a dependency is a trigger that enables a project manager to close the project before completion. group of answer choices true false


Answer 1

A dependency is a trigger that enables a project manager to close the project before completion. The statement is false.

What is dependency ?

In project management, a dependencey is a collection of connected activities. In project management, dependencies can take many distinct forms: Finish-to-Start: Task A must be finished before Task B may begin. Start-to-Start: Prior to job A starting, task B cannot begin.

A dependency  is a logical relationship that exists between the projects tasks, or between a project task and milestone.

Kill switch is a trigger that enables a project manager to close the project before completion.

Hence, False is an appropriate response.

To learn more about Kill switch



Related Questions

how would you record a receipt showing that cash was received from the owner as an investment? question 6 options: credit cash, debit sales debit cash, credit capital debit cash, credit accounts receivable credit cash, debit drawing


In your cash receipts journal, note every cash payment you get. A cash transaction should also be recorded in your sales diary or accounts receivable ledger.

What is a journal?

The Journal. it is available. Before switching to entirely original content, it started out with a blend of original and aggregated content. The website was launched at the beginning of 2010.

Owner equity is reduced when a firm owner makes a cash investment. A liabilities account is a capital account. A company's liability increases when it pays for insurance out of pocket. Assets and liabilities are the two main components of a balance sheet.

On the balance sheet, the initial investment is shown at cost (fair value). Any dividends paid out by the investee reduce the amount of the investing firm's ownership interest on the balance sheet (proportionate to ownership), which is increased with subsequent earnings by the investee.

Therefore,  cash receipts journal, note every cash payment you get. A cash transaction

Learn more about the journal here:



Which of these is the process of estimating expected future cash flows of a project using only the relevant parts of the balance sheet and income statements?a) ​Pro forma analysis ​b) Substitutionary analysis ​c) Incremental cash flows ​d) Cash flow analysis


Pro forma Analysis is the process of estimating expected future cash flows of a project using only the relevant parts of the balance sheet and income statements.

An analytical prediction of a company's projected financial condition using operating measures, historical data, and potential cost savings from planned improvements is known as a pro forma study. Financial reviews are frequently conducted in tandem with pro forma analyses. It is used when delivering financial forecasts in a standardized style for a given time frame. Pro forma statements are used by businesses to make decisions on planning and control, as well as for external reporting to owners, investors, and creditors. Pro forma statements provide information that firms can use to plan and forecast future economic changes, analyze risks, obtain capital, and make choices about mergers and sales.

Displaying the organization's prospective earnings to creditors and possible investors. assisting management with its financial evaluation.

Learn more about Pro forma Analysis here: https://brainly.com/question/29526246


What is the purpose of elicitation?


Given that the terms "requirements collection" and "requirements elicitation" are frequently used interchangeably, you might be wondering how the two processes vary.

It is a valid query, and you are free to casually switch them. When addressing the mechanics of the requirements elicitation procedure, it is important to note that there is a small distinction between gathering requirements and requirements elicitation. The act of "eliciting" information from a source is known as "b," whereas the act of "gathering" is known as the act of gathering from dispersed sources. Both actions demand knowledge to carry out correctly and are crucial to the whole requirements elicitation process.

learn more about  elicitation  here:



How does rapid growth of population responsible for poverty?


They were unable to find jobs in the industry. The urban poor are either seasonal workers or those who work intermittently. They lack job security or have limited skills.

This is how the growing population without access to adequate education and employment security has led to an increase in poverty. First, rapid population the growth is likely to reduce growth skills in per capita income and well-being, which in turn tends to increase poverty. Second, in densely populated poor countries, where land is under pressure, rapid population growth industry increases landlessness and thus the poverty rate. Rapid population growth leads to the underemployment.

To learn more about industry, click here.



t/f We can calculate the issue price of a bond as the face amount plus the total periodic interest payments.


We can calculate the issue price of a bond as the face amount plus the total periodic interest payments. TRUE .

Hobby is the rate you pay to borrow cash or the fee you price to lend money. hobby is most often reflected as an annual percent of the amount of a loan. This percentage is called the hobby charge at the loan.

Interest can be earned by creditors for the usage of their price range or paid with the aid of borrowers for using those budget. hobby is frequently considered simple interest (based on the major quantity) or compound interest (based totally on most important and previously-earned hobby).

Interest serves several crucial functions in a marketplace financial system. The maximum apparent is the coordination among savers and debtors; savers are paid interest for putting off their consumption till a future date, whilst debtors must pay hobby to consume extra inside the gift.

Learn more about  interest payments here



The amortization schedule for a bond issued at a discount has a carrying value that increases over time.a. Trueb. False


Option a. True is the correct answer. The amortization schedule of a bond issued at a discount has a carrying value that increases over time.

Non-current liabilities are also known as long-term debts, which appear in the organization's balance sheet or statement of financial position. Examples are the bonds payable, notes payable, and loans payable.

Discount on bonds is the amount deducted from the face value of the bond to calculate for carrying value. The amortization would decrease the bond discount until it becomes zero at the end of maturity. A decreasing bond discount balance will increase the carrying value of the bonds.

Premium on bonds is the amount that is added to the face value of the bond to calculate for carrying value. Amortization will decrease this amount and decrease the carrying value as well.

Learn more about amortization:



gordon company sold 2,000 more units than budgeted of its only product. how will total fixed cost be affected? a) remain constant. b) decrease by same percentage as sales increase. c) increase by same percentage as sales increase. d) decrease $2,000. e) increase $2,000. group of answer choices


The Correct option is A. Gordon company sold 2,000 more units than budgeted of its only product Due to remain constant.

A commercial enterprise budget is a spending plan for your commercial enterprise based totally on your earnings and expenses. It identifies your to-be-had capital, estimates your spending, and helps you expect revenue. A price range permits you to plan your business sports and can act as a yardstick for setting up economic goals. The three kinds of annual authorities budgets based on estimates are Surplus budget, Balanced price range, and Deficit finances.

Commercial enterprise finance is a top-level view of your enterprise’s budget. It outlines key data on both the modern-day nation of your finances (including earnings and costs) and your long-time period economic desires. because your price range will play a key position in making sound financial decisions for your enterprise, it must be one of the first duties you address.

To learn more about Budget visit here:



Which of these is a common difficulty that traders face when exporting goods or services to other countries?

a) Most firms do not receive any significant assistance from the governments.

b) Firms often face aggressive competition from smaller firms.

c) Many customers require face-to-face negotiations on their home turf.

d) Most global markets are saturated and present limited growth opportunities


Many customers require face-to-face negotiations on their home turf  is a common difficulty that traders face when exporting goods or services to other countries.

What presents the biggest exporting challenge?

An embargo, which is a political agreement or blockade that restricts a foreign country's capacity to import or export, is the most obvious obstacle to trade. Embargoes are still in use, but they are uncommon outside of times of war and difficult to implement. A tariff, sometimes known as an import tax, is the most prevalent trade barrier.

When exporting somewhere, one of the biggest challenges you might anticipate is the financial aspect of the process. The most obvious factor is the disparity in tax systems between nations, which has a significant impact on the overall cost of exporting commodities like electrical equipment.

To know more about exporting challenge, refer:



All of the following are components of stockholders' equity, except ____________.
a) notes payable
b) paid-in-capital
c) retained earnings
d) treasury stock


All of the following are components of stockholders' equity, except notes payable.

The amount that a business could give its shareholders if all of its assets were converted to cash and all of its obligations were settled is known as shareholders' equity. The calculation of shareholders' equity takes into account four factors: outstanding shares, additional paid-in capital, retained earnings, and treasury stock.

A firm has sufficient assets to cover its liabilities if shareholders' equity is positive; otherwise, it has more liabilities than assets. A financial indicator called shareholders' equity aids investors in determining a company's value and long-term viability.

To learn more about stockholders' equity, visit the link below:



stellar inc had a deferred tax asset the deferred tax asset is the corporation's current tax expense is what amount should stellar report as total income tax expense


Stellar report as total income tax expense.Given the tax expense and the deferred taxes, the total income tax expense for 2020 is $73,000.A corporation would be required to pay the estimated annual current tax expense.

However, a deferred tax expenditure could need to be settled since tax authorities and the corporation use different depreciation techniques. In light of this, the total amount of income tax is as follows: = Current tax expense + Deferred tax expense = 52 000 + ((17 000 -10 000) + (26 000 -12 000)) = 73 000 .Hence, the taxable income.

The current year is $12,000,000. => The annual tax rate is 25%. $17,500,000 is the deferred tax asset. => The expected costs for the short-term discrepancy are $70,000,000. => "The temporary difference at the end of the current year is $45,000,000." So let's go right to the solution; step one is to compute or ascertain the tax expense. .

Complete question:

Stellar inc. reported deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities at the end of 20x4 and at the end of 20x5. according to fasb 109, for the year ended 20x5, nala should report deferred income tax expense or benefit equal to the sum of the net changes in deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities. decrease in the deferred tax assets. increase in the deferred tax liabilities. amount of income tax liability, plus the sum of the net changes in deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities.

To know more about Deferred tax visit:



amber feels that there is no substitute for the true secular brand jeans she is about to buy. what level of price sensitivity might amber be expected to have in this moment?


Amber to have low price sensitivity would possibly amber be anticipated to have on this moment.

The required details about price sensitivity  is mentioned in below paragraph.

Low price sensitivity suggests that customers are inclined to pay the stated fee and may even pay greater for it. The degree facilitates derive the fee of services and products and recognize patron behavior. It empowers your organisation to evaluate how fluctuations in costs have an effect on the call for in your products Price sensitivity is the diploma to which the fee of a product influences customers' shopping behaviors. Generally speaking, it is howcall formodifications with the extrade withinside the value of products.

In economics, price sensitivity is normally measured the usage of the fee elasticity of call for, or the degree of the extrade in call for primarily based totally on its fee extrade. For example, a few customers aren't inclined to pay some greater cents in keeping with gallon for gasoline, in particular if a lower-priced station is nearby.

To learn about price sensitivity visit here.



a large, expensive capital product, such as the corvette manufacturing plant in kentucky and cumberland mall, is called a(n):


A large, expensive capital product or good, such as the corvette manufacturing plant in Kentucky and Cumberland mall, is called an installation. Thus, the correct answer is installation.

What is a capital product?

Capital goods or capital products are physical assets that a company uses in the manufacturing process to create products and services that consumers will use later. Buildings, machinery, and equipment, are examples of capital goods. Capital goods are not finished goods; rather, they are used in the production of finished goods.

Installation is a large piece of equipment installed for use. The large and expensive capital product such as the corvette manufacturing plant will be called an installation.

Therefore, the capital product corvette manufacturing plant in Kentucky and Cumberland mall is called an installation.

To learn more about capital product, click here:



1- what is your process for deciding which team members fall into which category (20/70/10). think logically - how do businesses define success and failures? think in terms of the winner top/20% vs. a middle worker vs. a low producer worker? list a minimum of 2 things for each category (20/70/10).


Promotion or Career advancement is a process through which an employee of a company is given a higher share of duties, a higher pay scale, or both. Promotion is not just beneficial for employees but is also highly crucial for employers or business owners. It boosts the morale of promoted employees, increases their productivity, and hence improves upon the overall profits earned by the organization.

Employment is dating among two parties regulating the provision of paid labor services. usually primarily based on a contract, one party, the organization, which might be a business enterprise, a not-for-income corporation, a co-operative, or some other entity, will pay the other, the employee, in return for carrying out assigned work. personnel paintings in return for wages, which may be paid on the premise of an hourly fee,  

By means of piecework or an annual salary, relying on the sort of work an employee does, the winning conditions of the world, and the bargaining power among the parties. personnel in a few sectors may additionally get hold of gratuities, bonus bills, or inventory alternatives. In a few sorts of employment, personnel may receive blessings similarly to price. benefits may additionally encompass medical insurance, housing, and disability insurance. Employment is commonly ruled with the aid of employment legal guidelines, organization, or felony contracts.

To learn more about Employment visit here:



you suggest businesssense to april. she asks you to explain the largest benefit of outsourcing to this company.


The largest benefit of outsourcing to business sense is gaining economies of scale.

What is outsourcing?

The process of recruiting a third party from outside a corporation to accomplish tasks or produce items that were previously done internally by workers is called outsourcing.

Users may utilize the company's whole supply chain through outsourcing, as well as expertise and talents. U.S. businesses can achieve economies of scale and increase their competitiveness via outsourcing.

People from another nation who are employed through an outsourcing contract necessarily have more money available to spend. Additionally, outsourcing can support the flexibility and adaptability of your company.

Learn more about outsourcing, here:



the linear programming approach to media selection problems is typically to either maximize the number of ads placed per week or to minimize advertising costs. group of answer choices true false


The question states whether the linear programming approach to media selection problems is typically to either maximize the number of ads placed per week or to minimize advertising costs.

This statement is false as the linear programming approach to media selection problems is typically to either maximize the number of ads placed per week or to minimize advertising costs.

Instead of having an objective of maximizing profit or minimizing expense in a media selection challenge, the goal is typically to maximize audience awareness.

A wide range of issues in the fields of business and economics can be resolved using linear programming (LP). Finding the most profitable combination of three goods a firm can produce given various cost and profit levels is an illustration of how LP is used.

Learn more about linear programming here brainly.com/question/15417573


Do I need a sales tax exemption certificate in Texas?


Yes, an individual needs a sales tax permit to sell crafts Texas.

In the event that you sell available things at a fair, celebration, antique market, career expo, expressions and specialties show, firearm show or other kind of market or show, you might be responsible for collecting and remitting Texas sales and use tax. Contingent upon your business structure, you may likewise be answerable for covering franchise tax.

You should get a Texas sales and use tax permit in the event that you are an individual, organization, company or other lawful substance took part in business in Texas and you:

Sell tangible personal property in Texas;Rent or lease substantial individual property in Texas;Sell taxable services in Texas

Texas forces a 6.25 percent state sales and use tax on all retail deals, leases and rentals of most products, as well as available administrations. Local taxing jurisdictions (urban communities, provinces, particular reason regions and travel specialists) can likewise force up to 2 percent sales and use tax  for a most extreme joined pace of 8.25 percent.

Know more about Sales Tax - https://brainly.com/question/16840084


simulation: a. is a passive method of training that gives trainees an opportunity to experience some aspects of a job b. involves the trainer explaining key learning points and then performing a task while the trainee observes c. is an active method of training that gives trainees an opportunity to experience some aspects of a job d. involves development, enactment and debriefing


As they work at their jobs or on-site, employees can learn new skills and acquire experience through on-the-job training The correct option is C. an active method of training that gives trainees an opportunity to experience some aspects of a job.

On-the-job training (0JT) is a realistic method for acquiring new skills and competences necessary for a job in a real or nearly actual working environment.Learning how to utilise specific tools or equipment is frequently done in a real-world, simulation, or training environment. Workers learn by doing rather than being given papers to read or being shown presentations.

This training is provided while being worked on by a manager, supervisor, or other skilled employee. The on-the-job training of new employees involves them seeing all working procedures they might encounter. They gain knowledge of the workplace norms, how to use the tools, and any other information required skills.

To know more about job training visit:



mini blenders inc. has come up with a unit selling price of $10.00. their fixed costs are $15,000 for the year, during which 20,000 units are expected to be sold. a 20% profit margin on sales is included in the selling price. what is mbi's % profit on cost?


MBI's % profit on cost is $6.00.

MBI's unit variable cost is $6 per unit.

Unit Total Cost, using F1=10*(120%) =$8.00. UFC=$20,000/10,000=$2.00.

Therefore, UVC=$8-$2=$6.00

The profit margin is calculated with the selling price (or sales) taken as base times 100. it's miles the proportion of the selling price that is changed into profit, whereas "profit percent" or "markup" is the percentage of the price that one receives as income on top of the cost rate. even as selling something one ought to realize what percentage of income one will get on a particular funding, so companies calculate earnings percent to locate the ratio of income to cost.

The profit margin is used basically for inner assessment. it's far hard to appropriately compare the net profit ratio for distinctive entities. man or woman organizations' running and financing preparations vary a lot that one-of-a-kind entities are certain to have exclusive ranges of expenditure so that assessment of 1 with another can have little which means. A low-income margin indicates a low margin of protection: a higher danger that a decline in income will erase profits and result in an internet loss, or a poor margin.

To learn more about Profit Margin visit here:



How many mission areas and core capabilities are included in the NPG?


Each of the five mission areas—Prevention, Protection, Mitigation, Response, and Recovery—must be carried out in order to be successful.

Numerous national preparedness initiatives, including the National Planning Frameworks, make reference to the fundamental capabilities identified in the National Preparedness Goal. The five pertinent mission areas' capabilities are grouped under the Goal. Some basic competencies are applicable to only one mission area, while others are applicable to several or all mission areas. Engage the entire community in a systematic process to develop workable strategic, operational, and/or tactical-level approaches to achieve set goals. The community as a whole must work together to develop the basic competencies because they are not the sole property of any one government or entity.

learn more about mission areas here:



matt's company spent billions of dollars to acquire the financial investment operations of a company in sweden. this would be an example of a blank scale entry. multiple choice question. broad small primary large


When Matt's company spent billions of dollars to acquire the financial investment operations of a company in Sweden, it is an example of a large scale entry. Therefore, the option D holds true.

A financial investment can be referred to or considered as a practice of monetary engagement in different classes of assets, which allows a person to divest the money with the primary intention of generating exponential amount of desired returns. Usually, a financial investment is done depending on the scales of amounts invested by the person or the individual.

Learn more about financial investment here:



because customers are already upset, the language of adjustment messages should be particularly . a. vague b. adamant c. sensitive d. negative


Because customers are already agitated, the language used in adjustment messages should be especially sensitive.

What is the characteristics of a sensitive people?Being highly sensitive is a valuable trait with numerous benefits. HSPs are known for their keen observation, intuition, thoughtfulness, compassion, empathy, conscientiousness, loyalty, and creativity. People with higher sensitivity are consistently rated as top contributors by managers.However, a tendency to freeze under intense pressure and take negative feedback personally can be drawbacks, particularly at work.Biologically speaking, highly sensitive people pick up on more stimuli within and around them.At the same time, hyper-awareness can be exhausting. Situations that are mildly stressful to the average person can cause a sensitive person to overthink.

To learn more about hyper-awareness refer to:



if a project's net present value (npv) is positive,: group of answer choices its internal rate of return (irr) is equal to the firm's required rate of return. it is not an acceptable project. it is an acceptable investment. the firm's required rate of return is not attainable.


A project or investment has a positive net present value (NPV) if the estimated earnings are greater than the projected costs, which are also expressed in current dollars. An investment with a positive NPV is presumed to be successful.

If the NPV is positive, the investment should raise the company's value and maximize shareholder wealth. A project with a positive net present value offers a return that more than covers the necessary return on investment.

The net present value (NPV) rule has an alternative known as the profitability index rule. In general, a profitability index higher than one will be associated with a positive NPV. A profitability index below one will be associated with a negative NPV.

Read more about project's net present value at



jacob is updating his estate planning and wants to draft a legal document that leaves everything to his spouse. he is writing a(n):


Jacob wants to create a legal agreement that leaves everything to his spouse as part of his estate planning update. He is drafting a straightforward will.

A legal agreement is specifically a written instrument that spells out the roles and obligations of the parties to the agreement. The written document becomes enforceable once it has been manually, digitally, or electronically signed. Agreement or conformity are the meanings of the term accord. It frequently appears in legal, commercial, or political contexts where it is interchangeable with treaty and other phrases denoting formal agreements of a similar nature. Different Agreements, Grant. Cooperative Agreement, Contract, Memorandum of Understanding, Non-Disclosure Agreement, Teaming Agreement, Material Transfer Agreement, IDIQ/Master Agreement, Financial Assistance for a Specific Purpose or Specific Project without Expectation of Any Tangible Deliverables Other Than a Final Report.

Learn more about agreement from



in order to assess the performance of their firms and their supply chains, what do managers need to do to determine the needs of those customers?


The managers need to look at each segment of the markets that they serve in order to assess the performance of their firms and their supply chains. Therefore, the option A holds true.

A manager can be referred to or considered as a personnel who are responsible for fulfilling and performing the managerial functions of an organization. Additionally, a manager acts as a bridge between the top level management and the lower level management. In producing firms, it is important for the managers to check the performances of its supply chains by looking at the market segments served by the firm.

Learn more about a manager here:



Complete question

In order to assess the performance of their firms and their supply chains, what do managers need to do to determine the needs of those customers?

Group of answer choices

a. Look at each segment of the markets they serve

b. Help identify new customer requirements

c. Rely on traditional performance measures

d. Collaborate in pricing of products

a company has days' sales in accounts receivable of 25 days; days' sales in inventory of 45 days, and days' payable outstanding of 50 days. the cash conversion cycle is


Answer: 20


The answer would be 20 :)

A corporation must properly monitor and manage its cash conversion cycle since a shorter cycle often denotes better cash flow management and more effective use of resources. The business needs 20 days to turn its inventory and accounts receivable investments into cash.

The days payable outstanding (DPO) must be subtracted from the total of the days' sales in inventory (DSI) and accounts receivable (DSO) in order to determine the cash conversion cycle.

Given the information below:

Days Sales Outstanding (DSO) equals 25 days.Days Sales in Inventory (DSI) equals 45 days.Days Payable Outstanding (DPO) = 50

The following formula can be used to determine the cash conversion cycle:

The cycle of Cash Conversion = DSI + DSO - DPO

replacing the specified values:

Cash Conversion Cycle is equal to 45 + 25 - 50 days.

To make the calculation easier:

The Cash Conversion Cycle is equal to 70 minus 50 days.

As a result, the cycle of cash conversion is 20 days.

Therefore, The business needs 20 days to turn its inventory and accounts receivable investments into cash.

Learn more about the cash conversion cycle here,



under the equal pay act, an employer can legitimately pay different wages to male and female employees on the basis of


Under the Equal Pay Act, employers can legally pay different wages to male and female workers based on: primary job responsibilities, seniority or salary system, factors other than gender.

What is equal pay?

As set out in the Equality Act 2010, men and women in the same employment performing equal work must receive equal pay, unless any difference in pay can be justified.

It is the law and employers must follow it. You are at risk of an expensive employment tribunal case and reputational damage if you do not provide equal pay.

Equal pay applies to all contractual terms, not just pay.

What is the purpose of the Equal Pay Act 1963?

Equal pay legislation prohibits sex-based wage differences between men and women who perform work requiring substantially the same skill, training, effort and responsibility in the same workplace and under similar working conditions. All forms of remuneration are covered, including salaries, overtime, bonuses, life insurance, holiday and vacation benefits, cleaning or gas benefits, hotel accommodation, travel and benefits reimbursements.

Learn more about Equal pay at:



An Agency Relationship Can Arise By Ratification, Which Involves A Determination Of Intent Expressed By Words Or Conduct. - True - False


True, An Agency Relationship Can Arise By Ratification, Which Involves A Determination Of Intent Expressed By Words Or Conduct

An agency relationship is created when one person (the principal) gives another (the agent) the authority to act on his behalf while the agent is under the principal's supervision and the agent agrees to do so. When the principal authorizes an act that can be carried out on his behalf by an agent who in actuality lacked the necessary authorization, the act can only be carried out by adhering to the ratification process. Ratification only creates an agency relationship between the principal and the agent. A person who ratifies an act performed by another person must have existed at the time the act was performed and at the moment of ratification. They must also be legally capable of performing the act themselves.

Know more about the Agency Relationship at: https://brainly.com/question/15129864


if the marginal propensity to consume is 4/5, then a decrease in government spending of $1 billion decreases the demand for goods and services by $5 billion. a. true b. false


If the marginal propensity to devour is 4/five, then a lower in authorities spending of $1 billion decreases the call for for items and offerings by $five billion.true.

The required details about marginal propensity is mentioned in below paragraph.

In economics, the marginal propensity to devour (MPC) is described as the percentage of an mixture boost in pay that a customer spends at the intake of products and offerings, in place of saving it. the marginal propensity to devour is a metric that quantifies brought on intake, the idea that the boom in non-public customer spending takes place with an boom in disposable profits. The percentage of disposable profits which people spend on intake is referred to as propensity to devour.

To learn about marginal propensity visit here.



True or False?
1. In comparing bonds with notes, bonds are typically issued to a single lender while notes are issued to many lenders.
2. Bonds that require payment of the full principal at a single maturity date are known as term bonds.
3. Most bonds require payment of the full principal at a single maturity date.
4. The rate of interest specified in a bond contract as the interest rate to be paid by the company to investors in the bond is known as the market rate.
5. The amortization schedule for a bond issued at a discount has a carrying value that increases over time.
6. The carrying value of bonds issued at a discount or at a premium will be different from their face amount at maturity.
7. When interest rates go down, bond prices go up.


The statement , In comparing bonds with notes, bonds are typically issued to a single lender while notes are issued to many lenders is False .

Bonds with a term require payment in full on the bond's maturity date. The vast majority of bonds require full payment at one maturity date. Bonds are sold by both governments and businesses to raise money. By purchasing a bond, you are lending money to the issuer, who agrees to repay the bond's face value at a specific time and to continue paying the user continuing interest payments that are frequently made twice a year.

There are five different types of bonds: agency, commercial, municipal, cash reserves, and Treasury. There are different buyers, sellers, and risk levels for every bond. If you want to completely benefit from securities, you can also buy securities based on bonds, such as bond mutual funds.

To learn more about bonds refer here:



The correct question is :

True or False?

In comparing bonds with notes, bonds are typically issued to a single lender while notes are issued to many lenders.

Profits are important so businesses can retain employees, attract investors, and contribute to the __________. Enter the answer.


Businesses need to make money in order to keep its workers, draw in investors, and support their stability and expansion.

Why is a company's bottom line important?

Any business or commercial entity's main objective is to make money. The quantity of revenue that a corporation earns determines its stability. Future growth, reputation, shareholder value, and market value of a corporation are all determined by its earnings.

When profits are good, the business solely increases wages for its staff and dividend payments to shareholders. Additionally to providing financial compensation, higher earnings motivate staff to remain with the same business.

Why are revenues essential to expansion?

Making a profit is essential to a company's success since it influences a company's ability to acquire bank funding, attract investors to fund its operations, and expand its firm. Businesses cannot stay in business if they are not profitable.

Learn more about Profitability: https://brainly.com/question/13496261


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