________ a rectangle.




sometimes a square could be a parallelogram too and a rhombus and a normal parallelogram

Step-by-step explanation:

it has two parallel pairs

Scores on the GRE.
A college senior who took the Graduate Record Examination exam scored 560 on the Verbal Reasoning section and 740 on the Quantitative Reasoning section. The mean score for Verbal Reasoning section was 460 with a standard deviation of 132, and the mean score for the Quantitative Reasoning was 452 with a standard deviation of 140. Suppose that both distributions are nearly normal. Round calculated answers to 4 decimal places unless directed otherwise.
(a) Write down the short-hand for these two normal distributions
(b) What is her Z score on the Verbal Reasoning section? On the Quantitative Reasoning section? Draw a standard normal distribution curve and mark these two Z scores.
(c) What do these Z scores tell you?
(d) Relative to others, which section did she do better on?
(e) Find her percentile scores for the two exams.
(f) What percent of the test takers did better than her on the Verbal Reasoning section? On the Quantitative Reasoning section?



Kindly check explanation

Step-by-step explanation:


Score, x = 560

Mean, m = 460

Standard deviation, s = 132

Quantitative :

Score, x = 740

Mean, m = 452

Standard deviation, s = 140


Verbal :

X ~ N(460, 132)

Quantitative :

X ~ N(452, 140)


What is her Z score on the Verbal Reasoning section? On the Quantitative Reasoning section? Draw a standard normal distribution curve and mark these two Z scores.

Zscore = (x - m) / s

Verbal :

Zscore = (560 - 460) / 132 = 0.758

Quantitative :

Zscore = (740 - 452) /140 = 2.057


He has a higher standardized score in the quantitative than the verbal score.


The Zscore shows that he performed better in the quantitative reasoning than verbal.

(e) Find her percentile scores for the two exams.

(f) What percent of the test takers did better than her on the Verbal Reasoning section? On the Quantitative Reasoning section?

Verbal :

Score greater than 560

P(x > 560) :

Z = (560 - 460) / 132 = 0.758

P(Z > 0.758) = 0.22423 = 22.4%

Quantitative :

Score greater than 740

P(x > 740) :

Z = (740 - 452) / 140 = 2.057

P(Z > 0.758) = 0.0198 = 1.98%



Answer: 1/2 and 3/6

Explanation: 1/2 is equal to 3/6 because if you divide both 3 and 6 by 2 it’s 1/2

Not sure about 4

The RANGE of the graphed function is



8b+3=35. when solving for B what is ur first step ​



Put B on the one side, then the numbers go on the other side

Simplify the expression: 5(-5 + 2y) =


The answer is-25+ 10y

Adam has 1/2 quart of milk. If he pours the same amount if milk into 3 glasses. How many quarts of milk will each glass have?

Adam tiene 1/2 cuarto de litro de leche. Si vierte la misma cantidad si la leche en 3 vasos. ¿Cuántos cuartos de leche tendrá cada vaso​



3/2 or 1 1/2

Step-by-step explanation:

So 1/2 * 3 = 3/2 or 1.5 which as a fraction simplified is 1 1/2. Hope that helps!

1/2 ÷ 3= 1/2 ÷ 3/1=1/2 •1/3=1/6
Each glass will have 1/6 quart of milk

The first week of January it
snowed 12 inches. This week
it snowed 16 inches. How
many inches has it snowed in



28 inches

Step-by-step explanation:

the answer is 28 inches

12+16= 28

Number of snow snowed in January = 12 inches

Number of snow snowed this week = 16 inches

Number of snow snowed at all = 12+16

= 28 inches

hence it snowed 28 inches at all

How many digits will be in the quotient?
39) 4,641
1 digit
3 digits
2 digits
4 digits


Hopes this helps:

Answer: 4 digits

• How do you write the mixed number shown as a fraction greater than l? 3 4​



[tex] \frac{14}{4} [/tex]

simplified [tex] \frac{7}{2} [/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

To turn a mixed number into a fraction :

[tex]3\frac{ + 2}{ \times 4} [/tex]

3 x 4 =12 +2 =14 that will be your numerator (top number on a fraction)

and 4 will be your demoninator (bottom number)

Given the following right triangle, solve for the missing side length, r: *

29.24 m
200 m
30 m
2.5 m


Answer: 29.24 m
Ex: sin20deg = 10/r

Connie has to solve the following problem.
5 boxes of cereal costs $12.50. How much will 18 boxes cost.
Choose EVERY proportion Connie could use to solve this problem.
- 12.5/5 = 18/x
- 5/12.5 = 18/x
- 5/12.5 = x/18
- 5/18 =12.50/x


Answer: A

Step-by-step explanation:

Because to find if proportional you need to divide

Mr. Ramone brought home 1/2 of an apple pie from work. He wants to share the apple pie equally among six friends. What is the amount of pie that each six people will receive.




Step-by-step explanation:

6) The coordinates of the origin are​




Step-by-step explanation:


Determine the coordinates of the origin

In geometry, the coordinates of the origin is the point where x and y are 0.


[tex]x = 0[/tex] and [tex]y = 0[/tex]

So, the coordinate (x,y) is (0,0)





Step-by-step explanation:

What is the equation of the circle with a radius of 4 and a center at (3, 2) ?



(x - 3)^2 + (y + 2)^2 = 16

Step-by-step explanation:

(x - h)^2 + (y - k)^2 = r^2

r = radius

(h, k ) is center of circle.

The center of the circle is (3, 2) and r is 4.

(x - 3)^2 + (y + 2)^2


Best of luck :3

John sells apples for $5 per bunch and watermelons for $3 a piece. He made $100 today and sold 10 watermelons. How many bunches of apples did he sell?




Step-by-step explanation:





he sold 14 apples

Step-by-step explanation:

multiply 10 (watermelon) and 3 (the cost) which is 30

now subtract 30 from 100 which is 70

last do 5 (the cost of apple bunch) by 70 to find the total number of bunches he sold which is 14

this was useless because a selected the exact answers and they where all wrong :(




Step-by-step explanation:

Maybe! I think people are all nice to help. Sometime is wrong but their is nice don't you think?

What is another name for angle 1? 1.∠JNL 2. ∠N 3. ∠MNK 4.∠NLJ



1. <JNL

Step-by-step explanation:

Point N is the vertex of angle 1. Therefore, we can give <1 another name by using 3 letters which includes the letter of vertex point in the middle, and two other letters of the two rays that meets at the vertex point.

Thus, JN and LN meets at point N. Therefore angle 1 can be named as:


What fraction, in hundredths, is equivalent to 1/10




Step-by-step explanation:

One-tenth equals 0.1 and one-hundredth equals 0.01, which means that hundredth equals 10 hundredths.


Step-by-step explanation:


Make a sketch of a fourth degree polynomial function with two complex roots and two real roots​


I cannot really graph it but I will try my best to explain.

When you have a coordinate plane draw from right to left, up to down.

Now starting from righthand top corner, draw a smooth curve just like how you will draw a quadratic equation, through the x axis then curve back making the graph touch the axis at 2 points. That's the 2 real roots

Now make another curve down but this time not touching the x axis and then curving back up to the top left corner, this meant the 2 complex roots.

This is not the only way to do it, as long as one complete curve is not touching the x axis and another complete curve, weather as a whole or combined is touching the x axis at 2 points, it has 2 real and complex roots.

3x/5 - 2 = x + 1/3
Solve the equation above for x.


The answer is x=-35/6

Show that 4x – 7 is equivalent to 4(x - 1) – 3 when x = 3.​



4(3) - 7 = 4(3 - 1) - 3

12 - 7 = 4(2) - 3

5 = 8 - 3

= 5

They are equivalent because when they are both simplified they have the same answer 5

Here is some record-keeping from a coffee shop about their paper cups. Cups are delivered 2,000 at a time. How many paper cups are left at the end of the day on Wednesday?




Step-by-step explanation:

Tuesday + Wednesday - Monday

1748 is the correct answer
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