Why did the Founders decide not to change the Articles of Confederation
but to create a new form of government?
A) The Articles had created a weak government.
B) The Articles were too complex to revise.
C) They thought it easier to start from scratch.
D) They wanted to eliminate the national government.


Answer 1




The AoC had created a central gov, but it was one too weak and unstable to actually do anything, like pay for the war, and raise armies.

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I need help with this plssssssss





re-read the article and take notes of all the works with spect-

because you did not provide the rest of the lesson I can't help you much but here are some examples of spect- words and what they mean:

spectator: "I was a spectator In the game."

"The meaning of -ator is one that does."

The word means one that examined/watched

spectacular: "The show was spectacular!"

It's used in a positive way because the word means 'eye-catching' and 'beautiful'

speculate: "There's no need to speculate, It was just the cat."

'look, off, away

It means to make assumptions or guess.

Hope this is helpful!

What is the history of the 4th of July?



The Fourth of July celebrates the passage of the Declaration of Independence by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776. The Declaration announced the political separation of the 13 North American colonies from Great Britain.

Answer: The day  the declaration of independence was signed. i know this cause it's my b-day


what was one outcome of the georgia legislature’s refusal to seat henry mcneal turner?


One outcome of the Georgia legislature's refusal to seat Henry McNeal Turner was that it exposed the racism and political maneuvering of the Democratic Party.

The Refusal to Seat Henry McNeal Turner

The refusal to seat Henry McNeal Turner in the Georgia legislature was a stark reminder that, despite the rhetoric of the Democratic Party, racism and political maneuvering still held sway in the South. This injustice caused an outcry across the nation, leading to increased scrutiny of the party's claims of civil rights and racial justice.

Activists and citizens alike demanded that the Democratic Party take responsibility for their role in perpetuating and enabling white supremacy, and the refusal to seat Turner served as a reminder that racism and political machinations were still pervasive in the South.

Learn more about Democracy: https://brainly.com/question/3710021


which of these nfl teams has a cheerleading squad? a. new york jets b. cleveland browns c. pittsburgh steelers d. green bay packers


Ohio has the most cheerleading of all the states, according to a recent article in American Cheerleader Magazine.

Can you call in to a Teams meeting?

You can join the majority of Teams meetings by calling the phone conference number. Once you're connected towards the call, you can use DTMF commands to mute your line or see a list of the callers. Play a list of the DTMF commands that are available in private.

A Teams meeting can begin without the host, right?

A meeting can be organized without the meeting organizer being present. The meeting's organizer must turn off the requirement that everyone wait in the waiting area before entering the room. It must be configured thus that

To know more about teams visit:



Colonies were mostly run for the benefit of mother countries, but some people believed the colonial system helped everyone because it spread European civilization.

How does Kipling feel about colonialism? Write three to four sentences, using the poem to support your answer.

THE Sample Response IS

The poem seems to imply that Western powers had an obligation to bring technology and Western civilization to other parts of the world. This idea is stated in the phrase "to serve your captives’ need.” Kipling believes this work is thankless and that the subjects may even hate or place blame on the colonial power.


Kipling believed that it was the duty of European nations to introduce their religion and culture to less cultured peoples.

In order to increase their power and prevent local people from devolving into barbarism, Europe believed in extending westernization across the globe.Many Europeans thought that people would become more culturally evolved via westernization.

How does Kipling feel about colonialism?

Generally, Most of the time, colonies were managed for the profit of the home nations, although some individuals thought that through spreading European civilization, the colonial system benefited everyone.

Kipling believed that it was the duty of European nations to introduce their religion and culture to less cultured peoples.

In order to increase their power and prevent local people from devolving into barbarism, Europe believed in extending westernization across the globe.

Many Europeans thought that people would become more culturally evolved via westernization.

Native Americans in the colonies were seen to have inferior and paganic civilizations.

By not being accepting of traditional faiths, Europeans attempted to transform others.

Rudyard Kipling thus had the belief that people should share their culture and faith with others.

Here is additional information about "Kipling":



Briefly describe one major difference between sinn’s and pfaelzer’s historical interpretations of immigration to the pacific coast of the united states during the 1850s and 1860s.


The major difference is Chinese immigrants found a variety of jobs, according to sinn's, so miners' taxes meant little to them. According to Pfaelzer, Chinese were exempt from the miner's tax. Because most of their work is there.

A large number of Chinese immigrants arrived in the western United States between 1850 and 1860. There were also many immigrants from other parts of Asia, but the Chinese were by far the most prominent group.

Other parts of the United States also welcomed large numbers of European immigrants at the same time. Despite this, there were also many Latin Americans in these areas.

The population of this region increased as a result of immigration to the Pacific coast. For this reason, in order to organize this region, it was necessary to form a state that could accommodate all these people.

Hence, this is the one major difference between sinn’s and pfaelzer’s historical interpretations of immigration to the pacific coast of the united states during the 1850s and 1860s.

To learn more about sinn's and pfaelzer's here:



What factor played a significant role in the increase in sharecropping and tenant farming in Georgia during Reconstruction?A. landowners had no cash, but needed land workedB. the redistribution of private farmland to former slavesC. the passage of a new minimum wage by state leadersD. provisions attached to federal loans provided to landowners


The element that assumed a critical part in the expansion of sharecropping and occupant cultivating in Georgia during Reconstruction was that landowners had no cash, but needed land worked Choice A.

What was reconstruction?

The reconstruction period crossed the years 1865-1877, following the finish of the Nationwide conflict. Its fundamental objectives were to ensure previous slaves' freedoms, restore full political association for the southern states in the Association, and lay out new associations between African Americans and whites.

The reconstruction period changed the connection between the central government and the legislatures of the states, reclassified American citizenship, expanded the number of individuals who could cast a ballot and stressed the differentiations among political and monetary majority rules system.

Learn more about reconstruction:



What is Wilson's message about neutrality and the importance of staying neutral?


Wilson's message about neutrality was "In these trying times, the United States must be neutral both in practise and in name. Both in our thoughts and in our actions, we must remain unbiased.

The rigid and neutral neutrality of President Woodrow Wilson: We must be objective in both our thoughts and deeds, and we must restrain any attitudes or actions that might be seen as favouring one side over the other in the conflict. Even though a vociferous minority advocated being "prepared" for war and more than 100,000 Americans enlisted for the global war effort, neutrality and isolationism were strongly supported. Many Americans personally sympathised with Britain, France, and their friends despite the U.S. attitude. The United States has a financial stake in the outcome of the war thanks to the substantial loans made by American institutions to the governments of the Allies. Nearly 10% of Americans claimed to be of German ancestry, the majority of whom wished for neutrality in the conflict.

learn more about Wilson here:



Explain how Progressives addressed social problems and reform.Explain how Progressives addressed social problems and reform.


The progressive were able to address social problems by fighting to established reforms that creates a better society and safer place to live which includes;

Rejection of social Darwinism that  improve the lives people living in the slums by providing education and other basic skills, helping the immigrants get better jobs and better housing policy.Progressive urges cities to pass legislation which set standards for housing  try to eradicates the worst tenement by setting standards for housing that ensures a clean environment. progressive try  improves the environment by creating pleasant and attractive environment  like the parks gardens, civic center and a better forms of transportation.They work  to improve working conditions in factories, by setting up limitation of working hours for women and age limitation for children. This help in reduction of child labor and compensation for injuriesThey also fought for women right to vote.The establishment Meat Inspection Act, and the Pure Food and Drug Act  This was to ensure that foods and drugs, was safe for consumption.

Learn more about The Progressives  here Brainly.com/question/115015



which of these nfl teams has a cheerleading squad? a. new york jets b. cleveland browns c. pittsburgh steelers d. green bay packers


Cleveland browns NFL teams have a cheerleading squad.

Cheerleading is a pastime in which the members cheer for or their crew as a shape of encouragement. it can range from chanting slogans to severe physical pastimes. It is able to be done to encourage sports activities groups, to entertain the target audience, or for the opposition. As Crowd Leaders, the cheerleading team is the connection between the lovers and the athletic team.

Cheerleading is a group hobby in which elements of dance and acrobatics are combined with shouted slogans so that it will entertain spectators at carrying occasions and encourage louder and extra enthusiastic cheering.

Learn more about cheerleading here:-https://brainly.com/question/7517075


Why was the Texas capital moved from columbia?



because it was and that's what they wanted to do


Move to Austin

Lamar wanted to encourage westward expansion in the state and pushed for the capital to move to the then town of Waterloo. Named in honor of the Father of Texas Stephen F. Austin, the town had enough open space to plan a street design which remains largely intact today.


hope this helps

Why did many south carolinians from the backcountry remain loyal to great britain during the american revolution?


Answer:They had pride in being from Great Britain. They did not want to lose their majority in local government.They did not revolution to disrupt their way of life.They feared the revolution would end slavery.


What is truth? answer like an essay or more


In metaphysics and the philosophy of language, truth is the quality that phrases, statements, beliefs, ideas, or propositions have when they are said in casual conversation to match the facts or state the reality. The goal of believing is truth; falsehood is an error.

What is Truth?

Truth has the quality of being true to reality or fact. In ordinary language, the concept of truth is often used for concepts like beliefs, propositions, and declarative statements that seek to describe reality or else conform to it. The traditional view is that untruth is the reverse of the truth.

At its root, the correspondence theory of truth is an ontological thesis: a belief is true if it corresponds to an appropriate thing, such as a reality. The belief is untrue if such a thing doesn't exist. Facts, for the neo-classical correspondence theory, are entities in their own right

To learn more about Truth follow the link.



write an informational essay explaining how georgia steadily took control of land from the native americans.


By mistreating them, the State of Georgia forcibly occupies the native Americans' territory.

describing the gradual appropriation of native American lands by Georgia.

By mistreating them, the State of Georgia forcibly occupies the native Americans' territory. Native Americans living in Georgia were forcibly relocated to the western area where they would eventually settle along the banks of the Mississippi River.

Native Americans who were already living in Georgia were forcibly relocated to a western area where they would eventually dwell along the banks of the Mississippi River. They were removed off their lands notwithstanding restrictions placed on this action by the government and the court.

Native Americans were forced to abandon their properties and lands in the east as a result of losing their government protection.

To know more about native americans visit:-



What factors caused the French colonists and Native Americans to defend their land, even if it meant war, rather than agree to share the land with British colonists?




The British took retribution against Native American nations that fought on the side of the French by cutting off their supplies and then forcibly compelling the tribes to obey the rules of the new mother country


The British took retribution against Native American nations that fought on the side of the French by cutting off their supplies and then forcibly compelling the tribes to obey the rules of the new mother country

congress overrode johnson's veto in order to enact , which declared black americans citizens of the united states. multiple choice question. the first civil rights act the wade-davis bill legislation creating the freedmen's bureau the thirteenth amendment


Congress superseded johnson's denial to establish the essential Social equality Act, which announced African American residents of the US.

You're a U.S. resident if: you have a conveyance testament given using a U.S. country. You have been brought into the world in a U.S. region and have a starting testament given a through that area. on the off chance that you don't have a conveyance endorsement out of your beginning domain, you will be equipped for insisting on your citizenship status and the use of different records.

U.S. residents are each a resident nationwide. the people who are conceived or naturalized inside the U.S. are straight away occupants of the States, notwithstanding the state they stay in. concerning U.S. nationals, even though, some of them will not be U.S. residents.6 days before.

Learn more about americans citizens:



Briefly describe one specific historical difference between the ideas of republican motherhood and the ideas of the seneca falls convention.


Answer:  One specific historical difference between the ideas of republican motherhood and the ideas of the Seneca Falls Convention was that the ideas of republican motherhood focused more on the women at home and how they influence their children while the ideas of the Seneca Falls Convention mainly focused on the basic rights and needs of women. A similarity between the both of them would be that they both focused on women instead of men or slavery, and that they both had a huge impact on women's living style and life in the future.

Did Mary Wollstonecraft think divine right theory was a reasonable theory? Could you explain?


Your answer is, Yes!

an earlier event or action that is regarded as an example or guide to be considered in subsequent similar circumstances.


An earlier event or action that is regarded as an example or guide to be considered in subsequent similar circumstances is called precedent.

What is precedents?

The dictionary definition of precedent is "an earlier event or action taken as an example or guide for consideration in a later similar situation". From this we can understand that it is what we draw inspiration from, especially certain things like materials that drive the creative process of future projects.

Incorporating precedent research into the project is important. Because when it's clear that the work has been studied, taken inspiration from it, and interpreted it in one's own way, it shows great understanding and skill. Get inspired from the materiality of a building to its actual function

Remember that sharing ideas and collaborating is important for everyone and no idea is original. Therefore, you should not hide your work for fear of plagiarism, but rather share it with others.

Learn more about precedent https://brainly.com/question/29546332


how were the writings of desiderius eramus important to the protestant reformation?


Desiderius Erasmus' humanist writings, which refocused Christianity on the sincere beliefs of individual individuals, helped pave the way again for Reformation.

How many wives are permitted for Protestants?

According to John Gill's commentary on 1 Corinthians 7, polygamy is forbidden; one man is to marry only one wife and to stay loyal to her; and one woman is to marry only one husband and to remain faithful to him. The wife have only authority over the brother's body, a correct to it, and it may claim the duty to use it.

A Protestant and a Catholic may wed.

Yes. Additionally, a Protestant minister will grant you permission to wed in a Protestant church. You may.

To know more about protestant visit:


Which physical or human characteristics are associated with ancient Egypt? Select all correct answers Select all correct answers.


Nile Delta

Nile Delta

Valley of the Kings

Valley of the Kings

terraced farms

terraced farms



broad fertile plains




pyramids, and valley of the kings

Which of the following statements does not characterize the slave trade?

A) Slavery did not start with the triangular slave trade.

B) Americans still struggle with ethical issues caused by slavery.

C) Only the Southern colonies had slaves.

D) Approximately, 15 percent died on their journey from Africa to the New World.


Answer: C) Only the Southern colonies had slaves.

Explanation: While slavery grew exponentially in the South with large-scale plantations and agricultural operations, slavery in New England was different. Most of those enslaved in the North did not live in large communities, as they did in the mid-Atlantic colonies and the South.

Slavery was a dominant feature of the antebellum South, but it was also pervasive in the pre-Civil War North—the New England states of Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island all have a history of slavery.

examine the black power era and the methods used to accomplish a goal. through text analysis, in what ways was there a war against african-americans within the united states (and why)? how and why were african-americans targeted by the government during the black power era? based on your response to these prompts, how do you see your ideas highlighted in this text (the assassination of fred hampton)? how can one learn about the alarming need to fight against the inequalities of this nation? do you agree with the methods used by the panther party to attain equality? explain.


It emphasized the development of political and cultural institutions, economic empowerment, and racial pride. There was a rise in the demand for courses on Black history, a greater acceptance of African culture, and the spread of raw artistic expression that depicted African American realities.

What were some of the black power movement's accomplishments?

It encouraged colleges and universities to start black studies programs, mobilized black voters, improved racial pride and self-esteem, and helped organize numerous community self-help groups and institutions that did not rely on white people.

What impact did the black power movement have on the civil rights movement?

Leaders of the Black Power movement argued that civil rights activism did not go far enough, focusing on self-determination and racial pride. Leaders of the Black Power movement argued that civil rights activism did not go far enough, focusing on self-determination and racial pride.

Learn more about economic empowerment here:



g what is not true about the vietnam veterans memorial?a.the names of the dead are carved into the wall alphabeticallyb.it aligns with two other american monumentsc.the wall is reflectived.it was designed by a studente.all of the other answers are true


It's the most-visited commemoration in the Public Shopping center in Washington, drawing more than 5 million individuals every year - the Vietnam Veterans Dedication. The most unmistakable component of the commemoration is a huge wall that rundowns the names of the over 58,000 servicemen.

The plan for the not set in stone through a cross-country rivalry. Of the more than 1,400 entries, Yale engineering understudy Maya Lin's plan was picked by the board of trustees.

Every "V"- formed portion is comprised of 70 distinct boards. The names of the servicemen start and end at the convergence of the two bits of the commemoration and are recorded sequentially by the date of their demises.

Learn more about vietnam veterans memorial:



What is a symbol for undying love?


Symbol of undying love is a love knot or marriage knot, the Hercules Knot is a wedding symbol that stands for undying love and commitment. It is a phrase that means getting married.

It is one of the most strong known knots and is made with two entwined ropes representing the legendary fertility of God .A depiction of two doves together translates to everlasting, eternal love. The most common symbol for unconditional love, the heart

The heart is one of the things that symbolize love since ancient times. It holds significance in the modern world too.The red rose is often the best choice for expressing unconditional love.

Rose is making sure that symbol of undying love. Combination with gold, their roses immortalise the very essence of luxury and sentiment. If there’s one word to describe the magic of the eternity rose, it’s timeless or just they express trust and love.

Learn more about undying love click the link here:



Imagine you’re writing a letter to Chandragupta’s family members about how to prevent their empire from falling. Which of the following is the best advice to give them?


The best advice to give him is to protect the government from factions or invaders that could weaken it. The correct option is E.

What is writing a letter?

A letter is a written communication sent through a medium from one person (or group of people) to another.

Because the person wants to maintain the government in order to rule the people, which will prevent them from fleeing the empire and encourage them to stay if they have a more just government.

Therefore, the correct option is E. Protect the government from factions or invaders that could weaken it.

To learn more about a letter, refer to the link:



The question is incomplete. Your most probably complete question is given below:

A. Give more power to the lords in various regions of your empire.

B. Start a new religion, and make all the people in the empire practice it.

C. Spread your army throughout the region as much as you can.

D. Spend more money to build temples than to support your army.

E. Protect the government from factions or invaders that could weaken it.

Which key issue did the Great Compromise resolve?​


Answer: State representation in the Constitution!


I learned this in AP World History class! I hope you find this helpful!

Is the Bronx still Italian?


The Bronx neighborhood of Belmont, sometimes known as Bronx Little Italy, has played a crucial role in the growth of the borough and city since its establishment.

According to data from the American Community Survey conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau from 2006 to 2010, there are 57,527 Italian Americans living in Bronx County.

However, the lively Arthur Avenue in the Belmont district of the Bronx features its own Little Italy, which some locals consider to be more real than the more well-known version.

The majority of Italian Americans live in ethnically distinct communities in Brooklyn, the Bronx, Queens, Manhattan, and Staten Island, where New York City has the biggest concentration of Italian Americans in both the United States and North America.

To learn more about the Bronx



Why do you think there was such a high rate of “inconclusive” results to battles throughout the whole (civil) war?


There was such a high rate of “inconclusive” results to battles throughout the whole Civil War because of internal conflicts.

Why results are inconclusive in Civil war?

Conflicts over federal vs. state rights, the election of Abraham Lincoln, and the economics were the causes of the Civil War. Following Lincoln's inauguration in 1861, the South seceded, and the Battle of Fort Sumter marked the official commencement of the Civil War.

Some common battles which were remain inconclusive during Civil War:

Battle Aberdeen, Mississippi.Accotink battle.Battle at Adamstown.Albemarle Sound Battle.Aldie's Battle.Camp Allegheny battle.Amelia Springs Battle.The Anderson Battle.

Further the Union was able to hold its own against the Confederate army in the Eastern theater thanks to Antietam, the bloodiest single-day combat in American military history. Additionally, it provided Abraham Lincoln the self-assurance to make the basic Emancipation Proclamation in a strong rather than desperate situation.

Thus the main reason of inconclusiveness of these battles was internal conflicts and disunity.

Learn more about results are inconclusive in Civil war refer:



The Constitution prevents any one branch of government from becoming too
powerful through


Checks and balances.
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