15. Which of the following elements will have the most similar properties?
C. Helium and Hydrogen
D. Magnesium and Calcium
A. Helium and Carbon
B. Magnesium and Iron


Answer 1

The elements that showcase the most similar properties are Magnesium and Calcium due to having the same valency.

Helium and Hydrogen

Helium and Hydrogen are two completely different elements. Hydrogen forms various compounds with other elements, water H2O, Ammonia NH4, and carbohydrates C6H12O6 whereas Helium being a noble gas is a stable element that contains 8 electrons in its valence shell, i.e. the ideal amount and so does not react with other elements to make compounds.

Magnesium and Calcium

Magnesium and calcium have similar properties as they both contain only 2 electrons in their valence shell. Since all chemical properties are in one way or another dependent on valency, they display similar behavior.

Helium and Carbo

Helium a noble gas contains 8 electrons in its valence shell causing it to have no need to react with other elements. Thus Helium does not form any compounds whereas Carbon on the other hand containing 4 electrons in its valence shell is among the best elements for chain compounds. Due to carbon's ability to accept and donate the same amount of electrons as well as sharing electrons, it is the major element in all biotic materials.

Magnesium and Iron

Magnesium contains 2 electrons in its valence shell and has a tendency to lose them to attain Mg2+ ion. Magnesium has a set valency whereas Iron has multiple vacancies. Depending on the state of Iron it may exhibit a valency of 2 or 3. Due to Iron having a valency of 3 as well as 2 it differs from Magnesium in its chemical properties.

Learn more about valency at:


Related Questions

why is the melting point for vanillyl alcohol so much higher than that of vanillin? use intermolecular forces to guide your answer.


Because vanillyn alcohol involves intermolecular hydrogen bonding interactions rather than vanillin's weak interactions that result in a stable compound, vanillyn alcohol has a much higher melting point than vanillin.

What is the intermolecular forces ?The attracting and repellent forces that develop between the molecules of a material are referred to as intermolecular forces (IMF), which is sometimes shortened. These forces operate as a mediator between a substance's individual molecules.The majority of matter's physical and chemical characteristics are caused by intermolecular forces.Intermolecular forces are the aggregate name for the forces that exist between the molecules themselves. The primary cause of the substance's physical properties is intermolecular forces. The condensed states of matter are caused by intermolecular forces. Intermolecular forces, which hold the particles that make up solids and liquids together, have an impact on a number of the physical characteristics of matter in these two states.

Learn more about Intermolecular forces refer to :



Chlorine can bond with fluorine to form ClF. Chlorine can also bond with lithium to form LiCl. Which compound will have a greater partial charge?Question 2 options:A) Both compounds will have the same partial charge.B) ClFC) LiClD) Neither compound will have partial charge.


In this question, we have two compounds, ClF and LiCl. The first molecule is a covalent compound, since we will not have donation of electrons but instead the sharing of electrons, but in this case, the difference of the electronegativity will cause this molecule to have Polar covalent bond, which will cause partial charges to occur. LiCl is a molecule in which we have a greater difference in electronegativity, which makes this molecule be an ionic molecule, and not covalent. Since ionic compounds have real charges, the only possible answer will be ClF, since they have partial charges. Letter B

what is the number of sigma and pi bonds in C2H4O2??


There are 7 sigma  bonds and 1 pi bond in  C2H4O2.

What are sigma  bonds?

Sigma bonds are known as the strongest type of covalent chemical bond which are formed by head-on overlapping between atomic orbitals. Sigma bond is most simply defined for diatomic molecules using the language and tools of symmetry groups.

There are some parameters in determining sigma bonds and they include the following:

Number of bonds Number of bonds in double bondShape of the moleculenumber of bonds in triple bonded atom

Learn more about sigma bonds at: https://brainly.com/question/26033706


What is the frequency of a red light with a wavelength of 650 nm?



It would be approximately 4.61 x 10^14 Hz


Well if a narrow beam that is at a wavelength of approximately[tex]650 nm (650 x 10^{-9}m)[/tex] would correspond to a frequency of approximately[tex]6.61 x 10^14 Hz[/tex] which would make it be a few hundred terahertz.

Hope this helps :)


approximately 4.61 x 10^14 Hz

34 °F a K no entiendo nada



274.2 K


to get from Fahrenheit to Celsius you use your known value, 34 F, and subtract it by 32 = 2, then you multiply it by 5/9 (or .5556) = 1.1 C

to get from Celsius to Kelvin, you just add 273.15, therefore your Kelvin would be 274.2.

(no hablas ingles..)

para pasar de Fahrenheit a Celsius usas tu valor conocido, 34 F, y lo restas por 32 = 2, luego lo multiplicas por 5/9 (o .5556) = 1.1 C

para pasar de Celsius a Kelvin, solo sumas 273,15, por lo que tu Kelvin sería 274,2.

Objective: Apply the concepts of mole and stoichiometry.
Question: If 50.0 g of O₂ are mixed with 4.5 g of H₂ and the mixture is ignited, what mass of water is
Include a balanced reaction equation, definitions, explanations, and discussion of your problem-solving


The mass of water when 50.0 g of O₂ are mixed with 4.5 g of H₂ and the mixture is ignited is 56.25g. Here the concept of mole can be applied.

What is mole?

A mole can be explained as the substance containing an Avogadro number of particles that is 6.022 x 10^23 particles in it. It can be calculated by dividing the mass of the substance by molecular mass of the substance.

The reaction can be written as,

2H2 + O2 --------> 2H2O

4g        32g            36g

Here, 2 moles of H2 is reacting with 1 mole of O2 to give 2 moles of water. 50.0 g of O₂ are mixed with 4.5 g of H₂ and the amount of oxygen reacting is less so it can be considered as the limiting reagent.

The mass of water = 36g x 50g / 32g = 56.25g

Therefore, 56.25g of water can be formed when 4.5 g of H2 and 50g of O2  is reacting. This can be seen in mole concept of balanced chemical reaction.

To learn more about mole click on the given link https://brainly.com/question/15356425


a student performs an experiment where gas is collected over water in an upside down graduated cylinder. if the atmospheric pressure is 733 mmhg and the level of water in the graduated cylinder is 14.4 cm higher than the level of the water exposed to the atmosphere, what is the total pressure of gases inside the graduated cylinder?


total pressure of gases inside the graduated cylinder will be equals to the sum of atmospheric pressure and Pressure change inside the glass.

Atmospheric pressure = 733 mm of Hg

Pressure change inside the glass = dgh

where d is the density of gas i.e. 1000 kg per meter cube

g is acceleration due to gravity i.e. 9.8 meter per second square

h is the  level of water in the graduated cylinder i.e. 14.4 cm = 0.144m

Pressure change inside the glass = dgh

Pressure change inside the glass = (1000)(9.8)(0.144)

Pressure change inside the glass = 1411.2 Pa

Pressure change inside the glass = 10.584 mm of Hg

Total pressure = 733 + 10.584 = 743.584 mm of Hg

To know more about Pressure:



A student bends a paperclip rapidly back and forth. When he touches the point where he was bending the paperclip, he finds that its temperature has increased. why did it increase?


A student bends a paperclip rapidly back and forth when he touches the point where he was bending the paperclip, he finds that its temperature has increased because temprature goes up at the point of the bending

Temprature is the degree of hotness and coldness and here when student  bends a paperclip rapidly back and forth he touches the point where he was bending the paperclip then the temprature is increases because of temprature goes up at the point of the bending and molecule of clip start moving slower

Know more about temperature





The great  Rift valley is a large land fracture that extends 3000 kilometers across the African continent. the process form the great rift valley is  The widening of the crust along a divergent boundary as two plates carrying continental crust pull apart.

Rift valley is long narrow valley formed in the dispersion of block of earth crust. Rift valley is found in land as well as in bottom of ocean due to seafloor spreading. rift valley formed by the tectonic action. one of the example of divergent boundary is the great rift valley.

Thus, The great  Rift valley is a large land fracture that extends 3000 kilometers across the African continent. the process form the great rift valley is  The widening of the crust along a divergent boundary as two plates carrying continental crust pull apart.

To learn more about Great rift valley here



calculate the energy in joules released by the fusion of a 1.25 -kg mixture of deuterium and tritium, which produces helium. there are equal numbers of deuterium and tritium nuclei in the mixture.


4.2 × 10^14 J will be the energy released by the fusion of a 1.25 -kg mixture of deuterium and tritium, which produces helium.

Emitted energy in the reaction will be

E = (1876.136 + 2809.45) (3728.42 +939.565)

E =017.6 Mev

Now total atomic bar weight A = (2+3) = 5 grams

total no of atoms = 2Na

for 1-25 kg

= (2Na/5)X1250

= (2x6.023×10^23/5)*1250

= 3.0115×10^26

In Joules released energy in fusion a 1.25kg mixture of denterium and trilium will be

Q = 2.65 × 10^33 × 1-6 × 10^-19 J

   = 4.2 × 10^14 J

the energy released by the fusion deuterium and tritium is 4.2 × 10^14 J.

the complete question is:

The atomic masses of deuterium and tritium are 2.014102 u and 3.016049 u respectively. Calculate the energy in joules released by the fusion of a 1.25 -kg mixture of deuterium and tritium, which produces helium. There are equal numbers of deuterium and tritium nuclei in the mixture

learn more about denterium here



Hey y’all I’m having trouble understanding this, I would appreciate it if someone helped


By allocating algebraic variables as stoichiometric coefficients to each species in the unbalanced chemical equation, this method balances chemical equations.

H₂ + O₂ → H₂O

Balancing it we get,

2H₂ + O₂→ 2 H₂O

N₂ + H₂ → NH₃

Balancing it we get,

N₂ + 3H₂ → 2NH₃

H₂ + O₂→ H₂O

Balancing it we get,

2H₂ + O₂→ 2 H₂O

K + H₂O → KOH + H₂

Balancing it we get,

2K + 2H₂O → 2KOH + H₂

CH₄ + O₂→ CO₂ + H₂O

Balancing it we get,

CH₄ + 2O₂  →CO₂ + 2H₂O    

Fe + HCl → H₂ + FeCl₃

Balancing it we get,

2Fe +6 HCl →3 H₂ + 2FeCl₃

In this way all the chemical equations get balanced by balancing their coefficients stepwise.

To know more about balancing chemical equations, please refer:



Give the name for the formula PbO


Lead (II) monoxide is the name

what is the concentration of a naoh solution if 26.96 ml are needed to titrate 0.5930 g of khp? enter your answer with a unit of m.


0.000107 mol is the concentration of a NaOH solution if 26.96 ml are needed to titrate 0.5930 g of KHP.

What is KHP?

KHP, also known as potassium hydrogen phthalate, is an acidic salt chemical. It produces a colorless solution, a white powder, colorless crystals, and an ionic solid that is the monopotassium salt of phthalic acid.

Moles of KHP= 0.5930/204.22g/mol

Moles of KHP=0.0029mol

now when26.96 ml are needed


Concentration=0.000107 mol

Hence,0.000107 mol is the concentration of a NaOH solution if 26.96 ml are needed to titrate 0.5930 g of KHP.

To Know More about KHP visit



witch substance exhibits metallic bonding in the solid state




When in a solid state, the substances that exhibit metallic bonding include metals, metal alloys, and some metalloid elements. Metals always form metallic bonds when bonding to other metal atoms.

I’m not a picky eater; plants or animals are just fine for me! What am I?

The answer that I need starts with an H? Im confused


The answer is Homo sapiens. Homo sapiens is a genus of animals that are omnivorous. To be omnivorous means to be able to eat a plant-based AND animal-based diet. Ther are other kinds of omnivores, however, since the key term must start with H, this makes the above the right answer.

What other kinds of animals are omnivorous?

Bears, birds, dogs, raccoons, foxes, some insects, and even humans are examples of omnivores. Predators are creatures that hunt other animals, whereas prey are animals that are hunted.

As adults, frogs and toads are carnivores, devouring insects and occasionally small animals. They are herbivores as tadpoles, consuming algae and decomposing materials.

Learn more about Homo Sapiens:

In a galvanic cell, _______________ occurs at the anode? (1 pt)
1 point


In a galvanic cell, oxidation occurs at the anode?

The slogan "Red Cat An Ox" states that reduction happens at the cathode whereas oxidation happens at the anode. The anode would be the negative terminal for such galvanic cell because the anode's reaction serves as the origin of the electrons for such current.

No matter what kind of electrical cell is used, oxidation always occurs at the anode. Galvanic as well as electrolytic cells have reversible both cathode and anode charges.

Therefore, oxidation will happen at anode.

To know about galvanic cell



Select the statements below that are true when an ice cube is placed in a glass of hot water.Choose one or more:DA qice qwater=B. qwater = -qiceOC. The energy gained by the ice cube will be equal to the energy lost by the water.D. Thermal energy will flow from the ice cube to the water.OE. The energy lost by the ice cube will be equal to the energy gained by the water.F. Thermal energy will be transferred from the water to the ice cube.


In this question, we have a situation where an ice cube is placed in a glass of hot water, which means we have a situation of exothermic and endothermic reactions occurring.

The endothermic reaction will be related to the ice cube, since this cube will increase its temperature, and in order to do that, the cube needs to absorb energy, and this thermal energy will come from the hot water

The exothermic reaction is the hot water releasing this thermal energy to its surroundings, and then the temperature will decrease as well

The options that are the answers will be:



Letter B should be the opposite, -qwater = qice, and letter A doesn't show the positive or negative sign

Which map would you bring with you as you navigate the wilderness?


The  map that would I bring with me as I navigate the wilderness is Topographic maps.

Why carry Topographic maps?

Because topographic maps use contour lines to indicate the geometry of landforms, they are excellent for wilderness navigation (mountains, valleys, ridges, saddles).

Reading topographic maps has somewhat lost some of its appeal with the development of reliable, accurate GPS devices and phone navigation apps.

However, no matter how sophisticated and costly your equipment is, it could still run out of batteries, malfunction due to excessive dampness, cease functioning in the cold (cough, iPhones), or fall off a cliff and smash.

Additionally, the satellite signal that your device requires to locate you will always decide to go out at the worst possible time.

Learn more about Topographic maps from


Use the drop-down menus to identify the class of compounds to which each structure belongs. A skeletal chain goes up, down, up, down to C double bonded to O, up to O H. A skeletal chain goes up to O, down, up, down, up. A hexagonal ring is single bonded to C l on one corner. N has a pair of electron dots above, and is single bonded to R Superscript 1, wedge bonded to H, and wavy bonded to H.


Functional group can be interconverted into each ther by the means of suitable reagent. Functional group are responsible for the chemical and physical properties of a compound.

What is functional group?

A group of atoms forming a component of a molecule that accounts for a particular function or chemical behavior is called a functional group. There are so many functional group in organic chemistry.

a. A skeletal chain goes up, down, up, down to C double bonded to O, up to O H is Carboxylic group COOH.

b. A skeletal chain goes up to O, down, up, down, up. A hexagonal ring is single bonded to C l on one corner. this belongs to cyclic substituted compound.

c. N has a pair of electron dots above, and is single bonded to R Superscript 1, wedge bonded to H, and wavy bonded to H. This belongs to primary amine compound.

To know more about functional group, here:



question content area use the references to access important values if needed for this question. what atomic or hybrid orbitals make up the sigma bond between si and h in silane, sih4? orbital on si orbital on h what is the approximate h-si-h bond angle?


sp^3 is the hybrid orbitals make up the sigma bond and 1s is the orbital on si orbital on h and bond angle is 120.

In a complex molecule or ion, the angle between two orbitals that contain bonding electron pairs, or bonds, that are arranged around the centre atom is referred to as the bond angle. Using a spectroscopic approach, it is estimated and measured in degrees. How many lone electron pairs are present affects the bond angles. For instance, boron trichloride has a trigonal planar structure, no lone pairs, a bond angle of 120 degrees, and none of these characteristics.

Hybrid orbitals are created by combining the atomic orbitals of a single atom in a model in a way that creates a fresh set of orbitals with geometries suitable for forming bonds in the directions suggested by the VSEPR model. In order to create new hybrid orbitals, atomic orbitals are mixed.

learn more about bond angle here



If a sample of 17.3 moles of gas at a pressure of 7.5atm and at a temperature of 306K, what is the volume of the container that the gas is in?



The volume of the container that the gas is in is 57.9L


Given that

The moles of the gas is 17.3 moles

The pressure of the gas is 7.5 atm

The temperature of the gas is 306K

Follow the steps below to find the volume of the container

Step 1; Assume the gas behaves like an ideal gas

[tex]\text{ PV = nRT}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} \text{ R is 0.08205 L.atm. mol}^{-1}.K^{-1} \\ \text{ 7.5 }\times\text{ V = 17.3 }\times\text{ 306 }\times\text{ 0.08205} \\ \text{ 7.5V = 434.36} \\ \text{ Divide both sides by 7.5} \\ \text{ }\frac{7.5V}{7.5}\text{ = }\frac{434.36}{7.5} \\ \text{ V = 57.9L} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the volume of the container that the gas is in is 57.9L

what happens when mix vinegar and baking soda???
is for science project



The mixture quickly foams up with carbon dioxide gas.




When you mix vinegar and baking soda, you will get an acid solution.

The electron configuration of an element is 1s22s22p6. Will a bond form if an atom of this element moves towards an atom having seven valence electrons? Why or why not?



No it mostly likely would not because the first element(Neon) is already stable as it's outermost shell is completely filled


I'm not 100% sure about this because I know that some weird bonds do form in real life especially with the dative covalent



Answer: C

Explanation: because Pangaea broke apart and made smaller continents.

a rocket fuel, hydrazine, is produced by a reaction of cl2 with excess naoh and nh3. a.) how many grams of hydrazine can be produced from 1.00 kg of cl2?


A rocket fuel, hydrazine, is produced by a reaction of cl2 with excess naoh and nh3. a.) 473 g of hydrazine can be produced from 1.00 kg of cl2

N2H 4 is created when 1 mole of ClNH 2 reacts.

ClNH 2 has a molar mass of 35.5+14+2=51.5 g/mol.

N2H 4 has a molar mass of 2(14)+4=32 g/mol.

As a result, 32 g of N2H 4 is created from 51.5 g of ClNH 2.

As a result, when 1000 g of ClNH2 reacts, 321000/51.5 = 621.36 g of N2H 4 is produced.

Only 473 g of N2H4 are produced, though.

As a result, the reaction's percentage yield is 473 100/ 621.36=76.12%.

For more information on percentage yield kindly visit to



Pls help nowwww I’m begging


The answer is the 10th November

One of the most important chemical reactions is the haber process, in which n2 and h2 are converted to ammonia which is used in the production of fertilizers. Consider that you have just produced 170 g of nh3 in a 50. 0 l tank at 400. 0 c. What was the total pressure of the gases that reacted to produce this ammonia?.


The total pressure of the gases that reacted to produce ammonia is 22 Pa.

Considering the following balanced equation of the Haber process;

N₂(g) + 3 H₂(g) ----> 2 NH₃(l)

According to the balanced equation, 34.0 g of NH₃ are produced by 1 mol of N₂ as the molar mass of NH₃ is 17g/mol

Now calculating for 170 g of NH₃ as follows;

170g NH₃  × ( 1 mol N₂ / 34 g of NH₃) = 5 mol N₂

Similarly; According to the balanced equation, 34.0 g of NH₃ are produced by 3 moles of H₂, therefore calculating for 170 g of NH₃ as follows;

170g NH₃  × ( 3 mol H₂ / 34 g of NH₃) = 15 mol H₂

The total gaseous moles before the reaction were;

5.00 mol + 15.0 mol = 20.0 mol.

Now we can determine the total pressure (P) by using the ideal gas equation.

P.V = n.R.T


V is the volume (50.0 L)

n is the number of moles (20.0 mol)

R is the ideal gas constant (0.08206atm.L/mol.K)

T is the absolute temperature (400.0 + 273.15 = 673.2K)

P = n.R.T / V

P = (20.0 mol × 0.08206atm.L/mol.K × 673.2K) / 50 L

P = 22 atm

To learn more about total pressure; click here:



Which statement best describes a mole?
It is 12 units of a given substance.
It contains 6.02 Times. 1023 grams of sodium chloride.
It is the mass of 12 carbon atoms.
It contains 6.02 Times. 1023 particles of a given substance.


Best describes a mole is it contains 6.02×10²³ particles of a given substance

Mole is the amount of substance that contain the same number of elementary entities and according to the Avogadro's law number of elementary entities in the substance is 6.02×10²³ and these elementary entities could be atoms, ions, molecules etc and we use the mole to express the amount of substances and one mole of any substance is the equal to its atomic mass and molecular mass which is expressed in gram and the number of particles present in one mole of any substance is 6.02×10²³

Therefore the statement which is correct for mole is  it contains 6.02×10²³ particles of a given substance

Know more about mole



Investigate the effect of the concentration of the disodium thiosulfate solution on the rate of the process
Na2S2O3 + H2SO4 = Na2SO4 + SO2 + H2O + S.
Prepare a control sample by adding 1 cm^3 of sulfuric acid solution to 3 cm^3 of Na2S2O3 solution. Pay attention to the upcoming changes.
Pour 1 cm^3, 2 cm^3 and 3 cm^3 of Na2S2O3 solution into three test tubes respectively. Using a pipette (or syringe), add 2 cm^3 of water to the first tube, and 1 cm^3 of water to the second. Thus you get three solutions of equal volume and different concentration.
To each of the tubes successively add 1 cm^3 of sulfuric acid solution and note the time for the solution to darken from the sulfur released during the reaction. Record the results of each experiment in the table.
Graphically represent the relationship between the reaction time and the concentration of Na2S2O3 (∆t = f1(c)).
Represent the graphical dependence 1/∆t = f2(c).
Based on the graphs, draw a conclusion about the effect of concentration on the rate of the reaction.​


Answer: yes but im not 100 percent sure



Which layer is between the asthenosphere and the outer core? (7 points)


Inner core




The layer which is between the asthenosphere and the outer core is referred to as the Lithosphere and is denoted as option C.

What is Lithosphere?

This is referred to as the outermost rocky layer of the earth and has a rigid structure. It is made up of the crust and the solid outermost layer of the upper mantle which is the reason why it has a rigid structure.

It can also be described as the region or layer which is between the asthenosphere and the outer core which is therefore the reason why it was chosen as the correct choice.

Read more about Lithosphere here https://brainly.com/question/28135333


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