3x5 - 2^2 - can you help me solve this?


Answer 1

Given, 3×5-2²

The multiplication operator precedes a subtraction operator. Thus the multiplication is performed before the subtraction is performed.


[tex]\begin{gathered} 3\times5-2^2 \\ =15-4 \\ =11 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus the answer we get after solving the given equation is 11.

Answer 2


Explanation:2 to the second =4. 3 times 5 equals 15. 15-4=11

Related Questions




u nor get work at all just dey post..

Two 4-1 resistors are connected in parallel to a 12-V bat-tery. Use the fact that the voltage across each of the resis-tors is 12 V to find the total current through the battery.What single resistor, if connected to the battery alone(called the equivalent resistance), would draw this samecurrent?


Given data

*The given resistors are

[tex]R_1=R_{2_{}}_{}_{}=4\text{ ohm}[/tex]

*The given battery voltage is V = 12 V

The equivalent resistance in parallel combination is calculated as

[tex]\begin{gathered} R_{eq}=\frac{R_1\times R_2}{R_1+R_2} \\ =\frac{4\times4}{4+4} \\ =\frac{16}{8} \\ =2\text{ ohm} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The total current flows through the battery is calculated as

[tex]\begin{gathered} I=\frac{V}{R_{eq}} \\ =\frac{12}{2} \\ =6\text{ A} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Keplers third law of planetary motion describes the relationship between the semi-major axis of a planet’s orbit and its (Fill in the blank)


Kepler's third law states that:

The squares of the orbital periods of the planets are directly proportional to the cubes of the semi-major axes of their orbits.

Therefore, it states the relationship between the semi major axis of the planet's orbit and its period. And the correct choice is C

How do I solve number 5? Answer hing in radians


Angular velocity is the speed at which an object travels in terms of radians or degrees, not any unit of length.

One full revolution around the sun: 2*pi radians, 365 days

2*pi/365 = 0.0172 rad/day

1 day = 86400 seconds, so to convert from rad/day to rad/s, simply divide by 86400.

0.0172 rad/day = 1.99238 * 10^-7 rad/s

If the voltage between 2 plates is 10 V and they are separated by 2 m, what is the electric field? A. 10 V/m B. 5 V/m C. 2 V/m D. 20 V/mWhat does it mean when there is a straight line on a current vs voltage graph?A. Current is proportional to the Voltage squared.B. Current and Voltage are not proportional.C. Current and Voltage are directly proportional.D. Current and Voltage are inversely proportional.


1) We will have that:




2) We will have the following:

It would mean that:

Current and voltage are directly proportional.

Please help with the following question.Mass of cylinder = m0



Mass of block = m0

Mass of cylinder = m0

Given that a cylinder is placed at the top of an incline and the block is also placed at the top of a separate rough incline.

Given that both objects reach the bottom of their respective inclines with the same translational speed, let's explain why.

Since the mass of the cylinder and mass of the block are the same, both objects can be said to be rolling down their respective inclines downward along the smooth slope due to the acceleration due to gravity.

In this case the downward acceleration of the cylinder will be higher than that of the block. Although the acceleration of the block should be higher due to the rotational inertia. This happens because the block is exposed to a higher frictional level(due to its rough incline) which causes it to slow down, hence its acceleration will now be apparently the same with that of the cylinder.

In this case, we now have equal initial velocities, equal masses, and equal acceleration.

Since these units are the same, both the block and the cylinder will have reach the bottom of their inclines with the same translational speed.

We have the figure below:

Consider a 0.9 kg object traveling in a circle of radius 6 meters. The object completes 1 circles in 2 seconds traveling at constant speed. What net force is required to sustain this motion? [Hint: 2 is almost equal to 10.]


Mass of the object, m= 0.9 kg and radius of the circular path, r = 6 m and time, T = 2 seconds.

Here, the velocity will be

[tex]\begin{gathered} v=\frac{dis\tan ce}{time} \\ =\frac{2\pi r}{T} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The force required to sustain this motion is


Substituting the value of velocity, we get

[tex]\begin{gathered} F=\frac{m(2\pi r)^2}{rT^2} \\ =\frac{4m\pi^2r}{T^2} \\ =\frac{4\times0.9\times10\times6}{2^2} \\ =54\text{ N} \end{gathered}[/tex]

On what behavior of matter does mercury in a glass thermometer depend?Select one:a. Change of color when heated.b. Change of state when heated.c. Change of size when heated. d. Change of mass when heated.


Since mercury expands with temperature a glass thermometer depends on the change of size when heated, therefore, the answer is c.

What is one way that the gravitational force between the moon and the earth would increase?a. If the size of the moon decreased while the distance remained constant.b. If the size of the moon increased while the distance remained constantc. If the size of the earth increased while the distance remained constant.d. both b and c



d. both b and c


If the mass of either object increases, the gravitational attraction between them increases.

F = G m1*m2 / r^2


F: Force

G = constant

m = masses

r = distance between objects

Mass is directly proportional to the gravitational force.

You read about the Air Canada flight, where the grounds crew used the wrong units
and conversion factors to fill the plane's fuel tank leading to it running out of fuel
and having to make a crash landing.
There are many other scenarios besides filling up a gas tank that require accuracy to
prevent serious injury. Several of these were discussed in the lessons. Even you may
have to make critical measurements that could result in a big problem if not done
Think of a different scenario (NOT FUEL TANK RELATED) where it would be
important to measure or calculate something correctly.
Describe what would be measured and why it would be important to measure with



no I don't understand it oo

why is scientific notation used ?a. to round numbers to the nearest whole numberb. to promote reproducibility of datac. to increase the validity of datad. to express very large or very small numbers


Scientific notation is used to represent very large or very small numbers in a simple way.

Therefore, the answer is option D.




it’s the last one chemical covered to mechanical


asked my science teacher to make sure it’s correct

Harmonics are multiples of the fundamental. If the fundamental frequency is 53 Hz, with what frequency will the 8th harmonic resonate?


Take into account that the relation in betwee the fundamental and the harmonics is given by:

f = fo·n

where f is the frecuency of the nth harmonic and fo is the fundamental.

Then, for the 8th harmonic (n = 8) and a fundamental of 53 Hz, you obtain for f:

f = (53 Hz)(8)

f = 424 Hz

Hence, the frequency of the 8th harmonic is 424 Hz

1. An object 2.25 mm high is 8.5 cm to the left of a convex lens of 5.5-cm focal length.


According to problem ( considering sign convention for convex lens)

height of object = 2.25 mm;

object distance(u)= - 8.5 cm

focal length (f)= 5.5 cm

image distance(v)= ?

Using lens formula

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{1}{f}=\text{ }\frac{1}{v}-\frac{1}{u}; \\ \therefore\frac{1}{5.5}=\text{ }\frac{1}{v}\text{ -}\frac{1}{-8.5} \\ \frac{1}{5.5}=\frac{1}{v}\text{ +}\frac{1}{8.5}; \\ \frac{1}{v}=\frac{1}{5.5}-\frac{1}{8.5}=\frac{3}{5.5\times8.5}=\frac{3}{46.75} \\ v=\frac{46.75}{3}=15.58\text{ cm} \end{gathered}[/tex]

a) Answer is :- Location of image = 15.58cm

Using magnification formula

[tex]\begin{gathered} Magnification\text{ =}\frac{height\text{ }of\text{ }image}{height\text{ of object}}=\frac{v}{u} \\ \therefore Magnification=\text{ }\frac{15.58}{8.5}\text{ =1.83} \\ \therefore\frac{height\text{ }ofimage}{2.25}\text{ =1.83;} \\ \therefore height\text{ of image = 1.83}\times2.25=4.12\text{ mm} \end{gathered}[/tex]

b) Height of image = 4.12 mm

C) Magnification= 1.83

How much heat is necessary to change 480 g of ice at -19°C to water at 20°C? answer in:____kcal



[tex]18.05\text{ }kcal[/tex]


The amount of heat necessary to change the ice to water is given by:

[tex]Q=m(c_{ice}\Delta T_{ice}+L+c_{water}\Delta T_{water})[/tex]

where m = mass of ice = 480 g = 0.48 kg

c(ice) = specific heat capacity of ice = 2108 J/kg/K

ΔTice = change in temperature of ice = 0 - (-19) = 19 K or 19 °C

L = latent heat of fusion of ice = 33600 J/k

c(water) = specific heat capacity of water = 4186 J/kg/K

ΔTwater = change in temperature of water = 20 - 0 = 20 K or 20 °C

Therefore, the heat necessary is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} Q=0.48([2108*19]+33600+[4186*20]) \\ \\ Q=0.48(40052+33600+83720)=0.48*157372 \\ \\ Q=75538.56\text{ }J \end{gathered}[/tex]

Convert this to kcal:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 1\text{ }J=\frac{1}{4184}\text{ }kcal \\ \\ 75538.56\text{ }J=\frac{75538.56}{4184}\text{ }kCal=18.05\text{ }kcal \end{gathered}[/tex]

That is the answer.

How much potential energy does a person of mass 50 kg have if they are standing at the top of a building that is 54.8 m high? Submit your answer in exponential form.



2.69 x 10^4 J



Mass (m) = 50 kg

Height (h) = 54.8 m

The potential energy is calculated by the following formula:

[tex]E=m\cdot g\cdot h[/tex]

We replace and determine the value of the energy:

[tex]\begin{gathered} E=50\cdot9.8\cdot54.8 \\ \\ E=26852=2.69\cdot10^4\text{ J} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The potential energy is equal to 2.69 x 10^4 joules.

How does the velocity of a falling object change with time? How would you describe the mathematical relationship between velocity and time of a falling object? Explain the answer using your data, graphs, and the kinematic equations.The image below shows the ball stopping at 2 4 6 8 and 10 and how long it took it too stop there


We will have the following:

First, we can see that the data presented is the following:

Now, from this information we can construct the following graphical relationship between time and distance drawn by the object:

From this we can infer that the relationship between time and distance is linear in nature, and the path of best descripton by linear regression is given by:

Where the approximation is:


We can see the linear relationship that fits the model, from this and the fact that in kinematics the following is true:

[tex]d=v\ast t[/tex]

Where "d" is the distace, "v" is the velocity and "t" the time.

From the data, the values of "x" represent the time and thus, the ratio of the function found is the velocity of the object.

In summary, the relationship is linear as per in kinematics, time and distace change proportionally in the data provided; and the approximated velocity of the object was 2.47m/s.

A 0.7kg ball Is thrown and accelerated by 62 m/s. How much force is applied to it? Round your answer to the nearest whole number



the mass of the ball is m=0.7 kg.

The acceleration in the ball is

[tex]a=62\text{ m/s}^2[/tex]

Required: the force applied on the ball


The force is given by


here, F is force, m is the mass, and a is the acceleration.

Plugging all the values in the above relation, we get:

[tex]\begin{gathered} F=0.7\text{ kg}\times62\text{ m/s}^2 \\ F=43.4\text{ N} \\ F\approx43\text{ N} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus, the force on the ball is 43 N.

(a) By how many percent is the torque of a motor decreased if its permanent magnets lose 3.9% of their strength? %(b) How many percent would the current need to be increased to return the torque to original values? %


a) The torque of a DC motor is directly proportional to the flux of the magnetic field, thus, when we reduce the flux (strength of permanent magnet) by 3.9%, we also reduce the torque by 3.9%

b) The torque of the DC motor can also be written as T=k*phi*I, where I is the current on the static part of the assembly. Thus, in order to maintain this relation, if the new phi is 0.961 times the old phi, the new current will need to be 1/0.961 times the old current, and thus 4% higher

The small piston of a hydraulic press has an area of 3.2 in2. If the applied force is 2.0 lb, what must the area of the large piston be to exert a pressing force of 795 lb?


Given data:

The area of the hydraulic press is,


The applied force is,

[tex]F_1=2\text{ lb}[/tex]

The pressing force on the large piston is

[tex]F_2=795\text{ lb}[/tex]

Given hydraulic press works on Pascal's law principle.

From the Pascal's law, the equation can be given as,




is the area of the larger piston.

Substituting the values in the above equation, we get:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{2\text{ lb}}{3.2in^2}=\frac{795\text{ lb}}{A_2} \\ A_2=1272in^2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus, the area of the large piston is


A 25 kg mass is thrown from the ground to a height of 50 m. (a) find the kineticenergy of the mass at this height.; (b) find the potential energy of the mass at thisheight. ; (C) find the velocity of the mass when it reach the ground.



m: mass

m = 25 kg

h: height

h = 50 m


(a) Kinetic energy is directly proportional to the mass of the object and to the square of its velocity. At this height initial velocity is equal to zero

K = 0 J

(b) The potential energy of any given object is a measurement of its potential to do work, create heat and generate power.

[tex]\begin{gathered} U=mgh \\ U=25\operatorname{kg}\cdot9.8m/s^2\cdot50m \\ U=12250\text{ J} \end{gathered}[/tex]

(c) When the mass reaches the ground all the potential energy is transformed into kinetic energy.

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{1}{2}mv^2=U \\ \frac{1}{2}mv^2=12250J \\ v=\sqrt[]{\frac{2\cdot12250}{25\operatorname{kg}}} \\ v=31.30\text{ m/s} \end{gathered}[/tex]

You want to know the intensity of electric current whose total charge is 35 Coulombs, calculate the intensity if this charge is passed through copper for 7 seconds





To find the current intensity, we have to apply the formula for current intensity:


where q = charge

t = time

Hence, the current intensity is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} I=\frac{35}{7} \\ I=5A \end{gathered}[/tex]

That is the answer.

An object is placed 10.0 cm in front of a thin concave lens with a focal length of 18 cm. Calculate the imageposition


The focal length of a concave lens is expressed as,


Here, f is the focal length, u is the distance of object and v is the distance of image.

Plug in the known values,

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{1}{18\text{ cm}}=\frac{1}{10.0\text{ cm}}+\frac{1}{v} \\ \frac{1}{v}=\frac{1}{18\text{ cm}}-\frac{1}{10.0\text{ cm}} \\ v=\frac{(18\text{ cm)(10.0 cm)}}{10.0\text{ cm-18 cm}} \\ =-22.5\text{ cm} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus, the distance of image is -22.5 cm where negative sign indicates that the image will be at the same side of object.

Find the angular velocity (in rad/s) of a motor that is developing 37.0 W of power with a torque of 5.5 Nm.



[tex]6.72\text{ rad/s}[/tex]


Parameters given:

Power, P = 37.0 W

Torque, T = 5.5 Nm

To find the angular velocity, we apply the relationship between torque and power:


where ω = angular velocity

Therefore, the angular velocity of the motor is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \omega=\frac{P}{\tau} \\ \omega=\frac{37}{5.5} \\ \omega=6.72\text{ rad/s} \end{gathered}[/tex]

That is the answer.

A car accelerates from from 20m/s to 30m/s in 10s (a) calculate the cars acceleration using v = u+at (b) Draw a velocity-time graph to show the cars motion find the distance it travels by calculating the area under the graph (c) check your answer by using the equation s = ut+1/2seqore



The cars acceleration is given as

V = u +at

30 = 20 + a * 10

30- 20 = 10*a

acceleration = 1 m/s²

b.  The velocity time graph is shown below:

Distance covered (s)= Area under the curve=

20 x 10 + [ (1/2) x 10 x 10 ]

distance = 250 m

C. checking answer

s = ut + (1/2) x at²

s = 20 x 10  + [ (1/2) x 10 x 10 ]

s = 250 meters.

What is acceleration?

Acceleration is described as the rate of change of the velocity of an object with respect to time.

The Velocity-time graph is a plot between Velocity and Time that shows the Motion of the object that moves in a Straight Line. It is given that the magnitude of Velocity at a given instant is equal to its Instantaneous Speed.

On a velocity-time graph a horizontal (flat) line indicates the object is travelling at a constant speed while a straight diagonal line indicates that the object's velocity is varying.

Learn more about velocity-time graph at: https://brainly.com/question/24042893


The siren of a burglar alarm system has a frequency of 960Hz . During a patrol a security officer, traveling in his car , hears the siren of the alarm of a house and approaches the house at a constant velocity. A detector in his car registers the frequency of the sound as 1000 Hz . Calculate the speed at which the patrol car approaches the house . Use the speed of sound in air as 340m.s



14.2 m/s


When the source and receiver are getting closer, we can use the following equation:


Where fo is the observed frequency, fs is the emitted frequency, vo is the speed of the observed, vs is the speed of the source, and v is the speed of the sound. Solving for vo, we get:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{f_o}{f_s}=\frac{v+v_o}{v-v_s} \\ \\ \frac{f_o}{f_s}(v-v_s)=v+v_o \\ \\ \frac{f_o}{f_s}(v-v_s)-v=v_o \\ \\ v_o=\frac{f_o}{f_s}(v-v_s)-v \end{gathered}[/tex]

Then, replacing v = 340 m/s, vs = 0 m/s, fs = 960 Hz, and fo = 1000 Hz, we get:

[tex]\begin{gathered} v_r=\frac{1000}{960}(340-0)-340 \\ \\ v_r=14.2\text{ m/s} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the speed of the patrol car is 14.2 m/s

physics need help picture below. Consider the position vs time graph for objects A and B below.


The motion of the object B is uniform and having constant velocity and, the motion of the object A is non-uniform throughout. Object A doesn't having constant velocity.

Ball A of mass mA = 3 kg moves to the right (positive direction) with a velocity 4 m/s, while ball B moves to the left (negative direction) with a velocity -4 m/s. After the collision, A's velocity is -21 m/s and B's velocity is 1 m/s. What is the mass of B?



The mass of A is,

[tex]m_A=3\text{ kg}[/tex]

The initial velocity of A is,

[tex]u_A=4\text{ m/s}[/tex]

The initial velocity of B is,

[tex]u_B=-4\text{ m/s}[/tex]

The final velocity of A is,

[tex]v_A=-21\text{ m/s}[/tex]

The final velocity of B is,

[tex]v_B=-1\text{ m/s}[/tex]

Applying the momentum conservation principle we can write,

[tex]\begin{gathered} m_Au_A+m_Bu_B=m_Av_A+m_Bv_B \\ 3\times4+m_B(-4)=3\times(-21)+m_B\times1 \\ 12-4m_B=-63+m_B \\ 5m_B=75 \\ m_B=15\text{ kg} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the mass of B is 15 kg.

help please asap !looking for the answer to number 1 Its assigned homework for online that I don’t understand


Let's explain what a simple machine is.


A simple machine can be defined as a mechanical device used for applying force and doing work.

It changes the direction and magnitude of force.

In a simple machine there is no combination of parts and they have very few movable parts.

Types of Simple machines:

• Screw


• Pulley


• Wedge


• Wheel and axel


• Lever


• Inclined plane

Example of Screw is a screw.

Example of a pulley is an elevator

Example of a wedge is

When will the force be balance and when will the force won’t be balance [unbalance]


A force is a pull or push of an object that causes it to accelerate. When there are more than one force acting on a body then we call this a system of forces.

Suppose that we have the following system of two forces:

Forces "a" and "b" are acting in opposite directions. If the forces have the same magnitude then the total acceleration in the object will be zero. When a system of forces produces no acceleration on an object we call this balanced force.

If the magnitude of the forces is different then by Newton's second law we have;


Where "m" is mass and "a" is acceleration. A system where the sum of forces is the product of mass by acceleration is called an unbalanced force.

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