Please help me please help me this is my final!!!!!!!!! True or false

Please Help Me Please Help Me This Is My Final!!!!!!!!! True Or False


Answer 1
Hitler did not follow everything from the treaty of versailles, he rebuilt his military and moved troops back into the rhineland, so the answer is false

Related Questions

What is something Germany did not lose after World War II?


Answer: Germany didn't fare well after World War I, as it was thrown into troubling economic and social disorder.


What class made up the working class of people in Rome? What upset this group of people and led to civil wars in Rome?



A thing that made up the working class of people in Rome upset and led to civil wars in Rome is described below in brief details.


The political and all other important position in the government was controlled by the powerful and wealthy families which upset the working class because they are lacking with the basic opportunities. The backbone of the empire was the peasants but they were powerless to contend with the wealthy landowners. The aristocrats employed slave labor.  

Although globalization affects every country in the world, which region below is the most involved?

a. Asia
b. Australia
c. Antarctica
d. Africa


The correct answer has to be a.Asia

Cool air sinking causes:
O A. Low Pressure
O B. A storm
O C. High Pressure
OD. Precipitation


A) Warm air rises, creating a low pressure zone; cool air sinks, creating a high pressure zone. Air that moves horizontally between high and low pressure zones makes wind. The greater the pressure difference between the pressure zones the faster the wind moves.
A( low)

Name the ore of aluminium.write the names of any four countries where it is mined.​


Bauxite ore



The chief ore of aluminium is Bauxite. The four countries where aluminium is found are China, Russia, Canada, and U.S.A


Which piece of Wegener’s evidence for continental drift most closely relates to the North Pole Glacier? Explain.


Answer: Today, glacial deposits formed during the Permo-Carboniferous glaciation (about 300 million years ago) are found in Antarctica, Africa, South America, India and Australia. If the continents haven’t moved, then this would suggest an ice sheet extended from the south pole to the equator at this time - which is unlikely as the UK at this time was also close to the equator and has extensive coal and limestone deposits. If the continents of the southern hemisphere are re-assembled near the south pole, then the Permo-Carboniferous ice sheet assumes a much more reasonable size.

More evidence comes from glacial striations – scratches on the bedrock made by blocks of rock embedded in the ice as the glacier moves. These show the direction of the glacier, and suggest the ice flowed from a single central point.


I’m smart

The piece of Wegener’s evidence for continental drift most closely relates to the North Pole Glacier are fossils.

What is continental drift?

Continental drift is the theory that the Earth's continents have shifted relative to one another during geologic time, giving the appearance of "drifting" across the ocean floor.

Wegener supported his continental drift theory with fossil data. These species' fossils have been discovered in distant lands. Grooves and rock deposits left by prehistoric glaciers can still be observed today on many continents around the equator.

Glacial striations, which are scratches on the bedrock caused by chunks of granite stuck in the ice as the glacier advances, provide more evidence. These depict the glacier's orientation and imply that the ice flowed from a single focal location.

As a result, Fossils are the element of Wegener's evidence for continental drift that is most directly related to the North Pole Glacier.

Learn more about Continental drift here:


Which countries had dictators step down after pressure from protestors? 10 poi
Mark all that apply. *








What happens when water vapors hit cooler air?



the water condensates and forms droplets


Imagine you could travel in a straight line through Earth from a point on one
side and come out on the other side. What compositional layer would you
travel through in the exact center of Earth?
A. core
B. crust
C. lithosphere
D. mesosphere
Can someone HELPP meeee pleaseee


you would go through the core at the exact center

The compositional layer that we would travel through the exact centre of Earth is the core. The correct option is a.

What do you understand by the term core?

Earth has two layers of core, they inner and outer core. The Inner Core has the centre and the hottest layer of the Earth. The inner core is solid and made up of iron and nickel with temperatures up to 5,500oC. Due to its immense heat energy, the inner core is more like the engine room of the Earth.

The outer core of the Earth is similar to a very hot ball of metals, whose temperature is around 4000 oF to 90000F. It is so hot that the metals inside are all liquid. The outer core is around 1800 miles under the crust and is approximately 1400 miles thick. It is composed of metals such as iron and nickel.

The outer core surrounds the inner core.

Learn more about core, here:


An ancient fossilized fish has been found in a layer of rock. What is most likely true for the layer of rock?

A. It consists of sedimentary rock.

B. It consists of igneous rock.

C. It formed in a glacier.

D. It formed a few years ago.​



b;it consists of sedimentary rock

A mineral is a combination of two or more rocks that are composed of pure elements or pure compounds.

a. True
b. False



True because when two or more compounds combine,a process takes place which results in producing minerals

Which tone appears to be louder to you?



depends on the tones my guy


if there were tones i would be able too help you but sorry


I don't see no tones bro!!

Do stereotypes, bias, and discrimination exist against Muslim? What are they?



Yes they do exist, some big stereotypes are the common ones like they are all bombers and face discrimination almost everywhere. in fact i believe it is in china where they are suffering from being forced into concentration camps.






What are supposed to do for the assignment?

3. What mountain range separates Europe from the Middle East?



The highest point (Mt. Ararat) is located in the Eastern Taurus range. This extinct volcano is 16,583 ft. (5,137m) high. It is felt by biblical historians that Noah's Ark landed here. The Koroglu and Ponic ranges stretch along the Black Sea coast of northern Turkey.Aug 14, 2015

Hope this helps u any.



The Urals Mountain range


On the graph on the right, I’m suppose to put an arrow to show the correct direction that a ship should pass

I just need help on where to place the arrow :,(


It should pass from (10,8) if you dont have to worry about the island but if you do then it should start from (10,6 or 7) it should then pass towards (4,10) for both possibilities. it should then continue on to (1,6 or 7).

what is a ideal spot for nomadic sheep herding



The Pamirs is an ideal spot for nomadic sheep herding

Answer: pamirs


1.What landforms are found in Florida?
2.What are some reasons why landforms are found in specific regions?
3.What factors are involved in the formation of Florida’s landforms?
4.What landforms are present near our school?
5.Where is there evidence of weathering/erosion/deposition in Florida’s landforms?



You have hills, dunes, sea banks, ravines, limestone cliffs on the swanee river and a lot of flat. You have got things in certain places because of erosion from all of the water, I don't know what school you go to and again, look at the swanee river.


Which of the following is an accurate statement about countries that provide many social services (public education, universal healthcare, etc) to their citizens? They generally have higher taxes. They are usually unstable governments with unstable economies. They generally have very little government involvement in the economy.​



The first two


True or false
Amplitude of a wave is how high the waves rises above for alls below) the baseline (0 mm) of the seisundgram.



I think it's true because....


The amplitude of a wave is the height of a wave as measured from the highest point on the wave (peak or crest) to the lowest point on the wave (trough). Wavelength refers to the length of a wave from one peak to the next. ... The wavelength is measured from peak to peak.

Why was the Cumberland Gap a good place for a trail?



The Cumberland Gap is one of the few crossable places in the entire lower Appalachians, making it a safe and convenient place to cross the Appalachians in many seasons.


why is conflict healthy sometimes​



Conflict can be a healthy part of personal and professional relationships. Extensive research has demonstrated that conflict, when managed properly, strengthens relationships and teams and can serve as a catalyst for better solutions, innovation and growth.

Please give brainliest


Conflict can be a healthy part of personal and professional relationships. Extensive research has demonstrated that conflict, when managed properly, strengthens relationships and teams and can serve as a catalyst for better solutions, innovation and growth.


Please give me brainlist

Which of the following are true.

The Sun's energy hits the Earth at the same angle on all places on Earth.

Daylight hours are equal for all places on Earth.

Number of daylight hours changes based on where you are on the Earth and what season it is.





The sun and amount of sunlight are different in every part of the earth depending on many factors.

C the reason is because while the earth is spinning the sun can’t all the spot on earth it’s like putting a bag in front of a light and you spin the bag the light is not gonna get the whole bag while it’s spinning there will be a dark side of the bag and a side where the light shines on

Which parts of the UK are most likely to experience high levels of



The west of the UK


The prevailing warm moist westerly winds mean that the west of the UK is more likely to receive rainfall from Atlantic weather systems, in the form of frontal rainfall.

which statement best describes ocean floors and land surfaces?
A. Both results from plates colliding or sliding past each other.
B. Ocean floors are the bottom of thick plates, while land surfaces are the tops of thin, dense plates.
C. Ocean floors are the tops of thin. Dense plates, while land surfaces are the tops of thick, less dense plates.
D. Both result from plates spreading outward or sliding past each other.

I need the answer ASAP!



A and D can’t be true because these create valleys and volcanos and we are not talking about those and C makes no sense because ocean floors are thicker thus making B the answer. hope this helped!

5. Mining has polluted mountain streams in western U.S. watersheds and accounts for about half of all the
country's emissions of toxic chemicals.

a. True
b. False



a. True


Mining is defined as the process of extraction of minerals from Earth. Mining is one of the major reason of water pollution as it affects water in processing ore and allows the discharge of  mine effluent into the rivers or sea.

Mining in U.S. is active from very long time and it extract or process several minerals such as coal, metals such as copper,  iron, and industrial minerals.

The given statement is true,  western U.S. watersheds are majorly affected by mining as per the report of EPA and mining became biggest source of toxic pollution.

Hence, the correct answer is "a. True".

What role did COLONIALISM play in Africa?


In popular parlance, discussions of colonialism in Africa usually focus on the European conquests of the New Imperialism and the Scramble for Africa (1884-1914) era, followed by gradual decolonisation. The principal powers involved in the modern colonisation of Africa are Britain, France, Germany, Portugal, and Italy.

where does the Paraguay river meet the Atlantic Ocean​



Río de la Plata

It merges first with the Paraguay River and then farther downstream with the Uruguay River to form the Río de la Plata and empties into the Atlantic Ocean.

Río de la Plata, it merges and then meets the ocean

Find the lengths of the diagonals of rectangle WXYZ.
WY= 6x - 7
XZ = 3x + 2


Lengths of diagonals of the rectangle are [tex]\boldsymbol{11}[/tex] units, [tex]\boldsymbol{11}[/tex] units respectively.

To understand the calculations, check below.

Define rectangle.

A rectangle is a parallelogram in which each angle is a right angle.

Diagonals of a rectangle are equal.







So, lengths of diagonals are [tex]\boldsymbol{11}[/tex] units, [tex]\boldsymbol{11}[/tex] units respectively.

Find out more information about rectangle here:

The length of the diagonals of rectangle are 11 units.

What is a rectangle?

The internal angles of a rectangle, which has four sides, are all exactly 90 degrees. At each corner or vertex, the two sides come together at a straight angle. The rectangle differs from a square because its two opposite sides are of equal length.

Given the length of  diagonals rectangles,

WY =  6x - 7

XZ = 3x + 2

The length of the diagonals of any rectangle are equal,

so WY = XZ

6x - 7 = 3x + 2

6x - 3x = 2 + 7

3x = 9

x = 9/3

x = 3

substitute the values

WY = 6x - 7 = 6(3) - 7

WY = 18 - 7 = 11 units

XZ = 3x + 2

XZ = 3(3) + 2

XZ = 9 + 2 = 11 units

Hence the length of the diagonals of rectangle is 11 units.

Learn more about rectangles;


A valley is noticeably lower than the surrounding area. What is one way a valley might form?
A.Magma rises at a divergent plate boundary.
B.Water, wind, or glaciers deposit new crust.
C.Tectonic movements make folds and faults in the crust.
D.Continental plates slip past each other at a transform boundary.



Though erosion due to water



C i think that the answer

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