Would the Civil Rights Movement have been successful without any leaders?


Answer 1


No because without any leaders there would not have been anyone giving orders to the soldiers. Therefore the people would have been running everyone fighting for what they thought was right. The civil rights Movement needed leaders because no one person can make a major change. But a group of people sticking together for what they thought was right, and campaigning behind it's leaders, made a huge difference in the world today.


Related Questions




break down the questions for better understanding




got separated in an explosion

what effects do harsh parenting have on children



Harsh Parenting tends to lead to secretive, rebellious children. Instead of respecting them, children fear and resent their parents, and children start to behave in the way their parents try to prevent them from behaving.

1. How is poetry a story?

2. How are poetry's unexpected?

3. How are poetry's unique?

4. How are poems dramatic?



1. Peotry is a story because you are taking something that you feel or you know into a

2.Poetrys are unexpected because the way it is formed is like a diffrent  language and it is formed diffrently.

3. Poetry is unique because it is a form of writing that is not common. It uses a diffrent prosses to form and that is what makes it diffrent and unique.


Read the passage from Eleanor Roosevelt’s speech on the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

This Universal Declaration of Human Rights may well become the international Magna Carta of all men everywhere. We hope its proclamation by the General Assembly will be an event comparable to the proclamation of the Declaration of the Rights of Man by the French people in 1789, the adoption of the Bill of Rights by the people of the United States, and the adoption of comparable declarations at different times in other countries.

At a time when there are so many issues on which we find it difficult to reach a common basis of agreement, it is a significant fact that 58 states have found such a large measure of agreement in the complex field of human rights. This must be taken as testimony of our common aspiration first voiced in the Charter of the United Nations to lift men everywhere to a higher standard of life and to a greater enjoyment of freedom. Man’s desire for peace lies behind this Declaration.

Which statement best summarizes Roosevelt's reasons for supporting the UDHR?

Every government on Earth agrees on the issue of human rights, and soon people will agree with the governments.
A large number of governments have supported the idea of fascism, and may see the signing of the UDHR as a sign of war.
A large number of governments support the UDHR, and people everywhere may see it as a set of principles to strive for.
Governments must provide equal access to public services; otherwise, people will hold them accountable if nations go to war.



if it was timed im deeply sorry no one answered your question, i realized that on braily no one really pays attention to ela mostly math and most of the time the answers people give in science are wrong :)



A large number of governments support the UDHR, and people everywhere may see it as a set of principles to strive for.


EDGE 2021

Create 3 separate Haiku poems following the three-line, 5/7/5 syllabic pattern. Use mine as an example to create yours.
The Bonzai tree grows
On the side of a Mountain
They come from Japan


Answer: Here's a few. I love my scooter. The wind blowing through my hair. And the whirling wheels. Here's another. One big supernova. They happen when stars explode. They can be harmful. One last haiku for you. Brainly is helpful. Brainly is a lot like books. Every answer.


He couldn't bear the situation, so he... .......into tears.​





May someone complete this chart? For each one

1974: US v Nixon

1987 : Hazelwood v Kuhlmeier

2000: Bush v Gore

Hope someone answers :/
put in what it say at the top


tanga ang hindi maka allam niyan kahin hindi na yan i brany

Lao Zi

Philosophy believed in: As Taoism took root, Laozi was worshipped as a god. Belief in the revelation of the Tao from the divine Laozi resulted in the formation of the Way of the Celestial Masters, the first organized religious Taoist sect. In later mature Taoist tradition, Laozi came to be seen as a personification of the Tao.

Quote: To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders.

Shang Yang

Philosophy believed in: Shang Yang believed that the integrity of a state could be maintained only with power and that power consisted of a large army and full granaries. Entering into the service of Duke Xiao, head of the state of Qin, Shang Yang replaced the feudal division of the country with a system of centrally appointed governors.

Quote: When the people are weak, the state is strong; hence the state that possesses the Way devotes itself to weakening the people.


Philosophy believed in: Buddhists believe that human life is a cycle of suffering and rebirth, but that if one achieves a state of enlightenment nirvana, it is possible to escape this cycle forever. Siddhartha Gautama was the first person to reach this state of enlightenment and was, and is still today, known as the Buddha.

Quote: We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world.

Write a letter of appreciation to the People of China. Describe what you learned about Ancient China, including the dynasties, philosophers, inventions and many other great facts you may have discovered. The letter should be at four to five paragraphs long, neatly printed or typed 10 OR 11 FONT.






Which quotation correctly uses an ellipses?
“The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above. . . .
“The brave men . . . who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to detract.”
“The brave men . . . who struggled here. . . .”
“The brave men . . . far above our poor power to add or detract.”





just did it




. How does the narrator’s point of view influence how the story or event is described? *

a. The story is not influenced by who tells the story.
b. The story is only influenced by who tells the story if it's told in third person omniscient point of view.
c. The story can be influenced by the narrator's experiences and emotions.
d. The story is always influenced by all character's emotion



a. The story is not influenced by who tells the story.

b. The story is only influenced by who tells the story if it's told in third person omniscient point of view.

c. The story can be influenced by the narrator's experiences and emotions.

d. The story is always influenced by all character's emotion


a. The story is not influenced by who tells the story.

What type of sentence is this? (ex. compound or complex)

Sentence: He dribbles back to the top of the key and shoots the ball.​


i believe it’s a complex sentence.


This sentence is a complex sentence! Compound sentences usually go like this: I want to loss weight, yet I eat cholate daily.

Complex sentences usually go like this:

The boys did not go to the part because they went to the zoo.

The main difference is the "," usage.

In conclusion, the answer is "Complex".

Hope this helps! :)

60 POINTS WILL MARK BRAINLIEST: help me write a restaurant description (ntry to use synecdoche, if you can't ill add it in later) I have started it (you can edit it as much as you want) and I need 5 sentences, thanks in advance


Especially the deserts we have ! Put restaurant is the best in town. we have delicious meals and that’s are really healthy aswell! Come down to our restaurant and try some of our special deals!

the narrator of the namesake is what type of narrator?
limited narrator
omniscient narrator
first-person narrator
second-person narrator


Namesake is narrated from a third person omniscient point of view. I guess, omniscient narrator makes most sense for an answer.

Answer: Third Person (Limited Omniscient)

Although The Namesake is written in the third person, we get the story through the filter of different characters' points of view, primarily those of Gogol, Ashima, Ashoke, and Moushumi. Namesake is narrated from a third person omniscient point of view.

Explanation: In third-person narration, the narrator exists outside the events of the story, and relates the actions of the characters by referring to their names or by the third-person pronouns he, she, or they. In literature, third-person point of view follows multiple characters and narrative arcs, zooming in and out of a story the way a camera does in a movie. A third-person narrator can be all-knowing (aware of every character’s thoughts and feelings) or limited (focused on a single character, or aware only what certain characters say and do).

a) Define phrase
b) List and explain the types of phrase​



A.a small group of words standing together as a conceptual unit, typically forming a component of a clause.









What makes Persuasion effective? Effective persuasive communication addresses
the audience's needs, values and desires. Audiences respond better to persuasive
communication when they feel the person speaking is similar to them in some way,
whether it's in age, occupation or socio-economic status.


I think the answer would be true

Metaphor Meanings Worksheet (Part 1)
[Animated image]
A metaphor is a figure of speech that compares two things.
Often times it uses the word “is or was”
Directions: For each metaphor given below, write what you think it means.
Example A: Thoughts are a storm, unexpected.
Answer: someone may have many unexpected thoughts at anytime
1. He is a beast-
2. The noise is music to his ears-
3. He swam in the sea of diamonds-
4. His belt was a snake curling around his waist-
5. Love is a growing garland-
6. Your friendship is the picture to my frame-



1. He is a beast- Here, the man is compared to a beast though he is not literally one. So, by saying "he is a beast", the speaker seems to suggest he is ruthless, or strong, or anything that makes him similar to a beast.

2. The noise is music to his ears- This means that he is enjoying the music.

3. He swam in the sea of diamonds- He is not literally swimming in a sea of diamonds. But it means that he is happy, glad, excited.

4. His belt was a snake curling around his waist- This means that the belt is circular and elastic, like a snake.

5. Love is a growing garland- Means love requires time to grow.

6. Your friendship is the picture to my frame- This means your friendship is important to me like a picture is important for a frame or a picture completes a frame.


Metaphors are figurative languages that are used to represent, signify, or symbolize something. It is a rhetorical presentation of one thing by saying another thing.

1. He is a beast- Here, the man is compared to a beast though he is not literally one. So, by saying "he is a beast", the speaker seems to suggest he is ruthless, or strong, or anything that makes him similar to a beast.

2. The noise is music to his ears- This means that he is enjoying the music.

3. He swam in the sea of diamonds- He is not literally swimming in a sea of diamonds. But it means that he is extremely happy, glad, excited.

4. His belt was a snake curling around his waist- This means that the belt is circular and elastic, like a snake.

5. Love is a growing garland- Means love requires time to grow.

6. Your friendship is the picture to my frame- This means your friendship is important to me like a picture is important for a frame or a picture completes a frame.

Why does the author use quotations to conclude the article?
F) To show contrast between different positions on the dangers of deepfake videos.
G) To imply that deepfake videos are a concern mostly among news outlets and politicians.
H) To explain expert opinions on appropriate uses of deepfake video technology.
J) To suggest that recent developments in video manipulation carry new dangers.
Someone help me please!!​



To show contrast between different positions on the dangers of deepfake videos.


How does Lady capuelt feel about her daughter” marital status? Answer all the question for points.




b. She rejects the match, saying “I will not marry yet; and when I do, I swear / It shall be Romeo—whom you know I hate— / Rather than Paris”

c. because  she helped her more than her real mom  She helped Juliet by finding out Romeo so she can speak to him and Juliet can marry him


when was the Eiffel tower made



January 28, 1887


Presented at the world fair

Which phrase from the excerpt suggests that Holmes is arrogant?

A) in your position of unofficial adviser and helper to everybody who is absolutely puzzled
B) I know without reading it that it is all perfectly familiar to me
C) I was engaged in clearing up some small points in connection with it
D) acknowledge that I have scored over you in your example





It shows that he ia belittling him due to his position, therefore making him seem arrogant.

Please help, will give you 100 points!

Percy twisted and turned into fantastic shapes and
glided effortlessly through the glistening water.

1. What is/are the verb(s) in this sentence?
2. What is/are the subject(s) of this sentence?
3. What is/are the noun(s) in this sentence?
4. What is/are the adjective(s) in this sentence?
5. What is/are the prepositional phrase(s) in this sentence?
6. What is/are the object(s) of the preposition(s) in this sentence?
7. What part of speech is “effortlessly” in this sentence?
8. What part of speech is “and” in this sentence?
9. How many clauses are in this sentence?
10. What type of sentence construction is this?

This is a _______ sentence.



1. twisted, turned, glided

2. I'm sorry, i don't know that one

3. Percy, water

4. fantastic, glistening

7. effortlessly is speeking of the way he moved through the water


Sorry, I just gave you what I could

A Question 4 (2 points) Retake question Reread the poem "The White Horse." What is the tone? Select all answers that are correct. A. Calm B. Quiet C. Rushed D. Cheerful​



A. Calm

B. Quiet


D. H. Lawrence's poem "The White Horse" is a short poem of one stanza with just three lines. But despite the limited number of lines, the poem was able to give a deeply meaningful expression of the relationship between the horse and the youth.

The youth walks up to the white horse, to put its halter on

and the horse looks at him in silence.

They are so silent, they are in another world.

Within these three lines, the horse and the youth both seem to come to an agreement over what is happening. The horse did not refuse the halter and with that, they both looked at each other "in silence". This silence seemed to be the quiet agreement over what's happening, which is not specified.

And the tone of the poem is a calm and quiet approach.

Thus, the correct answers are options A and B.

Answer:  the correct answers are options A and B.

Read this excerpt from "Birdfoot's Grampa.”

The rain was falling,
a mist about his white hair
and I kept saying
you can’t save them all,
accept it, get back in
we’ve got places to go.

But, leathery hands full
of wet brown life,
knee deep in the summer
roadside grass,
he just smiled and said
they have places to go to

Which line from the excerpt is an implicit detail?

The rain was falling,
accept it, get back in
of wet brown life,
roadside grass,





did it in edg and got 100

'Birdfoot's Grampa' is a poem by Joseph Bruchac. From the excerpt, the line, 'of wet brown life,' is an implicit detail. Therefore, option c. is correct.

What is an implicit detail?

An implicit detail is understood by an indirect expression and is not directly understood as they are not mentioned in the text. They are indirectly suggested to express their objectives.

The implicit details show the hidden message or the idea behind the lines that the writers want the readers to understand. They are not clearly stated though have a deep meaning.

Therefore, option C. wet brown life shows implicit detail.

Learn more about implicit detail here:



What is the purpose of the Bill of Rights?



The Bill of Rights is the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution. It spells out Americans' rights in relation to their government. It guarantees civil rights and liberties to the individual—like freedom of speech, press, and religion


It guarantees civil rights and liberties to the individual. It sets rules for due process of law and reserves all powers not delegated to the Federal Government to the people or the States.

1. Bullying,neglect,abuse 2.verbal,physical,sexual



number one is bullying number 2 is verbal


the definition of bullying is in there

when you make fun of somebody, that’s an example of bullying

What type of noun is "the whiteboard"





Doodle's "lies" reveal that he is ...

mentally impaired

prepared to die







lies depict deception

So I have to do a 5-10 minute podcast for a movie I like and I’m thinking either Coraline or a studio Ghibli movie I need a summary of the movie and what I liked about it and what I enjoyed please help



Coraline discovers a secret door while exploring her new home. Behind the door lies an alternate world that is alike to hers but "better". She likes the idea of the new world until Other Mother tries to keep her to say there forever. Caroline must use her resources and make it back to her real family and life.  


Why did I like the story?

Simply explain something or someone in the story you really liked.

please urgent please beg



2. study hard

watch TV

3. exercise regularly

eat fast food

4. call the doctor

go to work

Other Questions
According to a recent warning from the FDA, grain-free food might be giving dogs a life-threatening heart problem called dilated cardiomyopathy, or DCM. Scientists interested in studying this link were trying to see if there was a difference in the average blood pressure of dogs on grain-free dog food vs the average blood pressure of dogs on food that includes grains. To minimize variation in subjects, scientists measured the initial blood pressure of 30 dogs while each was still on a grain-free diet, and then took a second measurement 8 weeks after each dog was switched to a diet that included grains. What hypothesis test would be appropriate for analyzing the above scenario what physical properties dose plutonium Can someone help me with this Evaluate the expression: 8 (1/2)^2 How does the content of the preamble of the Declaration of Independencediffer from that of the grievances? HELP SOON! Please!!!!How does an outlier affect the mean of a population? The median? The range?How can we adjust for the effects of outliers? Description Military time uses 24 hours for the entire day instead of 12 for am/pm separately. Military time is a 4 digit (base-10) integer with the following rules: The first two digits show the hour (between 00 and 23) and The last two digits show the minutes (between 00 and 59) There is no colon separating hours from minutes. Military time starts at 0000 in the morning and counts up When we get to the afternoon, we use 1300 for 1:00 PM and 2300 for 11:00 PM. When we get to midnight, the hour is 00 (not 24). TASK: Write a program that reads two times in military format and prints the number of hours and minutes between the two times (See example below). NOTE: Your program should consider the difference between the times IN THE SAME DAY. For example: The time difference between 2359 and 0000 is 23 hours and 1 minute (NOT 1 minute).Detailed Requirements Compose a written document (MS Word Document) describing your algorithm, feel free include a diagram if you like The program should prompt for two times separately, then print the duration of time between (see sample output below). The program should check the input for the correct military time format: . Make sure the hours are between 00 and 23. . Make sure the minutes are between 00 and 59 . If the validity check fails, it should print an appropriate error and prompt again. Your program should use io manipulators to produce military time with leading zeroes. e.g. 9 am should be printed 0900 (not 900). More points will be awarded to an implementation that can produce an accurate result regardless of the order of the inputs. Do not produce runtime errors that abruptly end your program (crash) Include descriptive comments, neat indentation, proper spacing for good readability, and appropriate and consistently named variables. Program source should have a comment block at the top with the student name, section, and description of your program. Please enter a time: 1sykdf Military Tine Format Required: Bad input, try again. Please enter a time: 2580 Military Tine Format Required: Hours must be between 2 and 23, try again Please enter a time: 2365 Military Tine Format Required: Minutes must be between me and 59, try again Please enter a time: 0900 First time 0900 accepted. Please enter a time: jdkjs Military Time Forest Required: Bad input, try again. Please enter a time: 39573 Military Tine Format Required: Hours must be between 28 and 23, try again Please enter a time: 1799 Military Tine Format Required: Minutes must be between me and 59, try again Please enter a time: 1730 Second time: 1738 accepted. Time difference between 1988 and 1732 ts 8 hours and 30 minutes Dismissed solder! Note! When I change the order of the time inputs. I get the same result! Sandras team is falling apart. Look back at what the team members have had to say so far. Using the four phases of The Team Clock, determine what areas the team is struggling with. Write your impression of Sandras team, including supporting examples from the case study and phases of The Team Clock, in a paragraph of at least five sentences. Submit your final paragraph for grading. can anyone help? i rlly need help ! What is the awnser to pie A. 3.14195B. 4.0238C. 5.3843D. 6.2322 It takes Marvin 2/3 of an hour to to mow 1/2 of his lawn. If Marvin continues mowing at the same rate, how long will it take him to mow his entire lawn?? ( Will mark brainliest) Construct a circle through points X, Y and Z. Which word correctly completes this sentence? Los ___________ son narraciones ficticias que tratan de explicar hechos de la realidad. In TUV, the measure of V=90, the measure of U=70, and UV = 9.6 feet. Find the length of TU to the nearest tenth of a foot. Can i get help plz this question rlly hard BRAINLIEST!! 40 POINTS!! AWNSER ALL QUESTIONS!!!!!Lumber ExpansionWhy is there an increase in demand for lumber?How is demand met?MonopoliesWhy are they bad? How do they hurt people?TrustsWhy do companies create trusts?Progressive EraWhat types of issues are people facing during this era?Texas Railroad Commission Intrastate v InterstateThe Grange (farmers alliances) Why do farmers unite?Cooperatives Why do farmers form cooperatives? BoomtownGive an exampleProhibitionWhat does it outlaw?Galveston Hurricane What is a commission form of government?How did the government protect Texas after the hurricane?Womens SuffrageWhat (#) amendment gives women the right to vote?Deregulation What caused business to be deregulated?Why would people want the government to stay out of business? A water faucet leaked 2 1/6 liters of water every 2/5 of an hour. It leaked at a rate of how many liters per hour? Read the sentence. She was proactive and boarded up the windows before the hurricane hit. The word act means to do something." Based on this, what is the best definition for the term proactive? A. acting without thinking B. acting in anticipation of a problem C. acting in an exaggerated way D. acting as if something is unimportant What is 8% of 200 estimated? ples i need help asap