Can somebody help me?

Can Somebody Help Me?


Answer 1


15th amendment i think


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LeBron just singlehandedly trolled Utah


Answer: facts cos


For some value of Z, the probability that a standard normal variable is below Z is 0.2090. The value of Z is:


Answer: -0.81


A standard normal random variable simply refers to the normally distributed random variable which has a imean of 0 and also had a standard deviation that has the value of 1.

The standard normal variable can also be represented by the letter Z. For some value of Z, the probability that a standard normal variable is below Z is 0.2090. The value of Z is -0.81.

Write short note on

any two sources to know history.​



Historical source (also known as historical material or historical data) is original source that contain important historical information. These sources are something that inform us about history at the most basic level,[1] and these sources used as clues in order to study history

Historical sources include documents, artifacts, archaeological sites, features. oral transmissions, stone inscriptions, paintings, recorded sounds, images (photographs, motion picture), and oral history. Even ancient relics and ruins, broadly speaking, are historical sources.[2]

Which is an argument for the use of public opinion polling to set public policy?
Group of answer choices

Repeated surveys of the same Americans have found that their responses to policy questions seem to change randomly.

Americans tend to support government policies that make their economic positions worse.

In a democracy, the people must have their voice heard by those in government.

Most Americans do not know what goes on in the world.


All the above.............................
3rd option, in a democracy every citizen has a right to their opinion and their right to vote.

what is Llama and where it is found​



Llamas and alpacas have been used by humans for transportation and fleece production for a few thousand years. Both species are primarily found in Peru and Bolivia and are part of the camel family, Camelidae.


found on go.ogle

What was the forbidden city in japan



The Forbidden City was constructed from 1406 to 1420, and was the former Chinese imperial palace and winter residence of the Emperor of China from the Ming dynasty (since the Yongle Emperor) to the end of the Qing dynasty, between 1420 and 1924.


Which statement best describes independent voters?
Select one:
A-They are moderates who are
unified in their beliefs and political participation
B-They are a diverse group who share a desire to change the election process
C-They are all swing voters who are easily persuaded to support major-party candidates
D-They are extremists who have serious policy disagreements with the major parties.


The independent voters are a diverse group who share their desire to change the election process. Ths that option B is correct.

Who is an independent voter?

An independent voter is one who is not dependent on the others and makes his own decision to vote and select the form of government and the official of his choice They are thus diverse and are able to select their desired candidate. They don't take decisions under pressure or profit motive.

Find out more information about the independent voters.

the____ region receive rain almost everyday​


North region

Rains a lot


rain forest? i don't know what you mean by this do they give you any choices? it would be easier too give you a more accurate awnser.

Which of the below is an example of when homeostasis fails? *

You sweat on a really hot day.
You have an asthma attack and your lungs swell, making it hard to breathe.
Your heart rate increases as you exercise.



You have an asthma attack and your lungs swell, making it hard to breathe.



You have an asthma attack and your lungs swell, making it hard to breathe.


hope it helps have a great dayy!!

control chart is a option choice​


What are you asking ?

how many people died trying to settle out west?


68 and 30 died while being near the wall
68 to 38 people died by the big wall

1. Which of the following defines criminal law?
(6 Points)
-laws that make certain actions a crime
- laws that deal with disputes among people
-laws that apply to minors



Laws that make certain actions a crime.

Which series of processes CANNOT happen in the water cycle?


Runoff>precipitation > condensation

who are the people involved in making motion information?​


Answer: Film crew


A motion picture can be defined as the motion which is created by adding up many frames in a single frame per seconds. Several frames containing many pictures try to depict a single story showing many incidences. It may also contain components like audio, videos, and visuals. A film crew is skilled and expertized in creating the motion picture. This may include animation director, music director, visual and arts director and sub- technicians under them.

The people involved in making motion information are called the Film crew.  It is the group that is hired by the production company.

What is the motion picture?

A motion picture is defined as a quick succession of photos projected on a screen with items exhibited in slightly different places to create the optical appearance of a continuous picture in which the objects move.

Several frames with multiple images attempt to convey a single story with multiple incidents.

It may also include music, video, and graphic elements. A film crew is talented and knowledgeable in the production of a film.

This could comprise an animation director, a music director, a visual and artistic director, as well as sub-technicians reporting to them.

Therefore, film crew are the people that are engaged in making the motion information.

Learn more about the film crew, refer to:

ramit has kept some sheep at his farm. how are sheep helpful​



there hair


Contractualism? I need ideas and early thoughts about contractualism... breakfast explanation please


Answer: Contractualism is a term in philosophy which refers either to a family of political theories in the social contract tradition (when used in this sense, the term is an umbrella term for all social contract theories that include contractarianism), or to the ethical theory developed in recent years by T. M.


Personalize your code by adding statements that print your name, course, and assignment title to the console.
Analyze the options for the data types and their implication on the accuracy of the performed operations within the project. Explain, justify, and document the selections you made. Declare and, where appropriate, initialize the constants and variables. Display the questions and answers on the console. Read user input pertaining to the question from the console. Display the user input on the console.
Refer to the High-Quality Programming Code, DOCXPreview the document, file as a reference and guideline when writing your code.
For this assignment, you will submit the .cs file that contains all of the code from this assignment. Include your name in the top of the script using the following format. CH2DoeJohn.cs
Save and submit your assignment in a file using this naming convention. Do not add punctuation or special characters. CH2DoeJohn.cs


Solution :

class MainClass {

public static void Main(string[] args){

// Declaring variables here

// Change the name , course name and assignment name

String name = "Your name here"; //Stores name of the student

String courseName = "Course Name here"; //Stores course name

String assignmentName = "Assignment name here";//Stores assignment name

int answer; //Stores answer

// Dispaying the name , course and assignment name

Console.WriteLine("Name: "+ name);

Console.WriteLine("Course Name: "+ courseName);

Console.WriteLine("Assignment Name: "+ assignmentName);

// Displaying Question 1

Console.WriteLine("\nQuestion 1: Is the Carbon or Graphite Fiber is lighter than that of Aluminum or the steel?");

// Displaying options

Console.WriteLine("Answer [tex]$.1=$[/tex]Yes\nAnswer 2.= No");

// Prompting user to choose the correct answer

Console.WriteLine("Choose the correct answer");

// Taking input from the user and cnverting into int

answer = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

// Checking for the correct or wrong answer

String correct_or_wrong = 1 == answer ? "Correct": "Wrong";

// Displaying the result


// Displaying Question 1

Console.WriteLine("\nQuestion 2: The [tex]$F/A-EF$[/tex] Super Hornet max speed is?");

// Displaying options

Console.WriteLine("Answer 1. = 890 MPH\nAnswer 2. = Mach 1.7\nAnswer 3. = Mach 2.9\nAnswer 4. = 967.3 MPH");

// Prompting user to choose the correct answer

Console.WriteLine("Choose the correct answer");

// Taking input from the user and cnverting into int

answer = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

// Checking for the correct or wrong answer

correct_or_wrong = 2 == answer ? "Correct": "Wrong";

// Displaying the result




In which situation would a system of currency exchange be necessary?

A person in Nigeria trades his bicycle for his friend’s new skateboard.

A business in Egypt pays its workers their wages at the end of the week.

A person in Kenya pays the taxes she owes to the local government.

A business in South Africa buys automobile parts from a business in China.



I don't know English .... sorry I would like to help you but I don't know English

If research could show that the tendency to commit a crime is inherited, what should be done with the young children of violence-prone criminals



parents should be role models towards their children and teach them whats right and whats wrong

Can somebody help me?



Election of Hayes, and the withdraw from the south

From Sudhir's experiences what do you see as the advantages of participant observation? Its at disadvantages? Do you think that doing sociological research justifies being present at beatings? At the planning of drive-by shootings?



The advantage is like the article stated "Over time, J. T. guided Sudhir into a world that few outsiders have ever known,". To put into lamen's terms Sudhir got a inside peek at what most researches look away or far back from a cage of violence, prositution and gangs. The disadvantage can be a ethical, moral case that Sudhir violated. For example, by getting involved in the action of what he was studying, he messed with the research by becoming a recipient in the study and now there's question the validity. He doesn't need to justify because he was a bystander and besides what's the best course of action when two criminal gangs decide to fight each with guns, call the police? When it had to due with beatings although I more of a moral grey area for me based on the fact that I'm just a bistander and there's no guns involved. I think the opposition's main argument is that Sudhir was reckless and he's moral compass is secrewed up

Hope it helps

Please mark me as the brainliest

Thank you

A plantation is a large farm, especially in the Southern colonies.
O True
O False


That Is True!!!!! skjsjsks




A plantation is a large-scale estate, generally centered on a plantation house, meant for farming that specializes in cash crops. The crops that are grown include cotton, coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar cane, opium, sisal, oil seeds, oil palms, fruits, rubber trees and forest trees.

who is the first President of german​



the first president of german is Friedrich Ebert

Montana, Idaho, and ______ grow sugar beets. New Mexico Arizona Colorado Nevada







adaho is the answer


A work of art is a primary source if it

is similar to art created during the time being studied.
shows a firsthand account of an event being studied.
references other artwork from the time being studied.
is based on information about an event being studied.








I have a few questions about politics.

What is exactly is "congressional gridlock"?

My textbook does not give a outright definition of the term and left me confused. It stated ,

"The differences between the houses produce different perspectives. The views of senators will differ from the views of representatives. What we today refer to as “gridlock” is something to which the framers would not object. They feared quick action far more they they feared delay"

See? It’s telling very general and not in detail what it is. My homework depends on understanding congressional gridlock, explaining the causes, and what would I suggest to ‘break the gridlock’?



It refers to a difficult passing law that satisfies the needs of the people. A government is a gridlock because they decide what laws can be passed along to help citizens.

Use the graph to answer the question.
Market for Product Z
What does this graph illustrate?


7 billion trillion Explqnatojb: nnoe

Which fossil fuel is made from ancient plants?

a. coal

b. oil

c. natural gas

d. gasoline





its common knowledge

the answer is oil. So it’s A

Describe the investigation process.


First you make sure there is no one around and then you shoot the person jk btw

'To educate women means to manage population.' Justify the Statement in not less than 6 points. ​



The education of women is a key factor in lowering fertility rates because having information about maternity and contraceptives helps them not to have unplanned pregnancies. The third United Nations conference on population (1994) noticed that the control of population growth required women to have more control over their lives through education and better opportunities. Furthermore, education also provides better job opportunities for women, which means they can have enough income to pay for contraceptives. To increase the use of contraceptives women need to have access to health information as well as economic resources to buy contraceptives. Several countries have decided to provide health care and information about contraceptives as a way to control their populations. The use of mass media to educate both women and men about birth control has been successful in decreasing fertility rates.


The education of women has been proven effective in lowering fertility rates and is acknowledged as a key factor in the control of the population.  

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