which seismic wave type causes the most destruction of property during an earthquake?


Answer 1

Both vertical and horizontal ground motions are produced by Rayleigh waves.

These waves can be the most harmful because when they pass, they elevate and lower the land as they move along. An earthquake is a quick movement of geological materials beneath the earth's surface that causes the ground to shake violently or weakly. The tectonic plate border is where earthquakes start. Earthquakes typically result from subsurface rock breaking unexpectedly and rapid movement along a fault. The seismic waves that cause the ground to tremble are brought on by this quick release of energy.

Sudden tectonic changes in the earth's crust are what generate earthquakes. Orogeny, which causes earthquakes and volcanoes, is caused when the tectonic plates glide over one another. Vibrations result from these disruptions.

Learn more about Earthquake here: https://brainly.com/question/1266375


Related Questions

Are dolphins afraid of orcas?


Dolphins get afraid of Orcas because orcas are carnivores and regularly kills dolphins as their hunting strategies are mind blowing.

Orcas are the only predators that regularly kill and devour dolphins. Dolphins feature heavily in the diet of some Orcas. Orcas are called  Killer Whales even though they are the largest of the dolphins. There are different species of Orca, the transient Biggs Killer Whale is perhaps especialy a Dolphin predator. Their hunting strategies are mind blowing. Orcas are carnivores and they are known to attack their prey in packs. These orcas not only hunt in deep waters but they send chills down the spine for the seals by chasing them along the shores which is quite shocking and least expected when they bask in the sun. like this Orcas kills other water mammals.

To learn more about Orcas please visit:



the period with mild climate between glacial advances is called a(n): orogeny interglaciation transgression regression


The period with mild climate between glacial advances is called a(n): interglacial periods. We refer to eras with substantial ice sheets as "glacial periods" (sometimes known as "ice ages") and periods with less ice cover as "interglacial periods."

A geological phase of warmer global average temperature lasting thousands of years that separates successive glacial periods within an ice age is known as an interglacial period (or alternately, interglacial, interglaciation). At the conclusion of the Pleistocene, or roughly 11,700 years ago, the current Holocene interglacial started. The warmer interval between ice ages during which glaciers retreat and sea levels rise is known as an interglacial or interglacial epoch. Glacial periods have lasted between 70,000 and 90,000 years during the past 450,000 years, while interglacial periods endure roughly 10,000 years. Currently, we are in an interglacial phase. About 10,000 years ago, near the conclusion of the last glacial period, it started. Researchers are still trying to determine the origin of ice ages. The amount of sunlight that Earth receives from the Sun is a significant impact. Over the past 800,000 years, 11 such interglacial eras have been recognized by researchers, but the one we are currently in may be particularly long-lasting.

Learn more about geosphere here



Which city in florida was named after the cigar manufacturer who opened a factory there?


Ybor city florida was named after the cigar vicente Martnez de Ybor led the effort to settle Cuban cigar manufacturers in Ybor City, which is now a neighbourhood within Tampa, in 1886.

To avoid the unionisation of their workers, the stogie organisations relocated from Key West.In honour of Wear Vincent Martinez Ybor, a Cuban stogie production plant owner who established his stogie dominion in Tampa in 1886 and never looked back, it was first known to as "Mr. Ybor's City."

In 1887, Tampa's Ybor City neighbourhood proved to be significant. Almost majority of the Cuban tobacco used for stogies was sent from the Cuban port of Havana. After railroad links connected it to the main cross-country train routes and the port was built, the Tampa area became a prominent stogie manufacturing hub.

To know more about Ybor city visit:



explain how radioactive decay has always warmed earth from the inside and how nuclear fusion has always warmed earth from the outside.


Nuclear fusion has always warmed the Earth since it is the source of energy for the Sun, which warms it. Radioactive decay has always warmed the Earth from the inside out through the energy of gamma radiation.

A reaction known as nuclear fusion occurs when two or more atomic nuclei fuse to create new atomic and subatomic particles (neutrons or protons). Energy is released or absorbed depending on how much mass there is between the reactants and products. The difference in nuclear binding energy between the atomic nuclei before and after the reaction is what causes this mass difference. Large amounts of energy are generated during nuclear fusion, which fuels active stars, main sequence stars, and other high-magnitude stars. Energy is often released during nuclear fusion processes that result in atomic nuclei lighter than iron-56 or nickel-62. These substances have a comparatively low mass and a high nucleon binding energy. When lighter nuclei fuse, energy is released (an exothermic process), however when heavier nuclei fuse, the resultant nucleons retain energy and the reaction is endothermic. Nuclear fission, the opposing process, operates in the exact opposite way. While heavier atoms like uranium, thorium, and plutonium are more fissionable, nuclear fusion uses lighter elements like hydrogen and helium, which are often more fusible. A supernova, an extremely powerful astronomical event, has the power to combine materials heavier than iron.

Learn more about Nuclear fusion here



during periods of stratification, transfer between surface waters and bottom waters is controlled by:


During periods of stratification, transfer between surface waters and bottom waters is controlled by diffusion.

The ocean is stratified due to differences in density, with warmer, lighter, less salty water layering on top of heavier, colder, saltier water. Mixing between layers occurs as the heat slowly seeps deeper into the ocean and by the action of currents, winds, and tides.

Stratification occurs as a result of a density differential between two water layers and can arise as a result of differences in salinity, temperature, or a combination of both.

Diffusion in the ocean operates on many scales. At very small scales, molecular diffusion is the dominant and often limiting, transport mechanism by which microorganisms can exchange nutrients and gases with their environments. diffusion often occurs across a semi-permeable membrane a filter that only allows certain things to freely pass through it.

to learn more about Diffusion:


Pls help

Does your community recycle organic wastes? If so, how can you improve your ability to recycle organic wastes? If not, why not? What limitations prevent you and your community from recycling?



My community does recycle organic wastes. We have an organic waste collection system in place. We have bins located throughout the city where residents can place their organic waste for collection. We also have composting bins for those who want to compost their organic waste at home.

To improve our ability to recycle organic wastes, we could offer more bins and make them more widely available. We could also offer incentives for citizens to recycle their organic waste. Additionally, we could provide more information about composting and organic waste recycling.

Limitations that prevent us from recycling organic waste include a lack of education and awareness about the benefits of composting and recycling organic waste. Additionally, there are some logistical issues, such as the cost of collection and storage of organic waste. Finally, there may be some cultural or societal barriers that prevent wider adoption of organic waste recycling.

What characteristics of life do sea urchins have?


Sea Urchins (Lytechinus pictus)  Sea urchin fertilization -Reproduction, movement

Blood Cells Video: Human white blood cell -Movement, use of energy, cells

Cellular Structure and Function Video: Elodea leaf cells- Movement, made of cells .

Intertidal sea urchins will pile rocks and shells on top of themselves to protect themselves. They dig scooped-out burrows in the soft rock over generations, sometimes trapping themselves in a self-made prison. Bacteria also have an impact.

The spines spear food while also protecting the urchin from predators. The spines' tiny hairs (cilia) create a water current that transports food to the urchin and washes away waste.

Learn more about sea urchins to visit this link



What can be done to improve water clarity?


8 Easy Tips on How to Improve Water Quality in Your Home

Use a Water Filter.Use Clean Water Aerators.Keeps your Pipes and Other Plumbing Devices Well Maintained.Properly Dispose of Hazardous Waste on Your Property.Keep Storm Drains Clear.Maintain Septic Tanks.Always Boil Your Drinking Water if Not Safe.

Water clarity is a measure of how far down the water column light can penetrate. Clear waters have low levels of suspended soil particles and/or algae, whereas turbid waters have high levels of suspended particles that obscure visibility by absorbing and scattering light.

Water clarity can be affected by suspended sediments, algal growth, runoff, shoreline erosion, wind mixing of the lake bottom, and tannic and humic acids from wetlands.

Learn more about Water clarity to visit this link



Which result is most likely to occur after excessive withdrawal of groundwater in coastal areas?


Land subsidence occurs when there is a loss of support below ground. This is most often caused by human activities, mainly from the overuse of groundwater in coastal areas, when the soil collapses, compacts, and drops.

Coastal areas are nearby administrative devices (Laus) that border or close to a shoreline. A shoreline is described as a road in which land and water surfaces meet (border each differently). those types vary from the ice-push coasts of Alaska to the coral reef coasts of Hawaii and southern Florida. They consist of, as well, some distance extra not unusual types, along with the barrier beach coasts of the Atlantic; the steep, cliff-subsidized coasts of the Pacific; and the marginal-seas-kind coast of the Gulf of Mexico.

There are two coastal states in Pakistan—Sindh and Balochistan, with Sindh being the seventh biggest arid mangrove atmosphere within the globe. Coastal vicinity, Plural: Coastal regions. short definition: Coastal regions are nearby administrative gadgets (LAUs) that are bordering or are close to a shoreline. A coastline is defined as the line in which land and water surfaces meet (border each different).

Learn more about coastal areas here: https://brainly.com/question/13735474


What are the types of concept mapping and describe each one?


Concept maps are classified into four types: spider, hierarchy, flowchart, and system. Concept maps are a useful tool for quickly visualizing information, taking notes, or communicating an idea. Making a concept map is a popular exercise for students, but it can also help business professionals document information.

Spider maps, which are used to diagram concepts, are one type of concept mapping. Flowcharts are diagrams that are used to depict processes. Hierarchy maps are used to visualize organizational structures. System maps are used to depict systems. Concept maps are graphical representations of information. Concept maps are extremely beneficial to students who learn visually, but they can benefit any type of student.

Learn more on map -



Why can't Orcas live in freshwater?


Freshwater enthronements are inhospitable to orcas because they are too tiny and too shallow for them to swim in, lack the abundance of food they need to survive, and may be exceedingly dangerous to their health owing to pollution.

In freshwater, whales may survive. In other words, they won't perish if they swim in freshwater. However, they cannot remain for very long since freshwater lacks the other elements that whales require to survive, such as space and food.

Killer whales have sometimes been spotted in freshwater rivers all over the world, including the Rhine, Thames, and Elbe. One even went in search of fish 177 km (110 mi) up the Columbia River.

Learn more about orcas at



How do orcas get fresh water?


Marine mammals kidneys are so efficient, in fact, that they can acquire a supply of fresh water by eating salt water, which allows orcas to excrete urine that has a higher salt concentration than the sea water itself.

Orcas are marine mammals that live best in the ocean, but they cannot survive in freshwater conditions, at least not for very long. In reality, all known whale species live and prosper in saltwater habitats rather than freshwater, and there are various reasons for doing so.  The fact that freshwater whales execute some of their natural tasks in salt water adds to the problem for them.

Whales are assumed to obtain the majority of the water they require from their diet, which includes fish, krill, and copepods, despite the fact that they can consume salt water. The whale extracts water as it breaks down its prey. One problem is that they can't obtain their usual food sources in fresh water. It is believed that whales cannot survive in fresh water for an extended amount of time.

Learn more about orcas visit: brainly.com/question/27988282


What are the difficulties encountered by the senior high school students in online learning?


Due to the numerous distractions they experienced and the teachers' incapacity to maintain control of the online learning environment, some participants noted that learners found it difficult to focus throughout the sessions.

The study discovered the following difficulties that research students faced: 1) Lack of foundational knowledge from junior high school, 2) Formulating a Topic, 3) Dealing with a research team, 4) Inadequate Resources, 5) Data Analysis and Treatment, and 6) Maintaining motivation throughout the study. The majority of students find online learning to be boring and frequently lament their lack of drive to complete a course. Having a time management system is perhaps the hardest obstacle for students to overcome because it solely depends on self-motivation. Even professors frequently lament the lack of resources to make the classes engaging, leading to a loss of interest from both sides.

To learn more about online learning click the link below:



How does being a member of the european union allow trade to be simpler between germany and france than it is between the united states and france?


Germany and France are able to promote commerce between the United States and France because of their membership in the European Union, which gives its members more clout when negotiating trade agreements with other nations.

To boost our economy and increase employment, the EU negotiates trade agreements. The EU complies with WTO regulations while working with international trading partners (WTO).

This organization unites the countries and customs jurisdictions that establish, implement, and uphold the international standards for commerce amongst themselves. The WTO, which has 164 members, accounts for 98% of global commerce.

Ireland is one of the member nations that the EU represents in trade negotiations. These agreements cover advantageous tariff rates for the export of products from the EU to other nations. In order to ease commerce, they have also developed to include a greater variety of places.

To learn more about European Union



Who would win orca or blue whale?


One orca, or even a whole pod, can be overcome by the sheer size of an average blue whale (whales can win over orca). An orca and a blue whale are very different from one another, and these differences will determine who wins this battle. The blue whale is far larger than the considerably smaller orca.

Because orcas are apex predators, they are at the top of the food chain and are unassailable. No other predator can match the size and strength of killer whales, which are among the largest and most formidable marine mammals. The killer whale is the sole natural predator of blue whales. Large groups of orcas are the only true predators of blue whales, and they are only able to prey on the young.

The largest animal to ever inhabit the earth is the blue whale. Despite having a terrifying reputation, the orca is superior to the great white shark in a direct confrontation. Orcas are not just larger, but they are also more intelligent. Although orcas still have significantly higher metabolic rates than great whites because they breathe air, it is now known that great whites are warm-blooded.

Learn more about Whales visit: brainly.com/question/28623065


utilized a labor tax system flourished in the 15th century located near the andes mountains emperors considered descendants of the sun


The culture described by the Incan civilization was the one most suited to the Andes Mountain region, its tax structure, and other factors.

What are the Andes mountains, emperors?

The inhabitants of the Incan empire, which was situated close to the Andes Mountains, were known as the Incan people.

They were ruled by emperors who thought they were immortal because they were descended directly from the sun.

Therefore, the Incan empire had an efficient labor tax system that helped it prosper in the 15th century until it was defeated by the Spanish.

Learn more about  labor tax, here:



Do graffiti artists get paid?


Only the most talented graffiti artists will typically make enough money to live on, while others will frequently need to find other employment to supplement their art career.

Professional graffiti artists can find work in a variety of different fields depending on their interests. Many city authorities, for example, hire professional graffiti artists to cover up or remove illegal art from public spaces. Illegal spray-painting on private or public properties is not acceptable. Those who are interested, an enthusiasm for graffiti can be transformed into a self employed or part-time job. Graffiti artists who want to complete their pieces quickly prefer high pressure paint. It's also utilized by artists who are working on large pieces because it saves time filling huge regions.

Learn more on city -



select the correct answer.which sphere includes rocks and sediments? a. atmosphere b. biosphere c. geosphere d. hydrosphere


The correct response is  c. geosphere. The geosphere is made up of every rock on Earth, from the melting rock beneath the crust to the massive, age-old mountains to the sand grains on the seashore. The biosphere, a global ecosystem that includes all life on Earth, has a home in both the geosphere and the hydrosphere.

Different definitions of the geosphere have conflicting uses. It can be used to refer to the atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere, and cryosphere as a whole. Different mass and/or energy flows can be exchanged between the various geosphere collectives (the measurable amount of change). The balance of the various geosphere spheres is impacted by the exchange of these fluxes. As an illustration, consider how the soil functions as both a source of flux exchange and as a component of the biosphere. According to the Physical and Meteorological lectures, the phrase was used to refer to four spherical natural locations that were concentrically nested around the center of the Earth. They were thought to be able to explain how Earth, Water, Air, and Fire moved on Earth. The term "geosphere" is used to describe the solid portions of the Earth in contemporary texts and in Earth system science, together with the terms "atmosphere," "hydrosphere," and "biosphere," to characterize the Earth's processes (the interaction of these systems with the magnetosphere is sometimes listed). In that context, the term "lithosphere" may occasionally be used in place of "geosphere" or "solid Earth." However, the term "lithosphere" only refers to the Earth's solid surface layers (oceanic and continental crustal rocks and uppermost mantle).

Learn more about geosphere here



How does the environment affect orcas?


Because killer whales and orcas are top predators, they take in all the PCB contamination consumed by their prey, from fish to seals to sharks. The female orcas' ovaries are stunted by PCBs, which reduces the number of calves they may have.

Orcas migrate to colder regions in the north every November by swimming from the eastern Atlantic, where they spend their summer months breeding. They primarily consume throughout the colder months to gain energy before traveling back to the tropics in January and February.

Previously, the orcas, sometimes known as killer whales, could be seen in Tysfjord in Norway since it is "north enough" for them. The killer whales' wintering grounds were the fjords, and the dolphin species of Tysfjord would swim into them to catch herring.

For more questions like Orcas visit the link below:



What is displacement called?


The detailed scale and scope of spatial data presentation. Displacement of people. The forced movement of people caused by factors such as natural disasters, famine, diseases, or conflict is referred to as displacement.

The definition of "displacement" is undisputed. It ought to be.

Previously, "segregation" meant keeping people out. African Americans were unable to relocate where they desired. Allowing residents to stay now equals social justice:

People who are displaced suffer from trauma and wealth of all kinds is destroyed. Repeated displacement takes even more of the wealth and integrity of the weakened population.

Through the lens of Harlem's agony, I discovered the somber truth that policies that dismantle some communities and neighborhoods are catastrophic for the health of those in the direct path of the upheaval, but they also endanger the health of the entire US, and through us, the entire world.

Learn more about displacement to visit this link



How does temperature affect sea urchin fertilization?


In general, the faster the embryo divides, the higher the environmental temperature. At 37°C, the sea urchin eggs reached the first cell cleavage 40 minutes after fertilization and the second cell cleavage 65 minutes later. At 37°C, abnormalities in the gastrulating embryo were observed.

This urchin can withstand temperatures ranging from 41o to 74oF. (5o-23.5oC). Massive die-offs occur when water temperatures exceed 79oF (26oC).

How does sea urchin fertilization take place?

Male and female sea urchins can be easily coaxed into shedding massive amounts of eggs or sperm. When the eggs are released, they are mature and can be fertilized externally simply by mixing egg and sperm. The resulting embryos are optically transparent and develop synchronously in sea water alone.

learn  more about sea urchin to visit this link



differential precipitation between the equator and deserts is caused by hadley cells, which include:


Differential precipitation between the equator and deserts is caused by hadley cells, which include at the equator,more water evaporates into warmer air, warm air rises and cools and cold air holds less moisture so clouds form and water rains back to surface.

Air rises near the Equator, but rather than flowing all the way to the poles, Coriolis deflection produces sinking air at about 30° north and south latitudes as shown on the right side of the diagram below. This vertical motion in the tropics is so well defined that it has a name: the Hadley Cell.

Rising air in the Hadley cell along the equator produces deep clouds, thunderstorms, and rain in a band of low pressure called the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ).

Sinking air near 30° latitude causes high pressure areas called the subtropical highs. The highs produce clear skies and calm winds in a latitude band sometimes called the Horse Latitudes, which lie just north of the Hawaiian Islands and dominate Hawaiian weather.

At the highest latitudes, circulation is similar to the Hadley cell, except much smaller. Air sinks over the poles, where Polar High pressure, clear skies, and cold air dominate, then flows equatorward and rises again at the Polar Front.

To learn more about Hadley cells -


Is this statement true or false? the aegean sea is an arm of the mediterranean between turkey and greece.


Answer: True

Explanation: It is located between the Greek peninsula (Greece) on the west and Asia Minor (includes Turkey) on the east.

What kind of geologic structures form on plate boundaries?


Deep ocean trenches, volcanoes, island arcs, submarine mountain ranges, and fault lines are examples of plate tectonic boundary features.

At a divergent plate boundary, plates rip apart, resulting in volcanic activity and shallow earthquakes.At a convergent plate boundary, one plate dives (“subducts”) beneath the other, resulting in a variety of earthquakes and a line of volcanoes on the overriding plate.

Plate tectonics is responsible for many geologic structures. When two plates collide, the impact forces the rock crust upwards, resulting in the formation of massive mountains; the Himalayan Mountains, the tallest on our planet, are the result of India colliding with Asia.

Learn more about  Plate tectonics  to visit this link



How do you create a concept map?


Concept maps are information visual representations. Graphs, visual representations, charts and graphs, flow diagrams, Venn Diagrams, timelines, and T-charts are some examples. Concept maps are incredibly useful for students who learn visually, but they can profit any type of student.

5 simple steps for creating a concept map

Make a central idea. The next step, regardless of medium, is to identify the central idea that you want to elaborate on.

Determine key concepts. After you've decided on a main concept, you should write down subordinate concepts.

Arrange the shapes and lines.

Adjust the map.

Learn more on map -



Give 4 negative effects of folding​


Folding of any type would cause a change in the attitude (dip and strike) of the same strata in the aerial extent and also in depth. Hence same layers may be repeated along an alignment or one or more different layers may be unexpectedly encountered.

All of the following resulted from the growth of the Atlantic slave trade in Africa EXCEPT…
A destabilization of local African societies
B the exclusion of Africa from the emerging global market
C increased violence through widespread use of firearms


All of the following resulted from the growth of the Atlantic slave trade in Africa expect  the exclusion of Africa from the emerging global market.

What exactly is a market?

In order to expedite the exchange or transaction of products and services, buyers and sellers can come together in a market. A market may be actual, like a real store, or it may be virtual, like an online retailer. Financial markets, auction markets, and criminal markets are other examples.

The actions of markets

Markets allocate limited resources to the highest bidder. Markets are dynamic, unplanned systems of interaction. To produce any given good, there are millions of distinct people involved, each with a very unique set of interests, talents, knowledge, and objectives.

To know more about Market visit:



The gulf of mexico is located on the tropic of cancer. At what position of earth will the sun be exactly overhead at the gulf of mexico?.


The sun will be exactly overhead at the gulf of Mexico at position 4. It called by tropic of Cancer because it parallel of latitude is the northernmost latitude reached by the overhead sun.

What seas and gulfs does the Tropic of Cancer pass through?The Tropic of Cancer passes through several bodies of water. It passes through the Indian, Atlantic and Pacific Oceans as well as the Taiwan Strait, the Red Sea and the Gulf of Mexico.The Gulf of Mexico, located between Florida and Yucatan peninsulas, is a great place to vacation. The sugar-white sand beaches on the Alabama and Florida gulf coast are among the most beautiful on the planet.Most regions on the Tropic of Cancer experience two distinct seasons, an extremely hot summer with temperatures often reaching 45 °C (113 °F) and a warm winter with maximal temperatures around 22 °C (72 °F).

Learn about Tropic of Cancer here: brainly.com/question/13433747


although western europe is very industrially developed, agriculture is the main form of land use. True/False ?


True,  agriculture is the main form of land use.

Agriculture or farming is the exercise of cultivating plants and farm animals. Agriculture become an important thing improvement within the rise of sedentary human civilization, wherein farming of domesticated species created meal surpluses that enabled people to live in cities.

Moving Cultivation, Subsistence farming, Pastoralism, and in-depth farming are the 4 types of agriculture.

Agriculture is the arena's biggest enterprise. It employs a couple of billion people and generates over $1.three trillion bucks well worth of meals annually. Pasture and cropland occupy around 50 percent of the Earth's liveable land and provide habitat and food for a large number of species.

Learn more about Agriculture here:-https://brainly.com/question/26177941


What term describes the northernmost of the two large continents produced by the breakup of pangaea?


Laurasia describes the northernmost of the two large continents formed when Pangea broke apart.

Around 335 to 175 million years ago (Mya), Laurasia and Gondwana were  two large landmasses that formed the supercontinent Pangea. Laurasia was the more northerly of the two.  It separated from Gondwana during the break-up of Pangea between 215 Mya and 175 Mya (beginning in the Late Triassic), drifted further north after the break-up, and finally separated about 56 Mya, when the North Atlantic formed. The name is a combination of Asia and Laurentia.

In the Caledonian Orogeny  at 430–420 Mya,, Baltica and Avalonia collided with Laurentia, the Paleozoic core of North America, and the continental bodies of what is now Europe to form Laurussia. Pangea was produced  by Laurussia and Gondwana during the Late Carboniferous.

To know more about Laurasia:



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