if a nation's goods exports are $55 billion, while its goods imports are $50 billion, we can conclude with certainty that this nation has a


Answer 1

If a country sells $55 billion in products while importing $50 billion in goods, we can be guaranteed that this country has a surplus in the goods balance of trade.

The difference between the monetary value of a country's exports and imports over a specific time period is known as the balance of trade, commercial balance, or net exports. A distinction between a trade balance for products and one for services is occasionally drawn. A flow of exports and imports over a specific time period is measured by the balance of trade. The term "balance of commerce" does not necessarily imply that imports and exports are "equally balanced." A country has a trade surplus or positive trade balance if it exports more than it imports; on the other hand, a country has a trade deficit or negative trade balance if it imports more than it exports. 

Learn more about trade from



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in lpc leadership theory, the leader's relationship with group members, the structure of the task, and the leader's position power together determine the most effective way to lead. group of answer choices true false


The statement given above regarding the leadership theory is completely true.

In the leadership theory of IPC, it has been proposed that an ideal leader should be able to develop such relations with the other group members so that the structure of the task, as well as the positional power of the leader is together able to determine the process of leading the entire group as a whole in the most effective way possible. It also brings a higher degree of efficiency within the group.

Therefore, the statement given above holds completely true.

Learn more about leadership theory here:



o'malley company sells 100,000 units for $13 a unit. fixed costs are $350,000 and net income is $250,000. what should be reported as variable expenses in the cvp income statement? group of answer choices $600,000. $700,000. $950,000. $1,050,000.


The reported variable expenses in the CVP income statement is $ 700000

Variable costs = sales - fixed costs - net income

= 13*100000 - 350000 - 250000

= $700000

CVP is decided via the interplay of cardiac feature and venous return, which is itself determined through the blood quantity and the compliance traits of the venous gadget. for this reason, an expanded CVP can reflect a boom in blood volume in addition to an impairment in cardiac function.

Important venous strain (CVP), an estimate of proper atrial stress, has been used to assess cardiac preload and volume popularity in critically ill sufferers, help within the prognosis of right-sided coronary heart failure, and guide fluid resuscitation. it is decided by the interplay between cardiac function and venous return.

Learn more about CVP here https://brainly.com/question/23894490


an investor has two bonds in their portfolio, one with 3 years until maturity and the other with 10 years until maturity. which of the following scenarios is more likely if interest rates increase by 2%? a. neither bond will decrease in price, but their yields will increase b. both bonds will decrease in price by the same proportion c. the 10-year bond will decrease more in price d. the 3-year bond will decrease more in price


Option A is correct neither bond will decrease in price, but their yields will increase

What happens to bonds when activity rates go up?

A vital principle of bond investing is that market activity prices and bond expenditures generally go in opposite directions. When market interest quotes rise, prices of fixed-rate bonds fall. this phenomenon is recognized as activity rate risk.

What is interest price danger Why does a bond with a longer maturity have higher activity charge threat than a bond with a shorter maturity?

Key Takeaways. When hobby rates rise, bond expenditures fall (and vice-versa), with long-maturity bonds most sensitive to charge changes. This is due to the fact longer-term bonds have a larger length than temporary bonds that are nearer to maturity and have fewer coupon repayments remaining.

Learn more about interest rate risk here:


a production process consists of a three-step operation. the scrap rate is 14 percent for the first step and 7 percent for the other two steps. a. if the desired daily output is 476 units, how many units must be started to allow for loss due to scrap?


If desired daily output is 476 units, 602 units must be started to allow for the loss due to scrap.

What is scrap?

The term "scrap" refers to recyclable materials—typically metals—left over from the production and consumption of goods, such as automotive components, building materials, and extra materials. Scrap, in contrast to waste, has value in the form of recovered metals, while non-metallic items are also salvaged for recycling. The materials are then categorized after being collected; normally, metal scrap is processed mechanically before being crushed, shredded, and categorized. Since recycling scrap uses a lot less energy and has a far smaller impact on the environment than mining for metal, it is crucial for developing a more sustainable or circular economy. With intricate networks of wrecking yards, sorting facilities, and recycling factories, metal recycling—especially of structural steel, ships, and secondhand manufactured items like cars and white goods—is a significant industrial operation.

X Units*0,87*0,93*0,93= 453

X units= 453/ (0,87*0,93*0,93)= 602 units

To learn more about production, visit:



positive steps toward policy changes, reduced emissions, or increased public understanding of impacts of greenhouse gas emissions have included:


We publish the 2021 Commitment to Development Index (CDI), which tracks powerful countries’ policy efforts on development across eight important areas, from development finance to migration.

The environment, which is important for everyone but is especially crucial for people in lower-income nations, is one of the CDI's focus areas. The CDI can help us identify which nations are performing well with their environmental policies and which might do better in this crucial year for climate negotiations.

The CDI environment component compares 40 nations across important policy domains, including fossil fuel subsidies, emissions standards, and carbon pricing. The top-ranking nationsSweden and France—perform well in terms of both development and the environment. However, more general trends in climate policy are not positive. In this blog, we take a comprehensive look at the most recent emissions statistics for CDI nations and emphasize critical policy areas—including fossil fuel extraction and subsidization as well as carbon pricing—where nations are leading or trailing.

Assessing environmental commitment to development:

One of the few comparative analyses of global environmental contributions is produced by the CDI. After reviewing the CDI last year, we redesigned the environment section to better reflect the various facets of climate policy while also taking into account other environmental concerns, such as fishing subsidies, biodiversity, and other treaty participation.

Learn more about Greenhouse gas:



True or false? The professor uses the phrases "The Law of Ideas" and "Intellectual Property Law" interchangeably.


False: The professor uses the terms "Intellectual Property Law" and "The Law of Ideas" interchangeably.

The establishment and protection of intellectual creations like designs, music, artwork, and inventions are the subject of intellectual property (IP) law.

What are the 4 kinds of protected innovation?

The company's patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets are valuable assets that must be safeguarded by knowing how they function and are made.

What are the seven rights in intellectual property?

Copyright, trademarks, patents, geographical indications, plant varieties, industrial designs, and semiconductor integrated circuit layout designs are the seven types of intellectual property rights in India.

To learn more about Intellectual Property Law here



each time a payment is made on an installment note, the portion of the next payment associated with notes payable increases. this statement is


True. On an installment note, a percentage of each payment is deducted from the principle sum that must be paid.

The amount of interest expenditure lowers with each subsequent payment because the principle balance drops but the interest rate stays the same.

The percentage of the payment related to notes payable must grow since the total cash payment stays the same while the component related to interest expenditure goes down. On an installment note, a percentage of each payment is deducted from the principle sum that must be paid.

With each successive payment, the amount of interest expenditure lowers (rather than grows) because the principle balance drops while the interest rate stays the same.

Learn more about notes payable here:



A snack food company decreases the size of their single-serving size tortilla chips bag to 3. 0 ounces, which is 10% less than the original size.


A snack food company decreases 10% of the size of tortilla chips bag to 3.0 ounces. The original size of the bag is 3.33 ounces.

Percentage is a fraction of a hundred. For example 20% is equal to fraction 20/100.

The formula for calculating the percentage is given by:

percentage = value / total value  x 100%

In the given problem, let:

p = original size of the bag

The snack size is decreased to 3.ounces, which is 10% less than the original size. It means, the current size = 100% - 10% = 90% of its original size.

90% x p = 3

p = 3/90%

p = 3/0.9 = 3.33

Hence, the original size of the bag is 3.33 ounces.

Your question is incomplete, but most probably your question was:

A snack food company decreases the size of their single-serving size tortilla chips bag to 3.0 ounces, which is 10% less than the original size.

What is the original size of the bag?

Learn more about percentage here:



jet, inc., has net sales of $712,478 and accounts receivable of $167,435. what are the firm's accounts receivable turnover and days' sales outstanding? round your accounts receivable turnover to two decimal places and days' sales outstanding to the nearest day.


The firm's accounts receivable turnover and days' sales outstanding: 4.26 times; 86 days


The definition of a 'firm' inside the subject of economics is any agency that seeks to make earnings through manufacturing or promoting products or services – or both – to consumers. as an instance, one of the most commonplace makes use of this term is for 'regulation corporations,' which commonly promote offerings in relation to the regulation.

A company is a for-profit enterprise, commonly fashioned as a partnership that provides professional offerings, which include prison or accounting services. The concept of the company posits that firms exist to maximize income.

Learn more about firm here:



Earnings per share, return on sales, and return on equity are examples of:
a. turnover ratios
b. Profitability ratios
c. Leverage Ratios
d. Liquidity ratios
e. sales ratio


The earnings per share, return on sales, and return on equity are all examples of a profitability ratio. The Option B is correct.

What is a profitability ratio?

Basically, a profitability ratios refers to the set of financial metrics that are used to assess a business's ability to generate earnings in relative to its revenue, operating costs, balance sheet assets, shareholders' equity over time by using data from a specific point in time.

These profitability ratios can be compared with an efficiency ratios which consider how well a company uses its assets internally to generate income (as opposed to after-cost profits).

By using these ratios, a higher ratio results are often more favorable but these ratios provide much more information when compared to results of similar companies, the company's own historical performance or the industry average.

Read more about profitability ratio



assume that there is a fixed rate of interest on contracts for borrowers and lenders. if unexpected deflation occurs in the economy, then who benefits?


If there is a fixed rate of interest on contracts for borrowers and lenders if unexpected deflation occurs in the economy, borrowers are hurt, but lenders benefit.

What do you understand about deflation?

Deflation in economics can be understood as a decrease in the general price level of goods and services. Deflation occurs when the inflation rate falls below 0% or a negative inflation rate. Inflation reduces the value of currency over time, but sudden deflation increases it. This allows more goods and services to be bought than before with the same amount of currency.

Deflation is measured using economic indicators like the Consumer Price Index.

Learn more about deflation, here:



which of the following is not one of the four stages of a business cycle? select one. question 4 options: a. through b. expansion. contraction d. stagnation


Stagnation is not one of the four stages of a business cycle. Option D is the right solution that we have to the question here.

What is meant by the business cycle?

When the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) fluctuates around its long-term natural growth rate, it is said to be in a business cycle. It shows how an economy changes through time, expanding and contracting in terms of economic activity.

An extended era of economic growth is always followed by an extended period of economic contraction. A business cycle includes four distinct phases that can be identified during its lifetime: expansion, peak, contraction, and trough.

The repeated economic shifts that occur in a nation over time are referred to as business cycles. It can be recognized by changes in the GDP and other macroeconomic indicators. The business cycle has four distinct phases: expansion, peak, contraction, and trough.

Read more on the business cycle here: https://brainly.com/question/26086110


When considering perfect competition, the absence of entry barriers implies that
a. no firm can enter the industry
b. it costs $0 to start a new business in perfectly competitive markets
c. all firms will earn economic profit
d. firms can enter and leave the industry without serious impediments


When considering a perfect competition, absence of the entry barriers implies that firms can enter and leave industry without serious impediments.

What is perfect competition?

A perfect market, often referred to as an atomistic market, is defined by a series of idealizing criteria that collectively constitute perfect competition, or atomistic competition, in the context of general equilibrium theory in economics. This balance would satisfy Pareto's requirements. Another key contributor in comprehending imperfect competition is Joan Robinson, whose book "The Economics of Perfect Competition" was published the same year Chamberlain's. Robinson placed a higher priority on pricing and discrimination, whereas Chamberlain paid close attention to product development. Price discrimination assumes that a vendor will set different prices for the identical goods in an imperfectly competitive market depending on the characteristics of the buyer in order to increase sales.

To learn more about perfect competition, visit:



What are 5 reasons we pay taxes?


The reasons why taxes are paid are:

They contribute to public expenditures.They are used to finance roads and electrical installations.They combat poverty within the country.They allow a great impulse in the economic sectors of the country.The collection of taxes indicates a high level of prosperity in the country.

What are taxes?

It is the amount of money that people must pay to the government to contribute to public expenses, the amount of taxes is increased in products or services acquired by people.

Taxes are important because they are a source of income for countries, which allows economic growth that generates benefits in countries.

More information about taxes at: brainly.com/question/27978084


Which of these describe groups or pairs of projects where you can accept one but not all?
a. Mutually exclusive.
b. Normal.
c. Independent.
d. Contingent.


Option (d), projects that are contingent are groups or pairs of projects that you can accept some of but not all of.

What do contingent projects entail?

A contingent project is one whose approval or denial completely depends on the acceptance of the contingency or dependence on the approval or denial of another project.

The definition of a dependent pair of objects

Contingency is the existence of statements that are neither true under every possible valuation nor untrue under every possible valuation in philosophy and logic. The truth or falsity of a contingent assertion is not predetermined.

Consequentially, the term "contingent pairs of projects" denotes that such pairs of projects may include some but not all.

Learn more about contingent project: https://brainly.com/question/29643799


economic development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the needs of future generations is called


"Growth that satisfies current demands without endangering the ability of future generations to meet their own needs is referred to as sustainable development.

What does economic sustainable development mean?

"Sustainable development," a method of economic planning, attempts to foster economic growth while preserving the environment's quality for future generations.

In order for everyone to function to their best potential, social development aims to improve their well-being. The happiness of every citizen is essential to society's success.

What is social development that is sustainable?

It is seen as a non-declining public value that accounts for activity-related technological, ecological, and social constraints. In order to be sustainable, development must not only promote economic growth but also ensure that economic activity is compatible with social, environmental, and intellectual concerns.

To know more about economic development visit:-



when the team executes the strategic plan, it is in which stage of development? multiple choice adjourning storming forming performing


When the team carries out the strategy, this is referred to as performing.

Team building is the process by which a group unites to function as a single entity. The formation of roles and duties within the team as well as some level of training and education are typically part of this process. A team must pass through a number of phases in order to succeed.

In 1965, Dr. Bruce Wayne Tuckman, a social psychologist, wrote "Tuckman's Stages," which described the four stages that teams go through as they develop: forming, storming, norming, and performing.

Stage five, sometimes known as "adjoining," was developed in 1977 by Tuckman and his Ph.D. student Jensen and described the procedure for wrapping up a team's work.

To know more about strategy click here,



janelle owns a small hotel in san francisco near fisherman's wharf. she pays $30,000 per year in insurance, $418,000 in wages, and $43,000 in supplies. she forgoes $30,000 per year she could make as a police officer. her total revenue last year equaled $560,000. that means her economic equaled .


That means her economic profit equaled $39,000.

A clear and quantifiable expense is one that can be expressed in monetary terms. The cost of selecting one choice over another is known as an implicit cost. While economic profit is revenue less both explicit and implicit costs, accounting profit is revenue less only explicit costs.

Total Revenue = $560,000

Explicit cost = $30,000 insurance + $418,000 wages + $43,000 supplies

Explicit cost = $30,000 + $418,000 + $43,000

∴ Explicit cost = $491,000

Implicit cost = $30,000 forgoes money

Economic profit = $560,000 - ($491,000 + $30,000)

Economic profit = $560,000 - $521,000

Thus, Economic profit = $39,000

Economic profit takes into consideration explicit cost as well as implicit cost. Explicit cost is amount incurred on explicit factor inputs while implicit cost generally includes opportunity cost which forgone benefit or amount

To learn more about Economic profit, please refer:



the long run outcome of the monopolistically competitive firm: select one: a. occurs where price equals marginal cost. b. maximizes total surplus. c. creates welfare loss. d. does not maximize profits.


The long-run outcome of the monopolistically competitive firm: C. creates welfare loss.

The definition of a 'firm' inside the subject of economics is any agency that seeks to make earnings through manufacturing or promoting products or services – or both – to consumers. as an instance, one of the most commonplace makes use of this term is for 'regulation corporations,' which commonly promote offerings in relation to the regulation.

A company is a for-profit enterprise, commonly fashioned as a partnership that provides professional offerings, which include prison or accounting services. The concept of the company posits that firms exist to maximize income.

Learn more about firm here:



because cash transactions occur more frequently than other transactions, there is more chance for making recording errors affecting cash. t or f


The following statement "Because cash transactions occur more frequently than other transactions, there is more chance for making recording errors affecting cash" is true.

An instant cash payment for the acquisition of an asset is known as a cash transaction. Despite the fact that the trade may not settle for a few days, certain stock market transactions are nonetheless regarded as cash transactions. Unclassified as a monetary transaction is a futures contract.

Receipts and payments are the two different kinds of cash transactions, and the Transactions window's tab views are specific to each type. With the Move Funds command, you may also transfer money between bank accounts.

To know more about Cash Transactions here



you have developed a new computer operating system and are considering whether you should enter the market and compete with microsoft. microsoft has the option of offering their operating system for a high price or a low price. once microsoft selects a price, you will decide whether you want to enter the market or not enter the market. if microsoft charges a high price and you enter, microsoft will earn $30 million and you will earn $10 million. if microsoft charges a high price and you do not enter, microsoft will earn $60 million and you will earn $0. if microsoft charges a low price and you enter, microsoft will earn $20 million and you will lose $5 million. if microsoft charges a low price and you do not enter, microsoft will earn $50 million and you will earn $0.


Microsoft might make $30 million or $60 million if it charges a premium price. If the company has a low price point, it may make $20 or $50 million. The wisest course of action is to demand a high price.

Here is the payoff table:

                 Enter          Don't enter  

High          30, 10         60,0

Low           20, -5         50, 0

Microsoft will demand a premium fee for a simultaneous move game, and you will enter the market. Game theory investigates how consumers choose the best option for themselves in a market that is competitive.

In a competitive market where no player has the incentive to alter their choices, Nash equilibrium is the optimal result for players. I stand to gain $10 million or lose $5 million if I enter the market. I wouldn't make any money if I didn't go into the market. Entering the market is the greatest course of action for me since $5 million is larger than nothing.

To learn more about premium prices



mini blenders inc. estimates manufacturing unit variable cost as $6. fixed costs are $20,000 for the year, during which 10,000 units are expected to be sold. a 50% profit margin on unit selling price is desired. what should be mbi's selling price per unit?


The unit cost is calculated by multiplying the total number of produced units by the sum of the variable and fixed costs. Consider the following scenario: You manufactured 30,000 units, with total fixed costs of $40,000 and variable costs of $20,000.

What selling price is desired MBI's selling price per unit?

The formula for calculating cost per unit adds up fixed and variable costs, which are then divided by the overall number of units produced over a given period of time. Here's how to calculate the price per unit: (Total fixed costs + Total variable costs) / the total number of units produced is the cost per unit.

Wages paid to factory workers are expenses that are closely correlated with output levels. These expenses are not necessary if there is no output created. These expenses change depending on the volume of the output. They are categorized as variable costs as a result.

Learn more about selling price here:



in a retail business, operating income plus operating expenses is equal to a.sales b.gross profit c.cost of goods sold d.cost of merchandise


Operating revenue plus operating costs equals gross profit in a retail business.

gross profit, in both business and accounting, is an entity's revenue less costs, depreciation and amortization, interest, and taxes for a certain accounting period. It has also been described as the net growth in shareholders' equity as a result of a company's operations. It is calculated as the remainder of all revenues and gains less all expenses and losses for the period. Contrary to gross income, which merely deducts the cost of products sold from revenue, this is not the same thing. Net income for families and individuals is defined as income less taxes and other deductions. Net income can either be added to retained earnings by the company or given as a dividend to ordinary stockholders.

Learn more about Net income from



why can a monopoly make a positive economic profit even in the long run? a monopoly can make positive economic profit in the long run because _____.


The monopoly can make positive economic profit in the long run because barriers to entry prevent other firms from entering the market and sharing the profit.

What is monopoly?

In economics, monopoly is defined as a single firm in the market that produces and sells a unique or new product to their target customers and the market firm enjoys the power of price developer and market controller.

Here we need to find the missing term in the given statement "monopoly can make positive economic profit in the long run because __________".

As per the definition of monopoly, we know that the existence of high barriers to entry prevents firms from entering the market even in the long‐run.

So, it is possible for the monopolist to avoid competition and continue making positive economic profits in the long‐run.

To know more about Monopoly here.



Dylan’s data management company has and stores a significant amount of customer information due to the nature of his business. In order to avoid any legal issues due to the misuse of customer information and privacy, what should Dylan have in place for customers?
a. Privacy policies and statements that are easy for customers to understand
b. Social media accounts with content that is highly engaging and interesting
c. Rewards and cashback opportunities
d. An online portal where they can easily pay their bills online


In order to avoid any legal issues due to the misuse of customer information and privacy, what  Dylan has to have in place for customers is Privacy policies and statements that are easy for customers to understand. Option A.

What is meant by the legal issues?

A legal issue is a situation that may require the assistance of a lawyer to resolve because it has potential legal ramifications. It is a query or issue that the law responds to or fixes.

An explanation or legal document known as a "Privacy Policy" outlines how a business or website gathers, manages, and uses the data of its clients and users. It expressly states whether or not that data is kept private, shared with, or sold to third parties.

An organization's privacy policy outlines how it will handle any customer, client, or employee data obtained during business operations. The majority of websites provide users with access to their privacy policies.

Read more on legal issues here:https://brainly.com/question/29219171


________ focuses on problem solving and performance improvement, or speed with excellence, of a well-defined project.


Lean Six Sigma, which prioritizes issue solving and performance enhancement of a well defined project—speed with perfection.

Of the following, which best describes Kaizen?

Kaizen is a combination of two Japanese terms that mean "positive change" or "improvement" individually. However, because of its connection to lean technique and ideals, kaizen has come to mean "continuous improvement." The post-World War II Japanese quality circles are where kaizen first emerged.

How may benchmarking be applied to boost output?

Organizations can detect performance gaps by starting with performance benchmarking. You can compare prior results to current standards and continuously update the standard for better performance by tracking metrics and KPIs inside your company.

To know more about Kaizen visit:-



given the following framework for the statement of cash flows, what is missing? cash flows from operating activities $xxx cash flows from investing activities xxx change in cash $xxx beginning cash balance xxx ending cash balance $xxx a.beginning retained earnings balance b.free cash flow c.total stockholders' equity


The following framework for the statement of cash flows,  is missing Cash flows from financing activities.

What three operations are included in the cash flow statement?

Operating, investment, and finance activities are the three subcategories that make up the cash flow statement.

Which of the following won't appear on the cash flows from financing activities?

Depreciation expense is an operating expense and, if the indirect method is employed, an adjustment to income, hence it is not included in the financing activities portion of the cash flow statement.

Which of the following would be included in the statement of cash flows' section under "cash flows from operating activities"?

The cash that comes into and leaves a company is included in the cash flow from operations, which is the first portion of the cash flow statement. Operating cash flows also include changes in working capital, adjustments to net income, and net income itself.

To Know more about Cash flows



An operations manager must determine the sequence materials will take through the production process. this activity is known as?


The activity of routing requires an operations manager to determine the order in which materials will move through the production process.

What in operation management is routing?

Planning and controlling production begins with routing. The process of determining the work's path (route) and order of operations is known as routing. Preparing fixes ahead of time: The product's quantity and quality. The individuals, equipment, supplies, etc. to utilize.

What is manufacturing by routing?

The route that must be followed at each stage of the manufacturing process when transforming components and raw materials into a final product is referred to as routing manufacturing, or production routings. The required production flow is depicted by routings.

To learn more about routing here



organizational climate is defined as the set of shared, taken-for-granted, implicit assumptions that a group holds and that determines how it perceives, thinks about, and reacts to its various environments. t or f


A group's shared, implicit beliefs are what shape how they perceive, consider, and respond to their diverse settings. This is what is meant by organizational culture. FALSE

What makes for a good determines example?

DETERMINE is defined in the Britannica Dictionary. [+ object] 1. a: to formally decide (something), especially in light of evidence or facts: to precisely or firmly establish (something). The property of the land has now been established by the town.

How are determines used?

chooses a sentence example. You are a fool if you think that a single dream can determine your future. He shook his head and added, "No single occurrence dictates the result of one's destiny.

To know more about determine visit :



what is the npv of a project expected to generate $1,000 a year for 5 years assuming a discount rate of 10% and an initial outlay of $3,250?


The NPV of a project expected to generate $1,000 a year for 5 years assuming a discount rate of 10% and an initial outlay of #3,250 is $540.786

What is NPV (Net Present Value)?

It is the difference between the present value of cash inflows and the present value of cash outflows over a period of time with discount rate in effect of calculating it.

Based from the question above, we need to find the NPV of a project that expected to generate $1000 / year for 5 years.

Now, let's use the Net Present Value formula

NPV = Rt / (1+i)^t

NPV = net present value

Rt = net cash flow at time t

i = discount rate = 10%

t = time of the cash flow

NPV = R1 / (1+i)^1 + R2 / (1+i)^2 + R3 / (1+i)^3 + R4 / (1+i)^4 + Rt / (1+i)^5

= -3,250 + (1,000 / (1+0.1)^1) + (1,000 / (1+0.1)^2) + (1,000 / (1+0.1)^3) + (1,000 / (1+0.1)^4) + (1,000 / (1+0.1)^5

=  -3,250 + 909.091 + 826.446 + 751.315 + 683.013 + 620.921

= $540.786

Therefore, the net present value of the project is $540.786.

Learn more about net present value brainly.com/question/20344604


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Do you think that the dominant allele is more likely a loss-of-function or a gain-of-function mutation? Explain. b. As described in this chapter, gene therapy for LCA has been at least partially successful. Do you think that the same kind of gene therapy can be used for patients with retinitis pigmentosa caused by the dominant mutant allele of RPE65? Explain. What was a cause of the French and Indian War?ResponsesThe French tried to claim the southern colonies owned by Britain.The French tried to claim the southern colonies owned by Britain.The French and Native Americans disputed which group had access to the Mississippi River.The French and Native Americans disputed which group had access to the Mississippi River.The American colonists started settling west of the Mississippi River.The American colonists started settling west of the Mississippi River.The French and British wanted territory near the Ohio River.The French and British wanted territory near the Ohio River. if a supervisor acts in an aggressive, disrespectful way toward employees, how are the employees likely to respond? Suppose Yamahonda, a Japanese-owned motorcycle manufacturer, builds a production plant in Alabama.This is an example of foreign .......investment in the United States.Which of the following policies are consistent with the goal of increasing productivity and growth in developing countries? Check all that apply.a. Providing tax breaks and patents for firms that pursue research and development in health and sciences.b. Protecting property rights and enforce contractsc. Pursuing inward-oriented policies.d. Imposing restrictions on foreign ownership of domestic capital. what mass of na2so4 is needed to prepare 350. ml of a solution having a sodium ion concentration of 0.125 m? a) 3.11 g b) 24.9 g c) 12.4 g d) 6.21 g e) 8.88 g 1. Why was Lenin unsuccessful in overthrowing the Provisional Government in April 1917? 4)Start typing here... Function f is a linear function and function g is defined by g(x) = f(x) + k. If the value of k is 7, how does the graph of g compare with the graph of f ?..The graph of g is the graph of ftranslated up 7 units translated left 7 units translated right 7 unitstranslated down 7 unitsstretched vertically by a scale factor of 7 stretched horizontally by a scale factor of 7 the box just begins to move when the mass of the hanging weight is equal to 1.35 kg. find the coefficient of static friction between the box and the table. Please HeLp ME IM nOt SMarT !!!!!! when sam jones applies for his original license as a salesperson, how much of his license fee will go to the real estate education, research, and recovery fund? A character in a novel begins a journey to find the secrets of her ancestors. She fills her backpack with supplies, and turns toward the forest to set off on her path, not knowing what she will find. Based on what you know about symbolism, what might the forest represent? A sign that the character should actually stay out of the forest A potential warning for the character Purification for the character The mysteries the character will uncover a friend shares a link to an article that seems to be making outrageous claims. what should you do to figure out whether you should trust it? Gianna is taking a walking tour in her city. the entire tour is 10 1/10 kilometers long. According to an app on her phone, Gianna's average walking rate is 1.6 meters per second. Part (A) How many meters does Gianna walk each hour?Part (B) How many kilometers does Gianna walk each hour?