Hui! Pehea 'oe? he aha ka ʻōlelo aʻu e ʻōlelo nei?


Answer 1
Sorry but I don’t understand lol.
Answer 2
Hui! hauʻoli e hālāwai me ʻoe, maikaʻi wau, pehea ʻoe?

Related Questions


its about The Rainforest Foundation



Explanation: The Rainforest Foundation US is a non-profit NGO working in Central and South America. It is one of the first international organizations to support the indigenous peoples of the world's rainforests in their efforts to protect their environment and fulfill their rights to land, life, and livelihood. The Rainforest Foundation helps protect the incredibly rich biological diversity of the rainforest and the cultural integrity of the peoples whose lives and livelihoods are inextricably linked to those forests.




That’s the correct answer because it issued

ASAP helppppp part 1
1) A —— took place in Myanmar this month.
Answer choice: military coup or stock market crash or presidential election or government shutdown
2) NASA’s —— rocker landed on Mars. Answer choice: tenacity or resilience or perseverance or determination
3) for the first time ever, the rover will —— from the planet’s surface. Answer choice: collect rocks or stream video or record sound or sample water
4) jasmine harrion —— solo across the Atlantic Ocean. Answer choice: swam or sailed or rowed or surfed
5) Harrison is not the —— woman to achieve this feat. Answer choice: oldest or fastest or shortest and youngest.
Part 2
1-5 questions(Picture)



1.) The military is now back in charge and has declared a year-long state of emergency.

2.) Perseverance

3.) The rover will characterize the planet's geology and past climate and be the first mission to collect and cache Martian rock and regolith, paving the way for human exploration of the Red Planet.

4.) Jasmine Harrion set a new world record for the youngest female solo rower to row any ocean after completing the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge.

5. Not the oldest but the youngest.

Read the following sentence and answer the question that follows.

“When Luke arrived at the center he was guarded and didn’t tell the others much about himself.”
Using the denotative and connotative meanings of the word “guarded”, what does this sentence suggest about Luke?

A. He easily made new friends at the center.
B. He had bodyguards walking around the center with him.
C. He was protective of himself and didn’t open up to others.
D. He was happy and comfortable at the center.


C, he hides himself and is doesn’t want people to know much about him
Wsp shoto! (Anyways C, because it was stated that he didn’t tell others about himself.)

Please help I will be forever grateful. I'm so confused.
1. What do teachers of the Deaf do?

2. Is there a shortage of Teachers of the Deaf?

3. What are 3 types of Teacher Preparation programs for someone who would want to teach Deaf children?

4. What are some colleges that offer programs to become a Teacher of the Deaf? Does your state have any college programs?

5. If a person wanted to teach Deaf students in your state, where could they work? List 4 different schools.

6. Would you be interested in becoming a teacher for the Deaf? Why or Why not.




2. Yes there are shortages of teachers of the deaf


find one here

5. Look up schools for teaching deaf people

1. Teachers of deaf teach sign language.

2. Yes there is a shortage l.

3. Sign language, deaf kid assistant, translator

4. not sure

5. not sure

6. Yes,it would be cool- No, i wanna speak.

这是100分,因为我一直在念书,所以我用另一种语言写了 I rlly need help what this mean



This is 100 points, because I have been studying, so I wrote in another language



This is 100 points, because I have been studying, so I wrote in another language.


this is chinese, i have also been studying it. my dad is chinese so i think it would be cool to learn the full language :)

Question 1. Look at the picture and pick the most suitable question (Turkish Image 1)
A. Şu ne?
B. O ne?
C. Bu ne?
D. Şunlar ne?
Question 2. Look at the picture and pick all possible choices (Multiple choice, Turkish image 2)
A. şu ne?
B. Onlar ne?
C. Bunlar ne?
D. Şunlar ne?
Question 3. Look at the picture and pick all possible choices (Multiple Choice, Turkish Image 3)
A. Bu ne?
B. Şu ne?
C. O ne?
D. Bunlar ne?
Question 4. Read the sentence and select if it is true or false for the picture. (Turkish image 4)
''Bunlar Ayşe, Kenan ve Sedat.''
A. True
B. False
Question 5. Bu ne? (What is this or This what; Turkish image 5)
A. True
B. False


3. B
4. True
5. False

Hai everyone quick question, 您最喜歡哪種狗?;)



Siberian husky wbu?


chihuahuas haha, just doing this for points

can someone give me a conclusion on why college should be free


College should be free because everyone deserves an education, shouldn’t matter if they can afford it or no to receive advanced education.
The reason college should be free is because some students need education to succeed. Not all students can afford to go to good colleges that have decent ratings and that help them get to where they want to be in life.

do you thing this is a good essay if not tell me what i should change and also i put the rubrick so if i followed it can you tell me and if i didn't tell me why


What grade is this for? Because depending on the grade, then I can see what needs to be fixed.

First of all you need to change the title (if that tile is not mandatory) to why college should be free and not why should college be free

second there is a typo in your first paragraph and some wording issues

i would change it with An immense amount of students could not and cannot afford to pay tuition for their education

make sure to include in all three of your body paragraphs information supporting you main ideas make sure to tell where you got the information and make sure to quote, for instance in your 3rd body paragraph you could find an article on average cost a student spends on textbooks and stuff like that be carful while doing this and QUOTE AND TELL WHERE YOU GOT IT FROM SO YOU DO NOT PLAGERIZE

good job on your transitions

and so far you are doing good on your essay

once you fix this stuff up it will match the rubric

                      - kay                                                


can some one give me a medium paragraph on why college should be free



I'm not sure if I can give you a paragraph. but its should be free because some people come from poor areas, and might not be able to afford it, it could be way too expensive. hope this helps.

I think collage should be free because not many people have the money to afford it. Think about it many people want a big career but can’t get a job to support collage. It would help a lot if collage was free and you would just have to get hand picked to go . If collage was free this would help a bunch of people including broke students , single moms who can barley provide for their child .. in conclusion that’s why I think it should be free.


Choose an editorial from a magazine or newspaper that states the author's position on a particular issue. Decide if it uses positive or negative propaganda by asking yourself the four questions listed below:

1. What does the author want me to do or to buy?
2. What good will I receive from following the author's suggestions?
3. Why does he want me to follow this suggestion: for his good, for my good, or for the benefit of many others?
4. Will I be going against any of my beliefs in responding positively towards the propaganda?

Write a paragraph describing how the editorial uses propaganda. Include your answers to the above questions and how you came to a decision about the positive or negative effects of this example of propaganda.


Hope this helps I think it is C because it is the most reasonable

STEP-BY-STEP-IMFORMATION: Cis the answer it make most sense and i think it is correct and make sure u don’t put stuff under the wrong subject because it harder for pets to find it and some people don’t go in French and most people don’t know it and the people who do are French people so ya

Когда были изобретены видеоигры? Кто их придумал?


В 1958 году были изобретены видеоигры, и это был Уильям Хигинботэм.
Ummmmm what does this mean I am lost!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What is the question?

I need to write a lord of the rings elvish translation for school assignment. Translate this: Hear my voice and come back to the light. Into Elvish (I prefer Sindarin)
And also, there's a guy, my friend who is a monitor trying to track down. He is pretty dangerous, and when somebody He has blond hair and wears a blue jacket in his profile image, if you see this guy, tell me his username immediately!!! This is what my other friend described of him!


What the other guy said


Use a sindarin translator these will help u. :) Btw thks for the warning

Which came first: the chicken or the egg? Why do you think this?



the chicken because the chicken has to lay the egg i think am i right ?



The egg  


because the egg had to hatch into a chicken.

Also what if two birds that weren't really chickens created a chicken egg.

so the egg came first

Translate this in English
"kulanakauhale pele iki"



"little town of lava", or "little volcanic town"


hope this helps! :)

"little town of lava" or "little volcanic town"

is this a good essay? if i should change anything please tell me!


yes its good! it is very detailed too!

Answer: Yes, I like the words you chose.

A tip would be if your teacher had a rubric, use that it would help a lot.

Hei! hvordan har du det? hvilket språk snakker jeg på?



You speak Norwegian

Explanation: :p


dette er norsk


can someone make a small body paragraph and a conclusion on why college should be free



College should be free because many teens spend their money on house taxes and bills just to study.

In conclusion, college should be free because many teens have a lot of expensive just to study.


This is easy Credit me if you get an A lol

you already got your answer and i really need points i hope you get a one hundred love !!

can someone give me a hook on why college should be free



Colleges should be free because if they were to be free a lot more people who did not or do not have enough money to go to college would be able to without having to worry about money issues. Some more reasons would include: improves society, widened workforce, boosted economy, increased equality, and as well as more focus.


hope this helps<3 :)


Colleges should be free and if they were, far more students who could not or could not afford to go to college would be able to do so without financial constraints. Other causes include: a better society, a larger population, a stronger economy, more equality, and increased emphasis.




Ehi, mi dispiace non conosco l'italiano ma le auguro buona fortuna.


i can not see it


Kedu ihe bụ ọdịiche dị n'etiti ndị nkịtị na ndị ama ama?


Answer: What is the difference between ordinary people and celebrities?

What is the difference between the ordinary and the famous?
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