a nurse is describing histrionic personality disorder to a group of new nurses. which term would the nurse most likely use?


Answer 1

The nurse will most likely use Self-dramatization.

A histrionic personality disorder, also known as a dramatic personality disorder, is a psychiatric disorder characterized by excessive emotionality and attention-seeking behaviors. A histrionic personality disorder is classified as a personality disorder in "Cluster B."

Histrionic personality disorder (HPD) first appeared in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders II (DSM-II), and it is the only disorder that has retained the term derived from the old concept of hysteria since the DSM-III.

Patients with histrionic personality disorder use their physical appearance to attract the attention of others, acting in inappropriately seductive or provocative ways. They lack self-direction and are highly suggestible, often acting submissively to keep others' attention.

To learn more about histrionic personality disorder, here



Related Questions

abnormal crackle-like lung sounds heard through a stethoscope during inspiration.


Abnormal crackle-like lung sounds heard through a stethoscope during inspiration is called Rales or Crepitation

Crepitation is another term for rales or crackles. They come and go, and they are frequently sounds that are most noticeable when you inhale. The sounds, that have been explained as clunky, rattling, crackling, clinking, or popping, happen whenever the smaller airways open unexpectedly during inspiration.

Crepitations in the lungs is a sound and sensory perception affiliated with subcutaneous emphysema, a disorder in which air becomes trapped beneath the skin. When air is pushed through the soft tissue in the chest, it can cause a palpable or audible popping, crackling, grating, or crunching sensation. Crackles or crepitations are brief, explosive sounds heard on auscultation of the chest. They can be fine or coarse in texture, and they can be resolved by coughing

For more information on Crepitations , visit :



a client is being discharged on enoxaparin therapy following total knee replacement surgery. which teaching instruction does the nurse include in the teaching plan?


"Mild bruising or redness may occur at the injection site." is the teaching instruction the nurse includes in the teaching plan.

Patients who are bedridden or undergoing hip, knee, or stomach surgery can use enoxaparin to avoid blood clots in their legs. To avoid complications from angina (chest discomfort) and heart attacks, it is used with aspirin. Additionally, it is combined with warfarin to treat leg blood clots. Enoxaparin belongs to a group of drugs known as low molecular weight heparins. It functions by preventing the clot-causing chemicals from forming. Enoxaparin is available as an injection that is administered by a syringe just beneath the skin (subcutaneously), not into the muscle. It is normally administered twice daily.

To know more about enoxaparin :


after receiving a painful shot from a female nurse in a white uniform, 3-year-old vaclav is fearful of any woman wearing a white dress. vaclav's reaction best illustrates


After receiving a painful shot from a female nurse in a white uniform, 3-year-old vaclav is fearful of any woman wearing a white dress. vaclav's reaction best illustrates generalization.

Fear is a highly unpleasant emotion that responds to perceiving or recognizing danger or threat. Anxiety causes physiological changes that lead to behavioral responses such as: B. Aggressive reaction or flight from threat.

Anxiety can arise in people in response to specific stimuli currently occurring or in anticipation or anticipation of future threats perceived as risks to themselves. The fear response arises from the perception of danger leading to confrontation or flight/avoidance from the threat (also known as the fight-or-flight response). In case of extreme fear (fear or fright), freezing may occur. reaction or paralysis.

Learn more about Fear here : https://brainly.com/question/27809354


he nurse is caring for a client who underwent a kidney transplant. what medication does the nurse expect to administer?


The nurse should expect to administer Cyclosporine (Sandimmune).

Kidney disease, also known as renal disease or nephropathy, is the damage or disease of the kidney. Nephritis is an inflammatory kidney disease that is classified into several types based on the location of the inflammation. Blood tests can be used to diagnose inflammation. Nephrosis is a type of kidney disease that is not inflammatory.

Nephritis and nephrosis can result in nephritic and nephrotic syndromes, respectively. Kidney disease usually results in some loss of kidney function and can lead to kidney failure, which is the complete loss of kidney function. Kidney failure is the final stage of kidney disease, and the only treatment options are dialysis or a kidney transplant.

To learn more about kidney disorders, here



. communicating honestly and consistently in cases of public health and crisis communication involves providing the public with answers to three key questions. which of the following is not one of those questions? when will the crisis end? where can i find trustworthy information? what do i need to know? what should i do and not do?


when will the crisis end? -is not one of those questions.

Define crisis communication.

An individual, business, or organization facing a public challenge to its reputation can be protected and defended by using crisis communication, a subspecialty of public relations. A specific type of threat, its severity, potential effects, and specific actions to adopt to lessen the threat are all things that are intended to be made more widely known through crisis communication.

Planning strategically for public health crisis communication enables authorities, such as public health professionals, government researchers, and scientists, to create and convey effective messaging when knowledge is scarce, out-of-date, or changing quickly.

Three key questions are:

1. What do I need to know, first?

2. What should I do or not do to safeguard my health and that of my family?

3. Where can I find trustworthy, clear information?

To know more about public health crisis use link below:



a client with a compound fracture of the lower leg has a limb-lengthening system attached for stabilization. which basic care activities can the nurse expect to provide? select all that apply.


The nurse can anticipate providing the following basic care activities: routine pin site maintenance, isometric training, and neurovascular evaluation.

Before moving the patient after an accident, it's crucial to stabilize the body part if a fracture is suspected. For the purpose of preventing fracture fragments from moving, adequate splinting is necessary. Spiral fractures can be brought on by: Injuries sustained when skiing or snowboarding occur when the leg twists due to becoming entrapped in a boot while the remainder of the leg is still moving. The nurse can anticipate providing the following basic care activities: routine pin site maintenance, isometric training, and neurovascular evaluation.Soccer accidents, particularly when two players collide and become tangled or twisted. Treatment that is percutaneous skeletal fixation, which is neither open nor closed. The fracture pieces are not seen during this treatment; instead, fixation is applied to the fracture site, often under the supervision of imaging.

Learn more about nurse



a client who is scheduled for a diagnostic procedure has learned that the procedure will take place with a neuromuscular junction blocker rather than with a general anesthetic. the nurse should describe what benefit of this approach?


Diagnosis results Depression of the central nervous system has less consequences. A kind of depression known as CNS depression is brought on by the improper use of CNS depressants.

Depression of the central nervous system (CNS) is a physiological condition that can cause reduced heart rate, breathing rate, and level of awareness, which may culminate in coma or death. In depressed individuals Diagnosis, sympathetic activity rises, and this increase is more pronounced, expressing a higher level of complexity in the HRV time series. Mental condition has an impact on a depressed person's parasympathetic nervous system, which under long-term depression becomes dysfunctional. CNS depressants are drugs that can make your central nervous system less active. Examples that are frequently used include sedatives, hypnotics, and opioids. These medications are used to treat stress, sleep issues, anxiety, and pain.

Learn more about Diagnosis



a conscious patient is admitted to the emergency department with an overdose of alprazolam. which intervention should the nurse implement first?


The conscious client was admitted to the emergency department with an overdose of the anxiolytic alprazolam (Xanax). The nurse implement first  prepare to administer an emetic with activated charcoal.

Chemicals can be captured in the pores of activated charcoal. In order to treat some poisons that have been ingested, it is normally administered orally. For additional purposes, the evidence is scant. Peat, coal, wood, coconut shells, or petroleum can all be used to make charcoal. Charcoal is heated in the presence of a gas to create activated charcoal. The charcoal develops numerous interior pores as a result of this process. Activated charcoal may trap pollutants thanks to its pores. To treat poisoning, activated charcoal is frequently employed. Additionally, it is claimed to treat excessive cholesterol, hangovers, and upset stomach, but the majority of these applications lack solid scientific backing.

Hence, activated charcoal is good adsorbent.

To know more about  Adsorption.



a nurse working with a patient who was being treated for alcohol-related pancreatitis states after discharge the patient plans to continue to drink. the nurse provides information related to the health risks associated with continued alcohol use and provides information related to recovery programs. although the nurse does not think the patient's current plan to continue to drink is a healthy decision, the nurse is aware it is the patient's ultimate decision. this is an example of what ethical principle?


This is an example of Respect for Autonomy, which is the ethical principle that respects a patient's right to make decisions about their own care.

What do you mean by the ethical principle of Respect for Autonomy?

The ethical principle of Respect for Autonomy is the principle that individuals have the right to make decisions regarding their own lives, without interference from others. This includes decisions regarding medical care, and means that medical professionals should respect the autonomy and self-determination of patients when it comes to making decisions about their own health and wellbeing. This means that medical professionals should respect the right of individuals to make their own decisions about their medical care, including whether or not to accept or refuse treatment.

What do you mean by alcohol-related pancreatitis?

Alcohol-related pancreatitis is a type of pancreatitis that occurs due to excessive or long-term drinking of alcohol. It is caused by damage to the pancreas due to the toxic effects of alcohol. Symptoms include abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, weight loss, fever, and jaundice.

To know more about Alcohol-related pancreatitis,



a client with borderline personality disorder has been admitted to the inpatient unit after being found in the client's parents' bedroom, burning the client's arm with an iron. this injury required a brief stay in the hospital's burn unit prior to transfer to your psychiatric unit. which is the nursing care priority for this client during the first 24 hours of admission?


Answer: Protection from self-mutilation

a patient appears restless, and is grimacing and moaning after surgery. the patient denies the need for pain medication at this time. what is the best response by the nurse?


Inform the patient of the value of efficient pain control.

What information about a patient's suffering should the nurse record?

It is crucial to record the following: understanding of the pain scale by the patient. Describe the patient's capacity to evaluate pain on a scale of 0 to 10. The contentment of the patient with the amount of pain under the current treatment method.

What role do nurses have in relieving patients' pain?

No matter the patient's distinctive traits, beliefs, or values, all nurses have an ethical duty to treat every patient in pain with respect and individuality.

to know more about medication here:



client has a motor vehicle accident and is diagnosed with a right hip dislocation. for which intervention should the nurse anticipate needing to prepare this client?


A client has a motor vehicle accident and is diagnosed with a right hip dislocation. The client will need emergency intervention to reduce the fracture and prevent complications.

Hip dislocation is typically brought on by auto accidents. When it comes to newborns, congenital joint looseness may be the cause of this issue. Hip dislocations are more likely to occur again after the first one. There might be a visible hip misalignment, discomfort, and swelling. Leg discomfort, tingling, or numbness are possible. The bone must be manually pushed into position or surgically set, and rehabilitation is also necessary as soon as possible.

The hip's ball joint slipping out of its socket causes hip dislocation, a painful condition. Typically, a severe traumatic injury is a cause. (Artificial hip implants are a little bit simpler to dislocate.)

To know more about Hip Dislocation here



your pt is unresponsive 44 y/o found indoors after working in the garden on a hot day. her vitals are r 32, p 128, 88/56 with hot, dry skin. you should a. cover the pt with ice and transport to a trauma center b. administer o2 via nc c. place a wet sheet over her and fan vigorously (i think this is a mistake) d. administer o2 via simple face mask


Her vitals are r 32, p 128, 88/56 with hot, dry skin. you should Place a wet sheet over her and fan vigorously (I think this is a mistake).

Why are the vitals important?

Vital signs are indicators of the body's more fundamental processes. The following are the four primary vital signs that doctors and other healthcare personnel regularly check: Temp. of the body Pulse rate rate of breathing (rate of breathing).

The top five vital signs are:

We advise tracking your weight, temperature, respiration rate, pulse rate, and blood pressure on a routine basis.

To learn more about vitals visit:



a new client arrived on the unit while the nurse was obtaining the end-of-shift report from the night nurse. this client is admitted walking and is here for a cardiac workup; the client is assigned to the nurse. the nursing assistant has settled the client in the room and oriented the client to the surroundings, call system, bathroom, bedside supplies, and where to place clothes. the priority nursing action is to:


Information gathering and finishing the admission database are the top nursing priorities of the nurse.

Before putting any of the life-saving actions for which nursing school trains us into action, the nurse's first duty is to assess, diagnose, and then plan how to manage their patients, according to the nursing process. The first three stages are essential to everyday nursing success, especially given that the average medical-surgical nurse is expected to manage six or more patients on a daily basis. Even a new nurse can determine which issues require nursing priority care by methodically and rationally examining the patient and their diagnosis while taking into account numerous perspectives. Getting all the necessary data is the initial stage in the prioritizing process.

Learn more about Nurse



an older adult client was successfully treated for shingles but continues to experience pain to his trunk and torso. the nurse should advocate for what form of local anesthetic to relieve this client's pain?


To help this client with his or her pain, the nurse should push for a topical lidocaine form of local anesthetic.

Drugs called anesthetics are used to completely or partially block feeling. These medications might be either broad or local in their site of action. A central nervous system (CNS) depression brought on by general anesthetics can result in a loss of awareness and pain perception. Local anesthetics, on the other hand, produce the same sensation and feeling in a specific region of the body without having any systemic consequences connected to significant CNS depression.

The goal of general anesthesia is to achieve analgesia (loss of pain perception), unconsciousness (loss of awareness of one's own surroundings), and amnesia by the injection of a combination of diverse general anesthetic drugs with the fewest side effects (inability to recall what took place). Loss of sensation in a few particular physiological areas is referred to as local anesthesia. Numerous methods, including as topical application, infiltration, field block, and nerve block, can be used to achieve it.

To learn more about the local anesthetic, refer:-



in which settings would the nurse prepare to administer developmental assessment for pediatric clients? select all that apply


Pediatric developmental assessments are performed in many settings, including the home, school, hospital, and daycare center environments. It is unlikely that a pediatric developmental assessment would be performed in an assisted living center.

A developmental assessment for children under the age of three aims to evaluate various aspects of the child's functioning, such as cognition, communication, behavior, social interaction, motor and sensory abilities, and adaptive skills.

For example, one could administer a test at the start of a class and then ask the same students to take the same test at the end. An instructor could determine students' developmental levels by comparing their performance on pre- and post-tests.

The process of mapping a child's performance in comparison to children of similar age is known as developmental assessment. The comparison group is drawn from a representative sample of the child's population. Several factors contribute to performance differences between population groups.

To learn more about developmental assessment for pediatric clients, here



the autonomic nervous system may cause activation or inhibition, depending on the division that is active and the target that is affected. t or f


The autonomic nervous system may cause activation or inhibition, depending on the division that is active and the target that is affected. This statement is True.

The autonomic nervous system is a peripheral nervous system component that controls involuntary physiologic processes such as heart rate, blood pressure, respiration, digestion, and sexual arousal. It is divided into three anatomical divisions: sympathetic, parasympathetic, and enteric.

All "automatic" body functions, such as breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, sweating, mouth-watering (salivating), and food movement through the intestines, are controlled by the autonomic nervous system (peristalsis). The hypothalamus is the primary brain site for autonomic nervous system central control, and the paraventricular nucleus is the primary hypothalamic site for this control. The dorsal longitudinal fasciculus is the main autonomic control pathway from the hypothalamus.

To learn more about autonomic nervous system, here



a soft toric lens is orienting nasally in the patient's left eye. to calculate lens rotation correctly, what should the fitter do?


In order to calculate lens rotation correctly, the fitter should add the number of degrees of rotation to the patient's refractive axis.

Toric contact lenses correct astigmatism caused by a different curvature of your cornea or lens in your eye (referred to as regular astigmatism, corneal astigmatism or lenticular astigmatism).

The design of toric lenses differs significantly from regular lenses. In contrast to regular lenses, which have a single power throughout the lens, toric lenses have two different powers: one for astigmatism and one for trouble with distance vision.

Fitting a patient for toric contacts requires more expertise than fitting a patient for regular lenses. As a result, a toric lens fitting may be more expensive than a standard contact lens fitting. Because torics are more complex in design, they will cost more to replace than most regular contacts.

To learn more about toric lens, here



a nurse working in a free clinic has recognized the need for health promotion for pregnant teenagers. the nurse works to develop a consortium of healthcare experts from several disciplines across the region to work toward improving the nutrition of pregnant teenagers. this is an example of what type of collaboration?


This is an example of  Interorganizational collaboration type of collaboration.

Interorganizational cooperation is a method that enables parties that perceive various facets of an issue to constructively examine their differences and look for solutions that go beyond their own constrained understanding of what is feasible.

An examples of interorganizational systems is the Sabre (computer system). “ understanding of environmental uncertainty are leading to the horizontal relationships across organizations."

The correlation between business innovation and competitive intensity is positively mediated to some extent by interorganizational cooperation.

Proper interorganizational relationships open the door to accessing priceless resources like human capital. They also promote the development, interaction, and exchange of human resources. Cooperation between parties in these relationships is advantageous for both parties' human capital.

Learn more about Interorganizational collaboration to visit this link



the symptoms of neurodevelopmental disorders typically begin during which period of the lifespan?


Children with neurodevelopmental issues can revel in problems with language and speech, motor skills, behavior, memory, learning, or different neurological functions.

While the signs and behaviors of neurodevelopmental disabilities frequently extrude or evolve as a baby grows older, a few disabilities are permanent. The issues normally take place early in development, frequently earlier than the kid enters grade school, and are characterized with the aid of using developmental deficits that produce impairments of personal, social, academic, or occupational functioning. Generalized anxiety disorder has symptoms that are similar to panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder and other types of anxiety, but they're all different conditions.

To learn more about disabilities check the link below:



a patient has a colles fracture reduced, a large plaster cast is placed on the upper limb. the orthopedic surgeon orders a post reduction study. the original technique, used before the cast placement, involved 60 kvp and 5 mas. how should the exposure factors be altered with a large plaster cast?


Increase to 68-70 kV  exposure factors be altered with a large plaster cast

Your musculoskeletal system is made up of your muscles, joints, ligaments, tendons, and bones. These bodily components are so crucial to daily activity that it is typical to have discomfort in them.

The medical specialty that focuses on addressing these conditions is orthopedics. A physician who specializes in this area is known as an orthopedist, orthopedic surgeon, or orthopedic physician. They are qualified to detect and treat problems utilizing different methods in addition to doing surgery.

A trained orthopedic surgeon can identify orthopedic issues, provide or recommend treatments, and help with rehabilitation. They can also assist you in creating long-term plans for treating conditions affecting your bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, and muscles.

Learn more about Orthopedic surgery, to visit this link



a 17-year-old boy presents to his pediatrician complaining of persistent drainage from his ear. he has a history of chronic ear infections and, one month prior, was started on amoxicillin secondary to symptoms of hearing loss and drainage along with physical exam findings of an inflamed, bulging tympanic membrane. when his symptoms failed to resolve, his medication was changed to amoxicillin-clavulanate; however, the patient is still experiencing symptoms. given his history and the persistence of symptoms despite antibiotic therapy, what diagnosis should be considered?


Otitis media with effusion (OME) should be considered in this case. OME is a type of ear infection that occurs when fluid (effusion) builds up behind the eardrum, causing hearing problems and other symptoms.

What is Otitis media with effusion (OME) ?

Otitis media with effusion (OME) is a type of ear infection that occurs when a collection of fluid builds up behind the eardrum. This fluid can lead to hearing loss, a feeling of fullness in the ear, and other symptoms. OME is the most common cause of hearing loss found in children. Treatment may include antibiotics, decongestants, or surgery to drain the fluid.

What are Chronic ear infections?

Chronic ear infections are a type of ear infection that keeps coming back or does not completely go away after treatment. They are more common in children than adults and can be caused by bacteria, viruses, allergies, or structural problems in the ear. Symptoms of chronic ear infections may include ear pain, drainage from the ear, hearing loss, dizziness, and fever. Treatment usually involves antibiotics and, in some cases, surgery.

To know more about Otitis media with effusion (OME),



an older client transferred from a nursing home presents to the emergency department in an agitated state. the nurse is unable to obtain a coherent response to any questions posed. what is the best nursing action?


An elderly patient moved from a nursing home arrives in an agitated state at the emergency room. To protect the safety, the optimum nursing action is to confine the client.

Medicate the client to make them sleepy. Examine the drug profile file. Ensure that all side rails are raised.

Extreme arousal in an uncomfortable state is called agitation. A person who is agitated may feel roused, enthusiastic, nervous, perplexed, or impatient. Agitation is a feeling of tension and unease inside. You can become quickly irritated or feel the need to get up and move around when it happens. It's a typical feeling. But when you're under a lot of stress, it's more likely to appear. It may also occur if you consume illicit substances or stop drinking alcohol. It may be triggered by deeds, remarks, occurrences, or, in rare situations, for unknown reasons. Even though feeling irritated from time to time is common, such as in response to stress from work or school, it can also occasionally be a symptom of a deeper physical or mental health issue.

To learn more about nursing action, refer:-



An emergency technician had recorded vital signs prior to the __________ receiving medical care.


An emergency technician had recorded vital signs prior to the patient receiving medical care.

An emergency medical technician is the person who is responsible for taking the patient to the hospital in case of any emergency or severe condition. He is generally termed as an ambulance technician. Along with taking the patient to the hospital he has several other responsibilities which include taking care of the patient's vital signs, his blood pressure, his pulse and also the condition of the patient. He is the only person who is responsible for the state of patient until the patient reaches the hospital. If anything goes wrong, he will be held responsible for the cause. Every household has the contact of these Emergency technicians.

Learn more about Emergency Technician at:



the charge nurse in a psychiatric facility is assigning morning tasks to an unlicensed assistive personnel (uap). what task should the nurse instruct the uap to complete first?


The charge nurse in a psychiatric facility assigns morning tasks to unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP). The nurse instructs the UAP to complete first to Obtain a morning weight on the anorexic client.

Every morning at the same time, on the same scale, and while wearing the same clothes, a precise daily weight is taken. For the anorexic client, accuracy of this operation is especially important, and it should be done before breakfast. The nurse will also caution the UAP to be especially watchful for any attempts by the client to change the scale reading, maybe by concealing anything in a bathrobe pocket.

Hence, nurse should carry out task in sequential order.

To know more about Psychiatry.



the nurse is caring for a patient who will receive an epidural block. in what surgeries would an epidural block be useful for pain control?


According to question,  hip, knee, and gynecologic surgery  would an epidural block be useful for pain control .

Local anesthetics, which include bupivacaine, chloroprocaine, and lidocaine, are a class of drugs that include epidural medications. These medications can be administered in conjunction with narcotics, such as fentanyl and sufentanil, to lower the amount of local anesthetic that must be administered.

An epidural needle is inserted between two vertebrae in the cervical, thoracic, or lumbar spine to access the epidural space during epidural anesthesia or analgesia. The needle must penetrate multiple layers of tissues in order to reach the epidural space..

To know more about epidural block visit :



52. arthritis is usually caused by . a.a steep drop in estrogen b.a sedentary lifestyle c.longtime use of the joints d.a diet low in protein


Arthritis is usually caused by the longtime use of the joints. Thus the correct answer is option (C).

Arthritis may cause one or more joints to swell and ache. The basic symptoms of arthritis, which often worsen as people age, are joint stiffness and pain.

The main cause of arthritis is joint inflammation. Age-related osteoarthritis commonly affects the hip, knee, and fingers. Joint injury can occasionally cause osteoarthritis.

As a result, rheumatoid arthritis manifests, leading to painful and swollen joints. Rheumatoid arthritis causes the immune system to assault the joint membrane. The musculoskeletal system of the body is impacted by rheumatoid arthritis.

To learn more about arthritis please click on the given link: https://brainly.com/question/3094463


the nurse is a member of a panel discussing the optimal type of weight loss. when the panel members ask the audience to identify the most important factor affecting weight loss, which response indicates the discussion was effective?


The nurse is a participant on a panel debating the best method of weight loss, name the most crucial aspect influencing weight reduction, the panel members reply, "Weight loss is depending on the quantity of calories ingested."

The most efficient way to lose fat and develop lean muscle is through moderate activity weight loss and a nutritious diet calories . You should eat more modest, balanced meals with lots of fruit and vegetables and exercise every day in accordance with ACSM recommendations. Describe common misunderstandings regarding programs for quick weight loss and spot reduction. Regular exercise is the best indicator of maintaining weight reduction following a commercial weight-loss program.

learn more about weight loss here:



a client needs to be administered topical anesthesia. the nurse would administer the anesthetic at which location?


The nurse would administer the anesthetic on the surface of the skin.

Anesthesia is a controlled, temporary loss of sensation or awareness used for medical or veterinary purposes. It may include some or all of the following symptoms: analgesia, paralysis, amnesia, and unconsciousness. An individual who is under the influence of anesthetic drugs is said to be anesthetized.

Anesthetic medications can remain in your system for up to 24 hours. If you've had sedation, regional or general anesthesia, you shouldn't drive or return to work until the drugs have cleared your system. You should be able to resume normal activities after local anesthesia, as long as your healthcare provider says so.

Using either injected or inhaled drugs, general anesthesia suppresses central nervous system activity, resulting in unconsciousness and total loss of sensation.

Sedation suppresses the central nervous system to a lesser extent, inhibiting anxiety and the formation of long-term memories without causing unconsciousness.

Regional and local anesthesia, which prevents nerve impulses from leaving a specific part of the body. Depending on the circumstances, this may be used alone (in which case the patient remains fully conscious) or in conjunction with general anesthesia or sedation. Drugs can be directed at peripheral nerves in order to anesthetize a specific part of the body, such as numbing a tooth for dental work or using a nerve block to block sensation in an entire limb.

To learn more about anesthesia, here



discrimination based on information from which it is possible to determine a person's propensity to be stricken by diseases is called


Discrimination based on information that can be used to predict a person's susceptibility to disease. It is possible to predict a person's proclivity to develop many diseases, including diabetes, heart disease, multiple sclerosis, and certain types of cancer, using genetic information.

The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 is a United States Congress Act that prohibits certain types of genetic discrimination.

Genetic information discrimination also occurs when an employer obtains genetic information illegally. It is, for example, illegal for an employer to conduct an Internet search to learn about an employee's family medical history (medical conditions of relatives).

Genetic discrimination occurs when an employee or insurance company treats them differently because they have a gene mutation that causes or increases the risk of an inherited disorder. People considering genetic testing frequently express concerns about discrimination.

To learn more about Genetic Information Discrimination, here



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The management of Ballard MicroBrew is considering the purchase of an automated bottling machine for $120,000. The machine would replace an old piece of equipment that costs $30,000 per year to operate. The new machine would cost $12,000 per year to operate. The old machine currently in use is fully depreciated and could be sold now for a salvage value of $40,000. The new machine would have a useful life of 10 years with no salvage value.Required:1. What is the annual depreciation expense associated with the new bottling machine?2. What is the annual incremental net operating income provided by the new bottling machine?3. What is the amount of the initial investment associated with this project that should be used for calculating the simple rate of return?4. What is the simple rate of return on the new bottling machine? (Round your answer to 1 decimal place.) A bee flies at 10 feet per second directly to a flowerbed from its hive. The bee stays at the flowerbed for 20 minutes, and then flies directly back to the hive at 8 feet per second. It is away from the hive for a total of 22 minutes.a. What equation can you use to find the distance of the flowerbed from the hive?b. How far is the flowerbed from the hive? what is the potential for losing money in the stock market if an individual keeps their money invested for one year? which bases can deprotonate acetylene? the pka values of the conjugate acids are given in parentheses. Mindfulness is important when it comes to your personal fitness. What are some other ways that you suspect mindfulness could be helpful in life (aside from personal fitness)? please explain your answers. cultural beliefs that can be considered societal causes of violence include group of answer choices objectifying women. promoting open communication between men and women. empowering women. encouraging men to be respectful of women. advergame brand integration, integrates a brand spokesperson or personality as a main character within the game. 8. Two triangles have the same perimeter. One ofthe triangles is an equilateral triangle with all of theside lengths equaling x + 1. The other triangle hasside lengths of 2x, x, and 4x - 7. Find the perimeteterof the equilateral triangle. question 161 pts suppose a 95% confidence interval for obtained from a random sample of size 13 is (3.5990, 19.0736). find the upper bound of a 90% confidence interval for (round off to the nearest integer). if rachel quits the company after two years, what effect will her resignation have on her retirement plan? What is it called when both alleles are completely expressed because neither is dominant nor recessive? an organization's production process maps most directly to the activity in porter's value chain model. question 32 options: a) inbound logistics b) operations c) sales and marketing d) all of the above diploid nuclei of the ascomycete neurospora crassa contain 14 chromosomes. a single diploid cell in an ascus will undergo one round of meiosis, followed in each of the daughter cells by one round of mitosis, producing a total of eight ascospores. how many chromosomes would a single ascospore nucleus of this species contain? a characteristic that sets apart as an economic and political system is the private ownership of businesses. t or f A rectangle has a length of 24 inches and a width of 13 inches. If 1 inch = 2.54 centimeters, find the area of the rectangle in centimeters. Round the answer to the nearest tenth. A. 48.4 cm2 B. 480.4 cm2 C. 792.5 cm2 D. 2,012.9 cm2 The goal of shareholder wealth maximizationa. is not appropriate for non-U.S. business firms.b. means that all business decisions and investments that a firm makes are done for the purpose of making the owners of the firm better off financially.c. is a sub-objective the firm should attempt to achieve after the objective of customer satisfaction is met.d. is in conflict with the privatization process taking place in third-world countries. The four members of a singing quartet are buying new outfits. The shirts are $21, the pants are $26, the hats are $6 and the canesare $13. What is the total cost of the new outfits for all the members?O $264O $284O $244O $224 in which disorder does a person seem to experience at least two or more distinct personalities existing in one body? Answer question with steps asap Ill give brainliest! Use photo above dark-skinned people living in an area with limited exposure to sunlight, such as the north pole, are more prone to become deficient in this vitamin.