find area of triangles​

Find Area Of Triangles


Answer 1
area is base x height divide by 2
144 divide by 2 is 77

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Step-by-step explanation

Which is the most expensive piece of meat? A. 8 ounces for $5.00 B. 16 ounces for $4.00 C. 6 ounces for $15.00 D. 12 ounces for $10.00




Step-by-step explanation:

A. 5/8=0.625

B. 4/16=0.25

C. 15/6=2.5

D. 10/12=0.83

The Answer would be C

Identify each number as prime or composite. Then list all its factors b) 6 is? Its factors are __ ___ ___ ___



6 is composite

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]Number = 6[/tex]


Prime or Composite

The number 6 is not prime. This is so because apart from 1 and 6, it can also be divided by 2, 3


6 is composite

And the factors are:

1, 2, 3 and 6

Is this correct? I'm not sure ;-;


Answer: 130.5

Step-by-step explanation:

108.75/15  = 7.25

18 x 7.25 = 130.5

Answer: Yup

Step-by-step explanation

Good job!

(2-4)² x 2-5
Which of these is equivalent to
- ?
N/ - /



add me

Step-by-step explanation:




1, 8 and -3


x is bigger than or equal to -3. Any positive number is bigger than a negative number.

Hope that helps!!


1, 8, -3


A, B, D

Step-by-step explanation:

We need to figure out which numbers are greater than or equal to -3

1 is greater than -3

8 is greater than -3

-4 is smaller than -3

-3 is equal to -3

Therefore, the applicable answers in this equation are 1, 8, -3

can anyone help? im a lil lost



So they just want you to solve the equation if x= -4

d(-4) = -(-4) + -4

y = 4 - 4

The solution would be 0.

it would be zero i think

helppppppppppppppppppppp!!!!! ASAPPPPPPPPPPP



Step-by-step explanation:

the was I understand matrix multiplication, I re-learned tonight so I could be wrong but.....

according to Gaggle    matrix multiplication is possible when the number of columns in matrix 1  equals the number of rows in matrix 2

       it is called the dot product  (that sounds familiar)

first choice has 2 columns  and 1 row              can't multiple this one

second choice has 1 column  and 2 rows        can't multiple this one

third choice has 2 columns  and 1 row             can't multiple this one

fourth choice has 1 column  and 1 row        This one can be multiplied

can some one please help me with thissss if you don't mind


The answer is C

11x^2 + 35x + 2

Let me know if you want a step by step explanation. Hope this helps!!

find the expected value of a random variable with the following probability distribution :




Step-by-step explanation:

correct with acellus

The expected value of a random variable with the following probability distribution will be 7.

How to calculate the expectation of a discrete random variable?

Expectation can be taken as a weighted mean, weights being the probability of occurrence of that specific observation.

Thus, if the random variable is X, and its probability mass function is given being  f(x) = P(X = x), then we have:

[tex]E(X) = \sum_{i=1}^n( f(x_i) \times x_i)[/tex]

[tex]\rm E(X)=2 \times \frac{1}{36} +3 \times \frac{1}{28} +4 \times \frac{1}{12} +5 \times \frac{1}{9} +6 \times \frac{5}{36} + 7 \times \frac{1}{6} +8 \times \frac{5}{36}+9 \times \frac{1}{9} +10 \times \frac{1}{12} +11 \times \frac{1}{18} +12 \times \frac{1}{36} \\\\ E(X)=7[/tex]

Hence the expected value of a random variable will be 7.

To learn more about the expected value refer to the link:

forty-five hundredths as a decimal​




Step-by-step explanation:


45 hundredths as a decimal is 0.45

Isaac is painting a 1.5-foot by 2-foot by 4-foot storage box with weather-resistant paint. Since the box is to be used on the patio, all of the exterior sides, including the
top and bottom, must be painted. What is the total surface area that Isaac will paint?




Step-by-step explanation:

what is the answer? Please


I think 2 and 6 1 and 5

una fabrica necesita saber cual es el material favorito de las mujeres para su ropa. para tal fin realiza una encuesta entre algunas señoras. los resultados se representan en el digrama de barras
algodon: 5%

a. realiza la distribucion de frecuencias y el diagrama circular
b. identifica la moda e interpretala de acuerdo con la situcacion



la moda es el jean ya que es lo que mas se repite, osea lo que prefieren

de los datos podemos deducir que se encuestaron a 115 mujeres de las cuales el 17% prefiere dril, el 4% prefiere algodon, el 13% prefiere pana, el 26% prefiere tela y por ultimo el 39% prefiere el jean

para un total de 100%Step-by-step explanation:

Note: Enter your answer and show all the steps that you use to solve this problem in the space provided. A line segment ACD is shown with triangle ABC drawn so that AC is the base of the triangle. Angle BAC is labeled with 72 degree sign, and angle BCD is labeled with 113 degree sign. Write a list of steps that are needed to find the measure of ∠ B .



32 A becuz ur h a y and u are smart

Towns P, Q and R are connected by roads PQ ,PR and QR. PR is 10km longer than PQ
QR is twice as long as PR.
The total length of three roads is 170km.
Work out length of PQ.​



PQ = 35 km

Step-by-step explanation:

Here, we want to get the length of PQ

Let PQ = x

PR is 10 km longer than PQ

PR = 10 + x

QR = 2 * PR

QR = 2(10 + x)

Adding all gives 170;

x + 10 + x + 2(10 + x) = 170

2x + 10 + 20 + 2x = 170

4x + 30 = 170

4x = 170-30

4x = 140

x = 140/4

x = 35 km

PQ = 35 km

The length of the road PQ of the town where, towns P, Q and R are connected by roads PQ ,PR and QR is 35 km.

What is the length of line segment?

Length of line segment (say YX) is the distance of both the ends of it (y to x).

Towns P, Q and R are connected by roads PQ ,PR and QR.

The line segment PR is 10 km longer than PQ. Therefore,

[tex]PR=PQ+10\\PQ=PR-10[/tex]            ......1

The line segment QR is twice as long as the line segment PR. Therefore,

[tex]QR=2PR[/tex]                 .....2

The total length of three roads is 170 km. Therefore,


Put the value of PR and QR from equation 1 and 2 in the above equation as,

[tex](PR-10)+PR+(2PR)=170\\PR-10+PR+2PR=170\\4PR=170+10\\PR=\dfrac{180}{4}\\PR=45\rm km[/tex]

As the line segment PR is 10 km longer than PQ and length of PR is 45 km. Therefore,

[tex]PR=45-10\\PR=35\rm km[/tex]

Hence, the length of the road PQ of the town where, towns P, Q and R are connected by roads PQ ,PR and QR is 35 km.

Learn more about the line segment here;


A walking path around the outside of the garden is shaped like a triangle. Two sides of the past that measure 32 ft and 39 feet form a 70 degree angle. If you walk around the entire path one time, how far have you walked?


You would walk 111.126 feet

9. What is the inverse of y = 10x -2?




Step-by-step explanation:

If the sphere shown above has a radius of 8 units, then what is the approximate volume of the sphere? (Use 3.14 for .)


Answer:  2144

Step-by-step explanation:

v = 4/3pir³

v = 4/3 (3.14) (8)³

v = 4/3 (3.14)(512)

v ≈ 2144


2,143.57 cubit units.

Step-by-step explanation:

To find the volume of the sphere, use the formula given below.

Volume = 4/3π r³

Use this formula, the value given for the radius, and 3.14 for  to find the volume.

Volume = 4/3π r³

             ~~ 4/3 (3.14) (8 units)³

             ~~ 2,143.57 cubic units

Therefore, the approximate volume of the sphere is 2,143.57 cubic units.

please explain how to do this




Step-by-step explanation:

Use your calculator for this.

Remember, use SOH CAH TOA

We have an opposite (O) and an adjacent side (A), so we use SINE


Now, solve for X by multiplying both sides by X......sin(41)(X)=18

Then, divide both sides by sin(41).

Type into your calculator: 18/sin(41), and you'll get 27.44. Round to the nearest tenth, or 27.4!


x = 11.8

Step-by-step explanation:

sine = [tex]\frac{opposite}{hypotenuse}[/tex]

⇒ sine 41 = [tex]\frac{18}{x}[/tex]

⇒ 0.656 = [tex]\frac{18}{x}[/tex]

multiply 18 on both sides:

⇒ 0.656 x 18 = [tex]\frac{18}{x}[/tex] x 18

⇒ 11.808 = x

round to the nearest tenth:

⇒ 11.808 = 11.8

help please i got the last part but not the others


Expand: (x+5)(x+5)
Multiply: (x^2)(10x)(25)
Distrib. Prop: the same as line before
Multiply: (x^3)(5x^2)(10x^2)(50x)(25x)(125)

A rectangular garden has a walkway around it. The area of the garden is 6(5.5x + 2.5). The
combined area of the garden and the walkway is 7.5(8x +4). Find the area of the walkway around
the garden as the sum of two terms.​


Answer:The area of the walkway around is 26 x + 16 as the sum of two terms

Step-by-step explanation:

A rectangular garden has a walkway around it

1. The area of the garden is 4(4.5 x + 1.5)

2. The combined area of the garden and the walkway is 5.5(8 x + 4)

We need to find the area of the the walkway

To find the area of the walkway by subtracting the area of the

rectangle from the combined area

∵ The combined area = 5.5(8 x + 4) ⇒ simplify it

∴ The combined area = 5.5(8 x) + 5.5(4)

∴ The combined area = 44 x + 22

∵ The area of the garden = 4(4.5 x + 1.5) ⇒ simplify it

∴ The area of the garden = 4(4.5 x) + 4(1.5)

∴ The area of the garden = 18 x + 6

Now subtract the area of the garden from the combined area

∵ Area of the walkway = (44 x + 22) - (18 x + 6)

∴ Area of the walkway = 44x + 22 - 18 x - 6

- Add like terms

∴ Area of the walkway = (44 x - 18 x) + (22 - 6)

∴ Area of the walkway = 26 x + 16

The area of the walkway around is 26 x + 16 as the sum of two terms

Step-by-step explanation:

What is the solution to the equation below? Round your answer to two
decimal places.
4 + 9•In x= 15.8
A. x = 3.56
B. x= 0.27
C. x = 3.71
D. x = 2.09



C. x = 3.71

Step-by-step explanation:

4 + 9(ln x) = 15.8

Subtract 4 from both sides.

9(ln x) = 11.8

Divide both sides by 9.

ln x = 11.8/9

x = e^(11.8/9)

x = 3.71

4 + 9 • In x = 15.8

x= 3.71

Help me please with this math question


34 34/100. 17

27. 27/100. 13.5

21. 21/100. 10.5

18. 18/100. 9

I think this is right!

Solve the equation square root x+4-3=1 for the variable. Show each step of your solution

So can you just explain how to do it


add 3 to both sidestake the square root of both sides subtract the 4 on both sides x equals the square root of four over negative 4

4(y+2)-y= 2(y-1) +9

What does y equal


☁️ y = -1 ☁️

Hope it helps.

Explanation: Have a nice day!~  ̄▽ ̄❤️

can yall pls help wit this pls asap
i will mark you brainliest if u are correct first


Answer:  4955.30

Step-by-step explanation:

F = P (1+i)^n

F = $4000 (1+.055)^4

F = $4955.2986

Which will be 4955.30


A. $4955.30

Step-by-step explanation:

Look at the equation

A(t)= P(1+r)^t

In this equation,

A(t) is your amount after a period of time,

P is the initial balance stated in the question (4000)

r is the rate (must be converted to a decimal) as stated in the question (0.055)

t represents the amount of time that has passed (4 years)

Whenever you plug this into the equation, you get

A(t) = 4000(1.055)^4 and this can be plugged into a calculator to get your answer which will be

4955.29 (round up to .3) and your final answer is A. 4995.30

In order to convert from percent to decimal you just need to move the decimal to the left two places

5.5 becomes 0.055 after the decimal is shifted

What is the x-intercept for the equation: 3x + by = 18? *


i’m going to help u with this question but what do they mean by “by” could u explain?

which logarithmic equation is equivalent to this exponential equation?​




Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]a^x = b \\log_a(b) = x[/tex]

Joanna plans to completely cover a large soup can, including the top and bottom, with black paper. The diameter of the can is 6 in. and the height is 5 in. Which is a reasonable estimate for the number of square inches of paper that Joanna will need to cover the can? Select one: O 151 square inches
O 141 square inches
O 101 square inches
O 1,319 square inches​



141 square incges

Step-by-step explanation:


The answer is 141 sq inch.

Am smort :D

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