A group of friends were hanging out discussing the movies. They discovered that altogether, they went to the movies 30 times last year. Clio went 5 times as often as alex. Bernice went 2 more times than alex. How many times did clio go to the movies last year?.


Answer 1

Clio went 20 times to the movies last year. This can be calculated using linear equations.


Number of times all together they went to movies = 30

Clio = 5 times more than Alex

Bernie = is 2 times more than Alex.

Let 'a' be the number of times Alex has gone to the movie:

Clio = 5a

Bernie = a + 2

So, we can calculate the number of times Clio went to the movies if we find out how many times Alex went. This can be calculated using the following linear equation:

Clio + Bernie + Alex = 30

5a + (a +2) + a = 30

7a + 2 = 30

7a = 30 - 2

7a = 28

a = 28 ÷ 7

a = 4 times

From solving the above equation, we got that Alex (a) went to the theatre 4 times last year. Now, substituting the value of 'a' we get:

Clio = 5a

Clio = 5*4 = 20 times

Bernie = a+2 = 4+2 = 6 times

So, we can conclude by saying that, Clio went 20 times to the movies last year.

To know more about Linear equation,




Related Questions

Abraham Lincoln was featured on a poster that uses a scale of 1 inch = 4/9 feet. If the height of Lincoln on the poster is 14 1/4 inches, what is Lincoln's actual height? 9 A) 6'5" B) 6'4" C) 6'3" D) 6'2" E) 6'1"​


Answer: 6 ft 4 inches

Step-by-step explanation:

A sports statistician was interested in the relationship between game attendance (in thousands) and the number of wins for baseball teams. Information was collected on several teams and was used to obtain the regression equation ŷ = 4.9x + 15.2, where x represents the attendance (in thousands) and ŷ is the predicted number of wins. Which statement best describes the meaning of the y-intercept of the regression line? When the number of wins is 0, the predicted attendance is 0. When the number of wins is 0, the predicted attendance is 15,200. When the attendance is 0, the predicted number of wins is 4.9 When the attendance is 0, the predicted number of wins is 15.2.


The option that has the statement that best describes the the meaning of the y-intercept of the regression line is the option;

When the attendance is 0, the predicted number of wins is 15.2

What is a regression line?

A regression is a representation of a linear relationship between an input and an output variable. It is a model of the relationship between the variables presented in a linear form.

The regression equation is; [tex]\hat {y}[/tex] = 4.9·x + 15.2


x = The game attendance (in thousands)

[tex]\hat{y}[/tex] = The predicted number of times the team wins

The y-intercept represents the point at which the graph of the regression line equation intersects or touches the y-axis, which is the point where the x-value is 0, therefore, at the y-intercept, we get;

x = 0, [tex]\hat{y}[/tex]  = 4.9 × 0 + 15.2 = 15.2

At the y-intercept, [tex]\hat {y}[/tex] (the predicted number of wins) = 15.2

The description of the y-intercept is therefore, that when there is 0 attendance, the predicted number of wins of a base ball team is 15.2

Learn more about regression lines here:



A scuba diver was at a depth of -9 feet and dove another 7 feet to see a school of fish. What is the current depth of the diver?




Step-by-step explanation:

what grade are you in bro?

(03.01 LC)
The leg of a right triangle is 2 units and the hypotenuse is 3 units. What is the length, in units, of the other leg of
the triangle? (5 points)
O√5 units
O√13 units
5 units
O 13 units


Pythagorean theorem states that for a right triangle, the sum of the squares of the legs equals the square of the hypotenuse. Therefore the other leg can be found with this formula:

So the other leg is the square root of 5 units

This giant Rubber Duck has been recreated in many cities around the world, including Hong Kong, Pittsburgh, Toronto, Baku, and Sydney. The largest duck so far is in Saint-Nazaire, France. The duck measures 26 by 20 by 32 meters. A normal-sized rubber duck is about 3.5 inches at its widest part. What is the scale factor for this giant duck? Round your answer to the nearest whole meter.


The scale factor used in making the giant duck that duck measures 26 by 20 by 32 meters is 225

How to find the scale factor

Scale factors are used to increase or decrease image. The situation of increment is usually called magnifying.

For the duck the measures 26 by 20 by 32 meters represent the factored image, the original image is 3.5 inches for the lowest

comparing the lowest for both the original size and the giant duck

converting 3.5 inches to meters 0.0889 meters

let the scale factor be k

solving for the factor

0.0889 * k = 20

k = 20 / 0.0889

k = 224.97

k = 225

This factor for the giant duck is 225

Read more on scale factor here: brainly.com/question/8159270


write the converse inverse and contrapositive of each conditional statement. Determine the truth of each of the new statements. a. if each side of a triangle has a length of 10, then the triangles perimiter is 30 b. if an angle is acute, then it has a measure greater than 0 and less than 90


If a triangle does not have one angle greater than 90°, then it is not an obtuse triangle. Remember that you create a contrapositive by inverting and swapping both terms.

What is the triangle?

A triangle is a three-edged polygon with three vertices. It is a fundamental shape in geometry. A triangle with vertices A, B, and C is denoted \triangle ABC.

If a triangle lacks one angle greater than 90°, it is not an obtuse triangle. Remember that a contrapositive is formed by inverting and swapping both terms. If you have if A then B, then the contrapositive is if not B then not-A. Because you've been given "If a triangle is obtuse, then

It has one angle with a measure greater than 90°," the converse would be "If a triangle has no angles with a measure greater than 90°, it is not an obtuse triangle." So, check through the options and see what fits in intent, even if it's not phrased precisely the same. 

To know more about triangles follow



which list could not be the measures of lengths of the threee sides of a give triangle


Based on the triangle inequality theorem, the list that could not be the measures of lengths of the three sides of a give triangle is: D. 12 yd, 35 yd, 20 yd.

What is the Triangle Inequality Theorem?

The triangle inequality theorem expresses the relationship between the three lengths of sides that can form a triangle. If the sides are are a, b, and c, it states that:

a + b > c

a + c > b

c + b > a.

Considering this set of three sides, 5cm, 12 cm, 15 cm, we have:

5 + 12 > 15

17 > 15 [true]

5 + 15 > 12

20 > 12 [true]

12 + 15 > 5

27 > 5 [true]

Therefore, the measures of lengths 5cm, 12 cm, 15 cm, will form a triangle.

Same applies to 2 ft, 6 ft, 5 ft and 11 mi, 4 mi, 12 mi, except 12 yd, 35 yd, 20 yd.

This is because, 12 + 20 > 35 is not true.

Therefore, the answer is: D. 12 yd, 35 yd, 20 yd

Learn more about triangle inequality theorem on:



Complete Question:

Which list could not be the measures of lengths of the three sides of a given triangle?

A. 5cm, 12 cm, 15 cm

В. 2 ft, 6 ft, 5 ft

C. 11 mi, 4 mi, 12 mi

D. 12 yd, 35 yd, 20 yd

What is the slope of (- 1/4 and 2 5?


A number that describes a line's direction and steepness is known as the slope or gradient of a line in mathematics. The slope of (-1/4, 2/5) is 5/4.

Given two points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2), the slope can be calculated using the formula:

Slope = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)

Therefore, the slope of (-1/4, 2/5) is:

Slope = (2/5 - (-1/4)) / (-1/4 - (-1/4))

Slope = (2/5 + 1/4) / 0

Slope = (3/4) / 0

Slope = 5/4

Learn more about slope here



Ragu ran the first 3 miles of a 5 mile race in 24 minutes.
What percent of the race has he run?


Answer: Ragu ran 3/5 or 60% of the race in 24 minutes. [EXTRA: He runs 20% of the race every 8 minutes, which means that it would take him 40 minutes to complete the entire race (this answer is extra if you need it)]

Step-by-step explanation: none, basic mathematics

A triangle has two sides measuring 8. 5 cm and 15 cm. What is the greatest whole number length possible for the third side? explain.


The greatest whole number possible length for the given measures of triangle is 23 cm.

As given in the question,

Measure of two side-length of a given triangle are :

Let 'x' be the side length = 8.5cm

And 'y' be the side length = 15cm

'z' be the side length of the third side of a triangle.

Sum of two sides is greater than third side and difference of two sides is smaller than the third side.

y - x < z < y + x

⇒ 15 - 8.5 < z < 15 + 8.5

⇒ 6.5 cm < z < 23.5cm

Greatest whole number representing length of the third side of a triangle is  less than 23.5 .

⇒ z = 23cm

Therefore, the length of the third side of a triangle represented by greatest whole number is equal 23cm.

Learn more about length here



What is 2 plus or minus -3?​




Step-by-step explanation:

2 minus -3 is 5

find the are of the parallelogram 10in by 9.8 and 5.6


The area of the parallelogram that has a base of 98 in. and a height of 5.6 in. is calculated as: 54.88 in.².

What is the Area of a Parallelogram?

The area of a parallelogram is calculated as the product of its base length and its height. That is:

Area of parallelogram = base × height.

From the image given, we have the given dimensions of the parallelogram that we can use to find its area:

Base = 9.8 in.

Height = 5.6 in

Plug in the values:

Area of parallelogram = 9.8 × 5.6

Area of parallelogram = 54.88 in.²

Therefore, the exact answer is, 54.88 in.².

Learn more about the area of parallelogram on:



a street light is at the top of a 17 foot tall pole. a 6 foot tall woman walks away from the pole with a speed of 4 ft/sec along a straight path. how fast is the tip of her shadow moving when she is 35 feet from the base of the pole?


The tip of her shadow moving when she is 35 feet from the base of the pole is 8.77 feet.

Let H = the height of the pole.

h = the height of the woman.

x = the length of the woman's shadow.

s = the distance from the pole to the woman.

By similar triangles,  H/h = (s + x)/x  or  Hx = h(s + x).

Differentiating, H dx/dt = h(ds/dt + dx/dt)

⇒ 17 dx/dt = 6(6 + dx/dt)

                  = 36 + 6 dx/dt

                  = 13 dx/dt

                  = 36

⇒ dx/dt = 36/13 ft/sec = 2.77 ft/sec for how fast her shadow is lengthening.

The speed of the tip of her shadow would be this speed added to her traveling speed: 2.77 + 6 = 8.77 ft/sec.

Learn more about Base:



What is 40/1000 in decimal form


Answer: 0.04

Step-by-step explanation:

Divided by 1000 mean we will move the decimal to the left 3 times

So 40 divided by 1000= 0.04



Step-by-step explanation:

the coach must select 88 players to travel to an away game. how many ways are there to select the players who will travel?


The coach can select the players in 1081575 ways .

A combination is a technique for finding the number of possible arrangements in a set of items where the order of the selection is irrelevant. .

The formula for determining the number of possible arrangements by selecting only a few objects from a set with no repetition is expressed mathematically as follows:


Where:n denotes the total number of elements in a set,

k denotes the number of selected objects

! - the factorial

Factorial (noted as "!") is the sum of all positive integers that are less than or equal to the number preceding the factorial sign.

For instance, [tex]3! = 1 * 2 * 3 = 6[/tex].


Total number of players,n = 25

Number of selected players,r = 8

Number of ways that players are selected is determined by,


Thus, by combination, the selection can be done in 1081575 ways.

To learn more about combinations refer here



Your question is incomplete  , here is the complete question.

There are 25 players in a basketball team. The coach must select 8 players to travel to an away game. How many ways are there to select the players who will travel?

there is no such thing as a group of answer choices sound argument that is also valid. valid argument that is also sound. valid argument that is not sound. sound argument that is not valid.


There is no such thing like Sound argument that is not valid.

What is an argument that is valid?

Any argument whose conclusion is not supported by its premises is invalid (i.e., faulty). That is, the conclusion could still be wrong even though all the premises are true.

Because validity of the argument is a requirement for soundness

A valid argument is one in which we can demonstrate that, if its premises are true, its conclusion will also be true.A good argument is one with just true premises and is valid.A sound argument cannot be given false premises.A sound argument cannot support a valid one.

An argument is valid and contains all true premises if it is sound. The argument is sound, so if all of the premises are true, the conclusion must also be true. It follows that the conclusion of a sound argument must be true since all of its premises are true.

To know more about premises check the below link:



Which table of ordered pairs represents a proportional relationship?
X: -3 -4 -5
Y: 3 2 1

X: -1 -3 -5
Y: 1 3 5

X: -2 -4 -6
Y: -5 -7 -9

X: -2 -3 -4
Y: 0 -1 -2



X: -1 -3 -5

Y: 1 3 5

Step-by-step explanation:

Divide y by x for all the points. If the quotients are different, it is not proportional. If the quotients are equal, it is a proportional relationship.


3/(-3) = -1

2/(-4) = -1/2

Not Proportional


1/(-1) = -1

3/(-3) = -1

5/(-5) = -1



-5/(-2) = 5/2

-7/(-4) = 7/4

Not proportional


0/(-2) = 0

-1/(-3) = 1/3

Not Proportional

please i need help fast!!!



Step-by-step explanation:

Marina needs to earn at least each month to cover her living expenses. Her income comes from a commission that she earns on everything she sells. What is the minimum amount she needs to sell in order to earn ?



Step-by-step explanation:

Amount sold = $23000

Percentage rate = 15%

Total salary = Amount sold × Percentage rate = $23000 × (15 / 100) = $3450

Answer is $3450

Given the function h (x) = -10x + 5, find the corresponding range values when the domain is {-1,2,4]
- 15


The range of the function f(x) = 5 -10x for domain {-1, 2, 4}  is { 15, -15, -35}

What is Domain and Range of a function ?

A function's domain and range are its constituent parts. Range, Domain, and Function. A is the domain and B is the co-domain if a function f: A B exists that maps every element of A to an element in B. 'b', where (a,b) R, provides the representation of an element 'a' under a relation R. The collection of photos is the function's range. In general, a function's domain and range are denoted as follows:

Domain(f) = {x ∈ R} and range(f)={f(x) : x ∈ domain(f)}

"All the values" that are input into a function are referred to as the domain of a function. The collection of all potential inputs for a function is its domain. Think of this box as the f(x) = 2x function. The domain is only the collection of natural numbers when the input values are x = 1,2,3,4,..., and the values that are returned are referred to as the range. However, f(x) = 2x is often defined for all real values of x, and as a result, its domain is the set of all real numbers, which is represented by  (-∞, ∞). The general formulae for determining the domain of various types of functions are listed below. The set of all real numbers, or R, is used here.

The collection of all a function's outputs is its range. Example: Let's have a look at the function f: A->B, where f(x) = 2x and A and B each represent a "collection of natural numbers." The domain in this instance is A, and the co-domain is B. The range then appears as the function's output. Set of even natural numbers is the range. The components of the co-domain that are mapped are known as the pictures, while the elements of the domain are known as pre-images. The set of all pictures of the domain's elements in this case serves as the function's range, as does the set of all of its outputs.

Domain of the function x = {-1,2,4}

The function is  f(x) = 5 - 10x

range when x = -1

f(x) = 5 - 10*(-1) = 15

when x = 2

f(x) = 5 - 10* 2 = -15

and x= 4

f(x) = 5 - 10*4 = -35

The range of the function for domain {-1, 2, 4}  is { 15, -15, -35}.

To learn more about Domain and Range of Function refer to :



The range of the function f(x) = 5 -10x for domain {-1, 2, 4}  is { 15, -15, -35}

What is Domain and Range of a function ?

The domain of a function is the set of all possible inputs for the function. It is the set of all x-values which will make the function "work", and will output real y-values. The range of a function is the set of all possible outputs of the function. It is the set of all y-values which can be produced by the function for the given set of x-values. In other words, it is the set of values that result when the function is applied to all the elements of the domain. In order for a function to be defined, both the domain and the range must be specified.

Domain of the function x = {-1,2,4}
The function is  f(x) = 5 - 10x
range when x = -1
f(x) = 5 - 10*(-1) = 15
when x = 2
f(x) = 5 - 10* 2 = -15
and x= 4
f(x) = 5 - 10*4 = -35
The range of the function for domain {-1, 2, 4}  is { 15, -15, -35}.

To learn more about Domain and Range of Function refer to :

10. Given a, b E Z, prove that if a²(b² - 2b) is odd, then both a and b are odd.
11. Given m, n = Z, prove that if 25 + mn, then 5 m or 5 tn.
12. If m, n E Z and m + n is even, prove that m² + n² is even.
13. Prove that an integer n is even if and only if n² + 2n + 9 is odd.
14. If a is an odd integer, prove that a² + 3a + 5 is odd.



10. Given a, b E Z, if a²(b² - 2b) is odd, then both a and b must be odd numbers. This is because the only way for the product of two numbers to be odd is if both of the numbers are odd. In other words, if a and b are both even, then a²(b² - 2b) would be an even number, and if one of a and b is odd and the other is even, then a²(b² - 2b) would be an even number. So the only way for a²(b² - 2b) to be odd is if both a and b are odd.

11. Given m, n E Z, if 25 + mn is divisible by 5, then either m or n must be divisible by 5. This is because if both m and n are not divisible by 5, then the product mn will not be divisible by 5, and 25 + mn would not be divisible by 5. However, if either m or n is divisible by 5, then the product mn will be divisible by 5, and 25 + mn would be divisible by 5. So if 25 + mn is divisible by 5, then either m or n must be divisible by 5.

12. If m, n E Z and m + n is even, then m² + n² is also even. This is because the sum of two even numbers is always even, and the square of an even number is always even. So if m + n is even, then both m and n must be even, and m² and n² would both be even. Therefore, the sum m² + n² is also even.

13. An integer n is even if and only if n² + 2n + 9 is odd. This is because the square of an even number is always even, and the sum of two even numbers is always even. So if n is even, then n² and 2n are both even, and the sum n² + 2n + 9 would be odd. On the other hand, if n² + 2n + 9 is odd, then the sum of the first two terms, n² + 2n, must be even. Since the square of an even number is always even, this means that n must be even. So n is even if and only if n² + 2n + 9 is odd.

14. If a is an odd integer, then a² + 3a + 5 is also odd. This is because the product of two odd numbers is always odd, and the sum of two odd numbers is always even. So if a is odd, then a² and 3a are both odd, and the sum a² + 3a + 5 would be even. Since the sum of two odd numbers is always even, this means that a² + 3a + 5 is odd. Therefore, if a is an odd integer, then a² + 3a + 5 is also odd.

Step-by-step explanation:

Please help me to show your work for this. I know it's 7, but we need to show our work. 5.6 x 1.25



Linked below.

Step-by-step explanation:

To solve, first line up your numbers. Then, multiply the ones place of the digit by the numbers on top individually. Write this below.

Do the same with all other places except add a zero each time there is one more row.

Geometry HL question. Statements and proofs.


The proof that shows that ΔPRS ≅ ΔQSR by HL congruence theorem is explained below.

How to Prove that two Triangles are Congruent by HL?

The HL congruence theorem can be used to prove that two triangles are congruent to each other if we can show that the two triangles are right triangles that have a pair of corresponding congruent legs, and a pair of congruent hypotenuse.

The proof for stating that triangles PRS and QSR are congruent is given below.

Statement                                          Reasons                                                  

1. QS ≅ PR, PS ⊥ RS, QR ⊥ RS          1. Given

2. <RSP and <SRQ are right angles  2. Definition of perpendicular

3. SR ≅ RS                                          3. Reflexive property of congruency

4. ΔPRS ≅ ΔQSR                                4. HL

Learn more about the HL congruence theorem on:



help me pls math lol


the answer would be 15000

Answer: 15,000

Step-by-step explanation:

How do you find the minimum and maximum of a quadratic function?


For a quadratic function f(x) = ax² + bx + c, we can find the minimum and maximum value using the formula -b/2a or by graphing the function.

We know that the general form of quadratic function is f(x) = ax² + bx + c ; a ≠ 0

The graph of quadratic function is a parabola. The graph is parabola that either opens upward or downward.

For a quadratic function is f(x) = ax² + bx + c,

if a is positive (a > 0) then the parabola opens upward.

In this case you will be finding the minimum value of f(x) at the vertex of parabola.

if a is negative (a < 0), then the parabola opens downward.

In this case you will find its maximum value of f(x) at the vertex of parabola.

Also, the value of -b/2a will tell you the minimum or maximum value of f(x) which is the vertex of the parabola.

Therefore, to find the minimum and maximum of a quadratic function f(x) = ax² + bx + c :

1) find vertex of function from the graph

2) use formula -b/2a

Learn more about the quadratic function here:



Evaluate 11.5x + 10.9y when x = 6 and y =7


the solution for the given expression 11.5x + 10.9y  is 145.3

What is an Equations?

Equations are mathematical statements with two algebraic expressions on either side of an equals (=) sign. It illustrates the equality between the expressions written on the left and right sides. To determine the value of a variable representing an unknown quantity, equations can be solved. A statement is not an equation if there is no "equal to" symbol in it. It will be regarded as an expression.

11.5x + 10.9y

Here x = 6 and y = 7

11.5*6 + 10.9*7 = 145.3

Hence, the solution the given expression is 145.3

Learn more about equations, by the following link



Given N(-3,-7), O(-4,-2), P(1, -7), and Q(-2, y). Find y
such that NO|| PQ.



  y = 8

Step-by-step explanation:

Given N(-3,-7), O(-4,-2), P(1, -7), and Q(-2, y), you want to find y such that NO ║ PQ.


When we plot the points, we see that point O is 1 unit left and 5 units up from point N. Point Q is on a line 3 units left of P, so it will need to be 3×5 = 15 units up from P in order for PQ to have the same slope as NO:

  y = -7 +15 = 8

The value of y is 8; the point Q is (-2, 8).

14h 45min 78s + 5h 18min 37s



20hours 4 min 55sec

Solve for x.
-4> 10-7x



x > 2

Step-by-step explanation:

-4 > 10-7x

-4 - 10 > -7x

-14 > -7x

Inequality reverses when dividing or multiplying a negative number.

-14/-7 < x

2 < x

x > 2

Fill in the missing number. 70% of = 70 Submit




Step-by-step explanation:

70 % is .7 in decimal

   .7 * x = 70    divide both sides by .7

     x = 100

Step-by-step explanation:

you mean

70% of x = 70

right ?

you know that the "whole" is represented by 100% ?

this is easy here, but in general, when in doubt, find either 100%, calculate 1% as 100%/100 and find the desired %, or you find 1% directly and calculate the needed % (incl. 100%) out of this.

so, we know, 70% = 70

that means

1% = 70%/70 = 70/70 = 1

and then

100% = 1%×100 = 1×100 = 100


70% of 100 = 70

now you see, why I said this is easy in this case here. because % and the absolute numbers have the same units. so, this goes 1:1.

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At least we are presented with alternatives.ROS Well as from nowGUIL But not choice.ROS You made me look ridiculous in there.GUIL I looked just as ridiculous as you did.ROS (an anguished cry) Consistency is all I ask!GUIL (low, wry rhetoric) Give us this day our daily mask.ROS (a dying fall) I want to go home. (Moves.) Which way did we come in? Ive lost my sense of direction.GUIL The only beginning is birth and the only end is deathif you cant count on that, what can you count on?Which statement best explains why Rosencrantzs and Guildensterns feelings conflict?Guildenstern is comfortable with uncertainty, while Rosencrantz is bothered by the uncertainty of their situation.Guildenstern is not worried about completing their task, while Rosencrantz is worried he will not be able to complete it. Guildenstern is unconcerned about how others view him, while Rosencrantz worries about what others think about him.Guildenstern is happy to spend time away from home, while Rosencrantz feels uncomfortable with being in a strange place. which is an invisible barrier based on the prejudicial beliefs that underlie organizational decisions that prevent women from moving beyond certain levels within a company? Pls help me with this answer!! the andrea gail is battered by all kinds of severe weather, but what was it that finally sinks the boat? Every summer, thousands of bikers converge on Sturgis, South Dakota, filling up every campground, motel, and hotel within miles of the city. This annual meeting is an example of a gathering of a(n) _________________ .a. aspirational groupb. maven networkc. consumer tribe :)d. normative clan a couple has decided to purchase a $200000 house using a down payment of $12000. they can amortize the balance at 11% over 20 years. a) what is their monthly payment? payment 1. Describe two rights and two responsibilities that you have as an employee.2. Assume that you have been newly hired to a great company and you would like to keep your job. what are some of the strategies that you can demonstrate in order to keep your job in a competitive job market? In a paragraph or two, describe at least three of these strategies and give reasons why you believe they are important. When abuse is disclosed, the mental health professional's initial focus should be on....A. thoroughly assessing the family environmentB. Gathering information necessary to make a child abuse reportC. Gathering evidence for criminal prosecutionD. Determining whether or not abuse occurred A retailer purchases 240 of a new brand of dvd player, of which 7 are defective. The purchase agreement says that if he tests 5 chosen at random and finds 1 or more defective, he receives all the dvd players free of charge. What is the probability that he will not have to pay for the dvd players? (round your answer to three decimal places. ) Determine which of the expressions could be used to represent the followiDivide the difference between 96 and 72 by 12.Select all that apply.A. (96-72) 12OB. 96 (72 12)C. (9612) 72OD. 24 12E. 96 6- what is the advantage of a field study (in a natural setting) over a laboratory study? a. increased internal validity b. increased external validity c. increased reliability d. increased cause and effect Drag each label into the appropriate bin depending on whether it applies to primary, secondary, tertiary, or quaternary structure.Proteins have a complex structure that can be described at the four levels of primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary structure (click on the figure on the left). Because proteins are assembled using the instructions coded in DNA, mutations in DNA often affect protein structure. A point mutation changes a single nucleotide in DNA, either by substituting one nucleotide for another or through the insertion or deletion of a single nucleotide (click on the figure on the right). Point mutations can have a range of effects on protein structure--some have no effect at all, whereas others disrupt protein structure completely. which seismic wave type causes the most destruction of property during an earthquake? Which value of y is a solution of this inequality? 3y4