the following information pertains to meg corp.: dividends on its 1,000 shares of 6%, $10 par value cumulative preferred stock have not been declared or paid for 3 years. treasury stock that cost $15,000 was reissued for $8,000. what amount of retained earnings should be appropriated as a result of these items?


Answer 1

The retained earnings that should be appropriated as a result of these items is $0

A discretionary reclassification of retained profits is called an appropriation. Its goal is to limit the amount of retained earnings that may be distributed as dividends. Cumulative preferred dividends that have not been declared are not recorded in the accounts. To the extent that extra paid-in capital from treasury stock transactions has a credit balance or retained earnings, the loss on the sale of treasury shares is charged. Therefore, there are no appropriated retained profits due to these transactions. The cost of the Treasury stock may have needed to be appropriated, in accordance with state law.

Learn more about dividends:


Related Questions

kj built his taco truck out of $75,000,000 worth of titanium and duct tape. he uses $10.25 of organic bok choy, $6.75 of wisconsin cheddar cheese, and $25.25 of foie gras in each taco. if he sells tacos at $475 each, what is his break-even quantity? group of answer choices 173,310 194,640 167,125 181,292 previousnext


The amount that will allow for break-even 173,310

What is the formula for the break-even quantity?

Utilize the formula below to determine the break-even point in units: Break-Even point (units) = Fixed Costs (Sales price per unit - Variable costs per unit), or in sales dollars using the following formula: Fixed Costs Contribution Margin = Break-Even Point (in sales dollars).

What are the price and volume needed to break even?

The formula for calculating break-even price is (Total fixed cost / Production unit volume) + Variable Cost per unit. Let's break it down with the aid of an illustration. Manufacturing light bulbs is the business of XYZ Ltd. It turns out that the production of bulbs has a fixed cost of Rs. 50,000 and a variable cost of Rs. 10 per unit.

To Know more about break-even


the systematic, widespread withdrawal of investment in basic aspects of productivity such as factories and plants is known as:


The systematic, widespread withdrawal of investment in basic aspects of productivity such as factories and plants is known as deindustrialization.

What is deindustrialization?

Deindustrialization is a process of economic and social change brought on by the elimination or loss of industrial capacity or activity in a nation or region, particularly in the heavy or manufacturing sectors. Various people have different ideas about what deindustrialization is. Many point to the wholesale shutdown of automotive facilities in the now-famous "Rust Belt" between 1980 and 1990 as evidence of the de-industrialization of the United States.

Beginning in 1979 and continuing until 1984, the US Federal Reserve increased interest and exchange rates, which immediately led to a decline in import prices.

Learn more about deindustrialization, here:


morris corporation uses the cost method to account for treasury stock transactions. as of june 30, the corporation had the following account balances. treasury stock (100 shares at a cost of $20 per share) $2,000 paid-in capital from previous treasury stock transactions 400 on july 15, morris sold the 100 shares of treasury stock for $18 per share. as a result of this transaction, what amount would morris charge to retained earnings, if any, under the cost method of accounting for treasury stock transactions?


The amount that Morris would charge to the retained earnings is $2,000.

What are retained earnings?

The whole net income of a corporation that is kept on hand by the corporation at a specific time, such as at the conclusion of the reporting quarter, is known as retained profits. If the retained profits account has a negative balance, the terms "accumulated losses," "retained losses," "accumulated deficit," or other related terms may be used. However, few nations let a corporation's total deficit to keep growing as a result of dividend payments. The opening retained profits in the succeeding period are the retained earnings at the conclusion of one accounting period, to which the net income or loss for that period is added, and from which the bonus shares issued in the year and dividends paid in that period are deducted.

Cash received for the shares = 100 * $18 = $1,800

Credit to treasury stock = 100 × $20 = $2,000

To learn more about retained earnings, visit:


you are starting a coffee business in seattle and have begun to write your company description. what should you include in your description? check all that apply. the form of business promotional materials market trends and projected growth the type of business


Descriptions should include information about the products and services the company will offer, if the business is a partnership or a corporation and a clear and persuasive request for financial backing.

A business plan is a written statement that gives an anticipated profit and loss statement and describes the nature of the company, sales and marketing plan, its financial history.

Any form of communication a firm uses to connect with its target market is considered promotional marketing. Digitally, this manifests as emails, PPC ads, and social media advertisements. Physical goods like billboards, mailers, business cards, signage, or coffee cups with a logo are used offline.

A market trend is the perception of a long-term movement in one direction in the financial markets and these trends are categorized by analysts as secular for long time horizons,  secondary for short time horizons, and primary for medium time horizons.

To know more about 'description' related questions



Does rapid population growth harm economic development?


Rapid populace increase has slowed improvement as it exacerbates the tough preference among higher Economic consumption in the present and the investment needed to increase consumption in the future.

As the population grows, larger investments are only needed to maintain current capital/person. Economic growth - Rapid population growth leads to increased production of goods due to availability of labor, which increases tax consumption. This increase in tax revenue can be used for environmental and health projects. Economies can benefit from economies of scale and increased specialization. More people means the increased demand for food, water, housing, energy, healthcare, transportation, and more.

To learn more about consumption, click here.


the primary goal for the blue ginger multi-grain blue rice chips campaign should be:________


The primary goal of the campaign for blue guava inter blue rice chips should be to educate.

A goal is an aim or aim that someone is attempting to reach. A goal can also be the finish line of a racial group or some such into which a player attempts to place an object as part of the game. Goal can also be used as a noun in other contexts. A goal is an objective or objective toward which you work hard and persistently.

Setting objectives can assist us progress in life. Goals provide us with a road map to follow. Even if we fail, goals are a wonderful method of holding ourselves accountable. Setting objectives and working toward them assists us in defining.

Learn more about Goals here :


trade restrictions that limit the sale of low-price foreign goods in the u.s. market


Trade restrictions that limit the sale of low-price foreign goods in the U.S. market because benefit domestic producers in the protected industries at the expense of consumers and cosmetic producers in export industries.

The main goal of trade restrictions is to shield domestic businesses and employees from competition from foreign businesses. The importation of products and services made in other nations is restricted under a protectionist policy.

Government-imposed limitations on global commerce are known as trade barriers. According to the comparative advantage argument, trade restrictions harm the global economy and reduce overall economic efficiency. Taxes placed by one nation on imports of goods or services from another are known as tariffs. Tariffs are trade restrictions that drive up the cost of products and services and limit their supply for American consumers and businesses.

To know more about Trade Restrictions here


you are a leader. xavier is also a leader in the same organization. you and xavier confront issues directly and discuss alternative courses of action. this is an example of which conflict-handling style?


Frank confrontation with problems and discussion of potential solutions in this case. Integrating may be seen in this instance.

What does incorporating conflict style entail?

In contrast to a distributive zero-sum approach, the integrative approach to conflict management places a strong emphasis on consideration for the other party. Therefore, having an interpersonal worldview system as compared to an individualism one should aid people in resolving conflicts in a positive way.

What are the five approaches to handling conflicts?

There are five main conflict resolution styles, according to the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI), which is used by human resource (HR) professionals worldwide: cooperating, fighting, denying, appeasing, and conceding.

The most striking characteristic of negotiating for handling conflict and creating fruitful long-term partnerships is typically a collaborative method.

To know more about collaborative method click here


a semiannual coupon bond has a 10% interest rate, a $1,000 face value, and 7 years to maturity. assuming your discount rate is 12%, how would you calculate the value of the bond?


A semiannual coupon bond has a 10% interest rate, a $1,000 face value, and 7 years to maturity. So, $1700 is the value of bond for given question.

Remember, to compute the semi-annual coupon payment, we multiply the face value ($1,000) by the semi-annual coupon rate (expressed as a decimal, so 0.1/2 = 0.05). $1,000 * 0.05 = $50 every six months. We divide the 10% annual coupon rate by 2 to make it a semi-annual coupon rate.





time is for 7 years so, 7×2 = 14

50×14 = 700

hence, total value of bond is $1700.

To know more about the semiannual visit :-


Which of the following best describes a transition economy?


A market that has moved from centrally planned to more liberalized. Economies in transition are considered countries that are undertaking macroeconomic reforms with the aim of changing the way their economies operate.

This has traditionally involved the country making structural adjustments from a state-run economy to a more market-oriented system. Change the basic economic organization of a country and create an entirely new free-market institution. Stabilize the economy, reduce the budget deficit and increase the availability of credit. A transition economy is an economy that moves from centrally planned to free market. Since the fall of communism in the late 1980s.

To learn more about market, click here.


What two taxes will you not receive a refund for, even if you file a tax return?


A tax refund can be delayed for a variety of reasons, including sending your refund to the wrong bank due to an incorrect routing number, an incomplete return, an inaccurate return.

What taxes are refunded to you in a tax return?

Your refund is calculated by comparing the amount of federal income tax deducted from your paycheck to the total amount of tax you owe. You will get a refund for the difference if the amount withheld for federal income tax was higher than your income tax for the year.

Which two direct taxes are there?

Direct taxes, such as income tax, poll tax, land tax, and personal property tax, are one kind of taxes that people pay directly to the government.

Learn more about taxes here:


which step in the personal selling process occurs prior to meeting the customer for the first time and continues the qualification of leads research?


Pre approach step in the personal selling process occurs prior to meeting the customer for the first time and continues the qualification of leads research.

What is Pre approach?Pre-approach boosts a salesperson's confidence and enthusiasm as they meet with prospects and present their sales pitch. The thorough background knowledge about the prospects gathered during the pre-approach process is what ultimately leads to confidence and enthusiasm.One of the first steps in the selling process is pre-approach, where a salesperson gathers information on potential customers before approaching them. It incorporates customer analysis, customer capabilities, needs, and wants so that the sales process is more pertinent to all parties involved.Whether you are meeting with a new customer a target account or an existing customer one of your key accounts the pre-approach is an important stage that helps you earn your customer's confidence and sell adaptably. The goals of the meeting should be known before you make your sales call.

To learn more about pre approach refer to:


Which one of the following is not a primary component of an internal control system?
a. Information and communication
b. Monitoring
c. Financial pressure
d. Control environment
e. Risk assessment


Financial pressure is not a primary component of an internal control system.

A system created by an organization to keep a close eye on the activities and procedures being followed within the company is referred to or believed to be an internal control system. Internal controls are the systems, guidelines, and practices that a business uses to guarantee the accuracy of its financial and accounting data, foster accountability, and thwart fraud.

In internal control system, by making financial reporting more accurate and timely, they can also aid in increasing operational efficiency. It covers phenomena like information and communication inside the company as well as the evaluation of risks, where the latter are continuously watched over in a controlled setting.

Learn more about Internal control system here:


organizations are increasingly adjusting their processes and positioning their products as environment friendly and sustainable in order to increase their appeal to consumers. this is a response to changes in ________.


in order to increase their appeal to consumers. this is a response to changes in Social trends.

Knowing consumer trends makes it simpler to understand how to change customer behavior. The behaviors and priorities of customers change along with businesses. Consumer preferences have changed over the past 10 years, and they will continue to do so.

Keep in mind that customer behavior patterns vary as you develop and improve your marketing plan. The need for openness in the companies that consumers support has grown over the past several years.

Nowadays, customers boycott and discard businesses with dubious practices or led by CEOs they don't agree with ideologically. Customers are more inclined to support businesses that share their own personal values and views. To earn the trust of their customers, businesses must be honest about their backgrounds and business operations.

learn more about consumer trends at


Financing with _____ requires borrowing, whereas financing with _____ requires issuing shares of stock. debt, equity.


Financing with debt requires borrowing, whereas financing with equity requires issuing shares of stock.

The process of raising money or capital for any form of spending is referred to as finance. It involves directing different sources of funding, such as credit, loans, and investment money, to the businesses that can use them most effectively.

You have two financing choices: dealership finance or direct lending. You can borrow money directly from a bank, finance firm, or credit union. In a loan, you consent to repay the borrowed money over a certain time period together with financing charges.

To know more about Financing here


What are the 12 responsibilities of the dental office manager?


ensuring office productivity by creating and overseeing all internal office processes. maintaining the billing system, general ledger, personnel schedules, and cash control for the dental clinic.

All administrative tasks in a dental office are supported and overseen by a dental office manager. The management of staff meetings, employee scheduling, office budgets, and monthly payroll falls within their purview. also referred to as a dental office administrator or office manager. Directly leading both individuals and teams to guarantee that all office staff provide exceptional client service. arranging for the daily implementation of office procedures that boost productivity and efficiency. delivering prompt, expert responses to operational and clinical problems. establishing and carrying out a successful office budget. recruiting, managing, and training new office personnel.

learn more about dental clinic here


a clothing manufacturer builds quality into its operating system, placing responsibility on each employee. this process is known as quality


A clothing manufacturer builds quality into its operating system, placing responsibility on each employee. This process is known as quality assurance. Therefore, option (c) is the correct answer.

Any organised procedure for verifying whether a good or service satisfies predetermined standards is known as quality assurance (QA). QA creates and upholds predetermined standards for creating or producing dependable products. An organization's work procedures and efficiency are improved by a quality assurance system, which also helps the business compete more effectively. This system is intended to boost client confidence and a company's credibility.

Quality control enables a business to provide goods and services that satisfy consumer needs, expectations, and demands. It results in high-quality product offers that encourage consumer trust and loyalty. A quality assurance program's standards and guidelines aid in stopping product flaws before they occur.

Learn more about Quality Assurance here:


Complete question:

A clothing manufacturer build quality into its operating system, placing responsibility on each empylee. This process is known as quality:

A.) delivery

B.) guarantee

C.) assurance

D.) inspection

as a project manager, you conduct a process to determine which standards of quality are relevant to the project and how to satisfy them. which quality management concept does this describe?


As a project manager, you perform a process to identify the quality criteria that apply to the project and how to meet them.  This concept is widely known as planning for quality management.

In order to maintain a desired degree of perfection, all operations and tasks must be managed under the umbrella of quality management. This comprises formulating a quality strategy, coming up with and carrying out quality assurance and planning, as well as quality control and improvement.

The QMP's goal is to spell out how quality will be controlled over the course of the project. Planning for quality management establishes quality policies and practices pertinent to the project for both project deliverables and project processes, identifies accountability, and records compliance.

To know more about project managers click here,


When revenue is greater than total expenses, resulting in a net income, the income summary account has a?


When revenue is greater than total expenses, resulting in a net income, the income summary account has a credit balance.

Net income is reported when a company's income exceeds its expenses. If its costs are greater than its income, a net loss is reported. If the company's revenue exceeds its expenses, the closing journal debits the revenue summary and credits the retained earnings.

In the event of a period loss, you must credit your income collection account and withdraw any retained earnings. Net profit represents the difference between gross income and total expenditure, while net loss represents the excess of expenditure over income. Nominal accounts are used to track financial transactions over a period of time.

Learn more about Net income here:-


dye trucking raised $225 million in new debt and used this to buy back stock. after the recap, dye's stock price is $7.50. if dye had 70 million shares of stock before the recap, how many shares does it have after the recap? enter your answer in millions. for example, an answer of $1 million should be entered as 1, not 1,000,000. round your answer to the nearest whole number.


After the recapitalization it will have 40 million shares.

What is recap?

Recap stands for recapitalization. Recapitalization is the exchange of debt for equity, or equity for debt, with the aim of increasing shareholder value by bringing the company's capital structure closer to its optimal target level.

What is capitalization?

This is the total value of outstanding shares of common stock of a public company owned by shareholders. Market capitalization is equal to the market price of one common share multiplied by the number of common shares outstanding.


Shares purchased = Amount / Share price

Shares purchased = 225000000/7.50

Shares purchased =3,00,00,000


Shares left = Shares - Shares purchased

Shares left = 70000000 - 30000000

Shares left = 40000000


Shares left after recap are 40 million.

To learn more about recapitalization visit the link below


the board of directors authorizes a cash_____or distribution of cash to its investors.


A cash dividend or other payment to investors is approved by the board of directors.

There are three crucial dates involved when the board of directors approves a cash dividend to investors.

The declaration detailing the amount and timing of dividend payments to shareholders is made by the board of directors. First among four crucial dates in the process of paying out dividends is the declaration date. The ex-date, the record date, and the payment date are the final three crucial dates.

when a business announces and distributes a cash dividend?

The following will take place when a corporation's board of directors declares a cash dividend on its stock: The stockholders' equity component known as retained earnings will decline. There will be an increase in current liabilities (such Dividends Payable).

To Know more about investors


Answer: dividend

Explanation: trust me

the allowance method of estimating uncollectible accounts receivable based on an analysis of receivables shows that $608 of accounts receivable are uncollectible. allowance for doubtful accounts has a debit balance of $181. the adjusting entry at the end of the year will include a credit to allowance for doubtful accounts in the amount of


The debit balance in the Provision for Doubtful Accounts is $110. The debit to Allowance for Unlikely will be included in additional term there at end of the year.

How are allowances credited or debited?

While the allowance for uncollectible debts is entered as a credits to increase the negative balance balance, the bad debt cost is recorded as a debit and increase the expense.

How do you credit limit for disputed accounts for what reason?

The reliability of financial statements is increased when the provision for doubtful accounts is recorded concurrently with the sale under accrual-basis accounting. A more realistic picture of sales and expenditure for a given time period is provided by accurately matching the expected bad debt charge to the associated sale.

To know more about credit visit:


companies often use more than one capital budgeting method to determine which capital investment to make.a) trueb) false


The statement "companies often use more than one capital budgeting method to determine which capital investment to make" is true.

Thus, the correct answer is A.

What is capital budgeting?

Cаpitаl budgeting is the process а business undertаkes to evаluаte potentiаl mаjor projects or investments. Companies used cаpitаl budgeting to evаluаte mаjor projects аnd investments, such аs new plаnts or equipment.

The process involves аnаlyzing а project’s cаsh inflows аnd outflows to determine whether the expected return meets а set benchmаrk. The mаjor methods of cаpitаl budgeting include discounted cаsh flow, pаybаck, аnd throughput аnаlyses.

For more information about capital budgeting methods refer to the link:


is a type of analytics used to answer general and specific business questions and involves data cube slicing, dicing, rolling up, drilling down. question 5 options: a) recency, frequency, monetary (rfm) analysis b) market basket analysis c) cluster analysis d) online analytical processing (olap) analysis


Online analytical processing, or OLAP, is a type of analytical processing that uses data slicing, drilling down, and rolling up to attempt to solve certain business problems. The right answer in this case is D.

Many Business Intelligence (BI) solutions use OLAP technology. With its capacity for endless report viewing, intricate analytical computations, and predictive "what if" scenario planning, OLAP is a potent technology for data discovery.

Data mining is a branch of computer science that deals with the extraction of information from massive data collections, including data, trends, and patterns. OLAP is a technology that uses multidimensional structures to provide instant access to data. It deals with the summary of the data.

To learn more about OLAP


to decrease the money supply using the reserve requirements, what would the fed typically do?


The Fed would raise the reserve requirements for banks to decrease the money supply using the reserve requirements,

By reducing the reserve requirements for banks, the Fed can expand the money supply by enabling banks to make more loans. On the other hand, the Fed can reduce the amount of money in circulation by increasing the reserve requirements for banks. The amount of money in the financial system can be increased or decreased by central banks through a variety of techniques.

Monetary policy is the term used to describe these acts. Although the Federal Reserve Board, also known as the Fed, has the authority to manufacture paper money at its discretion in an effort to boost the economy's supply of cash, this is not the method employed, at least not in the United States.

To learn more about money supply, visit the link below:


a real estate investment is available at an initial cash outlay of $100,000 and is expected to yield cash flows of $33,438.10 per year for five years. the internal rate of return (irr) is approximately:


A real estate investment is available at an initial cash outlay of $100,000 and is expected to yield cash flows of $33,438.10 per year for five years. the internal rate of return (irr) is approximately: 20%

Real estate is property including land and the homes on it, in conjunction with its natural resources inclusive of crops, minerals or water; immovable belongings of this nature; an interest vested on this an item of actual assets, homes or housing in standard.

Actual property is a form of real property, that means that it's miles something you personal that is attached to a chunk of land. it is able to be used for residential, commercial or industrial purposes, and typically consists of any assets on the land such as water or minerals.

Learn more about real estate here:

Tahlia is interested in exporting. she is accompanying representatives of the u.s. department of commerce to london where she will meet with qualified agents, distributors, and customers to help her make contacts and explore export opportunities in london. tahlia is participating in?
a. a "best prospects" search. b. the SCORE program. c. a matchmaker program.
d. an import-export expo.


As Tahlia is accompanying representatives of the U.S. department of commerce to London where she will meet with qualified agents, distributors, and customers to help her make contacts and explore export opportunities in London. Tahlia is participating in d. an import-export expo.

In the field of business, an import-export expo can be described as a function where there are agents, distributors, customers, dealers, etc present who represent their business in an exhibition. Based on these representations, a person can choose if he wants to indulge in business with the desired company.

An import-export expo has foreign representatives as customers so that they can know the local businesses of a place and indulge in export and import with them if they want. As Tahlia is also attending such a place where she will meet qualified agents, distributors, and customers, Tahlia is participating in an import-export expo.

To learn more about export, click here:


g the effect of a quota is (from the point of view of imports) to group of answer choices increase quantity supplied and lower price. increase quantities supplied and increase price. increase demand for the good and increase price. reduce quantities supplied and raise price.


The effect of a quota is to reduce quantities supplied and raise prices. The correct answer would be option D.

A quota is a trade limitation put in place by the government that restricts how much money may be spent on items that a nation can import or export at one time. Quotas are used by nations in international trade to control the amount of trade that occurs between them and other nations. To decrease imports and boost domestic production, nations occasionally impose quotas on particular products. The idea of quotas is to increase home production by limiting international competition.

Quota-implementing government initiatives are frequently referred to as protectionism policies. Governments may also implement similar regulations if they have reservations about the reliability or security of imports from other nations.

To read about tariffs visit:


which term describes a technology that performs deep-content inspection within a scope defined by a central management console?


Data leakage prevention (DLP) describes a technology that performs deep-content inspection within a scope defined by a central management console.

Which of the following is the term that describes the consistency accuracy and validity of data or information?

Any system that stores, processes, or retrieves data must be designed, implemented, and used in a way that maintains data integrity, which is the maintenance and assurance of data accuracy and consistency over the course of its full life-cycle.

In terms of security and legal compliance, such as GDPR compliance, data integrity also refers to the security of data. It is kept current through a set of protocols, rules, and specifications established during the design phase. Data integrity refers to the overall caliber, consistency, and completeness of data.

To learn more about data integrity, visit:


if government spending rises by $62 billion and gdp rises by $110 billion, then the multiplier in the economy is approximately:


The multiplier in the economy is approximately is 1.77 (divide 110 by 62).

What is Multiplier in economics?

In economics, a multiplier is a numerical coefficient that illustrates how changes in total national investment affect total national income. It is equivalent to the proportion of changes in investments to changes in overall revenue.

A multiplier is a proportionality factor used in macroeconomics to quantify how much a regression model changes in reaction to an alteration in an exogenous variable. The multiplier impact, or the sum of money that must be put into an economy, may also be calculated once the multiplier has been established. The multiplier is used to compute this amount by dividing the entire amount of expenditure required.

To know more about Multiplier in economics, visit:


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