Given the polynomial P(x)= x^3 + 10x^2 + 25xa. List all of the potential rational roots b. Find and list all the actual roots of P(x), and the multiplicity of each root


Answer 1


In order to find the list of all potential rational roots, let's find the factors of the division between the constant term and the leading term.

Since the constant term is zero, so the only potential rational root in the list is 0.


Since the constant term is zero, so 0 is a root of the polynomial. Then, let's factor it to find the remaining roots:

[tex]\begin{gathered} x^3+10x^2+25x=0 \\ x(x^2+10x+25)=0 \\ x^2+10x+25=0 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Solving this quadratic equation using the quadratic formula, we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} ax^2+bx+c=0 \\ x^2+10x+25=0 \\ a=1,b=10,c=25 \\ \\ x=\frac{-b\pm\sqrt[]{b^2-4ac}}{2a} \\ x_1=\frac{-10+\sqrt[]{100-100}}{2}=\frac{-10+0}{2}=-5 \\ x_2=\frac{-10-0}{2}=-5 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore the actual roots of P(x) are:

0 (multiplicity 1) and -5 (multiplicity 2).

Related Questions

Find the conjugate of the following binomial ^15t-^5


Conjugate of a binomial

The conjugate is formed by changing the sign between the terms of the binomial:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \sqrt{15}t-\sqrt{5} \\ \uparrow\downarrow conjugate \\ \sqrt{15}t+\sqrt{5} \end{gathered}[/tex]

In this case, the sign is negative, then the sign of its conjugate is positive.

Answer: [tex]\sqrt{15}t+\sqrt{5}[/tex]

Find the area of the circle if the square has an area of 900 in.² to give your answer in terms of


Diameter of circle = length of each side of the square

The formula for calculating the area of a square is

Area = l^2

where l is the length of each side

From the information given,

Area = 900

900 = l^2

l = √900

l = 30

diameter = 30

radius = diameter/2 = 30/2

radius = 15

The formula for calculating the area of a circle is

Area = πr^2 = π * 15^2

Area of circle = 225π in^2

HeLPPP quick
This is very important :’)




Step-by-step explanation:

im smart :)

also 153/225 is .68 then multiply by 100 and you get 68% aka im a genius aka give me brainliest lol

please choose all answers that best matches the question provided thank you



• Quadrilateral


In a parallelogram, opposite sides are parallel and congruent - they have the same length.

A rectangle is like a parallelogram, but all interior angles are right angles.

A square has four congruent sides, as well as a rhombus.

If a trapezoid is isosceles, then the non-parallel legs are congruent. If it is not isosceles, then all sides have different lengths and two opposite sides are parallel.

We know that this is a quadrilateral because it has 4 sides.

From the diagram below, if AC is a tangent line, and if PD = 9 and DC = 32, find the length of BC.



Given the circle;

From the circle theorem, triangle PBC is a right triangle.

[tex]\begin{gathered} PB=PD=9 \\ \\ PC=PD+DC=9+32 \\ \\ PC=41 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Using the Pythagorean theorem;

[tex]\begin{gathered} BC=\sqrt{PC^2-PB^2} \\ \\ BC=\sqrt{41^2-9^2} \\ \\ BC=\sqrt{1600} \\ \\ BC=40 \end{gathered}[/tex]


Find an ordered pair (x, y) that is a solution to the equation.
(x,y) = ( , )


Ordered pair for the equation 4x-y=5 which is a solution of a given equation is (0,-5).

An ordered pair refers to a pair of two numbers or variables written inside the bracket and separated by comma.

To find an ordered pair of a equation we just need to find the values of x and y which will satisfy the given equation.

Here given equation is 4x-y=5

So we will put x=0 and y=-5

⇒ 4(0)-(-5)=5

Therefore (0.-5) satisfy given equation.

Hence (0.-5) is an ordered pair of 4x-y=5.

Note:- There are many ordered pairs that satisfy the given equation.

To know more about Ordered Pair here


I need help with this problem. My math teacher mentioned it not exactly being a arithmetic sequence.


[tex]\begin{gathered} a_1=12 \\ a_{25}=a_1+(25-1)d \\ -60=12+24d \\ d=-3 \\ a_n=12+(n-1)(-3) \\ a_n=12-3n+3 \\ a_n=15-3n \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} a_n=3=15-3n \\ 3=15-3n \\ 3n=15-3 \\ 3n=12 \\ n=\frac{12}{3} \\ n=4 \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} a_8=15-3(8) \\ a_8=-9 \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} a_n=-24 \\ -24=15-3n \\ 3n=15+24 \\ 3n=39 \\ n=\frac{39}{3} \\ n=13 \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} a_{19}=15-3(19) \\ a_{19}=15-57 \\ a_{19}=-42 \end{gathered}[/tex]

A teacher asks students to determine the accuracy of this statement.A reflection over the x-axis and then over the y-axis results in the same transformation as a 180° rotation about the originof the original figure.Kwame's explanation of the accuracy of the statement is shown below.Step 1: Choose the vertices of a pre-image: (1, 2), (1, 4), (2, 3).Step 2: Reflect the pre-image over the x-axis: (1, -2), (1, -4), (2, -3).Step 3: Reflect the figure from step 2 over the y-axis: (-1,2), (-1, 4), (-2, 3).Step 4: Rotate the pre-image 180°:(-1, -2), (-1,-4), (-2, -3).Step 5: Compare the reflected figure to the rotated figure. The vertices are not located in the same place, therefore thestatement made by the teacher is inaccurate.Which best explains Kwame's solution?


(Reminder: To find the reflection over the x-axis, we just need to switch the signal of the y-coordinate of the points.

To find the reflection over the y-axis, we just need to switch the signal of the x-coordinate of the points)

Kwame's solution has a mistake in step 3:

The figure from step 2 is:

(1, -2), (1, -4), (2, -3).

Then, when reflecting these points over the y-axis, the result is:

(-1, -2), (-1, -4), (-2, -3)

At this point Kwame wrote (-1,2), (-1, 4), (-2, 3), which is incorrect.

Step 4 is correct, then when comparing the images in step 5, the vertices will be located in the same place, therefore the statement made by the teacher is accurate.

Question 4 The graph of f(x) is shown. For what values of x does f(x) = 0 ? Select all that apply. MU 0 2 3


Question 4 The graph of f(x) is shown. For what values of x does f(x) = 0 ? Select all that apply. MU 0 2 3​


Can you see the updates?

Give me two minutes to point out the points on your graph



x= 2, -1, -3


Do you have any questions regarding the solution?

Would 2(3 + X) - 2x make 4x?


Given that,

2(3 + X) - 2x, we have to verify whether the solution results in 4x. For that, solve the equation

2(3+x) - 2x

=> 6 + 2x - 2x

=> 6

Hence, it does not make 4x.

A dresser and nightstand costs $900. If the dresser costs $150 more than the nightstand, what does each piece cost separately?


We will solve this problem using a system of linear equations.

[tex]\text{Let D=dresser's cost and N=nightstand's cost}[/tex]

We are given the following relationship between the variables

[tex]\begin{gathered} D+N=900,\text{ (1)} \\ D=N+150,\text{ (2)} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Replacing the value of D from equation (2) in equation (1)


Solving for N

[tex]\begin{gathered} 2N+150=900 \\ 2N=900-150 \\ 2N=750 \\ N=\frac{750}{2}=375 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Replacing the value of N in equation (2)

[tex]\begin{gathered} D=375+150 \\ D=525 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The answer is the nightstand costs $375 and the Dresser costs $525

The freezing point of water is 0 °C. Imanis refrigerator is set at 4°C and her freezer is set at -19°C. which change in temperature would bring imanis refrigerator or her freezer to the same temperature as the freezing point of water?A: +23°CB: +15°CC: -19°CD: -4°C


The freezing point of water is 0 °C

The tempreature of Imanis refrigerator = 4degree C

and the freezer is -19 degreeC

So, the net tenpreature of refrigerator is 4+(-19)

The net tempreature = (-15) degreeC

We want

Data concerning the time between failures (in hours of operation) for a computer printer have been recorded, and the first quartile equals 36 hours, the second quartile equals 65 hours, and the third quartile equals 74 hours.The value for the lower inner fence equals



1) Let's remind ourselves of what is the Lower Fence.

2) So, let's calculate the Lower Fence given that the Quartiles have been given and the Interquartile Range can be found like this:


3) So now, we can write down the formula for the Lower Fence as well as plug into that the given data:


Expand and simplify (a^2+b)^8


For this exercise, we must use the binomial theorem. The formula of this theorem is described as follows


Where nCi represents the combinatory of n between i. For our case,

[tex]a=a^2\text{ y }b=b[/tex]

Replacing the values you have in the formula

[tex]\begin{gathered} (a^2+b)^8=\sum_{i\mathop{=}0}^88Ci(a^2)^{8-i}(b^i) \\ =\frac{8!}{0!(8-0)!}(a^2)^{8-0}b^0+\frac{8!}{1!(8-1)!}(a^2)^{8-1}b^1+\frac{8!}{2!(8-2)!}(a^2)^{8-2}b^2+....+\frac{8!}{8!(8-8)!}(a^2)^{8-8}b^8 \\ =\frac{8!}{8!}(a^2)^8+\frac{8!}{1(7)!}(a^2)^7b^1+\frac{8!}{2(6)!}(a^2)^6b^2+....+\frac{8!}{8!}(a^2)^5b^8 \\ =a^{16}+8a^{14}b+28a^{12}b^2+56a^{10}b^3+70a^8b^4+56a^6b^5+28a^4b^6+8a^2b^7+b^8 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus,the expansion and simplification is as follows


Watch help video Find the length of the third side. If necessary, write in simplest radical form. 4V3 8 oc Submit Answer Answer



Using Pythagoras theorem,

[tex]\begin{gathered} 8^2\text{ = ( 4}\sqrt[]{3})^2+h^2 \\ 64=48+h^2 \\ h^2\text{ = 64 - 48} \\ h^2\text{ = 16} \\ \text{square root both sides , we have :} \\ h\text{ = 4} \end{gathered}[/tex]

All changes saved1. (07.01 MC)The moon forms a right triangle with the Earth and the Sun during one of its phases, as shown below:EarthSunMoonA scientist measures the angle x and the distance y between the Earth and the moon. Using complete sentences, explain how the scientist can use only thesetwo measurements to calculate the distance between the Earth and the Sun.


Notice that we can use the trigonometric function tangent to find the distance between the Earth and the Sun with the following expression:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \tan x=\frac{y}{ES} \\ \Rightarrow ES=\frac{y}{\tan x} \end{gathered}[/tex]

then, if the scientist only have the measure of the distance between the earth and the moon and the angle that forms between the earth and the moon in the sun, we can find out the distance between the Earth and the Sun

A line shaft rotating at 250 rpm is connected to a grinding wheel by the pulley assembly shown in the diagram. If the grinder shaft must turn at 1200 rpm, what size pulley should be attached to the line shaft?


A line shaft rotating at 250 rpm is connected to a grinding wheel by the pulley assembly shown in the diagram. If the grinder shaft must turn at 1200 rpm, what size pulley should be attached to the line shaft?

grinder shaft

the radius is r=5/2=2.5 in ------> given

Find out the circumference


C=2*pi*2.5 ------> C=5pi in

one revolution is 5pi in


1200rpm is

1200*5pi=6,000pi in per minute

step 2

pulley assembly

Diameter x

250 rpm

circumference is equal to -----> C=xpi in





x=24 in

the diameter of the pulley assembly is 24 inches

Use the Quadratic Formula to solve the equation. (Enter your answers as a comma-separated list.)5x^2 + x = −5


5x^2 + x = -5

Equal to zero:

5x^2 + x + 5 = 0

General form:

ax^2 + bx + c


a= 5

b= 1

c= 5

Apply the quadratic formula:

[tex]\frac{-b\pm\sqrt{b^2-4\times a\times c}}{2\times a}[/tex]


[tex]\frac{-1\pm\sqrt{1^2-4\times5\times5}}{2\times5}[/tex][tex]\frac{-1\pm\sqrt{-99}}{10}[/tex][tex]\frac{-1\pm\sqrt[\placeholder{⬚}]{-1}\times\sqrt{99}}{10}[/tex][tex]\frac{-1\pm3\sqrt[\placeholder{⬚}]{11}\text{ i}}{10}[/tex]





The difference between eight times a number and three is equal to negative nineteen. What is the number?-22-33



The difference between eight times a number and three is equal to negative nineteen.


We want to find that number


Take the unknown number x


The difference between eight times a number and three is equal to negative nineteen means

[tex]\begin{gathered} 8x-3=-19 \\ 8x=-19+3 \\ 8x=-16 \\ x=-2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Final answer:


Solve sin(x) = 0.23 on 0 ≤ x < 2T.There are two solutions, A and B, with A


Given -

sin(x) = 0.23 on 0 ≤ x < 2π

To Find -

Two solutions, A and B =?

Step-by-Step Explanation -

[tex]0.23\text{ = }\frac{23}{100}[/tex]

So, the two solutions will be -

[tex]\begin{gathered} \sin^{-1}(\frac{23}{100})\text{ and }\pi\text{ - }\sin^{-1}(\frac{23}{100}) \\ \\ So,\text{ }\sin^{-1}(\frac{23}{100})\text{ = 0.232} \\ \\ Also,\text{ }\pi\text{ - }\sin^{-1}(\frac{23}{100})\text{ = 3.141 - 0.232 = 2.909} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now, Since A < B


A = 0.232

B = 2.909

Final Answer -

A = 0.232

B = 2.909

What is the area of this parallelogram? (HINT: Use Pythagorean Theorem) 28 in 17 in lih 15 in X. 238in? b. 224in? < 112in? 210 in?


using pythagorean theorem we can get h

[tex]17^2=15^2+h[/tex][tex]h=\sqrt[]{64}\text{ =8}[/tex]

so we get h as 8.


h=8 b= 28


in how many ways can six players be assigned to six positions on a baseball team assuring there any player can play any position


Imagine htat each position is a box numbered from 1 to 6. You have the following

We will first find all posibilitied by simply calculating all possibilities for each box if we fill them in order.

For the first box, since we haven't chosen any player, we have 6 possibilities.

For the second box, since we have already filled box 1, we have 5 possibilites.

In the same manner, for box 3 we have 4 possibilites.

For box 4 we have 3 possibilities

For box 5 we have 2 possibilites.

Finally, for box 6 we will have only 1 possibility

So, the total number of possibilites is simply the product of all possibilites for each box

That is


so there are 720 possiblilites.

all of the following are names of spheres shown except



Consider the image given,

From the image above,

A sphere is symmetrical, round in shape. It is a three dimensional solid, that has all its surface points at equal distances from the center.


[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{ Point T has equal distance from the center} \\ \text{Also} \\ \text{ Point S has equal distance from the center} \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]\text{ Point A is at the circumference }[/tex]



Step-by-step explanation:

Write two fractions where the denominator of one is a multiple of the denominator of other


The two fractions are; 1/3 and 1/9.

What is a fraction?

A fraction has two parts: Numerator and Denominator.

It is in the form of a Numerator / Denominator. A fraction is a numerator divided by the denominator.

We need to write two  fractions where the denominator of one is a multiple of the denominator of the other.

Let's consider the first fraction as;


Then other fraction must be multiple of the denominator of the other.

So, it can be 1/9

We can see that "the denominator of one is a multiple of the denominator of other".

Thus the two fractions are; 1/3 and 1/9.

Learn more about fractions here:


Put following list in descending order 64/100



0.66 , 13/20 , 64/100 , 60% , 0.066 , 6%

Step-by-step explanation:

Put following list in descending order:

64/100 = 0.64

60% = 0.6

0.66 = 0.66

6% = 0.06

0.066 = 0.066

13/20 = 0.65


0.66 , 13/20 , 64/100 , 60% , 0.066 , 6%

Your favorite music artist is inside Best Buy signing autographs. If you are at the back of a single fileline that is 2 miles out the door, how many people are ahead of you? Each person takes up 18 inches.


there are 7372 people ahead of you

The first thing we will do is state the parameters we are given:

Your location is 2miles from the door.

Each person takes 18inches.

To know the number of people ahead, we will find how many inches make up a mile.

1 mile = 66360inches

[tex]\begin{gathered} 2\text{ miles = 2}\times66360\text{ } \\ =\text{ 132720 inches} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Since 1 person = 18inches, the number of persons on that line would be:

[tex]\begin{gathered} =\text{ }\frac{132720}{18} \\ =\text{ 7373 approxi}mately \end{gathered}[/tex]

There are 7373 people on the line.

The number of people ahead of you = 7373-1 = 7372

But, there are 7372 people ahead of you

Use the approximate half-life formula for the case described below. Discuss whether the formula is valid for the case described.Urban encroachment is causing the area of a forest to decline at the rate of 5% per year. What is the half-life of the forest? What fraction of the forest will remain in 30 years?(Type an integer or decimal rounded to the nearest hundredth as needed.)




Give the rate of decline as 5% per year, we'll go ahead and use the below formula to determine the half-life of the forest;


Marcus para sailing in Florida. The angle of depression from his line of sight to the boat is 41 °. if the cable attaching Mark to the boat is 500 ft long how many feet is Mark above the water


As you can see, a right triangle is formed in the situation that the statement describes. So to solve the exercise you can use the trigonometric ratio sin(θ):

[tex]\sin (\theta)=\frac{\text{opposite side}}{\text{hypotenuse}}[/tex]


So, in this case, you have

[tex]\begin{gathered} \theta=41\text{\degree} \\ \text{Opposite side = Mark's height above water } \\ \text{Hypotenuse = 500 ft} \\ \sin (\theta)=\frac{\text{opposite side}}{\text{hypotenuse}} \\ \sin (41\text{\degree})=\frac{\text{Mark's height above water }}{500ft} \\ \text{Multiply by 500ft from both sides of the equation} \\ \sin (41\text{\degree})\cdot500ft=\frac{\text{Mark's height above water }}{500ft}\cdot500ft \\ \sin (41\text{\degree})\cdot500ft=\text{Mark's height above water } \\ 328.03ft=\text{Mark's height above water } \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, Mark is 328.03 feet above the water.

Identify two similar triangles in the figure below, and complete the explanation of why they are similar. Then find AB. B A С C 4 D ZA = (select) and ZABD = (select), so AABD - ACB by the select) Triangle Similarity Theorem. AB=


we know that

If two triangles are similar, then the ratio of its corresponding sides is proportional and its corresponding angles are congruent


In this problem

Question 12 of 15 What is the midpoint of a line segment with endpoints at (-1,-1) and (3, 3)?


To find the midpoint, we will use the formula;

(Xm, Ym) = [ x₁+x₂ /2 , y₁+y₂ /2]

x₁=-1 y₁=-1 x₂=3 y₂=3

substitute the values into the formula

(Xm , Ym) = [ -1+3 /2 , -1+3 /2]

(Xm , Ym) = (1, 1)

The midpoint is : (1, 1)

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