Write an Informational paragraph explaining the consequences of global warming on polar bears. Be sure to try and persuade the American people of ways the polar bear population can be saved. This paragraph needs to include 2 cited facts. This must be a minimum of 8 sentences long. I need the recourses too


Answer 1


Global warming is affecting many species on our planet, including polar bears .

Some species can respond to the changing global climate by changing their distribution — the area that a species lives and moves within. For example, many species of birds in North America are moving their distributions northward as the climate changes.

Other species are unable to adjust to changing conditions and therefore become extinct . For example, the golden toad used to be found in the tropical cloud forests of Costa Rica, but are now thought to be extinct. Scientists have collected evidence which shows that the golden toad was probably driven to extinction by climate change , because the forests became too dry for them to survive.

golden toads

The golden toad probably went extinct when the forests became too dry for this species.

As for the polar bears, they spend most of their time on floating sheets of sea ice  hunting for their favorite food, seals. But as the Arctic  has warmed in recent years, the ice is melting earlier. This gives the bears less time to hunt. So some bears might not be able to build up the fat they need to survive the rest of the year.  

We can all contribute to reducing climate change, and therefore help polar bears and other endangered  species. A significant cause of climate change is the emission of polluting gases from burning fossil fuels, such as coal and oil. Fossil fuels are burned when we use electricity or drive our cars, among other things.

polar bear on ice floe

The number of polar bears is dropping. Further global warming could threaten the entire species.

Here are just a few important things we can do to help reduce global warming:

Use our cars less (walk or take public transport whenever possible)

Use energy  efficient light bulbs (these are available in most household stores — encourage your parents and teachers to buy them!)

Recycle  more and avoid products that have lots of packaging.

Turn off electric devices when you're not using them.


All these actions will help reduce the amount of pollution we create. And don't forget, when you get older you will have the opportunity to vote for politicians that support taking action to reduce global warming.

Explore More:  

How is global warming affecting animals that are Living on Ice in the Arctic?

Find out how global warming is endangering the planet's species and habitats in Going, Going... Gone?

Kids talk about how melting ice is threatening polar bears in this video, The Sea Ice is Melting!


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The words shy and sister are alliterative.



True. I hope.





Name: __________________                        Date: ___________
Metaphors Worksheet (Meanings Part 2)
[Animated image]
A metaphor is a figure of speech that compares two things. Often times it uses the word “is.”
Directions: For each metaphor given blow, write what you think it means.
Example A: Thoughts are a storm, unexpected
Answer: someone may have many unexpected thoughts at anytime
1. Once your heart's been broken it grows back bigger-
2. His hair is a white snowflake and his hair is a messy haystack-
3. He is all heartbroken-
4. The pigeons fountained into the air-
5. Her hair was bone white-
6. He tried to help but his legs were wax-


1. once u get heartbroken, u grow to be better
2. his hair is messy, like a snowflake
3. totally broken or mentally not ok
4. the pigeons flied gracefully into the air
5. his hair is really white
6. not sure about this

I’ll give brainliest!!!!! Plz help!!

Select the correct text in the passage.
Read this introductory paragraph of a persuasive essay. Which sentence states the main argument of this essay?


Just that everyday millions of Americans make these same decisions and waste energy

I’ll give a brainiest!! Plz help!

Use the graphic organizer below to create an outline for your persuasive essay. When you have finished, copy and paste
your outline into the Notebook tool() so that you can refer to it later in the lesson.



This is just instructions for your essay. You need to give us a topic, and for you shouldn't use brainly to give you a graphic organizer, lol. Good luck.


• Match the words in the text with the definitions below:
crops, farmyard, plough, seeds, land, wheat,

1) the area next to the farm buildings
2) an area of ground
3) the parts of a plant that you put into the ground to grow
new plants
4) a plant that is used to make bread
5) plants that farmers grow
6) a machine that farmers use to prepare fields for planting​



corps - a plant that farmer grow

farm yard-the area next to the farm building

plough- 6)



wheat - 5)

1) farmyard 2) land 3) seeds 4) wheat 5) crops 6) plough

Riddle What disappears as soon as you say its name?





heard this one before

The answer is silence.

Why the answer is silence?

The reason is, till you are quiet and speak nothing, silence is maintained. But as soon as you speak, you break the silence. Thus, silence is something that disappears as soon as you say its name.

Thus, the answer is silence.

Learn more on riddle here - brainly.com/question/478260


Help please
Brainiest answer to whoever is first



Your answer is 1


PLEASE HELP which option is an example of deductive reasoning



i say C is the best answer


Which prompt would be best addressed with a chronological structure?
A. Help the reader visualize what life was like in the Japanese city of
Kyoto in the 1500s. Cover the food, social classes, government,
and jobs people worked.
B. Write an essay that argues for or against the use of chemicals like
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sports, including tennis, squash, badminton, and racquetball.



c a-pex


What would happen if teachers and students
switched places?


Answer: Everybody would not have the right knowledge

Explanation: We learn from our teachers so how would we teach them if they suppose to teach us ?

Which two words are the closest synonyms?
definitely and certainly
honoring and viewing
introduced and accused
fictional and unfamiliar



A) definitely and certainly



A defonatly and certainly

Choose the best revision for the run on sentence

3. Ostriches cannot fly, their long, muscular legs are built well for running.

A. Ostriches cannot fly; their long, muscular legs are built well for running.

B. Ostriches cannot fly their long, muscular legs are built well for running.

C. Ostriches cannot fly, but their long, muscular legs are built well for running.



I believe that c is right. Its the only run on sentence that makes sense

Screenwriters, and television writers may choose to unfold the development of their characters in different ways. In some instances, a writer can take an entire film or television season to reveal the inner workings of their characters. In other instances, they may reveal the character's nature very early. Think about a movie OR a television show that you have enjoyed. Discuss one character that stood out to you in the work and be sure to include the following information:

What does the character's appearance tell us about their personality? Consider their age, look, costuming, etc.
What does the character's behavior around other characters tell us about their personality?
What does the character want and how does that influence their actions?
Be sure to provide specific evidence from the television show or movie that you are discussing to support your claims.



The movie I think about is the 1946 classic It's A Wonderful Life. The main character in the movie, George Bailey, is a worker and a businessman. This is reflected by the clothes he wears and the way he carries himself. He acts very nice towards everyone around him and through his actions it's obvious to see he is a very good person. Sacrificing his dream of traveling the world to instead stay in his crumby little town to help the people that live there. The character wants to be happy and he wants to help the town and that causes him to sacrifice his dreams for the greater good of the community.



please urgent please beg


Answer:medicine, have a seat, a couple of, bandage, diet, regularly, rude thats in order



1.. medicine

2. have a seat

3.. a couple of

4... bandage

5.. diet

6.. regularly.

7.. rude



pls mark as brainiest.m

Which best describes the imagery the poet is creating in this excerpt?

The speaker goes to his bedroom door, opens the door, and finds his lover Lenore standing in the dark on the other side.
The speaker opens his bedroom door into darkness and there is nothing there so he closes the door quickly and runs back to bed.
The speaker opens his bedroom door, stands there a while, whispers into the darkness, “Lenore,” and hears this word echo softly but nothing more.
The speaker opens his door as fast as he can to run into his room, away from the scary darkness in the hallway that has no lighting.



The speaker opens his bedroom door, stands there a while, whispers into the darkness, “Lenore,” and hears this word echo softly but nothing more.

Imagery found: Sight and Sound.

Answer: C. The speaker opens his bedroom door, stands there a while, whispers into the darkness, “Lenore,” and hears this word echo softly but nothing more.

Explanation: On Edge!

how to freeze chocolate


By means of putting in the refrigerator

Open freezer refrigerator, insert chocolate in available place, close freezer door

Write two to three sentences describing how the author
helps readers connect to the people and events of the
past. We’ve got a job


Answer and Explanation:

The author presents a highly descriptive language, mainly when narrating the moment when the students were attacked. In addition to describing in detail the actions of all characters. In this case, the author uses many adjectives that allow the reader to view the narrated event in a very complete way, allowing comparisons with other situations known by the readers. In this way, readers are able to connect people and events from the past.


Levinson describes the attack in detail. She lets the reader know the different groups of people who were harmed, passengers and bystanders alike. Levinson also includes dialogue from the people who planned and carried out the attack. These details help readers connect with real-world events and also with the fears anyone would have if faced with this situation.


How does theme relate to a work of literature’s ability to persuade?
Select one:
a.The underlying message of a story usually expresses the author’s personal bias.
b.The underlying message of a story may also be a call to action for the reader.
c.All themes aim to persuade the reader to champion the author’s particular cause.
d.The more obvious a theme is, the more persuasive the message will be.



B. The underlying message of a story may also be a call to action for the reader.


yw :)




i got 100 on the quiz :)

What is one benefit of free-range parenting



Kids gain self-sufficiency and confidence.

It encourages kids to play outside more.

Children can improve their social skills.

The kids feel more in control and responsible which helps them become responsible

Which of these sentences is punctuated correctly?
The part-time job begins Saturday, November 21 and ends Saturday, January 2.
The part-time job begins Saturday, November 21, and ends Saturday, January 2.
The part-time job, begins Saturday, November 21, and ends Saturday, January 2.
The part-time job begins Saturday, November 21, and ends Saturday January 2.





The part-time job begins Saturday, November 21, and ends Saturday, January 2.

how to write a letter to your father telling him why you fail the exam and three reasons​



dear dad,

i did a _________ test today and i failed. i apologize for failing the _____ test.I really tried my best on this test.i was really overwhelmed and i know it was a very big part of my grade.


sorry if its bad i dont have a dad. I dident end it beacuse usually i would say "i will ask my teacher if i can redo it and i wil study for a better grade" but i dont know if its the kind of test you can redo.

Dear Father,

The test I took didn’t really turn out well, I understand that it’s upsetting but please hear me out. First, the questions were extremely hard, no matter what answer I put it always seemed to be the wrong one. Secondly, the teacher wouldn’t help when I asked for help, which is made me extremely upset since I felt like I couldn’t even ask for help. Lastly the teacher didn’t even give me resources to practice for the test, I know that homework an be used to study but the questions weren’t anything like the homework. The teacher said it would be like the homework, which it wasn’t. I hope you understand.

Sincerely, (your name)

did anyone buy this from teachers pay teachers: Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children COMPLETE Unit Plan





yh i did tell me what u need and i will hlp u

How did Steve, Woz, Markkula, and Scotty present themselves at the West Coast Computer
Fair? I need help please!



Stephen Gary Wozniak (p18) (p27) also known by his nickname "Woz", is an American electronics engineer, computer programmer, ... (p10) At the request of Markkula, Wozniak resigned from his job at HP and became the vice ... Jobs and Wozniak introduced the Apple II at the April 1977 West Coast Computer Faire.


The company’s _______ revealed that Mr. Jonas was in fact an employee ten years before the trial. a. stationery b. records c. subsidiaries d. portfolio





Which word has the same root word as especially?



C is the answer

explanation: I just know

The word which has the same root word as especially is specialized. Thus, option C is correct.

What is Root words?

A root is the heart of a word that cannot be broken down into more significant pieces. A root is a morphologically basic unit that may be left bare or to which a prefix or suffix can be attached. A root word is a basic word with no prefix or suffix added to it.

Specialized is "to designate specifically," from special (adj.) + -ize, perhaps based on the French spécialiser. The term with the same root as specifically is specialized.

Therefore, it can be concluded that a specialized person or item has been trained or developed for a specific purpose or area of knowledge.  As a result, option C is correct.

Learn more about Root words, here:



Why does the speaker use hyperbole here?






B. to show how important and powerful one's home is.

I don't know the context here, but it seems like the speaker is trying to show the importance of one's home. He is saying he would rather a welcoming little home than a mansion.

What does this excerpt foreshadow? Benvolio and Mercutio will get sick from the heat. Benvolio and Mercutio will be jealous of the Capulets’ travels. Benvolio and Mercutio will stop working soon. Benvolio and Mercutio will fight the Capulets.


Answer: D. Benvolio and Mercutio will fight the Capulets.



It’s D


Choose the word, clause, or phrase modified by the underlined word(s).

Hagrid spoke (fondly) of his experience at space camp.

Question options:


Of his experience

At space camp


The word, clause or phrase that modified the sentences 'Hagrid spoke (fondly) of his experience at space camp' is "Spoke". The correct option is (A).

What do you mean by the phrases?

A phrase is a condensed group of words that people frequently use to express themselves. It's not always clear from the meaning of the individual words in a phrase what the phrase as a whole means.

A phrase is a short string of words that expresses an idea but isn't a complete sentence. Every day, you utilize phrases in both your speech and writing.

There are many various sorts of phrases, some of which have a more technical purpose in your writing than others.

Therefore, the word, clause or phrase that modified the sentences 'Hagrid spoke (fondly) of his experience at space camp' is "Spoke".

To know more about the phrases, visit:



You have read passage excerpts from “The Lewis and Clark Journey of Discovery” and from “Sacagawea.” The authors both describe the leadership of the members of the expedition and the impact the different skills each of the participants had on the success of the expedition.

Based on what you have read, write an essay arguing whether Sacagawea was essential to the expedition’s success. Use evidence from both passages to support your argument.

Your writing will be scored based on the development of ideas, organization of writing, and language conventions of grammar, usage, and mechanics.


The skill sets are the ability of find or navigate and make relevant discoveries based on their analytical and scientific bent of mind.

What are skills and activities in passage.

The basis of the reading tells us about the Lewis and Clark journey and their discoveries which impacts there position opened up new territories for the fur and lumbering trade and pointed out the lands that could be further used for agricultural activities.

Find out more information about the passage excerpts here.


A student joined your class from another school last semester, describe him to your parents in an essay.(descriptive essay)​


Well I can do it for you, but this is a essay not just a question. You have to do it yourself.
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