which action would the nurse take for an older resident in a nursing home with alzheimer's disease who hoards leftover


Answer 1

Give the resident a small bag in which to place selected personal articles and food.

Alzheimer's disease is a progressive neurologic disorder that causes brain cells to die and the brain to shrink (atrophy). Alzheimer's disease is the most common cause of dementia, which is defined as a progressive decline in cognitive, behavioral, and social skills that impairs a person's ability to function independently.

Alzheimer's disease is thought to be caused by an abnormal protein buildup in and around brain cells. Amyloid is one of the proteins involved, and deposits of it form plaques around brain cells. Tau is the other protein, and deposits of it form tangles within brain cells. People with Alzheimer's disease live between three and eleven years after diagnosis on average, but some live for 20 years or more.

To learn more about Alzheimer's disease, here



Related Questions

a patient was admitted today with an acetaminophen overdose about 2 days ago. the nurse would expect to perform which interventions as ordered by the healthcare provider?


Timing is a vital factor in the treatment of acetaminophen toxicity, and therefore doctors attempt to begin treatment of acetaminophen overdose within eight hours of ingestion.

Acute liver failure in children and teenagers is frequently caused by acetaminophen (Tylenol®) intoxication. Acetaminophen, often referred to as paracetamol and N-acetyl-p-aminophenol (APAP), is a pharmaceutical that is primarily used to treat pain and/or fever. It is also an ingredient in many other drugs, such as Percocet®, Alka-Seltzer® Plus Cold & Sinus, Dayquil®, and Excedrin®. When taken in the prescribed daily dose, acetaminophen effectively reduces fever and relieves discomfort.

Overdosing or toxicity from acetaminophen can happen unintentionally or on purpose (when a person knowingly exceeds the maximum daily amount prescribed) (when a person is unaware they are taking multiple products containing acetaminophen and exceeds the recommended maximum daily dose).

To know more about acetaminophen toxicity :


a patient with parkinson's disease who is taking selegiline has had hip surgery and is being admitted to the orthopedic unit. which postoperative order should the nurse question?


Buspirone is the postoperative order the nurse question.

Parkinson's disease is a progressive disorder that affects the nervous system and the nerve-controlled parts of the body. The symptoms appear gradually. The first symptom could be a slight tremor in only one hand. Although tremors are common, the disorder can also cause stiffness or slowing of movement.

Parkinson's disease does not directly cause death, but it can put a strain on the body and make some people more susceptible to serious and life-threatening infections. However, thanks to advancements in treatment, the majority of people with Parkinson's disease now have a normal or near-normal life expectancy. Unfortunately, numerous studies have shown that people with Parkinson's disease have a higher risk of death than the general population, and unexpected death in Parkinson's disease (SUDPAR), an unusual but fatal event, also occurs.

To learn more about Parkinson's disease, here



a client arrives with a shoulder dislocation related to sword fighting practice. which nursing educational topic is most accurate regarding this injury?


A client arrives with a shoulder dislocation related to sword fighting practice. The nursing educational topic is most accurate regarding this injury is "Dislocations become recurrent. They recur with the same motion but require less and less force each time."

A dislocated shoulder is an injury in which the upper arm bone bursts out of the cup-shaped socket that is a portion of the shoulder blade. The shoulder is the body's most flexible joint, which increases the likelihood that it will dislocate. Seek immediate medical assistance if you believe your shoulder may be dislocated.

First, nonsurgical treatment is used to treat a full shoulder dislocation. A doctor or other healthcare professional uses physical manipulation to reposition the shoulder's ball into the shoulder socket. The person's acute discomfort is usually reduced once the dislocated shoulder is put back in its rightful place.

To know more about Shoulder Dislocated here



a nurse is caring for a client who is receiving naloxone intravenously. the client develops acute pain while the drug is being administered. which factor should the nurse investigate first?


The nurse would probably explain the client's degree of discomfort by saying that the medicine was given at an excessively quick dose.

A competing narcotic antagonist called naloxone is used to treat known or suspected opioid overdoses. All of morphine's actions are neutralized by naloxone. In cases of suspected overdose where the patient is refractory to oxygen and breathing assistance, naloxone is the chosen first-line drug. After the drug has been administered, the nurse should check the pulse oximetry and respiration rate. Constipation or nausea are two additional typical adverse effects of opioid analgesics. In order to alleviate the adverse effects of analgesic medicine, the nurse may need to prescribe other drugs. Only the nose should take this medication. Never get any of it on your skin or in your eyes. You must be given this drug.

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nancy is following a strict low carb diet and had the most success in the past when she has written down everything that she eats. her goal is to lose 20 pounds over the next four months. writing down the food she eats and listing out her end weight goal demonstrates what part of the goal-setting process?


Promote committing to diet goals. You can get these advantages by exercising daily for no less than 30 minutes. A dedication to a healthy lifestyle is necessary to achieve optimal health.

Regular exercise, abstaining from unhealthy foods and vices like drinking and smoking, and getting enough sleep are all part of diet. Goal commitment can be improved by observing the following rules: Justify the organization's dedication to a thorough goal-setting program. The job of a leader is to make things simple by making the company goals apparent and connecting them to the personal aspirations. The advantages of employing S.M.A.R.T goals when developing goals for nutrition clients are several. Specific Your chances of achieving your goal increase as your goal description becomes more detailed.

Learn more about Diet



one of the active components of marijuana, d9-tetrahydrocannabinol, is available as a prescription drug under the trade name marinol, which is taken orally. what advantage and what disadvantage does marinol hold for a person suffering from nausea?


A synthetic version of THC used to treat AIDS patients with anorexia who are experiencing weight loss as well as chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting who don't react to other treatments.

Chemotherapy is a pharmacological therapy that targets your body's rapidly proliferating cells with potent chemicals. Since cancer cells grow and proliferate significantly more quickly than the majority of body cells, chemotherapy is most frequently utilised to treat cancer. There are numerous options for chemotherapy medications. In a conventional chemotherapy programme, one or more anti-cancer medications are used as a form of chemotherapy. Chemotherapy may be used in an effort to treat a condition, increase lifespan, or lessen symptom severity. Stage 4 malignancies frequently get systemic pharmacological therapies, such as chemotherapy or targeted therapy. A scientific study supplying fresh therapies to aid you in fighting stage 4 cancer is frequently an alternative.

learn more about chemotherapy here



a parent whose infant is born with talipes equinovarus (clubfoot) tells the nurse, 'i am afraid to have more children because they might have the same problem.' which is the best response by the nurse?


The nurse should explore the parent's understanding of the probable causes of talipes equinovarus (clubfoot) disorder and advice them for preferable step.

Clubfoot is a congenital disease, meaning that the foot or feet bend inward from birth. It won't go away on its own, but youngsters get good results from early therapy. The Ponseti method, a nonsurgical procedure to realign the foot, is one kind of clubfoot treatment. Clubfoot used to be treated with surgery, physical therapy, and a year of bracing. Recently, medical professionals discovered a painless, very successful clubfoot treatment method that doesn't require any major surgery. Physiotherapists and orthopedic surgeons carry it out.

To learn more about Clubfoot click on the given link: https://brainly.com/question/8769568


the nurse is caring for a client who has been prescribed an interferon. what effect does the nurse anticipate this medication will have on the client?


According to question, Anti-inflammatory action effect shown on the clients .

White blood cells' ability to fight infection can be altered by interferons. A decrease in the number of white blood cells may result from interferons' ability to limit cell proliferation. Increased frequency of infections can result from low white blood cell counts. Interferons might also worsen existing illnesses if you already have them.

Proteins called interferons are a component of your body's natural defenses. They alert your immune system to the presence of pathogens or cancerous cells in your body. They also trigger killer immune cells to fight off the invaders.. Because they "interfere" with viruses and prevent their growth, interferons received their name.

To know more about interferon visit :



mary is 15 years old and has just joined her high school swim team. after the first three months of training and competing, her coach sends the team for mandatory physical examinations and routine blood tests. when mary got home, she told her mom that the team physician prescribed her a daily iron supplement to take. what condition does mary most likely have?


The condition that Mary would most likely have is iron deficiency anaemia.

What is anemia?

Anemia is defined as the condition whereby there is drastic reduction in the amount of red blood cells in the blood which is the oxygen carrying component of the blood.

There are different types of anemia that includes the following:

Hemolytic anemias. Iron deficiency anaemiaSickle cell anemia.Aplastic anemia

Iron deficiency anaemia occurs when there is reduction of healthy red blood cells due to lack of iron in the body.

The treatment of iron deficiency anaemia can be carried out through the use of iron supplements.

In athletes, expanded plasma volume that dilutes red blood cells may lead to anemia therefore iron supplements should be given to prevent this negative effect.

Learn more about anaemia here:



a client with superficial burns to the face, neck, and hands resulting from a house fire... which assessment finding indicates to the nurse that the client should be monitored for carbon monoxide...? a. expiratory stridor and nasal flaring b. mucous membranes cherry red color c. carbonaceous particles in sputum d. pulse oximetry reading of 80 percent


Correct option is B. mucous membranes cherry red color finding indicates to the nurse that the client should be monitored for carbon monoxide.

what is pulse oximetry?

A non-invasive technique for checking someone's oxygen saturation is pulse oximetry. Readings of peripheral oxygen saturation are often accurate to within 2% of arterial blood gas analysis's more precise reading of arterial oxygen saturation.

To determine whether there is enough oxygen in the blood, pulse oximetry may be employed. Numerous circumstances call for this information. It can be used for:

During or during sedation-related procedures or surgery

to assess the efficacy of lung medication

to determine a person's capacity for higher levels of activity

to determine whether a ventilator is necessary to assist with breathing or to assess its effectiveness

To determine if someone experiences sleep-related breathing pauses (sleep apnea)

To learn more about pulse oximetry click the link below:



Is infrared absorbed by the body?


All physical entities (bodies) produce and ingest infrared radiation. No of the weather, they continue to do this. More infrared radiation is released by a hotter body over a given period of time.

In the potential vibrational and rotational modes, only molecules with minor energy differences can absorb IR. The vibrations or rotations within a molecule must result in a net change in the molecule's dipole moment in order for it to absorb IR. These findings show that near-infrared light may pass through bone, brain, and soft tissue that has been preserved in formalin, and they suggest that any benefits seen in clinical investigations may be connected to the near-infrared light's direct influence on neural tissue.

To know more about absorbing IR.



the client has a cast applied for a fractured tibia. which physiologic response to the fracture places this client at risk for compartment syndrome?


According to question, Volume increases due to inflammation, although cast size restrictions apply to compartments.

Tibia, forearm, and elbow fractures, crush injuries, bleeding diseases like hemophilia, ipsilateral forearm and elbow injuries, and open fractures are risk factors for developing a compartment syndrome.

is a typical sign of compartment syndrome in a patient. Feelings of swelling and tightness are frequent signs of compartment syndrome. Pain with particular actions, especially passive stretching of the muscles, is the primary clinical symptom of compartment syndrome. With active flexion, a patient could experience pain.

To know more about compartment syndrome visit :



an rn is working on a medical-surgical unit with a licensed practical/vocational nurse (lpn/lvn). which action by the rn is considered negligent if injury results from this action?


If an accident occurs as a result of the RN's action of instructing the LPN/LVN to educate a new diabetic client how to give insulin, the RN (licensed practical/vocational nurse) is deemed negligent.

The five components of negligence—duty, breach of duty, reason, in fact, proximate cause, & harm—must be established in this case, and you and your attorney must do so. Your attorney might be able to assist you in gathering the evidence required to prove your case, creating a compelling argument, and securing the financial award you are due. As unlicensed assistance personnel (UAP) at a nearby nursing home, a nursing student gives medication to a resident. The Nurse Practitioner Act provides definitions for these laws (NPA). Each state's and territory's nursing board, which has the jurisdiction to control how nursing care is provided and to enact legislation, interprets the NPA into rules.

Learn more about nurse



in studies of alternative ways of treating panic disorder, – has been found to work better than – , due to lesser likelihood of relapse in the long term. when fear of fainting or of a heart attack escalates the symptoms of a panic attack, – can be used to help the client see that these fears are irrational. if this technique fails, then – can be used to break the cycle of panic.


Better treatment of panic disorder is cognitive behavioral therapy, cognitive reappraisal can be used to help the client see that these fears are irrational and exposure therapy can be used to break the cycle of panic.

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a type of psychological treatment or physiotherapy that has been proven effective for panic disorder, depression, drug use problems, and severe mental illness.

Cognitive reappraisal is recognizing the negative pattern of thinking and changing it to positive one that is more effective. Thus it helps when  fear of fainting or of a heart attack escalates the symptoms of a panic attack.

Exposure therapy is given to the patients to break the barrier of fear and anxiety.

Therefore, cognitive behavioral therapy, cognitive reappraisal, and exposure therapy are used to avoid panic attack, overcome fear and anxiety.

Learn more about exposure therapy here;



the nurse is caring for a 9 mont old infant with gluten induced enteropathy which common term for this disorder would the nurse use when discussing


According to question, Celiac disease is a common term for this disorder would the nurse use when discussing .

To determine if you have celiac disease, doctors utilize blood testing and other diagnostic procedures: Tests for serology check for specific antibodies. Blood testing examine additional immune system components. If the gut has been injured, testing for intestinal fatty acid binding proteins will show it.

When a person with a genetic predisposition consumes gluten, it can cause significant autoimmune disease called celiac disease, which damages the small intestine. One in every 100 persons is thought to be affected by it worldwide, although only around 30% receive an accurate diagnosis.

To know more about Celiac disease visit :



Grace injured her ankle while running a relay race at the family reunion. Her aunt breaks the inner, activator portion of an instant cold pack releasing the solid urea into the surrounding water. How could grace modify this device to make it colder faster?.


Grace could  modify this device to make it colder faster after the application of urea fertilizer, the risk of NH3 emission increases.

By promptly covering the urea with soil after application, emissions can be reduced by 50–80%.

These contain water and a chemical reactor. When the bag is pushed, the chemical combines with the water to start a process that causes the water to become almost frozen. As their chemical reactors, these ice packs frequently use ammonium nitrate, calcium ammonium nitrate, or urea.

Consumption of total and digestible nitrogen decreased at high ambient temperatures, although urine urea-N excretion increased. As a proportion of digestible N, urea-N production rose. Non-toxic urea is used to cool the fluid within the portable ice pack. It is risk-free and secure to use.  Keep a few cold compresses on hand in case of emergencies by keeping them in first aid kits, sports medicine kits, and other places where you keep medical supplies.

Learn more about urea cold packs at



symptoms of gonorrhea are generally more severe in women than in men. truefalse with gynecologic patients, you should leave any foreign bodies in place after stabilizing them with bandages. truefalse pelvic inflammatory disease is the most common vaginal infection in women age 15 to 44. truefalse the most common presenting sign of pid is generalized lower abdominal pain.


The statement that Symptoms of gonorrhea are generally more severe in women than in men is false because it is more severe in men.

The statement that with gynecologic patients, you should leave any foreign bodies in place after stabilizing them with bandages is True. The statement that Pelvic inflammatory disease is the most common vaginal infection in women age 15 to 44 is False because it is bacterial vaginosis which is the most common vaginal infection in women age 15 to 44.The statement that most common presenting sign of PID is generalized lower abdominal pain is True. Gynecologist refers to the physician who specializes in caring for the reproductive health of a woman. PID refers to the infectious diseases caused in reproductive organs of the women.

Learn more about gonorrhea at:



mr. simmons, age 53, has diabetes mellitus. over the past several years, examination of his eyes has revealed an increasing decline in his vision due to diabetic retinopathy. he is now scheduled for a vitrectomy. the vitrectomy will:


Mr. Simmons, 53, has type 2 diabetes. His vision has been deteriorating over the past few years as a result of diabetic retinopathy, according to an examination of his eyes. He will soon have a vitrectomy. Blood and scar tissue should not be left in the vitreous humor.

Ophthalmoscopy: A technique diabetic retinopathy of lighting and magnification used to examine the interior organs of the eye. A specialist will perform a vision vitrectomy in order to better access the diabetic retinopathy by removing the vitreous humor gel that normally covers the eye chamber. This enables a range of fixes, such as the elimination of scar tissue, laser vision therapy for diabetic retinopathy detachments, and fixing macular holes.

learn more about diabetic retinopathy here:



a 27-yr-old patient admitted with diabetic ketoacidosis (dka) has a serum glucose levelof 732 mg/dl and serum potassium level of 3.1 meq/l. which action prescribed by thehealth care provider should the nurse takefirst?


Place the patient on a cardiac monitor- hypokalemia can lead to potentially fatal dysrhythmias such as ventricular tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation, which would be detected with ECG monitoring.a 27-yr-old patient admitted with diabetic ketoacidosis (dka) has a serum glucose levelof 732 mg/dl and serum potassium level of 3.1 meq/l.

A heartbeat that exceeds 100 beats per minute is referred to medically as tachycardia (tak-ih-KAHR-dee-uh). Tachycardia can result from a variety of different cardiac rhythm disorders (arrhythmias). Not always is a rapid heartbeat cause for alarm. As an illustration, the heart rate frequently increases during exercise or in reaction to stress. If your heart rate is routinely above 100 or below 60 beats per minute (and you're not an athlete), or if you also have shortness of breath, fainting episodes, dizziness, or feel your heart fluttering or palpitating in your chest, you might want to start by seeing your doctor.

Learn more about tachycardia here:



which cues would the nurse obtain from the patient's medical record for cognition and sensory hypotheses?


Nonverbal cues can shed light on the patient's circumstances, and nurses can infer cognitive and sensory assumptions from the patient's medical record.

Count the patient's initial few minutes (pay attention to the patient's surroundings and nonverbal cues). variables affecting nurse-patient communication, therapeutic communication (open-ended questions, repeating information for clarity, active listening, and quiet), Risk factors for dementia and age-related cognitive decline include sensory abnormalities. According to one theory on the connections between senses and cognition, social isolation brought on by sensory loss increases the likelihood of cognitive decline.

To know more about sensory abnormalities please click on the link brainly.com/question/15647996


a client presents to the emergency department with signs and symptoms of acute congestive heart failure. assessment findings and tests confirm the diagnosis. which type of diuretic would be the drug of choice to treat the client?


Congestive heart failure is the cause of the larger cardiac silhouette in this picture. For treating and controlling hypertension, a variety of medications are available.

What distinguishes a diagnosis from a diagnosis?

Diagnoses, which is pronounced (dahy-uhg-noh-seez), is the plural form. Diagnose is the verb form. The term "diagnosis a person" can also apply to an illness. To diagnose is to give a diagnosis of what specific ailment the patient is experiencing.

What categories of diagnostic are there?

Clinical evaluation. a diagnosis given without the use of diagnostic tests and based instead on symptoms and medical signs. diagnostic testing at a lab. a diagnosis that relies more on test or laboratory results than it does on a patient's physical examination.

To know more about diagnosis visit:



as people age, their tolerance for lactose-containing foods often decreases. what is the primary cause of lactose intolerance associated with aging?


The decrease in Lactase production is the primary cause of lactose intolerance associated with aging.

What is lactose?

Lactose is described as a disaccharide sugar synthesized by galactose and glucose subunits and has the molecular formula C₁₂H₂₂O₁₁.

Lactase production has been known to decline over time due to normal aging.

The body typically produces large amounts of lactase at birth and during early childhood when milk is the main source of nutrition, but as our diets become more varied over time due to aging, lactase production usually decreases.

Learn more about lactose at:  https://brainly.com/question/3009094


chronic inflammatory condition consisting of distinct red or pink lesions covered with silver scaling


The most prevalent variety of psoriasis, known as plaque-type psoriasis, affects 85%–90% of those who are affected and is characterised by oval or irregularly shaped, red, elevated plaques with sharp borders

Which plaque types are available?

There are four basic categories that atherosclerotic plaques, which are extremely variable tissues, can be categorized into: calcified tissue, necro , soft vasculature, fibrous tissue, or mixed tissue.

What does it pay to have a plaque created?

The finished custom engraved plaque might cost anywhere between under $30 and over $100, depending on the dimensions of the plaque and the quality of the wood. The priciest sort of custom engraved plaque is one with floating crystal or acrylic on real wood.

To know more about plaque  visit;



the nurse manager has assigned a nurse as the circulating nurse for a surgical abortion. the nurse has a religious objection and wishes to refuse to participate in an abortion. what should the nurse manager of the operating room do?


A nurse has been designated as the circulating nurse for a surgical abortion by the nurse management. The operating room's nurse manager should modify the assignment without explanation.

We discovered that at least 19 states permit specific non-physician practitioners, operating room's such as nurse-midwives, surgical abortion advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs), and physician assistants (PAs), to carry out medication- surgical abortion or procedure-induced abortions. a nurse who promotes the operating room restoration of healing practices within a religious group. The nurse surgical abortion wishes to refrain from providing surgical abortion due to a religious prohibition.

learn more about abortion here:



when the nurse administers ethyl chloride to a client, which type of anesthesia is being administered?


Topical type of anesthesia is being administered.

Anesthesia is a medical treatment that relieves pain during procedures such as surgery, certain screening and diagnostic tests, tissue sample removal (e.g., skin biopsies), and dental work. It enables people to have procedures that allow them to live healthier and longer lives.

Anesthesia is a controlled, temporary loss of sensation or awareness used for medical or veterinary purposes. It may include some or all of the following symptoms: analgesia, paralysis, amnesia, and unconsciousness. An individual who is under the influence of anesthetic drugs is said to be anesthetized.

Anesthetic medications can remain in your system for up to 24 hours. If you've had sedation, regional or general anesthesia, you shouldn't drive or return to work until the drugs have cleared your system.

To learn more about anesthesia, here



after administering a bolus of intravenous fluids (iv) to an infant. the infant's diaper weighs 35 grams. how many ml of urine should the nurse record in the medical record?


To calculate urine output, the diaper must be weighed both before and after being applied to the baby. This is comparable to 1 milliliter of liquids for every 1 gram rise in weight. 75 grams minus 40 grams equals 35 grams and 35 milliliters.

How would a nurse figure out how much urine a newborn wearing a diaper would produce?

Explanation: Subtract the weight of the diaper while dry from the weight of the diaper when wet to calculate the infant's urine output. A gram of weight is the same as an ml. of fluid. An infant's urine output should be no more than 2 mL/kg/hr.

How much urine can fit in a diaper?

Put a fresh, dry diaper on the scale, reset it to zero, then take the diaper off and use it. A moist diaper can now be weighed on the scale. Place the wet diaper on the scale, which has been reset to zero with that diaper, and weigh it. Converting grams to milliliters (one gram equals one ml).

to know more about intravenous fluids here:



as the nurse is conducting the discharge assessment, the 2-day-old neonate expels a large amount of meconium. which would the nurse conclude regarding this occurrence?


The nurse concludes this occurrence by saying that it is a common finding in a 2-day-old neonate.

A nurse is someone who is educated to present care to individuals who are unwell or injured. Nurses work with doctors and other health care people to make patients nicely and to preserve their suit and healthy. Nurses also help with end-of-life needs and help another circle of relatives participants with grieving.

The number one role of a nurse is to be a caregiver for patients by way of handling bodily wishes, stopping infection, and treating health situations.

Nurses listen to and understand the concerns of their patients—which is important for evaluating conditions and growing treatment plans.

Learn more about Nurse here:-https://brainly.com/question/14465443


ecause of an outbreak of influenza among the nursing staff, the hospital is very short staffed. the nurse manager prioritizes client needs on the surgical unit by which strategy?


ensuring that clients receive medications but omitting full bathing when possible. Daily bathing is not required to meet standards of care.

The respiratory system includes the nose, throat, and lungs, which are all affected by the flu (influenza). Although influenza is frequently referred to as the flu, it differs from stomach "flu" viruses that cause vomiting and diarrhea. Most flu sufferers recover on their own. But occasionally, influenza and its side effects might be fatal. The flu may initially appear to be a typical cold with runny nose, sneezing, and sore throat. Colds typically take time to break. However, the flu often strikes suddenly. And while having a cold might be unpleasant, having the flu typically makes you feel much worse.

To know more about influenza :


a nurse is preparing to administer 10 units of regular insulin and 20 units of nph insulin to a client. what is the sequence of events the nurse should follow


1. Look for contaminants in the vials. 2. Squeeze the NPH vial between your palms. 3. Fill the NPH with air. 4. Fill a standard insulin vial with air.

Insulin therapy is essential for replenishing the insulin your body is unable to make if you have type 1 diabetes. People with type 2 diabetes or gestational diabetes might require frequent insulin therapy if alternative medications are unable to maintain blood glucose levels within the prescribed range. In order for blood sugar to be utilised as fuel by the body's cells, insulin aids in its absorption. The liver receives a signal from insulin to store blood sugar for later use. When blood sugar enters cells, blood sugar levels fall, which tells insulin to do the same.

Learn more about Insulin



a client with a severe staphylococcal infection is receiving the aminoglycoside gentamicin sulfate by the i.v. route. the nurse should assess the client for which adverse reaction?


B. Vertigo, tinnitus, and hearing loss are signs of ototoxicity, which is a serious adverse reaction to gentamicin and other aminoglycosides by nurse. Nephrotoxicity is a serious adverse reaction.

The elderly, dehydrated patients, those who have renal impairment, and patients getting concurrent therapy with another medication that may be ototoxic or nephrotoxic are the customers who have these side events the most frequently. Aplastic anemia, cardiac arrhythmias, nor convulsions are not linked to gentamicin. . Vertigo, tinnitus, and hearing loss are signs of ototoxicity, which is a serious adverse reaction to gentamicin and other aminoglycosides. Nephrotoxicity is a serious adverse reaction (indicated by urinary cells or casts, oliguria, proteinuria, and reduced creatinine clearance). Avoid giving the patient a gentle soap bath. In hot weather, it is advised to wear clothing that is form-fitting. Maintain the patient's fluid intake. Priority one is still respiratory and fluid status. Keep a close eye on the patient's hourly fluid intake and output, blood pressure, and heart rate; any abnormalities should be immediately reported to the burn nurse.

(9. A female client with a severe staphylococcal infection is receiving the aminoglycoside gentamicin sulfate (Garamycin) by the I.V. route. The nurse should assess the client for which adverse reaction to this drug?

a. Aplastic anemia

b. Ototoxicity

c. Cardiac arrhythmias

d. Seizures)

Learn more about nurse



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