which is not a property of an ideal gas? a) consists of point particles b) can pass through walls c) there are no attractive/repulsive forces d) all of the above are properties of ideal gases e) none of the above are properties of ideal gases


Answer 1

Answer: i think its E, but please do not quote me on that; that was 11 lessons ago for me


Related Questions

What is the volume of STP?


The volume at STP is 22.4 L.

By using the ideal gas equation we get :

P V = n R T

V = n R T / P

given that :

pressure, P = 1 atm

n = moles = 1 mol

R = gas constant = 0.0823 atm L / mol K

T = temperature = 273.15 K

putting the values in the formula , we get :

V = n R T / P

V = (1 × 0.0823 × 273.15 ) / 1

V  = 22.4 L

Thus, the volume at standard temperature and the pressure condition is is 22.4 L.

To learn more about ideal gas equation here



the transition metal, copper, has two stable isotopes. one of the isotopes has a mass of 64.92779 amu and constitutes 30.85% of the copper isotopes. what is the mass of the other stable isotope of copper?


The mass of the other stable isotope of copper is 62.92086 amu.

given that :

the mass of one of the isotope = 64.92779 amu

the percent of abundance = 30.85 % = 0.3085

the average atomic mass of the copper = 63.54 amu

mass of the other isotope, M2 = ?

the average atomic mass = 64.92779 amu × 0.3085 + M2 ( 1 - 0.3085)

63.54                                  = 20.03022 + M2 ( 0.6915)

M2 = 43.50978 / 0.6915

M2 = 62.92086 amu

Thus, the transition metal, copper, has two stable isotopes. one of the isotopes has a mass of 64.92779 amu and constitutes 30.85% of the copper isotopes.  the mass of the other stable isotopes of copper is 62.92086 amu.

To learn more about isotopes here



what are the molality and mole fraction of solute in a 21.5 percent by mass aqueous solution of formic acid (hcooh)? molality


The molality and mole fraction of solute in a 21.6 percent by mass aqueous solution of formic acid are 5.98mol and 0.097 respectively.

21.6 %m/m = 21.6 g HCOOH dissolved in (100 g - 21.6 g=) 78.4 g H2O

Molar mass of HCOOH = 46.03 g/mol

Mol in 21.6 g = 21.6 g / 46.03 g/mol = 0.4692 mol

78mol HCOOH dissolved in 1000g water= (1000g/78.4g)0.4692 mol

Molality= 5.98mol in 1.0 kg water.

Molar mass H2O = 18 g/mol

Mol H2O in 1000 g = 55.55 mol

Total moles in solution = 5.98mol+55.55mol= 61.53mol

Mol fraction HCOOH = 5.98 mol / 61.53 mol = 0.097

What is molality?

Molality is a measure of the number of intelligencers of solute in a result corresponding to 1 kg or 1000 g of detergent.

To know more about molality, click the link given below:



nitrogen gas can be prepared by passing gaseous ammonia over solid copper(ii) oxide at high temperatures. the other products of the reaction are solid acoper and water vapor. if a sample containing 18.1 g of nh3 is reacted with 90.4g of cuo whcih is the limiting reactant? how many grams of n2 will be formed?


10.6g of N2 will be produced as a result when  a sample containing 18.1 g of nh3 is reacted with 90.4g of CuO which is the limiting reactant.

2 NH3(g) + 3 CuO(s) ⟶ N2(g) + 3 Cu(s) + 3 H2O(g)

To calculate moles as

18.1g NH3 X 1mol NH3/17g NH3 = 1.06mol NH3

90.4g CuO x 1mol CuO/79.5g CuO = 1.14mol CuO

Given the limiting reactant 1.06mol NH3 x 3mol CuO/2mol NH3 = 1.59mol CuO is required

Since 1.14mol CuO is present it is limiting

Required is 3mol CuO/2mol NH3 =1.5 and obtained is 1.14mol CuO/1.06mol NH3 = 1.08

Mass of N2 produced = 1.14mol CuO x 1mol N2/3mol CuO x 28g N2/1mol N2= 10.6g N2  

To learn more about limiting reactant click here https://brainly.com/question/14225536


What is the solubility of sugar in 100 g of water at 20 Celsius?


The solubility of sugar in 100 g of water at 20 degrees Celsius is 204g. The water's temperature has an impact on solubility. at standard temperature (roughly 20 degrees C),

In 100 mL of water, 203.9 grammes (or 200 grammes) of sugar can be dissolved. The water's temperature has an impact on solubility. You may dissolve 203.9 grammes (or 200 grammes) of sugar in 100 mL of water at normal temperature (about 20 degrees C). Up to around 500 grammes of sugar will dissolve in 100 mL of water at 100 degrees Celsius as water temperature rises. The concentration of the sucrose solution rises as the temperature rises. 100 ml of water will dissolve 175 g of sucrose at 0 °C.

Learn more about solubility here



What is the most important reason why we throw salt on the ice on driveways?


The most important reason why we throw salt on the ice on drivers because it melts the ice.

In the regions where the climate is very cold, a lot of snow gets accumulated on the driveways.

The result in the blockage of the driveways.

In order to melt the ice present on the driveways we use salt.

When salt is thrown on the ice it releases heat the heat released by the salt is captured by the Ice and it melts to form water. Because of the dissociation of the ions of the salt, the freezing point of the ice on the road decreases to a very low point from zero degrees.

Also using salt is a rather economical method of removing ice the driveways.

To know more about salt, visit,



isotopes are atoms of a particular element that contain a different number of neutrons. protons. electrons.


Answer:  Neutrons


Isotopes have the same number of protons but have different number of neutrons

you are using a geiger counter to measure the activity of a radioactive substance over the course of several minutes. if the reading of 400. counts has diminished to 100. counts after 60.1 minutes , what is the half-life of this substance?


The half-life of this substance is 30.13 minutes.

Half-life is the duration of time it takes for a radioactive element to decay to half of its initial value. This suggests that a source's activity has a half-life when it takes time for it to decrease to half its initial value.

Expression for rate law for first order kinetics is given by:

K = 2.303/t log a/a-x


k = rate constant  = ?

t = time passed by the sample  = 60.1 min

a = initial amount of the reactant = 400

a - x = amount left after decay process = 100

Therefore, K= 2.303/60.1 log 400/100

k= 2.3 x 10^ -2 min-1

Now we have to calculate the half-life of substance, we use the formula :

k = 0.693 / t

t = 30.13 min

Therefore, the half-life of this substance will be, 30.13 minutes.

To learn more about Half-life of elements visit:



What happens in transition phase?


Contractions will come close together and can last 60 to 90 seconds.

a gas is enclosed in a cylinder fitted with a light frictionless piston and maintained at atmospheric pressure. when 254 kcal of heat is added to the gas, the volume is observed to increase slowly from 12.0 m3 to 16.2 m3. a. Calculate the work done by the gas. b. Calculate the change in internal energy of the gas.


The work done by the gas for question A will be 4.2 * 10^5 J.

The change in internal energy of the gas for question B is 6.43 * 10^5 J.

What is work (in gas)?

For a gas, it is the product of the pressure P and the volume V during a change of volume. The formula for work done in gas is W (work) = P (pressure) * V (volume)

Now, let's calculate the work done by gas to answer question A.

Work = Pressure * (Volume 2 - Volume 1)

= 1 atm * (16.2 - 12)

= 10^5 Pa * 4.2

= 4.2 * 10^5 J

So the work done by the gas is 4.2 * 10^5 J.

Now, let's find the change in internal energy of the gas.

The heat energy added to the system is

Q = 254kcal

= 254kcal * (4184J / 1 kcal)

= 1.063 * 10^6 J

The change in internal energy of gas is

ΔU = Q (the heat energy added) - W (work done by gas)

= 1.063 * 10^6 J - 4.2*10^5 J

= 6.43 * 10^5 J

Therefore, the change in internal energy of the gas is 6.43 * 10^5 J

Learn more about work (in gas) https://brainly.com/question/29589757


Which is more Electropositive Zn or Cu?


Because copper is more electronegative and zinc is more electropositive zinc will act as the anode and copper will act as the cathode in a battery.  

The positive electrode, copper, is negatively charged from the excess electrons at the expense of the negative electrode, zinc, which becomes positively charged. Although we say that copper is the positive pole and zinc is the negative pole, in reality, the transition of electrons will happen against electrostatic forces, not following them. Compared to copper metal, zinc metal loses its outer electrons more readily. Zinc will act as the anode and copper will act as the cathode in a battery. Alkali metals are well-known for being extremely electropositive because they are easily capable of losing one electron to take on the properties of a noble gas. Due to their transition element status, Cu and Cr are less electropositive than alkali metals. The positive electrode is copper, and the negative electrode is zinc.

To learn more about electrode click here https://brainly.com/question/17060277


Cathodic protection of iron involves using another more reactive metal as a sacrificial anode. Classify each of the following metals by whether they would or would not act as a sacrificial anode to iron. Drag each item to the appropriate bin.1. Ag2. Mg3. Cu4. Pb5. Sn6. Zn7. Aua. Will act as sacrificial anode for ironb. Will not act as sacrificial anode for iron


The metals which possess potency towards corrosion are protected with a much more highly active metal called sacrificial anode and thereby combat corrosion.

The reduction potentials of the given elements are shown below,









By analyzing the reduction potentials among the list of given elements, only magnesium and zinc are the only metals that posses a lower reduction potential compared to that of iron. Cathodic protection of iron involves using another more reactive metal as a sacrificial anode. These metals are thus, more reactive than iron making them capable to serve as sacrificial anode. only magnesium and zinc acts as sacrificial anode for iron. The remaining elements Ag, Au, Pb, Sn and Cu will not act as sacrificial anode for iron.

To learn more about Sacrificial Anode please visit:



gold can be plated out of a solution containing au(no3)3 . what mass of gold (in grams) can be plated by a 10.0 minute flow of a 5.50 amp current?


The mass of gold (in grams) can be plated by a 10.0 minute flow of a 5.50 amp current is 26070 g.

Electroplating is the system of the usage of electrodeposition to coat an item in a layer of steel(s). Engineers use controlled electrolysis to switch the favored steel coating from an anode (a element containing the metallic as a way to be used because the plating) to a cathode (the component to be plated).

Electroplating, also known as electrochemical deposition or electrodeposition, is a technique for producing a metal coating on a solid substrate thru the discount of cations of that metallic by way of an immediate electric powered modern.


mass = ZIT

        = 79 × 5.50 × 600

        = 26070 g

Learn more about electrolysis here:-https://brainly.com/question/25922783


You are working in the lab with your group and you notice the sweater on the mannequin next to you catches on fire. What is the appropriate course of action? O Tell the mannequin she deserves it for wearing a sweater in such warm weather. o Laugh hysterically because it's not a real person O Push the mannequin on the ground and roll it back and forth to suppress the flames. O Pour flammable liquid on the dummy. Run around the room screaming "Fire, Fire!!!"


The chemical can be really harmful and also flammable so when the fire is caught then the appropriate action is to push the mannequin on the ground and roll it back and fourth to suppress the flames.

What would you use right away if your clothes started on fire?

Use the drop-and-roll method to put out a fire in burning clothing, douse it in cold water, or, if an emergency shower is nearby, use it.

If a chemical spill has affected your clothing, you should  _____?

removed right after, and the skin should be thoroughly rinsed with water for at least fifteen minutes. Before being worn again, clothes must be cleaned. If a flammable, volatile substance is spilled, alert everyone right away, put out any flames, and ventilate any area.

The chemical can be really harmful and also flammable so when the fire is caught then the appropriate action is to push the mannequin on the ground and roll it back and fourth to suppress the flames.

To know more about chemical, refer: brainly.com/question/13145357


Pressure has little effect on the solubility of liquids and solids because they are almost incompressible.t/f


Liquids and solids exhibit practically no change of solubility with changes in pressure.

As expected, gases increase in solubility with increasing pressure. Henry's Law states that the solubility of a gas in a liquid is directly proportional to the pressure of that gas above the surface of the solution.

In chemistry, solubility is the ability of one substance (solute) to form a solution with another substance (solvent). Insolubility is the opposite property, the inability of a solute to form such a solution.

The solubility of a substance in a particular solvent is usually measured as the concentration of the solute in the saturated solution beyond which the solute cannot dissolve.  At this point, the two substances are said to be in solubility equilibrium. For some solutes and solvents, there may be no such restriction, in which case the two substances are said to be "miscible in all proportions" (or simply "miscible") [2 ].

Solutes can be solids, liquids, or gases, while solvents are usually solids or liquids. Both can be pure substances or solutions. Gases are always miscible in all proportions except in very extreme circumstances, and a solid or liquid can only be "dissolved" in a gas by first going to the gaseous state.

Solubility is primarily dependent on solute and solvent composition (including pH and the presence of other solutes), temperature, and pressure. This dependence can often be explained by interactions between two particles of matter (atoms, molecules, or ions) and thermodynamic concepts such as enthalpy and entropy.

Learn more about solubility here : https://brainly.com/question/23946616


rutherfordium-257 was synthesized by bombarding cf-249 with c-12 . enter the nuclear equation for this reaction. express your answer as a chemical equation.


Rutherfordium-257 was synthesized by bombarding Cf-249 with C-12 .  the nuclear equation for this reaction is :

²⁴⁹Cf₉₈   +   ¹²C₆    --->      ²⁵⁷Rf₁₀₄  +  4¹n₀

carbon :

atomic number = 6

mass number = 12

californium :

atomic number = 98

mass number = 249

Rutherfordium :

atomic number = 104

mass number = 257

The nuclear reaction is given as :

²⁴⁹Cf₉₈   +   ¹²C₆    --->      ²⁵⁷Rf₁₀₄  

                                    reactant         product

atomic number                104                   104

mass number                   261                   257

the mass is not balance to balance the mass number we have to add with mass number 1 and atomic number 0.

²⁴⁹Cf₉₈   +   ¹²C₆    --->      ²⁵⁷Rf₁₀₄  +  4¹n₀

Thus, the above nuclear reaction is called as nuclear fission.

To learn more about nuclear reaction here



What type of reaction is CH2O O2?


It is a combustion reaction where CH₂O + O2 → CO2 + H2O occurs.

The balanced chemical equation for the interaction between formaldehyde and oxygen gas, which results in the production of carbon dioxide and water, is,

CH₂O + O2 → CO2 + H2O

As you can see from the process above, methane is being burned since oxygen is present. Along with water, methane also produces carbon dioxide.

We may infer from this that the reaction described above is a combustion reaction. Furthermore, it should be mentioned that the formation of new products as a result of the combination of two various reactants indicates that the reaction is also a type of combination reaction.

To know more about combustion reaction, visit,



a 2.66 mol sample of kr has a volume of 401 ml. how many moles of kr are in a 6.71 l sample at the same temperature and pressure?


The number of moles of kr are in a 6.71 l sample at the same temperature and pressure is 10.94 mol.

What is pressure?

A simpler definition is that pressure means how much something presses on something else. It is expressed in force per unit area. P=F/A.

Therefore, The number of moles of kr are in a 6.71 l sample at the same temperature and pressure is 10.94 mol. A simpler definition is that pressure means how much something presses on something else. It is expressed in force per unit area. P=F/A. Pressure means how much something presses on something else. The number of moles of kr are in a 6.71 l sample at the same temperature.

To learn more about pressure refer the given link:-



approximately how long after the big bang did the era of nucleosynthesis end, marking the time when the basic chemical composition of the universe was determined?


The Era of nucleosynthesis lasted until 3 minutes after the Big Bang. This predicted by Big Bang theory.

The Nucleosynthesis is the creation of new atomic nuclei. the centers of atoms that are made up of protons and neutrons. Nucleosynthesis first occurred within a few minutes of the Big Bang. At that time, a quark-gluon plasma, a soup of particles known as quarks and gluons, condensed into protons and neutrons.

According to the the Big Bang Nucleosynthesis theory it is predicted  that roughly 25% the mass of the Universe consists of Helium. It also predicts about 0.01% deuterium and even smaller quantities of lithium.  the prediction depends critically on the density of baryons at the time of nucleosynthesis.  In terms of the present day critical density of matter is the required density of baryons is a few percent. This relatively low value means that not all of the dark matter can be baryonic.

To learn more about Big Bang theory please visit:



The era of nucleosynthesis ended approximately 3 minutes after the Big Bang, marking the time when the basic chemical composition of the universe was determined.

During this era, the universe was cool enough for protons and neutrons to combine to form the nuclei of the lightest elements, including hydrogen, helium, and a small amount of lithium. This process, known as "big bang nucleosynthesis," was crucial for establishing the basic chemical composition of the universe. After this era ended, the universe continued to expand and cool, and more complex elements were eventually formed through other processes, such as nuclear fusion in stars.

Learn more about the Big Bang here:



draw the electron dot formula for ammonia, nh3. how many nonbonding electron pairs are in an ammonia molecule? question 27 options: a) 1 b) 3 c) 2 d) none of the above e) 6


1 nonbonding electron pairs are in an ammonia molecule.

N has 5 electrons in its valence shell

3 electrons are being used to bond with Hydrogens

2 are left

therefore, there is 1 electron pair

A chemical bond is a lasting enchantment between atoms or ions that allows the formation of molecules and crystals. The bond might also result from the electrostatic pressure between oppositely charged ions as in ionic bonds, or through the sharing of electrons as in covalent bonds.

There are 3 primary varieties of bonding: ionic, covalent, and metallic. Ionic bonding. Definition: An ionic bond is shaped whilst valence electrons are transferred from one atom to the alternative to finish the outer electron shell.

The bond between hydrogen and oxygen atoms to form water is an instance of a covalent bond.

Learn more about Bonding here:-https://brainly.com/question/27789666


Which of the following will dissociate into the largest number of ions in solution?A) Li2SO4B) KIC) LiC2H3O2D) Na3PO4E) C6H12O6


Na₃PO₄ will dissociate into the largest number of ions in solution.

A dissociation reaction is defined as a reaction where larger molecules dissociates to form new molecules by the use of some energy. The required energy is found in the form of heat or electricity after the reaction. Dissociation reaction is reversible in nature, where a single reactant will break down to form two or more products and vice versa.

The formula for a dissociation reaction is follows as: AB → A + B.

When Na₃PO₄ is dissolved in water, it is broken down into its constituent ions. Constituent ions of Na₃PO₄ are sodium ions and phosphate ions.

Conclusively, The chemical equation for showing the change is given as:

Na₃PO₄(s) → 3Na+(aq) + PO₃⁻⁴(aq)

Learn more about dissociation reaction from the link given below.



The different geometries that a molecule can attain by bond rotations and bends are called conformations.T/F


The different geometries that a molecule can attain by bond rotations and bends are called conformations: True.

A molecule is a collection of  or greater atoms held together by means of appealing forces known as chemical bonds; depending on context, the time period may also or may not consist of ions which satisfy this criterion.

The smallest particle of any substance that could exist independently and retain the physical and chemical homes of the substance, made up of 1 or unique elements is a molecule. Molecules are divisible into atoms similarly. as an instance, oxygen atom is represented as O, oxygen molecule is represented as O2.

Learn more about molecule here:



(a) for an ag-90 at% sr alloy at 600c: (i) plot the constitution point on the phase diagram. (ii) identify the phases present and find their compositions in at%. (iii) the temperature is slowly reduced to 500c. will the phase compositions and proportions change? (b) for an ag-30 at% sr alloy at 600c: (i) plot the constitution point on the phase diagram. (ii) identify the phases present, and find their compositions in at%. (iii) will the proportions change if the temperature is reduced to 500c? why is this? (c) the atomic weight of ag is 107.9 and that of sr is 87.6. calculate the compositions of the four intermetallic compounds in the agesr system in weight%. (d) for an al-4 wt% cu alloy: (i) calculate the composition in at% cu (atomic masses of al and cu: 26.98 and 63.54, respectively). (ii) at 550c, identify the phase(s) present, and find its composition (in wt%) and proportion by weight. (iii) repeat for 250c.


(a) At 600 °C, for an Ag-90 at% Sr alloy:

I Draw the phase diagram's constitution point.

(ii) Determine the compositions of the current phases in at%.

(iii) A gradual cooling to 500°C takes place. Will the compositions and ratios of the phases change?

(b) At 600 °C, for an Ag-30 at% Sr alloy:

I Draw the phase diagram's constitution point.

(ii) Recognize the phases and calculate the compositions of each in at%.

(iii) If the temperature is lowered to 500°C, will the proportions change? Why is that so?

(c) The atomic weights of Ag and Sr are 107.9 and 87.6, respectively. Determine the weight percentages of the four intermetallic compounds that make up the Age Sr system.

c) For an Al-4 w t% Copper alloy

I Compute

To know more about compounds, click the link below;



the oxidative step of the citric acid cycle that is not linked to the reduction of nad is the reaction catalyzed by:


The oxidative step of the citric acid cycle that is not linked to the reduction of nad is the reaction catalyzed by isocitrate dehydrogenase.

What is  citric acid cycle?

C6H8O7 is the chemical formula for citric acid, a weak acid. Both monohydrate and water-free forms are possible for it (anhydrous). Citrus fruits including lemons, oranges, and others typically contain this acid. Tribasic acids are thought to be what it is. It appears as a white crystalline solid, has no smell, and a sour flavour.

What is reduction ?

An increase in the number of electrons linked to an atom or group of atoms is the definition of a reduction, which includes all chemical reactions in the reduction class. To provide the electrons that are absorbed by the reduced molecule, a different substance is oxidised. Identify the oxidation-reduction reaction.

Therefore the oxidative step of the citric acid cycle that is not linked to the reduction of nad is the reaction catalyzed by isocitrate dehydrogenase.

Learn more about citric acid cycle from the given link.



3.45 x 10^24 molecules of Ba(OH)2 is how many liters


Its original definition of molecule is, "the smallest unit of a substance that yet preserves the qualities of that substance," was intended to be encompassed by this designation. 3.45 x 10²⁴ molecules of Ba ( OH )₂ is 5.9 liters.

What is molecule ?

According to the context, the term may or may not include ions that meet this requirement. A molecule is a collection of two or more atoms held together by the attractive forces known as chemical bonds.

"An atom is a body that cannot be cut in two; a molecule is the smallest conceivable component of a specific substance," wrote James Maxwell in 1873 when defining atom and molecule.

1 moles Ba ( OH )₂ = 171.34168 gram


3.45 x 10²⁴ molecules of Ba ( OH )₂

= 591.1 mole

= 5.9 liter

Thus, 3.45 x 10²⁴ molecules of Ba ( OH )₂ is 5.9 liters.

To learn more about molecules, follow the link;



if 20.1 grams of an aqueous solution of manganese(ii) chloride, mncl2, contains 2.37 grams of manganese(ii) chloride, what is the percentage by mass of manganese(ii) chloride in the solution?


The percentage by mass of manganese(ii) chloride in the solution is 11.79 %.

What is mass percentage?

One method to show the concentration of an element in a compound or component in a combination is as a mass percentage.

Mass percentage

= Mass of solute/Mass of solvent .100

= 2.37/20.1*100

= 11.79 %

∴ Mass percentage of MnCl2 = 11.79 %

Therefore, the percentage by mass of manganese(ii) chloride in the solution is 11.79 %.

To learn more about mass percentage from the given link.



what property of water causes water molecules to resist evaporation and to pool together? group of answer choices density adhesion electronegativity cohesion


Because they can create hydrogen bonds with one another, water molecules have powerful adhesive forces. The tendency of a liquid's surface to resist rupture when put under tension or stress is known as surface tension and is caused by cohesive forces.

What is cohesive force?

In physics, cohesion refers to the attractive force between two neighboring molecular segments of a substance, especially a solid or liquid. An object's constituent parts are held together by this force. A phenomenon known as adhesion occurs when two substances that are chemically different to one another come into contact.

To learn more about cohesive force

Here: https://brainly.com/question/25570842


As a system reaches thermal equilibrium, _____ has been transferred from areas of high to low _____.


A system has transferred thermal energy from hot to cold regions as it reaches thermal equilibrium.

Define thermal equilibrium and provide instances.

When the powertrain temperature reaches thermal equilibrium over time, it does so when it reaches parity with the ambient temperature. The temperature of a cup of hot tea is equal to the ambient temperature when it is placed on the table and following a brief interval. The thermal equilibrium is at this point.

The equation for thermal equilibrium is what?

At the same temperature are objects that are in thermal equilibrium. At a fixed temperature, the Neumann free energy equation (F = U - TS), also known as the thermal equilibrium equation, illustrates how much energy is available in a system to perform beneficial work.

To know more about  thermal equilibrium visit:



35. 0 ml of 0. 255 m hno3 is added to 45. 0 ml of 0. 164 m mg(no3)2. What is the concentration of nitrate ion in the final solution?.


The concentration of nitrate ion in the final solution is 0.1116 M.

To find the concentration of nitrate ion in the final solution, you need to know the volume and concentration of the two solutions before they are mixed. The volume of the HNO3 solution is 35.0 mL and the concentration is 0.255 M. The volume of the Mg(NO3)2 solution is 45.0 mL and the concentration is 0.164 M.

To find the concentration of nitrate ion in the final solution, you need to use the formula for dilution of a solution. The formula is:

C1V1 = C2V2

Where C1 is the concentration of the first solution, V1 is the volume of the first solution, C2 is the concentration of the final solution, and V2 is the volume of the final solution.

In this case, you want to find the concentration of the final solution (C2). To do this, you need to rearrange the formula to solve for C2:

C2 = (C1V1)/V2

Plugging in the values from the problem, you get:

C2 = (0.255 M * 35.0 mL) / (35.0 mL + 45.0 mL)

C2 = (8.9275) / (80.0 mL)

C2 = 0.1116 M

Therefore, the concentration of nitrate ion in the final solution is 0.1116 M.

Learn more about concentration, here https://brainly.com/question/10725862


the atomic masses of nitrogen-14, titanium-48, and xenon-129 are 13.999234 amuamu , 47.935878 amuamu , and 128.904779 amuamu , respectively. part a calculate the nuclear masses of all three isotopes. express your answers in atomic mass units to six decimal places separated by commas. m(14n)m(14n) , m(48ti)m(48ti) , m(129xe)m(129xe)


The sum of an element's mass number and its number of protons and neutrons is given by the formula mass number = protons + neutrons. Simply deduct the number of protons, or atomic number, from the mass number to get how many neutrons an atom has.

How can the atomic mass of Class 11 be determined?

The number of protons and neutrons in an atom are simply added to determine the atomic mass of that particular atom. Consider an oxygen atom, for instance, which has 8 electrons, 8 protons, and 8 neutrons. You only need to multiply the atomic mass of oxygen by 8 protons and 8 neutrons.

How can the atomic mass of Class 9 be determined?

The atomic mass of a single atom can be determined by summing the total masses of the protons and neutrons in that particular isotope since their combined masses make up nearly all of the mass of the given atom.

To know more about Atomic mass visit;



The atmic masses of nitrogen, titanium, xenon are 14.1154amu, 48.38523amu, 130.042455amu

1.Atomic Mass of ₇N¹⁴=13.99amu

Mass of proton=1.0072amu

Mass of neutron=1.00865amu

A nucleus contains only protons and neutrons.N¹⁴ contains 7 protons and 7 neutrons i.e. total 14 nucleons.

Total mass of protons and neutrons =Nuclear mass


2.Given ₂₂N⁴⁸=47.935878 amu


mass of neuron=1.008665amu

It contains 22 protons and 26 neutrons

Total mass of protons and neutrons =Nuclear mass


3.Similarly atomic mass of xenon is 130.042455amu

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discuss the various types of internet investment scams and auction frauds causes and solutions by giving some examples? A nickle has a mass of 5 grams while a penny has a mass of 2. 5 grams. What is the mass in kilograms of a bag of coins containing 186 nickles and 72 pennies?. What happens in the transitional stage? What does this soliloquy by Hamlet represent at this point in the play? Specialty stores are characterized by ________. A) the sale of convenience and staple itemsB) narrow product lines with deep assortmentsC) a wide range of products and categoriesD) low prices on a wide range of goodsE) routinely purchased food products and services Write the model for g (a), whose graph represents the indicated transformations off (x).f(x) = x2 Units Left, then 3 Units Down, followed by a reflection in the x-axisNO SPACES and use ^2 to represent the 2 in g(x) = True or false. Jeff, Kirk, and Rina are partners in a law firm. The partnership is dissolved if Rina withdraws from the partnership and Jeff and Kirk continue to operate the business. two buyers call you. both want to view homes this coming weekend. one is relocating from out of town, the other has six months left on an apartment lease. which buyer should be your priority for the weekend? the purchase of goods and services, the sale of goods and services to customers, and costs to operate the business are all reported on the statement of cash flows under____activities. you have a deck of 52 cards, and you keep taking pairs of cards out of the deck. if a pair of cards are both red, then you win that pair; if a pair of cards are both black, then i win that pair; if a pair of cards has one red and one black, then it's discarded. if, after going through the whole deck, you have more pairs than i do, then you win $1, and if i have more pairs than you do, i win $1. what is the value of this game in the long run? how did the industrialization cause change in existing social hierarchies and standards of living are these things below living or non-living? How do you create a concept? 3m-8n/13show work ! 3. what is the most frequent type of damaging severe weather from thunderstorms? straight line winds, hail, or tornadoes we have learned that the transition from poverty is a challenging one, because it is not simply an economic issue, but a cultural one as well. what would be a result if the government slowly phases out its support payments through the antipoverty program? Woman wrote four different thesis statements for his paper on John f Kenneth book profiles in courage.select the strongest thesis statement for his paper. Brown tree snakes caused 10 out of the 11 native bird species in guam to go extinct. Identify what this example would be a loss of. you have two true-breeding rose bushes, one with red flowers and one with white flowers. a cross between these two roses yields a bush with pink flowers. the pink flower color is an example of What influence completed the final breakaway from renaissance techniques for western artists?