Explain one specific aspect of the culture described in stranger that came to town. Tell how it compares to a specific culture you are familiar with.


Answer 1

Ethnocentrism is one specific aspect of the culture described in stranger that came to town.

What is a specific culture one can be familiar with?

Relates to the distinctive traits of a culture. It is also possible to study intercultural communication by researching cultural characteristics of other civilizations and using those findings to analyze the general, universal characteristics of cultural structure.

Social structure, customs, religion, language, politics, the economy, and the arts are some of them.

Thus, Ethnocentrism is one specific aspect of the culture.

For more information about  specific culture, click here:



Related Questions

I ... my friends yesterday. (to see)


i seen my friend yesterday

i saw my friend yesterday


i would like to see my friend.


Article for school magazine about use of computers



here are some answers i hope it will help u

Discuss the role you think society and/or media (television, film, social media, etc.) plays in determining how men and women talk and form bonds. Do you think the arguments presented still ring true or has media shifted these boundaries?


It is simple to become addicted, and studies have shown that kids who use social media excessively may experience a variety of problems, including difficulty sleeping, eye fatigue, negative body image, melancholy, anxiety, cyberbullying, and more.

How does the media affect how policies are made?By spotlighting the topics that are noteworthy at a given time, the media can help set the agenda for the press, the public, and policymakers in the domain of policy-making .Because there are so many ideas, thoughts, and opinions traveling through the social media platform, it is persuasive and frequently works to shift or influence beliefs when it comes to political views.personal ideas and beliefs, and skewed knowledge of a certain subject are just a few examples of the numerous elements of human existence that are impacted by the influence of the media.

To learn more about media refer to:



Which sentence is written correctly?
1. She and Jeff were team captains.
2. Her and Jeff were team captains.
3. Jeff and her were team captains.
4. Jeff and she was team captains.


Answer: 2

Explanation: not 100% between 2 and 3 but I fell like its 2 because if its 3 they would have listed her name.

Dieting is a form of cognitive control. A. True B. False


A) True
Is the answer


A. True


Giving brainlist

“The Date of Infamy” Summary
Complete your final draft of your summary of “The Date of Infamy.” Your summary should
• Be written in your own words.
• Include the author’s main, or central, idea.
• Include details and evidence to support this main idea.
• Highlight the logical relationships between the ideas presented in the original text.
• Consistently use a formal style and objective tone.


This "Day of Infamy Speech" was delivered by President Franklin D. Roosevelt on December 8, 1941, the day after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. Congress immediately declared war, and the United States joined World War II.

Roosevelt's speech made an appeal to patriotism rather than idealism and was written to support his picture of the United States as the victim of unprovoked Japanese aggression. Roosevelt used the kairos principle, which has to do with speaking quickly. It strengthened the speech and gave it crucial rhetorical weight. Roosevelt's speech adhered to a long-standing tradition of how "rhetorical conventions, presidents assume extraordinary powers as the commander in chief, dissent is minimized, enemies are vilified, and lives are lost in the defense of a nation once again united under God," according to author Sandra Silberstein.

What is the speech's main point from the Day of Infamy?

He made an effort to highlight the historic significance of what happened at Pearl Harbor while also subtly asking the American people to remember the attack and mark its anniversary.

The speech received a warm reception right away and left a lasting impression. It is among the most well-known political addresses in American history. With over 81% of listeners turning in to hear the address, it attracted the greatest radio audience in American history and was broadcast live. The White House thereafter received a number of telegrams complimenting Roosevelt's attitude, and shortly after the speech, Congress virtually overwhelmingly declared war against Japan, officially beginning World War II.

To learn more about Day of Infamy, click on https://brainly.com/question/10279339


Is it possible for a society to ever be completely democratic?


Based on the prompt about whether it was possible for a society to ever be completely democratic, the answer is YES, it is.

What is a Democracy?

This refers to the system of government where the citizens or electorates (people who vote) have the power as they elect their representatives in power.

Hence, it can be seen that some of the problems of democracy is corruption, nepotism and many other things, and once these things are stamped out and free and fair elections are conducted, then a completely democratic society is possible.

Read more about democracy here:



1. How do Antony and Octavius’ opinions regarding Lepidus differ?

2. Antony wants to change Caesar’s will; in what ways does this action and others he's taken change your impression of his moral character?

3. What do Cassius and Brutus argue about?

4. Cite the three instances of strategic disagreement where Cassius gives in to Brutus with brutal consequences.

5. What does Caesar’s ghost tell Brutus? Why is it a bad omen?

6. Pindarus makes what turns out to be a fatal error on the battlefield; how does his mistake make Cassius’ & Titinius’ deaths ironic?

7. Do you believe Brutus make the right choice at play’s end? Why or why not?


Antony says the Lepidus isn't always clever enough to be protected in their plan to become rulers of Rome, however, Octavius says that he is a good soldier and should be a frontrunner.

Antony and Octavius have special evaluations of Lepidus. Summarize their perspectives. Antony does not feel that he isn't always fit for Rome to be used, and Octavius thinks Lepidus is an experienced, and courageous soldier.

Octavius factors out that Lepidus is an “attempted and valiant soldier,” to which Antony responds, “So is my horse”: he is going on to examine Lepidus as a trifling animal, calling him a “barren-spirited fellow” and an insignificant tool. He thinks Lepidus is a courageous soldier who deserves to be rewarded. Brutus offers the following speech to Cassius in scene ii.

Learn more about Antony and Octavius here:-https://brainly.com/question/2242886


Underline the ADVERBS
Did you know crabs only walk sideways?


Did you know crabs only walk sideways? In this phrase, Sideways is a adverb.

What are adverbs?

An adverb is a verb, an adjective, another adverb, or a word that can modify or describe an entire sentence. Adverbs can be used to indicate manner (how something happens), extent (how much), place (where), and time (when).

Adverbs are usually formed by adding -ly to the end of an adjective (eg "fast" becomes "fast"). However, some adverbs do not have this ending. There are also adverbial phrases, word sequences that play the grammatical role of adverbs.

Therefore, In this phrase, Sideways is a adverb.

To know more about adverb, check out:



Which of the following is elaboration?

There are a wide variety of traits that aid sea life in surviving the brutal surroundings. Source one,
"Giant Squid (Architeuthis dux)," lists squid anatomy. The source states, "Largest eyes of any animal
on earth-great light-absorbing capacity."

They need to get inside the bone to feed off the nutrients inside. Instead of teeth or burrowing features,
these worms have the ability to burn through the strong bone.

To survive these harsh conditions the animals that reside in the depths of the ocean must have special
adaptations. These special characteristics that allow the survival of deep-sea creatures in the difficult
circumstances of the ocean are traits that help them navigate their environments, escape predators, and
capture food.

In Source two, "Zombie Worms Drill Whale Bones with Acid", tells about worms that secrete an acid to
help them break through the whale bones.


The option that is an elaboration is option C: To survive these harsh conditions the animals that reside in the depths of the ocean must have special daptations. These special characteristics that allow the survival of deep-sea creatures in the difficult circumstances of the ocean are traits that help them navigate their environments, escape predators, and capture food.

Elaboration in a sentence: What does it mean?

Providing more specific details is the essence of elaboration. Therefore, if more elaboration is required in your writing, you must go into greater detail to explain everything you have covered. This will strengthen and increase the impact of your writing.

The special characteristics that relate to some body parts of an organism, such as skin, color, and shape. The organisms can survive in their natural habitat thanks to these adaptations.

Hence, Choosing and incorporating details that support, clarify, illustrate, and/or develop ideas is the process of elaboration. Complete, pertinent elaboration improves writing whether these ideas are drawn from primary sources or personal experience as shown in the option selected.

Learn more about elaboration  from


What are some examples of envy and revenge addressed in Beowulf?


The central themes to Beowulf are envy and revenge. Having said that, revenge and envy are two strong and often destructive characteristics of human beings. These both are addressed in several ways. For example, The fact that they enjoy friendship and community makes Grendel not just angry but also envious and so he can't enjoy anything.

Another most important examples is that of the dragon that takes revenge on people for the theft of its treasure. It leads to Beowulf having to fight and kill the dragon and so, it is an important example

Therefore, we can see Grendel's attacks against Heorot as a display of his envy.

To learn more about Beowulf from the given link



1. People who refuse to eat sushi are missing a delicious taste experience.

a. Fact

b. Opinion

c. Fact and opinion


Your answer is b it’s not a fact a fact can be proven it’s a opinion
B is your answer so pick b

According to the Article, what happened after Lovie's grandmother posted an image of the child on social media?

Lovie's grandmother took her to the Harriet Tubman Museum & Educational Center to see and touch a mural there.

People visiting the Harriet Tubman Museum & Educational Center began to ask why Tubman's image has not yet appeared on the $20 bill.

Attendance at the Harriet Tubman Museum & Educational Center tripled, and foot traffic at Dorchester County's visitor center increased.

A mural of abolitionist Harriet Tubman was painted in the trompe l'oeil style and displayed at the Harriet Tubman Museum & Educational Center.


The Harriet Tubman Museum & Educational Center is where Lovie's grandma brought her to observe and interact with a mural.

Explain about the Social media?

Social media refers to communication techniques where users create, distribute, and/or exchange ideas and knowledge through virtual communities and networks.

Social media is used by billions of people to communicate and share information. Social networking gives you the freedom to interact with loved ones, learn new things, explore new interests, and find entertainment.

Social media can, in fact, be helpful to society. People might connect, and as a result, their connections might deepen. Social media also encourages student growth and learning. It can also aid businesses in expanding their customer and boosting earnings.

On a variety of platforms, people can keep in touch with friends, family, and the outside world. Social media use is one of the most popular online hobbies, and 82% of Americans had a profile on one or more social networking sites in 2021, up 2% from the 80% usage rate the year before.

To learn more about  Social media refer to:



The Harriet Tubman Museum & Educational Center is where Lovie's grandma brought her to observe and interact with a mural.

Explain about the Social media?

Social media refers to communication techniques where users create, distribute, and/or exchange ideas and knowledge through virtual communities and networks.

Social media is used by billions of people to communicate and share information. Social networking gives you the freedom to interact with loved ones, learn new things, explore new interests, and find entertainment.Social media can, in fact, be helpful to society. People might connect, and as a result, their connections might deepen. Social media also encourages student growth and learning. It can also aid businesses in expanding their customer and boosting earnings.On a variety of platforms, people can keep in touch with friends, family, and the outside world. Social media use is one of the most popular online hobbies, and 82% of Americans had a profile on one or more social networking sites in 2021, up 2% from the 80% usage rate the year before.

To learn more about  Harriet Tubman Museum refer to:



What type of writing is the following example?
A expository
B persuasive
C technical



Expository since it contains facts

Practice Action Verbs Underline the action verb in each sentence. 1. An author wrote a book about the history of string. 2. Long ago people twisted vines into strong ropes. 3. People still weave thin fibers into cloth. 4. My sister knits socks from yarn. 5. We stretched a rope from tree to tree. 6. I always tie a ribbon around a birthday present. 7. We learned about different kinds of knots. 8. He made a belt from three different colors of string.​



1. wrote



4. knots

5. stretched

6. tie


8. made

I didn't know what the word "hemorrhage" meant, but when I saw the details of the condition in the words surrounding it, I realized it meant to bleed heavily. This is an example of...*
context clues
glittering generalities


Answer: context clues





What type of writing is the following example?
A expository
B persuasive
C technical


The type of writing in the following example is expository. The correct option is A.

What is an expository essay?

The expository essay is a type of essay that calls for the student to research a topic, assess the evidence, elaborate on the topic, and provide an argument on the topic in a clear and succinct manner.

Expository writing is frequently used in academic essays, magazine articles, and scientific reports. This article is about HVA cameras to be installed in classrooms for virtual learning. This article is about expository writing.

Therefore, the correct option is A. expository.

To learn more about an expository essay, refer to the link:



Purple hibiscus

Chapter 14

Ade Coker’s widow and child come to visit Mama and Papa. What do Jaja and Kambili learn? What does Jaja say about the traumatized child who has just begun speaking again, four months after the package with the bomb was delivered?


In The Purple Hibiscus, That evening, and her daughter are there. Yewande, who is still grieving for Ade and is dressed entirely in black, is relieved when her daughter, who had been silent ever since the explosion, spoke that morning.

Yewande bows down in front of Papa and expresses gratitude for sending them to a foreign hospital for the greatest care. Papa forces her to stand up and claims that God is the source of all healing. Later, when Kambili visits Jaja, he shifts his desk to make way for her.

As they talk about Yewande Coker's kid, Kambili expresses her gratitude to God for her recovery. Jaja gives her a pitiful expression. Although the girl may have spoken, he claims that she will never fully recover. When Kambili pushes the desk to make room for herself to pass by, she notices that it isn't particularly heavy and wonders why Papa couldn't move it.

To learn more about Purple Hibiscus here:



how many phonemes in know


Answer: two

Explanation: For example, the word “note” has four letters but just 3 speech sounds; the word “know” has four letters but just two speech sounds.

1. How do the concept vocabulary words sharpen the reader's understanding of the debate over slavery​


The correct response is - The use of imagery in the vocabulary helps the reader grasp it better.

What is vocabulary?

A person's language's set of common terms is known as their vocabulary. A vocabulary is a valuable and essential tool for communication and information acquisition that typically develops with age. One of the hardest parts of learning a second language is developing a wide vocabulary.

The words we need to know in order to communicate successfully are referred to as our vocabulary. The four vocabularies of hearing, speaking, reading, and writing is frequently taken into account by educators. The words we require to grasp what we hear are known as listening vocabulary. The language we use when we talk is called speaking vocabulary.

To read more about vocabulary, refer to - https://brainly.com/question/17547766


What does "this trend" refer to? Choose the phrase that completes the sentence.
In 2015, of the books published for young people.
unfortunately only about ten percent reflected that
expectation. By 2018, the number had improved to over fifteen
percent. In fact. Marley has further contributed to this trend by
publishing her own book. Marley Gets it Done and So Cal


The increase in diverse books does "this trend" refer to. Hence, option A is correct.

What does books publish?

This shows that your book is available and can be bought via any and all distribution channels. Release: This frequently refers to the day that books are delivered to physical stores and online retailers from a distribution centre.

Academic works regarding a certain subject that are printed or published online. to generate, release for distribution, notify the public, or make accessible to the public specifically.

Thus, option A is correct.

For more information about books publish, click here:




The increase in the books, Smh I forgot what it said


Answer is A.

Context: What has happened to make Inan and Zelie working together?



Because of this violent past, Zélie is reasonably mistrustful of nobles like Amari and Inan, though Zélie and Amari eventually develop a deep friendship


In the poem Shelley references in chapters 5-8 of Frankenstein, something is hung around the neck of the sailor. What was it?
A. An anchor
B. An albatross
C. An oar
D. A cross


In the poem Shelley references in chapters 5-8 of Frankenstein, An Albatross is hung around the neck of the sailor.

To serve as a cursed reminder and to keep the Ancient Mariner from forgetting, the mariners placed an albatross around his neck.

The ship's crew, who were unable to talk due to dehydration, told the mariner through their glances that they held him responsible for their predicament and tied the bird around his neck as a symbol of his guilt. This gave rise to the metaphor of an albatross around the neck to represent a weight that is challenging to shed.

Hence the correct answer is option B.

To learn more about  Albatross here:



Which of the following inferences about Polonius is best supported by the passage below (2.1.53-55)?
And then, sir, does 'a this-'a does-what
was I about to say? By the Mass, I was about to say
something. Where did I leave?
A. He is a cunning sneak who plots evil deeds.
B. He is a fool who meddles in the business of others.
OC. He wants to involve Polonius in the murder plot by his misstatements.
D. He wants to present one side of Polonius here and will reveal another later.


The answer is A.  He is a cunning sneak who plots evil deeds.

Here in these lines, Polonius is saying to Reynaldo that he pretends to lose the thread for two reasons. Amek Reynaldo Relaxed conversation atmosphere with low tension.

Polonius' most famous lines are Act 1, Scene 3 ("Be neither a borrower nor a lender"; "Be true to yourself") and Act 2, Scene 2 ("Brevity is wit is the soul”). This may be madness, but there is a method behind it"), others have become paraphrased maxims ("Clothes make a man"; "Old friends are best friends"). Speaks in Act 3, Scene 4, where Hamlet is killed ("Oh, I've been killed!") was parodied and derided for its obviousness.

To know more about Polonius



begin, "Tis sweet and commendable . . ." Use
context to determine the meaning of the word
filial as it is used in the fifth line. Explain how
context helped you determine the meaning of
the word.


Using context, we can actually see that the meaning of the word "filial" as it is used in the fifth line means a responsibility that a son has towards his father.

Context helped me to determine the meaning of the word because in the lines, we see:

your father (line 2 and 3)that father (line 4)

What is context clue?

Context clue is actually known to be the hints that are given in a paragraph or passage that helps readers to get an answer to a question which is not too obvious. The use of certain words in a paragraph or passage can serve as a context clue in order to enable the reader find out what is happening in that text.

We see here that looking at the words that are used in the lines of the speech, we see that they give us a hint to the meaning of the word, "filial". It reveals the responsibility a son has towards the father.

Learn more about context clue on https://brainly.com/question/24750804


Read the excerpt from "Our Hero.”

The town is setting up for the parade
to welcome brave Bill Wilson home again.
Along the town's main street, flags and balloons,
like cheerful sparring partners, bob and weave,
and Bill's big brother Joe directs a crowd
of grade school boys and girls. They sweep the street
and chatter with excitement about Bill.

These lines provide the reader with

implicit information that describes what a hero Bill Wilson is.
explicit information that describes who Bill Wilson’s brother is.
explicit information that describes where Bill Wilson has been.
implicit information that describes how the town feels about Bill Wilson.


The lines provide the reader with D. implicit information that describes how the town feels about Bill Wilson.

What can be deduced from the line?

The line helps to give the necessary information about the inner feelings of the people when Bill Wilson returned to them so they can shoe him how precious he was to them .

It should be noted that the people organized a town parade which was organized so as to give a warm welcome to Bill Wilson and they all came out to honour him with their joy and this was what the last option was telling us.

Therefore, the last option is correct.

Learn more about Bill Wilson here:  https://brainly.com/question/11969761


How does the writer want us to feel about the
sniper? Which of his actions contribute to our
feelings about him? In the sniper story


The sniper shoots the others because that was his mission, and he needed to protect himself.

What is the sniper short story about?

Liam O'Flaherty uses his story "The Sniper" to convince readers that war is a terrible delusion that can destroy families. This is emphasized throughout the story by the brilliant handling of the plot structure.

The main theme in Liam O'Flaherty's short story The Sniper is that war is cruel. Many details in the story back this up. War forces people to do things they would not normally do, primarily to protect what they believe in or their country.

Therefore, The author intends for the reader to be sad because she was helpless and a victim of the war.

Learn more about the sniper from the given link.



What literary device is contained in
... that had no say in the matter.'
i) What grammatical name is giv
to this expression as it is used in
What is its function?


A literary device known as invective is used to criticize or insult a subject by using derogatory language and body language. Negative feelings frequently accompany invective. There are two categories of invective: high invective and mild invective.

What are the literary device is contained in expression?

In literature, aposiopesis is employed to create dramatic effects. It might show a character who has lost control of their emotions. Additionally, it might provide readers the freedom to use their imaginations to create horrors or threats.

Therefore, Although emotional appeals are frequently powerful rhetorical devices, logical arguments that rely on them are typically viewed as naive or dishonest.

Learn more about literary device here:



Hamlet alludes to Hyperion and Niobe. Look online who are these people he alludes to and what is he trying to say about Claudius and Gertrude


The goal of these allusions by Hamlet is to describe the actions of Claudius and Gertrude. They are employed to describe how Claudius and Gertrude behave.

Hamlet compares Hyperion, a strong and wise Titan, to his father, a man for whom he should have wisdom and respect.

This metaphor highlights the Queen's cunning character. The gods chastised Niobe for acting out of human frailty and treating her family only as a source of status. This allusion suggests that Gertrude will suffer a severe punishment because she at some point acted out of human weakness (having an affair with Claudius, for example).

Hamlet makes a suggestion that Niobe represents a dejected mother because the Queen of Thebes slaughtered her children out of conceit. The purpose of this allusion is to disparage Hamlet's mother for marrying her husband's brother, who passed very soon after becoming a widow.

To know more about 'Hamlet' related questions

visit- https://brainly.com/question/19029220


1. Choose the sentence that has been written correctly, including the correct punctuation marks.
Will we study Africa in class this year?
O will wee study africa in class this yeer
Will we study Africa in class this yeer?
Onone of these
Will we study Africa in class this year.


The correct answer would be the first one.


A) Will we study Africa in class this year?


O will wee study africa in class this yeer - Spelled wrong and not capitalized

Will we study Africa in class this yeer? - Spelled wrong (Year)

Will we study Africa in class this year. - Need a question mark

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