to what extent did the policies of the booming 1920s contribute to the depression? was the depression inevitable, or could it have been avoided?


Answer 1

A high extent because there were policies such as the Hawley-Smoot Tariff which raised tariffs and there was the Teapot Dome Scandal which revealed a never before seen amount of greed and corruption within the government.

What is the greatest depression in World History?

Great Depression was the economic downturn that began in 1929 and lasted until about 1939. It was the longest and most severe depression which was experienced by the industrialized Western world, leading to changes in economic institutions, policy, and economic theory.

The major reason behind it was the after stock market crash of October 1929, which sent Wall Street into a panic and wiped out millions of investors.

Hence , the effect was inevitable.

To know more about Great Depression from the given link


Related Questions

.Contextualization: How do you think U.S. government officials might have reacted to this
description of the reconcentration camps?


The U.S. government officials might have reacted to this description of the reconcentration camps as the following was

They would have been absolutely horrified. They would have thought we had to intervene.What is a reconcentration camp?

Generally, The first wave of the Spanish "Reconcentracion Policy" was initiated in 1896 by General Weyler of Spain.

This policy resulted in the internment of thousands upon thousands of Cubans in concentration camps. Any citizen who disobeyed Weyler's orders and did not relocate into the designated camps inside the fortified cities within the allotted time period was subject to execution by the firing squad. The rural population had eight days to comply with this directive.

Within the field of sociolinguistics, the term "contextualization" refers to the use of language to convey significant characteristics of a communicative or interactional setting.

This may contain hints as to who is speaking, their connection to one another, the location where the discussion is taking place, and a great deal more.

Read more about reconcentration camps


What might be the most important for someone who is voting for the first time?


Answer: They know how the process works and has researched who they are going to vote for.

why do the police stay loyal to stalin?


The reasons why the police stayed loyal to Stalin were:

The leadership was full of Stalin loyalists They knew first hand what would happen if they went against Stalin They were under constant surveillance

How did Stalin command the loyalty of the Police?

The police under Stalin were loyal to him and committed a lot of atrocities in this role. One reason they remained loyal was that all the leaders in the police were Stalin loyalists who both respected and feared him.

The Police were also under constant survellance to ensure that they were not traitors and they knew this. They also knew what hell awaited them if they went against Stalin and so they stayed loyal to avoid that fate.

Find out more on Stalin at


The MOST important destructive force that can be seen in this picture is


Answer: Erosion by the action of water


Based on the cartoon, how do you think political parties affect the way that Americans view
politics? Make sure to use 3-4 sentences in your response.


Their main purpose, though, is not to amuse you but to persuade you. A good political cartoon makes you think about current events, but it also tries to sway your opinion toward the cartoonist's point of view.

A cartoonist is a visible artist who focuses on both drawing and writing cartoons (person photographs) or comics (sequential images). Cartoonists differ from comics writers or comedian book illustrators in that they produce each the literary and image components of the work as part of their practice. Cartoonists may match in a spread of codecs, such as booklets, comic strips, comic books, editorial cartoons, graphic novels, manuals, gag cartoons, storyboards, posters, shirts, books, advertisements, greeting cards, magazines, newspapers, webcomics, and video game packaging.

Learn more about cartoonist's here


How do the Transcontinental Railroad and immigration relate to the westward expansion.
Support your answer with evidence


SsbabanN sh:) shshahhshagaiemzlspbwOuz:)))

because the railroad commission and state board of education were not created by the texas constitution, their terms of office and size can be altered by


Because of the fact that the Railroad Commission along with the State Board of Education were not created by the Texas Constitution, their terms of office and size can be altered by passing a law, while changes that affects the terms of office and other responsibilities in the plural executive would require some constitutional amendment.

The term "Texas constitution" is used to describe the state of Texas's constitution. It has to do with the laws that are formed in the state and serve as guidelines for how the state's residents and state officials should behave.

The state's constitution did not establish the board of education that exists today. Therefore, when it comes to the state's schools, that is not what the state government should be using.

The state constitution has nothing to do with the board of education because they weren't involved in its creation.

While changes impacting terms of office and other responsibilities in the multiple executive would require constitutional amendment, changes affecting the Railroad Commission and State Board of Education could be made by passing a statute as they were not established under the Texas Constitution.

To learn more on Texas constitution click here:


Which of the following statements about the Mayan and European calendars is accurate?

They are both solar and based on a 365-day year.
They both built pyramids with steps corresponding to the years.
They both modeled the world as going through repeated incarnations.
They both have feasts days that honor Christian saints.


The Mayan and European calendars are both solar and are based on 365-day a year.

What is Mayan calendar?

Since at least the fifth century BCE, the Mayan calendar has been in use, and certain Mayan communities still use today. The Mayans did not invent the calendar, though they did contribute to its ongoing development. The Sun, Moon, and planets serve as the foundation for a variety of cyclical events in the Mayan calendar. The Maya write dates differently and a little bit longer than how we do, making them look distinct. They include the dates from all three of the major calendars and include their date in a column.

To learn more about Mayan Calendar refer to:





The answer is A. The constitution is written

What purpose did the Non-Importation Act serve?


Answer:The Non-Importation Act forbade import of certain British goods in an attempt to coerce Britain to suspend its impressment of American sailors and to respect American sovereignty and neutrality.


Too much logging in the Oyamel fir forests could lead to the eastern monarch butterfly going extinct because _______.
the entire population of the species spends winter in Oyamel
the winters are too cold in Oyamel
the butterflies breed in the Oyamel fir trees
the butterflies feed on the Oyamel fir trees


Answer: The answer is A


english-french rivalry in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries were centered on english claims in areas such as what


The rivalry of English and French in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries were centered in English who claim to the French throne.

What happen in these centuries?

In the 14th and 15th centuries, English kings claim to the French throne, that caused the Hundred Years' War. England, whose economy was supported by profits from the international wool and cloth trade, had some great military successes, but by the 1450s the country was in crisis and had failed militarily in France. , there was a threat of a prolonged recession. More social unrest erupted, followed by the Wars of the Roses, fought between rival factions of the English nobility. The victory of Henry VII in 1485 usually marks the end of the Middle Ages and the beginning of the early modern period in England.

Learn more about Hundred Years' War


Prompt: Research different examples and uses of GMO crops. Develop an argument in support of the use of GMO crops and an argument against the use of GMO crops.


Higher yields, a longer shelf life, disease and pest resistance, and even improved flavor are all characteristics of genetically modified crops. For both farmers and consumers, these advantages are positive.

What benefits and drawbacks do GMOs have?

GMO foods are intended to be more cost-effective to produce and healthier. GMO food benefits include increased nutrition, a reduction in pesticide use, and lower costs. Allergies or a rise in antibiotic resistance are two drawbacks of GMO food.

What is an example of a GMO that will benefit people?

Certain GMO crops were created expressly with consumers in mind. For instance, a commercially developed and accessible GMO soybean is used to produce a healthier oil. Currently on the market, GMO apples that don't discolor when chopped could aid in lowering food waste.

To know more about GMO visit:


Who were the enemies from the North that the Ancient Egyptian armies would constantly



the Hyksos, 


About 3600 years ago, the pharaohs briefly lost control of northern Egypt to the Hyksos, rulers who looked and behaved like people from an area stretching from present-day Syria in the north to Israel in the south. The traditional explanation is that the Hyksos were an invading force

Boccaccio's Decameron, which explores the messiness of what people are really like, illustrates what late medieval movement?
Renaissance humanism
The Protestant Reformation
The Catholic Reformation


Boccaccio's Decameron, which explores the messiness of what people are really like, illustrates  Renaissance humanism. The appropriate response is option A.

What is Renaissance humanism?

In the 14th, 15th, and 16th centuries, the study of classical antiquity saw a renaissance known as the Renaissance humanism, which began in Italy and then expanded throughout Western Europe.

Boccaccio, who is regarded as a key figure in the development of the European humanist literary culture that characterizes the Renaissance and beyond, was acutely aware of his role as a bridge between various cultures, including Christian and pagan, Italian, French, and Latin, classical and medieval, and Italian, French, and Latin.

To learn more about Renaissance humanism


Many of the elements of the government of the roman republic were adapted by the founding fathers and are still used in democratic governments today including?


They have also included parliaments, and constitutional monarchies to western europe.

Hope that helps, it wasn't much of an answer, but it is a fairly simple answer.

Which of the following conclusions can be made regarding the Supreme Court and Marbury v. Madison?

Marbury v. Madison limited the Supreme Court’s authority over the other branches of government.

Marbury v. Madison strengthened the Judicial Branch by giving the Supreme Court judicial review.

Marbury v. Madison made the Supreme Court the most powerful branch of the Federal government.

Marbury v. Madison tied the Judicial Branch with the Legislative Branch.


Marbury v. Madison limited the Supreme Court’s authority over the other branches of government this conclusions can be made regarding the Supreme Court and Marbury v. Madison.

The Court determined that Madison's reluctance to provide the commission was not an ethical part, but it did not issue a writ of mandamus requiring Madison to produce Marbury's commission. Because it was the one which established the right of judicial review with regard to the Constitution for the U.S. Supreme Court, lower federal courts, and later also with the counterpart state courts, Marbury v. Madison is significant.

To know more about Marbury v. Madison's conclusion refer to:


John calvin’s belief that god had long ago determined who was going to heaven is known as?.


Calvin's ideas of providence and predestination arose from his confidence in the unwavering "sovereignty of God." The earth would be "unlivable" without providence. Without predestination, "no one would be rescued" for people.

What is predestination in Calvinism?

Predestination is a Calvinist theory that addresses the question of how much control God actually has over the world. God "freely and unchangeably determined whatsoever came to pass," in the words of the Westminster Confession of Faith. The concept that God predetermined certain people's eternal fate to redemption by grace while allowing the other people to incur everlasting punishment for all of their crimes, including their original sin, is described by the second usage of the phrase "predestination" in relation to salvation. The former is known as "unconditional election," while the latter is known as "reprobation." According to Calvinism, only a select few people are reprobated by God while some are predestined and effectively called (regenerated/born again) to faith in due time.

Compared to other Christian traditions, Calvinism emphasizes election more.

To learn more about predestination in Calvinism from the given link


John Calvin's belief that god had long ago determined who was going to heaven is known as?.

explain how the land-based empires of the 1450-1750 time period developed (what allowed them to obtain and maintain power):


The land-based empires of the 1450-1750 time period developed due to a number of factors.

What is empire?
A political unit known as an empire is made up of many different nations and territories that is "typically established through conquest and divided into a dominant centre and subordinate peripheries." The empire's core has political sway over its outlying regions. Different populations that have different sets of rights and thus are governed differently do not have an equal status within an empire. According to a strict definition, an empire is a sovereign state with an emperor as its head of state; however, not all states with a combined territory under the control of supreme authorities are referred to as empires or ruled by emperors, and not all self-described empires have been recognised as such by historians and contemporaries.

The land-based empires of the 1450-1750 time period developed due to a number of factors. Firstly, the empires were able to take advantage of advances in technology and weaponry, which allowed them to obtain and maintain power. Secondly, the empires were able to benefit from the resources of the areas they conquered, which allowed them to expand their power. Finally, the empires were able to develop strong centralized governments, which helped them to maintain control over their territories.

To learn more about empire

Why did in the early middle ages not question the scientific beliefs at the time even though they were inherently flawed? what would be the consequences if they did?


As long as it was limited to the natural world, it was an independent field, apart from theology, and it had a lot of intellectual freedom.


By the late Middle Ages, there was widespread religious backing for natural science and an understanding that it was an essential component of education.

How can culture and beliefs influence the advancement and growth of science?

Values and beliefs of scientists are shaped by the larger culture in which they live. Such individual viewpoints may in turn affect the questions they decide to research and the methods they employ to do so.

Why was the scientific revolution opposed by the church?

Both scientists believed in the same idea, which is now known to be accurate, that the Earth rotated around the sun. Because the Earth, not the Sun, is said to be at the center of the universe in the Holy Scriptures, the Church, however, rejected this notion.

What does science and religion have in common?

They disagree, however, over the best way to distinguish between the two realms accurately (across all eras and cultures). The argument that science only considers the natural world while religion only considers the supernatural realm and how it relates to the natural is one approach to distinguish between science and religion.

To Know more about independent field,


which one the following phrases best describes slavery in Greece


explain a little more


True or False: The men of the expedition compiled flora and fauna specimens to send back to President Washington.


The men of the expedition compiled flora and fauna specimens to send back to President Washington. TRUE

What informs the return of the men of the expedition?

The entire Corps' with over 4,000-mile expedition, Captains Lewis and Clark documented 178 plants and 122 animals not previously identified by science. Lewis documented and preserved about 240 different plant species and returned them to Washington, together with hundreds of animal and bird skins and skeletons.

Therefore, the correct answer is as given above

learn more about men of the expedition:





France was the first foreign ally to the Americans during the American Revolution. Many of our Founding Fathers were influenced by French
Enlightenment philosophers.


Answer: true.


The Founding Fathers were heavily influenced by French philosopher Charles Secondat, Baron de Montesquieu when drafting the Constitution, most notably in connection with the separation of powers.Philosopher who influenced the Founding Fathers and the Constitution.


I agree with the person on top ^^

leo i, bishop of the city of rome in the fifth century, became the first pope after convincing the huns not to destroy rome. true false


Leo I, bishop of the city of Rome in the fifth century, became the first pope after convincing the Huns not to destroy Rome. This is true.

Attila led the Hun to invade Italy in 452 through other cities then later headed to Rome. Leo was one of the three envoys sent by Rome Emperor to negotiate with Atilla. The negotiation details were unknown, however, Leo was highly appreciated for his embassy since Atilla was significantly impressed to Leo that he decided to withdrew from Rome and discontinue the invasion. Leo was basically an aristocrat with good leadership and management skill, then became the first Pope called “the Great”


Intent of the 15th amendment?



The 15th amendment is  “The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.”

This means that everyone and anyone can vote no matter the color of their skin, gender so on, every citizen is equal.

The intent of the 15th amendment was to emphasize the idea of equality through the ability to vote.

The 15th amendment is stated in the United States Constitution under these words: "The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.” Before this period, many people were ineligible to vote due to their skin color and/or social status. This ineligibility denied them the rights to vote, opt out of involuntary servitude, participate in political office, and be considered citizens. This amendment aimed to support the overarching concept of equality through providing everyone the constitutional right to vote.

How did people feel about californios?


Answer: They feel like they are petty and rich.


When anyone tells anyone about them being from Cali the first thing people think is ohh so your rich... NO, it means I live in Cali. Also, people think that they are petty and get everything they want.

How did the French respond when the United States refused to pay debts owed to France.


When France installed a new government, the United States refused to repay old debts to new leaders.

France stopped all trade with the United States when the United States refused to pay its debts to France. In 1795, with the help of American banker James Swann, America was finally able to settle its debts to the French government. Paying off the US debt to France would have been seen by Britain as an attempt by the US to strengthen and strengthen France over Britain.

Britain would have thought that the US-French alliance would rise again against Britain. This union of France and America would have disturbed the contemporary political atmosphere. France’s war with Britain impact the U.S. repayment of Revolutionary War debts as repayment of debt to France would be considered a hostile act to Britain.

Learn about france:


what title did Mitchell Palmer hold during the 1920s
A. Vice president
B. President
C. secretary of the state
D. Attorney general


D. Attorney General of the US


Attorney General



How would the practice of nullification threaten the Union?
(Please help me, I need an answer asap!!!)



In November 1832, the Nullification Convention met. The convention declared the tariffs of 1828 and 1832 unconstitutional and unenforceable within the state of South Carolina after February 1, 1833. It was asserted that attempts to use force to collect the taxes would lead to the state's secession.


Hope it helps! Brainliest Please!

Select the correct answer from the drop-down menu.
Which law ensures that employers pay a minimum wage to their employees?
ensures that employers pay a minimum wage to their employeet



The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)

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