Identify all of the CORRECT statements about the Leo Frank case and its impact on society in the South.


Answer 1
What are the options ?
Answer 2
where are the options?

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Look at the environment in each photograph. Why might desalination work well in these environments? Can you think of other environments that might be good for desalination?


because of the surrounding water, another location good for desolation would be Hawaii

Why was the fall of Berlin Wall symbolic?

It symbolized the collapse of the Soviet Union that occurred soon after.

It symbolized the anger of the West Berlin citizens that they had live under communism.

It symbolized the end of the Berlin airlifts that stopped soon after.

It symbolized the destruction of the arms race that had led to too many missiles.



The wall, which stood between 1961 to 1989, came to symbolize the 'Iron Curtain' – the ideological split between East and West – that existed across Europe and between the two superpowers, the US and the Soviet Union, and their allies, during the Cold War.

it symbolizes the collapse of the Soviet union that occurred soon after

Why was Ulysses S. Grant considered kind and generous?

a. He allowed all confederate soldiers to return to their homes
b. He ordered Union troops to share food with starving Confederate soldiers
c. He had compassion for the downfall of the Confederate soldiers
d. All of the above



Explanation:in 1865, as commanding general, Ulysses S. Grant led the Union Armies to victory over the Confederacy in the American Civil War. As an American hero, Grant was later elected the 18th President of the United States (1869–1877), working to implement Congressional Reconstruction and to remove the vestiges of slavery.

Because he was one of the people who everybody liked and thought he was kind and generous

Which diagrams BEST reflect the role of citizens in choosing government leaders in Kenya and Nigeria?

A. Diagram Y reflects the role of citizens in both Kenya and Nigeria.

B. Diagram X reflects the role of citizens in both Kenya and Nigeria.

C. Diagram X reflects the role of citizens in Kenya, and diagram Y reflects the role of citizens in Nigeria.

D. Diagram Y reflects the role of citizens in Kenya, and diagram X reflects the role of citizens in Nigeria.





diagram x reflects the role of citizens in Nigeria while diagram y reflects the role of citizens in kenya

The correct answer is D

Why were northerners upset about draft guidelines?

a. They allowed rich men to pay someone to take their place in battle

b. Rich men could choose to pay the government a fee to avoid serving in the military

c. Both A and B

d. None of the above



c if not then d


I believe it’s D.
They were upset, because they did not think the rules were fair to all citizens.

In order to reduce poverty, some governments in Latin America have increased investments in ________.
Capital Goods
Natural Resources
Human Capital


Answer: Human Capital

Explanation:investing in human capital and in human development.

The answer to your question is human capital which is the last one

What part of the state constitution outlines the structure and powers of government?
Question 3 options:



Bill of Rights



Answer: The correct answer is the Preamble.


You have to choose the preamble

Plz Help Me
What type of climate is most likely expected in locations between the poles and the equator that have high amounts of water vapor in the air?

Low humidity
No rain
Seasonal storms



Find cosθ, tanθ, and cscθ, where θ is the angle shown in the figure.

Give exact values, not decimal approximations.


The answer would be seasonal storms! I hope this helps!

In which kind of economy are prices determined by supply and demand and by government actions?
A) Command
B) Market Eliminate
C) Mixed
D) Traditional



market eliminate


Command because In the command the government does everything. The government sets the prices and how much supply is sent

anyone need help with the medieval times era ? i can help you if so


Answer: No but i might no someone who would like some help.


Based on Source 2, which statement shows a characteristic of the number of voters in 1828?

A. Included free black males for the first time

B. Decreased from the previous election

C. Included women voters for the first time

D. Increased from the previous election



There's no source but i think A


sorry if wrong but u never put the source

A I think is the answer

What court case did Brown v. Board of Education overrule?

Worcester v. Georgia
Plessy v. Ferguson
Jim Crow Laws
Leo Frank Case



Plessy v. Ferguson


It ruled over please v. Ferguson

Jim Crow laws, a set of racist and discriminatory rules and regulations, were enacted
starting in the mid- to late 1800s.
in the South, starting in the early 1800s.
in the North, starting in the early 1800s.
starting after the Plessy v. Ferguson ruling






answer is B


Asking again!
No links
Dont say "im just here for points"





the seven Articles, establishes how the Government is structured and how the Constitution can be changed.

A provision of the US Neutrality Act of 1935
encouraged the sale of arms to neutral countries.
prohibited the sale of arms to any belligerent nations.
prohibited trade of any kind with other nations.
encouraged trade only with Europe.


Answer: It prohibited the sale of arms to any belligerent nations.


On August 31, 1935, Congress passed the first Neutrality Act prohibiting the export of “arms, ammunition, and implements of war” from the United States to foreign nations at war and requiring arms manufacturers in the United States to apply for an export license.

prohibited the sale of arms to any belligerent nations.

Neutrality Act of 1937

The outbreak of the Spanish Civil War in 1936 and the rising tide of fascism in Europe increased support for extending and expanding the Neutrality Act of 1937. Under this law, U.S.citizens were forbidden from traveling on belligerent ships, and American merchant ships were prevented from transporting arms to belligerents even if those arms were produced outside of the United States.

Therefore, the correct answer is the prohibition of sale of arms.

learn more about Neutrality Act of 1935 from here:

Desertification would MOST impact which climate area first?

A) Sahel
B) Mediterranean
C) Tropical Savanna
D) Tropical Rainforest


The awnser of the question is most likely the Tropical Rainforest because the definition of “Desertification” is the process by which fertile land becomes desert, typically as a result of drought, deforestation, etc.

Desertification would most impact Tropical Rainforest climate areas first. The correct option is D.

How does desertification affect climate change?

The effects of land degradation, which decrease surface moisture, may also cause desertification, which in turn may have an impact on climate change. Because there is less water available for the sun's energy to evaporate, there is more energy left over to warm the ground and, as a result, the lower atmosphere.

The Tropical Rainforest is most likely the answer to the question because "desertification" is defined as the process by which fertile land turns into desert, typically as a result of drought, deforestation, etc. This process has the power to completely destroy ecosystems and transform lush rainforests teeming with life into arid deserts. Drought may result from desertification. The life support system of the planet is provided by the tropical belt's rainforests, but they have been completely destroyed due to bad governance, corruption, and greed.

Thus, the ideal selection is option D.

Learn more about desertification here:


In 1954, the Supreme Court case Brown v. Board of Education
overturned Plessy v. Ferguson by ruling segregation unconstitutional.
stated that African American and white schools needed to be equal.
upheld the Separate Car Act by ruling that segregation was legal.
upheld Plessy v. Ferguson by ruling segregation constitutional.



On May 17, 1954, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Earl Warren delivered the unanimous ruling in the landmark civil rights case Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas. State-sanctioned segregation of public schools was a violation of the 14th amendment and was therefore unconstitutional.





In the 1750s, Native American nations, the French and British got into a conflict over the Ohio River Valley. The land was valuable to all three groups. Native American nations such as the Anishinaabe, Ottawa, Delaware and some of the Iroquois had lived on the land for hundreds of years.

The British colonists were running out of space on the East Coast and needed to expand. Some Virginia planters even got a charter from the king to start selling land along the Ohio River.

The French liked the region because it had a lot of valuable game for trapping and was accessible by many waterways. The deputy governor of Virginia sent a young major named George Washington to ask the French to leave the area in 1753. The French refused. They chased Washington and his men away.
How would you explain who claimed the territory of the Ohio River Valley? *
11 points
A. only the French
B. the British and the French
C. the British and many Native American nations
D. Native American nations, the French and the British


Because they helped each other claim

how does the carving show that narmer was a powerful leader



The pose of Narmer is as significant as the symbolic imagery. Narmer is striding to show both legs, which were carved with powerful looking muscles to show that he is a strong leader. All artwork portraying royal figures in historical context were commissioned to present the ruler as strong, wise, and in control of the situation.


If this helped please like and rate :D have a wonderful day!

They made him look mighty and most likely stronger and better looking than he actually was which was a way they showed high power

In your own words, describe the difference between the movement of particles in liquids and the movement of particles in gases.



In gases the particles move rapidly in all directions, frequently colliding with each other and the side of the container. ... In liquids, particles are quite close together and move with random motion throughout the container.


make sure to paraphrase that

liquids can move around each other because they have a little room to move around

Gases can move around freely because they are not compact

What was Brown v. Board of Education really about?

Ending slavery practices in schools
Making sure that black schools and white schools were segregated
Making sure that black schools and white schools were desegregated
Shortening the time students had to spend at school



Making sure that black schools and white schools were desegregated


Brown v. Board of Education set the precedent that segregation in schools was unconstitutional and overturned the idea that "separate but equal" access was okay.

Yes I agree I don’t understand what you do but I just want you orange orange yellow orange orange brown orange orange yellow

Can you help with Acrostic poem here are letters












Hope this helps.

Name someone in your life who might be considered a sage Explain why you chose this person *Confucius*


Answer: my grandpa because he is wise

Explanation: he has lived a long time and has learned lots among that time therefore he is wise and sages are wise people

My parents because they are smart and wise

My parents experience things before me and they have looked through more than I have therefore they’re wiser than me

Do this ill give 100 pts plss and if your not gonna do it dont awnser at all



what's the question???



Write a brief paragraph (3-4 sentences) about what you already know about Reconstruction.


Reconstruction of what context?
Reconstruction was essentially the time period when black people were being persecuted following the civil war. It was a time when black people were trying to make lives for themselves after slavery. A few ran and were elected in office, they got jobs. But white supremacists hated that and one of the things they did were lynchings. Lynchings were when white people would hang a black person and all watch as they died. It was a horrific thing that tragically still happens in some places around the world

This bar graph would be MOST useful in a report about

A) how political parties change over time.
B) why people change their party affiliation.
C) how the South consistently votes Democratic.
D) why conservative legislation fails in the Northeast.



C.) how the south consistently votes democratic


C because south always votes democratic

how will the rising price of cotton will impact the future of Georgia’s economy?



Cotton is Georgia's No. 1 row crop in farm-gate value and it comes in second or third each year in total agriculture value. Georgia's poultry and egg production, worth $4 billion, has securely kept the No. Cotton's farm gate value is about $1.5 billion each year.


Ddhfgtufjrcurtdexufgu......I’m sry fhdhdtxff

Plz i will make you brainliest if the answer is correct. What is the advantage of using FACETs for weather prediction?

It controls the wind speed and direction to prevent storms.
It lowers the frequency of tornadoes and hurricanes in a region.
It creates high resolution models to track severe weather conditions.
It helps extract the most relevant information from a huge amount of data.


The answer would be A) it controles the wind speed and direction to prevent storms

explain two ways democracy was redefined and expanded under Andrew Jackson’s administration




Expanded suffrage – The Jacksonians believed that voting rights should be extended to all white men. By the end of the 1820s, attitudes and state laws had shifted in favor of universal white male suffrage and by 1856 all requirements to own property and nearly all requirements to pay taxes had been dropped.

It built upon Jackson's equal political policy, subsequent to ending what he termed a "monopoly" of government by elites. ... Jackson's expansion of democracy was largely limited to European Americans, and voting rights were extended to adult white males only.

Read this claim: The Sandiana Resort offers a memorable vacation.

Which supporting statement is a commonplace assertion?

A.The resort offers scuba diving lessons and fishing expeditions.

B.The island is home to several resorts.

C.The Sardinia Resort has a massive pool with hundreds of lounge chairs.

D.Now and then, its important to get away from it all.



D (99% positive)


Commonplace assertions are statements that many people assume to be true but are not necessarily so. So based off of that, I would say that it is d

d now and then it’s important to get away from it all 100%.
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