why is cs used in this way? how is it solving a problem in the creation of entertainment?


Answer 1

Computer science is playing a growing role in the entertainment industry, helping to create new and innovative forms of entertainment

Computer science is becoming more and more involved in the entertainment sector, contributing to the development of fresh and cutting-edge types of entertainment. For example, computer science is used to create virtual reality experiences that allow people to immerse themselves in realistic, interactive environments. This technology is being used in various settings, including gaming, film, and advertising.

Additionally, computer science is being used to develop new storytelling methods, such as interactive narratives and branching plot lines, which can make entertainment more engaging and immersive for audiences. Additionally, computer science is being used to develop advanced algorithms and machine learning models that can help to analyze and understand user behavior, allowing entertainment companies to tailor their content and marketing efforts to better meet the needs and interests of their audience.

Read more about computer science on:



Related Questions

spanish has 22 phonemes represented by 27 symbols, compared to english’s 44 phonemes and 26 symbols.a) trueb) false


Spanish has 22 phonemes represented by 27 symbols, compared to english’s 44 phonemes and 26 symbols. [TRUE]

What is Spanish

Spanish (español) is also called Castellano (castellano). This language belongs to the Indo-European Romance language family.

Spanish is spoken by 500 million native speakers worldwide, mostly in America and Spain. This language is ranked as the second most spoken language in the world after Mandarin.

History Of Spanish

Spanish has its roots in Latin, which the Romans brought when they occupied the Iberian Peninsula.

In Latin America, Spanish is called Castile. The term refers to a dialect that developed from modern standard Spanish.

This dialect developed in Cantabria in the 9th century, in the city of Burgos, Northern Spain to be precise. The city is referred to as the Old Castle.

When Spain regained its independence from the Moors, the spoken language spread to Madrid and Toledo in the 11th century. This area was then called the New Castle.

At the end of the 15th century, the Kingdom of Castle and Leon joined Aragon. Castilian became the official language throughout Spain.

From this official language, several dialects developed. The dialects of Aragon, Navarra, Leon, Asturian and Santander developed in the suburbs.

Several other languages are also spoken in Spain, namely Galician in the northwest and Catalan in the east. When the Arabs occupied Spain in the 12th century, a dialect called Mozarabic also developed.

Learn more about Spanish at https://brainly.com/question/3420203.


decreasing the rate of release of nonviolent offenders from prison increases the rate of decarceration. t/f


"Decreasing the rate of release of nonviolent offenders from prison increases the rate of incarceration." This statement is True.

Incarceration is the country of being in prison. in case you don't fancy incarceration, do not go through with that financial institution heist. The noun incarceration comes from the Latin phrase cancer, meaning "prison." there are many specific varieties of incarceration. if you devote a criminal offense and get locked up, it really is one shape of incarceration.

in case you devote against the law and get locked up, that is one shape of incarceration. a few human beings might feel that college is a shape of incarceration. some enormously religious human beings think about the frame as an incarceration of the spirit. An exceptional synonym for this word is captivity.

Learn more about incarceration here: https://brainly.com/question/25973385


Were the American colonies justified in going to war and breaking from Great Britain? I need an extended answer not just a yes or no in your own words. :)


Yes the American colonies were justified in going to war and breaking from Great Britain.

Why did America break from with Great Britain?

Due of exorbitant taxes, they rebelled against the British. They clashed since they lacked self-government. They were a part of Britain when the American colonies were established. For colonies, Britain raised levies on daily essentials like tea that they purchased and consumed.

List of complaints The 27 complaints listed against King George III serve as evidence of the freedom to rebel. For a global audience, Congress framed "the causes which impel people to separation" in general terms.

The four key factors that contributed to the American Revolution were the Taxation Acts, the Boston Massacre, the Boston Tea Party, and the Intolerable Acts. Because they lacked self-government, many colonists were indignant. This implied that they were unable to rule themselves and establish their own rules.

Read more on American revolution here:https://brainly.com/question/1799447


Identify whether these electoral rules increase or decrease voter turnout in states.
a. Same-day registration
b. Permanent absentee ballots
c. Early voting
d. Decreases turnout:
e. Voter ID laws


Election laws such as early voting and permanent absentee ballots can boost or decrease voter turnout in a state.

What are voters called?

Constituents are the people who live in the area that an elected official represents, and voters are the people who choose to cast a ballot for a certain candidate. While there are various voting systems, many of the ones that are employed for decision-making can also be utilized for elections.

Is voting a democracy?

Although voting is not mandated by law, it is an essential part of every democracy. Citizens can participate in democracy by casting a ballot. Leaders are selected by those who will act as their spokesmen and advance their causes.

To know more about voters visit:



akin is polling a group of sexually active 70-year-old men and women. based on the text research, which is not a statement that he might hear one of these older adults say?


Akin is polling a group of sexually active 70-year-old men and women. "Lovemaking lasts longer and is more affectionate at this age" is not a statement that he might hear one of these older adults say.

In case you are affectionate, you show your love or fondness for every other character inside the way which you behave closer to them. They regarded dedicated to every different and have been brazenly affectionate. Synonyms: fond, loving, kind, caring greater Synonyms of affectionate.

Being affectionate is being warm, tender, and loving. A hug is an affectionate gesture. Affectionate words and moves display love, liking, or compassion. Kissing on the cheek, conserving hands, and hugging are all affectionate.

Learn more about affection here:https://brainly.com/question/2494857

"Although the] State of Coahuila and Texas is a part of the Federation, [it is] equal
to the other States of which the same is composed, and it is free, sovereign, and
independent in whatever exclusively relates to the internal administration....
-Article 2 of Decree No. 1, Constitution of the States of Coahuila and Texas (1827)
What constitutional principle does this Article best represent?
Individual rights
Popular sovereignty


According to the information, it can be inferred that the constitutional principle described in the article is federalism.

What is federalism?

Federalism is a term that refers to a political doctrine characterized by the formation of a political entity that is made up of different organizations that are associated delegating some liberties or powers of their own to another higher body, while retaining part of their autonomy.

What constitutional principle is described in the excerpt?

In accordance with the previous definition, it can be inferred that the constitutional principle described in the fragment is federalism because it is mentioned that the states of Coahuila and Texas are members of a group of organisms (states) that form a union maintaining their freedom, sovereignty and internal independence following the principles of federalism.

Learn more about federalism in: https://brainly.com/question/8305583


joshua, a member of your dorm council, has been a very disruptive group member— speaking out of turn, dominating discussions, making inappropriate remarks, and quarreling with other council members. what steps should be taken to deal effectively with joshua?


The steps that should effectively be taken to deal with Joshua is a) Confront Joshua about his disruptive behavior after the council meeting.

When encountering someone with disruptive behavior such as Joshua, efforts shall be amde to make the person realize his behavior so that the situation can be amended.

If we confront Joshua in front of everybody during the council, then he might feel threatened by us or feel that we are doing so because of some kind of grudge or competition. Not saying anything in this matter will further cause Joshua to carry out this behavior during other councils as well.

Hence, the best action will be to make Joshua realize his disruptive behavior after the council meeting has occurred.

Although a part of your question is missing, you might be referring to this question:

Joshua, a member of your dorm council, has been a very disruptive group member— speaking out of turn, dominating discussions, making inappropriate remarks, and quarreling with other council members. what steps should be taken to deal effectively with Joshua?

a. Confront Joshua about his disruptive behavior after the council meeting

b. Expel Joshua from the council

c. Continue to allow Joshua to dominate conversation so he will run out of steam

d. Challenge Joshua on every point he makes so he will realize that he can't bully the council

To learn more about disruptive, click here:



What did the Democratic Party used to stand for?


Labour unions, state sovereignty, involvement of government, and civil rights issues were some of the points for which the Democratic Party used to stand.

The democratic party aims to advance social programs, labor unions, consumer protection, workplace safety regulation, equality of opportunity, disability rights, racial equity, environmental pollution controls, and criminal justice reform. Democrats frequently back LGBT rights, abortion rights, and a road to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. The democratic party's ideology keeps on changing according to the political situation and American beliefs.

The early Democratic Party was referred to as the "party of the common man" and advocated for state and individual rights while opposing banks and high tariffs.

To learn more about the democratic party, follow the below link:



A group of freshwater green algae known as charophytes are the most closely related to_________ plants.


A group of freshwater green algae known as charophytes are the most closely related to land plants.

The two main types of green algae are charophytes and chlorophytes, and it is generally accepted that charophytes are the closest living relatives of land plants.

It has been determined through analyses of both morphological and genomic data that terrestrial plants originated in Charophyte algae more than 450 million years ago.

The six different categories of charophyte algae include the Mesostigmatales, Chlorokybales, Klebsormidiales, Charales, Coleochaetales, and Zygnematales. They are primarily freshwater green algae with a variety of morphologies.

The latter three of them (Charales, Coleochaetales, and Zygnematales) are thought to be the origins of land plants. Hence, the answer is land plants.

To know more about land plants:



Select the correct answer. How can limited resources benefit the problem-solving capability in an organization? a. It encourages one to be resourceful. B. It is cost effective. C. It reduces the time taken to solve the problem. D. It makes one aggressive. E. It makes an employee more efficient.



Answer is A i believe


david beckham was paid how much by qatar to serve as an ambassador for the 2022 world cup?


Beckham was reportedly to receive £150 million over a ten-year period from the Qatar deal. However, he will receive a three-year payment of about £12 million per year, with potential for extensions, according to sources.

Who is the FIFA 2022 ambassador?

November 21, 2022, Monday, DOHA (WAFA) - Wessam Qutob, a social media celebrity and Palestinian refugee, has been appointed by FIFA as the official World Cup 2022 ambassador in Qatar.

Who is FIFA's primary sponsor?

Qatar Energy, a government-owned oil business, continues to be the FIFA World Cup's primary sponsor. Top third-tier sponsors include the telco Ooredoo and the Qatari bank QNB. Second-tier sponsors include modern businesses like Algorand, a blockchain-based platform, and Crypto.com.

To know more about FIFA, visit:



Mya is planning a research paper about social media and employment. Which research question should she use to keep her research paper focused?.


The research question that Mya would have to use in order to keep her research paper focused would be: Do employers find social media useful when they are screening job applicants? Option D

What is a research question?

"A question that a research effort sets out to answer" is what is meant by a research question. Both quantitative and qualitative research require a well-chosen study question. Data gathering and analysis are necessary for the investigation, and there are many different methodologies for doing so.

An inquiry that a study or research initiative seeks to answer is known as a research question. This question frequently refers to a problem or issue, and the study's conclusion provides a response based on data analysis and interpretation.

Every research question ought to be: Concentrated on a single subject or problem. ability to support research with primary and/or secondary sources. possible to respond within the restrictions of time and reality.

Read more on research questions here: https://brainly.com/question/28351011


Mya is planning a research paper about social media and employment. Which research question should she use to keep her research paper focused? A. How can social media help job seekers? B. What social media platforms are most beneficial to job seekers? C. How can job seekers effectively use social media to improve their chances of being hired? D. Do employers find social media useful when they are screening job applicants?


Do employers find social media useful when they are screening job applications?


Like all psychological theories, psychological treatments need to be validated by using:


Like all psychological theories, a psychological treatments should be validated with an empirical research. The Option B is correct.

What is an empirical research?

An empirical research is a research using an empirical evidence. This research refers to a way of gaining knowledge by means of direct and indirect observation or experience. It is a kind of research based on observation and measurement of phenomena as directly experienced by the researcher, the gathered data may be compared against a theory or hypothesis, but the results are still based on real life experience.

By quantifying the empirical evidence or making sense of it in qualitative form, a researcher can answer empirical questions which should be clearly defined and answerable with the evidence collected (called data).

Missing options "a. trial and error.b. empirical research. c. "fringe" therapies. d. faith and tradition."

Read more about empirical research



Which therapy focuses heavily on creating an accepting and supportive environment for self-discovery?


Additionally, rather than focusing on the patient's past, they stress the child's present and future.

What is the best way to define environment?

Environment can be summed up as the effects of all the live and non-living things that have an impact on human life. Ou pas or abiotic components include liquid, land, sunshine, rocks, and air, whereas all live or biological elements are creatures, plants, forests, fishery, and birds.

Why is the environment crucial?

The quality of the environment has a direct impact on human health and wellbeing. Clean water and air and rich land for growing food, as well as energy and material resources for production, are all provided by good natural surroundings.

To know more about environment visit:



Like psychoanalysis, humanistic and person-centered treatment requires a substantial amount of unstructured talk between the therapist and the patient.

What makes self-discovery so crucial?

Self-discovery facilitates: Become more attuned to your gut and intuition because they aid in self-awareness. Identify your emotions and the source of them. It makes you feel more self-worth when you speak up and advocate for yourself.

What impact does self-discovery have on your actions?

You can better comprehend how happiness functions by self-discovery. You'll learn why various situations affect your mood and why you feel pleased or dissatisfied. You'll be able to manage your emotions thanks to this understanding, leading a happy life. When you begin to accept who you are, your painful emotions will subside.

To know more about self discovery visit:



what type of communication channels do not follow the chain of command and develop outside the formal structure of the organization?


Informal communication channels do not follow the chain of command and develop outside the formal structure of the organization.

People exchange their opinions and ideas through communication, which is a crucial part of existence. It is a crucial instrument that is crucial to the development of the company. There are two types of communication channels in an organization: official and informal. The primary distinction between the two is that although informal communication is exempt from these rules, formal communication is supported by established channels.

Informal communication has many different facets and is unrestricted by established channels or routes within an organization. It is really rapid and relational in comparison. Employees may talk more openly about work-related concerns, which eventually saves the organization time and money, which is vital for its success.

Learn more about Communication here:



the european starling made it to the atlantic coast of north america over 100 years ago. fifty years after that, the bird was found in many states throughout the midwest. this is an example of:


The European starling made it to the Atlantic coast of North us over one hundred years ago. fifty years after that, the bird turned into found in lots of states during the midwest. that is an instance of Dispersion.

The not-unusual starling or European starling additionally recognized simply as the starling in top-notch Britain and Ireland, is a medium-sized passerine fowl within the starling circle of relatives, Sturnidae. it's far approximately 20 cm lengthy and has glossy black plumage with a metallic sheen, which is speckled with white at some times of the year.

Dispersion is the state of getting dispersed or unfolding. Statistical dispersion means the quantity to which numerical information is probably to vary approximately a median price. In different words, dispersion enables to recognition of the distribution of the statistics.

learn more about European starlings here



both democrats and republicans in congress are saying they will pass legislation meant to prevent a ___________________ strike.


Both democrats and republicans in congress are saying they will pass legislation meant to prevent a December strike

Democratic and Republican congressional leaders pledged to enact legislation to prevent a statewide rail strike, saying they agreed with President Biden that such a strike over the upcoming holiday season would impede trade and have a catastrophic impact on the economy. Some of the biggest business organisations in the country warned of the severe effects of a train closure, prompting the unusual bipartisan vow to act. The federal government must short-circuit collective bargaining in this instance for the benefit of the entire country, according to Mr. Biden, who campaigned on a platform of being the most pro-union president in the nation's history. Earlier last year, the Biden administration assisted in negotiations between rail firms and the unions.

To know more about democrats and republicans:



research participants believed that the asch conformity test involved a study of


Participants in the study thought that the ASCH conformity test was an investigation of visual perception.

What can we infer about conformity from the Asch experiment?

According to the results of the experiment, there are two main reasons why people conform: they want to fit in with the group (normative influence) and they think the group is more informed than they are (informational influence).

What conclusions did Asch draw from his study of compliance quizlet?

Asch counted the instances in which each participant agreed with the majority opinion. On the crucial trials, on average, nearly a third (32%) of the people who were put in this circumstance followed the obviously wrong majority.

To know more about asch conformity visit:-



prevention efforts that are aimed at a specific subgroup of the population considered at-risk for developing mental health problems are called __________ interventions.


prevention efforts that are aimed at a specific subgroup of the population considered at-risk for developing mental health problems are called selective interventions.

In the case Washington v. Harper from 1990, the Supreme Court made what decision?

The U.S. High Court controlled, in Washington v. Harper, that a Washington State jail could supersede an upset detainee's refusal of psychotropic meds. The finding that the prison's review procedure adequately safeguarded the patient's rights laid the groundwork for this decision.

What kinds of treatment work best for people who have mental health problems?

The most efficient approach to promoting recovery is to combine medication with psychotherapy. Some examples are: Mental Social Treatment, Openness Treatment, Argumentative Conduct Treatment, and so on.

To learn more about selective interventions here:



paul is always the first one to object to any group proposal. what role is paul most likely playing?


As Paul is the obe to object to any group proposal, he is most likely playing the role of a) opposition.

In the field of sociology, the opposition can be described as people who oppose or contradict a certain source of action or plan. A person who opposes the suggestions or plans of others is called an opponent.

In the scenario-based in  the question above , Paul is the person who objectifies every group proposal that is being made by his group. Although Paul belongs to the same group he acts as an opposition to the group because he contradicts them. He does not see eye to eye with his group members.

Although a part of your question is missing, you might be referring to this question:

Paul is always the first one to object to any group proposal. what role is Paul most likely playing?

a) opposition

b) friendship

c) viewership

d) none of the above

To learn more about opposition, click here:



how many guests received a mysterious invite to the inn in time for us to come home for christmas?


In ‘Time for Us to Come Home for Christmas’, the number of guests that received a mysterious invite to the inn was five guests.

Time for Us to Come Home for Christmas is a Christmas movie directed by David Winning and released in 2020. In plot of the movie revolves five guests who are mysteriously invited to an inn to celebrate Christmas. As the story proceeds, the guests soon start to investigate their connection to each other. With the help of the owner of the Inn, they discover that an event from the past may connect them and change their lives forever.

Learn more about Christmas:



senator smith votes her conscience on bills that her constituents care little about, but she votes according to the wishes of the majority of her constituents on other bills. which model of representation do her actions embody?


according to the wishes of the majority of her constituents on other bills. politico model of representation do her actions embody.

The politico model was developed when theorists realised that when representing their constituents, representatives rarely behave solely as trustees or delegates. Representatives take on the roles of trustees and delegates as necessary, creating a mixture of the two types previously discussed. According to the mandate model, representatives are less autonomous actors. After the creation of contemporary political parties, voters no longer typically choose their representative based on personal characteristics; rather, they choose their party in order for it to win power. Since a mandate is an order or directive from a higher authority, this model assumes that legislators must toe the party line and implement the policies that were promised during the election process.

learn more about  representation here:



the greek word for emotional appeals is seen today in which english word? group of answer choices ethical logical mythical compassion motivation


The greek word for emotional appeals is seen today in ethical english word.

An emotional appeal is a strategy used to influence someone by evoking an emotional reaction from them. Learn more about the meaning and illustrations of emotional appeals; using examples, metaphors, and similes to evoke emotion; Relevant vs. irrelevant arguments; pathos, logos, and ethos definitions.

A persuasion strategy that aims to elicit an emotional response is known as an emotional appeal. One of Aristotle's three modes of persuasion is emotion, also known as pathos or suffering in Greek. The other two are ethos, which is authority, and logos, which is logic. Due to their ability to manipulate an audience's emotions, emotional appeals are regarded as fallacies, or errors in reasoning.

Learn more about emotional appeal  to visit this link



the amygdala causes us to compare current events to past events and then to respond:_____.


The amygdala prompts us to contrast present circumstances with earlier ones and then to react: as we grew in our ability to react to the prior situation.

We relate present circumstances to prior events as a result of the amygdala, and we then react as we would have in the past.

The brain's amygdala, which is mostly connected to emotional functions. Due to the structure's almond-like form, the term "amygdala" is derived from the Greek word "amygdale," which means "almond." The amygdala is situated immediately prior to (in front of) the hippocampus in the medial temporal lobe.

It is generally accepted that the amygdala is the central component of a brain system that processes frightening and frightful stimuli, including the recognition of threat and the activation of appropriate fear-related actions in response to threatening or hazardous stimuli.

To learn more about amygdala, refer



What was the purpose of the quota and immigration Acts?


Through a national origins quota, the Immigration Act of 1924 set a cap on the number of immigrants who might enter the country. Two percent of each nationality's total population in the United States as of the 1890 census was eligible for immigration visas under the quota.

This law introduced enhanced "national origins" quotas, a severely restrictive and quantitatively discriminatory mechanism, to further restrict immigration. Up until 1965, the major method of determining whether immigrants might enter the country was the quota system.

a bill restricting immigration to the United States. The Emergency Quota Act limited the number of immigrants from every nation accepted each year to 3% of the population of its citizens living in the United States.

To know more about Immigration Act of 1924: https://brainly.com/question/1916562


Pitirim sorokin’s belief that societies have a natural tendency toward social change is called?


Pitirim Sorokin's belief that societies have a natural tendency toward social change is called the principle of immanent change.

Who coined the term social change?

The French sociologist and inventor of the term "sociology," Auguste Comte, saw society as moving through three stages: logical, metaphysical, and finally positivistic.

The principle of immanent change, according to Pitirim Sorokin's cyclical theory of social change, is the propensity of a society's structure to alternate between an ideational and sensate culture.  

Therefore, a perspective on social change that sees it as a process that gets more complex over time.

Learn more about Pitirim Sorokin from the given link.



5.how has the rural-to-urban migration affected the urban cultural landscape of the developing world by prominently bringing in the visual imprints on the ground?


social - poor housing conditions and much higher crime rates. economic - low wages or unemployment. environmental - polluted drinking water and a lack of sanitation.

Unemployment, in step with the OECD (enterprise for economic Co-operation and development), is human beings above a exact age (commonly 15) [2] now not being in paid employment or self-employment but presently available for work in the course of the reference length. Unemployment is measured by the unemployment charge, that's the wide variety of people who are unemployed as a percentage of the labour force (the overall variety of humans hired delivered to those unemployed). Unemployment and the repute of the economic system can be influenced by way of a country through, as an example, economic policy. moreover, the economic authority of a country, which include the critical bank, can impact the provision and fee for money through its financial policy.

Learn more about unemployment here



Martin Seligman conducted studies in which dogs were placed on a floor that administered electric shocks with no way of escaping. When the dogs were eventually given the opportunity to escape,a. most dogs remained where they were.b. most dogs jumped out right away.c. most dogs helped other dogs escape before escaping themselves.d. most dogs escaped quickly, but returned within several minutes.


Martin Seligman conducted studies in which dogs were placed on a floor that administered electric shocks with no way of escaping. When the dogs were eventually given the opportunity to escape, a. most dogs remained where they were. Option A.

What is conditioning of behavior?

In physiology, conditioning is a behavioral process whereby a reaction in a certain environment increases in frequency or predictability as a result of reinforcement, with reinforcement often taking the form of a stimulus or reward for a desired response.

For instance, you take your kid to the park to play whenever you return home wearing a baseball cap. As a result, anytime your child sees you arrive at home wearing a baseball cap, he becomes delighted because he associates it with going to the park. It is a form of classical conditioning to learn via association.

Positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive punishment, and negative punishment are the four forms of operant conditioning.

Read more on conditioning here:https://brainly.com/question/25877954


The discovery of the relationship between syphilis and paralytic dementia revealed that: _________


The discovery of the relationship between syphilis and paralytic dementia revealed that: _________

When the connection between syphilis and paralytic dementia was made clear, it became clear that a mental condition had a physiological cause.

What is syphilis?

The most common way that syphilis is spread is through sexual interaction. Frequently, the sickness first appears as a sore on the lips, genitalia, or rectum. By touching sores on the skin or mucous membranes, syphilis can be transferred from one person to another. Before reawakening decades after the initial infection, the syphilis germs can lie latent in the body. Rarely, a single dose of penicillin can successfully treat early syphilis.

What is paralytic Dementia?

General paresis of the insane, also known as dementia paralytica, is a chronic psychosis of middle age characterized by progressive mental decline, symptoms of excitation of the central nervous system, which can cause absolute dementia and paralysis, as well as pathologically by a fairly distinct series of organic changes in the brain and spinal cord that are likely the result of some toxin, with syphilis being the most common contributor to the toxin's origin.

To know more about Dementia visit:                                                                 brainly.com/question/28216572                                                


Lorraine is 70 years old and complains that she cannot read or drive as well as she once could because her vision and especially her peripheral vision has decreased. after an eye exam, the doctor tells her that the fluid in her eyes cannot be drained properly causing too much pressure in the fluid in her eyes. what condition does lorraine have?


As Lorraine is 70 years old and complains that she cannot read or drive as well as she once could because her peripheral vision has decreased, she is dealing with the condition of Glaucoma.

A series of eye disorders known as glaucoma harm the optic nerve. For clear vision, the optic nerve, which transmits visual data from the eye to the brain, is essential. High pressure in your eye is frequently associated with damage to the optic nerve. However, glaucoma can also arise from normal eye pressure.

Even while it may strike anybody, older persons are more likely to develop glaucoma. For those over 60, it is one of the main causes of blindness. Numerous glaucoma types show no symptoms at all. You might not notice a change in vision until the problem is advanced since the effect is so subtle.

Regular eye checkups that involve measuring your eye pressure are crucial. Early glaucoma diagnosis allows for possible prevention or slowing of visual loss. For the remainder of your life, glaucoma patients will require medication or monitoring.

learn more about Glaucoma at https://brainly.com/question/942982


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