0.040-kg ice cube at 0c is placed in an insulated boc that contains 0.0075kg of steam at 100c what is the equilirbium temperature reached by this colosed


Answer 1

Using Conservation of energy property

The equilibrium temperature reached is T = 33.8 C

What is Conservation of energy?

According to the rule of conservation of energy, the overall energy of an isolated system stays constant over time. According to this law, which  first suggested and tested, energy can only be changed or moved from one form to another and cannot be generated or destroyed. For instance, when a stick of dynamite explodes, chemical energy is transformed into kinetic energy. One can calculate the precise reduction in chemical energy in the dynamite's combustion by adding up all the energies released during the explosion, including the kinetic and potential energy of the fragments, heat, and sound.

Heat given off by steam = Heat absorbed by ice

Qs = Qi

[tex]Qs = 0.0075(22.6\ X\ 10^5) + 0.0075(4186)(100-T)\\Qi = 0.040(3.34\ X\ 10^5) + 0.040(4186)(T-0)[/tex]


T = equilibrium temperature of the system

Since Qs = Qi,

[tex]0.0075(22.6\ X\ 10^5) + 0.0075(4186)(100 - T) = 0.040(3.34\ X\ 10^5) + 0.040(4186)(T - 0)[/tex]

[tex]0.1695\ X\ 10^5 + 31.395(100 - T) = 0.1336\ X\ 10^5 + 167.44(T)[/tex]


[tex]0.1695\ X\ 10^5 + 3139.5 - 31.395T = 0.1336\ X\ 10^5 + 167.44T[/tex]

Combining terms,

[tex]167.44T + 31.395T = 0.1695\ X\ 10^5 - 0.1336\ X\ 10^5 + 0.031395\ X\ 10^5[/tex]

and solving for T,

T = 33.8 C

Using Conservation of energy property

The equilibrium temperature reached is T = 33.8 C

To refer more about Conservation of Energy visit:



Related Questions

What magnetic field strength will allow the electrons to pass through without being deflected? assume that the magnetic field is confined to the region between the electrodes.


The magnetic field strength required for electrons to pass through without being deflected is zero.

Assuming that the magnetic field is confined to the region between the electrodes, the magnetic field strength necessary to allow the electrons to pass through without being deflected depends on the velocity of the electrons. The higher the velocity of the electrons, the higher the strength of the magnetic field is required to deflect them. For example, if the electrons are moving at a velocity of 10,000 meters per second, then the magnetic field strength needed to deflect them would be approximately 0.05 Tesla.

The strength of the magnetic field is also affected by the distance between the electrodes. The greater the distance between the electrodes, the higher the field strength is necessary to deflect the electrons. For example, if the distance between the electrodes is increased from 1 cm to 10 cm, then the magnetic field strength needed to deflect the electrons would increase from 0.05 Tesla to 0.5 Tesla.

Learn more about electrodes at :https://brainly.com/question/17060277


The magnitude, m, of an earthquake is represented by the equation m=23logee0 where e is the amount of energy released by the earthquake in joules and e0=104.4 is the assigned minimal measure released by an earthquake. which equation could be used to find the amount of energy released by an earthquake with a magnitude of 2.7?


An earthquake's energy output when it has a magnitude of 2.7 is 4.5 × [tex]10^{12}[/tex].

The magnitude of an earthquake is the most common indicator of its size. It serves as a barometer for the size of an earthquake's single source. Because it is the same no matter where and how you see it, the following calculation may be done:

magnitude, M = 2 ÷ 3 log(E ÷ [tex]E_{0}[/tex])

Where E is the power generated in Joules and M is the lowest magnitude emitted by such an earthquake, [tex]E_{0} = 10^{4.4}[/tex].

Assuming 5.5, the same magnitude is provided when the preceding equation is used:

M = 2 ÷ 3 log(E ÷ [tex]E_{0}[/tex])

5.5 = 2 ÷ 3 log(E ÷ [tex]E_{0}[/tex])

8.25 = [tex]log(\frac{E}{10^{4.4}})[/tex]

[tex]10^{8.25}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{E}{10^{4.4}}[/tex]

E = [tex]10^{4.4}[/tex] × [tex]10^{8.25}[/tex]

E = 4.5 × [tex]10^{12}[/tex]

Therefore the final answer is 4.5 × [tex]10^{12}[/tex].

Learn more about the energy at



If a muon is traveling at 70% the speed of light, how long will it take to decay in the observer's rest frame (i. E. , what is the observed lifetime)?.


A muon takes to decay in the observer's rest frame is 3.08 μs.

A muon is an unstable subatomic particle that decays into other particles with a mean lifetime of 2.20 μs. This is in the muon reference frame.

The formula for the relativistic factor

[tex]\gamma \:=\: \frac{1}{\sqrt{1 \:-\: (\frac{v}{c})^2}}[/tex]

v = muon's speed = 70% c = 0.7cc = the speed of lightγ = the relativistic factor

[tex]\gamma \:=\: \frac{1}{\sqrt{1 \:-\: (\frac{0.7c}{c})^2}}[/tex]

[tex]\gamma \:=\: \frac{1}{\sqrt{1 \:-\: 0.7^2}}[/tex]

[tex]\gamma \:=\: \frac{1}{\sqrt{1 \:-\: 0.49}}[/tex]

[tex]\gamma \:=\: \frac{1}{\sqrt{0.51}}[/tex]

[tex]\gamma \:=\: \frac{1}{\sqrt{1 \:-\: 0.7^2}}[/tex]

[tex]\gamma \:=\: \frac{1}{0.714}[/tex]

γ = 1.4

Relativistic time interval formula

t = γ t₀

t₀ = the time according muon reference frame = 2.20 μst = the time according to the observer's rest frame

t = 1.4 × 2.2

t = 3.08 μs

Learn more about Relativistic time here: https://brainly.com/question/14857317


with respect to saving energy, what aspect of using two-sided printing was discussed in class as providing the most signifiant benefit?


The aspect of using double-sided printing was discussed in class as the most significant benefit of using only one sheet of pаper, insteаd of using two.

Has double-sided printing the most significant benefit over one sheet of paper?

Printing single-sided used to be very common, but these dаys duplex printing is becoming more populаr. Double-sided printing is eco-friendly аnd cаn help you sаve money. Аrizonа Stаte University sаved over 700 trees аfter they switched to double-sided printing. In estimаtion, double-sided printing cаn sаve your business аbout hаlf of the cost of printing single-sided pаges.

Since duplex printing uses hаlf the pаper thаt one-sided printing uses, businesses cаn reduce their mаteriаls costs. Not only аre you sаving our plаnet’s trees, but you аre sаving your business money.

For more information about duplex printing refer to the link:



when you look at a distant galaxy through a telescope, how is it that you're looking backward in time?


Here is the answer !!!

what pressure does light emitted uniformly in all directions from a 200-w incandescent light bulb exert on a mirror at a distance of 5.0 m?


The pressure exerted on the mirror by the light emitted from the 200-w incandescent light bulb is negligible. This is because the pressure exerted by light is proportional to the intensity of the light .

and the intensity of the light drops off as the square of the distance. At a distance of 5.0 m, the intensity of the light is extremely low, and thus the pressure is practically zero.

Step 1: Calculate the intensity of light:

We know that the power of the light bulb is 200 W, so the intensity of light is given by:

I = P/4πd2

Where P is the power of the light and d is the distance from the light to the mirror.

In this case, we have:

I = 200 W / 4π(5.0 m)2

I = 0.0025 W/m2

Step 2: Calculate the pressure exerted by the light on the mirror:

We know that the pressure exerted by the light on the mirror is given by:

P = I/c

Where I is the intensity of the light and c is the speed of light.

In this case, we have:

P = 0.0025 W/m2/3.00 x 108 m/s

P = 8.3 x 10-10 N/m2

Therefore, the pressure exerted by the light emitted from the 200-w incandescent light bulb  on a mirror at a distance of 5.0 m is 8.3 x 10-10 N/m2.

To know more about intensity click here



a block lies on a smooth inclined plane tilted at an angle of 35e to the horizontal. (a) draw the free-body diagram for the block. (b) determine the block's acceleration as it slides down the inclined plane. (c) if the block started from rest 8.5 m up the incline from its base, determine the block's speed when it reaches the bottom of the incline. (d) how long did it take the block to reach the bottom of the inclined plane?


a) The block is acted on by the force of gravity directed downward and the normal force due to the inclined plane directed perpendicular to the inclined surface.

(b) The block's acceleration as it slides down the inclined plane is 5.6 m/s².

(c) The block's speed when it reaches the bottom of the incline is 9.7 m/s.

(d) The block to reach the bottom of the inclined plane is 1.7 s.

In physics, gravity is an essential interaction that reasons mutual enchantment among all things with mass or energy. Gravity is, by a long way, the weakest of the 4 fundamental interactions, approximately 1038 times weaker than the sturdy interplay, 1036 times weaker than the electromagnetic pressure, and 1029 times weaker than the vulnerable interplay. As a result, it has no giant effect on the extent of subatomic debris. but, gravity is the maximum extensive interplay among items on the macroscopic scale, and it determines the movement of planets, stars, galaxies, and even mild.

Gravity additionally has many critical organic capabilities, supporting manual the growth of plants through the technique of gravitropism and influencing the circulation of fluids in multicellular organisms. research into the results of weightlessness has proven that gravity might also play a function in immune machine characteristics and cell differentiation in the human frame.

To learn more about Gravity visit here:



in the 1990s, the galileo orbiter observed a phenomenon when it passed by europa, which was interpreted as evidence of an ocean beneath the ice shell. what was this phenomenon?


The magnetic field was a phenomenon that the Galileo orbiter noticed when it sailed near Europa.

what was this phenomenon?When the Galileo orbiter sailed by Europa, it noticed a magnetic field as a phenomena. When the orbiter flew near Europa's south pole, this behaviour was observed.The magnetic field that was discovered was significantly more intense than anticipated. This occurrence revealed the existence of a sizable liquid body, later assumed to be an ocean, behind the ice crust of Europa.The magnetic field, according to scientific theory, is produced by electric currents that travel through Europa's ocean and interact with Jupiter's magnetic field.The discovery that an ocean existed beneath Europa's ice crust was made possible in large part by this occurrence.

To learn more about The magnetic field refer to:



What is energy associated with motion called?


The energy associated with motion is called kinetic energy.

Your body doesn't just have energy when you're in motion. When an object is in motion it has a finite amount of kinetic energy. However, when not in motion, the body can store energy in the form of potential energy.

The body can also have a certain internal energy. This can be explained as follows. Energy is basically the ability of any body to do work. Suppose you are sitting ideally in your room and suddenly you realize that someone has changed the position of your study desk and you want to change it. So I pushed the table and moved it to where it suited me. This means that we have applied a finite force that causes displacement, i.e. we have done some work. So you had the ability to work properly. This means that you had energy in the form of internal energy.

[tex]mgh+\frac{mV^2}{2}=Energy \\\\m[gh+V^2/2]=E[/tex]

To find about potential energy -



find the radius of the event horizon and the density of the stellar mass black hole with mass equal to m


The radius of the event horizon (proportional to the mass) is very small, only 30 kilometers for a non-spinning black hole with the mass of 10 Suns.

The Schwarzschild Radius, which honors Karl Schwarzschild, is the more accurate designation for the event horizon. The Schwarzschild Radius has the formula Rs = 2GM/c2. "M" stands for the black hole's mass, "c" for the speed of light, and "G" stands for the gravitational constant (6.67 x 10-11 m3/(kg x s2)). The supermassive black hole at the Milky Way's Galactic Center has a Schwarzschild radius of roughly 12 million kilometers. It has a mass of roughly 4.1 million M. The physical quantity known as the Schwarzschild radius, also known as the gravitational radius, is used to define the Schwarzschild black hole's event horizon in the Schwarzschild solution to Einstein's field equations. It is a characteristic radius associated with any quantity of mass.

To learn more about event horizon click here



assume that the total energy e of an electron greatly exceeds its rest energy. if a photon has a wavelength equal to the de broglie wavelength of the electron, what is the photon's energy?


Photon energy is denoted by hc/lamda. If we consider that an electron's total energy e is much more than its rest energy. Additionally, the de Broglie wavelength of an electron.

Is the same as the wavelength of a photon. One photon's energy is referred to as photon energy. Energy is inversely proportional to wavelength and directly proportional to the electromagnetic frequency of the photon. The frequency of a photon determines its energy. The energy of a photon decreases according to its wavelength. In physics, the wavelength is the length over which a periodic wave repeats, or its spatial period. It is the separation between adjacent spots on a wave that correspond to the same phase.

Photon energy is denoted by hc/lamda.

Learn more about Photon here



a personal foul occurs when a player has unsportsmanlike conduct, illegal entry or excessive timeouts.
a. true
b. false





basic sports knowlegde

20 kj of heat is added to a cup containing 1-kg of water at 20 c. what is the final temperature of the water? answer in c, and assume water has a specific heat of 4186 j/(kg c). answer in celsius.


The final temperature of the water is equal to 24.77 °C.

What is the specific heat capacity?

The specific heat capacity can be explained as the amount of heat needed to increase the temperature of one unit of material by one degree Celsius. The specific heat capacity depends upon the nature of the material.

The mathematical equation is used to calculate the specific heat is equal to:

Q = mCΔT

Given, the mass of the water, m = 1 Kg

The initial temperature of the water, T₁ = 20°C

The specific heat capacity of water, C =  4186 J/(kg °C)

The heat added to the cup, Q = 20,000 J

The final temperature of the water can be determined as:

20000 = 4186 × 1 × (T₂ - 20)

T₂ - 20 = 4.77

T₂  = 24.77 °C

Therefore, the final temperature of the water is 24.77 °C.

Learn more about specific heat capacity, here:



Five grams of nitrogen gas at an initial pressure of 3.0 atm and at 20? C undergo an isobaric expansion until the volume has tripled.a.What is the gas volume after the expansion?b.What is the gas temperature after the expansion? The gas pressure is then decreased at constant volume until the original temperature is reached.c.What is the gas pressure after the decrease? Finally, the gas is isothermally compressed until it returns to its initial volume.d.What is the final gas pressure?


The final volume after the isobaric expansion is V2=4.29 L.

Calculation :

Let V1 be the initial volume of the gas. Considering nitrogen as an ideal gas, use the ideal gas equation to find the initial volume as,


Consider the value of universal gas constant as,


Convert temperature to Kelvin,


Consider the molar weight of nitrogen gas as, mm=28g/mole.

The number of moles in 5g of nitrogen gas is,


Substitute the known values,



Substitute all the known and calculated values in equation (1),

V1=0.179mol×0.0821L⋅atm⋅mol−1⋅K−1×293K3atm/3 atm


B. The final temperature after the expansion is, T2=879K.

The temperature after the expansion is evaluated using the formula,



Substitute the known values,



C . The gas pressure after the decrease is P2=1atm.

Using relation,


Since volume is kept constant,



Substitute the known values,



D. The final gas pressure is P3=3atm

Given data:

Gas is isothermally compressed to regain the initial volume, that is,

V3=1.43L .

Using relation,


Since temperature is kept constant,



Substitute the known values,



The final gas pressure is P3=3atm

Pressure (symbol: p or P) is the force normal to the surface of an object per unit area over which that force is distributed.

Various units are used to express pressure. Some of these are units of force divided by units of area. For example, the SI unit of pressure, Pascal (Pa), is 1 Newton per square meter (N/m2). Similarly, pound-force per square inch (psi) is the traditional unit of pressure in imperial and US systems. Pressure can also be expressed as standard atmospheric pressure. Atmospheric pressure (atm) is equal to this pressure and torr is defined as 1/760 of this. Manometric units such as centimeters of water, millimeters of mercury, and inches of mercury are used to express pressure as the height of a particular liquid column within a manometer.

Learn more about pressure here : https://brainly.com/question/25736513


Starting from rest, an object rolls freely down a 10. -meter long incline in 2. 0 seconds. The acceleration of the object is.


The acceleration of this object is 5 m/s².

Initial velocity = 0 m/s (since the object starts from rest).

Distance = 10 meters

Time = 2 seconds.

To find the acceleration of the object, we would use the second equation of motion:

Mathematically, the second equation of motion is given by the formula;

= s = ut + (1/2)at²


S represents the distance covered.

u is the initial velocity.

a represents the acceleration.

t is the time measured in seconds.

Substituting the parameters into the formula, we have;

= 10 = 0 + (1/2)a(2)²

= a = 10/2

= a = 5 m/s²

To know more about Acceleration:



If the mass of the crate is doubled but the initial velocity is not changed, what distance does the crate slide before stopping?.


If the path is frictionless than doubling the mass of the crate and keeping the initial velocity and changed will not change the distance of stopping of the crate.

The stopping distance of anybody sliding on a frictionless path is given by the relation,

D = U²/2a


D is the stopping distance,

U is the initial velocity and,

a is the acceleration of the body.

As we can see from the above relation that the mass of the body does not alters the stopping distance of the body.

So, here we can conclude that if if mass of the crate is doubled but the initial velocity is not changed, then the distance of stopping of the create will not change.

To know more about stopping distance, visit,



Some students were on a tour exploring the inside of a cave. While the students were in the cave, they realized they heard an echo every time that they spoke. Which MOST likely caused the echo to occur?
A. the accumulation of the sound waves
B. the diffraction of the sound waves
C. the refraction of the sound waves
D. the reflection of the sound waves


A group of kids were taking a tour and looking inside a cave. The pupils in the cave soon learned that every time they spoke, there was an echo. i.e. (D). the reflection of the sound waves is correct option.

Acoustic waves are reflected by solid surfaces like walls and fences as well as by mountains. Reflection can be attributed to a break in the propagation medium. This can be heard when the reflection returns with sufficient magnitude and lag to be audible. The term "reverberation" refers to an echo that has experienced many reflections from various surfaces.The human ear cannot distinguish between the echo and the original direct sound if the delay is less than 1/10 of a second. The sound speed in dry air is approximately 343 m/s at 25 °C.

As a result, the reflecting object must be farther away for an echo to be audible to someone standing close to the sound source.

To know more about echo



The total momentum of a system of two moving identical bodies is zero. What should be true about the velocities of the bodies?.


The momentum of system is zero because velocities of the bodies may be equal to zero or may be be equal in magnitude but opposite in direction.

We know very well that momentum of body is given by the product of mass of that body with the velocity of that body, or in other words

Momentum=mass × velocity

=>p=m × v

Since, we are given that total momentum of the system is zero. In this universe every object has some mass ,so mass never be zero and never be negative. Now, talking about the velocity of the body. If velocity of all bodies is zero, in that total momentum of the system remains zero. So, this will be possible.

Now, there is one more possibility in the system two bodies have same velocity in magnitude but their direction of propagation is opposite to each other. In that case also their velocity cancel each other, due to that momentum remain as it is zero. So, this is one of possibility.

To know more about momentum, visit here:



. unpolarized light is incident upon a smooth surface. when light reflected from this surface is totally polarized, the incident light angle is named the


Brewster's angle

When unpolarized light is incident at Brewster's angle on a smooth glass surface, the reflected light is totally polarized while the refracted light is partially polarized


Polarization is a assets making use of to transverse waves that specifies the geometrical orientation of the oscillations. In a transverse wave, the route of the oscillation is perpendicular to the direction of motion of the wave.In contrast, for longitudinal waves, such as sound waves in liquids or gases, the particles are always displaced in the direction of propagation during oscillation, so these waves have no polarization. Transverse waves that indicate polarization include electromagnetic waves such as light and radio waves, gravitational waves, and sound waves in solids (transverse waves).

Learn more about polarization of light here:



what is the band gap energy in kilojoules per mole if blue diamonds absorb orange light with a wavelength of 675 nm?


Based on the wavelength of the light, the energy of the photons emitted by a sodium lamp is 17.74 X 10² kJ/mol.

The energy is given by the formula;

E = hv


h is Planck's constant = 6.63 X 10⁻³⁴ Js

f is frequency of light

Also, f = c/λ


c is velocity of light = 3.0 X 10⁸ m/s

λ is wavelength of light = 589 nm = 6.75 X 10⁻⁷ m

1 mole of sodium atom will emit 6.02 X 10²³ photons,

N = 6.02 X 10²³ photons,


= E = Nhc/λ

= E = (6.02 X 10²³ X 6.63 X 10⁻³⁴ J.s X 3.0 X 10⁸ m/s)/6.75 X 10⁻⁷ m

= E = 119.74 X 10⁻³ / 6.75 X 10⁻⁷

= E = 17.74 X 10⁵ J/mol

= E = 17.74 X 10² kJ/mol

Therefore, the energy of the photons emitted by a sodium lamp is 17.74 X 10² kJ/mol.

To know more more about Energy of Photons:



From the point of view of conductive heat loss, which adaptations would be beneficial to animals living in extremely cold climates?Group of answer choicesThin skinLots of tissues, like muscle, with high thermal conductivFrom the point of view of conductive heat loss, which adaptations would be beneficial to animals living in extremely cold climates?Group of answer choicesThin skinLots of tissues, like muscle, with high thermal conductivityAs small a surface area as possible given the volume of the animal.Lots of tissues, like fat, with low thermal conductivityThick skinAs large a surface area as possible given the volume of the animal.


According to conductive heat loss views, the adaptations would be beneficial to animals is a)Thin skinlots of tissues, like muscle, with high thermal conductivity. So,correct option is a.

Conductive heat loss is the exchange of intensity through a film. For application in spaces, for example, nurseries, the exchange of concern is ordinarily warmth from inside the nursery that is lost through the skin of the nursery into the external climate. In thermodynamics, heat is characterized as the type of energy crossing the limit of a thermodynamic framework by excellence of a temperature distinction across the limit.

The absolute intensity loss of the article includes loss happening by radiation, convection, and conduction. Heat loss is estimated by the units called Watts. Heat loss equation is communicated by, q = (U × A) ×δt Where, q = all out heat misfortune through the structure in Btu/hr,

Hence, correct option is a.

To know more about conductive heat loss, visit here:



(Complete question) is:

From the point of view of conductive heat loss, which adaptations would be beneficial to animals living in extremely cold climates?Group of answer choices

a)Thin skinLots of tissues, like muscle, with high thermal conductivity

b)As small a surface area as possible given the volume of the animal.

c)Lots of tissues, like fat, with low thermal conductivityThick skin

d)As large a surface area as possible given the volume of the animal.

an athlete at the gym holds a 3.0 kg steel ball in his hand. his bio arm is 70 cm long and has a mass of 4.0 kg. what is the magni- tude of the torque about his shoulder if he holds his arm a. straight out to his side, parallel to the floor?


The magnitude of the torque about an athlete shoulder is 48.02N-m if he is holding steel ball in his hand.

We know that torque is defined as the cross product of distance of point from applied point to the force applied by the external source at that point, in other words

Torque=distance × Force

     =>τ = r × F

Total mass hold by the athlete is = 3+4=7kg.

Now, we need to focus on the force acting on an athlete. So we are assuming an athlete is standing on the surface, so acceleration due to gravity have some  role to exert  some amount of force on athlete.

Therefore, Force=mg



Now, distance of force from applied point is 70cm=0.7m

Therefore, Torque=0.7×68.6

              =>Torque= 48.02N-m

Hence, value of Torque is 48.02N-m.

To know more about Torque, visit here:



a hydraulic lift is being used to elevate a car. the right side of the lift has a larger area than the left. when the two pistons are at the same vertical height, which side of the lift has higher pressure?


A hydraulic lift is being used to elevate a car. The left side of the lift has higher pressure.

We know that, Pressure = Force/ Area

Pressure and area are inversely proportional to each other.

We need to find out the relation between pressures and areas of the two pistons.

So, P₁ A₁ = P₂ A₂

Let the right side of the lift that has larger area is A₂.

Hence, A₂ > A₁

As pressure and area are inversely proportional to each other, to balance the equation, P₂ should have lesser pressure as A₁ is less than A₂.

Thus, P₁ is greater than P₂ and the left side of the lift has greater pressure.

To know more about pressure:



If there are countless billions of stars and galaxies out there, then why does the night sky appear mostly black?


The majority of the sky is black because of light pollution, which also occasionally makes the sky seem lighter than it ought to be and has numerous other detrimental consequences on the environment. Light pollution also obscures the stars.

What is a Galaxy?

A galaxy is a collection of stars, stellar debris, intergalactic gas, dust, and gravitational waves that are gravitationally bonded together.

The phrase comes from the Greek word galaxies, which literally translates to mean "milky" and refers to the Galaxy, which houses the Solar System. Galaxies vary in size from dwarf with fewer than 100 million stars to the largest known galaxies, red giants with the one hundred times stars around their galaxy's mass center.

Galaxies are thought to have an average of 100 million stars.

To know more about Galaxy:



suppose that you want to take a photograph of yourself as you look at your image in a mirror 3.1 m away. for what distance should the camera lens be focused?


The camera should be focused for 6.2 m.

In addition, we already know that the main use of plane mirrors is to observe an object's reflection. Periscopes and kaleidoscopes, vehicles, shaving mirrors, dental mirrors, torch lights, solar cookers, and security-related uses are just a few of the many functions and applications of a plane mirror.

As we're standing 3.1 m away from the mirror so our image is also formed 3.1 away from the mirror as the mirrors used for this purpose are plane mirrors. So the camera should be focused for twice the distance at which we're standing from the mirror i.e 3.1 * 2 = 6.2 m

To know more about the Plane mirrors:



some students were on a tour exploring the inside of a cave. while the students were in the cave, they realized they heard an echo every time that they spoke. which most likely caused the echo to occur?


The refraction of the sound waves caused the echo to occur.

What is an echo?

Walls and other solid objects, such as mountains and privacy fences, reflect acoustic waves. A break in the propagation medium can be used to explain why reflection occurs. When the reflection returns with enough magnitude and lag to be audible, this can be heard. Reverberation is the term used to describe an echo that has received several reflections from different surfaces.

If the delay is smaller than 1/10 of a second, the human ear cannot tell the difference between the echo and the original direct sound.

At a temperature of 25 °C, the sound speed in dry air is roughly 343 m/s.

As a result, for an echo to be audible to someone standing near the sound source, the reflecting object needs to be farther away than 17.2 meters. When two seconds pass between a sound and an echo, the reflecting item is 343 meters away. The most frequent natural locations for hearing echoes in nature are canyon walls or rock cliffs that face water. In comparison to the directly transmitted wave, the sound pressure level (SPL) of the echo is often measured in decibels (dB). Echoes may be advantageous (like sonar) or detrimental (as in telephone systems).

To learn more about echoes visit:



a tall tree is growing across a river from you. you would like to know the distance between yourself and the tree,as well as its height, but are unable to make the measurements directly. however, by using a mirror to form an image of the tree and then measuring the image distance and the image height, you can calculate the distance to the tree as well as its height. suppose that this mirror produces an image of the sun, and the image is 0.8501 m from the mirror. the same mirror is then used to produce an image of the tree. the image of the tree is 0.9605 m from the mirror. (a) how far away is the tree? (b) the image height of the tree has a magnitude of o. 14 m. how tall is the tree?


a)how far the tree was found to be 0.9605 m

b) the height of the tree was found to be 0.14m

What exactly is object distance?

Object Distance, denoted by s, is the distance between an object and an optical element.

What are the qualities of a mirror image?

• The image obtained is fictitious.

•The picture is flipped laterally.

• The picture is upright.

• The picture has the same dimensions as the thing.

• The distance between the image acquired from the mirror and the item gained from the mirror is the same.

As a result, the distance between the tree and the mirror is the same as the distance between the picture and the mirror, i.e. 0.9605 m, and the height of the tree is the same as the height of the image, which is 0.14 m.

To learn more about mirrors follow the given link: https://brainly.com/question/20380620


a)how far the tree was found to be 0.9605 m

b) the height of the tree was found to be 0.14m

What exactly is object distance?

Object Distance, denoted by s, is the distance between an object and an optical element.

What are the qualities of a mirror image?

• The image obtained is fictitious.

•The picture is flipped laterally.

• The picture is upright.

• The picture has the same dimensions as the thing.• The distance between the image acquired from the mirror and the item gained from the mirror is the same?

As a result, the distance between the tree and the mirror is the same as the distance between the picture and the mirror, i.e. 0.9605 m, and the height of the tree is the same as the height of the image, which is 0.14 m.

To know more about Mirrors visit;



Which phenomenon is shown in this diagram?

Earth's _________



outer layer


Use the information from the graph to answer the
What is the acceleration of the object?


The magnitude of the velocity change increases with lengthier acceleration. When acceleration is constant, the change in velocity is directly proportional to time.

What change in acceleration due to linear velocity?

The rate at which the velocity of any moving object changes is measured by acceleration. The velocity change divided by the time represents the acceleration. Both the magnitude and the direction of acceleration are present.

Therefore, An object's motion can be depicted by a velocity-time (or speed-time) graph if it moves in a straight line. The line's gradient is equal to the object's acceleration.

Learn more about acceleration here:



Nancy is knitting a scarf. It takes her 0. 2 of an hour to knit each inch of the scarf. She wants the length of the scarf to be 60 inches. How many hours will it take her to make the scarf?.


Nancy is hard at work on a scarf. She spends twenty seconds on every inch of the scarf she knits. Her desired scarf length is sixty inches. Given, It takes 0.2 of an hour to knit a single inch of the scarf. Here, 0.2 of an hour refers to 12 minutes. Therefore, It takes 12 minutes to knit an inch of a scarf.

Since Nancy takes 12 mins to knit an inch of a scarf, then for 60 inches, it would be,

1 inch -> 12 minutes

60 inches -> 12 * 60 minutes = 720 mins to knit 60 inches of a scarf.

Now, convert the minutes into hours,

720 mins -> 720 / 60 = 12 hours.

Therefore, it takes 12 hours to knit 60 inches of a scarf.

To see a similar example:



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