what is something you could study that might help others?


Answer 1
you could study first aid or something health related so if a medical emergency should happen, you could know what to do to help them out.

hope this helped!

Related Questions

How many people welcomed hitler 200000 or 500000


Answer:I think it is 500000


200,000 French troops and 500,000 German soldiers.

Which of the following actions was not set by president George Washington


we preside over the rest of the question to answer

Who did the Selective Service Act impact and what did it require Americans to do?​



it had impact on everyone and it required for people not to do something about the draft system if the military

Answer: To that end, Congress passed the Selective Service Act, which Wilson signed into law on May 18, 1917. The act required all men in the U.S. between the ages of 21 and 30 to register for military service. Within a few months, some 10 million men across the country had registered in response to the military draft.


NO FAKE ANSWERS I NEED THIS DONE TODAY WHOEVER GETS THIS CORRECTS GETS BRAINLIEST!! hears the answer i need a thesis statement about Should the government restrain from building a dam or any project that would force the displacement of the population?



With this case study series, IDMC aims to gradually draw a global picture of displacement associated with dam projects. We aim to cover the drivers and process of displacement, the numbers of people displaced, their onward movements, the impacts they face, progress towards solutions for them and how this displacement affects broader society.


the one above would be correct so to the point

how did the events of Jackson presidency affect different groups of people ?​


In 1830, as part of his zealous quest to acquire new territory for the nation, President Jackson pushed for the passing of the Indian Removal Act. It was this act that allowed for the 1838 forced removal by the U.S. military of Cherokee from their Georgia homeland to barren land in the Oklahoma territory.

Defin the term “trickledown economics.”


theory sparrow theory proposition that taxes in busniess.


Trickle down economics is a term used to describe the belief that if high-income earners gain an increase in salary, then everyone in the economy will benefit as their increased income and wealth filter through to all sections in society.


List 5 reasons why these animals were best suited for travel on the silk road.


What are the Choices ?

How did the Cherokees fight against the Indian removal act?



The soldiers rounded up as many Cherokees as they could into temporary stockades and subsequently marched the captives, led by John Ross, to the Indian Territory.Nov 19, 2004

yup that other answer is right

Which superpower rebuilt the Republic of Korea in it's image?



The Soviet Union



Why did the white plantation owners in the south decide NOT to use
Native Americans as their main source of slaves?

A. They were too small

B. They liked country music and were always using Tabacoo dip

C. They were immune to disease and loved intensive agriculture

D. They died too much from diseases and weren’t used to intensive agriculture



I would have to say D


It is a known fact that Natives immune systems were not the best. Also, were worst than african americans.


D. They died too much from diseases and weren't used to intensive agriculture.


A is not the answer because if they were too small, then white plantation owners would not be using the children of slaves to work on the fields.

B is not the answer because Native Americans did not listen to country music but their native music.

C is not the answer because Native Americans did not work on agriculture much and were more focused on hunting as a means of survival.

So, this leaves us with A as the only solution left that has yet to be crossed out.

Compare and contrast the North American Food Trade Association (NAFTA) and the World Trade Organization (WTO).



to provide wealth and health across the globe


What did mastabas do to contribute ancient Egypt?



"a mastaba-like structure, which acted as the bottom platform and included the pyramid’s total base footprint."


This map shows the lands reserved for the Sioux Indians in the 1851 Treaty of Fort Laramie. What
development led to the United States violating this treaty in 1874 and reclaiming the land that was most
sacred to the Sioux?
the discovery of oil in the area
the discovery of gold in the area
the construction of the Eerie Canal
the construction of the Transcontinental Railroad


B. Discovery of gold

Some miners went to the sacred black hills and found gold later the United States found out and took the black hills from the tribe violating the treaty

What was the Mexican National Era?


when mexico gained independence from spain
The Mexican National Era is when Mexico gained independence from Spain.

how does the
weather affect office worker at work​



I guess it can affect office workers because it can be a distraction like if a rainbow is outside and they all look it'll prevent work being done and it's a huge distraction.

in my opinion it does not affect them at all because they are inside a building and covered my roofs in case rain or something

U.S. Abolitionists strongly supported war with Mexico. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F





It is FALSE that United States's Abolitionists strongly supported the war with Mexico.

This is evident in the fact that the war with Mexico is about expanding territories down south of the United States which includes the likes of Texas territory which is in support of slavery.

Therefore, many of the United States' abolitionists opposed the war on moral belief and the fact that it might increase the southern power on the issue of slavery practices.

Based on Benito Mussolini's political philosophy, which of the following policies do you think he would have supported after taking control of the Italian government?

A. Promoting equal rights for men and women
B. Extending the right to vote to all citizens
C. Increasing funding for the military
plz answer quick!!!!!!!!


U would say b extending the right to vote all citizens

30 points jkjkjk
20 ANWER ALL and get drainest don't look them up if do reported
give your own words
What do we all have in common besides our genes that makes us human?
If you could choose one book as a mandatory read for all high school students, which book would you choose?
Would you rather have less work or more work you actually enjoy doing?
What is important enough to go to war over? ( like back in time)
If you could instill one piece of advice in a newborn baby’s mind, what advice would you give?



most humans have emotions

how to kill a moking jay

more work


don't get hung up on what you could've done and be yourself

We all have emotions and dreams for the future.

Probably 1984 by George Orwell, but maybe later on in high school because it’s kind of deep and there’s explicit content in some parts.

More work. If you enjoy what your doing, then it isn’t really work and it isn’t a drudgery.

Freedom, territory, beliefs (religion), if one country wants to take over the world. Cough cough World War II

Don’t be afraid to be who you are. If other people don’t like who that is, then they aren’t your friends and they can live their own life.

Write why Fort Sackville might have been built where it was located





Fort Sackville was a British outpost located in the frontier settlement of Vincennes.


located on the site, it was impossible to tell which fort those stockades had been a part of.


What value did storytelling have to the Greeks?



Or more specifically, the stories and their profound beauty instilled some Greeks with a strong, intrinsic belief in the self, which ultimately led to their transition from monarchical to democratic rule, not to mention a flourishing society that continued to foster humanistic arts and refinement.


What happened to the wealth that Britain, Germany and France gained as a result of colonizing Africa?
A. A second Berlin Conference forced them to return the wealth to Africa as debt payments.
B. They lost it in Europe's Great Depression during the first half of the 20th century.
C. They spent it all on exploration and exploitation of the South America later in the 20th century.
D. They lost it all as a result of fighting two world wars during the first half of the 20th century.



B They lost it all as a result of fighting two world wars during the first half of the 20th century.



D) They lost it all as a result of fighting two world wars during the first half of the 20th century.


At the expense of the African people, Britain, Germany and France seized and exploited Africa's resources throughout the 19th century, and these countries became very wealthy as a result. However, all of this wealth was lost during World War I and World War II when all three countries spent their treasuries on weapons, supplies and (for Germany) post-war payments to the European countries they destroyed. (Also, I took the quiz :))

TWO of these was Jefferson wanting to learn in sending the Corps of Discovery led by Lewis and Clark?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Unfortunately, you forgot to attach the options to answer the question. You did not include the statements, options, words, to chose from the "two" that you mention in your question.

However, trying to help you, we can comment on the following.

US President Thomas Jefferson sent the Corps of Discovery to support Merriwether Lewis and William Clark during the Lewis and Clark Expedition after the Lousiana Purchase.

These corps were military men, a unit of the American Army, well-trained and ready t act in case it was necessary to protect the expedition.

President Jefferson wanted the expedition to explore the newly acquired territories to know more about them and the possibility to be settled by the American people.

What challenges did John Locke face?




suffered from health problems

He had respiratory ailments which were exacerbated by his visits to London where the air quality was very poor.

His health took a turn for the worse in 1704 and he became increasingly debilitated.

explain one event from the cold war?



The Vietnam War


This was many of the proxy wars that were fought between the US and the USSR through many different unstable countries. There are countless examples of similar proxy wars.

European ships were able to withstand the trans-Atlantic journeys in the Age of Exploration PRIMARILY to


Explanation: European were able to stand voyages in Atlantic during the Age of Exploration because of ships like Caravel that provided a stronger hull and sleeker lines. The Caravel vessels were lightweight and could sail with the wind

During the War of 1812, the Americans suffered many defeats. Which of the following two sentences are
examples of those defeats?



War of 1812, (June 18, 1812–February 17, 1815), conflict fought between the United States and Great Britain over British violations of U.S. maritime rights. It ended with the exchange of ratifications of the Treaty of Ghent.


What happened as a result of the formation of the Second Bank of the United States? *
Republicans closed the bank.
American businesses were able to grow.
Many state banks acted unwisely.
Too much money was in circulation.



American businesses were able to grow


According to the excerpt, when did the people of the United States turn
to government to solve economic problems?
A during the war
B after the war
C right now
D before the war



its either before or after, i think maybe before

how did the amiens offensive start



This attack was made in retaliation for a trench raid by the 5th Australian Division north of the Somme on the night of 31 July, which had taken many prisoners, before the Australian Corps was concentrated south of the river.

hope it's help

This attack was made in retaliation for a trench raid by the 5th Australian Division north of the Somme on the night of 31 July, which had taken many prisoners, before the Australian Corps was concentrated south of the river.

1. Overriding a presidential veto.
2. Declaring war.
3. Regulating interstate commerce.
4. Approving presidential appointments.
What would be an acceptable title for the above list?
Unconstitutional actions of Congress,
Expressed powers of Congress.
Implied powers of Congress!
O Powers of the Supreme Court.


Express powers of Congress? Not 100% sure
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Merchandise Freight Paid Freight Terms Returns and Allowances (Invoice Amount) by Seller (Invoice Amount) a. $5,100 $200 FOB destination, 1/10, n/30 $1,700 b. 3,250 400 FOB shipping point, 2/10, n/30 1,000 Solve each system by substitution. please help me2x{+y=6 x{+y=3 A shop sells bagels for $5 per dozen. You can use the table to answer the questions. Explain your reasoning. Number of Bagels Price in Dollars 12 5 At this rate, how much would 6 bagels cost? How many bagels can you buy for $50? Please anyone see if I did this correct let me know the missing number for the bottom part. I upload it In many cities, when someone doesn't pay off an entire fine, the city will add a monthly fee until they do. Watch the video from Last week tonight with john Oliver. Then, imagine Ali gets a $150 ticket for speeding. This time, though, the city adds a $35 fee every month until the ticket is fully paid. 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