Absolute age is the actual age of a rock. Could it be possible to determine the absoluteage of any of the outcrops given? Explain in detail (which outcrops, which layers, why orwhy not)


Answer 1

To determine the age of a rock, we depend on that the layers of sedimentation were observable, and separated one from the other.

Having this in mind, we can say that all of the outcrops being able to determine its age, are the ones in which we can appreciate those layers clearly, and not that where layers overlap ones with others.

Related Questions

Which disease or disorder is a form of dementia that is chronic and progressive?
O epilepsy
O cerebral aneurysm
O cerebral palsy
O Alzheimer's disease


4/D Alzheimer's disease

Match the correct age in years with its major evolutionary event, as determined by the fossil:EVENTS:1. First prokaryotic cells evolved.2. Photosynthetic prokaryotes evolved, releasing O2 into the atmosphere.3. First eukaryotic cells evolved.4. First multicellular life evolved.AGE:A. 650 millionB. 2.1 billionC. 2.8 billionD. 3.5 billion



The first prokaryotic cells (the less complex in its organization and with no organelles involved in membranes) evolved about 3.5 billion years ago. Therefore, the correct answer is D. 3.5 billion.


Then, some prokaryotic cells evolved to use the sunlight to produce energy and release O2 into the atmosphere about 2.8 billion years ago. Therefore, the correct answer is C. 2.8 billion.


After that, the prokaryotic cells evolved to cells with organelles bounded by membranes, and then the eukaryotic cells evolved about 2.5 billion years ago. Therefore, the correct answer is B. 2.1 billion.


A long time after that, aproximately 650 million years, the first life composed of an organism with multiple cells evolved. Therefore, the correct answer is A. 650 million.

Tall sunflowers are dominant to short, while yellow colored flowers are dominant to orange. Cross a plant thatis heterozygous for both traits with a plant that is homozygous dominant for height but heterozygous for flowercolor. The unit I’m on is (Dihybrid Crosses). I’m really confuse


Traits of sunflowers

Tall plant: dominant (T)

Short plant: recessive (t)

Yellow-colored flowers: dominant (Y)

Orange-colored flowers: recessive (y)

P1 (heterozygous for both traits)

Tt Yy

P2 (homozygous dominant for height, heterozygous for color)


After the breed, we would have the following offspring:

What this means is that those inside blue (TtYy; 4 individuals (25 % of the offspring) and green (TTYy; 4 individuals (25 % of the offspring)) circles have the respective genotype of their parents, in other words, they inherited their very phenotypical traits, while there're other percentages of the offspring which could have traits of their both parents in its phenotype.

When an ice cube is heated to 0 degrees Celsius, it turns to water. What is this called



i think its melting


i am not for sure let me know in comments if it is incorrect




is this the answer you're looking for?

Given what we now know about atmospheric and oceanic transport, are the concepts of local, regional, and global pollution still useful?


The concepts of local, regional, and global pollution are useful both in consideration of atmospheric and oceanic transport because there are pollutant substances that spread in a local way while others may encompass extended regions.

What are local, regional, and global pollution?

Local pollution refers to all procedures that might contaminate a limited area such as a city or a lake, which may be avoided by recycling waste materials or avoiding the spread of residual water.

Conversely, regional pollution and global pollution affect longer-extended areas and these situations should be maintained by government policies in order to avoid harmful and or dangerous concerns (e.g. the scope of radioactive material).

Therefore, with this data, we can see that local, regional, and global pollution are useful concepts to develop measures to control different types of contaminants and pollutant substances that may affect the quality of life of people.

Learn more about local and global pollution here:



If the DNA sequence is ATC-CGA, what is the complementary mRNA nucleotide sequence? Group of answer choicesUAG-GCUGCG-CGTTAU-UATTAG-GCT


In the case of RNA the Thymines are substituted by Uracils. Considering the complementary nature of bases A-U, and C-G, the correct option is the first one: "UAG-GCU".

Which of the following is a way of storing carbon in organic material?A. ConsumptionB. RespirationC. All of theseD. Burning fossil fuels


To answer this question we need to analyze each available option.

A. Consumption: Through the consumption of organic compounds, biomass is created, so a part of the carbon is stored in this way, therefore we can say that this is the correct answer.

B. Respiration: Through this process, a glucose molecule of 6 carbons is processed, and as a consequence carbon dioxide is released as a subproduct.

C. All of these: This is incorrect as two statements imply carbon release into the environment.

D. Burning fossil fuels: Fossil fuels, are a rich source of carbon, that is why when are burned massive quantities of carbon dioxide are released, therefore this is incorrect.

which is more resistance? fungi endosporesstaphylococccus bacteriatuberle bacilli


From all the options given, the one that has the greatest resistance are endospores. Endospores have several outer coats that protect them from dessication, temperature changes, and even from UV radiation. Endospores are the response to environmental hostility, therefore when a bacteria senses abiotic adversity it starts to deploy the mechanisms to create an endospore, which is the resistant form of the microbe. Fungi, and the other bacterias mentioned are capable of developing spores, but these organisms themselves are more vulnerable than a endospore.

what is biology , entomology, cytology, anatomy,morphology and genetics


Biology is the natural science that studies life and living beings and has multiple subdisciplines that specialize in certain aspects of life.

Some of these disciplines are:

• Entomology,: The, study of insects,, which is also a branch of ,zoology, the study of animals.

• Cytology, or cellular biology: The ,study of cells, their structure, function, and behavior.

• Morphology,: The, study of the form and structure of the organisms ,and how this is characteristic of each of them.

• Anatomy,: ,Part of morphology,, is the ,study of the structure of the organisms and how are they organized,. Is often studied along with physiology, the study of the functions of the structures.

• Genetics,: The ,study of heredity, including genes, genetic variation, and mutations, among other topics.

Why are we not likely to have another "Cambrian Explosion"?


The Cambrian explosion took place over 500 million years ago. It happened when prime animal groups started to be found in fossil record, an era of rapid expansion that include different form of life on earth . Human race has already evolved so no Cambrian Explosion is possible .

Cambrian explosion, the development of organisms between 541 million to 530 million years ago at the onset of the Cambrian Period.

The Cambrian Period is considered as one of the major milestone in the history of life on Earth it was era of evolution were major groups of animal primitive appeared. This event is referred as the "Cambrian Explosion," because of the relatively short time over which this diversity of forms appears.

To learn more about Cambrian explosion , here



Which of these organisms can move on its own?oak treeanteaterdolphinall of the above


Of the organisms provided, we have two animals and a plant, so if we see it as locomotion capacity only anteater and dolphin would be correct. Now if we are more specific and just took movement as the capacity to move even small parts, a plant can also be considered, we must remember that even when plants are sessile organisms, they grow and seek light, thus they can move although we are not capable of seeing it.

I’m unsure of this data. I feel like there shouldn’t be anything blank Exercise 1


Taking into account that in the presented model, the original double-strand DNA chain is composed of gumdrops, and the newly synthesized strands will be composed of marshmallows (in order to be more visual), we will have different percentages of the original DNA strand and the new one depending on the model we follow:

-Conservative model: we will have two double-strand DNA molecules from the original one. Say DNA molecule A stays with no changes (because it is just used as a mold), then it will be composed only by gumdrops (100%); and DNA molecule B will be totally new, composed then only with marshmallows (100%) because it is synthesized from scratch from the other one.

-Dispersive model: we also will have two double-strand DNA molecules from the original one but unlike the previous case, the original DNA molecule is fragmented into little pieces, and each daughter molecule will have some of these pieces mixed in their two strands. When calculating the percentages, we can say both DNA molecules, A and B will have 50% gumdrops and 50% marshmallows approximately and theoretically.

-Semiconservative model: In this case, as the original DNA model transfers one strand of its structure to each daughter DNA molecule, we can say that both molecules, A and B will also have 50% gumdrops and 50% marshmallows, just like in the previous case, but with the difference that all the gumdrops will be in just one strand and all the marshmallows in the other one of each.

Is protein synthesis important to the process of muscle cell relaxing? Explain.

1) No, protein synthesis is not important because the ions enter and exit cell passively via the cell membrane.

2) Yes, protein synthesis is important because the ions exit the cell via mediated transport passively.

3) Yes, protein synthesis is important because the ions exit the cell via mediated transport actively

(help need soon. thank u so much)


Asking whether protein synthesis is important to the process of muscle cell relaxing, the response will be option 3. Yes, protein synthesis is important because the ions exit the cell via mediated transport actively.

Why is protein synthesis important?

Protein synthesis is the activities through which cells make proteins. Protein synthesis is important purposely for the process of muscle relaxation so also muscle contraction. Considering muscle relaxing and contraction, particular ions are needed to be transported across the muscle cell membrane which can flow either from out to in or in to out.

Therefore, the correct answer is as given above.

learn more about Protein synthesis: https://brainly.com/question/884041


In a family the mother has color blindness and the father has normal vision. Their child has Klinefelter syndrome and normal vision. How is this explained and what gametes did this child give? We assume that the above parents had a child with Klinefelter syndrome and color blindness. How can this happen?


The child can have normal vision if she inherites a healthy X chromosome from the father, for this to happen, the child must be a woman.

If the child is a man, he can have normal vision as he has Klinefelter syndrome, which consist on having an extra X chromosome from his father, giving him normal vision even though the mother can only give him X chromosomes with color blindness. Moreover, this can happen as colour blindness is a recesive trait.

he famous experiment of Ivan Pavlov where he researched dogs and their responses to stimuli was designed to evaluate this type of learning.Question options:InsightClassical conditioningImprintingTrial-and-error


The correct answer is the second one, classical conditioning. Pavlov worked with typical stymulus associated with either benefits or punishments. This conditioned dogs to different behaviours.

10.Below is a section of a nucleic acid and an important cellular process.
Nontemplate strand.
Template strand
Identify the process in the image and it's purpose. Provide evidence
from the image to support your answer.


The process in the image is transcription. This is mRNA synthesis and occurs in the nucleus. mRNA copies a segment of DNA and carries this information to the cytoplasm to synthesize new proteins.

What is transcription?

Transcription is the mRNA synthesis process. It occurs in the nucleus and is the previous stage before protein synthesis (translation).

During transcription, fragments of DNA molecules are used to copy the desired sequence that carries the necessary information to grow the new proteins.

In the nucleus, the DNI molecule uncoils and forms the transcription bubble, separating the two strands.

At this point, two fragments of DNA can be identified, the coding strand and the template strand.

The coding strand non-template strand- goes in direction 5' to 3',

The complementary strand -template strand- grows in direction 3' to 5'.

The template strand acts as a mold for mRNA growth. This is the chain that is complemented by the mRNA.

On the other hand, the coding strand (non-template) carries the same nucleotidic sequence as the new mRNA. The only difference is that instead of Uracyls (which are only present in RNA molecules), it has Thymines (which are only found in DNA).

RNA polymerase is in charge of reading the original DNI template strand and for mRNA synthesis.

mRNA molecule grows complementing DNA base sequences. This is,

 DNA           mRNA    

adenine  ⇔   uracil

guanine  ⇔   cytosine

thymine  ⇔   adenine

cytosine  ⇔   guanine  

Once mRNA synthesis is over, the molecule leaves the nucleus to start the translation process in the cytoplasm.

Note: I could not find the image, but the labels suggest this is a transcription process.

The process is Transcription. It produces mRNA, the molecule that carries genetic information from the nucleus to the cytoplasm to build new proteins.

You can learn more about transcription at




Both the brain and spinal cord are protected by ____.


The brain and the spinal cord are protected by a three layered connective tissue that cn be found between the organs and the bones that surrounds them. The name of this structure is meninges.

Therefore, the correct answer is:

Both the brain and spinal cord are protected by meninges

What disease does this parasite cause? What is its invertebrate host (vector/ intermediary host)


Flagellate parasites typically tend to cause a disease known as Chagas' disease. It usually presents itself with flu-like symptoms. It is treatable. However, if left untreated it can lead to heart failure.

Oftentimes, the invertebrate host for this parasite is the triatomine inspect the parasite takes over. These insects then spread the parasite to the vertebrate host (the human).

Sort the following in the correct sequence for the flow of energy in a food chain. Start with the first organism on bottom.CarnivoreProducerDecomposerHerbivore


In a food chain, we have a linear series of links that start from producer organisms and end at an apex predator species or decomposer and detritivores.

In this case, the order would be as follows, with the first organism on the bottom:





Why are we not likely to have another "Cambrian Explosion"?


The Cambrian explosion took place over 500 million years ago. It happened when prime animal groups started to be found in fossil record, an era of rapid expansion that include different form of life on earth . Human race has already evolved so no Cambrian Explosion is possible .

Cambrian explosion, the development of organisms between 541 million to 530 million years ago at the onset of the Cambrian Period.

The Cambrian Period is considered as one of the major milestone in the history of life on Earth it was era of evolution were major groups of animal primitive appeared. This event is referred as the "Cambrian Explosion," because of the relatively short time over which this diversity of forms appears.

To learn more about Cambrian explosion , here



This is a picture of the questions I can type it out if needed


Okay, if a cell's placed in an hypertonic media, this means a media with a higher concentration of solutes (like nutrients) than in the inside of the cell, what will happen with the cell is that it gets dehydrated due to the outtake of water by osmosis.

if a cell's placed in an hypertonic media,
this means a media with a higher concentration
of solutes (like nutrients) than in the inside of
the cell, what will happen with the cell is that it
gets dehydrated due to the outtake of water by

Which of the following is an example of a change in behavior in response to a changes in the environment


Between the following alternatives the one that is an example of a change in behavior in response to a change in the environment is coyotes begin to eat small pets in a growing suburb (b), because the coyote start to hunt for food outside of the normal region since their habitat is being invaded by the human suburb construction.

Resources used by the grasshopper would increase as the population___.a. remains steady c. decrease in size b. increase exponentially d.migrate


The population of grasshoppers can build and explode with exponentially growth under the good climatic factors.

Therefore option b is correct.

What is the bottleneck effect?A. a change in allele frequency due to a dramaticloss of populationB. the movement of a few individuals to a newlocation to start a new populationC. the low fitness of a select group of individuals


The correct answer is option A. a change in allele frequency due to a dramatic loss of population. This usually occurs when something cause mass

Why are sponges considered a part of the animal kingdom?


There are 5 biological kingdoms: Animalia, plantae, fungi, monera, and protista.

Plantae groups plant cells characterized by chlorophyll.

Monera groups prokaryotic organisms such as bacteria.

Fungi groups eukaryotic cells such as yeasts

Protista groups unicellular eukaryotic organisms such as amoebae.

The animal kingdom groups multicellular eukaryotic organisms that can therefore form tissues.

Sponges are primitive animal organisms, so they do not have embryonic development like other known animal organisms. However, the cells that make up the sponge are grouped and interact performing different functions of vital importance as in tissue.

Because of how they are organized and how they function, we can see that the definition of sponge fits only with the definition of the animal kingdom.

True or false
If earth didn’t rotate then global window would only go east and west


Earth needs to rotate and revolve both ways in order to maintain temperature.  If it didn't go one side will become too hot and one will become too colder.

What is rotation and revolution ?

Rotation is the movement  of Earth around its axis and revolution is the movement of the planet around the sun.

If Earth didn't rotate then the one side of the planet will face continuous heat and the sun whereas the other will not face the sun and in these conditions one side of Earth will become extremely hot and the one side will become extremely colder region.

Therefore in order to maintain the temperature and the environment conditions the need of Earth rotation is required continuously.

Learn more about Earth at :



How would a prolonged period of photorespiration affect a plant?



Photorespiration consumes ATP and NADPH (high-energy molecules). In fact, Photorespiration wastes energy and steals carbon. These molecules are necessary for photosynthesis to synthesize carbohydrates. Therefore, a prolonged period of photorespiration affects the plants because the photorespiration prevents plants from using their ATP and NADPH to synthesize carbohydrates. Remember that carbohydrates are necessary for plants for their own support and their progeny (seeds). Therefore, therefore, photorespiration strongly reduces the photosynthetic capacity of plants, also affecting the normal functions of subcellular organelles.

explain the difference between intravenous, intramuscular and subcutaneous injections.


Intravenous refers to administering the medications, fluids, or nutrients directly into the veins of a person.

An intramucular injection is when the substance is inyjected into a muscle, which has a lot of blood vessels and allows fast absorption of the substance This icommonly s used for vaccines andisthe common places of application are the gluteus nand the upper arm

Subcutaneous injections administer substances in the hypodermis, below the dermis. This tissue has few blood vessels, so is useful o r slow constant absorption. Infulin is an example of a substance delivered this way.

Which of the following are negative impacts on land resources caused by human activity? Check all that apply.erosion increase due to ocean waveserosion increase due to road constructionchemicals used in mining entering the soildesertification caused by deforestationdesertification caused by drought


The following negative impacts on land resources caused by human activity are:

- Erosion increase due to road construction;

- Chemical used in mining entering the soil;

- Desertification caused by desforestation.

The others options are natural impacts in the environment.

What is the advantage to the virus if they have an envelope?


The advantage is related to the protection of the genome. An envelope is responsible for protecting the genome while the virus travels between host cells. The envelope also plays a role in the infection, because it has glycoproteins in its surface to identify receptor sites on the host's cells. After the identification, the virus binds itself on the host's membrane.

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