Mindfulness is important when it comes to your personal fitness. What are some other ways that you suspect mindfulness could be helpful in life (aside from personal fitness)? please explain your answers.


Answer 1

Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us.

When we meditate it doesn’t help to fixate on the benefits, but rather to just do the practice, and yet there are benefits or no one would do it.

When we’re mindful, we reduce stress, enhance performance, gain insight and awareness through observing our own mind, and increase our attention to others’ well-being.

Mindfulness meditation gives us a time in our lives when we can suspend judgment and unleash our natural curiosity about the workings of the mind, approaching our experience with warmth and kindness—to ourselves and others.

learn more about mindfulness:



Answer 2


Ways to suspect mindfulness is eating healthy and yoga.


This is because eating healthy can make you increase stamina and happiness. On the other hand, Yoga improves strength, balance and flexibility.

Related Questions

how does the rate of decay of a long-half-life material normally compare to the rate of decay of a short-half-life material?


For a material with a long half-life, the rate of decay is lower. The positively charged protons would typically reject one another due to electrostatic repulsions, but the strong nuclear force, an incredibly potent but extremely localized attractive force between nucleons, prevents this from happening and keeps the nucleus together.

What is beta decay ?

In an alpha decay, the atomic number is lowered by two. A beta decay results in a rise of one in the atomic number. Protons can stay together in a nucleus despite the fact that their charges repel one another because of this phenomenon, which is greater at very close ranges than electrostatic repulsion. The ratio of neutrons to protons is the main determinant of stability. Atoms with an imbalance of neutrons, either too many or too few, are unstable.

To learn more about stability from given link



Determine the launch speed of a horizontally launched projectile that lands 26. 3 meters from the base of a 19. 3-meter high cliff.


The launch speed of a horizontally launched projectile that lands 26.3 meters from the base of a 19.3 meter high cliff is 13.22 m/s.

Speed of the projectile

To determine the speed of the projectile, use the equation:

v = d/t


v = the speed (m/s)

d = distance (m)

t = period (s)

But first, we should calculate the time it took the projectile to land at the base of the cliff by using the maximum height formula:

h = ½ gt²


h is the height of the object

g is the acceleration due to gravity, and

t is the time it takes the object to fall to the ground.

We have;

Height = 19.3 m

Acceleration of gravity = 9.8 m/s²

Substituting the given parameters into the formula,

h = ½ gt²

19.3 = ½ (9.8) t²

19.3 = 4.9  t²

t² = 3.94

t = [tex]\sqrt{3.94}[/tex]

= 1.98 s

So,  the launch speed of the projectile:

v = d/t

= (26.3)/(1.99)

= 13.22 m/s

Learn more about the speed here: https://brainly.com/question/20478132


A 5 n force is applied to a 3 kg ball to slow it down from 9 m/s to 3 m/s. What is the impulse on the ball?.


The impulse imparted on the ball is 18Kgm/s.

The force supplied on the ball is 5 Newton and the mass of the ball is 3 kg.

The ball is slow down from a speed of 9m/s to 3m/s.

The impulse imported on the ball can be given by the relation,

I = ∆P


P is the momentum of the ball.


We can write,

I = M∆V

Where, M is the mass of the body and V is the speed.

I = 3(9-3)

I = 3×6

I = 18 Kgm/s.

So, the impulse on the ball is 18kgm/s.

To know more about momentum, visit,



if a pizza radiates more energy than it absorbs, its temperature group of answer choices remains unaffected. increases. decreases.


if a pizza radiates more energy than it absorbs, its temperature will decrease, hence option C is correct.

How energy affects the temperature?

The temperature of a substance radiates energy without also absorbing it as it cools.

The amount of energy stored in a solid item reduces if it radiates more energy than it absorbs, which results in a fall in the object's temperature.

Therefore, the temperature of the pizza will decrease, if it radiates more energy than it absorbs, hence option C is correct.

Learn more about temperature, here:



A westward-moving motorcycle slows down from 24.0m/s to 12.0m/s in 3.0 seconds. What is the (i.e. value) and direction of the acceleration.?


The motorcycle is experiencing a deceleration of 4m/s². This is because the velocity of the motorcycle decreases with time.

What is acceleration?

Acceleration is the rate of change of the velocity of an object with respect to time taken. An object's acceleration is the net result of all the forces which are acting on the object. This can be best described by Newton's Second Law of Motion. The SI unit for acceleration is meter per second squared (m/s²).

The acceleration of the westward-moving motorcycle = Change in velocity/ time taken

a = (v-u)/ t

where, a = acceleration of the object,

u = initial velocity of the object,

v = final velocity of the object,

t = time taken by the object

a = (12 - 24)/ 3

a = -12/ 3

a = -4m/s²

Therefore, the acceleration of the motorcycle is -4m/s² i.e., deceleration of 4m/s².

Learn more about Acceleration here:



Need some help with these two physics problems!


The force that keeps the puck moving is 0.25 N while the velocity of the puck is  3.7 m/s.

What is the centripetal force?

We know that the centripetal force is the force that acts on a body that is moving along a circular path. In this case, we are told that the puck is moving along a circular path hence it is acted upon by the centripetal force that acts on it.

The centripetal force in this case would be supplied by the weight of the object that is moving in the circular path. Thus we can write in our equation that;

Centripetal force = Weight of object = mg

m = mass of the object

g = acceleration due to gravity


W = 0.026 Kg * 9.8 m/s^2

W = 0.25 N

To obtain the velocity of the object;

FT = mv^2/r

v = √ FT r/m

v =  √0.25 * 1.4/0.026

v = 3.7 m/s

Learn more about centripetal force:https://brainly.com/question/11324711


Every second, the Sun converts about 600 million tons of hydrogen into 596 million tons of helium. The remaining 4 million tons of mass is _________.
a. converted to an amount of energy equal to 4 million tons times the speed of light squared
b. ejected into space in a solar wind
c. reabsorbed as molecular hydrogen
d. ejected into space by solar flares


The correct answer is A. Every second, the Sun converts about 600 million tons of hydrogen into 596 million tons of helium. The remaining 4 million tons of mass is converted to an amount of energy equal to 4 million tons times the speed of light squared.

The sun is the big name at the center of the solar device. it's by far nearly the best ball of warm plasma, heated to incandescence by nuclear fusion reactions in its center. The sun radiates this electricity, particularly as light, ultraviolet, and infrared radiation, and is the maximum essential source of strength for existence in the world. The huge effect of the sun on the planet has been diagnosed considering prehistoric instances. The sun became the concept in some cultures as a deity. The synodic rotation of Earth and its orbit across the sun are the basis of some sun calendars.

each 2d, the sun's core fuses about six hundred million lots of hydrogen into helium, and within the process converts four million tons of count into power. This electricity, which may take between 10,000 and one hundred seventy,000 years to escape the middle, is the source of the solar's mild warmth. whilst hydrogen fusion in its center has dwindled to the factor at which the sun is not in hydrostatic equilibrium, its core will go through a marked growth in density and temperature while its outer layers expand, ultimately reworking the sun right into a red giant.

To learn more about the Solar System visit here:



approximately how long after the big bang did the era of nucleosynthesis end, marking the time when the basic chemical composition of the universe was determined?


The era of nucleosynthesis came to an end about 5 minutes after the big bang, which is when it was discovered what the universe's fundamental chemical make-up was.

Why did the era of nucleosynthesis, which lasted for around 5 minutes after the Big Bang, see the end of fusion?

A few minutes later, the cosmos got too cold, and nucleosynthesis ceased. Since nucleosynthesis was no longer possible, the deuterium that was still there at that time just remained deuterium. It had not yet fused into any heavier nuclei.

Why did the age of the nuclei, which lasted for around 380,000 years, come to an end?

In order for stable, neutral atoms to form, the cosmos had expanded and cooled to a temperature of roughly 3,000 K.

To know more about  big bang  visit:-  



a person riding in the back of a pickup truck traveling at 70 km/h on a straight, level road throws a ball with a speed of 15 km/h relative to the truck in the direction opposite its motion. what is the velocity of the ball'


The velocity of ball with respect to ground is 55km/h whereas with respect to car is 35km/h travelling opposite to its motion.

speed of ball relative to the truck = 15km/h

speed of truck relative to ground = 70km/h

(a) velocity of the ball relative to ground = speed of ball + speed of truck

Vb = (-15 )+75 [here - indicates that speed of ball is relative to the truck in the direction opposite its motion]

Vbg = 55km/h

(b) speed of car = 90km/h

velocity of the ball relative to car = 55 + (-90) as car is travelling opposite to ball.

Vbc = 35km/h

A person riding in the back of a pickup truck traveling at 70 km/h on a straight, level road throws a ball with a speed of 15 km/h relative to the truck in the direction opposite to the truck's motion. What is the velocity of the ball (a) relative to a stationary observer by the side of the road, and (b) relative to the driver of a car moving in the same direction as the truck at a speed of 90 km/h?

To learn more about velocity click here https://brainly.com/question/18084516


Answer: The ball travels at a velocity of 55 km/h relative to the ground and 35 km/h relative to the moving car.

Explanation: The ball travels at a speed of 55 km/h relative to the ground and 35 km/h relative to the moving car.

Truck speed in relation to ball speed is 15 km/h

truck's speed with relation to the ground is 70 km/h

(A) The ball's velocity in relation to the ground equals its combined ball and truck speeds

Vb = (-15)+75 [here - denotes that the ball's speed is related to the truck's velocity in the opposite direction]

55 km/h, Vbg

(b) automobile speed equals 90 km/h

Car is moving in the opposite direction as the ball, hence the ball's velocity in relation to it is 55 + (-90).

Vbc = 35 kph.

When a person riding in the back of a pickup truck traveling at 70 km/h on a straight, level road throws a ball with a speed of 15 km/h relative to the truck in the direction opposite its motion. The ball travels at a velocity of 55 km/h relative to the ground and 35 km/h relative to the moving car.

To learn more about velocity click here brainly.com/question/18084516


a pendulum is swinging in a stationary elevator with period t. when the elevator accelerates upwards, what happens to the period of oscillation?


When acceleration increases, then the period of motion decreases. As, the relation between acceleration and period of motion (oscillation) is inversely proportional

T=1/2π × √1L/g+a

How to know the oscillation of an elevator?

Inside the moving lift

T=1/2π × √L/g+a

T= period pf motion (oscillation)

L= is the length of the pendulum

a= acceleration of the elevator

When the elevator accelerates in the upward direction, then the effective acceleration of the pendulum is equal to the sum of acceleration due to gravity and the acceleration of the elevator, therefore,


So, if acceleration increases, then


Therefore, effective acceleration increases and this results in a decrease in the period of motion.

To know more about acceleration of pendulum, click on https://brainly.com/question/26449711


You are designing a new roller coaster at an amusement park and are currently working on the final section of the ride. The 200 kg cart will be going 11 m/s when it approaches the bottom of a 10 m tall hill. The engineers have installed speed boosters to make sure the cart can make it up the hill. You have been asked to check their work. How much work (if any) must the speed boosters do on the cart to make sure the cart can reach the top of the hill?.


The work that has been done by the speed is obtained as 19600 J.

What is the roller coaster?

We know that the roller coaster is the device that can be use used to show the relationship between the kinetic and the potential energy. Recall that the potential energy is possessed by a body as a result of its position while the kinetic energy is possessed by a body that is seen to be in motion.

In this case, the work that is done is seen as the gravitational potential energy that is required to be able to move the roller coaster from one point to the other.

Now we know that;

W = mgh

m = mass of the object

g = acceleration due to gravity'

h  height of the object

Thus the work done = 200 Kg * 9.8 m/s^2 * 10 m

= 19600 J

Thus the work done is 19600 J.

Learn more about work done:https://brainly.com/question/13662169


What is the wavelength of light that has a frequency of 6 x 10 14 Hz?


The wavelength of light is 0.5μm.

A packet of electromagnetic energy, or photon, is typically produced when an electron in an atom makes a transition from high energy to low energy. It is also absorbed during the transition from low energy to high energy. Visible light consists of photons that can be seen by the human eye. All electromagnetic energy sent or received consists of photons of varying amounts of energy given by the equation E=hf. The equation E=hf is called the Planck-Einstein relation.

This equation only applies to energies at the quantum level. It is generally stated that the energy of a photon is proportional to its frequency, with the proportionality factor being 'h' or Planck's constant, approximately 6.62607004 × 10⁻³⁴ m² kg/s.


y=3 x10⁸/6 x 10¹⁴

=0.5 x 10⁻⁶m


To learn more about  Visible light -



Cherise sets identical magnetic carts on two tracks. at the end of each track is a blue magnet that cannot move. cherise can move the carts one space to the left or one space to the right. Which movement will result in the largest increase in potential energy?


The movement that will result in the largest increase in potential energy is for Cherise to move one of the carts to the left. This will decrease the distance between the two carts and the magnet, resulting in the highest increase in potential energy.

Potential energy is the stored energy of an object due to its position, configuration, or composition. In this scenario, the potential energy of the two magnetic carts is determined by their distance from the blue magnet at the end of the track.

If Cherise moves one of the carts to the left, the distance between the cart and the magnet will decrease, resulting in an increase in potential energy. The same would be true if the cart was moved to the right. However, if one of the carts is moved to the left, the distance between the two carts and the magnet is decreased, resulting in a larger increase in potential energy than if the cart was moved to the right.

Learn more about potential energy at :https://brainly.com/question/24284560


What is the change in internal energy ∆ U for a system that does 70 J of work as it absorbs 45 J of heat?


The change in internal energy for absorbing heat is 115J.

Total self-energy measurement is not possible. Its variation is measured and expressed as ΔU.

This variation depends on the transferred heat energy, light energy, or similar energy. You can also calculate the work done by the system or the work done on the system.

When a thermodynamic system transfers thermal energy to another system, the internal energies of the two systems change. Other state variables can also be changed.

When the structure of an atom or molecule changes, the internal chemical energy changes. In thermodynamics, the ideal gas concept is often used. This is an approximation of a real system used for educational purposes.




work for absorption is negative.

To know further about work done by the system -



A simple pendulum consisting of a blob of mass m attached to a string of length L swings with a period T. If the mass of the blob is reduced by half, what will the new period of oscillation be? Answer is: T The pendulum is now swinging on Pluto. Calculate the new period of oscillation in terms of T, knowing that on Pluto the gravity is 1/16 of gravity on the Earth. T pluto=______


knowing that on Pluto the gravity is 1/16 of gravity on the Earth. T pluto= The period is independent of the suspended mass.

What is the plain meaning of gravity?

The force that pulls items toward the center of a globe or other entity is called gravity.Each of the planets are kept in the sun's orbit by gravity.

What unit of gravity is 9.8?

The most precise measurement of the gravitational acceleration is 9.8 m/s/s.This number has small fluctuations (to a second decimal point) that are mostly determined by altitude.

To know more about gravity visit:



a transformer has 610 turns in the primary coil and 72 in the secondary coil.by what factor does it change the current?


The voltage in the primary is directly proportional to the turns in the primary winding.The voltage in the secondary is directly proportional to the turns in the secondary.The increase in the turns in the primary will decreases the ratio.

What do you mean by step down Tranformer?

A transformer is a passive device that converts the voltage level either from high to low or low to high. The  that converts the high voltage power to low voltage power is called a step-down transformer and the one that converts low to high voltage is called a step-up transformer.


Vs=72 (no of turns in secondary coil)

Vp= 610 (no of turns in primary coil)


Vp > Vs

Its a step down tranformer.

To know more about the step down tranformer, visit:



a 59 kgkg person is in a head-on collision. the car's speed at impact is 14 m/sm/s . estimate the net force on the person if he or she is wearing a seat belt and if the air bag deploys.


The net force on the person before the air bag deploys is 5782 N Backwards.

Given :

Mass of the passenger, m = 59 kg

Velocity of the car at impact, u = 14 m/s

Final velocity of the car after impact, v = 0

Distance moved as the front of the car crumples, s = 1 m

First, calculate the acceleration of the car at impact :

v² = u² + 2as

0² = 14² + (2 x 1)a

0 = 196 + 2a

2a = -196

a = -196 / 2

a = -98 m/s²

The net force on the person :

F = ma

F = 59(-98)

F = -5782 N backwards

To know more about Force :



the current rating of a fuse tells how much current the fuse will allow without opening question 1 options: true false


The current rating of a fuse tells how much current the fuse will allow: True

What do we know about current rating?

Current rating is the maximum current that a fuse will carry for an indefinite period without too much deterioration of the fuse element. A wide range of power switching transistors are also available, with current rating up to several hundred amperes and voltage ratings well over 1000V.

Thus we know that  fuses are designed for the limiting of current of specified level Like 5A, 10A..., etc.

If current reaches above that limit fuse blow out.

To know more about the current rating, visit:



Consider the following circuit. after leaving the switch at the position a for a long time, move the switch from a to b. there will be current oscillations.
The maximum current will be given by
Imax = E/R √ L C
Imax = E √1/L C
Imax = E√LC
Imax = E√C/L
Imax = E/R√C/L
Imax = E/R√L/C
Imax = E√L/C
Imax = E/R


Imax is E. R. LC will result in the maximum current being delivered. Current obtained from a cell with external resistance R and internal resistance r has the formula I is E/(R+r).

How is the maximum current calculated?Current obtained from a cell with external resistance R and internal resistance r has the formula I=E/(R+r). The external resistance R should, of course, be zero for maximum current, meaning that the terminals of a cell must be shorted for maximum current.In the case of a mechanical system, F=ma=m(dtdv)=m will provide the maximum current (dt2d2x). When applied to an electrical system, =L(dtdi)=L (dt2d2q). We may see that L is comparable to mass m by comparing these two equations: L represents the resistance to a change in current. 0 equals LC1 in the case of an LC circuit and mk for a mass on a spring.  

To learn more about Current refer to:



a block of mass m is attached to a modified atwood machine and is accelerated upward at 3a by a constant force f0 . what is the weight of the block?


the weight of the block is Mg.

Upon the release of a tiny block with mass M from a?

As shown in figure, a tiny block with mass m is launched from point A onto a fixed, smooth wedge.The block stops sliding at point C so because straight part of a floor is rough, which is marked as B at the bottom of the wedge.

When an M-gram block is?

An average kinetic potential energy contained in the wire when a block of mass M was suspended by the a coiled wire of length L is stress, strain, and volume.Justify its equality with Mgl, where l seems to be the extension.The mass earth system's Mgl loss of gravitational potential energy.

To know more about block visit:



an object is 1.8 m to the left of a lens of focal length 0.98 m. a second lens of focal length -3.4 m is 0.78 m to the right of the first lens. find the distance between the object and the final image formed by the second lens.


the distance from the subject to the second lens final image is 4.8106 m

The solution to this kind of issue is that the item in the second (right) lens is the intermediate picture in the first (left) lens. Then, starting with the notation from reference 1, where (+uN is the object distance from the lens N and (+vN is the image distance from the lens N), we have:

u1 = 1.8 m; f1 = 0.98 m; sep = 0.78 m; f2 = -3.4 m; v2 = TBD


v1 = 1/(1/f1-1/u1) = 2.127 m

u2 = sep-v1 = -1.347 m

v2 = 1/(1/f2-1/u2) = 2.23064 m

Final Image location relative to object = v2+sep+u1 = 4.8106 m Magnification = v1v2/(u1u2) = -1.9561

A lens is a transmissive optical device that, via the use of refraction, concentrates or disperses a light beam. A compound lens is made up of numerous simple lenses (elements), typically organized along a common axis, whereas a simple lens is made up of a single transparent piece of material. Lenses are created by grinding and polishing or molding materials like glass or plastic into the correct form. A prism only refracts light without concentrating, whereas a lens can concentrate light to create a picture. The term "lens" also refers to devices that focus or disperse waves and radiation other than visible light, such as explosive, microwave, and electron lenses.

Telescopes, binoculars, and cameras are just a few examples of image devices that use lenses.

Learn more about lens here:



what minimum accelerating voltage would be required to produce an x-ray with a wavelength of 0.0360 nm?


3.416 kV is the lowest accelerating voltage.

The wavelength of X-ray,

λ= 0.0360 nm= 0.0360×10−9 m

For minimum wavelength



= ( 6.6×10^−34×3×10^8 )/(6×10^−19×0.0360×10^−9 )


= 3.416kV

The wavelength is a term used to describe waveform signals that are sent over wires or into space, and it is defined as the separation between two identical positions (adjacent crests) in succeeding cycles.

The wavelength is more frequently given in nanometers (nm), which are units of 10-9 m, or angstroms, which are units of 10-10 m, for infrared (IR), visible light (UV), and gamma radiation.

To know more about wavelength, click the below link



linearly polarized microwaves with their electric field in the vertical direction are incident on these three metal polarizers. which polarizer lets the most microwave light pass?


If the microwaves are incident on the horizontal wire grid, the reception becomes maximum.

If the electric field is along the direction of the bars then the polarizer will absorb its energy.

When the polarized microwaves with the electric field in the vertical direction passes through the vertical wire grid, the vertical electric field is dissipated in the wires and the reception is blocked. If the microwaves are incident on the horizontal wire grid, the reception becomes maximum.

The order of increasing energy is as follows

microwave < infrared < visible < ultraviolet

The term polarization commonly refers to the electric field component of the radiowave. In terrestrial microwave antennas, the polarization of the radio waves will be either horizontal or vertical. That is, the electric field will be either horizontal or vertically orientated.

Therefore, if the microwaves are incident on the horizontal wire grid, the reception becomes maximum.

To know more about microwave, refer: https://brainly.com/question/16342947


which electromagnetic radiation wavelength is efficiently observed using ground based telescopes?


Visible radiations are the electromagnetic radiation wavelength which is efficiently observed using ground based telescopes.

The electromagnetic waves we can for the most part see on the ground comprise of apparent light, which is challenging for the air to retain, close infrared beams, and a few electromagnetic waves. These frequency ranges are called air windows.

Noticeable light is a sort of electromagnetic radiation, which is sent in waves or particles at various frequencies and frequencies. This wide scope of frequencies is known as the electromagnetic range. That range is commonly separated into seven districts arranged by diminishing frequency and expanding energy and frequency.

A commonplace natural eye will answer frequencies from around 380 to around 750 nanometers. As far as recurrence, this compares to a band nearby 400-790 terahertz. These limits are not pointedly characterized and may differ per person. Under ideal circumstances these restrictions of human insight can stretch out to 310 nm (bright) and 1100 nm (close to infrared).

To know more about electromagnetic radiation, visit here:



assume that a nonzero ac source is applied. is the power positive, negative, or zero for a pure resistance?


For a pure resistance when a nonzero ac source is applied  the power is Negative or Positive

In a purely resistive circuit, the power is never zero. Moreover, this is due to the instantaneous values of the current and voltage being always negative or positive. Also, the frequency of the purely resistive circuit's power cycle is double that of the current and voltage waves.

A purely resistive circuit is a circuit that has inductance so small that at its typical frequency, its reactance is insignificant as compared to its resistance. Furthermore, in a purely resistive circuit, the whole of the utilized voltage is consumed in overcoming the ohmic resistance of the circuit itself. Also, another name for a purely resistive circuit is a non-inductive circuit.A circuit that contains only a pure resistance (ohms) in an AC circuit is called a Purely Resistive AC Circuit.

Find more about pure resistance



the first step in two-dimensional gel electrophoresis generates a series of protein bands by isoelectric focusing. in a second step, a strip of this gel is turned 90 degrees, placed on another gel containing sds, and electric current is again applied. in this second step:


Placed on another gel containing SDS, and electric current is again applied. in this second step is Proteins with similar isoelectric points can be further separated based on their molecular weights.

A laboratory technique called gel electrophoresis is used to divide combinations of DNA, RNA, or proteins based on their molecular sizes. In gel electrophoresis, the molecules that need to be separated are forced through a gel that has tiny pores by an electrical field. By electric current the speed at which the molecules move through the pores in the gel is inversely proportional to their lengths. This indicates that a smaller DNA molecule will move through the gel further than a larger DNA molecule. Gel electrophoresis, as was already said, uses an electrical field that is applied in such a way that the gel has a positive charge on one end and a negative charge on the other. DNA and RNA, which have negative charges, will be attracted to the positively charged end of the gel. Proteins must, however, first be mixed with a detergent called sodium dodecyl sulfate before being separated using gel electrophoresis since they are not negatively charged. During this procedure, the proteins acquire a linear structure and a negative charge that allow them to travel toward the positive end of the gel and separate.

To know more about electric current please refer: https://brainly.com/question/12791045


What is the wavelength of 500 nm?


The wavelength of wave is 0.6×10⁶m  if 500Hz is the frequency of the  light wave.

In physical science, the wavelength is defined as the spatial time of an occurring wave — the distance over which the wave's shape repeats. It is the defined as the distance between back to back relating points of similar stage on the wave, like the two nearby peaks, box, or zero intersections, and is a quality of the both voyaging waves and standing waves, as well as the spatial wave patterns. The reverse of the frequency is called as the spatial frequency. Frequency is represented by the Greek letter lambda (λ).

For electromagnetic wave ,we have an expression

c=ν × λ

where c is the defined as the speed of wave in any medium,

ν is  defined as the frequency of the wave and

λ is defined as the  wavelength of the wave.

Since wave is light wave so speed(c) of light =3×10⁸m/sec,

frequency=500Hz and wavelength=?




Hence, wavelength of light wave is 0.6×10⁶m.

To know more about wavelength, visit here:



(Complete question) is:

What is the wavelength of wave having frequency 500Hz.Assume wave is a light wave?

A photoelectron spectrum of sodium excited with x-rays with an energy of 1254 ev shows two peaks at kinetics energies of 1190 ev and 1223 ev. These peaks are assigned to the sodium 2s and 2p electrons. What is the energy of the 2s electron in sodium?.


When electrons move from a trajectory with a low energy level to a higher energy level, it absorbs energy called excitation.

At a certain stationary level electrons only have a certain level of energy anyway. The level of such energy is formulated.

[tex]E_{n} =\frac{-13.6z^{2} }{n^{2} } eV[/tex]

where Z  denotes an atomic normor, and n denotes a particular shell or a certain quantum number of an electron's stationary trajectory.

2s is on second  layer, so n = 2 and Z for Na is 11

Based on thus formula, energy for 2s electron is 1223 because we need higher energy to move from based layer than others

What is the change in the internal energy of a system when a total of 150 J?


The Internal energy change will be constant for 150 J work done and absorption.

The change in internal energy of a reaction can be viewed as the difference in internal energies of two states.Let EA and Eb be the initial energies of state A and state B respectively, then the difference between the initial energies of the two states isΔU = EB – EAΔW=P.ΔVsystem is heated at constant volume and the system can do zero work. Since t expands or touches, heating in constant volume equals change in internal energy.In the second case, heating the system at a constant pressure means that the volume of the system can change. In this case the system can function and the heat supplied is equal to the sum of the internal energy multiplied by the constant pressure times the change in volume of the system.Specific heat cannot be zero , so remaining quantities are null.

To know further about Specific heat -



From the point of view of conductive heat loss, which adaptations would be beneficial to animals living in extremely cold climates? (all that apply)A. Large surface areaB. Lots of tissues, like fat, with low thermal conductivityC. Lots of tissues, like muscle, with high thermal conductivityD. Thick skinE. Thin skinF. Small surface area


From  the point of view of conductive heat loss, (B) Lots of tissues, like fat, with low thermal conductivity will be best.

Decrease of heat existing in space, resulting from heat transfer through roof, walls, windows and buildings surfaces or other factors is known as heat loss.   Heat loss is determined by multiplying the values of the surface area, the difference in temperatures of indoors and outdoors and the value of heat loss of the material.The heat loss interests in the ventilation of hot processes which is known as convectional heat loss. The total heat loss of the object involves losses occurring by radiation, convection, and conduction.  Heat loss is measured by the units called Watts.For best adaptation in extremely cold climates, low thermal conductivity will reduce conductive heat loss so that animals will be warm enough.

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