e relief
1. Which statement best explains Henry's character development?
As a young child Henry is slow to display his speech, but he soon
proves to be inquisitive and intelligent. Ultimately, he grows into a
compassionate boy.
From a silent and troublesome child, Henry develops into a precocious,
Irreverent young man. He becomes a social outcast and finds solace in
feeding animals.
Henry begins his life as the center of attention with his parents, but he
eventually loses their approval. He becomes more and more withdrawn
into his own world.


Answer 1

First option is correct. The statement which best explains Henry's character development is - as a young child Henry is slow to display his speech, but he soon proves to be inquisitive and intelligent. Ultimately, he grows into a compassionate boy.

About Character Development

Any work of fiction must depict realistic character development with such a compelling character arc in order to mirror actual life. These characters must also possess believable personality features that develop as the character does. Although if a central character is just a cat, or tree, or any other nonhuman object, stories are about people. Since a story's humanity is what each reader can relate to, outstanding storytellers will benefit from strong character development. A compelling character development and strong character traits give a story life and provide the reader new perspectives.

To know more about central character:



Related Questions

Vince had to put his sunglasses on because the rays of the sun were so brilliant.
What is the Definition of brilliant?
What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?


Answer: brilliant means strong


if Vince needed to put his sunglasses on it means the sun is strong because you normally don't put sunglasses on when the sun is weak

Part A

What argument does Kennedy make in his “Ich bin ein Berliner” speech?

a. Many Germans have suffered under communism.

b. Democracy is the only system that guarantees prosperity to all Germans.

c. Communism must be altered to allow more individual freedom for Germans.

d. Democracy can exist alongside communism in Germany because it is an accepting system.

Question 2
Part B - Points depend on a correct response in Part A.

Which answer choice presents the most logical reasoning in support of the argument identified in Part A?

a. "There are many people in the world who really don't understand, or say they don't, what is the great issue between the free world and the Communist world."

b. "... one German out of four is denied the elementary right of free men, and that is to make a free choice."

c. "All free men, wherever they may live, are citizens of Berlin."

d. "There are some who say that communism is the wave of the future.

Let them come to Berlin."


The argument that Kennedy make in his “Ich bin ein Berliner” speech is option  c. Communism must be altered to allow more individual freedom for Germans.

The present that the most logical reasoning in support of the argument identified in Part A is d. "There are some who say that communism is the wave of the future.

What does communism actually stand for?

The socialist movement's communism is a far-left sociopolitical, philosophical, and economic tendency with the aim of creating a communist society with a shared ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange.

The cornerstones of communism are the fair distribution of wealth among a country's population and the communal ownership of all property. In particular, it demanded that the proletariat, or working class, take control of the means of production, such as manufacturing and agriculture.

Therefore, Kennedy visited Berlin in June of that year. "There are some who claim that communism is the wave of the future," he remarked in his speech.

Learn more about communism from


How does Gatsby react to Nick inviting Daisy to come over


Answer:Nick is offended

Explanation:Nick is slightly offended that Gatsby wants to pay him for arranging the meeting with Daisy and refuses Gatsby's offers, but he still agrees to call Daisy and invite her to his house. It rains on the day of the meeting, and Gatsby becomes terribly nervous. Aristotle wrote that a tragic hero needs to elicit three responses in the audience; pity, fear, and catharsis.

How do the female athletes contribute to the plot?
by deciding not to vote during the election
by getting more money for their teams
by casting all of their votes for Wilma
by making sure the students vote for Denise



The answer is B. by getting more money for their teams


Rose reflects that people have to learn things themselves so that they can improve their own lives. What prompts her to make this comment?


Rose acknowledges that her error was in not pressuring Troy to make room for her in their relationship: "That was the first error I made. not to demand that he create way for me. as for myself in the situation."

In the environment where "Fences" was situated, Rose can be seen as a representation of feminism. She exemplified the strength that women may have and use, despite the oppression and discrimination that most women face in society at the time.

The name "Rose" serves as a metaphor for Rose's unwavering love for Troy. Like a flower, a rose never stops showing love and care. For instance, Troy informed Rose of his affair and the child he is carrying.

Rose reveals to Cory that her marriage to Troy was mostly motivated by her belief that he would have healthy offspring. Rose claims that Cory and his father are similar, even though they did not get along, and she seems to be endorsing this here.

To know more about 'Rose' related questions
visit- https://brainly.com/question/29331046


why should students turn their cameras on during online classes



because it shows that the student is paying attention in class

Answer: So the teacher knows they are paying attention in class and not "off with the fairies"- english teacher ,2020

no 1 superpower in the world


Answer: The United States of America


United States. The United States of America is a North American nation that is the world's most dominant economic and military power. Likewise, its cultural imprint spans the world, led in large part by its popular culture expressed in music, movies and television.


USA is the no 1 superpower in the world


Tommy is mischievous at times, but she doesn't mind when he tags along on her trips to town with her friends. What type of sentence is this?



this is a compound sentence.


2) Which two statements would function as an argument in favor of the
mandated wearing of school uniforms?(Remember to choose two.)
School uniforms are a controversial topic.
School uniforms bring a sense of community to a
School uniforms are mandatory in some schools, but
not in others.
Some teachers are in favor of school uniforms, but
most students are opposed.
School uniforms tend to strengthen a feeling of
attachment to a particular student body.



B) School uniforms bring a sense of community to a school.

E) School uniforms tend to strengthen a feeling of attachment to a particular student body.


These options are the only ones that show positive statistics of mandated school uniforms.

Write a paragraph about ethical sports


A more ethical approach to athletics is sportsmanship. Under a sportsmanship model, healthy competition is seen as a means of cultivating personal honor, virtue, and character. It contributes to a community of respect and trust between competitors and in society. The goal in sportsmanship is not simply to win, but to pursue victory with honor by giving one's best effort.Ethics in sport requires four key virtues: fairness, integrity, responsibility, and respect.

Which statement is an example of onomatopoeia?
O The cooking instructor screeched at the students to get their soufflés right.
O Unfortunately, Desiree's soufflé collapsed like a deflated balloon.
The misshapen soufflé sat on its tray, mocking her, laughing at her.
O Desiree was still determined to prove her superb soufflé-making skills.


The cooking teacher screeched at the students
An onomatopoeia is a sound that someone/something makes

The statement which is an example of onomatopoeia is "The cooking instructor screeched at the students to get their soufflés right." Thus, Option A is correct.

What is "Onomatopoeia"?

"Onomatopoeia" has been described as the literary device in which there is a usage of a word that gives the similar sound which it describes. The authors employ this to describe a particular thing and its sound more effectively to the readers in a sensory manner.

This helps in communicating the idea more visually to the readers and promotes efficient comprehension among them and evokes the required response. The word "boom" is the onomatopoeia. The word "boom" sounds like the sound that is being made.

Therefore, The statement which is an example of onomatopoeia is "The cooking instructor screeched at the students to get their soufflés right." Thus, Option A is correct.

Learn more about onomatopoeia on:



prefix of illegitimately​


Answer: The Prefix of Illegitimately is ill


The word without ‘ill’ is legitimately. Legitimate basically means to be true to something, or it can also mean ‘fairly.’ The prefix ill means something that is bad or unsuitable.

Which of the following describes how Dark Romanticism/ American Gothic differs from general Romanticism
2 points
Believes that human's have a dark side
Disapproves of striving for perfection
Believes that everyone is good
Values intuition
Values nature over logic and science
Views science has dangerous
Plays on the darker human experiences, like grief or jealousy


Gothic fiction focuses more on pure dread than the dark mystery and distrust toward man, elements of Dark Romanticism.

What Dark Romanticism from general Romanticism?

The themes of self-destruction, judgment, punishment, and the psychological ramifications of sin and guilt are central to dark romanticism.

A subgenre of Romanticism known as “Dark Romanticism” is characterized by its obsession with sin, evil, and gloom.

Therefore, Dark Romanticism differs from Romanticism in that it places a greater focus on human frailty and sin (they are pessimists), whereas Romantics hold that people are generally decent (they are optimists).

Learn more about Dark Romanticism here:



Write: During their conversation, Mary says to Sam, "Patrick's
decided he's tired and doesn't want to eat out tonight""
(Paragraph 59). What do Mary and the reader know that Sam
does not?


Sam is claiming that it is impossible that Mary Maloney murdered him, but she actually did. This creates a dramatic irony. Unlike Sam and the police, who are unaware that she killed Patrick, the reader is.

After receiving the news, Mary Maloney does not handle it well and ends up murdering her husband Patrick. By deceiving the cops, she avoids being found guilty of her husband Patrick's death. She adores him and considers his arrival a "blissful time of day" every time. She anticipates the stillness because she is aware that he won't talk to her for some time. She appreciates being able to sip whiskey with him.Dahl uses dramatic irony throughout the narrative to highlight Mary Maloney's and other characters' actions. The lamb's leg is swung by Mary Maloney to her husband's head behind.

Thus this is what readers and Mary know but Sam doesn't.

Refer here to learn more about Mary: https://brainly.com/question/29376728


Find the subordinate clause in the following sentence:
Because she was confident of her win, she overestimated
her power over him.
A. She overestimated
B. Because she was confident of her win
C. Him
D. Her power


The subordinate clause in the following sentence is because she was confident of her win. Hence option B is correct.

What is sentence?

Sentence is defined as an expression that expresses an independent statement, inquiry, request, command, exclamation, etc. by one or more words. A basic sentence typically consists of a subject, a verb, and maybe an object and modifiers.

Subordinate clause is defined as a clause that does not function as a complete sentence on its own but rather completes the main clause of a sentence by adding to the meaning of the entire sentence as a whole.

Thus, the subordinate clause in the following sentence is because she was confident of her win. Hence option B is correct.

To learn more about sentence, refer to the link below:



Directions: Add in commas to them when needed.If the sentence does not need a comma, please write "(no comma)" at the end of the sentence.

1.When life gives you lemons make lemonade.

2.During the tornado the family hid in the bunker.

3.Once upon a time there was a lovely princess.

4. By the water the frogs sit and wait.

5. The frogs sit by the water and wait.

6.Around midnight every night I transform into a terrible monster that terrorizes the town.

7.Around midnight I transform into a terrible monster that terrorizes the town.

8. In the early evening there's a beautiful sound that can be heard from the deck of a ship.

9.Down by the sea in the early morning after breakfast is a good time to find beached jellyfish.

10.Without hesitation she waited patiently.


When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

During the tornado, the family hid in the bunker.

Once upon a time, there was a lovely princess

By the water, the frogs sit and wait.

The frogs sit by the water and wait.

Night by Elie Wiesel- chapter 1 questions with 3 sentences about for each!


With his father in the Nazi German death camps at Auschwitz and Buchenwald in 1944–1945, during the conclusion of the Second World War in Europe, Elie Wiesel wrote Night, a memoir published in 1960.

What is a short summary of Night by Elie Wiesel ?

Elie Wiesel released Night in 1956, following a self-imposed 10-year ban on discussing his experiences. Despite being written in Yiddish at first, the novel was swiftly translated into French and finally English. Before Wiesel passed away in 2016, he was well known for his conviction that one individual could make a significant difference and went on to receive the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to promote peace.

Night is typically regarded as a memoir, a nonfiction work based on the author's own experiences. The protagonist of the novel, Eliezer Wiesel, and the author, Elie Wiesel, have some distinctions.

To learn more about Elie Wiesel checkout the link below :



Examine the village in which Herot was built. What can you tell about the village? What can you tell about Herot?

Story: Beowulf


The village in which Herot was built was constructed because he wanted the people to see the way his royal palace was built.

Who is Herot?

The Woodford and central location of Beowulf poetry by the Anglo-Saxons is Heorot. A fabled Dan-ish king named King Hrothgar rules from this hall. The Gilgamesh hero Beowulf guards the golden hall before slaying the dragon after he starts killing the inmates of the hall.

Heorot represents human cultural beliefs and values or the power of the Dan-ish monarchs, or, to put it another way, all that is admirable in Beowulf's universe.

Learn more about Herot, here:



What is the central theme of “The Little Red Tortoise”? In one or two paragraphs, explain how the theme is developed throughout the text and how the little red tortoise’s actions and interactions help to develop the theme. Use evidence from the text to support your response.


The central theme of "The Little Red Tortoise" by Sanni Metelerkamp is bravery.

The story tracks the development of a red tortoise who goes to great lengths to secure the safety of his whole Tortoise nation. Even if the Young Ones disliked him in the beginning because of his color, his courage makes him a hero in the end. The Oubaas Giraffe usually picked a nice young tortoise whenever he saw one. The poor animals pulled their heads and feet into their shell in fright, making it easy for the Oubaas Giraffe to swallow.

The little Red Tortoise sacrifices himself to the Oubaas Giraffe to save his fellow creatures. As the giraffe tried to swallow the Red Tortoise, the clever animal stuck out his head and latched on to the giraffe's gullet. The tortoise managed to choke the giraffe to death, thus saving the Tortoise nation.

To read more about "The Little Red Tortoise," refer to:



In paragragh 2, crane's personification of "the voices of the cannon" provides infomation about
A. theme
B. cultural setting
C. historical setting
D. genre


The personification of "the voices of the cannon" by Crane  provided information about C. historical setting.

How did Crane use personification?

In the book, The Red Badge of Courage, by Stephen Crane, there was the use of figurative language such as personification. One such instance was when Stephen Crane used the phrase, "the voices of the cannon" to describe the use of cannons by the parties fighting in the war against each other.

The reason this personification was used was to show the historical setting of the book. This is because canons were military technology that were used in a specific period of human history which means that we can narrow down the setting of the book, thanks to the use of cannons. In this case, we know that the historical setting is the American Civil War as canons were still n use then.

Find out more on personification at https://brainly.com/question/24772036


Read the passage below and answer the question that follows.

Reading from a book each night before bed according to Jang encourages the brain to remember the text

Which of the following reflects the proper punctuation of the above sentence?

Reading from a book each night before bed, “according to Jang,” encourages the brain to remember the text.
“Reading from a book each night before bed,” according to Jang, “encourages the brain to remember the text.”
. . . [R]eading from a book each night before bed according to Jang encourages the brain to remember the text?
“Reading from a book each night before bed (according to Jang) encourages the brain to remember the text”.


We can see here that the option that reflects the proper punctuation of the given sentence is: “Reading from a book each night before bed,” according to Jang, “encourages the brain to remember the text.”

What is punctuation?

Punctuation is actually known to be the use of conventional signs and symbols and typographical devices in writing. The use of punctuation in writing helps to eliminate clumsiness when one is reading a text aloud. Punctuation marks are usually used in order to make writing simple and easy to comprehend.

We see here that the above option is correct. Punctuation actually helps to make writing easily and reading enjoyable. It gives better understand of what Jang said as well.

Learn more about punctuation on https://brainly.com/question/28814342


How does beneatha explore her identity and heritage in act 2



Beneatha puts on one of the Nigerian records that Asagai gave her and begins dancing and singing along with the African melody. With her costume and music choice, Beneatha embraces her African heritage. Nonetheless, her mistakenly “oriental” fan signifies that Beneatha still lacks a fully developed sense or understanding of true African identity.

Select any quote from a movie, television show, book, short story, poem, or song that is either meaningful to you or stands out to you in some way. Share the quote by integrating it smoothly into your sentences. Explain the quote's significance to you.
plsss help



“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.”-Oscar Wilde.

Oscar Wilde in search of those few beings who really life in their life

This also relates with the Quote #1 as both philosophies are fundamentally same but presented with different point of views.

Oscar said by comparing “life” and “existence” of people whereas Miley related the real life by having a good time.

To take the practical benefit of this quote one should be continuously improving the way he or she lives in life.

As the video said, Poe's stories were
usually more psychologically scary rather
than explicitly violent. Today, society
enjoys slasher movies and gore (like in the
Halloween movie that came out last
week). What do you think is more scary:
psychological horror or physical horror?



Psychological horror films sometimes frighten or unsettle by relying on the viewer's or character's own imagination or the anticipation of a threat rather than an actual threat or a material source of fear portrayed onscreen.

can a immoral person live a happy life? No then why?​


Answer: Yes, an immoral person can in fact be happy.

Explanation: Being immoral is simply a lifestyle, there simply is no answer to WHY a person should be 'moral' in the first place. You can certainly be happy and be a non-ethical person. Morality is literally pertaining to one's purpose and beliefs in life, we can view ethical behavior as a pathway to achieve a moral life; hence, a happy life. Simply, people who are immoral have come to terms with being immoral, they can in fact be happy.

Look at the picture


Answer: The answer would be a semicolon.



Good luck!!!

alphabetical order for peace,pare,peddle,role,roll,stare,waste and stake





I hope this helps! good luck!

The context of a word is O the definition of the word. O the circumstances in which the word is used. O the language the word comes from. Othe reader's prior knowledge about the word.​


The context of a word is the circumstances in which the word is used. The circumstances of an event are the reasons why something happened or how it happened.

His death seemed to have been suspiciously caused. She claims that her client is an accident victim and shouldn't be held accountable for it. He was the victim of events.

I'm looking into the circumstances surrounding Mary Dean's slaying. Synonyms: specific, fact, incident, detail More synonyms for situation. The most prevalent categories of situation, including place (including time and space), manner, extent, cause, contingency, accompaniment, and role, have all been thoroughly studied in accordance with various theoretical frameworks.

Your personal circumstances, as defined by several dictionaries, are your whole state of being, which includes everything that occurs to you. Therefore, your money, financial state, goods, social standing, and family life will all be covered.

To know more about Circumstances visit:



What is happening to Macbeth?

A. The noblemen have selected Macbeth to be the next King of Scotland.

B.Macbeth is being punished and is being sent to prison.

CMacbeth and his wife are going on a trip to celebrate their victory.

D.Macbeth is on the run because he's afraid of getting caught.


Answer: D

Explanation: It is option D Because it makes the most since

this is kinda due now





As you heard in her speech(comma for a full thought) She has progressive ideas.

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