Which of Heather's actions in "Puzzle Solved" is the BEST
evidence of her weariness with the cryptogram?
O A She chuckles at Anya's choice of words
o B. She lamely notes that they are supposed to be having
OC. She giggles nervously after her mother says
o D. She rolls her eyes at Anya's remark.


Answer 1
a becuase d and c would not make sense

Related Questions

you are researching beach erosion on the Gulf Coast of Florida. which phrase shows the best way to conduct an accurate Boolean search on this topic?

1. beach erosion AND Florida Gulf Coast.
2. beach AND erosion AND Florida AND Gulf AND Coast.
3. beach OR erosion OR Florida AND Gulf Coast.
4. beach erosion AND Florida OR Gulf Coast.



beach erosion AND Florida Gulf Coast  


1. beach erosion AND Florida Gulf Coast

What are the solutions to coastal erosion?

Luckily, there are ways for address coastal erosion, on both the small or large scale. On Gulf or Atlantic beaches, numerous coastal communities have invested millions on beach renourishment, in which offshore sand is barged to the coast for lengthen or deepen beaches.

What is coastal erosion and how does it occur?

Coastal erosion is the natural process along the worlds coastlines is occurs through the actions to currents or waves or results in an loss of sediment in many places or deposit in others. However, there have been the dramatic increase on Gulf South coastal erosion from the last 2 decades.

Learn more about coastal erosion here https://brainly.com/question/20087178


Which of the following sentences from the paragraph contain a comparative adjective? Choose two that apply.

a.The long hatch popped open and there they were.
b.We stood stunned, our hearts applauding their arrival with every beat.
c.But even though we had the best technology in the universe, a trick of the eye caught us out.
d.In the video images, they had appeared to be a bit taller than we are, relative to the things in their environment.
e.It appeared, however, that their trees were much, much shorter than ours, because the aliens were much, much shorter than we are.





In many ways life in the 1800s was much more difficult than it is today travel for instants was much slower



As with

hope it helps

can i get brainliest?




Write a letter of appreciation to the People of China. Describe what you learned about Ancient China, including the dynasties, philosophers, inventions and many other great facts you may have discovered. The letter should be at four to five paragraphs long, neatly printed or typed 10 OR 11 FONT.


Philosphers are Buddha, Lao Zi, Shang Yang, Confucius
Dynasties are Shang Dynasty, Zhou Dynasty, Qin Dynasty, Han Dynasty



China has been the source of many innovations, scientific discoveries and inventions. This includes the Four Great Inventions: papermaking, the compass


PLEASE HELP ME! The Latin word, prospectus, means view.
In Latin describe a view from one of the rooms in your house. Use adjectives that we have learned and the nouns from our vocabulary list this unit.

Include at least 5 nouns and adjectives in your description.

Begin with the word, videō, "I see."

Remember that all of the nouns that come after the verb "videō" will be direct objects and will need to be in the Accusative case. The adjectives will be in the Accusative case, too.


Adjectives will be in the accusative case so they can describe the direct object because in Latin the 1 rule for an adjective to match a noun(direct objects, object of the prepositions, or normal nouns) is it needs to match the nouns gender, number, and case. Video means I see in Latin so if you wanted to say I see the town. You would say Video Opidium. Oppidum is accusative because it is a direct object

- Direct objects go after the verb in Latin but the adjectives go before the verb in latin.

-here is a latin chart to help you


(The of case, possesive)Genitive

(indirect object case)Dative

(Direct object case)Accusative

(Object of the preposition case)Ablative

Feminine ending chart with mensa:

Sing. Plur. Singular. Plural

a. ae mensa. mensae

ae. arum. mensae. mensarum

ae. is. mensae. mensis

am. as. mensam. mensas

ā. is. mensā. mensis

Translated Mensa chart:

Singular. Plural

Nominative: Table. Tables

Genitive: of the table. of the tables

Dative: to the table. to the tables

Accusative: table (Direct Obj. Tables

Ablative: on the table. on the tables.

HELP 05.03 The Elements of Drama
Discuss the main conflict in your novel or short story. If the conflict is not perfectly clear yet, what do you suspect it will be? Explain who is trying to do what. I'm doing "The strangers that came to town" I don't know the conflict.


The main conflict of the story 'The strangers that came to town' is that the population of Syringa Street treat the Duvitches very badly, the situation is resolved when the people of the town gets to know the Duvitches and treat them with respect and welcome them with friendship. This is a short story by Ambrose Flack

The strangers that came to town is a short story by Ambrose Flack. This story's message is that true freedom is about being accepted. Ambrose Flack shows this theme using many parts of the story. He shows it through characterization, the plot, and also the setting. Although freedom can have different meaning in different people opinion, for example it can mean  freedom of speech, Flack uses and provides a lot of support in the story, using the Duvitch family.

To know more about this conflict click below:



What happens after the crew revives Claribel in Feathered Friend? ​



She chirps but then keels over again.




In "Feathered Friend" what happens after the crew in the space station revives Claribel? Claribel starts to sing and hops on Sven's finger, then she passes out again. ... To keep from fainting from lack of oxygen the way Claribel did. In "Feathered Friend" the narrator awakes with a headache in the morning.

Gina’s teacher asked her to write a reflection about Dr. King’s “I Have a Dream” speech. What should Gina write about?

She should write an historic essay about the time in which the speech was written.
She should write a fictional essay as if she were a witness to Dr. King’s speech.
She should write an informational essay that identifies key details of the speech.
She should write a response to the speech telling what it means to her personally.


The answer is C) or A)


the last one is the answer


what are 5 common noun for teacher​



toothbrush, paper towel, student, time, world , year


Which sentence contains a collective noun?

A.) During World War I, people used drums, signals, and lanterns to send messages.

B.) Flags or lights were often used to send messages between ships at sea during World War I.

C.) Messages can be sent and received in a variety of ways during wartime.

D.) During World War I, messages were tied to pigeon legs.



Maybe im missing something but i dont think any of them have a collective noun.


A collective noun is something that refers to a group of something. Some examples would be a PACK of wolves, or a PRIDE of lions, or a CROWD of people.


I pick A


It's a because it says people used drums, signals, and lanterns to send messages , AND THIS IS COLLECTIVE.

plz help for these questions..I wil surely mark u as brainlist and 50 points​


1.) I saw her working patiently in the labratory.

2.) They initialy used to visit me often on sundays.

3) The cat sat on the ground, happily swishing her tail.

4.) During the meeting, he angrily responded to their queries.

5.) The accused spoke, and sat silently, throughout the trial.

6.) They were just approching the airport at that time.

7.) He drew the picture badly on the screen yesterday.

8.) In the evening, the boy gladly gave the packet to his freind, by the gate.

9.) On the previous day the students were patiently practicing the play in the hall.

10.) The workers repaired the wall, near the gate, hurriedly, two days before the inauguration.

I hope this helps! Please mark Brainliest! <3

ummmmm on periodtttt



Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday characterized National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden's long stay at a Moscow airport as an unwelcome present foisted on Russia by the United States.

In comments reported by Russian news agencies during a meeting with students, Putin noted that Snowden flew to Moscow on June 23 "without invitation," intending only to transit to another country.

But Putin says the United States intimidated other countries against accepting Snowden, effectively blocking him from flying further.

"Such a present to us. Merry Christmas," he was quoted as telling the students on the Gulf of Finland island of Gogland.

This article uses a form of figurative language to describe the arrival of Edward Snowden in Russia. How is he described in order to get this message to the readers?

A) A celebrity in the news
B) An unwanted gift
C) A person seeking asylum
D) An extended vacation



B) An unwanted gift.


It states in the passage that "Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday characterized National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden's long stay at a Moscow airport as an unwelcome present foisted on Russia by the United States."

it also quotes "Such a present to us. Merry Christmas,"




I will do it just pass me your in:sta

Please help ASAP. Will give brainliest!

What would an audience at one of Shakespeare’s plays expect to see? Check all that apply.

1. a handbill advertising the play
2. fruit and other treats for sale
3. elaborate scenery
4. historically accurate costumes
5. animal blood
6. young men playing female roles



a hand bill advertising the play

fruit and other treats for sale

animal blood

young men playing female roles


help will mark b if right



The confusion seems to be based on the fact that few people understand how freezing protects food.

an unstated suggestion or idea wich the reader infers from a statement____ ​








shawty bae

what part is a oxymoron



Brawling love


Please help, I looked at this 19 times.



Constitution, And United States needs to be capitalized.


United States is what I saw that needed to be capitalized. I thought 'the' might need to be capitalized but I believe not. Sorry if this is wrong.

Mimi’s essay does not have a strong position statement. Which of the following sentences should replace sentence 6 to serve as an effective position statement?





Mimi’s essay does not have a strong position statement. thesentences should replace sentence six to serve as an effective position statement is these problems can be solved however if people choose to drink water from reusable containers instead of plastic bottles.

What is essay?

An essay is, for the most part, a piece of composing that gives the writer's own contention, however the definition is dubious, covering with those of a letter, a paper, an article, a flyer, and a brief tale.

The essential arrangement for an essay is known as the five section essay  yet an essay might have however many passages on a case by case basis.

A five passage essay contains five sections. In any case, the actual essay comprises of three segments: a presentation, a body and an end. Underneath we'll investigate the rudiments of composing an essay.

For more information about Essay, refer the following link:


Plz help what does elaborate mean in this passage


b maybe i’m not sure though





No entiendo ingles

Which of the following is the best summary of "The Man to Send Rain Clouds?"
A short story about the death of an old man and the issues that arise from
conflicting traditions.
A short story about the death of an old man on a Pueblo Indian reservation and
the issues that arise from conflicting spiritual traditions and Christian traditions.
"The Man to Send Rain Clouds" is a short story about the death of an old man on
a Pueblo Indian reservation and the issues that arise from conflicting spiritual
traditions and Christian traditions.
"The Man to Send Rain Clouds" is a short story about the death of an old man on
a Pueblo Indian reservation and the issues that arise from conflicting spiritual
traditions and Christian traditions. As the story opens, the dead body of an old
man has been found under a cottonwood tree on an Indian reservation





Took the test and got an A

Complete the sentence
(Options are the same for each blank)

Bungee gum contains the properties of both ___ and ___, you see.




rubber and gum


its answer is rubber and plastic

Does anyone know how to write an essay about the time you were proud?



I'd suggest taking some time to reflect on a moment when you truly felt proud. Think of a memory you love to look back on, or one that fills you with confidence.

Begin with the thesis statement. An Introductory paragraph detailing what's about to come. Spend your time (or the next one or two paragraphs) describing the event and especially how it made you feel.

Usually, the fourth paragraph of an essay is reserved for the rebuttal section. This is where you make a counter-argument contradicting what you have written, but also using it to boost your point, emotions, and story further.

Then, write the conclusion. Take a while to look back on what you have written and briefly describe it (and why it matters to you, and why it fits the theme/prompt, etc.)

— I hope this helps :] Brainliest appreciated

5) Which word best describes Edna's point of view in paragraph 20?
A) happy

C) bored
D) frenzied


like, is there supposed to be a book, or poem or something bro?

Answer: b. forlorn

Explanation: I just answered

Fine the lines) that shows that Macbeth is beginning to become mental unstable


Macbeth has hallucinations, he cannot sleep which makes him sleep deprived, his guilt slowly catches up to him due to him killing people (more than one person) his greed for power pushes him over the edge which causes his mentality to dip and for him to become unstable. He is able to commit to anything to become kind but he can’t handle the consequences x

Based on your knowledge of roots and affixes, which is the most likely
definition for the word humanize?
O A. To give something animal qualities
B. To build a place where humans live
O C. To treat something as if it were human
O D. To study human behavior



(C). To treat something as if it were human


Highlight evidence from the text that supports the idea that losing a letter would be dangerous for Washington and the patriots.

In the letter he asked for "one of your scrapers as my teeth stand in need of cleaning." That information may not sound like much, but a British intelligence officer would get two valuable bits: the name of a pro-American dentist and, even better, from the return address on the letter, the whereabouts of Washington's headquarters.

-George Washington, Spymaster, Thomas B. Allen

Which detail provides evidence to support this idea?

O The information in the letter does not sound like much.

O The return address gives Washington's whereabouts.

O Washington's teeth stand in need of cleaning.​



B.  The return address gives Washington's whereabouts.


The evidence from the text of 'George Washington, Spymaster' that supports the idea that losing a letter would be dangerous for Washington and the patriots, is, '' The return address gives Washington's whereabouts.'' Therefore, the option B holds true.

What is the significance of George Washington, Spymaster?

In the book ''George Washington, Spymaster'', the author Thomas B. Allen has used a specific tone throughout the text in order to describe about the contributions of the then General of the US army, George Washington during the Revolutionary War.

The author makes signifies an idea regarding the consequences of the lost letter and how dangerous was the situation when the return address revealed the whereabouts of George Washington as the army General.

Therefore, the option B holds true regarding George Washington, Spymaster.

Learn more about George Washington, Spymaster here:



4. In Chapter 6, Dally finds out that Johnny has made a big decision about
their plans. What is it? *



They decide to go back.


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