The sun sank reluctantly. What type of figurative language is this


Answer 1




its giving human qualities to something that isn't human

Related Questions

ESSAY: SHORT STORY REWRITE Imagine yourself in any one of the three stories you have just read. You may take the place of one of the existing characters, or you can simply insert yourself into the story. What would have been different if you were the character or if you were there? OBJECTIVES Write a 250-word story. Instructions: Choose any one of the stories, following the major events that take place in them, but change the actions and characters in the story. For example, what would you have differently if you were in Della's position? Or how would you have defeated General Zaroff? Write a story of at least 250 words.


We can rewrite "The Gift of the Magi" from Della's perspective and change her actions so that she and her husband will not choose the wrong gifts for each other.

What can we do in Della's position?

This question requires you to write a story as if you were one of the characters. Let's work with the short story "The Gift of the Magi," where Della and her husband Jim end up buying Christmas gifts that the other cannot wear.

You can rewrite the story as if you were Della. Rather than going out and selling her hair, she could go and see Jim where he works. They could talk and decide that, taking their financial situation into consideration, it is better not to spend any money on gifts at all.

By doing so, their suffering and final decision would be prevented, and the couple would still be happy, since they love each other so much.

Learn more about "The Gift of the Magi" here:


Taking all of these examples together, the reader can assume that van Gogh appeals more to working men because he didn’t pretend he was better than them. What type of characterization would this be considered?




I believe its implicit


Because Implicit characterization is when you let reader’s infer a character’s traits from his or her appearance, actions or speech.

which of the following is a strong thesis statement
A. a healthy diet is important because it increase energy ,prevents illness and promotes well-being in all people
B.A healthy diet is important
C. people should include wight servings of fruits and vegetables in their deit
D. bananas areone of the most nutritious food on earth​


A. A healthy diet is important because it increases energy, prevents illness and promotes well being in all people.

What was Billy's reaction when he saw the seaman? What did he call the seaman?



When Billy saw the seaman, he gasped and was visibly shocked to see the man in front of him.

The captain called the seaman "Black Dog".


Robert Louis Stevenson's "Treasure Island" revolves around the character of Jim Hawkins and his adventures sailing around, looking for treasure. This treasure was buried by an evil pirate, Captain Flint, and focuses on the greed of humans in getting that treasure for themselves, even at the cost of other people's lives.

Billy is the 'captain' who had arrived at Jim Hawkins' family inn and has been staying there secluded in his own world and not interacting much with others. So, when the seaman called out to him, he seemed shocked to see that man in front of him. The narrator describes:

The captain spun round on his heel and fronted us; all the brown had gone out of his face, and even his nose was blue; he had the look of a man who sees a ghost, or the evil one, or something worse, if anything can be; and upon my word, I felt sorry to see him all in a moment turn so old and sick.

This change in his appearance was due to the seaman whom Bill called "Black Dog", who had been an ex-partner of the captain and was there looking for the map to the hidden treasure.

which dance is famous in gujurat​





Garba is a form of dance which originates from the state of Gujarat in India. The name is derived from the Sanskrit term Garbha ("womb") and Deep ("a small earthenware lamp"). Many traditional garbas are performed around centrally lit lamp or a picture or statue of the Goddess Shakti.

Answer: Garbha dance is famous in gujurat

Which word in this sentence is a linking verb?
Ryan feels sad that he lost his watch, and he hopes that I will help him find it.
A. feels
B. lost
C. hopes
D. will help



feels is the linking verb


What would be a good rebuttal for this counterclaim. Don't write nonsense pls

Counterclaim: Teenagers should not be forced to volunteer in order to graduate.
Rebuttal: ?



While forced is a strong word, teenagers should be forced to volunteer in different environments so that they can be ready for real world oppertunities. So that when they are off on their own, they can use their experiences in resumes as well as to count as community service hours for specific colleges. these experiences can broaden their scope of people, and cause them to be more sympathetic and caring towards people.


You can reword that in any way you like, but I hope it helps :)

Why do you think Phillip Hoose titled this chapter “Crazy Times?”
Phillip Hoose titled this chapter “Crazy Times” because __________.


she was mad, crazy, and mental, they even made fun of her hair, she was going to have it straightened so she would look more white, I think that's right

Please help. I don’t get it.



I'd say B. It doesn't say that well builders study the wells.


My answer
Hannah ruined her cake because she couldn't
sugar from salt.



what's your question exactly?



do you mean fill in the blanks if yes answer (differentiate)

What is life? I need an answer!




the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death.

You should know what life is by now, i thought everyone learned about it in 7th grade

2. Unit security orders should contain the following:
Check ALL that apply and click Submit.
instructions on handling classified materials
the location of secure rooms
duty lockup
the date of issue and amendments
visitor procedures





just did it

Fill in the Blanks
rections: Read each sentence and choose the word that best fits the sentence.
1. If a mother cannot produce enough milk, it could
her child.
travel in the US is quite easy since every state has the same
currency and speaks the same language (for the most part).
3. The house looked
y after the storm, with a tattered roof, broken
windows, and peeling paint.
4. The distraught man, full of
took his knife to every tire in the
parking lot.
5. The toy cat started to
and wouldn't stop meowing until we
finally broke it.
6. Paula is having a biopsy to determine if the tumor is
7. I didn't want to
with the arguing couple, but he had dropped
his hat onto the floor.
8. Michael was the
chief, but it seemed he was making plans to
stay permanently
9. Kiki is an introvert and prefers
activities to social ones.
10. Florida's tourism industry attracts many of its own residents for



1. Malnourish.

2. Interstate.

3. Dismal.

4. Malice.

5. Malfunction.

6. Malignant.

7. Interfere.

8. Interim.

9. Intrapersonal.

10. Intrastate.


1. If a mother cannot produce enough milk, it could malnourish her child.

Malnourish simply means not feeding well and as a result causing malnutrition or stunted growth in a living organism such as a child.

2. Interstate travel in the US is quite easy since every state has the same currency and speaks the same language (for the most part).

Interstate simply means traveling from one state to another within a country.

3. The house looked dismal after the storm, with a tattered roof, broken windows, and peeling paint.

Dismal refers to a condition that is typically characterized by gloominess and bleakness.

4. The distraught man, full of malice took his knife to every tire in the parking lot.

Malice is an intent to inflict injury or cause harm to another person or thing.

5. The toy cat started to malfunction and wouldn't stop meowing until we finally broke it.

Malfunction simply means an improper or faulty operation of a thing.

6. Paula is having a biopsy to determine if the tumor is malignant.

Malignant refers to a thing that is harmful, injurious and having the tendency (potential) to cause death.

7. I didn't want to interfere with the arguing couple, but he had dropped his hat onto the floor.

Interfere simply means to get involved in action between two or more people.

8. Michael was the interim chief, but it seemed he was making plans to stay permanently.

Interim is synonymous to temporarily.

9. Kiki is an introvert and prefers intrapersonal activities to social ones.

Intrapersonal totally relates to an individual without external influences.

10. Florida's tourism industry attracts many of its own residents for intrastate travel.

Intrastate simply means within a particular state.

what would be a metaphor and a simile for The old man stumbled​



The main difference between a simile and metaphor is that a simile uses the words "like" or "as" to draw a comparison and a metaphor simply states the comparison without using "like" or "as". An example of a simile is: She is as innocent as an angel. An example of a metaphor is: She is an angel.


hope makatulong


"The old man stumbled like a broken record, his grin a grainy tune"


A Simile, by dictionary definition, is a figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing, whereas a Metaphor is a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable. For example:

"Her heart is like gold"

"Her heart is gold"

Here, the former is a simile, and the latter is a metaphor. In the first one, we are comparing the girl's heart to gold, and in the second, we state that her heart is gold.

Taking the original sentence: "The old man stumbled".

And then my answer sentence: "The old man stumbled like a broken record, his gravely grin a grainy tune".

Here, the words "...stumbled like a broken record" is the token simile. We can see this with the key words "like and as"

The metaphor in the sentence is the way I described his smile. Comparing it to an object or thing that can't literally make sense—the grainy tunes of an old record player.

— Hope this helps!! Brainliest appreciated ♥

Excerpt from The Fortune Teller
Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis
Hamlet observes to Horatio that there are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in our philosophy. This was the
selfsame explanation that was given by beautiful Rita to her lover, Camillo, on a certain Friday of November, 1869, when Camillo
laughed at her for having gone, the previous evening, to consult a fortune teller. The only difference is that she made her
explanation in other words,
"Laugh, laugh. That's just like you men; you don't believe in anything. Well, let me tell you, I went there and she guessed the
reason for my coming before I ever spoke a word. Scarcely had she begun to lay out the cards when she said to me: 'The lady
likes a certain person ... 'I confessed that it was so, and then she continued to rearrange the cards in various combinations, finally
telling me that I was afraid you would forget me, but that there were no grounds for my fear."
From the information in these paragraphs, what conclusion might one draw about the culture in which this story is set?
Women in this culture are beautiful.
People in this culture are very easily bored.
Women in this culture laugh more than men.
Men in this culture are more skeptical than women,



D. Men in this culture are more skeptical than women.


Imagine you are being recognized at an awards banquet. You are sitting at the head table
with many other distinguished guests. Why will knowledge of proper table manners make
you more comfortable in this situation?


because proper Table manners are respectful especially in a public place. And its The proper thing to do. someone’s that being respectful, makes things less awkward And more comfortable

Which source is most effective in showing the effects of earthquakes? Why? Cite evidence from the texts in
your response.



While structural damage is the most visible effect of an earthquake, a key point to remember is that earthquake effects go beyond structural damage



2. PART B: Which TWO pieces of evidence from the text best support your answer to Part A?
wan TUO 100
A. "The best way to learn about something is to live it." (Paragraph 2yuma
B. "Some people wouldn't think twice about smashing such low quality items to
bits for decorating Steampunk Jewelry..." (Paragraph 5)
C. "...when a lamp has to be filled and cared for, one is naturally more mindful of
when it's really needed, instead of simply using it by habit." (Paragraph 7)
D. "Clothes are incredibly intimate. They influence how we move..." (Paragraph 13)
E. "Some things can only be learned by experience repeated so often it becomes
od monone second nature." (Paragraph 21) novembro
F. "How wearing long skirts can become an extra sense for experiencing the world,
the way cats use their whiskers." (Paragraph 21)


F. How wearing long skirt can become an extra sense for experience the world

The two pieces of evidence from the text that best support the answer in Part A are mentioned below.

What does the given paragraphs suggests?

C. “…when a lamp has to be filled and cared for, one is naturally more mindful of when it's really needed, instead of simply using it by habit.” (Paragraph 7) - This supports the idea that owning and caring for an item can make a person more mindful of its value and usefulness, as they have invested time and effort into it.

D. “Clothes are incredibly intimate. They influence how we move…” (Paragraph 13) - This supports the idea that owning and wearing clothes that are well-made and fit well can enhance a person's quality of life, as they are more comfortable and able to move freely. It also suggests that investing in quality clothing can lead to a better understanding and appreciation of the value of well-made items.

Learn more about such paragraphs, here:


Why is hierarchical congruence important in successful startegy?​



When the inputs, strategies and organizational structure fit well or are congruent with the desired outputs, the organization operates effectively. An analysis with the congruence model makes it easier to understand how the organization works and to reach this goal.

plz help..
match words in A with a grammar term in B.​



1. f         8. k      15. h

2. e       9. o

3. g       10. a

4. d       11. l

5. c       12. n

6. b       13. j

7. i         14. m


From the excerpt, I have been able to match words in A with a grammar term in B.

Adjectives are words that modify or qualify nouns or pronouns in a sentence.  Adverbs are words that modify verbs, clauses, adjectives, another adverb, etc., in a sentence.

Pronouns are words that are used instead of a noun. Nouns are names of places, people, animals or things e.g: car, tree, rice, etc. We have countable and uncountable nouns.

Verbs are words that show action or occurrence e.g: write, want. Prepositions are words or group of words that precede a noun or pronoun and shows relationship. e.g: on, at, under, etc.

list down Human Acts and
Acts of Man​


it is human acts













clean house

man acts


Answer:Looking, Seeing, Dreaming, Day Dreaming, Hearing, Listening, Walking, Sleepwalking


Please help!!! 25 points



1. Our desire... First column

2. The second theme(third column


  3. The last one (second column)

Hope this helps!!



first column

third column

second column

Which sentence uses a comma or commas correctly?

I need chicken lettuce guacamole, tortillas, and cheese to make my taco.

Violets, roses, lilacs, and tulips bloomed in Robbie’s garden.

Buddy delivered cupcakes, eclairs, cannolis, and, cookies.

It can be difficult to know when to use commas semicolons, or dashes.



it is the second one




Violets, roses, lilacs, and tulips bloomed in Robbie's garden.


I got this answer because if you look at the placing of commas it sounds better to say aloud then to pause when you're not supposed to.

Which of these happens last?
Nina hits a drum.
Nina hears the sound of her drum.
Sound waves travel through the air.
The surface of the drum vibrates, creating sound waves.


Answer is B . It’s B because it goes from Nina hitting the drum to it vibrating to it traveling to the air to it being heard .

Which is the best description of the author’s word choice and the way in which it supports the argument?

A. The author uses figurative language to create a clear picture.
B. The author uses figurative language to simplify complex ideas.
C. The author uses precise, formal language to explain and connect ideas clearly.
D. The author uses precise, formal language to interest and entertain the reader.

i need it in 5 mins!! Please hellpp





The best description of the author’s word choice and the way in which it supports the argument is the author uses figurative language to simplify complex ideas. Thus option (b) is correct.

Who is an author?

An author is a person who writes books, articles, or any other type of written work that is published or intended to be published. Authors may work in a variety of genres, such as fiction, non-fiction, poetry, drama, or journalism.

They may write for various purposes, such as to entertain, inform, educate, persuade, or inspire their readers. Being an author typically involves a significant amount of research, planning, writing, editing, and revising.

The author uses figurative language to simplify complex ideas is the best description of the author’s word choice and the way in which it supports the argument. Therefore, option (b) is correct.

Learn more about author here:


Choose 1 reacreational activity that you had done in the past. (Its either indoor or outdoor). Then share your experiencr on that activity.​


Answer and Explanation:

A recreational activity I did was to paint images of animals using my hands as brushes. This activity was carried out indoors, that is, inside a house and not outdoors.

The activity was very profitable, because it allowed great fun for everyone involved, while we imagined which animals resembled the shapes that our hand, dirty with ink, presented on paper. I believe that it would be very useful to redo this activity in a zoo, where we could observe the animals up close, but we would have to be careful with the dirt that the paint causes.

4. Imagine you have just finished an interview for a highly desired job. The interviewer
seems very impressed with you and asks you to go to lunch. How will being confident and
capable in your table manners help you in this situation?



you would come off as polite and wellmannered?

You just have to be polite as he is and feel comfortable keep good manners while eating with your interviewer.

I could not today start out with any zest to see the most marvelous sight in the world unless I were taking with me someone to whom I knew the journey would be a joy. It may be a drawback which comes with age-you do not crave any new sensations and experiences as much as you did in youth-but it is one of its compensations that you are so much better able to enjoy through other people. You can even sit at home and be happy visualizing others that you love enjoying things which you have prepared them to see and to understand.

—“What I Hope to Leave Behind,”
Eleanor Roosevelt

Select the central idea of the passage.

Other people’s happiness is important to your own happiness.
People stop enjoying travel when they get older.
Sitting at home is fine because you have already seen and done everything.
Visualizing the sights you have already seen is just as good as seeing them again.



I dont know....




Other people’s happiness is important to your own happiness


What is Jordan's purpose in giving this speech?
to blast her opponents for not supporting her
to educate her audience about the value of liberty and even life"
to urge her audience to form a "national community
to entertain her audience


Answer: C. to urge her audience to form a "national community

Explanation: I got it right on Edmentum

Answer: educate her audience about the value of “liberty and even life” entertain her audience blast her opponents for not supporting her urge her audience to form a “national community”



I got it right


Read the following story summary, and think about theme.
A young boy lives with his parents and sister in an apartment in a large aty. When his parents decide to move to the country, he is disappointed. He does not want to move away from his friends
and all the fun they have. He thinks the rural home is going to be boring. On moving day, the boy cries and cries during the drive in the moving van. Once the van arrives and the rest of the
family sets about unpacking and getting settled, he goes off by himself and walks by the creek and think about all his friends. Finally, he sits down on a rock and begins to observe nature. He
becomes fascinated with a toad sitting near the creek, and then with some insects that are scurrying around his feet. Before he knows it, he is splashing happily in the creek and getting excited
about all the fun he will have at his new home.
What universal theme is presented by this story?
A. Change in life can be painful, but it usually has a bright side.
B. There is no way to avoid growing up and taking responsibility,
C. The love of family can make childhood challenges less difficult.
D. city friends are fun, but the friends you make in the country are too.



the answer is A i just took this quiz


A theme is a message about life. A universal theme is common across cultures and genres. The theme in this story is about dealing with change.

The universal theme presented by this story about Change in life can be painful, but it usually has a bright side. Thus, option A is correct.

What is the theme?

A theme is the main idea around which the entire narrative or statement centers, and it indicates how the author wishes for the idea to be conveyed to readers, viewers, or listeners.

In the story, it is told that how when the boy first came to know that he has to shift to a new house he was not happy about the situation. But later on,

When they got adjusted to the new situation and he went to the creek he found out that he was happy and the main theme was that it takes time to get to a certain point and changes are difficult. This passage, it is told how difficult it is to understand the situation and to go through a change.

Therefore, option A is the correct option.

Learn more about the theme, here:


Other Questions
John multiplies 85 by 1.35. Which number might John be trying to find?A. 135% of 85B. 35% of 85C. 13.5% of 85D. 1.35% of 85 Which set of ordered pairs represents y as a function of x? A (0, 0), { (1, 2), (1, 2), (2, 4), (2, 4)} B {(0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 4), (3, 9), (3, 16)} C {(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 1), (0, 2)} D {(0, 0), (1, 0.5), (2, 1), (3, 1.5), (4, 2)} Select the correct comparison. A. The typical value and the spread are both greater in set B.B. The typical value is greater in set B. The spread is greater in set A.C. The typical value and the spread are both greater in set A.D. The typical value is greater in set A. The spread is greater in set B. Please show work!!!!!!!!!! 0.285714285 nearest thousandth question is in the attchment f (n) = 65 - 100nf (39) = WalMart offered a 15% discount off the regular price of a Ice Cream Maker. The amount of the discount is $5.00. What is the regular price of the Ice Cream Maker? PLS HELP ME (i will give brainliest) Im not very smart. using 3.14 or 22/7. what is the circumference of these 3 circles. PLS HELP ME! (awarding brainliest) I need to find the AREA of these 6 circles using 3.14. What is the size of ABC? Identify the angles , solve for x Find the total price of the following item. Dress: $69.00 Tax: 5% Six sided dice is rolled 60 times what is the theoretical probability of rolling a three or four? What was the significance of the northwest ordinance? help plz !!! I have 6 min. Identify each of the following drugs.PercocetO HallucinogenO DepressantO StimulantO NarcoticO Inhalant With what finger do you type the letter m what is something you could study that might help others? how do you say balcony