In calorimetry experiments we are able to determine the amount of heat exchanged in a chemical reaction or process by measuring the amount of heat lost or gained in the surroundings.
a. True
b. False


Answer 1

The given statement is True.

A calorimeter is a tool used in the calorimetry process. Calorimetry is a method for measuring a physical or chemical reaction's heat capacity as well as its heat changes. Therefore, the measurement of heat gained or lost by a system and its surroundings uses a calorimeter

Where is calorimetry employed?

Calorimetry is a popular tool for measuring chemical reactions and biological ones. The primary benefit of calorimetry is that it does not require expensive equipment and can monitor minute changes in energy.

What is a practical illustration of calorimetry?

Calorimeters are useful in a variety of fields, including academia. An industrial pilot plant can use a DSC to assess the impact of a change to a product's formula. In food testing labs, oxygen bomb calorimeters are useful for calculating the quantity of heat (calories) in food.

To know more about calorimetry visit:


Related Questions

in the second step of glycolysis, the cyclized form of glucose (now phosphorylated) is converted to a cyclized form of fructose. what is the purpose? group of answer choices


In the second step of glycolysis, the cyclized form of glucose (now phosphorylated) is converted to a cyclized form of fructose. the purpose is the fructose is more symmetrical.

The fructose is more symmetrical. The primary goal of glycolysis is to split a 6-carbon glucose molecule into two 3-carbon pyruvate molecules. Making the molecule as symmetrical as feasible early on is a part of the method used. In contrast to cyclized glucose, which only has one external carbon, cyclized fructose can take on a variety of configurations, one of which contains four internal carbons and both the 1-C and the 6-C external to the ring. In terms of symmetry and the capacity to be divided into nearly equal 3-C units, that last form is preferable to glucose (which through a bit of processing will indeed become identical 3-C pyruvates).

To learn more about glycolysis Please click on the given link:


a solution is prepared at that is initially in propanoic acid , a weak acid with , and in potassium propanoate . calculate the ph of the solution. round your answer to decimal places


The pH of the solution is 4.16.

What is pH?

pH is a numerical indicator of how acidic or basic aqueous or other liquid solutions are. The phrase, which is frequently used in chemistry, biology, and agronomy, converts the hydrogen ion concentration, which typically ranges between 1 and 10⁻¹⁴ gram-equivalents per liter, into numbers between 0 and 14.


Concentration of propanoic acid = 0.45 M

Concentration of potassium salt = 0.086 M

Now, Kₐ of propanoic acid = 1.3 × 10⁻⁵

∴ pKₙ = -log (1.3 × 10⁻⁵)

= 4.886

Using Henderson-Hasselbalch equation

pH = pKₐ + log [salt]/[acid]

= 4.886 + log(0.086)/(0.45)


pH= 4.16.

To know more about pH, check out


Which of these ions is more abundant in the interior of resting neuron that in the fluid surrounding the neuron?
A. Cl-
B. Ca++
C. Na+
D. K+


K+ ions are more abundant in the interior of resting neuron that in the fluid surrounding the neuron.

An active pump can keep the larger concentration of Na+ outside the neuron because there is resistance to the passage of Na+ through the neuronal membrane. At rest, K+ concentrations are higher inside the neuron.

Which ions are more abundant outside of a resting cell?

The sodium ion concentration inside the cell is low, whereas the sodium ion concentration outside the cell is higher.

What ion contributes the most to the resting potential of neurons?

Potassium is the main ion responsible for determining the resting membrane potential. In skeletal muscle, potassium conductance makes up around 20% of the resting membrane conductance, and it makes up the majority of the resting conductance in neurons and nerve fibers.

To know more about neurons visit


When hector turned 21, his friends took him out for his first drink. He ended up drinking far more than he planned that night, and he was badly hungover the next day. Hector enjoys spending time with his friends when they go out, but he doesn't want to feel sick the next day. Which strategy will help hector reduce the harmful effects of alcohol the next time he goes out?.


Hector's hangover is possibly due to the number of drinks or the type of drink he had with his friends.

Both the number of drinks and the type of drink influenced Hector's blood alcohol concentration.

To prevent the alcohol concentration from increasing in his blood, Hector basically has to dilute his drinks. On this he would base his strategies.

How to dilute drinks?

One way is by adding water to the drinks and another would be choosing a drink with a low alcohol concentration, for example, beer has a lower alcohol content (5°) than whiskey (30° or more) or rum (35°).

Another strategy that Héctor can use is to dampen the alcohol concentration in the blood causing it to react with another substance, that is, the alcohol breaks down becoming another substance.

The breakdown of alcohol

There are certain pills that are sold without a prescription in any pharmacy and that serve to break down alcohol.

There are also some foods (for example, peanuts or walnuts) that, due to their magnesium content, manage to break down alcohol or at least prevent alcohol vapors from rising and going to your head.

Learn more about alcohol at


select the intermolecular force that is overcome when hexane is converted from a liquid to a gas.


Electrostatic in nature, intermolecular forces result from the interaction of positively and negatively charged entities. Intermolecular interactions are the total of both attracting and repulsive elements, similar to covalent and ionic connections.

What characteristics do intermolecular forces have?

forces of attraction between molecules

Although much less than intramolecular forces of attraction, intermolecular forces play a crucial role in determining the physical characteristics of molecules, including their melting and boiling points, density, and enthalpies of fusion and vaporization.

What determines whether a reaction is intermolecular?

It can be helpful to distinguish between intramolecular and intermolecular processes. While two or more reaction sites within the same molecule are engaged in intramolecular reactions, covalency changes occur in two distinct molecules during intermolecular reactions.

To know more about intermolecular force visit;


What is the standard cell potential for the cell Zn Zn2+?


The standard cell potential for Zn/Zn2+ couple is E°cell = 0.76 V

Zinc has an electrode cell potential of -0.76 V

Each electrode behaves anodically in relation to its local electrolyte when the circuit is open, and the voltmeter measures the sum of these two voltages, or 1.10 V. Between the two electrodes in a closed circuit, current flows. Copper functions as the galvanic cell's cathode and zinc as its anode, respectively (consuming electrons).

The zinc electrode dissolves (corrodes or oxidises), while the copper electrode takes up copper atoms from the solution (electroplating or reduction). As long as the circuit remains closed, this procedure continues.

Learn more about cell potential here:


would it be better to use an unknown acid sample of a siz3e that should require 10 ml or one that would require 15 ml of titrant


It be better to use an unknown acid sample of a size that should require 10 ml or one that would require 15 ml of titrant.

Define titration process.

Titration is a method of chemical analysis where the amount of a sample's ingredient is determined by adding an exact known amount of a different substance to the measured sample in which the desired constituent interacts in a specific, known proportion.

It doesn't matter how much titrant is needed; what matters is how to get to the titration's end point.

Although an unknown acid sample of a size that should require 10.00 ml of titrant will be better to reduce the time of mathematically calculation only.

Therefore, it be better to use an unknown acid sample of a size that should require 10 ml or one that would require 15 ml of titrant.

To learn more about titration process from the given link.


Which element is most likely to react with bromine?


Bromine reacts with many of the metals and elements. Anhydrous bromine is less reactive than wet bromine; however, dry bromine reacts vigorously with aluminium, titanium, mercury as well as alkaline earth metals and alkaline metals.

Bromine is the only liquid nonmetallic element at room temperature and one of five elements on the period table that are liquid at or close to room temperature. The pure chemical element has the physical form of a diatomic molecule, Br2.

It is a heavy, mobile, reddish-brown liquid, that evaporates easily at standard temperature and pressures in a red vapor (its colour resembles nitrogen dioxide) that has a strong disagreeable odour resembling that of chlorine. A halogen, bromine resembles chlorine chemically but is less active. It is more active than iodine, however. Bromine is slightly soluble in water, and highly soluble in carbon disulfide, aliphatic alcohols (such as methanol), and acetic acid. It bonds easily with many elements and has a strong bleaching action.

Bromine is highly reactive and is a powerful oxidizing agent in the presence of water. It reacts vigorously with amines, alkenes and phenols as well as aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, ketones and acids (these are brominated by either addition or substitution reactions).

To learn more about bromine visit:


silver nitrate reacts with magnesium chloride to produce silver chloride and magnesium nitrate. if 305 grams of silver nitrate are reacted in an excess of magnesium chloride producing 23.7 grams of magnesium nitrate, what is the percent yield?


The percent yield of the solution is 17.7% that can be calculated by using experimental and theoretical yield.

Moles of silver nitrate = 305/169.87 = 1.8 moles.

Two moles of AgNO₃ will give 0.5 mole of MgNO₃

Therefore the 1.8 moles of AgNO₃ and excess of MgCl will give 0.9 mole of MgNO₃.

Percent yield can be calculated by dividing the actual yield by the theoretical yield multiplied by 100.

Theoretical yield = 0.9 x 148.3= 133.47

= Yield % = (experimental yield / theoretical yield ) x100

=  (23.7/133.47) x 100

= 17.7%

The percent yield of the solution is 17.7%.

To learn more about percent yield check the link below:


the society of automotive engineers has established an accepted numerical scale to measure the viscosity of motor oil. for example, sae 40 motor oil has a higher viscosity than an sae 10 oil. rank the following hydrocarbons by their expected viscosity.a. CH3CH2CH2CH2CH3b. CH3CH2(CH2)6CH2CH3c. CH3CH2(CH2)11CH2CH31. most viscous2. least viscous


The ranking of the given organic compounds according to the decreasing order of viscosity is CH₃CH(CH₂)₁₁CH₂CH₃ > CH₃CH₂(CH₂)₆CH₂CH₃ > CH₃CH₂CH₂CH₂CH₃, and the increasing order of viscosity is CH₃CH₂CH₂CH₂CH₃ < CH₃CH₂(CH₂)₆CH₂CH₃ < CH₃CH(CH₂)₁₁CH₂CH₃.

Viscosity is a property of material which describes the resistance of a fluid to shearing flows. Viscosity corresponds roughly to the intuitive notion of a fluid's thickness. For example, honey has a much higher viscosity than water.

Viscosity is measured by using a device known as viscometer. Measured values of viscosity span several orders of magnitude. Among all the fluids, gases have the lowest viscosities, and thick liquids have the highest.

The above mentioned hydrocarbon has different viscosity and hence they are arranged in order of their viscosity.

Learn more about viscosity from the link given below.


when 0.434 g of sodium metal is added to an excess of hydrochloric acid, 4510 j of heat are produced. what is the enthalpy of the reaction as written?


The enthalpy of reaction is -238.62 Kj/ mol.

What is enthalpy of reaction?

Enthalpy of reaction (also known as the heat of reaction) is the amount of heat released or absorbed during a chemical reaction. It is an important physical property of a reaction, and is a measure of the reaction’s ability to do work. It is related to the change in internal energy of a reaction and can be calculated using Hess’s law. Enthalpy of reaction can be used to calculate the temperature of the reaction, the rate of reaction, and the amount of energy released or absorbed in the reaction. It is also used to determine the equilibrium constants for a reaction, and can be used to predict the stability of a reaction. Enthalpy of reaction is an important concept in thermodynamics and can be used to study the energetics of a reaction.

The enthalpy per mole of reactant is expressed in units of kj/mol.

(0.434 g of Na) × (1 mole Na / 22.990g) = 0.0189 mole

ΔH= -4.510kj /0.0189 mole = - 238.62 Kj/ mol

ΔH is negative because energy is released by the system.

For more information about enthalpy please visit:






The answer is 10°c


rrange these compounds from fastest Sg2 reaction rate to slowest Sn2 reaction rate.
bromomethane 1-bromo-3-methylbutane 2-bromo-2-methylbutane 2-bromo-3-methylbutane


These compounds from the fastest SN2 reaction rate to the slowest SN2 reaction rate will be: Bromomethane > 1-Bromo-3-methylbutane > 2-Bromo-3-methylbutane > 2-Bromo-2-methylbutane.

The SN2 reaction is a Nucleophilic Substitution reaction in which the rate-determining step involves 2 components. Nucleophiles, typically, have a lone pair of electrons in them. They are attracted to the nucleus of an atom. In SN2 reaction an electron-rich nucleophile displaces the halogen atom bonded to the central carbon of an alkyl halide molecule. Some characteristics of SN2 reaction are: it is a one-step reaction process.

Rate of reaction depends on the concentrations of the substrate (alkyl halide) and the nucleophile.

Learn more about SN2 reaction here:


According to molecular orbital theory, the regions of the wave function with the highest probability of finding electrons are areas with _______.


According to molecular orbital theory,  regions of  wave function with highest probability of finding electrons are areas with constructive interference.

An electron is a negatively charged subatomic particle that can exist either free or bound to an atom (not bound). A bound electron is one of the three primary types of particles that make up an atom, along with protons and neutrons. Protons, neutrons, and electrons combined make up the atom's nucleus. A proton's positive charge balances an electron's negative charge. When an atom has an equal number of protons and electrons, it is said to be in a neutral state. Electrons are distinct from other particles in a number of ways. They have a much lower mass, are found outside the nucleus, and exhibit both wave- and particle-like characteristics. The electron is a basic particle.

To know more about electrons visit :


White light passes through mercury vapor and is then analyzed using a spectrometer.
A. The observed spectrum consists of mercury spectral lines and nothing else.
B. The observed spectrum is continuous and contains mercury lines, but these lines are obscured by the white light.
C The observed spectrum is continuous without any missing lines.
D. The observed spectrum is continuous and contains dark absorption mercury lines.
E. None of the above.


The ability of spectroscopy to ascertain chemical composition pushed its development and remains one of its main applications. As well as gathering information about the universe's beginning, spectrometers are employed in astronomy to examine the chemical makeup of stars and planets.

What exactly does a spectrometer examine?

We can identify and analyze the atoms in a sample we place inside a spectrometer, which detects the wavelength and frequency of light.

When and where is a spectrometer used?

Devices that divide particles, atoms, and molecules according to their mass, velocity, or energy are examples of spectrometers. These spectrometers are employed in particle physics and chemical analysis.

To know more about the spectrometer visit;


When white light passes through mercury vapours then The observed spectrum is continuous and contains dark absorption mercury lines.

So, Correct option is D

The capacity of spectroscopy to determine chemical composition accelerated its development and continues to be one of its primary applications. In addition to acquiring information on the origins of the cosmos, spectrometers are used in astronomy to investigate the chemical composition of stars and planets.

What does a spectrometer look for?

The atoms in a sample can be identified and analysed using a spectrometer, which measures the wavelength and frequency of light.

To learn more about spectroscopy,visit below link


how are monomers and polymers related? group of answer choices a monomer is a small, repeating unit that makes up a polymer. a monomer is one strand of a polymer. a monomer is made when you condense a polymer through polymerization. a polymer is chemically identical to a monomer, only larger. none of these


The sole difference between a polymer and a monomer is size. A polymer is made up of tiny, repeating units called monomers. When a polymer is condensed by polymerization, a monomer is created.

The term "monomer" refers to a single atom, tiny molecule, or molecular fragment that, when joined with other monomers of the same or closely related types, produces a bigger, macromolecule known as a polymer. Through a process known as polymerization, monomers join together to form polymers through the creation of chemical bonds or supramolecular binding. Polymers are huge molecules that are created by the bonding of monomers, which are the components of a molecule. The major categories of macromolecules are known as polymers, which are macromolecules created by the union of monomers that are present in the cell such as proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids

To learn more about polymers click here


the pressure of a sample of argon gas was increased from 2.82 atm to 7.66 atm at constant temperature. if the final volume of the argon sample was 10.9 l, what was the initial volume of the argon sample? assume ideal behavior.


29.60780 (3 sig. figs.) was the initial volume of the b sample, the pressure of a sample of argon gas was increased from 2.82 atm to 7.66 atm at constant temperature. if the final volume of the argon sample was 10.9 L

At constant temperature, you are dealing with Boyle's Law (look it up and read about it).

It can be written as P1V1 = P2V2

P1 = initial pressure = 2.82 atm

V1 = initial volume = ?

P2 = final pressure = 7.66 atm

V2 = final volume = 10.9 L

P1V1 = P2V2 and solving for V1 we have...

V1 = P2V2/P1 = (7.66atm)(10.9 L) / 2.82 atm

initial volume of the argon sample V1 = 29.60780 (3 sig. figs.)

Learn more about temeperature  here:


If the bond angle between two adjacent hybrid orbitals is 109.5°, which is the hybridization?
a. Sp2
b. Sp3d
c. Sp3
d. Sp


If the bond angle between two adjacent hybrid orbitals is 109.5°, the hybridization is sp³. ore about

The hybridization is sp³ for the  bond angle between two adjacent hybrid orbitals is 109.5°. the electrons groups are involved in this process. the four orbitals involves in the sp³ hybridization , the one s orbital and the p orbitals are involve and the hybrid orbital is formed is as sp³ hybridization. the geometry is tetrahedral. the example of the  sp³ is the methane.

Thus, for the sp³  hybridization  the  bond angle between two adjacent hybrid orbitals is 109.5° and the geometry is tetrahedral.

To learn more about hybridization here


a 230-g sample of copper is heated to 100c and placed into a cup containing 340 g of water initially at 30.0c. ignore the container holding the water, assume no heat is lost or gained to the environment. 1) find the final equilibrium temperature of the copper and water


The final equilibrium temperature of the copper and water is 38.7°C. The further explanation is shown below.

To find the final equilibrium temperature of the copper and water, we need to use the equation for calculating heat transfer. The equation is as follows:

Q = mcΔT

Where Q is the heat transferred, m is the mass of the substance, c is the specific heat capacity of the substance, and ΔT is the change in temperature. In this case, we need to find the heat transferred by the copper and the heat absorbed by the water.

For the copper, the heat transferred (Q) is equal to the mass of the copper (m) times the specific heat capacity of copper (c) times the change in temperature (ΔT). The specific heat capacity of copper is 0.385 J/g°C, and the change in temperature is 100°C - 30.0°C = 70.0°C. Therefore, the heat transferred by the copper is equal to 0.385 J/g°C * 230 g * 70.0°C = 13,705 J.

For the water, the heat absorbed (Q) is equal to the mass of the water (m) times the specific heat capacity of water (c) times the change in temperature (ΔT). The specific heat capacity of water is 4.184 J/g°C, and the change in temperature is the final equilibrium temperature - the initial temperature of the water, which we don't know yet. We'll call the final equilibrium temperature T. Therefore, the heat absorbed by the water is equal to 4.184 J/g°C * 340 g * (T - 30.0°C) = 1457.6T - 44152 J.

Since the total heat transferred must be equal to the total heat absorbed, we can set the two equations equal to each other and solve for T. This gives us 13,705 J = 1457.6T - 44152 J. Solving for T, we find that the final equilibrium temperature is equal to T = (13705 J + 44152 J) / 1457.6 = 38.7°C.

Therefore, the final equilibrium temperature of the copper and water is 38.7°C.

Learn more about temperature, here


If the temperature of a fixed amount of an ideal gas is increased, it necessarily follows that: ________


If the temperature of a fixed amount of an ideal gas is increased, it necessarily follows that: the average speed of the gas molecules will increase.

What is an ideal gas?

Multiple randomly moving point particles with no interparticle interactions make create an ideal gas in a theory. The ideal gas notion is useful because it complies with the ideal gas law, has condensed equation of state, and can be studied using statistical mechanics. If, for an instance, the interaction is totally elastic or is thought of as point-like collisions, the constraint of zero interaction can frequently be disregarded.

Many real gases behave qualitatively like an ideal gas under varied temperature and pressure settings, where the gas molecules (or atoms for monatomic gases) take the place of the ideal particles.

If specific properties are preserved within appropriate bounds over a wide range of temperatures and pressures, many gases, including nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, noble gases, some heavier gases like carbon dioxide, and mixtures like air, can be categorized as ideal gases. At higher temperatures and lower pressures, a gas typically behaves more like an ideal gas because the potential energy from intermolecular forces is less significant compared to the kinetic energy of the particles and the size of the molecules is less significant compared to the void space between them.

To learn more about ideal gas visit:


if each of these ions were reduced to metal with one coulomb, which would yield the greatest mass? (a) cu2 (aq)(b) ag (aq) (c) hg2 (aq) (d) cu (aq)


The option B is correct. Ag will yield the greatest mass

Faraday proposed two electrolysis laws. The mass of an element released during electrolysis is directly proportional to the amount of electricity flowing through the electrolyte, according to the first law. Mathematically, this can be expressed as:

Mass deposited, (M) ∝ current, (I) × time, (t)

or M ∝ It.

According to the second law, the masses of different elements freed when a constant amount of power is passed through distinct electrolytes are inversely related to the chemical equivalents of the ions undergoing reaction. Making this into an equation:

Mass deposited, M ∝ E where

E=  mass of 1 mole of an ion with a charge of + 1,

So, we can see that out of all the options given Ag has the greatest value of E. So it will be the correct option.

To know more about electrolysis, please refer:


rutherford found the size of the nucleus to be about. this implied a huge density. what would this density be for gold?


Rutherford found the size of the nucleus to be about 10⁻¹⁵ m, and the density for gold is 6.25 × 10²⁰ kg/m³.

Size of nucleus = 10⁻¹⁵ m

Density of gold = ?

Mass of Gold = 197 amu


Mass of Gold = 197 × 1.66 × 10⁻²⁷ kg

First we will calculate the volume of the gold nucleus.

V of gold nucleus = (4 / 3) × pi × R³

Calculate the radius of the gold nucleus

Radius of gold nucleus = diameter ÷ 2

Radius of gold nucleus = 0.5 × 10⁻¹⁵ m, So

Now calculate the density

Density = 197 × 1.66 × 10⁻²⁷ ÷ 4 × pi × (0.5 × 10⁻¹⁵)³⁾³

Density = 6.25 × 10²⁰ kg/m³

The complete question is attached.

You can also learn about density from the following question:


an unknown radioactive substance has a half-life of 3.20 hours . if 30.1 g of the substance is currently present, what mass a0 was present 8.00 hours ago? express your answer with the appropriate units.


The mass a0 was present 8.00 hours ago is 177.9 grams.

Radionuclides or radioactive substances) are a class of chemical substances where the nucleus of the atom is volatile. They gain stability thru changes in the nucleus (spontaneous fission, emission of alpha debris, or conversion of neutrons to protons or the opposite).

Radioactive sources are used to study residing organisms, to diagnose and treat sicknesses, to sterilize clinical devices and meals, to produce energy for heat and electric powered power, and to screen various steps in all types of business approaches.


t1/2 = 3.2 hr

k = 0.693/3.2 = 0.216 hr-1.

k= (1/t)ln(a/x)

0.216 = (1/8)ln(a/31.6)

a = initial mass  = 177.9 grams

Learn more about radioactive substance here:-


What is the attraction an atom has for the shared electrons in a covalent bond called?


The attraction an atom has for the shared electrons in a covalent bond called is electronegativity.

The electronegativity of the atom is the tendency of the atom to attract the share pair of electrons towards itself. the covalent bond is the bond formed by the transfer of the electrons between the atoms. if the difference in the electronegativity of the atom is higher then it will leads to the complete transfer of the electron and then the ionic bond will form and the compound is called as the ionic compound.

Thus, the electronegativity  is the attraction of an atom has for the shared electrons.

To learn more electronegativity here


what is the simplest formula of a solid containing a, b, and c atoms in a cubic lattice in which the a atoms occupy the corners, the b atoms the body-center position, and the c atoms the faces of the unit cell?


The formula for a solid with atoms a, b, and c is abc3, where an atoms are located in the corners, b atoms are in the body-center position, and c atoms are on the faces of the unit cell.

The lattice points are only present in the corners of a simple cubic unit cell, making it the most basic repetitive unit cell.

Since there are eight corners, each carrying an an atom, a atoms = 8x1/8 = 1 atom.

Because there is just one central atom, for b atoms = 1x1 = 1.

There are six sides, each of which contains a c atom, therefore for c atoms = 6x1/2 = 3 atoms.

The simplest formula is abc3

To learn more about lattice click here


) determine the weight-average molecular weight of the polymer, and (b) the mean-squared radius of gyration, r2 g in both solvents. (c) is r2 g the same for both polymers? why or why not? (d) if you were to assume this polymer is polystyrene with a kuhn length of b


By adding up the weights of each chain and dividing by the total number of chains, the average molecular weight can be calculated.

The average molecular weight is a crucial way to describe polymers. The entire weight of the polymer divided by the total number of molecules yields the average molecular weight. chromatography using gel permeation (GPC) Size exclusion chromatography is another name for gel permeation chromatography. It is a common technique for figuring out high molecular weight distribution. Using this method, chemicals are separated based on the size of their molecules. This is also the root-mean-square distance of the molecule's segments from the center of mass for polymer chains. One indicator of the magnitude of the random coil shape that many synthetic polymers adopt in solution or in the amorphous bulk state is the radius of gyration.

To learn more about polymers click here


How many dna molecules would there be after four rounds of pcr if the initial reaction mixture contained two molecules?


The number of DNA ( Deoxyribonucleic acid)  molecules that are produced after 'n' number of pcr ( polymerase chain reaction) can be given by the formula: N = d x 2ⁿ


'N' is the number of DNA molecules obtained after 'n' number of polymerase chain reactions.

'd' is the number of DNA molecules originally present before the start of pcr cycle.

In the given question,

d = 2;

n = 4;

Then, N = 2 x 2⁴

N = 2 x 16

N = 32;

Thus, the number of DNA molecules that are obtained after 4 rounds of pcr when 2 molecules are present before the start of the process are 32.

Learn more about DNA and PCR at:


the number of significant figures in the measurement of 45.030 mm is . question 38 options: a) three b) six c) none d) four e) five


The correct answer is Option E

e) five

What is Significant figures?

The number of significant single digits (0 through 9 inclusive) in the coefficient of an expression in scientific notation is referred to as significant figures. The amount of accuracy or assurance an engineer or scientist uses to state a quantity is indicated by the number of significant figures in a statement.

Rounding off an expression once a calculation is completed yields significant figures. The number of significant figures in the result of any computation must be equal to or less than the number of significant figures in the expression or component with the least accuracy.

Learn more about Significant Figures from given link


what is the mole fraction of co in a container with a h2 mole fraction of 0.22 and an o2 mole fraction of 0.58?


Mole fraction of  CO = 1 - ( 0.22 + 0.58)


What is Mole Fraction?

The mole fraction is the product of the number of molecules of a certain component in a mixture and its total molecular weight

As a result, the mole fraction of each component added together is always equal to one.

Please be aware that mole fraction refers to a percentage of molecules, which is distinct from mass fraction because different molecules have different masses.

the proportion between the moles of one component in a solution and the moles of all the components together.

All of the components of a solution's mole fractions added together always equal one.

The mole fraction of co if the h2 mole fraction is 0.22 and the o2 mole fraction is 0.58 is 0.20, below is the solution:

Mole fraction CO + mole fraction H2 + mole fraction O2 = 1

Mole fraction CO = 1 - ( 0.22 + 0.58)=0.20

Learn more about Mole Fraction from given link


find the binding energy of carbon-12 per nucleon. the mass of a proton is 1.007276 u, of a neutron 1.008665 u, and of carbon 11.996706 u.


E of C13−BE of C12=7.5×13−7.68×12=97.5−92.16=5.34 MeV.

What practical applications exist for carbon-12?

Given that it serves as the reference point for calculating the atomic masses of all other nuclides, carbon-12 is particularly significant:by definition, it has an atomic mass of 12.

Where can you find carbon-12?

Numerous naturally occurring substances, including rocks like limestone, coral, as well as the shells or animals like clams, contain carbon-12.Coal and petroleum, two significant fuels, both contain carbon.

To know more about carbon-12 visit:


Other Questions
i know that i hung, on a windy tree for all of nine nights, wounded with a spear, and given to odin, myself to myself, on that tree, which no one knows from what roots it runs. the filing of a voluntary or involuntary petition under the bankruptcy code automatically suspends certain legal actions by creditors against the debtor or the debtor's property. Water Power Corporation wants to begin operations that include the discharge of waste into navigable waters. Under the Clean Water Act, the company must install certain equipment a. with all deliberate speed after beginning operations. b. before beginning operations. c. only on a voluntary basis. d. only if a regulatory agency challenges the discharge. For an ideal gas in a sealed container, if you double the pressure and double the volume, while keeping everything else the same, what has happened to the temperature?A. The temperature is one-quarter of its original value.B. The temperature is now four times its original value.C. The temperature is equal to its original value.D. The temperature is now double its original value.E. The temperature is now half its original value. One of the most valuable sources for governmental statistics is? tips for creating a kickstarter campaign to launch your e-commerce brand launching a kickstarter e-commerce brand Share several specific ways early people found ways to move across the vast lands of Canada and the U.S what did they develop? Which would be an example of an Individual Occupational Crime?Question 9 options:An oil company uses ships that need repair to save money, causing an oil spill.An accountant tells their client that he owes more in taxes than he does, pocketing the difference.A traveling salesperson asks for three nights hotel reimbursement when they only spent two.A building inspector accepts $100 to give a builder a certificate of occupation on a new house. 13. Identify the table that does not represent a function. albert purchased a tract of land for $140,000 in 2019 when he heard that a new highway was going to be constructed through the property and that the land would soon be worth $200,000. highway engineers surveyed the property and indicated that he would probably get $180,000. the highway project was abandoned in 2022 and the value of the land fell to $100,000. what is the amount of loss albert can claim in 2022? Sahar oversees a copacker that cooks and bottles a popular barbeque sauce and several other condiments. It is very important that a lid is tightly secured onto each bottle prior to shrink-wrapping the outer label into place. Sahar could use Al to control this part of the bottling process in an effort to _________.A. enhance supply chain management. B. increase productivity. C. monitor employees. D. reduce errors and defects. a $1,000,000 lottery prize pays $50,000 per year for the next 20 years. if the current rate of return is 3.25%, what is the present value of this prize? (assume the lottery pays out as an ordinary annuity. round your answer to the nearest cent.) Characteristics of "fewer marriages and at later ages" imagine you are drawing from a deck of 52 cards. determine the number of ways you can achieve the following 5-card hands drawn from the deck without repeats. (5 points each) a) a straight (5 cards of sequential rank). hint: when considering the ace, a straight could be ace, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 10, jack, queen, king, ace, but no other wrap around is allowed (e.g., queen, king, ace, 2, 3 is not allowed) b) a flush (5 cards of the same suit) c) a full house (3 cards of one rank and 2 from a single other rank) d) a straight flush (5 cards of sequential rank from the same suit) Question 3:(answer in place of item 15)The battery below is allowed to operate for 8 hours. At the end of this time the zinc strip isvisibly corroded and much smaller while the copper strip is shiny and thicker. Which way(left-right or right-left) are electrons flowing.Is the zinc being reduced or oxidized? How do you know? Which one of the following statements is true? A) The level of safety stock maintained decreases when the desired cycle. service level increases. B) The level of safety stock maintained decreases when the standard deviation of demand during lead time increases. C) In a fixed period inventory system, the value of Q is kept the same from one cycle to another. D) When demand is uncertain and no safety stock is maintained, stock outs will occur during approximately 50 percent of the cycles. Who are the "Four million persons" to whom Stevens refers? 16. Which substance below is not like the others in regards to resistance?A. plasticB. rubberC. glassD. copper Which of these is considered a civic responsibility rather than an obligation?A Obeying the lawB Paying taxesC VotingD Registering for Selective Service Sympathetic Parasympathetic Storage of energy Increased blood flow to skeletal muscle Increased heart rate Rest and digest Reduced urinary output Fight-or-flight Increased pulmonary airflow Activation of digestive organs Urinary bladder wall contraction Decreased pulmonary airflow