define fiscal policy and explain whether the government should implement an expansionary or contractionary fiscal policy during the pandemic.


Answer 1

Expansionary fiscal policies include increased government spending or tax cuts. An economy that overproduces must shrink. In that case, contractionary fiscal policy is the right choice.

What is government?

The federal government consists of three distinct branches—legislative, executive, and judiciary—whose powers are delegated by the United States Constitution to the Congress, the President, and the federal courts, respectively.Government is the state or community system of government. The Colombian Encyclopedia defines government as "a system of social control in which the right to make laws and the right to enforce laws belong to specific groups in society."Each type of government comes to power and governs in its own way.
Learn how to take power and how to govern each form of government: monarchy, democracy, oligarchy, authoritarianism and totalitarianism.
Various forms of government include direct democracy, representative democracy, socialism, communism, monarchy, oligarchy, and dictatorship.

to learn more about government from the given link :

Related Questions

in recent years, the federal reserve has conducted policy by setting a target for the a. size of the money supply. b. federal funds rate. c. growth rate of the money supply. d. discount rate.


The federal reserve has conducted policy by setting a target for the federal funds rate. The appropriate response is option B.

What is federal funds rate?

The federal funds rate is the term used to describe the interest rate which banks charge other banks when they lend them money on an overnight basis (usually, extra funds that they have on hand in their reserve balances).

The FOMC's target interest rate is known as the federal funds rate. This is the overnight borrowing and lending rate between commercial banks for their surplus reserves. Short-term interest rates on credit cards and consumer loans can be influenced by the federal funds rate.

To learn more about federal funds rate


if advertising reduces a consumer's price sensitivity between identical goods, it is likely to a. increase the elasticity of demand for differentiated products. b. reduce competition and reduce social welfare. c. encourage the consumption of all homogenous goods. d. enhance competition and encourage more product diversity.


If advertising reduces the price sensitivity of a consumer between identical goods, it is likely to B. 'reduce competition and reduce social welfare'.

Price sensitivity refers to the degree to which demand changes when the cost of a good or service changes. Price sensitivity is generally measured using the price elasticity of demand, which indicates that some consumers would not pay more if a lower-priced option is available.  Price sensitivity is also known as price elasticity of demand which provides a way through which the cost of a good affects consumers' purchasing decisions.

You can learn more about price sensitivity at


With respect to saving energy, what aspect of using two-sided printing was discussed in class as providing the most signifiant benefit?


The most significant benefit of using two-sided printing discussed in class was the reduction in paper usage. By printing on both sides of a sheet of paper, the amount of paper used can be halved, leading to a significant reduction in energy consumption.

The Benefits of Two-Sided Printing for Energy Savings

Using two-sided printing can significantly reduce the amount of paper and energy used in printing. This is because only half the amount of paper is used, which reduces the amount of energy needed to produce and transport the paper, as well as the energy used to operate the printer. As a result, two-sided printing can lead to a significant reduction in energy consumption and a more sustainable printing process.

Learn more about Printing:


a firm has the least amount of control over external causes of​ supply-chain dynamics. external causes include


A firm has the least amount of control over external causes of​ supply-chain dynamics. External causes include expected changes in customer demand.

Now, According to the question:

What Is Supply Chain Management?

Supply chain management (SCM) is oversight and control of all the activities required for a company to convert raw materials into finished products that are then sold to end-users.

SCM provides centralized control for the planning, design, manufacturing, inventory, and distribution phases required to produce and sell a company's products.

A goal of supply chain management is to improve efficiency by coordinating the efforts of the various entities in the supply chain. This can result in a company achieving a competitive advantage over its rivals and enhancing the quality of the products it produces, both of which can lead to increased sales and revenue.

Learn more about Supply-chain at:


The cost of capital used in capital budgeting should reflect the average cost of the various sources of investor-supplied funds a firm uses to acquire assets.

a. Trueb. False


The average cost of the various investor-supplied sources of money that a company utilizes to acquire assets should be reflected in the cost of capital utilized in capital budgeting. This is true.

How does capital budgeting use the cost of capital?

A company's cost of capital is a hypothetical basic discount rate that might be employed in capital budgeting to apply to anticipated future cash flows from a proposed investment project that is being evaluated for approval or rejection.

What does capital cost represent?

The cost of capital is the return a business must obtain to cover the expense of a capital project, such buying new machinery or building a new structure. The cost of capital includes the price of both equity and debt.

To learn more about cost of capital here:


if the average product for six workers is fifteen and the marginal product of the seventh worker is eighteen, then marginal product is rising. marginal product is falling. average product is rising. average product is falling.


if the average product for six workers is fifteen and the marginal product of the seventh worker is eighteen, then the average product is rising.

Marginal product is the pace of progress of total product. Subsequently, average product can rise if the expansion to total product is more noteworthy than average product. This implies that the average product can rise assuming the marginal product is over the average product.

At the point when the marginal product is over the average product, the average product is rising. At the point when the marginal product is underneath the average product, the average product is falling.

If the marginal product of labor, MPL, is more noteworthy than the average product of labor, APL, then, at that point, each extra unit of labor is more productive than the average of the past units. Subsequently, by adding the last unit, the general average increments.

to know more about the marginal product of labor click here:


joe (55) and gail (49) are filing jointly for 2021. joe earned $40,000, and gail earned $2,500. joe may contribute up to $7,000 to his ira for 2021. if joe contributes $5,000 to his ira, how much can they contribute to gail's ira for 2021?


If joe (55) and gail (49) are filing jointly for 2021. joe earned $40,000, and gail earned $2,500 and joe may contribute up to $7,000 to his ira for 2021. if joe contributes $5,000 to his ira, the amount they contribute to gail's ira for 2021 is $2,000.

How to determine their contribution?

Using this formula to find their contribution

Contribution  to gail ira = 2021 Amount Joe contributed  to his IRA - Amount that Joe contributed


2021 Amount Joe contributed  to his IRA =$7,000

Amount that Joe contributed = $5,000

Let plug in the formula

Contribution  to gail ira = $7,000 - $5,000

Contribution  to gail ira = $2,000

Therefore the Contribution  to gail ira is the amount of $2,000.

Learn more about IRA contribution here:


one result of relying on a matrix structure as a solution to coordinating problems in multi-national enterprises is that it blank . multiple choice question. usually resolves issues quickly is a natural lead into cooperation can get bogged down in a bureaucratic mess is a flexible structure that adjusts to the situation


One result of depending on a matrix structure as a solution to coordinating problems in a multi-national enterprise is that can get bogged down in a bureaucratic mess.

An organizational structure matrix is the combination of two or more different organizational structure types. It is a method of establishing your company so that reporting networks are put up as a grid or matrix as compared to a conventional hierarchy.

A complex organization with multilayered systems and procedures/practices is referred to as a bureaucratic mess. Efficiently implemented systems and processes slow down decision-making. They want to uphold control and homogeneity within the company.

To learn more about matrix structure


what is a strategy that requires a bureaucratic-type structure that provides high work specialization and tight controls? lumen


A bureaucratic organizational strategy requires a type of structure that provides high work specialization and tight controls.

A bureaucratic organization is a government agency or for-profit corporation with strictly adhered-to operating regulations and a rigid line of command. It is a hierarchical administrative system that is used in both public and commercial sector settings.

People frequently compare successful bureaucratic organizations to machines because of how effectively they run. These companies are run by managers who provide orders to departmental teams, who can produce satisfying results by adhering to predetermined workflow patterns.

The clarity that comes from a clearly defined management system is the major advantage of a bureaucratic organizational structure.

To know more about work specialization click here,


a company had a market price of $38.90 per share, earnings per share of $1.95, and dividends per share of $1.10. its price-earnings ratio equals:


Its price-earnings ratio equals is $19.9

What is a price-earnings ratio?

Cost to Income Price-to-Earnings Ratio The level was significantly how much a stock is worth in relation to EPS. Another of the more well valuation metrics is the PE rate. It indicates whether such a company is pricey or inexpensive at the present market price.

The ratio of Cost to Sales to Profitability The numerous calculates the value of a stock in connection to its EPS. The PE ratio is one of the most popular stock valuation indicators. It shows if a stock is overpriced or affordable at the current market price.

The formula that will be used will be:

Price Earnings Ratio:= Stock Price per Share / Earnings per Share

$38.90 / $1.95

= 19.9

Learn more about price-earnings ratio, here:


your store sells five varieties of 16 oz. bags of potato chip costing $1.25, $1.49, $1.50, $1.39, and $1.35 respectively. what is the mean price of the 16 oz. bags of potato chips?


$1.40  is the mean price of the 16 oz. bags of potato chips.

Why do you use the word costing?

Any method for allocating expenses to a company component is known as budgeting. Price is frequently used to establish expenses for customers, channels of distribution, personnel, regions, goods, product offerings, processes, subsidiaries, and whole businesses.

What does business cost?

 Costing is the process a businessman uses to figure out the cost of producing and selling any individual product (item or services).


The mean is the average:

(1.25 + 1.49 + 1.50 + 1.39 + 1.35)/5 = 1.396

The closes option is $1.40

To know more about costing visit:


revenues and other operating costs are expected to be constant over the project's 3-year life. what is the project's year 1 cash flow? equipment cost (depreciable basis) $65,000 straight-line depreciation rate 33.333% sales revenues, each year $60,000 operating costs (excl. deprec.) $25,000 tax rate 40.0%


The project's year 1 cash flow is $29,665.8 as per the given revenue and net income

Operating cash flow is the flow of cash generated from regular operating activities. Operating cash flow could be calculated using a variety of methods, the indirect method adds back non-cash expenses to net income.

We first compute the net income from year 1, which is:

net income = (revenue - cost - depreciation) *(1 - tax rate)

net income = (60,000 - 25,000 - 65,000*33.33%) * (1 - 40%)

net income = 8,001.3

To get operating cash flows, we need to add depreciation back to the net income, i.e.,

operating cash flow = 8,001.3 + 65,000 * 33.33% = 29,665.8

Learn more about cash flow:


1. how many units are projected to be sold during the first quarter of 2012? if unit sales price is $15.00, what is the projected sales amount for the first quarter of 2012?


$40,000/$15.00 = 2666 units are projected to be sold during the first quarter of 2012 if unit sales price is $15.00,

Explain sale price.

The discounted price at which products or services are being sold is known as a sale price. Typically, this price is provided for a brief period of time in an effort to boost sales during a sluggish period or get rid of extra inventory. The discount is shown in the advertisement as a percentage off the list price. As a consequence, a sale price of $70 will be achieved with a 30% discount on a $100 list price.

Another way to understand the phrase is to say that it simply refers to the selling price of an item. For instance, a piece of art would be sold for that amount if bids reached a record high of $10 million. This meaning of the phrase is essentially the opposite of the one that came before it.

To learn more about sale price


if he uses the first come, first served priority rule to schedule these jobs, what will be the average completion time?


First Come, First Served (FCFS) is the simplest scheduling algorithm.

What is First Come, First Served:

There is only one rule:

Let the initial process start when it is scheduled to and let it finish on its own. This scheduling technique is non-preemptive, which implies that only one process may be active at a time, regardless of how well it utilizes the system's resources, whether there is a waiting list for other processes, and regardless of the relative significance of those processes.

The algorithm is not commonly used because of these drawbacks, but it is included here as a benchmark against which to evaluate more straightforward techniques.

"Jobs are handled in the order in which they arrive at a machine or work center," according to the FCFS sequencing regulation.

Learn more about First Come, First Served:


an investor wants to purchase a twenty unit apartment complex. ten units rent for $300 per month, five for $325 and five for $350. vacancy and collection losses are estimated to be five percent of the potential gross income and operating expenses are expected to be $31,950. using a capitalization rate of ten percent, what should the investor pay for the property?




a media planner is making placement decisions for a new line of cosmetics. she focuses on ten different cities in the country where the purchase size of the products is high. this is an example of:


A media planner is making placement decisions for a new line of cosmetics. She focuses on ten different cities in the country where the purchase size of the products is high. This is an example of Geo-targeting.

What is Geo-targeting?

Geo-targeting is the process of providing localized or location-relevant content to website visitors based on their geographic location. Geo-targeting is frequently used by internet businesses to improve each visitor's onsite experience or for offsite digital marketing goals.

Audience targeting, location targeting, and weather targeting are the three categories of geo-targeting.

Geotargeting advertising allows you to display adverts based on customers' actual locations when they consent to location services for mobile apps (like a retail or restaurant app). For instance, if you own a fast service restaurant or a clothes store, you can advertise to target customers who are nearby and entice them to come in. In a word, geotargeting aids marketers in developing more pertinent, customized marketing for customers, increasing engagement.

Know more about targeting:


what type of sales training has revolutionized the way training happens in many firms? on-the-job training one-on-one interaction online training simulated buying situations role-playing exercises


The Correct answer is C. Online training type of sales training has revolutionized the way training happens in many firms.

Online training shall we businesses and bosses train people competencies and understanding over the internet via a pc, telephone, or some other tool. it may involve: Asynchronous training including e-gaining knowledge of courses, films, and facilitated discussion forums, that humans can access once they want to.

because online courses offer students full management over their studies, and they could paint at their own tempo. pupils, on common, paintings faster and soak up extra records in online publications than they would in any other case. gaining knowledge of honesty from everywhere lets in you or your group pursue coursework while not having to shuttle to a bodily campus. whilst some online publications require learners to attend stay lectures, you could in any other case aspect your coursework into your already busy timetable and move at your personal tempo.

To learn more about Online training visit here:


Complete Question:

What type of sales training has revolutionized the way training happens in many firms? (a) on-the-job training (b)one-on-one interaction (c)online training (d)role-playing exercises (e)simulated buying situations

Which one of the following is a primary component of an internal control system?
a. Monitoring
b. Chain of command
c. Financial pressure
d. Physical controls
e. Bonding


One of the primary components of an internal control system is monitoring.

Internal control systems are designed to provide reasonable assurance that an organization's objectives are being achieved and that risks are being managed effectively. Monitoring is a key component of this process, as it involves regularly reviewing and evaluating the effectiveness of the internal control system, identifying any areas of weakness or potential improvement, and implementing corrective actions as needed. Other components of an internal control system may include the chain of command, physical controls, and bonding, among others.

Learn more about the internal control system here:


the andrews company has just purchased $59,498,000 of plant and equipment that has an estimated useful life of 15 years. the expected salvage value at the end of 15 years is $5,949,800. what will the depreciation expense for this purchase (exclude all other plant and equipment) be for the second year of use? (use fasb gaap)


The Andrews company spent $59,498,000 for machinery and equipment with a 15-year anticipated useful life. The anticipated salvage value after 15 years is $5,949,800. The depreciation expense for this purchase will be $ 49,797,440.

Depreciation on plant and equipment for the first year = (52976000 - 5297600) / 15 = 47678400 / 15 = $ 3178560.

After the first year, the book value of the plant and equipment = 57976000 - 3178560 = $ 49,797,440.

Depreciation is an accounting method used to allocate the cost of a physical asset over its useful life. Depreciation shows how much of an asset's value has been used. It let the companies earn revenue from the assets they own by paying for them over a certain period of time.

To learn more about depreciation


a company purchased a weaving machine for $231,450. the machine has a useful life of 8 years and a salvage value of $12,500. it is estimated that the machine could produce 755,000 bolts of woven fabric over its useful life. in the first year, 107,500 bolts were produced. in the second year, production increased to 111,500 units. using the units-of-production method, what is the amount of depreciation expense that should be recorded for the second year?


Calculation of depreciation fee per unit:

Depreciation per unit=Cost of machine−Residual value/Estimated manufacturing units



Therefore, the depreciation per unit is calculated as 0.29 per unit.

Calculation of depreciation that will be in the second year:

Depreciation of second years=Production of 2nd years×depreciation per unit


=$ 32,335

Therefore, the depreciation of $32,335 that will be in the 2nd year.

Depreciation expense for a given year is calculated by dividing the original cost of the equipment less its salvage value, by the expected number of units the asset should produce given its useful life. Then, multiply that quotient by the number of units (U) used during the current year.

How do you calculate depreciation per unit?

The devices of production depreciation method is: Depreciation Expense = Unit Production Rate x Units Produced. To locate the unit manufacturing rate, you should be aware of the original value of the asset, its predicted salvage value, and how many devices the asset is expected to produce over its lifetime.

Learn more about depreciation per unit here:

a mechanic took out a mortgage from a bank to buy the garage he and his employees work out of. how would this be listed on a balance sheet?


A mechanic took out a mortgage from a bank to buy the garage he and his employees work out of. This be listed on a balance sheet as a long-term liabilities.

An accounting document known as a balance sheet lists a company's assets, liabilities, and shareholder ownership. One of the three primary financial statements that are used to analyze a corporation is the balance sheet. It offers a picture of a company's financial situation as of the publishing date, including what it owns and owes.

A balance sheet provides you with a momentary glimpse of your company's financial situation. A balance sheet may assist business owners in assessing the financial health of their organization along with an income statement and a cash flow statement.

To know more about Balance sheet here


g goodwill is not recognized in accounting unless it is acquired from another business enterprise. group of answer choices true false


The assertion is accurate. If goodwill is not acquired from another commercial entity, it is not recorded in accounting.

A positive relationship between an organization and its customers fosters goodwill. It occurs when earnings increase above average earnings due to a company's high reputation, skilled employees, and other factors.

Another name for goodwill is an intangible asset connected to the purchase of one business by another. When the acquisition price is greater than the total value of all tangible and intangible assets obtained while in possession, this is known as goodwill.

By deducting the difference between the fair market value of the company's assets and liabilities from its purchase price, goodwill is computed. Companies must at least annually examine the goodwill value on their financial statements and record any impairment.

To know more about goodwill click here,


a treasury bill has a face value of $65,000, an asked yield of 3.05%, and matures in 60 days. what is the price of this bill?


the price of this bill is $64669.58 in 60 days.

In this question the given things is:

a treasury bill has a face value of $65,000.

yield percentace = 3.05%

time = 60days

the price of this bill = a face value of a treasury- (a face value of a treasury *yield percentage * given time per year)

the price of this bill = $65,000 - $65,000*(3.05/100)*(60/360)

the price of this bill =$64669.58.

To know more about everyone, click the below link


what is driving the economy of many low-income sub-saharan countries? (2.5pts) question 10 - what is driving the economy of many low-income sub-saharan countries? raw material exports cheap manufacturing technology export agricultural exports eco-tourism


Due to a slowdown in global growth, rising inflation, and other factors, Sub-Saharan Africa's economic growth is expected to fall from 4.1% in 2021 to 3.3% in 2022.

Hence, Option C is correct.

The Democratic Republic of the Congo, Burundi, Madagascar, the Central African Republic, and South Sudan all had extreme poverty rates exceeding 70%. South Sudan, the poorest country in Africa, had a rate of over 80%. Some people have done well.

21 out of 25 countries in the low-income group in 2020 were Sub-Saharan African economies, despite the fact that 11 Sub-Saharan African nations had been able to migrate from the low-income category to lower and upper-middle income groups over the previous three decades.

To know more about Economic Growth here


In the short run, however, most economists believe that real and nominal variables are intertwined. Economists use the model of aggregate demand and aggregate supply to examine the economy's short-run fluctuations around the long-run output level. The following graph shows an incomplete short-run aggregate demand (AD) and aggregate supply (AS) diagram—it needs appropriate labels for the axes and curves. You will identify some of the missing labels in the questions that follow.

The horizontal axis of the aggregate demand and aggregate supply model measures the overall ???.

The aggregate ??? curve shows the quantity of goods and services that firms produce and sell at each price level.


According to the question, in the short run of economists:

The horizontal axis of the aggregate demand and aggregate supply model measures the overall quantity of output. The aggregate supply curve shows the quantity of goods and services that firms produce and sell at each price level.

What do you mean by the aggregate demand and supply?

The total quantity of demand for all finished products and services generated in an economy is measured as aggregate demand.

The total amount of money spent on those goods and services at a particular price level and time is known as aggregate demand.

The whole supply of products and services produced within an economy at a specific overall price over a specific time period is known as aggregate supply, also known as total output.

The amount that businesses are willing to create and the amount that customers are willing to demand at a particular price point are expressed as aggregate supply and aggregate demand.

Therefore, according to the question, in the short run of economists:

The horizontal axis of the aggregate demand and aggregate supply model measures the overall quantity of output. The aggregate supply curve shows the quantity of goods and services that firms produce and sell at each price level.

To know more about the aggregate demand and supply, visit:


if the demand is , a fall in price total revenue. question 18 options: a) elastic; decreases b) elastic; increases c) inelastic; increases d) inelastic; does not change


If demand is, the price will drop, increasing revenue. A possible alternative is elastic; declines.

Revenue will decrease when prices drop and demand is elastic.

If a corporation lowers its pricing, the percentage decrease in price will cause an even higher percentage rise in the number of units sold, increasing overall revenue. This is the case if demand is elastic at a certain price level.

Does inelastic demand result in a decline in overall revenue?

A price change that decreased resulted in reduced overall revenue if you were insignificant, which occurs when a significant percent change in price results but a smaller percent increase in supply required.

When prices drop, what occurs to claim?

The quantity requested of a good rises when the price of that good decreases.

To know more about revenue click here


suppose that one worker in gambia is paid the equivalent of $5 per hour and can produce five baskets per hour. suppose that one worker in the united states is paid twice the wage rate, or $10 per hour, but can produce twice the baskets, or 10 baskets per hour. which country has the higher labor cost?


Neither, the labor costs are the same suppose that one worker is paid the equivalent at different rates.

A direct labour cost is a component of the wage bill or payroll that can be specifically and consistently attributed to or related with the production of a good, the completion of a specific task, or the rendering of a service. We can also state that it represents the price of the labour performed by those employees who really create the product on the assembly line. The total amount of wages paid to employees, employee benefits, and payroll taxes that a business must pay make up the cost of labour. Direct and indirect labour expenses are separated. Indirect costs are related to support labour, such as those who look after industrial equipment, whereas direct costs are related to the wages of those who manufacture a product, such as those who work on an assembly line.

learn more about labour cost here


thermogenesis has been studied the plants in the genus arum, including skunk cabbage and the corpse flower. in these plants, what hypotheses have been provided to explain the reason behind thermogenesis? select all that apply


All organs produce obligatory thermogenesis, which is a necessary complement to all metabolic processes necessary to keep the body alive.

It includes the amount of energy required to consume, digest, and process food (thermic effect of food).

The thermogenic theory: what is it?

Your metabolism is boosted by certain foods, which cause your body to burn more calories and produce more heat. Thermogenic foods or compounds are those that stimulate metabolism and, as a result, generate more heat. Theoretically, the quicker you lose weight, the more calories burned.

What factors influence thermogenesis?

Fatal cycles, such as the simultaneous occurrence of lipogenesis and lipolysis or glycolysis and gluconeogenesis, contribute to thermogenesis. In a broader sense, activity/rest cycles like the summer matter cycle can have an impact on futile cycles. Muscle metabolism is accelerated by acetylcholine stimulation.

To learn more about thermogenesis here


Full Question = Thermogenesis has been studied the plants in the genus Arum, including skunk cabbage and the corpse flower. In these plants, what biological process is most strongly associated with heat production?

if the economy is normal, taeana wear stock is expected to return 9.3 percent. if the economy falls into a recession, the stock's return is projected at a negative 6.3 percent. the probability of a normal economy is 74 percent. what is the variance of the returns on this stock?


The variance of the returns on this stock is 0.004682

(0.093.74) + (-0.063.26) = .05244

0.74(.093-0.05244)^2 + .26(-0.063-0.052)^2


Variance is a way to gauge how risky an investment is. Risk is the likelihood that the actual return on investment, or its gain or loss over a certain period, will be higher or lower than anticipated. There is a chance that the investment will lose some, if not all, of its value.

By using variance statistics, investors can arrange their assets in a way that is consistent with how they want to balance risk and possible returns. Since volatility and risk are related, variance can show you what level of risk an investment entails.

Learn more about Variance here:


where does the supply chain begin? group of answer choices delivery of raw materials creation of the good or service producer delivery of the good or service to a marketing intermediary


The supply chain of an organization begins with the delivery of raw materials. Therefore, the option A holds true.

A supply chain can be referred to or considered as a chain that leads to the creation of the supply or products and making them readily available to be purchased by consumers in the open market. The supply chain involves a number of people, which includes, the supplier of raw material, because it is the place where the supply chain begins. Thus, it can be stated that the supply chain begins with the delivery of raw materials.

Learn more about supply chain here:


Other Questions
proteins that are fully translated in the cytosol and lack a sorting signal will end up in the proteins that are fully translated in the cytosol and lack a sorting signal will end up in the cytosol. mitochondria. interior of the nucleus. nuclear membrane. In this line from Walt Whitmans poem song of myself, what is the meaning of the word steeps For men, the range of body fat percentage associated with the lowest risk of chronic disease isa. 7.0% to 15.8%.b. 14.5% to 22.0%.c. 21.0% to 25.8%.d. 32.2% to 36.9%. Of the following atmospheric gases, only _________ is an important greenhouse gas.a. hydrogen sulfide (H2S)b. oxygen (O2)c. water vapor (H2O)d. nitrogen (N2)e. argon (Ar) most enlightenment philosophers believed that, when freed of past religious and political shackles, people would act? in their own self-interest. for the greater good. rationally and morally. logically and deliberately. x^2=17x-60in standard form The ans stimulates smooth muscles, skeletal muscles and glands, whereas the somatic nervous system innervates skeletal muscles only.t/f What is Squealer caught doing at the end of chapter 8? during 2021, raines umbrella corporation had sales of $710,000. cost of goods sold, administrative and selling expenses, and depreciation expenses were $500,000, $125,000, and $170,000, respectively. in addition, the company had an interest expense of $60,000 and a tax rate of 21 percent. (ignore any tax loss carryforward provisions and assume interest expense is fully deductible.) suppose the company paid out $60,000 in cash dividends. if net capital spending and net working capital were both zero, and if no new stock was issued during the year, what is the net new long-term debt? (do not round intermediate calculations.) which thoguth would be least characteristis of someone experiencing obsessise compulsive disorder, according to the cognitive perspective what is this: Read the passage.The Importance of Japan's Cherry BlossomsIn the northeastern United States, autumn is particularly colorful. Leaves change from green to red and orange, and many Americans take scenic fall foliage trips. In Japan, a similar phenomenon takes place in the spring. Cherry trees erupt in a shower of pink, and the entire country celebrates the arrival of sakura, or cherry blossoms. Though autumn leaves are admired in the United States, they are seen as just a pretty seasonal display. In Japan, on the other hand, cherry blossoms have much greater significance; the flowers are deeply rooted in Japan's culture and philosophy. Since as far back as the eighth century, sakura have symbolized change and beauty, new beginnings, and the circle of life. The blossoms have been celebrated in Japanese paintings, poems, and tea ceremonies for centuries.What is the main idea of the passage? how did Jesus and Pope Leo X view themselves and live their lives? the success of the entire police agency is generally dependent on the skill and work of the patrol officers, who have been said to be the eyes and ears of the police organization. A _________ occur when a player kick the ball through the opponent' goal. Field goalpunttouchdownafety How did early settlers adapt to their environment? And, how did settlements develop into cities? when the executive branch and its agencies translate laws into routine procedures and practices, this is called Which of the following is the most likely the next step in the series? The sum of three integers is greater than 9. Show that one of the integers must be greater than 3. The energy released from the anaerobic respiration of a glucose molecule is less than that released from the aerobic respiration of a glucose molecule because A. Fewer bonds of the glucose molecule are broken in anaerobic respiration than in aerobic respiration B. More enzymes are required for anaerobic respiration than for aerobic respiration C. Anaerobic respiration occurs 24 hours a day while aerobic respiration can only occur at night D. Anaerobic respiration requires oxygen but aerobic respiration does not require oxygen how do anthropologists refer to the way in which cultural institutions and systems of power interconnect to affect individual lives and group experiences? a. sexual discourse b. intersectionality c. hegemony d. sexology