after spending 15 minutes talking with a client, the client leaves the interaction feeling defensive. this is evidence that the communication can be described as what?


Answer 1

a client or group that seeks the legal, accounting, advertising, or architectural services of a   professional;    a person who utilizes the product

or services of a social welfare organization; a government agency; etc. a client. anybody who is dependent on another else; a patron. a client, business, etc. who seeks the counsel of a qualified man or womana person who uses a computer application or workstation that requests data or information from a server is referred to as a customer. A client is also a person who has registered with or is getting services or financial help from a welfare agency.

learn more about client here:


Related Questions

______ theory states that the more participatory and involved older adults are, the more likely they are to be satisfied with their lives.


Activity theory states that the more participatory and involved older adults are, the more likely they are to be satisfied with their lives.

What is Activity Theory?

The activity theory believes in the idea that adults who are more actively engaged in life are happier than those who are not.

The theory proposes a direct connection between life satisfaction and the activity of the individual.

In every activity that an individual engages in, there is a connection between how he feels and the way he does it.

People who are mainly active and engaged tend to be happier, healthier, and more in touch with what is happening around them, no matter their age.

Thus, activity theory opines that older adults who are more participatory and involved, more likely to be satisfied with their lives.

Read more about activity theory at


what is the person called on an agile team who gets to decide what goes on the sprint backlog and whether a task is done or not?


The Scrum Team considers ways to improve work processes or, if appropriate and not in conflict with product or organizational standards, change the definition of "Done" during each Sprint backlog.

Describe a sprint backlog.

The only goal for the Sprint is the Sprint Goal. Although the Developers have committed to the Sprint Goal, there is flexibility in the specific work that will be required to achieve it. The Sprint Goal also fosters unity and focus, enticing the Scrum Team to collaborate rather than take on independent projects.

During the Sprint Planning event, the Sprint Goal is created and then added to the Sprint Backlog. The Sprint Goal is a consideration for the developers as they work throughout the Sprint.

Know  more about organizational standards visit:


which of the following was a significant finding in the studies conducted by asch on conformity? group of answer choices conformity is considerably high when people must respond publicly. tasks at which an individual is less competent than others in the group make conformity less likely. groups that unanimously support a position show the least pronounced conformity pressures. people working on ambiguous tasks and questions (those with no clear answer) are less susceptible to conformity.


The option that is a significant finding in the studies conducted by asch on conformity is A. Conformity is considerably higher when people must respond publicly.

What is conformity?

Conformity is defined as human conduct that apes established norms of a group or society. The majority of human behavior is accommodative in nature because people are aware of and cover up their lifestyle judgments.

The act of matching attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors to social norms, political ideologies, or similar viewpoints is known as conformity. Norms are unspoken, detailed guidelines that a group of people adopt and use to govern their interactions with one another.

In an effort to blend in, a person who is going to work dresses in the same manner as their coworkers. When all of their friends use drugs, college students use drugs to avoid seeming 'boring. To blend in with other travelers, someone roams the airport like a zombie and acts very passively. This illustrates conformity.

Learn more about conformity on:


what type of goal can help you be prepared for unexpected costs, such as car repairs?


An emergency fund is a goal that can help you be ready for unforeseen expenses like car repairs.

How can you plan for unforeseen expenses?

The easiest way to prepare for unforeseen expenses is to create an emergency fund where you may save for times when you might need to make a purchase for which you are not financially prepared.

The greatest place for the emergency fund would be in an account that can both yield interest and be easily accessed. This is a way to increase your income while saving for emergencies and being prepared to pay for unforeseen expenses.

Find out more on emergency funds at


Which election type has the lowest turnout ?


Elections are a Texas thing. Or at least that is how it appears based on the sheer volume of them. turnout Texas holds at least one statewide election each year, and frequently more, excluding municipal and other local elections.

However, based on participation, Texans abhor elections. This graph demonstrates that Texas's turnout in all elections is lower than the US average for presidential elections during this time, which was 52.5 percent. However, Texas presidential elections often see more turnout than other state elections, with a 45.2 percent average. The average voter turnout in gubernatorial elections is only 28.4 percent, while the average voter turnout in presidential and gubernatorial primaries is further lower at 18.2 percent and 15.0 percent, respectively. The Texas Constitution is amended by special constitutional elections,

learn more about election turnout here:


what circumstances enhance the probability of altruistic behavior, especially when it defies social pressures?


Environment  enhance the probability of altruistic behavior, especially when it defies social pressures

You perceive the need for intervention or help, Cultural norms encourage you to take action, You have an ally (Asch's Conformity Study), You become entrapped. Interactions and relationships with others have a major influence on altruistic behavior, and socialization may have a significant impact on altruistic actions in young children. Modeling altruistic actions can be an important way to foster prosocial and compassionate actions in children. To know more about Altruistic Behavior visit


The _______believed in a loose construction of the constitution.


The Federalists believed in the theory of a loose construction of the constitution.

Loose construction refers to the judicial philosophy in which the constitution is interpreted loosely, generally reading between the lines, to extract a meaning. When practicing loose construction, justices will take a problem and look at the context of it, and then at the constitution. The Federalists considered to be the believers in the loose construction of the constitution that permits them for broader discretion in order to determine intent in legal language. It also provides them with views of the constitution as a living document and allows them to base its decisions on social or historical findings and political circumstances.

You can learn more about loose construction at




what are some examples of traditions that the estonians participate in during the christmas season?


The custom of having a sauna bath on Christmas and New Year's Eve is a very old and significant ritual. On Christmas Eve, after preparing the house for the holiday celebrations that evening, it was customary to visit the sauna.

What is christmas ?

Christmas is a yearly celebration honoring the birth of Jesus Christ that is celebrated by billions of people all over the world on December 25 as a religious and cultural holiday.

Advent marks the start of the holiday season in Estonia. The day after the children hang their socks on the window ledge, an elf comes by and stuffs them with candy until Christmas Eve, on December 24. On Christmas Eve, families gather, and in the evening, Santa Claus makes a visit and offers gifts in exchange for people's poetry readings.

Thus, On Christmas Eve, after preparing the house for the holiday celebrations that evening.

To learn more about christmas, follow the link;


Both democrats and republicans in congress are saying they will pass legislation meant to prevent a ___________________ strike.


Both democrats and republicans in congress are saying they will pass legislation meant to prevent a rail strike.

Congress, as one of the three coequal branches of government, is ascribed significant powers by the Constitution. All legislative power in the government is vested in Congress, meaning that it is the only part of the government that can make new laws or change existing laws. Through legislative debate and compromise, the U.S. Congress makes laws that influence our daily lives. It holds hearings to inform the legislative process, conducts investigations to oversee the executive branch, and serves as the voice of the people and the states in the federal government.

All eligible voters within a state may vote for Senator. A Representative is elected by only those eligible voters residing in the congressional district that the candidate will represent. The winner of an election is determined by a majority vote. That is, whoever gets the most votes wins. Under the Constitution, the U.S. House of Representatives enacts and passes federal laws. The House of Representatives is one of the two houses of Congress (the other being the United States Senate) and is part of the federal government's legislature.

Learn more about Congress here:


according to the definitions used by the usda economic resource service, what percentage of u.s. households had access, at all times, to enough food for an active, healthy life for all members?


According to the definitions used by the USDA economic resource service, 89.8 percent households had access, at all times, to enough food for an active, healthy life for all household members.

The goal of the USDA's Economic resource service is to identify emerging trends and problems in rural America, agriculture, food, the environment, and economics in order to better educate and enhance public and private decision-making.

In order to assist people who regularly decide on or have influence over public policy and program choices, economic resource service tailors its research program and products. Everybody benefits from effective management of our agricultural resources and the industry's economic development because ERS research offers context for and informs choices that influence the agricultural sector.

Economic resources are the ingredients that go into making products or rendering services. They serve as the materials that go into making products or assisting you in providing services, in other words.

Learn more about Resources here:


saria was treated for an episode of schizophrenia many years ago, before getting married. in recent weeks, her spouse of 10 years notes changes in saria's speech and facial expressions. everything seems to be flat and her face is expressionless. she seems to have little motivation. if saria is experiencing another episode of schizophrenia, what type of schizophrenia symptoms is she experiencing?


From the symptoms that have been stated here, everything seems to be flat and her face is expressionless, The type of schizophrenia that Saria is experiencing is called the negative schizophrenia.

What is schizophrenia?

Schizophrenia is a severe mental illness in which reality is perceived by sufferers abnormally. Schizophrenia may include hallucinations, delusions, and severely irrational thinking and behavior, which can make it difficult to go about daily activities and be incapacitating. Schizophrenia patients require ongoing care.

Delusions (false beliefs), hallucinations (observing or hearing things that are not there), strange bodily behavior, and disordered thinking and speech are typical symptoms of schizophrenia.

Read more on schizophrenia here:





The national park, located in Florida, is the only place ada. the world where two particular species exist side by side. Which two species are those?​



Alligator and crocodile

Answer: alligators and crocodiles

The funding texas legislators receive for staff salaries and office expenses is set by ______.


At the start of each session, the senators and representatives decide how much money will be provided for staff pay and office costs.

The General Appropriations bills are filed by the Senate and the House and contain preliminary spending suggestions. The Legislature receives budget recommendations from the governor.

Members of the legislature are paid a salary from the public treasury of six hundred dollars ($600) each month unless the Texas Ethics Commission recommends a higher compensation and the citizens of this state accept it. In such cases, the salary is set at a higher sum.

Texas state lawmakers earn $600 a month, or $7,200 annually, plus a $221 per diem for each day the Legislature is in session.

To learn more about senators


what kind of psychology is a subdiscipline of psychology that works primarily in the generalization mode.


Cultural kind of psychology is a subdiscipline of psychology that works primarily in the generalization mode.

Psychologists, linguists, anthropologists, and philosophers work together in the field of cultural psychology to pursue a common goal: the study of how individual human psychologies are influenced and reflected by cultural meanings, practices, and institutions. The majority of cultural psychologists would like to keep it as a separate field within psychology. Cultural psychologists don't want to separate their work into its own subfield; rather, they want to draw on the many different areas of expertise of its practitioners and have a bigger impact on all areas of psychology and the social sciences.

Philosophically, cultural psychology differs from other fields in addition to organizational differences. Cultural psychologists, on the other hand, tend to assume that their findings and theories are culturally diverse, in contrast to psychologists, who tend to assume that their findings and theories are universal until proven otherwise.

So far, cultural psychologists’ efforts have yielded a bevy of intriguing, often controversial cultural differences in psychological processes, including reasoning styles, motivation, perceptions of time, space, and color, relational styles, and emotional experience, regulation, and expression.

To know more about cultural psychologists visit


globalization is about culture change. discuss popular culture and indigenization, where some idea, behavior, or object from western european or american culture moved to non-western or indigenous societies and culture. provide one example you learned from your textbook or class lecture of how this phenomenon operates in the world.


Indigenous knowledge systems are woven or braided to enable learners to understand and value both knowledge systems.

Indigenization refers to the process by which elements of Western European or American culture are adopted and adapted by non-Western or indigenous societies and cultures. This can take many forms, and range from the adoption of Western fashion and technology to the incorporation of Western ideas and beliefs into local cultural practices.

One example of indigenization can be seen in the widespread adoption of Western popular cultures, such as music, movies, and television shows, in non-Western societies. These forms of entertainment have become an integral part of local culture, and have even given rise to new forms of expression and creativity within these societies. For example, the popularity of American hip-hop music in Japan has led to the emergence of a thriving Japanese hip-hop scene, with many Japanese artists creating music that blends traditional Japanese elements with Western hip-hop influences.

Read more about Indigenization on:


about _____ percent of adolescents and young adults have reported being cyberbullied or cybervictims.


Twenty percent or more of teenagers and young adults say they have been the victims of cyberbullying.

How does social media cyberbullying work?

Manipulative, har-assing, and defamatory behavior are all included in this. This hostility can easily and gravely harm anyone, and it does serious damage. Social media, open forums, and other online discussion forums are where they happen. It's possible that a cyberbully is someone you know; they are not always strangers.

What are the social repercussions of cyberbullying?

Up to 50% of kids have reportedly been the victims of cyberbullying, according to certain estimates. In addition to mental health problems, poor academic performance, a desire to quit school, and even sui-cide thoughts, cyberbullying victims can experience a wide range of other negative consequences.

Learn more about cyberbullying:


if an inmate is reprimanded by a correctional officer for a certain behavior as a way of sending a message to inmates who observe the reprimand, which ethical framework applies?


The utilitarian ethical framework is used when a correctional official reprimands an inmate for a particular act in order to convey a message to other convicts who see the reprimand.

Utilitarian ethics is a normative ethical system that places a strong emphasis on the effects of ethical choices. As a result, it can be compared to either teleological theory or consequentialist theory, which share the idea that an act's effects are the primary factor in determining whether it is moral or not.

A moral theory known as utilitarianism favors activities that increase happiness and disapproves of those that decrease it. "The greatest amount of benefit for the greatest number of people" is what utilitarianism advocates.

learn more about utilitarian here:


When cory is given a logic problem to solve, he systematically tries every possible solution until he finds the correct answer. Cory’s strategy is to use?


An algorithm is the strategy that Cory must use when given a logic problem to solve, and he systematically tries all possible solutions until he finds the right answer.

What is an algorithm?

An algorithm is the strategy used to solve a problem or perform a calculation. Algorithms act as a same order of prompts that perform particular actions ordered in hardware routines or software based. Algorithms are commonly used in all aspects of computer science. Algorithm is a process or set of rules that help or guide in calculations or other problem solving operations, especially by a computer.

Therefore, an algorithm is the strategy that can be used to solve a logical problem by systematically trying all the solutions available until one finds the right answer.

learn more about the algorithm:


which type of communication is highest in media richness? multiple choice videoconference face-to-face newsletter telephone


face-to-face  type of communication is highest in media richness.

Face-to-face communication is the interaction and communication between two or more people who can see each other. This can be in a physical, personal conversation or in a virtual environment. Face-to-face communication is often more effective than written or voice-only conversations.

Communication is the act of giving, receiving and sharing information. That is speaking, writing, listening and reading. Good communicators listen carefully, speak and write clearly, and respect different opinions.

Good communication skills help children interact face-to-face in the online world. Emailing, chatting, and posting responsibly depends on understanding how words and images communicate to others. Encourage children's communication by using social media responsibly, demonstrating positive communication models, and teaching children to watch movies and TV shows that emphasize the value of healthy communication. skills can be developed.

To know more about communication, visit:-


Importance of Shay’s Rebellion


Answer: Was one of the major influences in the calling of a Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia.


One of the major influences

with regard to attitudes: cognitive component is to as affective component is to . a. beliefs; actions b. emotions; feelings c. thoughts; emotions d. behavior; actions


The right response is C . thoughts; emotions.  The cognition of an attitude object refers to a person's knowledge or belief about it.

Affective component: This refers to how someone feels or behaves in relation to the attitude object. For instance, "I dread spiders."

The way that our attitudes affect how we act or behave is known as the behavioral (or conative) component. For instance, "I'll stay away from spiders and scream if I encounter one."

Cognitive component: this is the belief or knowledge a person has regarding an attitude object. As an illustration, say, "I think spiders are dangerous."

Consistency is one of the underlying presumptions regarding the relationship between attitudes and behavior. This means that we frequently or typically expect a person's behavior to be consistent with their attitudes. The consistency principle refers to this.

Learn more about " affective component " to visit here;


Why does the 15th Amendment matter?


The right to vote was granted to African-American men by the 15th Amendment. African Americans started to participate in voting and running for office almost immediately after ratification.

On February 3, 1870, the United States Constitution's fifteenth amendment was approved. According to the amendment, "The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or restricted on account of race, color, or former condition of servitude by the United States or by any State." The right to vote for African American men was protected by the 15th Amendment. Additionally, no one would ever again have their right to vote restricted because of their race. Although in theory African American men's voting rights were safeguarded, in reality this win was fleeting. African Americans were unable to vote because local and state governments sought ways to undercut the amendment.

learn more about Amendment here:


Among those seeking professional help for psychological disorders, eligibility for treatment is most likely to be guided by the use of the diagnostic criteria provided by: __________


Among those seeking professional help for psychological disorders, eligibility for treatment is most likely to be guided by the use of the diagnostic criteria provided by The DSM - 5

Anxiety disorders, such as panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and phobias are a few examples of common ones. Bipolar disorder, depression, and other mood disorders. eating problems.Unclear thinking or a diminished capacity to focus. excessive worries, anxieties, or feelings of guilt. Extremely high and low mood swings withdrawal from relationships and pursuits.Depression is the most prevalent mental condition, affecting an estimated 300 million individuals, and often affects women more frequently than males.

To know more about Psychological disorders here


if someone in a marginalized group tries to fit in with the dominant group, he or she is striving for this goal of co-cultural communication?


Assimilation is the intended outcome of cross-cultural communication, according to the statement.

Co-cultural communication: What is it?

There are many diverse groups with different cultures and values within any community, and these groups interact in various ways. Co-cultural communication is the term used to describe communication between various groups.

Why is co-cultural interaction crucial?

Co-cultural theory was introduced to the research community in the middle of the 1990s as either a framework to aid in giving non-dominant groups a voice through the creation of a fundamental set of principles that could be applied to categorize families of behavioral patterns. Co-cultural theory used ideas from viewpoint, muted group, and cultural phenomenology to achieve this purpose.

To know more about Co-cultural visit :


What act requires federal agencies to integrate environmental values into their decision making processes by considering the environmental impacts of their proposed actions and reasonable alternatives to those actions?


On January 1st, 1970, the US government ratified the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Federal agencies are required by NEPA to evaluate the environmental implications of their proposed activities before making judgments.

The law became effective in 1986. It gives the central government the power to protect and enhance the environment, lessen and regulate pollution at its source, and restrict or forbid the construction and operation of any industrial facility in order to protect the environment.

The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) is divided into three sections: the first outlines national environmental policies and goals, the second establishes rules for how federal agencies must carry out those policies and goals, and the third creates the CEQ within the Executive Office of the President. With regard to its objective of a sustainable environment balanced with other fundamental demands of both the current and future generations, the law deliberately concentrated on Federal actions.

Know more about the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) at:


aviva always worries about their friends, their family, and their job. aviva feels nervous, tense, and apprehensive constantly. their partner has tried to reassure them that everything is okay, but they can't seem to shake their pervasive anxiety. aviva is probably experiencing:


Aviva is most likely dealing with a generalized anxiety problem.There is a condition known as generalized anxiety disorder when there is excessive concern about ordinary issues and circumstances

.It endures for more than six months. Along with feeling anxious, you could also have agitation, fatigue, difficulty focusing, impatience, increased muscular tension, and difficulties sleeping.Criteria for Diagnosing Generalized Anxiety Disorder Feeling uneasy, tense, or on edge.being worn out without effort.difficulty focusing or mental lapses.Irritability.muscle tensenessleep disruption (difficulty losing or staying asleep, or restless, unsatisfying rest).Any age can experience a case of generalized anxiety disorder. The illness shares symptoms with anxiety disorders such as panic disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder. These signs include ongoing anxiety, agitation, and focus issues. Therapy may

learn more about generalized anxiety here:


according to the lecture, no matter our culture, gender, or ethnicity, we share with other humans the motivation to succeed, gain status, and secure our share of material and social resources. in essence, all humans are motivated to?


According to Maslow, our physiological wants, such as those for air, food, and water, come first among the fundamental motivating needs. As soon as our physiological needs are met, we start to worry about safety.

What do you consider to be a motivation?

The word "motivation" derives from the word "motive," which describes a person's needs, desires, wants, or urges. It involves motivating others to take action in order to achieve a goal. Psychological elements that affect people's behavior may include a desire for money in the context of career aspirations.

Why is inspiration so important?

Motivation is important because it: offers you goals to work toward. permits you to deal with problems. permits you to stop engaging in undesirable habits.

To know more about motivation visit:


the process for developing emergency operations plans is outlined in comprehensive preparedness guide (cpg) 101. a. true b. false


The above-mentioned statement, that the Comprehensive Preparedness Guide (CPG) 101 outlines the procedure for creating emergency operations plans is True.

FEMA offers advice in Comprehensive Preparedness Guide (CPG) 101 on the essentials of organizing and creating emergency operations plans.

The manual outlines the procedures for creating an emergency operation plan as well as potential plan structures, base plan elements, and annexes.

Comprehensive preparedness guide 101 is a crucial resource in the emergency management community. Other FEMA guides offer in-depth information about planning considerations for particular functions, hazards, and threats.

While much of the fundamental information in CPG 101 Version 2.0, which was published in 2010, remains true, a revision of the manual enables the addition of new ideas, ideas, and methods.

The revised material in CPG 101 Version 3.0 is based on input from practitioners, lessons gained, and successful strategies from actual events and exercises.

To learn more about the Comprehensive Preparedness Guide, click here:  


The amygdala causes us to compare current events to past events and then to respond: ___________


The amygdala causes us to compare current events to past events and then to respond with the information present in the cognitive memory and respond in a better way in present.

What is Amygdala?

As amygdala is set of neurons consist in human brain and its function is processing of emotions. As person go older amygdala become less reactive to negative situation and events in life.

The amygdala is a structure located in the brain, more specifically in the temporal lobe, which is a set of neurons that will be part of the limbic system which will have the function of processing and storing emotions.

Learn more about Amygdala here:


how waverly's family is raising her to conform to the traditional expectations of a young, chinese girl.


In order to accept Waverly's future as a Chinese-American community, her mother has been waiting for Waverly to welcome her and accept her Chinese background.

Waverly Jong, the main character of Rules of the Game, is eight years old and resides in Chinatown in San Francisco in the 1950s.

Chinese immigration regulations resulted in a difficult life for Chinese-Americans in the United States in the late 1950s.

Due to the time, tone, and mood of the 1950s, this has a significant impact on how the tale is delivered.

Waverly, however, is a member of the newer Chinese generation and aspires to adopt American culture.

Both Waverly and her mother are powerful, domineering, obstinate, and driven to victory at all costs.

However, Waverly has a more sophisticated and shrewd mind than her mother in addition to all the cultural distinctions one would anticipate from growing up in America.

To know more about immigration, visit:


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