How does the content of the preamble of the Declaration of Independence
differ from that of the grievances?


Answer 1


the preamble consists of how "we the people" will work to "form a more perfect union" whereas the grievances are explaining everything the king did that they didn't like

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PLEASE HELP THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT PLZZZ how did the entry of the united states affect world war 1



The entry of the United States was the turning point of the war, because it made the eventual defeat of Germany possible. It had been foreseen in 1916 that if the United States went to war, the Allies' military effort against Germany would be upheld by U.S. supplies and by enormous extensions of credit.


Which statement most accurately describes the encounter between Hernán Cortés and the Aztecs? *



You did not give me any examples, but I created this accurate statement:

Hernán Cortés conquered the Aztecs and infected them with smallpox.


Hernán Cortés conquered the Aztecs in the 1500's. The Aztecs, who had their empire in Mexico, were defeated easily by a combination of unknown weapons and unknown diseases (specifically smallpox).

In the book (and movie) "Holes," a character named Zero starts off as a quiet character who can't read, but eventually he transforms into a character who begins to speak up and learns to read, thanks to his friend, Stanley. Zero is an example of a dynamic character.

Question 6 options:





The definition of a dynamic character is one who undergoes change throughout a book, oftentimes it is not based upon their circumstances. This is an example of a dynamic character because he undergoes change, but they are still in that initial area- their circumstances don't change.

True false because its the dynamic character

Due to geographic and political factors, present-day transportation between countries in Southwest Asia is PRIMARILY
A) by air
B) by camel
C) by horse
D) by railroad​


Answer: A


Took the test

Question 214 points) (04.05 MO Examples of the freedom of assembly include (4 points) a political leader holding a streetrally, your friend drawing a peace "sign a political leader holding a street rally a local organization sponsoring a parade OC people signing a petition to repeal a law, a club sponsoring a perede people signing a petition to repeal a law a business advertising sale​



Either A or B



a political leader holding a street rally; a local organization sponsoring a parade


Sorry I am late answering this but I am 100 percent sure that the answer is a political leader holding a street rally; a local organization sponsoring a parade

I JUST took the test and got it correct.

I hope I helped.

What did the 2010 census allow Americans to do?
O A. Claim more than one religion
O B. Refuse to answer certain questions
O C. Claim more than one marital status
D. Claim more than one racial classification



D. Claim more than one racial classification.


A census can be defined as an exercise used by the government to determine the number of people living within a particular country.

The United States Census Bureau (USCB) is a governmental agency saddled with the responsibility of providing data about the citizens of America and her economy. The Census Bureau was founded on the 1st of July, 1902 and has its headquarter in Suitland, Maryland, United States of America.

The 2010 census allowed the Americans to claim more than one racial classification because it recognized a mixed-race (multiracial) such as Blacks, Whites, Hispanics, Asians, and Indian Americans.

Why was the European Union formed?


The European Union is set up with the aim of ending the frequent and bloody wars between neighbours, which culminated in the Second World War. As of 1950, the European Coal and Steel Community begins to unite European countries economically and politically in order to secure lasting peace.Nov 20, 20

Even though she loved to dance, Shannon was nervous about joining the dance team. She tried out and made it, but never said a word to anyone. At each dance practice, Shannon got a little more comfortable with her team. By the end of the season, not only did she make friends, but she even taught the team a few dance moves.

dynamic character

flat character

static character




dynamic character


Even though she loved to dance, Shannon was nervous about joining the dance team----------. By the end of the season, not only did she make friends, but she even taught the team a few dance moves. She is a dynamic character. Thus option (a) is correct.

What is a season?

A season is a period of the year that is distinguished by special climate conditions. The four seasons are spring, summer, fall, and winter, and follow one another regularly.

Each season has its own characteristics like has its own light, temperature, and weather patterns that repeat yearly.

The seasons in the northern Hemisphere are the opposite of those in the southern Hemisphere. This means that in Chile and New Zealand, winter begins in June.

Our earth is tilted on its axis relative to the orbital plane, the invisible, flat disc where most objects in the solar system orbit the sun is the reason we have seasons.

Learn more about season here:


Describe Tornadoes, And what causes this type of hazardous weather?



Because tornadoes often damage power lines, gas lines, or electrical systems, there is a risk of fire, electrocution, or an explosion. Protecting yourself and your family requires promptly treating any injuries suffered during the storm and using extreme care to avoid further hazards.Tectonic hazards Climatic hazards Earthquakes Flooding Tsunamis Tornadoes Volcanoes Tropical storms (hurricanes) Mountain avalanches Droughts

can washington's "warning from a parting friend" be useful today



i think so <3


What is the product market?
the market in which payments are received for selling products to consumers
b. the market in which income is received for supplying land, labdr, or capital
c. the market in which firms purchase the factors of production from households
d. the market in which households purchase the goods and services that firms produce


Definitely the first one, which I assume is “a” the one that says “the market in which payments are received for selling products to customers”


the market in which payments are received for selling products to consumers


Urban areas declined during the 1950s because:
None of these choices are correct.
mass immigration to urban centers led to overcrowding.
urban areas stopped funding public transportation and housing.
the people who remained in urban centers were highly educated.



b or a


plz give me brainliest

How was the U.S. population changing in the early 1800s?


The early 1800s saw the United States quickly grow in size. New immigrants and new land meant a bigger and stronger country. It also meant displacing thousands of Native Americans and the continued spread of slavery.




got it right on  A P E X

Which of the following outcomes resulted from the United States' entry into
World War I?
A. The American people quickly turned against participating in the
B. The Central powers launched a total war" campaign that targeted
O C. The Russian government refused to continue fighting and
withdrew its forces.
D. The Allies were able to break the stalemate with the Central





D is the answer hope it is correct:0

The 16th says your _____ will be taxed by the government. In general, the_____ money you earn , the _____ money you will pay in taxes.


Income, more, more :)

After Socrates, which two philosophers emerge, and what do they do to become famous?




Plato and Aristotle


Plato was knows for his theorys on forms, which was metaphysical. He was known as the "maker of mathmeticians"

Aristotle was known for lots of things like logic, physics, biology, botany and alot more


Plato and Aristotle


Plato is famous for his dialogues, which showcase his metaphysical theory of forms and his most famous work is the Republic, which details a wise society run by a philosopher.

Aristotle was one of the greatest philosophers who made pioneering contributions to all fields of philosophy and science, he invented the field of formal logic, and he identified the various scientific disciplines and explored their relationships to each other

Name a law (any in History) that was passed by both Houses and signed by the President.




Law is a surname, of English, Scottish, Cantonese, or Chinese origin. In Scotland, the surname means dweller at the low; as in a hill. Another origin of the surname is a contraction of Lawrence, or Lawson.


Why did Buddhism develop from



they wear turbans on their head which symbolises thier faith


buhudist have spot /bindi on thier hear which can also symbolise

Do you think a free market or a command
economy is more likely to encourage
productive and entrepreneurial behavior?
What does opportunity have to do with these


Free market is the best way to foster economic growth and entrepreneurial behavior. The free markets provide opportunity for smart but poor people to rise up and become rich. It also means the government does less things, which in the case of SpaceX, is great because Elon Musk has demonstrated that a private company is capable of beating the US Government in terms of space exploration.

Should expressive speech have any restrictions? why or why not ?



It should if the speech is full of hatred or threats.


what characteristics made the mountains of china natural barriers to trade.



The steep, rocky terrain

Arrange the events in their correct order to show the sequence of the extermination camps.

The correct order:
1. Chelmno opens in the part of Poland annexed to Germany
2. Belzec, Sobibor, and Treblinka II open to exterminate all Jews in the General Government area
3. Belzec ceases operations
4. Sobibor and Treblinka II are shut down
5. Soviets liberate Majdanek
6. American forces liberate Dachau


All the events occurred during the Second World War and specifically relate to the Nazi party's plans to exterminate Jews and other minority groups who were victims of their actions.

They will then be sorted in chronological order from oldest to most recent:

The first event was the opening of the extermination camp called Chelmno which was established in an area of ​​Poland annexed to Nazi Germany on December 7, 1941.

As a second event, the beginning of operations of the Belzec field is grouped on March 16, 1942, its specific objective was to carry out the Jews of the General Government of Poland there to be eliminated; the start-up of the Sobibor field on July 5, 1942; the start of operations in the field of Treblinka II from July 23, 1942.

The third event to occur was the dismantling of the Belzec camp during the Reinhard military operation on May 8, 1943.

The fourth event that occurred was the dismantling of the Sobibor and Treblinka II camps, this occurred because in these camps there were revolts and escapes by the prisoners, so the German commanders in charge of them decided to close them and stop operating. in late 1943.

The fifth was the liberation of the concentration event camp called Majdanek at the hands of the Red Army of the Soviet Union on July 24, 1944.

The sixth event was the liberation of the concentration camp called Dachau at the hands of the United States army. on April 29, 1945.

how people in state dealt with challenges of the Great Depression?



World War II played only a modest role in the recovery of the U.S. economy. ... This expansionary fiscal and monetary policy, together with widespread conscription beginning in 1942, quickly returned the economy to its trend path and reduced the unemployment rate to below its pre-Depression level.

Answer: The New Deal policies enacted by the Franklin D. Roosevelt administration during the 1930s in response to the Great Depression are traditionally interpreted in terms of how they affected the nation as a whole. However, New Deal policies also had a dramatic impact at the state and local level. Because many officials of state and local governments were unwilling to work in cooperation with the federal government, their response to New Deal policies often did not help the nation to recover as quickly and fully as it could have.

Explain what you think the author suggests by referring to the soldiers at Kronstadt as the "reddest of the red​


The Russian civil war has resulted in the deaths of many people as well as the soldiers lost their lives but fought for the cause till the end.

Why soldiers were called " reddest of the red​"?

The author was of the view that the soldiers were in the front irrespective of the injuries and deaths caused due to the war and the hands of soldiers at Kronstadt were red with the blood of many enemy soldiers too.

Therefore, the author must have referred the soldiers at Kronstadt as the "reddest of the red​"

Learn more about the  soldiers at Kronstadt here:

What was one result of labor saving devices such as washing machines and vacuum cleaners



One result of such labor-saving devices is the amount of time that was cut from house work. The saved time can be allotted to doing more productive and more economically aiding tasks for individuals, especially those who are involved in a 5-day-work-week set-up. Others can use up saved time for other purposes like leisure and family time.


Answer: One result of such labor-saving devices is the amount of time that was cut from house work. The saved time can be allotted to doing more productive and more economically aiding tasks for individuals, especially those who are involved in a 5-day-work-week set-up.

Can someone pls do this essay for me


Answer:  Sparta and Athens were both successful City States in Ancient Greece. Although they both were located in the same country, they both had conflicting views on several issues and they were different in the way they operated. The Athenians cared more about learning and the arts, while the Spartans were focused on military training and following orders. The two city states had different governments and social make-ups. Although the challenging city-states of Sparta and Athens were individually different as well as governmentally diverse, they both managed to become dominating powers in Ancient Greece. The men and women of ancient Greek lived very different lives and had different customs.

Viewing from a Greek woman’s perspective,show more content

Unlike, Athens women, Sparta women were allowed to read and write and have an education. But women of Sparta were not able to own any land or sue anyone under no circumstances. Spartan women had a reputation of having an independent and confident nature. The women of Sparta felt they were very fortunate to be the mothers and wives of rich warriors. The women were free to be in charge of almost everything that did not involve the army. These women believed that hard physical training supported the birth of healthy children. Even though, they were not permitted to wear jewelry or ornate clothes, they enjoyed an active open public life.

Athens and Sparta, were the two most dominating city-states in Greece. They were enemies with different backgrounds. Sparta 's had an overbearing military and Athens was known for its’ impartial justice system. Even though these two city-states differ greatly from one another, they share many characteristics of their country during their time show more content.

Each city-state, or polis, made changes to address these problems in their own way. This made Sparta and Athens opposite ends of the social and political developments of the Greek city-states. Both Sparta and Athens women achieved very similar roles, but in different ways. Sparta was a leader in its time when comparing power levels and women rights.

Sparta was different in the way that they treated their women. Athenian woman were treated awfully bad compared to the values of today’s women. Sparta women wore short dresses and were allowed to leave the house whenever they wanted to. Overall, Spartan women had more freedom and rights and lived a much better life then the women from Athens.


hope this help

What are two functions of government in a
free market economy?



A government is an institution through which leaders exercise power to make and enforce laws.

Explanation: A government's basic functions are providing leadership, maintaining order, providing public services, providing national security, providing economic security, and providing economic assistance.

in the sentence below from paragraph 3 what is the word staple mean​



how am I suppose to know what your not talking about when you didn't even put a image in image of what ?


Paragraph 3:


a center of trade, especially in a specified commodity.


Did the March on Washington reveal a Civil Rights Movement that was united or divided?




A) Identify and describe TWO technological innovations that would be considered
advances in European society



Agriculture, Invention of the wheel, etc


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