People who are fit can meet daily physical challenges with energy to spare.


Answer 1




Related Questions

After entering the right ventricle, blood must travel through the
the pulmonary artery.
___ valve to enter
O pulmonary
O aortic
O tricuspid
O bicuspid



The blood must travel through the pulmonary valve to enter the pulmonary artery

The talk test measures
A) ease of speaking during exercise
B) your fitness level
C) how hard you are stretching your muscles
D) how well you speak


The ease of speaking during exercise. The theory is, if it’s harder to talk, then you’re activity doing exercise at a higher intensity level.

Between the left atrium and left ventricle, blood flows through the bicuspid valve.



I think its true





Vas Deferens


The sperm goes from the testes to the vas deferens and comes out as ejaculation occurs.

how effective in the CPR to a none breathing and no pulse patient?​



The chances are low of survival but are possible. It is effective if done properly and is in the right situation, such as: being in a hospital, having access to medications ad actual oxygen.


If there is no sign of breathing or pulse, begin CPR starting with compressions. If the patient definitely has a pulse but is not breathing adequately, provide ventilation without compressions. This is also called "rescue breathing." Adults: give 1 breath every 5 to 6 seconds. Reassess the pulse every 2 minutes.

the chances of living is low but it is still affective to at least try in case something is there that might help

This is a essay-

What steps can you take in your everyday life to properly care for your skeletal system? (Site 1)



here is the answer as steps:

Eat lots of vegetables. Vegetables are the best source of Vitamin C, which stimulates the production of bone-forming cells.  

Perform strength training.  

Add D to your day.  

Start weight-bearing exercises.

Don't smoke and don't drink excessively.  

Get your bone mineral density tested.  

Consider medication.(1)

here is the answer as an essay:

It’s a fact of life: As you age, your bones become thinner and lose their density. Over time, you become more prone to injury.

Fortunately, you can take steps to halt the “thinning” of your bones, called osteopenia, and prevent osteoporosis. Start with the tips below from Cleveland Clinic experts.

1. Eat lots of vegetables.

Vegetables are the best source of Vitamin C, which stimulates production of bone-forming cells. Greens and yellows have been shown in studies to help with bone mineralization.

2. Perform strength training.

Strength training exercise is especially important for those who suffer from lower extremity joint deficiencies such as knee or hip arthritis, which are conditions that may limit your ability to perform weight bearing exercise.

“The key is resistance training ― or bone loading. This means lifting lighter weights with higher repetitions may be robbing you of the bone health benefits provided by strength training, which focuses on increasing the resistance of the weights,” says exercise physiologist Christopher Travers. “Start by performing one to two sets of 10 to 12 repetitions, working to muscle fatigue and increasing the intensity as you go. To achieve maximal benefits with minimal risk, proper breathing and technique are important factors for safe lifting.”

Travers stresses the importance of seeking the advice of a fitness professional before starting a rigorous strength training program.

3. Add D to your day.

To help absorb calcium, most adults need 1,000 to 2,000 IU of vitamin D daily, says rheumatologist Chad Deal, MD. Combined calcium-vitamin D pills usually do not meet this requirement. And most of us who live north of Atlanta do not get enough vitamin D the old-fashioned way — from the sun. Taking a vitamin D supplement will ensure you meet your daily needs.

4. Start weight-bearing exercises.

Weight-bearing exercise is defined as an activity that forces you to move against gravity, or gives you resistance as you move. High-impact weight-bearing exercises are best for building bones. These should be limited if you have been diagnosed with osteopenia or osteoporosis.

Examples of high-impact exercises include:

Running or jogging.

High-impact aerobics.

Stair climbing.


Sports such as tennis or basketball.

Be sure to clear any exercise plans with your doctor first.

5. Don’t smoke and don’t drink excessively.

Bad news for bad habits: Loss of bone mineral density is associated with tobacco use and excessive alcohol consumption. If you smoke, look into a program to help you quit. If you drink, the recommendation is to stick to no more than one libation a day.

6. Get your bone mineral density tested.

Doctors can get a quick and painless “snapshot” of bone health using a simple X-ray test called DXA. This test measures bone mineral density and helps determine risks of osteoporosis and fracture. It is recommended that women are tested within two years of menopause. Earlier tests are recommended for men and women with certain diseases and for those taking medications that increase risk, such as long-term steroid therapy.

7. Consider medication.

Perimenopausal women may consider hormone therapy, especially if they have symptoms of menopause (hot flashes and more), to increase waning estrogen levels, which are linked to bone loss. And women and men diagnosed with osteopenia or osteoporosis can take various medications to prevent dangerous hip and spine fractures. Talk to your doctor about options such as bisphosphonates, teriparatide or denosumab. And remember, “None of these medications works without calcium and vitamin D as building blocks,” Dr. Deal says.(1)




Eat calcium-rich foods, Eat foods with vitamin D, Perform at least 30 minutes of weight-bearing exercise at least twice a week, Avoid smoking and drinking & Protect the body Wear your seat belt when driving.


what contains recommendations about smart eating and physical activity for all health americans?



Dietary Guidelines for Americans – a set of recommendations about smart eating and physical activity for all Americans 14. MyPlate – an interactive guide to healthful eating and active living.


Red meats, gravy, and salad dressing are high in this nutrient



Vitamian b12


a bee covered with pollen sitting on a flower, dandelion seeds being blown away by the wind, a squirrel burying nuts in the ground

Plants don’t move freely. How do the plant structures shown in the three images help to ensure successful reproduction? Explain your answers.


they pollinate the flower and that is a reproduction step

People that are bulimic , when they purge do they lose a lot of weight?






No, people who are bulimic may see a lower number on the scale after purging due to the loss of water. But, it is not true weight loss that they are loosing, such as actual body fat.

do you eat healthy? write something about your eating. i will mark brainlist


Yes i try not to eat as much junk food and substitute it with fruit!

What a dream symbolizes


There isn’t a exact meaning to a dream!!! It honestly depends what you are dreaming about:)

i want to go to sleep so can yall please answer


Answer: Lungs = respiratory, bladder=urinary, small intestines =digestive, bones=skeletal, muscles=muscular, I think brain is nervous and heart is circulatory


list 5 different cells in the humans and animals ​


Skin cell, nerve cell, brain cells, muscle cell, red blood cell.

is there a such thing as a nonstop tickle machine



Sorry mate but nah its not real...


It would be absolute fking chaos if it was real though

Answer:thank god it’s not real


Which of the following is a consequence of poor nutrition?
A. Increased ability to maintain a healthy BMI.
B. Increased ability to resist illness and injury.
C. Increased mental alertness.
D. Increased risk of cavities.





because the immune system will be weak

Answer should be D, since it’s talking about the consequences while A through C are talking about benefits that aren’t there. If you have poor nutrition you’re more likely to get cavities, gain more weight, and your immune system will weaken. Hope it helps!

What is the passageway for air to get from the trachea to the lungs?









the tubes are connected to the lungs

IT IS DIAPHRAGM I think or it is c sorry if I am wrong

Steven is a college athlete. He is 21 years old and is studying to become a physical education teacher. He reads many research articles on ways to enhance athletic performance. Steven would like to look at his carbohydrate consumption to see if making changes will allow him to have a more competitive edge. Steven has decided to write down his daily food intake using a journal to address the different types of carbohydrates he is consuming. He also wants to make sure that he is getting enough carbohydrates in his diet. Steven has been consuming a very low-carbohydrate, high-protein diet for months but has been noticing some issues with concentration and feels that he is fatiguing sooner than he should when competing.
1. As he reads about carbohydrates, Steven is surprised to learn what?
A. Red blood cells need both carbohydrates and fats to function.
B. Fiber is absorbed into our blood stream.
C. The brain and nerve tissues prefer carbohydrates as fuel.
D. Even refined carbohydrates provide a rich nutrient source of energy.
E. Gram for gram, carbohydrates are higher in calories than dietary fats.
2. Steven is thinking about increasing his intake of carbohydrates each day. He found through his research that inadequate levels of carbohydrates in the diet:_____.
A. promote increased insulin production and insulin resistance.
B. will result in weaker and smaller muscle fibers.
C. require red blood cells to burn fats for energy.
D. can lead to ketosis, a potentially life-threatening condition.
E. trigger automatic glycogen production in muscle cells.
3. Steven shares the information about inadequate carbohydrate intake with his fellow teammates, as well as the DRI recommended amounts. What is the minimum amount of digestible carbohydrate, as determined by the DRI committee, to adequately feed the brain and reduce ketosis?
A. 130 g/day for an average-sized person.
B. 180 mg/day for an average-sized person.
C. 130 mg/day for an average-sized person.
D. 180 g/day for an average-sized person.
E. 150 mg/day for an average-sized person.
4. Steven's preference is that most of his carbohydrate intake comes from sources low on the glycemic index scale. What types of foods should Steven consider to include in his diet that will not spike blood glucose levels?
A. potatoes, apples, couscous.
B. soy milk, corn, rice crackers.
C. breads, rice, watermelon.
D. breakfast cereals, pasta, pineapple.
E. carrots, legumes, peaches.
5. Steven has obviously read up on how the body uses glucose through his coursework. He understands that when glucose levels are high, the pancreas releases ; when glucose levels are low, the pancreas releases:____.
a. ketone bodies; insulin.
b. epinephrine; glycogen.
c. ketone bodies; glucagon.
d. Insulin; glucagon.
e. insulin; epinephrine.
6. Steven suggests that he and his teammates commit to consuming good sources of carbohydrates. Why are whole grains, unprocessed vegetables, and fresh fruits considered the best sources of carbohydrates?
A. They inhibit glycogen storage in the liver, muscles, and bones, thereby maximizing glycemic load.
B. They tend to be higher in calories and offer more energy as compared to processed carbohydrates.
C. They have less fiber and are, therefore, more easily processed by the body than refined foods.
D. They have a higher glycemic index and, therefore, help regulate blood sugar more efficiently. E. They are rich in fibers and phytochemicals and generally low in saturated and trans fats.
7. Steven decides to go shopping at a farmer's market and stops at a booth with several loaves of freshly made whole-grain bread. Which health effects have been shown to be correlated with eating whole grains on a regular basis?
A. reduced risks of obesity, liver disease, type 1 diabetes, and osteoarthritis.
B. reduced risks of obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and colon cancer.
C. reduced risks of obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and osteoarthritis.
D. increased muscle mass and body tissue health, and reduced risk of prostate and stomach cancer.
E. increased muscle mass and body tissue health, and reduced risk of type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
8. As Steven plans his menu for the next week, he considers the optimal percentages of each food group. According to government recommendations, what percentage of calories should be obtained from carbohydrates?
a. between 15% and 25%.
b. between 45% and 65%.
c. between 10% and 15%.
d. between 35% and 55%.
e. between 25% and 35%.


Answer: See explanation


1. As he reads about carbohydrates, Steven is surprised to learn what?

C. The brain and nerve tissues prefer carbohydrates as fuel.

2. Steven is thinking about increasing his intake of carbohydrates each day. He found through his research that inadequate levels of carbohydrates in the diet:____

D. can lead to ketosis, a potentially life-threatening condition.

3. A. 130 g/ a day for an average-sized person

4. E. carrots, legumes, peaches.

5. D. Insulin; glucagon.

6. E. They are rich in fibers and phytochemicals and generally low in saturated and trans fats.

7. Steven decides to go shopping at a farmer's market and stops at a booth with several loaves of freshly made whole-grain bread. Which health effects have been shown to be correlated with eating whole grains on a regular basis?

C. reduced risks of obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and osteoarthritis.

8. B. between 45% and 65%.

The ______ is the law-making branch of the country​



Congress is the legislative branch of the federal government and makes laws for the nation. Congress has two legislative bodies or chambers: the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives. Anyone elected to either body can propose a new law.


Hope you have a great day/


Answer —

The Legislative branch is the law-making branch of the American Government

Explanation —

Congress is the legislative branch of the federal government and makes laws for the nation. Congress has two legislative bodies or chambers: the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives!

Hope this helps. Brainliest appreciated ♥

(P.S, I think you put this question in the wrong category. 'History' or 'Social Studies' would fit better than 'Health')

A sense of ________________ to the organization is the foundation for selecting and keeping a job.



A sense of value.

Is this actually what your health class is having you do?

All of the following statements are true when an individual is prone to catastrophic thinking except __________.
imagining the worst and increasing anxiety
habitually exaggerating negative outcomes
preventing oneself from taking appropriate action
minimizing outcomes that may become serious





Catastrophic thinking is pessimistic thinking. D is the only appropraite answer.

The study of human behavior is called psychology.

The correct answer is D.

Catastrophic thinking is defined as the damaging thinking of oneself in this disease it leads to taking the decision which is harmful to the person and may lead him to depression and anxiety.

According to the question, all the option is damaging and lead to the worsen the person except option 4.

Option D signifies the protective measure before taking a decision.

Hence, the correct answer is D that is minimizing outcomes that may become serious

For more information, refer to the link:-

This made me depressed


What made you depressed?




it works...

Describe the differences between Irish reel and Irish hornpipe dances.


the main difference between the traditional Irish dances is the metre: the jig is in compound time (6/8, 9/8 or 12/8) the reel is in simple time (2/4, 4/4 or 2/2) the hornpipe is in simple time (2/4 or 4/4) and has dotted rhythms


As an Irish dancer there are many differences.  The biggest one is the hornpipe is a hard shoe or heavy shoe dance where as the reel is soft shoe. Another one is that the music is different. The reel only has one speed 113 and the hornpipe has multiple. The hornpipe has a slow and fast version. The more advanced dancers dance the slow version. The fast version is speed 138 and the slow is 113.  You can find all of the music on YT. My personal favorite is the reel :).

Which life decision is best for a busy student with too little time for regular exercise?
O Ingest more caffeine to stay awake longer each day.
O Temporarily postpone exercise sessions to reduce stress.
O Drop one or more classes to free up more time for recreation.
O Create a schedule to commit time for physical activity.


The answer is the last one bc it’s the only one that doesn’t affect your health or schedule in a bad way

When a physician is an active listener, asks open-ended questions, and summarizes the patient’s story, what approach is the physician using during the patient interview?
setting the stage
determining the agenda
opening the lines of communication
eliciting and handling emotions


The answer is D I think




opening the lines of communication

Where do babies come from?



I asked the same thing when i was swimming with my sister in our pool but this is where babies come from.


There's a plug(male testacles) and a plugin(female vaginal system) and you put the plug in the plugin and then you order a baby online.

The term "fitness" refers to the quality of physical and mental soundness.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided.



Fitness refers to the quality of being able and suitable to do a certain task and covers physical well being, balanced mental state, emotional stability and spiritual soundness. Health. Defined as a state of complete physical, mental and social well being and. If merely the absence of disease or infirmity.


The term fitness refers to the physical and mental soundness... TRUE!!!

Fitness refers to the quality of physical and mental soundness of an individual: True.

Fitness can be defined as a measure of both the physical and mental soundness of an individual to engage in sports, work and other daily activities.

In Health education, the six (6) main motivating factors to achieve lifetime fitness include the following:

KnowledgeDisciplineSupportTime managementEnjoymentSuccess

Some of the leading causes of death around the world can be prevented or mitigated by maintaining proper fitness levels, especially through regular exercises and proper nutrition.

Read more:

1. Why does the body need nutrients?

2. What are some factors that influence which foods you chose?

3. Describe how your emotions can affect your food choices?

4. What is the difference between appetite and hunger?

5. List the six major classes of nutrients

6. Explain with details how the body uses nutrients


there are six assential nutrients that people need to consume though dieters like minerals and vitamis

What do the cells in our body need to breathe?





Your cells use oxygen for energy, as a result makes carbon dioxide

The cells in our body need oxygen.

need help asap

A cell that makes the blood-brain barrier and acts to remove excess neurotransmitter is the ___.


the answer is astrocytes.
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