A grill assembly takes 20 washers. instead of listing these washers​ separately, they are grouped into a single kit for production. how is the bill of material for the washers​ classified?


Answer 1

The bill of material for the washers​ classified as pseudo and planning as grill assembly takes 20 washers instead of listing these washers​.

What does planning serve as a vehicle for?

Setting goals and figuring out a plan of action to reach those goals is the responsibility of planning, a management function. It is necessary for managers to foresee future situations and be aware of current environmental factors affecting their firm.

In management, what does the term "planning" mean?

To achieve the desired result, management planning is determining the measures to follow to get there, anticipating changes and obstacles, and figuring out how to make the most of available resources and possibilities.

To know more about Planning visit:



Related Questions

The management of Ballard MicroBrew is considering the purchase of an automated bottling machine for $120,000. The machine would replace an old piece of equipment that costs $30,000 per year to operate. The new machine would cost $12,000 per year to operate. The old machine currently in use is fully depreciated and could be sold now for a salvage value of $40,000. The new machine would have a useful life of 10 years with no salvage value.
1. What is the annual depreciation expense associated with the new bottling machine?
2. What is the annual incremental net operating income provided by the new bottling machine?
3. What is the amount of the initial investment associated with this project that should be used for calculating the simple rate of return?
4. What is the simple rate of return on the new bottling machine?


a. The annual depreciation expense associated with the new bottling machine is $12000.

b. The annual incremental net operating income provided by the new bottling machine is $6000.

c. The amount of the initial investment associated with this project that should be used for calculating the simple rate of return is $8000

d. The simple rate of return on the new bottling machine is 7.5%

How to calculate the depreciation?

A depreciation is a term which refers to the actual decrease of fair value of an asset, such as the decrease in value of factory equipment each year .

a. Annual depreciation expense:

= 120000/10

= $12000

b. Operating cost of old machine 30000

Less operating cost of new machine 12000

Less annual depreciation on the new machine 12000

Annual incremental net operating income = 6000

c. Cost of the new machine 120000

Less: Scrap value of old machine 40000

Initial investment 80000

d. Annual incremental net operating income 6000

Divide by Initial investment 80000

Simple rate of return 7.5%

Learn more about Depreciation at:



Member of the Transnational capitalist class:
-the accountant for a transnational corporation
-the CEO of a transnational corporation
Identify whether or not sociologist Leslie Sklair would categorize the following people as belonging to the transnational capitalist class.


Member of the Transnational capitalist class are also the accountant for a transnational corporation.

A transnational corporation is considered to be an enterprise which is said to be involved with the international production of goods or services, foreign investments, or income and asset management in more than one country.

However, the transnational capitalist tend to refer to the sum of all the relations between the economic agents and so whether they are state or private or are of other any mixed forms, where any part of which crosses state borders.

Hence, the transnational capitalist class collaborate to benefit their own interests.

To learn more about a transnational corporation here:



Which type of unemployment is natural in a free market economy, where workers have the freedom to change occupations?


Transitions in voluntary employment within an economy lead to frictional unemployment. As workers switch jobs, frictional unemployment inevitably happens, even in a developing, stable economy.

What are frictional unemployment and cyclical unemployment?

When a person is transitioning between occupations, they naturally become unemployed. When the economy is performing well, more jobs are produced; when it is experiencing a downturn, more individuals end up losing their jobs.

Frictional unemployment of unemployment is natural in a free market economy, where workers have the freedom to change occupations. Workers changing jobs naturally cause frictional unemployment, even in a developing, stable economy.

Therefore, The effect of voluntary employment transfers within an economy is frictional unemployment.

Learn more about Frictional unemployment from the given link.



because of various texas and us laws, interest groups with lower amount of financial resources possess the same amount of political influence as larger, wealthier interests.
a. true
b. false


Due to different Texas and US regulations, interest organizations with less money have a same level of political influence as those with more.

What does the term "political issue" mean?

A political issue is one that "deals as far as how power is allocated and how it function through society —, and how individuals think about and engage in their communities or the larger globe on subjects that impact their lives," according to the Worldwide Politics course guide.

Politics as a human right?

A class of rights known as civil liberties ensures that people can participate in the the civil and political people's lives of their society and state without fear of persecution or prejudice, or that their liberty is safeguarded from infringement by authorities, social groups, and private citizens.

To know more about political visit:



The expected rates of return for the different types of capital used to finance the business.a. Trueb. False


The expected rates of return for the different types of capital used to finance the business truly.

The cost of expected refers to the return to the anticipated returns on securities issued through an organization. businesses use the fee of capital metric to decide whether an undertaking is well worth the expenditure of resources. buyers use this metric to decide whether or not funding is well worth the threat compared to the return.

Return on capital (ROC) measures a corporation's internet earnings relative to the sum of its debt and equity cost. it's miles correctly the amount of cash an organization makes that is above the common price it will pay for its debt and fairness capital.

An funding's expected charge of return is the average price of return that an investor can count on to acquire over the lifestyles of the investment. buyers can calculate the expected return by multiplying the capability return of an investment by the probabilities of it happening after which totals the outcomes.

Learn more about expected returns here



: college graduates are paid more, on average, partly because the act of finishing college signals that they are more likely to be a good employee. college graduates are paid more, on average, partly because the act of finishing college signals that they are more likely to be a good employee. false true


It is true that college graduates are paid more, on average, partly because the act of finishing college signals that they are more likely to be a good employee.

As the third decade of the twenty-first century begins, concerted efforts are required to transform the American economy into one that offers all citizens the chance to advance socially and economically, stems the tide of rising inequality, satisfies the labor market's demand for skilled, nimble, and knowledgeable employee, and expands the scale and scope of new jobs being created. One of the main concerns of all Americans is raising wage growth so that people can benefit from a thriving economy and accumulate the wealth they and their families need to ensure future prosperity for both themselves and the country. Government policies that influence the economic fundamentals that support these outcomes will address this issue.

Know more about employee here:



explain how anthropology contributes to public discussions and the creation of public policy with lawmakers, activists, corporations, and others regarding major environmental challenges.


Anthropology contributes to public discussions and policy-making with legislators, activists, corporations about environmental challenges by studying human influences on climate change.

What are anthropology's measures for sustainability?

Through scientific studies and research on human beings and their activities, it is possible to identify situations of environmental imbalance caused by human activity, such as in relation to climate change, which are related to excessive consumption, deforestation and pollution.

Anthropology is extremely relevant to aid in the dissemination of information about facts that contribute to environmental imbalance, increasing public and private awareness of environmental issues capable of impacting the lives of all citizens.

Therefore, it is the duty of all social institutions and individuals to protect the environment, to use its resources consciously and ethically.

Find out more about anthropology on:



the digby company will sell 100 units (x1000) of capacity from their dino product line. each unit of capacity is worth $6 plus $4 per automation rating. the digby company will sell the capacity for 35% off. how much do they receive when the capacity is sold?


The Digby company will sell the capacity for 35% off. They receive when the capacity is sold: d. $2,210,000


automatic rating = 7

cost per unit = 6 + 4*7 = 34

worth of the capacity = 100000*34

                                  = 3400000

amount received = 3400000*(1 - 35%)

                           = $2,210,000

Therefore, The amount they receive when the capacity is sold is $2,210,000.

A company is a prison entity shaped by using a group of individuals to interact in and perform an enterprise—business or commercial—organization. An enterprise can be organized in diverse approaches for tax and financial liability purposes relying on the corporate law of its jurisdiction.

There are 3 commonplace kinds of corporations—sole proprietorship, partnership, and organization—and each comes with its very own set of benefits and downsides. In easy terms, the reason for an enterprise is to have a significant imagination and prescient after which to be worthwhile in accomplishing it. And we should qualify “profitable”: profitability means long-time period sustainable returns, and each word in that phrase is vital.

Learn more about company here:



Deep Earth Extraction, Inc., operates a facility near Estuary Bay. Discharging waste from the facility into the bay can result in
?penalties and damages.
?penalties only.
?damages only.
?none of the choices.


Discharging waste from the facility into the bay can result in penalties and damages.

What is meant by Discharging?

In general term, discharging means to relieve of a charge, load, or burden.

Here we have given that Deep Earth Extraction, Inc., operates a facility near Estuary Bay.

And we need to find the Discharging waste from the facility into the bay can result in what type of causes.

Here we know that the the Estuary Bay was near the Deep Earth Extraction, Inc.

When the discharges the waste then it will cause the pollution around it surrounding and thus make the corporation to pay the penalties.

Therefore, option (a) is correct.

To know more about Discharging here.



during a presentation, promptly complying with requests raised by audience members


During a demonstration, promptly responding to audience members' requests creates your reputation as responsive.

What defines an audience?

An audience is a collection of people who attend a performance or confront a piece of art, literary works (in that they are referred to as "readers"), theater, music (in they are referred to as "hearers"), games consoles (in that they are referred to as "players"), or scholars in any medium.

What is an instance of an audience?

An audience is a crowd of individuals who attend an event. Those who attend an e-sports incident to witness others play a game, for example, are part of a viewer. The image depicts thousands of people crammed into a sphere to witness an e-sports event.

To know more about Audience visit:



madison, the cpa, is faster than mason, the house painter, at both accounting services and painting. this means that


As long as Madison is comparatively more effective at accounting services, she should trade her accounting services for Mason's painting skills.

What is a trading partner example?A region or nation that another region or nation purchases from or sells to:Vietnam's main trading partner is the United States.A different business with whom you exchange papers is known as an EDI trading partner.A wide network of trading partners, also referred to as "Trading Communities," will be present for the majority of OEMs.A trade partner is an individual who participates in a supply chain transaction, such as a supplier (seller) or a retailer (buyer).Despite the fact that not all suppliers are manufacturers, manufacturers can also serve as suppliers.The distinction between "Suppliers" and "Retailers" is based on their respective roles.

To learn more about trading partner refer



True or false. Jeff, Kirk, and Rina are partners in a law firm. The partnership is dissolved if Rina withdraws from the partnership and Jeff and Kirk continue to operate the business.


In a legal firm, Jeff, Kirk, and Reena are partners. If Reena leaves the partnership and Jeff and Kirk continue to run the company, the partnership is dissolved. This assertion is true.

If one of the partners in a general partnership decides to leave, the partnership is dissolved. According to the conditions of its governing agreement, the partnership may be immediately dissolved if one of the partners retires, passes away, or declares bankruptcy.

Alternately, it's possible that the partnership's goals have been achieved and the parties' formal connection is no longer required. The regulations that apply to the dissolution of the partnership and division of the assets are laid forth in a partnership agreement, but these are independent issues.

To learn more about partnership



an important aspect of any type of bankruptcy proceeding is the protection that the debtor has after filing for bankruptcy. the legal term used to describe this protection is the:


Liquidation or the most frequent type of bankruptcy for individuals is straight bankruptcy. Your assets—anything you own with monetary value—are liquidated (sold) under the supervision of a court-appointed trustee in order to satisfy your debts.

How can bankruptcy be avoided?

preserving a positive cash flow, choosing a change in management, basing decisions on a business strategy, maintaining correct financial records, and maintaining excellent relations with creditors.

Which two primary categories of bankruptcy are there?

There are two distinct categories of bankruptcy cases out of these five types: 1) Straight/Liquidation, 2) Reorganization—the latter requires the designation of classes of claims and interests in the reorganization plan.

To know more about the Straight bankruptcy visit :-



A fixed budget, also known as a static budget, has resources allocated on a single estimate of costs. that budget amount ______.


A fixed budget, also known as a static budget, has resources allocated on a single estimate of costs. that budget amount dashboard

A budget range is a plan you write right down to decide how you'll spend your money each month. A price range allows you to make certain you'll have sufficient cash every month. without a price range, you might run out of money earlier than your next paycheck. Budgeting is the method of forecasting revenues and expenses of the agency for a specific period and examples of this include the income budget organized daily to make a projection of the organization's sales and the production finances prepared for the day-to-day mission the production of the company etc.

A budget range enables create economic balance. by monitoring costs and following a plan, finances make it less difficult day-to-day pay bills on time, construct an emergency fund, and save for the most important fees such as an automobile or home. common, a budget puts a person on a more potent financial footing for each and the long time. The 3 sorts of annual authorities' budgets based day every day on estimates are Surplus budgets, Balanced finances, and Deficit finances. although your earnings announcement is fixed and indicates what is absolutely occurring for your enterprise, your price range is a forecast that you may alternate. As you examine trends in the income announcement, you could update the finances every day to cope with them.

Learn more about  budget  here :



which of the following would be considered a fiscal policy? choose one: a. the government passing a law that requires that all homes have a fire extinguisher in the kitchen b. spending by the government on medical care for children before they start school c. the government spending more on libraries with the goal of improving literacy d. the government decreasing income taxes with the belief that consumers will spend more money and stimulate the economy e. a tax on hotel rooms that would pay for a tourism marketing campaign


An option that would be considered to be fiscal policy would be d. the government decreasing income taxes with the belief that consumers will spend more money and stimulate the economy.

What is fiscal policy ?

The use of taxation and expenditure by the government to affect the economy is known as fiscal policy. Fiscal policy is often used by governments to encourage robust, long-term growth and to lower poverty.

During the recent global economic crisis, when governments intervened to stabilize financial institutions, spur growth, and lessen the impact of the crisis on vulnerable individuals, the function and goals of fiscal policy rose to prominence.

The government may reduce tax rates or boost spending during a recession to boost demand and the economy. On the other hand, it can increase rates or reduce spending to slow down the economy in order to battle inflation.

This is why an example of fiscal policy is when a government decreases income taxes with the hope that because consumers have more money to spend, they will do so and stimulate the economy as a result.

Find out more on fiscal policy at https://brainly.com/question/6583917


During a recent team meeting, Bradley tells his upper-level management that he would like to focus on and improve the culture, leadership, and code of conduct within the business. What is Bradley MOST likely trying to develop at his company?
a. Lifelong friendships across departments
b. Ethics across the entire business
c. Better stock options for employees
d. Financial stability


Answer:Ethics across the entire business


jus took the quiz, I got you soldiers good luck.

Bradley is probably working to promote ethics throughout his company's entire workforce. As a result, option (B) is the best one.

What is Ethics?

The study of what is ethically good and bad, as well as right and wrong, is known as ethics or moral philosophy. The phrase is often used to refer to any idea or system of moral standards or values.

Such issues are covered by ethics on all fronts. The fundamental questions of practical decision-making are its subject, and its main concerns are the nature of ultimate value and the criteria by which human actions can be adjudged to be right or bad.

Morality and ethics have a lot in common. Where earlier it would have been more correct to speak of moral judgments or moral principles, the terms "ethical judgments" or "ethical principles" are now frequently used.

Hence, option (B) is accurate.

Learn more about Ethics, from:



Ross Dress for Less, an American chain of discount clothing stores, sells its goods at prices 25% or more below than traditional stores’ prices. Ross Dress for Less is an example of


a discount store would be the answer

the purchase of goods and services, the sale of goods and services to customers, and costs to operate the business are all reported on the statement of cash flows under____activities.


Money used to cover interest on long-term debts. This is a for-profit venture.

What do you think of as interest?

Interest is the cost of borrowing money or the cost of lending money. Interest is frequently calculated as an annual percentage of the amount borrowed. The interest rate on the loan is represented by this percentage.

Among banks, one has the highest interest rates:

The rates for DCB Bank FDs range from 3.75-7.85% p.a. for the general public and from 4.25-8.35% p.a. for senior citizens on terms of 7 days to 10 years. For tenures of five years, DCB Bank Tax Saving FDs offer interest rates of 7.60% annually for the general public and 8.10% annually for senior citizen depositors.

To know more about interest visit:



suppose the production of electricity generates pollution. in this case, the optimal level of electricity is produced when the marginal social benefit from electricity production equals the a. marginal social cost of electricity production. b. marginal cost of labor used in electricity production. c. marginal private cost of electricity production. d. marginal external cost of electricity production.


The marginal social benefit of electricity production matches the marginal social cost of electricity production, the ideal level of power is created in this situation.

How is electricity made?

A turbine generator set transforms mechanical energy into electrical energy to produce electricity. Natural gas, coal, , biomass, petroleum, geothermal, and solar thermal all use the heat they generate to turn water into steam, which turns the turbine's blades.

How is electricity generated and how does it move?

Large rotating turbines in power plants use either water, wind, coal, or natural gas to generate electricity (hydropower). Transformers boost the voltage as the electrical current travels through them, allowing for the transmission of electricity across great distances.

To know more about electricity production visit:



anelle hires brandi to purchase merchandise for her jewelry store because brandi enjoys making and selling her own jewelry. in addition, she has worked in other jewelry stores, can identify numerous gemstones, and has a good sense of their value. brandi's knowledge is an example of a . multiple choice question.


Brandi is hired by Janelle to buy goods for because she has worked in other jewelry stores, can identify numerous gemstones Brandi adores creating jewellery, selling her own items as well. Additionally, she has experience working in various jewellery. The correct answer is A. Core competency.

Businesses and can name possesses several gemstones and a keen sense of their worth. Brandi's expertise is an illustration of a core proficiency.The qualities and abilities a The competitive advantages of the company are its core abilities contemporary

A business must have a management in on, enhance, and profit from, its strengths to outperform the opposition. Core. The defining characteristics are competence. that distinguish a person or business the opposition To evaluate a Firm managers now are different from those in the 1980s, Initially, the idea of core competencies was put Core competency.

Complete question:

anelle hires brandi to purchase merchandise for her jewelry store because brandi enjoys making and selling her own jewelry. in addition, she has worked in other jewelry stores, can identify numerous gemstones, and has a good sense of their value. brandi's knowledge is an example of a . multiple choice question.

A. Core competency.

B. "Brandy acts well because she's hired a good acting coach."

C. "Brandy acts well because she chose a great script to perform."

D. "Brandy acts well because she has other good actors with her."

To know more about Core competency visit:



contractionary monetary policy will likely be accompanied by a(n) in interest rates and that change in interest rates will cause a(n) in the value of the dollar.


A type of monetary policy known as contractionary monetary policy aims to slow down the rate of monetary expansion in order to combat inflation.

The main sign of an overheated economy, which can be brought on by prolonged periods of economic development, is a spike in inflation.

The Federal Reserve's three primary methods for reducing the money supply are raising interest rates, raising the minimum reserves required of banks, and selling government securities.

To know more about selling government securities, click the below link



two buyers call you. both want to view homes this coming weekend. one is relocating from out of town, the other has six months left on an apartment lease. which buyer should be your priority for the weekend?


Corporate buyers can be individuals, groups of individuals, institutional investors, companies in the same or related industries, and even competitors. They each have different characteristics, desires, processes, and funding options.

Buyers and sellers. According to section 2(1) of the Act, a buyer is a person who purchases or agrees to purchase goods. Since a sale is a two-party contract, the buyer is one party to the contract. The law defines a seller in section 2(13). A seller is a person who sells or agrees to sell goods.

Buyers are responsible for purchasing merchandise for the business they use or sell in their business. This position requires extensive research and the ability to negotiate contracts with suppliers, manage inventory, evaluate quality buyers his persona, and detail the motivations for each to purchase a product or service. For example, age, location, job title, goals, challenges, etc. Buyer personas are key to ongoing marketing success.

Learn more about Buyers  here:



which financial statement summarizes the changes in the balance of each stockholders' equity account?


The balance sheet gives a quick picture of the property, expenditures, and stockholders' equity.

The earnings and costs incurred by a corporation during a specific time period are the main subjects of the income statement.

What appears on the account of modifications in owner's equity?

The financial statement of a company that tracks changes in owners' equity over the course of an accounting period is called a report of adjustment in equity, often known as a statement of retained earnings. It includes the following topics: Total revenue or loss. payout of dividends.

Which of the following best describes how owner's equity changed over the course of the review period?

The report of owner's equity, also referred to as the report of retained profits, displays the difference in cash flows among the start and conclusion of a period.

To know more about balance sheet click here



how does being a member of the european union allow trade to be simpler between germany and france than it is between the united states and france?


A member of the european union allow trade to be simpler between germany and france than it is between the united states and france by  customs authorities who establish, carry out, and uphold the global trade rules are united by this organization While collaborating with global trading partners, the EU abides by WTO rules (WTO).

How to explain trade

The voluntary exchange of commodities or services between members of the economy is known as trade. Because contacts are voluntary, trade is frequently perceived as being advantageous to both sides. Trading in finance refers to the buying and selling of securities or even other assets.

Who gains from trade and why is it important?

Trade is essential to the success of the United States because it promotes economic growth, supports domestic employment, raises living standards, and allows citizens to sustain their families with fairly priced goods and services.

Trade benefits consumers as well. Customers in the United States now have access to better goods, more options, and more inexpensive prices because to free trade agreements. Reduced tariffs enabled by trade agreements allowed American families to save up to $13 billion in 2014 on things including apparel, laptops, and refrigerators.

Customs authorities who unite this organization's members establish, carry out, and uphold the international trade rules, making trade between Germany and France easier than it is between the United States and France. The Eropean Union complies with WTO regulations while working with other major trading partners (WTO).

To know more about Trade visit:



a company has an entire department of people who do not work well iwth people who are different. what should the company do to solve this problem


The company  must do to resolve this problem: Train humans within side the branch to get rid of place of work discrimination.

The required details for work discrimination in given paragraph

Discrimination within side the place of work occurs while someone or a set of humans is handled unfairly or unequally due to unique characteristics. These included characteristics encompass race, ethnicity, gender identity, age, disability, sexual orientation, non secular beliefs, or countrywide origin. Discrimination within side the place of work can take place among coworkers, with task applicants, or among personnel and their employers. Whether on cause or with the aid of using accident, discrimination, irrespective of intention, is illegal. Discrimination takes place while you are handled in a different way at paintings due to the fact you belong to a included class. In different words, while you've been handled unfairly due to who you're or how you’re perceived, you've got been discriminated against. Harassment, on the opposite hand, is ugly and undesirable behavior.

This can be some thing that become stated or written, or it may be bodily contact. The culprit or culprit(s) are planned and continual of their conduct, which creates a opposed environment.

To know about work discrimination click here



suppose that your ai system is generating biased results -- that it is unfairly discriminating against some people. which of our ai trends is best able to handle that problem?


A Data  bias is an problem with synthetic intelligence (AI) structures for the reason that those structures use previous facts to learn.

The required details for Data bias in given paragraph

Statistical bias is a scientific tendency which reasons variations among consequences and facts. The bias exists in numbers of the method of records analysis, consisting of the supply of the records, the estimator chosen, and the methods the records became analyzed. Bias can also additionally have a severe effect on consequences, for example, to research people's shopping for behavior. If the pattern length isn't huge enough, the consequences might not be consultant of the shopping for behavior of all of the people. That is, there can be discrepancies among the survey consequences and the real consequences. Therefore, know-how the supply of statistical bias can assist to evaluate whether or not the determined consequences are near the actual consequences. Bias may be differentiated from different errors along with accuracy (tool failure/inadequacy), loss of records, or errors in transcription (typos). Bias means that the records choice can also additionally were skewed through the gathering criteria.

Bias does now no longer forestall the lifestyles of another errors. One can also additionally have a poorly designed pattern, an faulty size device, and typos in recording records simultaneously.

To know about Data bias click here



what is the name of the university of chicago economist who helped to develop the intellectual position of libertarian economics?


Milton Friedman was the name of the university of Chicago economist who helped to develop the intellectual position of libertarian economics. The Libertarian believe that  people will be both freer and more prosperous if government intervention in people's economic choices is minimized.

What is Milton Friedman's Doctrine?

The Milton Friedman doctrine, often known as the shareholder theory, is a normative theory of business ethics that contends that a company's social responsibility is to enhance its profits.

According to this doctrine , the company's shareholders are the only group to which it has social responsibility and who drive its economic engine.

Learn more about the Milton Friedman's Doctrine here:



suppose the economy is in long-run equilibrium. which of the following would cause prices and real gdp to rise in the short run? question 5 options: aggregate demand shifts left. short-run aggregate supply shifts left. short-run aggregate supply shifts right. aggregate demand shifts right.


When the aggregate supply shifts rightwards, it causes the prices and real GDP to rise in the short run. Therefore, the option C holds true.

The real GDP of an economy can be referred to or considered as the final value of the goods and services made within the economy during a particular period of financial year, which is also adjusted against the prevailing rates of inflation in the market.

Real GDP increases in the short run if the aggregate supply is increased, because it also leads to an increase in the prices of goods and services.

Learn more about real GDP here:



we have learned that the transition from poverty is a challenging one, because it is not simply an economic issue, but a cultural one as well. what would be a result if the government slowly phases out its support payments through the antipoverty program?


The antipoverty program would cost more money.

Children are negative due to the fact they reside in households and/or communities which are bad. Consequently, a primary purpose of anti-poverty rules is to break the link between bad assets of mother and father or caregivers and detrimental infant consequences.

Schemes like Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana and Housing for All by using 2022 have been evolved to offer housing to the rural and urban poor. The modern-day government schemes like begin-Up India and arise India focuses on empowering human beings to earn their livelihood.

Poverty discount may be attained through stimulating monetary boom to growth incomes and make bigger employment possibilities for the terrible; challenge economic and institutional reforms to enhance performance and enhance the utilization of resources.

Learn more about antipoverty here:- https://brainly.com/question/17016694


discuss the various types of internet investment scams and auction frauds causes and solutions by giving some examples?


Promissory Note Fraud, Investing in Real Estate  Cryptocurrency Fraud

What is Currency?In the broadest sense, a currency is any type of money that is used as a means of trade, particularly coins and banknotes. Any form of legal tender that the government issues and accepts as payment for goods or services, taxes, or debt repayment is referred to as money. Despite the fact that money is an intangible object that cannot be seen, touched, or even smelled, its significance in terms of numbers is undeniable and crucial.A currency is the standardisation of money, including banknotes and coins, that is used or in circulation as a means of exchange. A currency is a system of money that is widely used in a particular area over time, according to a more broad definition.

To learn more about  currency refer to:



Scammers use the promise of quick and significant returns to lure naive victims into investing their money in fictitious or fraudulent enterprises.

Discuss the many sorts of online investment frauds?Scammers use the promise of quick and significant returns to lure naive victims into investing their money in fictitious or fraudulent enterprises. Fraudulent claims about the value and veracity of the things up for auction are involved. Sellers frequently make exaggerated claims regarding the quality and price of the commodities, or they ship fake goods in place of the actual thing.Causes: Criminals skilled at taking advantage of online systems' vulnerabilities frequently carry out investment scams and auction frauds over the internet.Solutions: To avoid falling victim to these frauds, online consumers should exercise caution and be wary of promises of speedy or guaranteed profits.

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Medium- and deep-focus earthquakes occur along ____________.a. convergent-plate boundaries only b. divergent-plate boundaries only c. transform-plate boundaries only d. All of the above are correct. A scrum team is experiencing a growing list of impediments which techniques would be most helpful. What is the momentum of a car with a mass of 1200 kg moving at 25 m s? Kim is selling bags of mini churros at a school fair for $10 per bag. Complete the table to show the prices you would pay for different numbers of bags of churros. if a nation's goods exports are $55 billion, while its goods imports are $50 billion, we can conclude with certainty that this nation has a Most employers can afford to pay for an unlimited amount of sick days each year for every worker they employ.FalseTrue g which materials have a strength in compression that is significantly different than their strength in torsion Match each type of vaccine to its corresponding property. Live attenuated vaccine [ Choose] mRNA vaccine [ Choose] Encodes a target antigen using nucleic acids Can only be used for parasitic pathogens Created by passaging in heterologous cell culture Toxoid vaccine Type of 100% effective HIV vaccine Mounts immune memory against toxins produced by bacteria Only used for lipid antigens What are the types of software security? Which statement is most supportive of the claim that genetic diversity is an advantage of sexual reproduction?(1 point)ResponsesAsexual reproduction results in the same genes being copied, which means the same vulnerabilities in the population.Lack of genetic diversity from asexual reproduction results in a diminished ability to survive changes to the environment.Genetic variation from sexual reproduction ensures that at least some individuals will have advantageous traits that help them survive.Sexual reproduction creates genetic diversity, which results in a wide range of appearances in a population. Whereas bacterial cells typically possess only one type of RNA polymerase, most eukaryotic cells possess ___ distinct types of RNA polymerase. This picture shows the trophic levels in a forest biome. Which of the following best describes how the chemical energy travels up the food pyramid? Disorder is an anxiety disorder marked by recurrent sudden onsets of intense apprehension or terror.a. Trueb. False in a row of five squares, each square is to be colored either red, yellow, or blue, so that no two consecutive squares have the same color. how many ways are there to color the five squares? ada has an individualistic cultural outlook. when asked about her personal attributes, how might she respond? a mixture of 0.220 moles co, 0.350 moles h2 and 0.640 moles he has a total pressure of 2.95 atm. what is the pressure of co? a) 1.86 atm b) 0.649 atm c) 0.536 atm d) 1.54 atm e) 0.955 atm define fiscal policy and explain whether the government should implement an expansionary or contractionary fiscal policy during the pandemic. How did middle-class women find a place as musicians under the patronage system? How do you find the domain and range of a line graph? is 12 fl oz or 355 ml more