2? + kI - 20limI-5I - 5Solve for k to make it exist?


Answer 1


k = -1

Step-by-step explanation:

The limit will exist if:

One of the roots of the equation in the numerator is 5. This happens because if this happens, we can simplify with the denominator. So

Solving a quadratic equation:

In the following format:

ax² + bx + c = 0

The solution is given by:


In this question:

x² + kx - 20 = 0

The solution is:


Since we want x = 5.


k = -1

Related Questions

11/8 Percent / Valuehow can I find it please help me understand it



20 candies represent 3%


Sincne 15% = 100

Let x% = 20, then

100x = 20 * 15

100x = 300

x = 300/100 = 3

Therefore, 20 candies represent 3%

write the thirteen million, three hundred two thousand, fifty in expanded form.


Let's begin by listing out the information given to us:


thirteen million = 13,000,000

three hundred and two thousands = 300,000 + 2,000

fifty = 50

13,302,050 = 13,000,000 + 300,000 + 2,000 + 50

Each expression represents the total number of dots in a pattern where n represents the step Select all the expressions that represent a quadratic relationship between the step number and the total number of dots. (If you get stuck, consider sketching the first few steps of each pattern as described by the expression.) A. I2 answer B. 2n C. non answer A D. nun E. n + 2 F.n=2 A &C • A, B, C B&C D. EF


We have the following:

We have that an option is quadratic when the same value is being multiplied twice, that is,

[tex]n\cdot n=n^2[/tex]

Therefore, among the answers the only quadratic options are A and C.

all of the Patron in part shade and rewrite (x × y)^nas a product of two single powers


we have


we know that


Rewrite each term as product of two single powers



Part c

we have


when divide, subtract the exponents




another way

Any number elevated to zero is equal to 1





Part f

we have


we know that


if you travel 35 miles per hour for 4.5 hours hovú far will you travle


We need to multiply 4.5 hours by 35 miles per hour, as follows:

[tex]4.5\text{ hours}\cdot35\frac{miles}{hour}=157.5\text{ miles}[/tex]

You will travel 157.5 miles

A hotel swimming pool is made for semi circle and square. Find The perimeter of the swimming pool. Round your answer to the nearest tenth.


Combining the 4 semi-circles of the pool, we can make 2 circles, with a diameter of 10 yd.

The perimeter of a circle is calculated as follows:

[tex]P=\pi\cdot D[/tex]

where D is the diameter.

Then, the perimeter of the swimming pool is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} P=2\cdot\pi\cdot10 \\ P=62.8yd^{} \end{gathered}[/tex]

What is the half-life of the goo in minutes? Find a formula for G(t), the amount of goo remaining at time t. How many grams of goo will remain after 68 minutes?


To solve this question on the half-life, we will use this expression:

[tex]\begin{gathered} G(t)=G_oe^{-kt} \\ \text{where G(t) is the remaining sample at time t.} \\ G_{o\text{ }}\text{ is the original sample} \\ K\text{ is a constant} \\ t\text{ is time} \end{gathered}[/tex]

To proceed in solving, we will need to find the value of constant k

[tex]\begin{gathered} G(t)=G_oe^{-kt} \\ G(t)=17.25 \\ G_o=276 \\ t=255 \\ \text{Now substitute the parameters above into the formula:} \\ 17.25=276e^{-k(255)} \\ \frac{17.25}{276}=e^{-k(255)} \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} 0.0625=e^{-k255} \\ \ln 0.0625=-255k \\ \frac{\ln 0.0625}{-255}=k \\ 0.0109=k \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now to get the half-life in minutes will be to get the time taken for the sample to go from 276g to 138g.

[tex]\begin{gathered} G(t)=G_oe^{-kt} \\ G(t)=138g \\ 138=276e^{-0.0109t} \\ \frac{138}{276}=e^{-0.0109t} \\ 0.5=e^{-0.0109t} \\ \ln 0.5=-0.0109t \\ \frac{\ln 0.5}{-0.0109}=t \\ 63.591\text{minutes = t} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The half-life is 63.59 minutes.

The formula for G(t) at time t is:


The amount of goo that will remain after 68 minutes is calculated using the formula above:

[tex]\begin{gathered} G(t)=276e^{-0.0109t} \\ t=68\text{ minutes} \\ G(t)=276e^{-0.0109(68)} \\ G(t)=276e^{-0.7412} \\ G(t)=131.5255\text{ grams} \\ G(t)\text{ = 131.53 grams (to 2 d.p)} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The amount of goo remaining after 68 minutes is 131.53 grams.

Five hundred students in your school took the SAT test. Assuming that a normal curve existed for your school, how many of those students scored within 2 standard deviations of the mean? (Give the percent and the number.)


In order to find the percentage of students within 2 standard deviations, let's look at the z-table for the percentages when z = -2 and z = 2.

From the z-table, we have that the percentage for z = -2 is 0.0228 and for z = 2 is 0.9772.

The percentage between z = -2 and z = 2 is given by:


Therefore the percentage is 95.44%.

Now, calculating the number of students within this percentage, we have:


Rounding to the nearest whole, we have 477 students.

Classify the polynomial as constant, linear, quadratic, cubic, or quartic, anddetermine the leading term, the leading coefficient, and the degree of thepolynomial.g(x) = - 2x^4 - 6




To classify: The polynomial name, degree, leading term, and leading coefficient


Since the degree of the polynomial is the highest or the greatest power of a variable in a polynomial equation.

Here, 4 is the greatest power of a variable x.

So, the degree of the polynomial is 4.

As we know,

The leading term is the term containing the highest power of the variable.

So, the leading term is,


Since the coefficient of the term of the highest degree in a given polynomial is -2.

So, the leading coefficient is -2.

Since the degree of the polynomial is 4.

So, the given polynomial is a quartic polynomial.

Final answer: Option C. Quartic polynomial.

what is the factor of the expression of 39-13 using gcf


We are asked to find out the GCF of the given expression


GCF (greatest common factor) is the greatest common factor between two or more numbers.

To find the GCF, let us first list out the common factors of both numbers

Factors of 13 = 1, 13

Factors of 39 = 1, 3, 13, 39

Now which factor is common to both and is greatest?

Yes, it is 13

Therefore, the GCF of the given expression is 13


For each equation chose the statement that describes its solution



The equations

[tex]\begin{gathered} -6(u+1)+8u=2(u-3) \\ 2(v+1)+7=3(v-2)+2v \end{gathered}[/tex]


Find the correct solution.


The equations,

[tex]\begin{gathered} -6(u+1)+8u=2(u-3) \\ -6u-6+8u=2u-6 \\ -6u+8u=2u \\ -8u+8u=0 \\ 0=0 \\ Hence,\text{ true for all }u. \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} 2(v+1)+7=3(v-2)+2v \\ 2v+2+7=3v-6+2v \\ 9=3v-6 \\ 3v=15 \\ v=5 \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]\text{ In equation 1, equation is true for all }u\text{ and equation 2 is true for }v=5.[/tex]

while shopping at a 30% off sale, Robin was told that the sale price would saver her $6 on her purchase. Since the original price tag was missing, she had to calculate the price. what was the original price.


To do this, let x be the original price. Since the sale price would save you $ 6 on your purchase and this equates to 30% off, then using the rule of three you can find the original price, like this

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{ \$6}\Rightarrow30\text{ \%} \\ x\Rightarrow100\text{ \%} \\ x=\frac{100\text{ \%}\cdot\text{ \$6}}{30\text{ \%}} \\ x=\text{ \$}\frac{600}{30} \\ x=\text{ \$20} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the original price was $20.

Verifying you have

[tex]\text{ \$20}\ast30\text{ \%= \$20}\cdot\frac{30}{100}=\text{ \$20}\cdot0.3=\text{ \$6}[/tex]

Which was the $6 that Robin saved on his purchase.

A woman invests $6300 in an account that pays 6% interest per year, compounded continuously.(a) What is the amount after 2 years? (Round your answer to the nearest cent.)$ (b) How long will it take for the amount to be $8000? (Round your answer to two decimal places.) yr


Given: A woman invests $6300 in an account that pays 6% interest per year, compounded continuously.

Required: a) To determine the amount after 2 years.

b) To determine how long it will take for the amount to be $8000.

Explanation: The amount, A after t years with an interest rate of r is given by-



[tex]\begin{gathered} P=6300 \\ r=\frac{6}{100} \\ =0.06 \\ t=2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Substituting the values, we get-

[tex]\begin{gathered} A=6300e^{0.06\times2} \\ =7103.23 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence the amount after 2 years is $7103.23

Next, let t be the time it takes for the amount to be $8000-

[tex]\begin{gathered} 8000=6300e^{0.06t} \\ \frac{8000}{6300}=e^{0.06t} \\ \ln(1.2698)=0.06t \end{gathered}[/tex]

Further solving for t as-

[tex]t=3.98\text{ years}[/tex]

Hence, it takes 3.98 years for the amount to be $8000.

Final Answer: a) $7103.23

b) 3.98 years

I need help please, it’s my math assignment also can you add simple answers



Step 1:

Draw the scatter diagram from the table

x represents days and y represent set up time

Step 2:


Draw the scatter diagram

Step 3:


Pick two points from the graph to find the linear equation

Points (2 , 16 ) and (6, 11)

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{y-y_1}{x-x_1}\text{ = }\frac{y_2-y_1}{x_2-x_1} \\ \frac{y\text{ - 16}}{x\text{ - 2}}\text{ = }\frac{11\text{ - 16}}{6\text{ - 2}} \\ \frac{\text{y - 16}}{x\text{ - 2}}\text{ = }\frac{-5}{4} \\ \frac{y-16}{x-2}\text{ = -1.25} \\ y\text{ - 16 = -1.25x + 2.5} \\ y\text{ = -1}.25x\text{ + 18.5} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The equation is y = -1.25x + 18.5




second line

Step-by-step explanation:

no more than :

x≤ 52 (the dot is full, 52 is a value)

Which ordered pair must be a solution in the graph of the linear inequalitybelow?(-2,2)(0, -2)



We want to determine which ordered pair must be a solution in the graph of the linear inequality. The point picked must be in the shaded region to be a solution.

Going through the options, we see that, the only ordered pair that is a solution there is;


In the picture shown b and F are midpoints solve for x



x = 10



Recall that the Midpoint Theorem states that the line segment joining the midpoints of any two sides of a triangle is parallel to the third side and equal to half of the third side.

We can go ahead and solve for x as seen below;

[tex]\begin{gathered} BF=\frac{1}{2}*AE \\ \\ 23=\frac{1}{2}*(5x-4) \\ \\ 23*2=5x-4 \\ \\ 46=5x-4 \\ \\ 5x=46+4 \\ \\ 5x=50 \\ \\ x=\frac{50}{5} \\ \\ x=10 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the value of x is 10

graph the line y=-4x



x=-2 , y = 8

x=-1, y= 4

x=0, y=0

x= 1, y= -4

x= 2, y=-8

Segment XY measures 5cm. How long is the image of XY after a dilation with: A scale factor of a?


The image of the XY will be 5 times larger than the after dilation.

What is dilation?

resizing an object is accomplished through a change called dilation. The objects can be enlarged or shrunk via dilation. A shape identical to the source image is created by this transformation. The size of the form does, however, differ. A dilatation ought to either extend or contract the original form. The scale factor is a phrase used to describe this transition.

The scale factor is defined as the difference in size between the new and old images. An established location in the plane is the center of dilatation. The dilation transformation is determined by the scale factor and the center of dilation.

Segment XY mesured as 5cm

It will undergo dilation.

If X(0,0) and Y(x,y)

XY = √x²+y²

The factor we need to multiply, a

X'(0,0), Y'(ax,ay)

So the X'Y'=√a²x²+a²y²


X'Y'=aXY = 5a

Hence the image of the XY will be 5 times larger than the after dilation.

Learn more about dilation, by the following link



Parabola in the form x^2=4pyIdentify Vertex, value of P, focus, and focal diameter.Identify endpoints of latus rectumWrite equations for the directrix and axis of symmetry X^2= -12y




• The vertex of the parabola, (h,k)=(0,0)


• The value of p = -3

• The focus is at (0,-3).


• The focal diameter is 12

(b)The endpoints of latus rectum are (-1/12, -1/6) and (-1/12, 1/6).

(c)See Graph below


• I. The equation for the directrix is y=3.


• II. The axis of symmetry is at x=0.


Given the equation of the parabola:


For an up-facing parabola with vertex at (h, k) and a focal length Ipl, the standard equation is:


Rewrite the equation in the given format:

[tex]\begin{gathered} (x-0)^2=4(-3)(y-0) \\ \implies(h,k)=(0,0) \\ \implies p=-3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

• The vertex of the parabola, (h,k)=(0,0)


• The value of p = -3

The focus is calculated using the formula:

[tex]\begin{gathered} (h,k+p) \\ \implies Focus=(0,0-3)=(0-3) \end{gathered}[/tex]

• The focus is at (0,-3).

Focal Diameter

Comparing the given equation with x²=4py, we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} x^2=4ay \\ x^2=-12y \\ 4a=-12 \\ \implies a=-3 \\ \text{ Focal Diameter =4\mid a\mid=4\mid3\mid=12} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The focal diameter is 12

Part B (The endpoints of the latus rectum).

First, rewrite the equation in the standard form:

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=-\frac{1}{12}x^2 \\ \implies a=-\frac{1}{12} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The endpoints are:

[tex]\begin{gathered} (a,2a)=(-\frac{1}{12},-\frac{1}{6}) \\ (a,-2a)=(-\frac{1}{12},\frac{1}{6}) \end{gathered}[/tex]

The endpoints of latus rectum are (-1/12, -1/6) and (-1/12, 1/6).

Part C

The graph of the parabola is given below:

Part D

I. The equation for the directrix is of the form y=k-p.

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=0-(-3) \\ y=3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The equation for the directrix is y=3.

II. The axis of symmetry is the x-value at the vertex.

The axis of symmetry is at x=0.

Which of the following options results in a graph that shows exponentialdecay?5 pointsO f(x) 0.4(0.2)^xf(x) = 4(4)^xf(x) = 0.7(1.98)^xOf(x) = 5(1+.1)^x



Option A is the answer.

f(x) = 0.4(0.2)ˣ

The value carrying the power of x is less than 1, so, this expression represents exponential decay.


The key to knowing which expression is represents an exponential decay or exponential growth is the value of the number carrying the power of x.

If that number is greater than 1, then it represents exponential growth.

But, if that number is lesser than 1 (but greater than 0), then it represents exponential decay.

(2)ˣ represents exponential growth.

(0.5)ˣ represents exponetial decay.

f(x) = 0.4(0.2)ˣ

The value carrying the power of x is less than 1, so, this expression represents exponential decay.

f(x) = 4(4)ˣ

The value carrying the power of x is greater than 1, so, this expression represents exponential growth.

f(x) = 0.7(1.98)ˣ

The value carrying the power of x is greater than 1, so, this expression represents exponential growth.

f(x) = 5(1 + .1)ˣ

The value carrying the power of x is greater than 1, so, this expression represents exponential growth.

Hope this Helps!!!

Select the conic section that represents the equation.4x2 - 25y2 = 100circleparabolaellipsehyperbola


We know that the equation of a circle is:


the equation a a parabola is:


the equation

James bought a movie ticket for $4.05. Hepaid the movie ticket with quarters anddimes. If James used 18 coins in all, howmany quarters (q) and dimes (d) did he use?=q + d = 180.25q + 0.1d = 4.05+=ritorddia


q + d = 18

0.25q + 0.1d = 4.05

We will use substitution

Solving the first equation for q

q = 18 -d

Substituting this into the second equation

.25(18-d) + .1d = 4.05


4.5 - .25d +.1d = 4.05

Combine like terms

4.5 - .15d = 4.05

Subtract 4.5 from each side

-.15d = -.45

Divide each side by -/15

-.15d/-.15 = -.45/-.15

d = 3

We have 3 dimes

Now we can find the number of quarters

q = 18-d

q = 18-3

q = 15

We have 15 quarters

6. F(x) is the function that determines the absolute value of the cube of the input. Part 1. Evaluate: F(5) Part 2. Evaluate: F(-7) Part 3. Determine: F(5). F(-7) Or is the function defined by the following graph. The graph window is:


We have that F(x) is the function that determines the absolute value of the cube of the input, then we have that f(x) is:

[tex]f(x)=\lvert x^3\rvert[/tex]

Part 1. Evaluate F(5): x = 5


Part 2. Evaluate F(-7): x = -7


Part 3. Evaluate F(5)xF(-7)

[tex]f(5)\cdot f(-7)=125\cdot343=42875[/tex]

helpppppppppppppppp plssssssssss
The population of Orange County is represented by the function f(x)=87,000(0.9)x, where x is the number of years since 2010.

The population of Greene County was 78,000 in 2010, and has decreased exponentially at a rate of 8% each year.

How do the populations of these counties compare in 2015?

Drag a value or word to the boxes to correctly complete the statements.

Put responses in the correct input to answer the question. Select a response, navigate to the desired input and insert the response. Responses can be selected and inserted using the space bar, enter key, left mouse button or touchpad. Responses can also be moved by dragging with a mouse.
In 2015, the population of Orange County was approximately Response area and the population of Greene County was approximately Response area. In 2015, Response area County was more populous.


The population of Greene County will be more than Orange County in 2015.

What is comparison?

Comparing numbers, in maths, is defined as a process or method in which one can determine whether a number is smaller, greater, or equal to another number according to their values.

Given that, The population of Orange County is represented by the function f(x) = 87,000(0.9)x, where x is the number of years since 2010.

The population of Greene County was 78,000 in 2010, and has decreased exponentially at a rate of 8% each year.

Orange County population in 2015 = 87,000(0.9)^5 = 51372

Greene County population in 2015 = 78000(1+0.08)^5 = 51408

Hence, The population of Greene County will be more than Orange County in 2015.

For more references on comparison, click;



The steps to derive the quadratic formula are shown below:Step 1 ax2 + bx + c = 0Step 2 ax2 + bx = - CStep 3Provide the next step to derive the quadratic formula.


Here, we are given the first two steps to derive the quadratic formula:

Step 1: ax² + bx + c = 0

Step 2: ax² + bx = -c

Let's determine the next step to derive the quadratic formula.

To provide the next step, let's divide all terms by a:

We have:

Step 3.

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{ax^2}{a}+\frac{bx}{a}=-\frac{c}{a} \\ \\ \frac{x^2}{a}+\frac{b}{a}x=-\frac{c}{a} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the next step to derive the quadratic formula is:




Help with Algebra 2 question.14) An angle is in standard position and is terminal side pauses through point (-2,5), find sec.



An angle is in standard position and is terminal side passes through the point (-2,5),


To find the value of the secant function.


The value of the secant function is given as:




Consider x= -2 and y = 5

Now calculate the value of r by using the formula:

[tex]\begin{gathered} r=\sqrt{(-2)^2+(5)^2} \\ r=\sqrt{4+25} \\ r=\sqrt{29} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus the required value is:


Final Answer:


log 2-log 5 can also be written as ?.


The formula for difference of two logarthimic terms are,

[tex]\log a-\log b=\log (\frac{a}{b})[/tex]

Determine the expression for log 2 -log 5.

[tex]\log 2-\log 5=\log (\frac{2}{5})[/tex]

Answer: log(2/5)

Fill in the blanks (B1, B2, B3) in the equation based on the graph.(a-B1)2 + (y-B2)² = (B3)²8182=83=Blank 1:


Given: a circle is given with center (3,-3) and equation



[tex]B_{1,\text{ }}B_{2,}B_3[/tex]

Explanation: the general equation of the circle with center (a,b) and radius r is


in the given figure the center of the circle is at (3,-3)

so the equatio of the circle becomes


on comparing eith the given equation we get

[tex]B_1=3,\text{ B}_2=-3\text{ and B}_3=3[/tex]

Can you please write the basic equation forConstant parent functionInverse sine parent functionInverse cosine parent function Inverse tangent parent function



• In order to understand this, we need to know that an inverse trigonometric function “undo” what the original trigonometric function

• e.g Trig function : inverse of trig. function .

Explanations :(a) Inverse sine parent function:

The inverse y = six x parent function will be

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=sinx^{-1}\text{ ; meaning } \\ x\text{ = sin y } \end{gathered}[/tex]

• y = sinx ^-1 , has domain at [-1;1] and range at (-/2; /2)

(b)Inverse cosine parent function

the inverse of y = cos x parent function will be :

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=cosx^{-1};\text{ meaning } \\ x\text{ = cos y } \end{gathered}[/tex]

• y = cosx^-1 , has domain at [-1;1] and range at (0;)

(c)Inverse tangent parent function

The inverse of y = tan x parent function will be :

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=tanx^{-1\text{ }},\text{ meaning } \\ x\text{ = tan y } \end{gathered}[/tex]

• y = tanx^-1 has domain at (-∞;∞) and range at (- /2 ; /2)

see the graphs below that shows the asympotes of the trigonometric function.

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