You would like a pendulum that swings back and forth once every 2 seconds, but the one you have swings once every 1.9 seconds. Which of the following should you do to adjust it so that it has the desired period?a) Add more mass to the pendulum.b) Make the pendulum slightly longer.c) No answer text providedd) Remove some mass from the pendulum.e) No answer text provided.f) Make the pendulum slightly shorter.


Answer 1

You need to make your pendulum slightly longer

What is a pendulum?

A pendulum is a body suspended from a fixed point so that it can swing back and forth under the influence of gravity. The time interval of a pendulum's complete back-and-forth movement is constant.

Your pendulum does a complete swing in 1.9 seconds.  You want to SLOW IT DOWN so it takes 2.0 seconds.

Longer pendulums swing slower.

You need to make your pendulum slightly longer

If your pendulum is hanging by a thread or a thin string, then its speed doesn't depend at all on the weight at the bottom. You can add weight or cut some off, and it won't change the speed a bit.  

To learn more about the pendulum the link is given below:


Related Questions

1. What is the gravitational attraction force between the earth and the moon? What is the force of gravity between the earth and the sun?


The gravitational attraction force between the Earth and the Moon is approximately 1.982 × 10^20 Newtons.

The gravitational attraction force between the Earth and the Sun is approximately 3.52 × 10^22 Newtons.

The gravitational attraction between two objects can be calculated using Newton's law of universal gravitation, which states that the force of gravity between two objects is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between their centers. The equation for the gravitational force (F) is given by:

F = (G * m1 * m2) / r^2


F is the gravitational force between the objects,

G is the gravitational constant (approximately 6.67430 × 10^-11 m^3 kg^-1 s^-2),

m1 and m2 are the masses of the two objects, and

r is the distance between the centers of the two objects.

Gravitational attraction between Earth and Moon:

The mass of the Earth is approximately 5.972 × 10^24 kg, and the mass of the Moon is approximately 7.342 × 10^22 kg. The average distance between the Earth and the Moon is about 384,400 kilometers (or 384,400,000 meters).

Plugging in these values into the equation, we can calculate the gravitational attraction force between the Earth and the Moon:

F = (G * m1 * m2) / r^2

= (6.67430 × 10^-11 * 5.972 × 10^24 * 7.342 × 10^22) / (384,400,000)^2

Calculating this, we find that the gravitational attraction force between the Earth and the Moon is approximately 1.982 × 10^20 Newtons.

Gravitational attraction between Earth and Sun:

The mass of the Sun is about 1.989 × 10^30 kg, and the average distance between the Earth and the Sun (known as an astronomical unit or AU) is about 149.6 million kilometers (or 149,600,000,000 meters).

Using the same equation as above:

F = (G * m1 * m2) / r^2

= (6.67430 × 10^-11 * 5.972 × 10^24 * 1.989 × 10^30) / (149,600,000,000)^2

Calculating this, we find that the gravitational attraction force between the Earth and the Sun is approximately 3.52 × 10^22 Newtons.

If you pull with a constant force of 400n , how much mechanical work does it take to pull pinball launcher back 0.2meters


If you pull with a constant force of 400 N for 0.2 meters, then the work done will be equal to 80 J.

What is Work?

In physics, the word "work" involves the measurement of energy transfer that takes place when an item is moved over a range by an externally applied, at least a portion of which is applied within the direction of the displacement.

The length of the path is multiplied by the element of a force acting all along the path to calculate work if the force is constant. The work W is theoretically equivalent towards the force f times the length d, or W = fd, to portray this concept.

As per the given information in the question,

Force, f = 400 N

Displacement, d = 0.2 meters

[tex]Work done(W)=Force(f)*Displacement(d)[/tex]

W = 400 × 0.2

W = 80 J.

To know more about Work:


If we represent the sun as a Grapefruit of diameter 10 cm, how big would Jupiter be? How big would the Earth be? (Helpful information: Diameter of Sun = 1,392,000 km; Diameter of Jupiter = 139.800 km: Diameter of Earth = 12,740 km)


Although the exact location of the liquid/gas transition is not known, Jupiter is likely totally liquid a few thousand kilometers below the planet's cloud tops. Therefore, even if we removed all of the gases from Jupiter, it would still be larger than Saturn.

From Earth, how huge would Jupiter appear?

Io and Ganymede would frequently emerge in the sky and would appear to be more than 1.5 times larger than our Moon does in the sky above Earth. In the sky above Earth, Jupiter would appear to be almost 24 times larger than our Moon.

Is Jupiter an ailing star?

The same elements as the Sun (hydrogen and helium), Jupiter is referred to as a failed star because it lacks the mass required to have the internal pressure and temperature required to cause hydrogen to fuse to helium, the energy source that powers the sun and most other stars.

To know more about Jupiter visit;


The side mirrors on cars are convex mirrors. If the side mirror on the driver side of your car has a focal length with a magnitude of 5.90 m and a truck is at a distance of 2.00 m from the mirror, determine the following.(a) image distance of the truck (Include the appropriate positive or negative sign.)=_____ m(b) magnification for this object distance (Include the appropriate positive or negative sign.)


a) Image distance of truck v = -1.49m/s

b)  magnification for this object distance m = +0.643

Image distance and focal length of a convex mirror is negative.

a) Calculating the image distance using the mirror formula;

[tex]\frac{1}{f} = \frac{1}{u} + \frac{1}{v}[/tex]

f = the mirror's focal length, which is 5.90 meters,

u = the object's distance from the mirror, which is 2.00 meters, and

v = the image's distance from the mirror.

[tex]\frac{1}{-5.90}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex] + [tex]\frac{1}{v}[/tex]

[tex]\frac{1}{v}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{1} {-5.9}[/tex] - [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex]

[tex]\frac{1}{v}[/tex] = - 0.169 -0.5

  = -0.669

v = [tex]\frac{1}{-0.669}[/tex]

v = - 1.49m/s

What are convex mirrors used for?

All automobiles have convex mirrors in their rearview mirrors. They provide a wider vision than flat mirrors. To span the breadth visible via a convex mirror of a considerably smaller size, we will require enormous plane mirrors. Additionally, convex mirrors are utilized for security in storefronts, corridors of buildings, etc.

b) Magnification is equal to the image/object distance.

Magnification is 1.49/2.

magnifying glass = +0.74

Note that we do not compute the object's magnification using the image distance's negative value.

To know more about Convex mirror visit:


What is the change in momentum of a baseball that experiences a 15 N force over 0.3 s
during a collision with a bat?


The product of the change in velocity and the change in mass is the change in momentum. Because its value is constant, the mass does not change.

Δp = m Δvwhere p is the change in momentum, m is the mass, and v is the change in the object's velocity.

When a baseball bat hits a ball, what happens to its momentum?

The ball flies off in the opposite direction from where it came from, as is typical of ball-bat collisions. If we make the bat weigh 25 ounces, if we swing it at the same speed, we get a significant boost in bat momentum, which raises the ball's exit velocity.

To learn more about change in momentum here


A U-tube of constant cross-sectional area, open to the atmosphere, is partially filled with a heavy liquid with density 9.17 g/cm3 . A light liquid with density 2.13 g/cm3 is then poured into both arms.
If the equilibrium configuration of the tube is as shown, with a difference in the height of the heavy liquid of 1.1 cm, determine the value of the difference in height of the light liquid hℓ . Answer in units of cm.


The area of a two-dimensional shape created when a three-dimensional object, like a cylinder, is cut perpendicular to a predetermined axis at a point is known as the cross-sectional area. For instance, a cylinder's cross-section is a circle when it is cut parallel to the base.

A uniform cross section is what?

A cross section that is the same size and shape is said to have a uniform cross section. For instance, if a cube-shaped box were to be cut vertically, each cut would have the same uniform shape of a square. Every cross section taken parallel to the base of a tree's base would be uniformly shaped like a circle if the tree were a perfect cylinder.

What is the equation for a cylinder's cross-sectional area?

Assuming the provided cylinder has a height of 25 cm and a radius of 4 cm, calculate its cross-sectional area. We are aware that a circle-shaped cross-section results from cutting the cylinder parallel to the base. The area of a circle is therefore A = r2 square units.

To know more about cross-sectional area visit;


NEED HELP URGENT An object is thrown vertically up in the air. Its initial velocity is 6 m/s. What is the object's maximum height? (use g=9.8 m/s^2)


5m/s because 1-1 is the answer because no it storm and yea

amount of water supply required for fire extinguishment, expressed in gallons per minute (gpm), best defines which of the following?


According to the given information amount of water supply required for fire extinguishment Fire flow.

What is fire extinguishment How is it done and why?

According to the idea of fire extinguishment, the fire can be put out by removing one or several of the four components of the fire tetrahedron. ELIMINATING THE HEAT Something has to be applied toward the fire that absorb the temperature or serve as a heat exchanger in order to evacuate the heat.

What are the three guiding principles for putting out a fire?

Basic operating principles for fire extinguishers: -Smouldering: This includes either removing oxygen or reducing its presence. - Cooling: This procedure involves removing heat or lowering heat. -Starvation: This entails removing fuel from the fire's site.

To know more about Fire extinguishment visit:


The driver of a car made an emergency stop on a
straight horizontal road. The wheels locked and
the car skidded to a stop. The marks made by the
rubber tires on the dry asphalt are 16 meters long,
and the car's mass is 1200 kilograms.

Calculate the magnitude of the frictional force the road
applied to the car in stopping it. [Show all work,
including the equation and substitution with units.]


The magnitude of the frictional force the road applied to the car in stopping it is 8,232 N.

What is the acceleration of the car?

The acceleration of the car is the rate of change of velocity of the car with time.

The acceleration of the car is determined by applying Newton's second law of motion as follows;

ma = μmg

a = μg


a is the acceleration of the carμ is the coefficient of static friction between the car and the asphalt road g is acceleration due to gravity

the coefficient of static friction between the car and the asphalt road  = 0.7

a = 0.7 x 9.8 m/s²

a = 6.86 m/s²

The magnitude of the frictional force the road applied to the car in stopping it is calculated as follows;

Ff = ma


m is the mass of the car

Ff = 1200 kg x 6.86 m/s²

Ff = 8,232 N

Learn more about frictional force here:


the result of a calculation with the drake equation is intended to be an estimate of the number of worlds in the galaxy on which .


The result of a calculation with the Drake equation is estimating the number of worlds in the galaxy on which: C. The number of worlds in the galaxy on which civilizations are transmitting signals now.

What is the Drake equation?

The Drake equation, which is also known as the Green Bank equation, is used to estimate the number of communicative extraterrestrial civilizations in the Milky Way galaxy. This equation is based on electromagnetic emissions that are detectable from Earth. Hence, the correct answer is: C.

This question is incomplete. The complete options for the query are as follows:

“The result of a calculation with the Drake equation is intended to be an estimate of:

a. The number of worlds in the galaxy on which life has arisen.b. The number of worlds in the galaxy on which intelligence has arisen.c. The number of worlds in the galaxy on which civilizations are transmitting signals now.”

Learn more about Drake's equation and extraterrestrial life here


If 80 Joules were necessary to move a 12 N crate, how far was the crate moved?


Main answer

Work Done = Force x Displacement

W= F x S

80=12 x S


S=6.67 m

Supporting Details

Here, Work Done is a form of energy given in joules which is equal to the force required to move an object in a given time period. Here the SI unit of Work Done(energy) is Joules, Force is Newton and displacement is meters.

      So, we simply substitute the values given to us in the question and find the value of S. So after transposing 12 to the left-hand side and dividing by 12, we finally get the distance moved by the crate (according to the question ) as 6.67 m

Internal Link

The displacement of the crate is given as :

! HELP !
look at the image and read the passage before the questions for better understanding : )

questions :
(choose the correct answer - a , b , or c . )
1. the engineering students install flaps that extend off the cargo load to maximize drag force during landing and prevent their cargo from opening on landing. which statement explains why the flaps would be helpful in preventing damage upon landing?
a. the flaps increase the mass of the cargo
b. the flaps reduce the impulse of the cargo
c. the flaps reduce the momentum of the cargo

(for this one, choose out of the options which is the best fit for the paragraph.)
2. at terminal velocity, the parachute will produce a drag force (a. less than b. greater than c. equal to) the weight of the cargo to stop it from accelerating toward the ground. for the cargo parachute system to work properly, the parachute should be made large enough to (c. minimize d. maximize) the drag force. the parachute will reduce the momentum of the cargo by reducing its (e. velocity f. impulse).

(choose either a, b, or c.)
3. a student makes a prototype of the parachute system. he wants to test the parachute's effectiveness in assuring a safe landing. select all of the variables that should be measured for his experiment.
a. weight of the cargo
b. the velocity of the plane
c. size of the parachute


The flaps increase the mass of the cargo as the engineering students install flaps that extend off the cargo load to maximize drag force during landing and prevent their cargo from opening on landing.

What Newton's second law states?

Newton's second law states that force is proportional to mass and acceleration.

F = m a

The applied force creates an acceleration in the elephant a = F / m. If the mass of the elephant increases m2> m, the expression takes the form a = F / m2. With the denominator is greater the acceleration should decrease by the same factor that increases the mass.

The frequency of a wave depends on the properties of medium density and the elasticity properties change the amplitude depends on the energy carried by the wave, that is, the amplitude is proportional to the height of the wave (oscillation).

Therefore, The flaps increase the mass of the cargo as the engineering students install flaps that extend off the cargo load to maximize drag force during landing and prevent their cargo from opening on landing.

Learn more about elasticity on:


vertical columns in the periodic table represent a group or family of elements that have the same number of valence electrons by having similar electron configurations elements in the same group have similar properties list elements that have similar properties


The examples of elements with similar properties in the same group are fluorine, chlorine, bromine and iodine.

What is group of elements in a periodic table?

The groups in periodic table is the same as vertical columns in the periodic table

These groups represent a group or family of elements that have the same number of valence electrons by having similar electron configurations elements in the same group have similar properties.

Examples of elements found in the same group with similar chemical properties include;

group 7 elements.


The valence electron of elements found in the group 7 of periodic table is negative 1 (-1).

Learn more about groups in periodic table here:


What is the main difference between the gravitational potential energy is elasctic potential energy



• Gravitational potential energy is always negative while the elastic potential energy is always positive.

• Gravitational potential energy depends on the mass of the object, but elastic potential energy does not depend on the mass.

the two forces to the right are friction which one would be the force of kinetic friction?



40 N


Both forces to the right are friction forces.  The 40 N force has to be the kinetic friction force because kinetic friction is always less than static friction.  So, the 80 N force has to be the static friction force, which is always greater than the kinetic friction.

How much heat energy is released when 6.29g of copper cools from 135.0°C to 50.0°C? The specific heat of coppers 0.385 J/g°C. (Include your calculation to receive credit.)


The amount of heat energy released by the copper of mass 6.29 g is  205.84 J.

What is heat?

Heat is a form of energy that brings about the sensation of warmth

To calculate the amount of heat energy released, we use the formula below.


Q = cm(t₂-t₁).................. Equation 1


Q = Amount of heat releasedc = Specific heat capacity of the copper = 0.385 J/g°Cm = mass of copper = 6.29 gt₂ = Final temperature = 135 °Ct₁ = Initial temperature = 50 °C

Substitute these values into equation 1

Q = 6.29×0.385×(135-50)Q = 205.84 J

Hence, the amount of heat energy released is  205.84 J.

Learn more about heat here:


compute the warping stress at the edge and at the interior of the slab assuming the temperature differential between top and bottom of slab is 3of per inch of thickness


During a summer midday, warping strains are produced in reinforced cement concrete pavements that are tensile in the bottom fibre and compressive in the top fibre.

There is a temperature difference between the top and bottom layers

the pavement when it is nighttime because the top surface is colder than the bottom surface. which results in the pavement warping.

Internal tensile tensions form at the top as the top slab attempts to contract but is unable to do so.

bottom-up compression stress

There is a temperature difference between the top and bottom layers of the pavement when it is nighttime because the top surface is colder than the bottom surface. This results in pavement warping

To know more about Wrap



Amid a summer late morning, warping strains are delivered in strengthened cement concrete asphalts that are ductile within the bottom fibre and compressive within the best fibre.

There may be a temperature contrast between the best and foot layers the asphalt when it is nighttime since the beat surface is colder than the foot surface. which comes about within the asphalt warping. Internal pliable pressures form at the best as the best piece endeavors to contract but is incapable to do so.

bottom-up compression stress There could be a temperature distinction between the beat and foot layers of the asphalt when it is night time since the best surface is colder than the foot surface. This comes about in asphalt distorting

To learn more about warping stress, visit link


which of the following modifications did maxwell have to include in the modified version of ampere's law to make it valid for all situations?


Option A. Introducing a displacement current. Maxwell had to introduce a displacement current in the modified version of Ampere's Law in order to make it valid for all situations.

Introducing a Displacement Current in Ampere's Law

The displacement current is a modification to the traditional Ampere's Law that takes into account the changing electric field due to changing magnetic fields. Maxwell's modification was necessary to account for the effect of electromagnetic waves, making the law applicable in all situations. This displacement current is related to the Faraday Law, as it is required for the conservation of charge.

Since the question is not complete, here's the full task:

Which of the following modifications did Maxwell have to include in the modified version of ampere's law to make it valid for all situations?

Give me the options:

A. Introducing a displacement currentB. Introducing a vector potentialC. Introducing a magnetic fieldD. Introducing a Faraday law

Learn more about Maxwell:


PLS HELP NEED ANSWER SOON What is the value of g, the gravitational field strength, at the surface of the planet Venus?
Round your answer to two decimal places


With the use of formula, the magnitude of the gravitational field strength is 8.83 m/s²

What is Gravitational Field Strength ?

Gravitational Field Strength at any point in a gravitational field is defined as  the gravitational force per unit mass on any object placed at that point.

To calculate  the value of g, the gravitational field strength, at the surface of the planet Venus, we will use the formula below

g = GM/r²


g = gravitational field strengthG = Universal gravitational constant = 6.67 × [tex]10^{-11}[/tex] Nm²/kgr = radius = 6.073 × [tex]10^{6}[/tex] mM = mass of the Venus =  4.88 × [tex]10^{24}[/tex] Kg

Substitute all the parameters written above into the formula

g = ( 6.67 × [tex]10^{-11}[/tex] × 4.88 × [tex]10^{24}[/tex]) / (6.073 × [tex]10^{6}[/tex])²

g = 3.255 × [tex]10^{14}[/tex] / 3.688 × [tex]10^{13}[/tex]

g = 8.83 m/s²

Therefore, the value of g, the gravitational field strength, at the surface of the planet Venus is 8.83 m/s²

Learn more about Gravitational Field Strength here:


A 1,100-N crate is being pushed across a level floor at a constant speed by a force of 290 N at an angle of 20.0° below the horizontal, as shown in the figure (a) below.
Image for A 1,100-N crate is being pushed across a level floor at a constant speed by a force of 290 N at an angle of 20
(a) What is the coefficient of kinetic friction between the crate and the floor?
(b) If the 290-N force is instead pulling the block at an angle of 20.0° above the horizontal, as shown in the figure (b), what will be the acceleration of the crate? Assume that the coefficient of friction is the same as that found in part (a).


For the given values, the acceleration of the block is  0.4 m/s2.

What is the coefficient of friction?

The friction coefficient is the ratio of the normal force pressing two surfaces together to the frictional force preventing those surfaces from moving. Typically, it is represented by the Greek letter mu (μ). In terms of math, is equal to μ = F/N, where F stands for frictional force and N for normal force.

Given the weight of the crate = 1100

Hence Mass of the crate m = 1100/9.8 = 112.245 kg

a) Since it is moving with a constant velocity, the net force acting on the block is zero

Fnet = 290cos 20 - μ*(290sin20 + 1100)

---> μ =  290cos 20/(290sin20 + 1100) = 0.227

b) Net force acting on the block = 290cos 20 - 0.227*(1100 - 290sin20) = 45.08 N

Acceleration of the block = F/m = 45.08/112.245 = 0.4 m/s2

To learn more about the coefficient of friction the link is given below:


Which statement best explains the backward motion of the boat as the person moves forward?
A.Every mass exerts a force on every other mass.

B. An object at rest tends to stay at rest.

C.Friction opposes the motion of an object.

D. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.


According to Newton's third law, For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

A 7.00kg bowling ball moves at 3,00m/s. How much kinetic energy does the bowling ball have?​



Determine the frequency of a sound wave with a 1-meter wavelength propagating
through air at 75° F.


The frequency of a sound wave with a 1-meter wavelength propagating through air at 75° F be 345 Hz.

What is frequency?

In physics, frequency is the number of waves that pass a fixed point in a unit of time as well as the number of cycles or vibrations that a body in periodic motion experiences in a unit of time.

After moving through a sequence of situations or locations and then returning to its initial position, a body in periodic motion is said to have experienced one cycle or one vibration.

At 75° F velocity of sound in air be = 345 m/s.

Given that, wavelength of sound be = 1 meter.

Hence, frequency of sound be = velocity/wavelength

= 345 m/s / 1 m

= 345 s⁻¹

= 345 Hz.

Learn more about frequency here:


Calculate the components of strain energy density on the surface of a steel shaft with a diameter of 120 mm, when it is subjected to a torque T-20 kN.m and a moment M-15 kN.m at its free ends. Use E = 200 GPa and v=0.25 for the material properties.


When the atoms that make up a molecule are permitted to rearrange themselves during a chemical process, strain energy is released. Strain energy, a type of potential energy, is created when an elastic element undergoes external effort that causes it to deform from its unstressed state.

The strain energy formula is what?

The area under the stress-strain curve near the site of deformation and strain energy density are two terms describing the amount of strain energy per unit volume. The entire system returns to its original shape after the force is released. Usual abbreviation is U. U = F / 2 is the formula for strain energy.

What are the five different strains?

There are four basic types of strain that are often identified by the direction in which forces are applied. The four strain types are shear strain, volumetric strain, lateral strain, and longitudinal strain.

To know more about components of strain energy visit;


URGENT PLS HELP A moon of mass m orbits a planet of mass M in uniform circular motion with a constant tangential velocity. The distance between the center of the moon and the center of the planet is R. The gravitational field strength at the center of the moon is Gmoon. A satellite of mass m/5 is halfway between the center of the moon and the center of the planet. What is the gravitational field strength at the satellite?


The gravitational field strength at the satellite is 80 % of the gravitational field strength at the center of the moon.

What is the gravitational field of the moon?

The gravitational field strength of the moon is calculated as follows;

G. moon = F/M


F is the gravitational forcem is mass

F = GMM/R²

G. moon = F/M

G. moon = GM/R²


G is universal gravitational constantM is the mass of the moonR is the radius of the moon

For a satellite with the following characteristics;

mass of satellite = M/5

distance of the satellite = R/2

G. S = G (M/5) / (¹/₂R)²

G. S = G (M/5) / (¹/₄R²)

G. S = 4GM / 5R²

G. S = 4/5 ( GM/R² )

G. S = 0.8 ( GM/R² )

G. S = 0.8 ( G. moon )

G. S = 80 % of G. moon

Learn more about gravitational field strength here:


A rectangle measuring 30.0 cm by 40.0 cm is located inside a region of a spatially uniform magnetic field of 1.25 T , with the field perpendicular to the plane of the coil (the figure (Figure 1) ). The coil is pulled out at a steady rate of 2.00 cm/s traveling perpendicular to the field lines. The region of the field ends abruptly as shown.
A rectangle measuring 30.0 cm by 40.0 cm is locate
A) Find the emf induced in this coil when it is all inside the field.
B) Find the emf induced in this coil when it is partly inside the field.
C) Find the emf induced in this coil when it is all outside the field.


The induced emf of the coil is 0, 0.0132V, 0, respectively.

(A) Generally, the equation for the flux is  mathematically given as

ε = BA = B(30×40×1/10⁴)

So, the magnetic flux through the coil is constant.

From Faraday's law, ε = - d/dt B ---(1) for the induced emf.

Since magnetic flux is constant, LHS. of (1) =0

Induced emf=0

(B) Let x be the length of the coil's magnetic field area.

induced emf=B(40×x×1/10⁴)


(C) In conclusion, Therefore, there is no variation in the magnetic flux across the coil when magnetic flux=0.

induced emf=0

What is magnetic flux?

Magnetic flux through a surface—when the magnetic field is variable—relies on dividing the surface into small surface elements over which the magnetic field can be considered locally constant. The total flow is then the formal sum of these surface elements.

To know more about magnetic flux, click the link given below:


In a ballistic pendulum, a spring pushes a ball from rest. It flies through the air and sticks in the base of a pendlum that swings upwards.

Given that the ball and pendulum reach a maximum angle of 45º, the pendulum is 30 cm long, the mass of the ball is 76 g, and the mass of the pendulum is 250 g, calculate the speed of the ball after it has left the spring but before it hits the pendulum. Do not include the units in your response.



Take a look inside your heart

Is there any room for me?

I would have to hold my breath

'Til you get down on one knee

Because you only want to hold me

When I'm looking good enough

Did you ever fault me?

Would you ever picture us?

Every time I pull my hair out

Was only out of fear

That'd you find me ugly

And one day you'll disappear

Because what's the point of crying?

It was never even love

Did you ever want me?

Was I ever good enough?

Using the concepts of impulse and momentum, describe how to win a water balloon contest by not breaking the balloon.
o Focus on the catch.
o You must mention how momentum, impulse, force and impact time play a part in the catch.
o You may use diagrams to support your reasoning.
o Remember the equation: ∆p = m∆v = F∆t


You must concentrate on the catch to win a water balloon contest without breaking the balloon. Momentum, impulse, force, and impact time are all important factors in the catch's success. The key to catching a water balloon without breaking it is to reduce the balloon's impact force. The momentum of the balloon, the impulse applied to the balloon, and the impact time all contribute to the impact force.

What is the momentum?

The product of an object's mass and velocity is its momentum. As it is thrown towards you, the water balloon has a certain mass and velocity. The greater the balloon's momentum, the more difficult it will be to catch it without breaking it.

In order to catch a water balloon, you must apply an impulse to the balloon. The higher the impulse, the more effectively you can stop the balloon. To catch a water balloon without breaking it, apply a large impulse to the balloon in a short period of time. This reduces the impact force on the balloon and keeps it from breaking.

Learn more about momentum on:


in an ac circuit, which of the following depend on the frequency? select all that applies. group of answer choices inductive reactance resistance capacitive reactance inductance


The reactance of the inductor and, thus, its impedance would rise as the frequency rose and approached infinity, serving as an open circuit.

what is inductive reactance resistance?

The resistance that the inductive circuit provides is known as inductive reactance. Inductive reactance, then, is the term used to describe an inductor's electrical resistance when it is utilized in an AC circuit.

The inductive reactance X l =ωLWhere: ƒ is the Frequency and L is the Inductance of the Coil and 2πƒ = ω.

Hence, X l ∝ω

As frequency increases →ω

Therefore, inductive reactance increases with frequency.

Following that, it is clear from the inductive reactance equation above that increasing either the frequency or the inductance would result in an increase in the coil's overall inductive reactance value.

The reactance of the inductor and, thus, its impedance would rise as the frequency rose and approached infinity, serving as an open circuit. Inductive reactance is therefore "directly proportional to frequency" and has a low value at low frequencies and a large value at higher frequencies.

To learn more about inductive reactance

party hearing. as the number of people at a party in creases you must rasie your voice for a listerner to her you agaisnt the backgorund noise of the other party ogesrs. however, once you reach


The listener must be 0.67 meters away from the speaker in in order to hear that speaker's voice.

What does the word "yelling" mean?

to shout or make a loud sound, typically out of anger, discomfort, or excitement: This morning, our neighbors were shouting (using expletives) at one another. The youngster screamed in agony.

Briefing :

difference in sound level is-

Δβ=βf −βt =(10dB)log( If/It)

Thus, if Δβ=5.0 db, then log(I f /I t )=1/2, which implies that It = √10 It.

The intensity, however, is lower at a separation r from of the source because

I= P/4πr²

where P represents the source's power.

A fixed P implies that Itrt²=Ifrf². Thus, with

rt =1.2 m, we obtain

rt =( If/It ) ∧1/2 rt

​=(1/10) ∧1/4 (1.2 m)

=0.67 m.

To know more about yelling visit :


The complete question is -

Party hearing. As the number of people at a party increases, you must raise your voice for a listener to hear you against the backgrounds noise of the other partygoers. However, once you reach the level of yelling, the only way you can be heard is if you move closer to your listener, into the listener's "personal space". Model the situation by replacing you with an isotropic point source of fixed power P and replacing your listener with a point that absorbs part of your sound waves. These points are initially separated by r1 =1.20 m. If the background noise increases by Δβ=5 dB, the sound level at your listener must also increase. What separation rf is then required?

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