leadership is the ability to marshal human, informational, and other resources to get something done. group startstrue or falsetrue, unselectedfalse


Answer 1

Leadership is the ability to marshal human, informational, and other resources to get something done.

The above statement is False.

The ability of a person, group, or organization to "lead," influence, or direct other people, groups, or entire organizations is referred to as leadership, both as a field of study and as a practical talent. The term "leadership" is frequently seen as a contentious one.

the process of taking charge of a team or organization.

They are crucial traits to possess because a competent leader can inspire his or her team to work together toward a common objective by bringing out the best qualities in each person. In order to prevent delays, a skilled leader keeps the group engaged and on task.

To know more about Leadership here



Related Questions

the humanistic perspective on psychological disorders emphasizes the group of answer choices influence of the society that is capable of causing behavioral abnormalities. influence of genetic abnormalities that are responsible for anomalies in human behavior. responsibility people have for anomalies in their own behavior. impact of hormonal imbalances that bring about changes in human behavior.


The humanistic perspective on psychological disorders emphasizes the responsibility people have for anomalies in their own behavior.

What is the  humanistic perspective on psychological disorders?

Humanistic therapy  can be described as the mental health approach which focus on the importance of being your true self in order to lead the most fulfilling life.

It should be noted that it was based on the principle that everyone has their own unique way of looking at the world which can bring impact to your choices and actions however the human dysfunctions can be as a result of the  faulty or interrupted development process for instance the human problems are due to immaturity, generally of the social/emotional variety.

Therefore, option C is correct.

Learn more about disorders at:



What was a major purpose of yellow journalism in the late 1890's?


Yellow journalism is the term used to describe sensational or biased articles that newspapers offer as the real deal. The phrase was created in the late 19th century to disparage the unusual methods used by their opponents.

What do you mean by Yellow journalism?

Yellow journalism, used by newspapers to draw readers and boost circulation, involves sensationalized news and graphic features. The expression was created in the 1890s to characterize the strategies used in the fierce rivalry between the World and the Journal, two newspapers in New York City.In the 1890s, journalism that sensationalized—and occasionally even manufactured—dramatic events was a strong influence that helped push the United States into war with Spain. The Spanish-American War is frequently referred to as the first "media war."The rise of a sensationalism culture, a change in social, political, and economic life, as well as a distorted mass media are all consequences of yellow journalism.

To know more about Journalism here



luke tells you that he is a completely different person than he used to be. according to what you know about the five-factor theory of personality, is this likely to be the case?


Luke claims that he has entirely changed from the person he formerly was. No, because personality largely doesn't change over the course of a lifetime.

The "Big Five" are the five broad trait dimensions or domains that make up the five-factor model of personality (FFM): Extraversion, conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism, and openness to new things Rather than being quiet and retiring, those who are highly extraverted are forceful and sociable. Instead of being hostile and impolite, agreeable people are cooperative and kind. Instead of being easily distracted and unorganized, conscientious people are task-focused and structured. Instead of being emotionally resilient, neurotic people are more likely to experience unpleasant feelings like worry, despair, and irritability. People that are highly open tend to have a wide variety of interests rather than a specific one.

learn more about personality here:



The amygdala causes us to compare current events to past events and then to respond: _________


The amygdala causes us to compare current events to past events and then to respond: in past.

The amygdala is generally thought to form the core of the nervous system that processes fearful and threatening stimuli, including the detection of threat and the activation of appropriate fear-related behaviors in response to threatening or dangerous stimuli. The amygdala plays a central role in anxiety responses to stressful and arousing situations.

Pharmacological and lesion studies of the basolateral, central, and medial  amygdala have shown that their activation produces anxiogenic effects, while their deactivation produces anxiolytic effects. The main function of the amygdala is to regulate emotions such as fear and aggression. The amygdala is also involved in attaching emotional meaning to our memories. payroll and decision making.

Learn about amygdala:



How does the idea of different generations interact with the theory of the four turnings.


The idea of different generations interacts with the theory of the four turnings as while each generation faces its own issues, historical evidence suggests that there may be a pattern of different reactions, or Turnings, that take place within different generations. (Option C)

Theory of the four turnings, formally known as the Strauss–Howe generational theory was developed by William Strauss and Neil Howe describing a theorized recurring generation cycle in American and Western history that follows a fairly predictable pattern. The theory suggested that historical events are associated with recurring generational personas or archetypes (which were identified as Hero, Artist, Prophet, and Nomad). Each generational persona unveils a new era called a turning which lasts around 20–25 years, in which a new social, political, and economic climate (mood) exists. As each archetypal generation reaches the end of its 80-year lifespan, the cycle repeats. Hence, although each generation faces its own issues, historical evidence suggests a pattern of different reactions that occur within different generations.

Note: The question is incomplete as it is missing options which are A. By studying past generations, we can predict how future generations will act B. The difference between generations can help explain why people from different age groups generally do not see eye-to-eye C. While each generation faces its own issues, historical evidence suggests that there may be a pattern of different reactions, or “Turnings,” that take place within different generations D. Each generation faces its own trials, but some generations thrive from hardship while others suffer

Learn more about Theory of the four turnings:



What was happening in Cuba in the 1890s?


Long before 1898, the United States was interested in purchasing Cuba. Following the Ten Years War, large tracts of land in Cuba were purchased by American sugar companies. Changes in the United States' sugar tariff in favor of home-grown beet sugar aided in rekindling revolutionary fervor in 1895.

In 1898, the US aided in the war to safeguard its citizens and enterprises in Cuba. The Spanish-American War was the name given to this conflict. The United States declared war on Spain after the US warship Maine exploded and sank while visiting Havana, Cuba, on February 15, 1898.

Learn more on Spanish-American War



what reasons do the authors give to support the claim that social media both helps and threatens smaller media outlets? select two options.


According to the authors, information is occasionally disseminated on social media before traditional media report it. To reach audiences, news institutions must compete with one another and social media

What is the allegation made about social media in this excerpt?

The passage's allegation is supported by the author's assertion about how social media during the Arab upheavals covered developments in other parts of the world. Social media was frequently utilized as a means of avoiding causality. It led to uprisings in a number of Arab countries.

What advantages can social media platforms offer to small businesses?

The main benefits of social networking for small businesses are:

It's a simple technique to make your brand more well-known.

It's affordable

To know more about social media visit:



what has keys but no locks, space but no room, you can enter but you can’t exit?


Keyboard has keys but no locks, space but no room, you can enter but you can’t exit.

The typewriter keyboard served as the inspiration for the computer keyboard, which uses a similar arrangement of buttons and keys to function as mechanical levers or electronic switchesTurn on the toggle next to Use the On-Screen Keyboard by clicking Start, then choosing Settings > Ease of Access > Keyboard. The screen will display a keyboard that can be used to navigate and type text. Until you shut the window, the keyboard will be visible on the screen.

To know more about Keyboard here



What were the views on slavery in the South and North?


The North sought to prevent the expansion of slavery. They were concerned that adding another slave state would benefit the South politically. The South held the opinion that newly formed states ought to have the choice to continue slavery if they so wished.

The South's way of life was largely based on slavery. Many politicians, writers, and economists from the South started to make the case that slavery was not as bad for society as the northern free labor system. Slaves, according to Southerners, were happier and healthier than northern wage employees.

The majority of people in the north did not disagree that black people were inferior to white people, but they questioned the morality of slavery. Abolitionists from the North began speaking out more and more violently, including Boston editor and publisher William Lloyd Garrison.

To learn more about slavery



What year did adolph hitler become the leader of the national socialist nazi party?


Answer: July 29, 1921,


the main disadvantage to person-centered therapy is that the treatment is primarily based on unspecific treatment factors such as ________________, without considering specific treatment factors to directly target the mental problem.


Client-centered therapy, also known as person-centered therapy, is a non-directive approach of talk therapy.

What is person-centered therapy ?

Every therapy session calls for the patient to take the initiative, with the therapist acting more as a guide or source of support. " The patient is given control of the situation in person-centered therapy.

The results show that person-centered counseling is effective in assisting clients with common mental health problems including anxiety and despondency.

Effectiveness does not only apply to people with mild to moderate symptoms of recent onset, but also to those with moderate to severe symptoms that have been present for a longer period of time.


primarily based on unspecific treatment factors such as Mental health , without considering specific treatment factors to directly target the mental problem.

Learn more about person-centered therapy here


# SPJ 1

what does backbone mean?



the series of vertebrae extending from the skull to the pelvis (the spine).





which is not a criticism of the categorical approach that is used in dsm-5-tr for the diagnosis of personality disorders?


In this, incorporating new research into the new edition is  not a criticism of the categorical approach that is used in DSM-5 for the diagnosis of personality disorders.

What do you mean by the personality disorders?

If you have a rigid and unhealthy habit of thinking, acting, and behaving, you may have a personality disorder. A personality disorder makes it difficult for the sufferer to perceive and relate to others.

Although the specific causation of personality disorders is unknown, it is believed that a person's genes and early environmental effects work in concert to create them.

The most common form of treatment for personality disorders is psychotherapy, usually known as talk therapy.

Therefore, incorporating new research into the new edition is  not a criticism of the categorical approach that is used in DSM-5 for the diagnosis of personality disorders.

To know more about the personality disorders, visit:



a teacher at a local elementary school was interested to know if students who had been pushed on a playground were more likely to push others. he watched the students playing every day and noted when one of them had been pushed. over a few weeks, he found that students who had been pushed at least once were much more likely to push other students on future days. was this an observational study or an experiment?


That was an observational study, because the teacher watched the students playing every day and noted when one of them had been pushed.

What is an observational study?

Observational studies are ones in which researchers observe the effect of a risk factor, diagnostic test, treatment or other intervention without trying to interfere who is or isn't exposed to it. Cohort studies and case control studies are two types of observational studies.

In an observational study, we measure or survey members of a sample without trying to affect them. This is what makes it different from an experiment. In a controlled experiment, we assign people or things to groups and apply some treatment to one of the groups, when the other group does not receive the treatment.

Learn more about observational study at: https://brainly.com/question/15938198


roy cohn refuses to be known as someone with aids. he threatens his doctor by saying that he is going to tell everyone he has what instead?


In this case the Ron Cohn is dealing with various issues including Hiding his real identity.

"Angels in America," which won the 1993 Pulitzer Prize for Drama and the Tony Award for Best Play, explores the themes of change and grief while addressing political issues and the AIDS epidemic.In the movie Angel in America, the angel stands for opportunity and the potential for atonement as well as judgment.A heterosexual male who "plays about with other men" is Roy Cohn. The ingrained homophobia of 1980s America is reflected in Cohn's twisted thinking, and the Reagan Administration's silence during the AIDS epidemic's seven-year span is reflected in Cohn's refusal to acknowledge that he is homosexual or that he has AIDS.

To know more about AIDS here



george is getting ready to participate in a local 5k winter wonderland race. his buddies are all taking a couple of shots of whiskey prior to the race because they said it warms the body. what should george do?


George Prior to the race, all of his friends are drinking whiskey since, according to them, it heats the body. What ought George to do? Alcohol

shouldn't be consumed by George because it may promote vasodilation and lower his core temperature. Bring in the 2022 holiday season with a brisk 5K Run or Walk as you take in the sparkling lights of lovely Winter Wonderland. At Reynolds Lodge on Tinman Circle, where the race starts and finishes. Strollers and animals are allowed because this is a family-friendly event. The race will be chip-timed.

learn more about 5k winter wonderland here:



what factor played a significant role in the increase in sharecropping and tenant farming in georgia during reconstruction?


Large amounts of worthless Confederate money in circulation factor played a significant role in the increase in sharecropping and tenant farming in Georgia during Reconstruction.

After the American Civil War (1861–1865) and generally continuing until the Compromise of 1877, the Reconstruction era was a period in American history.

After the bloody Civil War, efforts were made to rebuild the country, accept the former Confederate states back into the union, and address the political, social, and economic effects of slavery.

During this time, the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the Constitution (together known as the Reconstruction Amendments) were ratified, ending the final Confederate secession in the South and presumably granting newly freed slaves (freedmen) the same civil rights as white people.

But as "Liberal Republicans" and Democrats banded together to demand that the Army leave the South, support for Reconstruction in the North began to dwindle.

To know more about reconstruction:



the dramatic increase in global migration among women has helped create what new occupational niche?


The enormous growth in female global mobility has aided in the creation of caregiving. Hence, the correct answer is caregiving.

What is considered caregiving?

A person who provides care to persons who require assistance in taking care of themselves. Children, the elderly, and people with chronic illnesses or disabilities are all examples. Caregivers might be medical professionals, family members, friends, social workers, or clergy.

The family hires an independent caregiver directly. There is no middleman between the care receiver and the caregiver. A private duty caregiver may help with anything from medical and nursing care to bill payments and transportation.

To learn more about caregiving, click



ling, who has been diagnosed as suffering from schizophrenia, shows only the slightest smile when happy or the slightest frown when upset. this limited emotional expressiveness is called


Ling, who has been diagnosed as suffering from schizophrenia, shows only the slightest smile when happy or the slightest frown when upset. this limited emotional expressiveness is called diminished emotional expression.

Schizophrenia is an extreme mental sickness wherein human beings interpret truth abnormally. Schizophrenia can also bring about some aggregate of hallucinations, delusions, and extraordinarily disordered wondering and conduct that impairs day-by-day functioning, and can be disabling. humans with schizophrenia require lifelong treatment.

Schizophrenia typically involves delusions (false ideals), hallucinations (seeing or listening to things that do not exist), uncommon physical conduct, and disorganized questioning and speech. it's far commonplace for human beings with schizophrenia to have paranoid mind or listen voices.

Schizophrenia is a persistent mind ailment that affects much less than one percent of the U.S. populace. whilst schizophrenia is energetic, signs and symptoms can include delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, problem with questioning and lack of motivation.

Learn more about Schizophrenia here: https://brainly.com/question/7201954


What obstacles do skyscrapers face as they get taller how do designers avoid these obstacles brainly.


High water pressure and the difficulty of managing external air are two challenges faced by skyscrapers. Additionally, towering buildings need more sophisticated mechanical and plumbing systems.

It necessitates a bigger, more costly foundation and lateral resistance system. One of the main issues with the building of high-rise constructions is safety. Along with environmental safety, it also addresses worker safety. This technique results in many worker deaths.

People desirability, commercial viability, and technological feasibility are the three most typical innovation issues in design thinking.

The structures must be able to hold their own weight, withstand wind and earthquakes, and safeguard inhabitants from fire. However, they must also be easily accessible, even on higher floors, and must offer the residents utilities and a comfortable environment.

To learn more about skyscrapers



how does waverly find her own unique identity that embraces her heritage as well as the opportunities life in america allows her?


In chinatown, Waverly discovers her own distinctive personality that embraces both her history and the possibilities of American life.

Two characters from Waverly are American and Chinese, respectively. Although she has an American national identification, her Chinese identity gives her a place in her community. Growing up in San Francisco's Chinatown or Town Center, where she was surrounded by the Chinese and Chinese-American communities and had a feeling of belonging, had an impact on Waverly's personality and upbringing.

She wished for her daughter to benefit from American chances while retaining the respect and sageness of her Chinese ancestry.

Waverly appears to seek "the best of both worlds," a way to accept both her culture and her heritage, rather than continuing to try to reject it as before.

To learn more on waverly;



there is a series of anti-drug tv ads that are part of a larger crime-prevention campaign. which policy is that campaign associated with?


There is a chain of anti-drug T.V. ads that are a part of a larger crime-prevention marketing campaign . Social policy is marketing campaign related .

The anti-drug activities consist of writing prose and poetry, drawing, sketching, drafting, track, artwork, education, own family and buddies, images, and group sports.

The social policy addresses how states and societies reply to worldwide challenges of social, demographic, and financial exchange, and of poverty, migration, and globalization to speak usually, the social policy makes a specialty of regions of presidency movement traditionally related to the welfare state. Examples are social housing, family and child advantage, kingdom healthcare, and unemployment support.

Learn more about anti-drugs here



negative campaigning a. all of these. b. works effectively with low-information voters.c. uses personal information, true or false, to work against an opposing candidate.d. takes advantage of emotions in voting.


Negative campaigning includes engaging low-information voters, exploiting voters' emotions, and utilizing personal information right or wrong against an opponent's candidate. The right response in this case is option A.

Negative campaigning is the purposeful dissemination of unfavorable information about someone or something to harm the described's public perception. Mudslinging is a more common, and rather pejorative, word for the act.

We are led to believe that whatever we need can be purchased by advertising. Another important negative impact of advertising is that it gives us the false notion that everything we need can be purchased, and as a result, that our primary concern in life should be making money.

To learn more about negative campaigning



What are the most important considerations for you in accepting your next position?


There is no context given, but it is likely that this type of question is part of a job interview. The things that we might consider most important in the next position, such as a cooperative, team-oriented culture, chances to develop and grow our technical skills, and the opportunity to develop our leadership capabilities over time, etc.

The first step in responding to this question is to have a clear notion of the challenges we're looking for or the kind of learning opportunity we'd like to discover next in our career. We need to be able to communicate it to them succinctly and simply while coming off as driven and willing to learn.

So that we can hear how this might sound in a genuine interview, let's now take a look at an example interview response as follows:

"A collaborative, team-focused workplace is what I'm looking for in my future job because I enjoy being part of a team. Based on my study of your organization and examination of the job description, it appears like it is the sort of work culture you foster here, therefore I'm looking forward to learning more information about the opportunity today".

Learn more about interviews here: brainly.com/question/8846894


why does the united states only have two major parties when most modern democratic states have three or more


The US has a two-party political system because of two structural features in American politics: single-member districts and winner-take-all elections. Both features encourage the existence of 2 major parties, as smaller parties face great difficulty in winning elective office.

The nation's founders hoped to prevent the brutal warfare between political interests that they had witnessed in Europe. They were extremely worried about not causing incapacitating division within our political structure as the Constitution's founders. Ben Franklin spoke as a skeptic in the Constitutional Convention on Saturday, June 2, 1787. Franklin was concerned that the new American government would become divided into factions due to a greed-driven race for the presidency.

All civilized would be split up into various sects, factions, and interests, including rich and poor, debtors and creditors, residents of one district or another, adherents of one political figure or another, and members of one religious denomination or another. The rights of the minority are at jeopardy in any situation when a majority is motivated by a shared passion or interest.

To know more about political



According to the latest research on overtraining, if the source of the stressor is psychological, then recovery strategy should focus on?
a. nutrition
b. thought management strategies
c. active rest
d. rest
e. hydration


The recovery strategy that should focus on overtraining cases where the source of the stressor is psychological is thought management strategies. Option b is correct.

What are thought management strategies?

It corresponds to self-analysis of your own thoughts, that is, seeking to think critically about a type of thinking that can be negative or self-sabotaging, and consciously replace it with positive and motivating thinking.

Therefore, managing one's own thoughts will be positive for the individual to reduce stress and increase self-awareness, having a more positive perspective on life and on oneself.

Find out more about thought management on:



in which disorder does a person seem to experience at least two or more distinct personalities existing in one body?


In dissociative identity disorder, a person seems to experience at least two or more distinct personalities existing in the one body.

What is dissociative identity disorder?

Multiple personality disorder (MPD), also referred to as multiple personality syndrome or dissociative identity disorder (DID), is a psychiatric condition that is defined by the existence of at least two separate and largely stable personality states. Memory lapses that are worse than those caused by regular forgetfulness are a symptom of the illness. The disease can express itself in a variety of ways, but the personality states alternately manifest in a person's behavior. Post-traumatic stress disorder, personality disorders, especially borderline and avoidant disorders, depression, conversion disorder, somatic symptom disorder, disordered eating, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and sleep disorders are additional conditions that frequently affect people with DID. Anxiety disorders, sui-cidality, self-harm, non-epileptic seizures, memories with amnesia for their contents, and self-harm are also frequent.

To learn more about personality disorder, visit:



Mary and paul made a great deal of money recently by winning the lottery. they come from families of little education or money. they moved to a beautiful new home in a neighborhood well known for the wealth and high social status of its residents. the neighbors have been unfriendly to them, ignore their attempts to make friends, and talk badly to each other about the new family in the neighborhood. this is an example of _____ aggression.


Talk badly to each other about the new family in the neighborhood. this is an example of relational aggression.

What is relational aggression?

Relational aggression, also known as alternative aggression, is a kind of violence when the victim's connections or social standing are harmed. Relational violence, in especially among teenagers, has drawn a lot of attention, despite the fact that it can occur in a variety of situations and among many age groups.

According to its definition, relational aggression is a form of violence "designed to damage others via intentional manipulation of their social status and connections." According to Daniel Olweus, relational violence is a form of bullying.

To learn more about relational aggression



T/F Assessing phonological skills is almost never appropriate after a child has completed first grade.


False Assessing phonological skills is almost never appropriate after a child has completed first grade.

What is meant by  phonological skills?

Strong word reading abilities require phonological skills, which involve hearing and controlling sounds in spoken language (such as phonemes and syllables). Children with strong phonological foundations are better able to comprehend how letters and letter combinations represent language in print.

The foundation for decoding, blending, and ultimately word reading is laid by phonological awareness, or the knowledge of and aptitude for working with sounds in spoken language. Before formal schooling ever starts, children begin to build their phonological awareness, which continues into third grade and beyond.

Word awareness is one of four developmental levels that fall under the general term "phonological awareness."

Sense of syllables

Early-onset awareness.

knowledge of phonetics.

Read more on phonological skills here:https://brainly.com/question/14824414


According to personality researchers, the predictive power of traits will reveal itself when we?


Predictive power will reveal itself when the personality traits and the objectives state of the world, influence the subjective perceptions of people about their environment.

Research proves that the more extreme people are towards a people trait, the more consistently a trait will factor in their behavior. The traits provide the indication of how people act average but are not good in predicting how the person will act in a certain situation. Thus, the predictive power of traits reveals itself when traits are observed in many scenarios, and this way they easily predict a behavior. In addition, the predictive power of traits will reveal itself is through assessing people`s characteristics, thought patterns, and feelings as they help in identifying a person's trait.

Read more about the predictive power from https://brainly.com/question/29815251


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