matteo drove his car 400 miles in 2021 to perform volunteer work. he did not keep records of the actual cost for gas or oil. how much can he deduct as a charitable contribution on his schedule a (form 1040), itemized deductions?


Answer 1

In 2021, if you traveled 4 000 miles in your Matteo for IRS-approved business objectives, multiply that distance by $0.56 each mile.  You’ll be able to Tax Return deduct $224.

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) regulations for doing so are rigorous. If you use your vehicle for business or certain other activities, such as traveling for medical treatment or charitable activity, you may be eligible to deduct your costs for tax purposes. When the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) went into effect in 2018, several things changed. Learn how to choose a mileage method, what documentation you need, and how to claim the deduction on your tax return according to IRS regulations. It's easier to deduct your mileage when you use the regular mileage rate. Instead of using your real expenses, it is dependent on the number of miles you drive. You record the number of miles you travel for IRS-approved reasons .

Learn more about Tax Return from


Related Questions

which institution assists individuals in buying and selling securities among investors?


Trading Agencies A brokerage firm aids people and organizations in purchasing and selling stocks from potential buyers.

Which bank is in charge of the sale of securities?

When a business decides to go public and needs equity funding, investment banks offer underwriting services for new stock issues. In essence, underwriting entails the investment bank buying a predetermined number of shares of the new stock, which it subsequently resells on a stock exchange.

Who is in charge of purchasing and displacing government securities?

One strategy used by the Federal Reserve (the Fed) to regulate the movement of money is the sale of government bonds. By selling bonds, they lower the amount of money in circulation and raise interest rates.

To know more about selling visit:-


Which ONE of the following statements describes MANAGERIAL accounting BETTER than it describes financial accounting? Has standardized information requirements Includes budget and forecast data Is disseminated to the public O is subject to an independent external audit


Includes budget and forecast data describes managerial accounting better than it describes financial accounting.

Two of the four main accounting subfields are managerial accounting and financial accounting (e.g. tax accounting and auditing are others). The financial and managerial accounting systems differ significantly, although sharing many approaches and practices. These variations mostly relate to compliance, accounting principles, and target markets.

Since the intended aim of managerial accounting is to support internal users within the organization in making informed business choices, it varies from financial accounting.

The primary goal of managerial accounting is to generate practical data for internal use by a business. While financial accounting also has some benefits within a corporation, its primary focus is on providing information to clients and customers.

To learn more about Managerial accounting visit:


The process through which new employees learn the attitudes, knowledge, skills, and behaviors required to function effectively within an organization is
a. attraction-selection-attrition.
b. organizational socialization.
c. mentoring.
d. assessment.


Organizational socialization is the process through which new workers develop the attitudes, knowledge, skills, and behaviors necessary to perform effectively within a company. Thus, option B is correct.

What is the organizational socialization?

The process through which employees learn about, adjust to, and modify the information, skills, attitudes, expectations, and behaviors required for a new or changing organizational job is known as organizational socialization.

Organizational socialization is the process through which new employees acquire the attitudes, knowledge, skills, and behaviors required to function effectively inside an organization.

Therefore, to socialize new employees into becoming organizational insiders is called as organizational socialization. Option B is correct.

Learn more about the Organizational socialization, refer to:


assuming the company has no alternative use for the facilities that are now being used to produce the carburetors, what would be the financial advantage (disadvantage) of buying 15,000 carburetors from the outside supplier?


The financial disadvantage is  ($90,000)

Calculating the outside vendor offer -

= cost per unit x number of units

= 35 x 15,000

= 525,000

Calculating the production costs:

Direct labor -

10 x 15,000 = 150,000

Direct materials -

=  14 x 15,000 = 210,000

Variable manufacturing overhead -

= 3 x 15,000 = $45,000

Fixed manufacturing overhead that is traceable -

= 6 x 15,000 = 90,000 ( where $60,000 are non-avoidable)

Fixed manufacturing overhead, that is allocated -

= 9 x 15,000 = 135,000

Total cost -

= 42 x 15,000 = 630,000

Thus, avoidable production costs = $435,000

Calculating  financial disadvantage

= Avoidable costs - cost to purchase carburettors from an outside vendor

= 435,000 - $\525,000

= ($90,000)

Complete Question

Troy Engines, Ltd., manufactures a variety of engines for use in heavy equipment. The company has always produced all of the necessary parts for its engines, including all of the carburetors. An outside supplier has offered to sell one type of carburetor to Troy Engines, Ltd., for a cost of $35 per unit. To evaluate this offer, Troy Engines, Ltd., has gathered the following information relating to its own cost of producing the carburetor internally: Per Unit 15,000 Units per Year Direct materials $ 14 $ 210,000 Direct labor 10 150,000 Variable manufacturing overhead 3 45,000 Fixed manufacturing overhead, traceable 6 * 90,000 Fixed manufacturing overhead, allocated 9 135,000 Total cost $ 42 $ 630,000 *One-third supervisory salaries; two-thirds depreciation of special equipment (no resale value). Assuming the company has no alternative use for the facilities that are now being used to produce the carburetors, what would be the financial advantage (disadvantage) of buying 15,000 carburetors from the outside supplier?

Read more about financial disadvantage on:


What is the largest expense at the state level of government?


Public welfare is the largest expense at the state level of government.

Government typically consists of the legislative, the executive branch.

An organized community is governed by a system or collection of people known as a government, which is typically a state.

Government typically consists of the legislative, the executive branch, and the judiciary, according to its broad associative meaning. Government is both a tool for deciding policy and a way to implement organizational policies. A constitution is a statement of a government's guiding ideas and ideology that is present in many nations.

Although all organizations have a governance structure, the term "government" is frequently used to refer more precisely to the roughly 200 autonomous national governments and subsidiary organizations.

Democracies, monarchies, and authoritarian and totalitarian regimes are the main categories of political structures in the contemporary.

[1] Monarchy, aristocracy, timocracy, oligarchy, democracy, theocracy, and tyranny are examples of historically common types of government.

Learn more about government here


What is the practice of keeping a product generic as long as possible before customizing?
A) postponement
B) keiretsu
C) vendor-managed inventory
D) forward integration
E) backward integration


The practice of keeping a product generic as long as possible before customizing is called postponement.

Accurately forecasting product demand is exceedingly challenging due to market uncertainty. Low product availability and high inventory expenses are the results of this. The goal of postponement is to delay as long as feasible the final configuration of a product, often until a customer order is received.

Postponement can take various forms, from straightforward packaging and labeling, bulk packing, or specific customizing to more intricate ones like localization, assembly, testing, and integration of the finished product. The products and procedures involved in delay must be carefully redesigned in order to be implemented effectively.

To learn more about postponement, visit the link below:


what might be required of a job candidate today that would not have been necessary 20 years ago?


Required for today's job applicants, that would not have been required 20 years ago, is video interview at your own pace.

What does required mean in a job description?

Job requirements refer to the skills or qualifications required to properly perform a job. Your employer can detail these needs in your job description and discuss them with you during your interview.

What are most important things in good job?

A good job is a position that meets basic needs like housing and security while providing the tools and resources to do your best work. These jobs can motivate you to do your job efficiently, encourage employers to stay longer, and boost morale in the workplace

There are three important things of an employer that a job seeker should look for in an employment relationship: Reputation, Career Advancement and Work Balance.

To learn more about Job visit:


Under the equal pay act, an employer can legitimately pay different wages to male and female employees on the basis of?


Under the equal pay act, an employer can legitimately pay different wages to male and female employees on the basis of primary job responsibilities, seniority or salary system, factors other than gender. The correct answer is C.

What is exactly The Equal Pay Act ?

The Equal Pay Act of 1963 is an amendment to the Fair Labor Standards Act that was passed in the United States to ban pay discrimination based on gender. On June 10, 1963, John F. Kennedy officially signed it into law as a part of his New Frontier Program. Esther Peterson was one of the most prominent advocates for equal pay. She started her career as a labor activist in 1944 when she was hired as the National Labor Relations Board's first-ever lobbyist.

This act permits employers to pay male and female employees differently based on the primary responsibilities of the respective jobs, a seniority or merit system, or any other factor except gender.

Your question is incomplete but most probably your full question was

Under the equal pay act, an employer can legitimately pay different wages to male and female employees on the basis of?

a.  primary job responsibilities

b. factors other than gender

c. all of the choice

d. seniority or salary system,

To learn more about Equal Pay Act 1963 visit:


Identify each responsibility center as a cost center, a revenue center, a profit center, or an investment centerBaskin-robbins is a subsidiary of dunkin’ brands group, inc.; dunkin’ owns and operates nearly 2,500 ice cream specialty stores in the united states.


Monetary Center Almost 2,500 ice niche stores are possessed and run by Dunkin Brands in the US.

Coca-Cola is Dunkin's proprietor, correct?

Possessed by Motivate Brands As per BD, Dunkin' has chosen to pick PepsiCo as their new refreshment provider in the US. In the US, Dunkin' works in nearly 9,500 areas. Rather than serving wellspring drinks, the business offers cooled refreshments and different rewards in jugs and jars.

Who has an organization with Dunkin?

The organization, which has more than 1,500 conspicuous brands in its portfolio and works in undeniably more than 30 nations, has so far been effective in drawing in a sizable number of organizations, including Uber, Nike, Instacart, Mint Versatile, and Vodafone.

Learn more about Baskin-robbins:


What is the maxing out method?


The maxing out method is a budgeting technique where a person allocates all of their income towards their expenses and savings goals, in order of highest priority.

This method ensures that all expenses and savings goals are prioritized and met, with no money left over. For example, a person might allocate their income towards rent, utilities, food, and other necessary expenses first, and then whatever is left over goes towards savings and other financial goals.

The maxing out method is a method of goal setting or decision making used to identify the best possible outcome or decision.

It involves listing all of the possible options, then selecting the best possible option based on the criteria or situation that have been established.

Maxing out  method requires thorough research into the different options and a thorough understanding of the criteria that should be considered.

This method can be used to evaluate different career paths, investments, and other decisions that have long-term consequences.

To know more about maxing out here


types of witness examination typically performed in an arbitration case include all of the following except: a. direct examination b. physical examination c. redirect examination d. cross examination


Types of witness examination typically performed in an arbitration case include all of the following except redirect examination.

By mutual consent of the parties, a disagreement is presented to one or more arbitrators through the arbitration process, who then render an official ruling on the matter. Instead of going to court, the parties decide to resolve their differences privately through arbitration.

Parties are only required to produce evidence in the arbitration processes that would support their claims. The arbitrator will not consider irrelevant evidence. Electronic evidence is a possibility for the evidence. Labeling the provided evidence in a certain sequence is required.

Hence the correct option is C

To know more about Arbitration here


__________ are a part of big data analytics that allow a company the opportunity to analyze location data from mobile phones of employees.


Big data analytics includes location analytics, which gives businesses the chance to examine employee mobile phone location data.

Location analytics combines spatial data on assets, infrastructure, transportation, and the environment with data on a company's operations and customers in order to provide practical solutions to any business challenge and share those insights with the rest of the organization.

Location analytics can provide information on the performance and potential of firms fast and precisely. By integrating the appropriate data (which might be anything from retail sales figures to customer service ratings) with incredibly precise geographical information, you may pinpoint exactly where would profit from your limited resources.

To know more about Location analytics:


What is one major drawback of high-return investments compared to low-return investments?.


The one major drawback of high-return investments as compared to low-return investments is that 'high-return investments have a greater risk of failing'.

Risk is absolutely fundamental to investments, but there are no perfect measurements of risk. Risks are categorized as high-return investments and low-return investments.

A high-return investment refers to the risk for which there is either a large percentage chance of loss of capital or a relatively high chance of a devastating loss.A low-return investment refers to the risk with less at stake, either in regard to the amount invested or the significance of the investment to the portfolio. There is also less to gain, either in regard to the potential return or the potential benefit bigger term.

You can learn more about risk at


noncash items, nonoperating items, and changes in current assets and liabilities are necessary adjustments to


Noncash items, nonoperating items, and changes in current assets and liabilities are necessary adjustments to net income

In accounting, noncash objects are monetary gadgets which include depreciation and amortization which can be protected inside the enterprise' internet profits, but which do now not have an effect on the coins go with the flow.

Those non-coins sports may additionally include depreciation and amortization, in addition to obsolescence. Property, plant and gadget resides on the balance sheet. Those items are taken at the earnings assertion in small increments called depreciation or amortization.

They ought to be incorporated within the assertion of coins flows in a phase classified, "Significant Noncash Transactions."

Learn more about Noncash items here:-


when revenue is greater than total expenses, resulting in a net income, the income summary account has a:_______


When revenue is greater than total expenses, resulting in a net income, the income summary account has a credit balance

What's the significance here when income is more prominent than the absolute costs?

The total compensation definition is an organization's benefit in a given financial period. It comprises of complete incomes acquired in the period less absolute costs brought about to create the incomes in the period. At the point when incomes surpass costs, the organization has a net benefit. At the point when costs surpass incomes, the organization has an overal deficit.

What is Net gain?

Net gain is the abundance of incomes over costs. This estimation is one of the critical signs of organization productivity, alongside gross edge and before-charge pay. There are a few issues with total compensation that can yield deluding results, as verified beneath.

When the income is more than the expense and costs the thing that matters is called overal deficit?

An overal deficit happens when the whole of costs surpasses the complete pay or income produced by a business, task, exchange, or speculation. Organizations would report a total deficit on the pay proclamation, really as a negative net benefit.

Learn more about credit balance here:


the difference between the actual demand for a period and the forecasted demand for that period is known as the


The variance between the predicted and actual demand for a given period is known as the forecast error.

Utilizing predictive analysis of historical data, demand forecasting is a strategy for evaluating and predicting future consumer demand for a commodity or service. Demand forecasting helps the business make better-informed supply decisions by projecting future sales and revenue.

Demand forecasting enables businesses to optimize inventories by foreseeing future sales. Demand managers can use prior sales data to make well-informed business decisions about anything from inventory planning and storage needs to running flash deals and meeting customer expectations.

If there is no demand, there is no business. Without a clear grasp of demand, businesses are also unable to decide how much money to spend on marketing, how much to produce, how many staff to hire, and other issues.

To know more about Demand forecasting click here,


firms that are unfamiliar with overseas marketing and firms that produce industrial goods orient their pricing solely on the basis of question 2 options: 1) cultural differences in perceptions of pricing. 2) market segmentation from market to market. 3) the costs of production of the goods. 4) market segmentation from country to country. 5) competitive pricing in the market.


Industrial goods producers and businesses that lack experience in international marketing base their pricing decisions primarily on the cost of producing the product. As a result, choice (C) is the best way to respond.

What are industrial goods?

The demand for the consumer items they assist in producing determines the price of industrial goods. Production goods and support goods are the two categories under which industrial commodities fall.

While support goods, such as machinery and equipment, aid in the creation of consumer goods, production goods are utilized to create a finished good or product.

Consumer goods are items that consumers buy, such as clothing, food, and beverages, as opposed to industrial products, which are produced by machinery, plants, and raw materials.

Hence, option (C) is accurate.

Learn more about industrial goods, from:


differentiate between a defined contribution pension plan and a defined benefit pensio plan dxplain how the employer's obligation differs between the two types of plans


In a defined-contribution plan, the employer's contribution is normally determined by a formula that may take into account the employee's age, length of service, employer profit, or level of compensation.

In a defined-benefit plan, the future pension benefit that the employee would get is specified. The amount that has to be contributed today to pay for the future benefits that have been promised must be determined by the employer.

In a defined-contribution plan, the employer's responsibility is limited to annually contributing to the plan in accordance with the formula. Employees are responsible for bearing either the risk of loss or the benefit of gain from assets contributed to the plan. In a defined-benefit plan, the employer is required to pay enough annual contributions to cover the benefits that are promised to be paid out in the future. As a result, the employer is exposed to risk to the extent that contributions are insufficient to provide the promised benefits.

Learn more about Defined-contribution plan, here


accurate and timely information is the foundation of effective marketing, especially of the marketing concept. t or f


Accurate and timely information is the foundation of effective marketing, especially if the marketing concept given statement is true.

Why is accurate information crucial for business?

Information is crucial to the company because it promotes increased effectiveness and efficiency. Businesses must be able to quickly access a variety of information since they are continuously seeking novel methods to save costs and boost revenues.

What information is reliable and timely?

Corporate executives need timely and accurate data to make wise decisions and put their company in the best possible position to lessen the effects of the crisis.

To know more about timely information visit:


in the sales process, when the prospective customer agrees to purchase the product or service and pays, this is called:


he sales process, when the prospective customer agrees to purchase the product or service and pays, this is called Closing Sale.

What is Closing Sale?It is the last action taken while making a sales call to the consumer. Closing a sale is a crucial phase in the personal selling process. It actually means that the sale was completed when the customer signed the contract. Generally speaking, a salesperson's ability to close deals serves as their benchmark. Reps meet their quotas by closing, or persuading a prospect to accept a deal and sign a contract, which is how corporations increase their revenue. It stands for the fruit of all your labours. The process of making a deal is referred to as "closing" in the sales context. The closing process in real estate is where the sales sense first emerged.

To learn more about Closing Sale refer  to:


Which one of the following is NOT an example of a seller offering signals of quality? Chau asks customers to write reviews of her manicures on a website for local businesses. Hui Er proofreads her job application and cover letter four times to make sure it shows that she is careful about details. Mak offers a money back guarantee on his product lan's Auto Body Shop offers a warranty on its work


Chau asks customers to write reviews of her manicures on a website for local businesses. Option A.

The term moral hazard refers to a situation in which one party lacks incentives to protect itself from financial risk because it is protected from potential consequences. Moral hazard is primarily a pre-transaction issue. Adverse selection is primarily a post-trade problem.

Moral hazard is the result of information asymmetry. Resolving adverse selection also resolves moral hazard. This is called moral hazard. This is because morality comes into play in determining the right and wrong actions of a party in a transaction, and parties who do not engage in that action can bear the consequences.

Learn more about A seller offering here:-


How can the government use taxation to improve the economy?


The government can use taxes to improve the economy by creating benefits that are advantageous to businesses and drive them to high productivity in order to achieve economic growth.

What is taxation?

It is an amount or monetary value that is added to the cost of a product or service that a person purchases, tax money is collected to be used by the government.

Tax money is used to meet the collective needs of the people at the public level, such as lighting a road.

Taxes guarantee goods and services that are basic to a population.

Learn more about taxes at:


Cash inflows and outflows involving stockholders and creditors are classified on the statement of cash flows as ________ activities.


Cash inflows and outflows involving stockholders and creditors are classified on the statement of cash flows as financing activities.

Financing is the manner of offering budget for enterprise activities, making purchases, or making an investment. financial establishments, together with banks, are within the enterprise of offering capital to corporations, purchasers, and traders to help them obtain their dreams. Finance is the have a look at and area of money, currency and capital belongings. it's miles related to, but not synonymous with economics, the study of production, distribution, and consumption of cash, assets, goods and offerings.

Finance, of financing, is the manner of elevating finances or capital for any sort of expenditure. it is the system of channeling numerous funds inside the shape of credit score, loans, or invested capital to those financial entities that most want them or can positioned them to the most productive use.

Learn more about financing here:


lansing company’s current-year income statement and selected balance sheet data at december 31 of the current and prior years follow.


The net cash that is provided by operating activities is $17780.

How to calculate the net cash?

The net cash flow from the operating activities of a company indicates whether or not additional cash entered or exited the business. This includes any adjustments to net income sales less any expenses such as cost of goods sold, depreciation, taxes, and so on as well as any adjustments to non-cash items.

The net cash that is provided by operating activities will be calculated thus:

Cash flow from operating activities

Net income = $6000

Adjustment to reconcile net income to net cash

Depreciation expense = $12000

Account receivable = $5800 - $5600 = $200

Inventory increase = $1540 - $1980) = $-440

Prepaid insurance = $280 - $260 = $20

Prepaid rent increase = $180 - $220 = $-40

Salaries payable increase = $880 - $700 = $180

Utilities payable increase = $220 - $160 = $60

Account payable decrease = $4400 - $4600 = $-200

The net cash that is provided by operating activities will be:

= $6000 + $11780

= $17780

The net cash is $17780.

Learn more about net cash on:


preset costs for delivering a product or service under normal conditions are called costs.
a. true
b. false


It is true. Preset costs for delivering a product or service under normal conditions are called costs.

This includes the expenses associated with:

LaborMaterialsOverhead costs

What are Costs for Delivering a Product or Service?

Costs are preset expenses associated with delivering a product or service under normal conditions. These costs include:

Labor costs are the wages paid to employees to produce the product or service. Materials costs are the costs of the raw materials used in the production of the product or service. Overhead costs are the costs associated with running the business, such as rent and utilities.

All of these costs are taken into account when setting the price of a product or service.

Learn more about Costs:


How do you detect a tamper?


Tamper is detected by some techniques include sensors and switches to detect the opening of doors.

Tamper is an interfere with something in order to cause damage or make some unauthorized alterations. Example, Someone tampered with the brakes of my car.

Techniques used to detect tampering may include any or all of the following : switches to detect the opening and closing the doors or access covers, sensors to detect changes in light or pressure within the device, or a barrier or matrix to detect drilling or penetrating the device boundary.

To know more about tamper here,


a monetary policy that reduces both real and nominal income: multiple choice must be expansionary. must be contractionary. cannot be expansionary or contractionary. could be expansionary or contractionary.


A monetary policy that reduces both real and nominal income must be contradictory.

Hence, Option B is correct.

Inflation control strategies that are more prevalent today include contractionary monetary policy. By raising interest rates, a contractionary policy seeks to reduce the amount of money in an economy. 5 Credit becomes more expensive as a result, which lowers consumer and company expenditure and slows economic growth.

The monetary authority of a country adopts monetary policy to control the interest rate charged on borrowing that is taken out for extremely short periods of time.

To know more about Monetary policy here


The rate of interest specified in a bond contract as the interest rate to be paid by the company to investors in the bond is known as the market rate.
a. True
b. False


The statement " The rate of interest specified in a bond contract as the interest rate to be paid by the company to investors in the bond is known as the market rate" is true.

The bonds would be offered at a discount when the market rate at the time of sale is greater than the advertised rate. The bonds would be offered at a premium if indeed the market price at the time of sale is lower than the specified rate.

Selling a bond before it matures is referred to as interest-rate risk as well as market risk. The realisation of a capital loss as a result of the bond selling for less than it cost to buy will be caused by an increase in interest rates. Wide margin, the biggest risk a bond market investor faces is interest-rate risk.

Therefore, the correct answer will be option (a)

To know more about interest


an organization has a system in place that allows one salesperson to update contact information for a client, simultaneously updating the same information for all other employees.


One salesperson can update client contact information while also updating the same information for all other employees thanks to a management information system in place at the company.

How do you define a management information system?

Management information systems are the study of people, technology, organizations, and their interactions (MIS). MIS experts help firms make the most of their investments in personnel, technology, and administrative processes.

Who is in charge of managing information?

Information management is primarily the owner's job, followed by that of any additional stakeholders who may have a stake in the information, or the data owner.

To know more about salesperson visit:-


if you ran a successful awareness campaign using a 30-second video ad and now see the value of remarketing to audiences who watched it with memorable, shorter video ads, what video ad format should you use to achieve that goal?


The most effective ad format for increasing brand recognition is an image ad. They are visually appealing without being overly expensive, which is something that search-based text advertising and many other forms lack. Additionally, they are available in a wide range of sizes and styles, from banners to enormous square picture   video ads.

The most effective ad format for increasing brand recognition is an image ad. They are visually appealing without being overly expensive, which is something that search-based text advertising and many other forms lack. Additionally, they are available in a wide range of sizes and styles, from banners to enormous square picture ads. skippable in-stream advertising. advertising that can't be skipped in-stream. video advertising that play in-feed. ad bumpers. Combining advertising strategy with compelling content is the secret to a successful video campaign. Your video should be fascinating and authentic as you write and produce it. Try not to imitate others.

Learn more about video from


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