Who brought a significant Norman French influence to England in the eleventh century?

Alfred the Great
Henry I
William the Conqueror


Answer 1
William the conqueror

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A New Compromise
In (14)___ Senator Clay presented a five-part plan to settle the issues dividing Congress. This launched an emotional debate that lasted (15)___. Finally, (16)___ took charge of resolving the crisis. The laws that passed in Congress, known as the (17)___, contained the five main points of Clay’s original plan


Senator Clay put forth a five-point plan in 1850 to reconcile the disagreements within Congress. This sparked a contentious discussion that lasted seven months. Stephen A. Douglas finally assumed control of handling the problem. The Compromise of 1850, a set of laws enacted by Congress, included the five key components of Clay's initial proposal.

What is the Compromise of 1850?

Senator Henry Clay put forth a number of motions on January 29, 1850 in an effort to find common ground and avert a war between the North and the South. As part of the Compromise of 1850, which also saw the end of the slave trade in Washington, D.C., the Fugitive Slave Act was changed.

Kentucky was represented by American lawyer and statesman Henry Clay Sr. in the Senate and House of Representatives. Stephen Arnold Douglas was an American politician and lawyer who was born in Illinois. As one of the Democratic Party's two presidential candidates in the 1860 election, which Republican Abraham Lincoln won, he served as a senator.

To know more about the Compromise of 1850, visit:



the marshall plan provided_____assistance to help countries in postwar europe rebuild.


The marshall plan provided economic assistance to help countries in postwar Europe rebuild.

The Marshall Plan was a United States-sponsored program that aimed to rehabilitate the economies of 17 Western and Southern European nations in order to provide stable circumstances for democratic institutions to endure in the aftermath of World War II. The European Recovery Programme is what it was formally known as.

George Marshall, the secretary of state of the United States, outlined it in a speech at Harvard University in 1947 with the goal of helping European nations that had been devastated by the war.

Therefore, the Marshall Plan offered economic support to postwar European countries.

To know more about the marshall plan, visit:



which of the following describes the importance of timbuktu in the fourteenth century? a. it was a commercial center in southern india that connected arab and chinese trade. b. it was a commercial center in west africa that provided the majority of spices to arabia and europe. c. it was a commercial center in southern india that was a way station for traveling buddhist monks. d. it was a commercial center in west africa that was an intellectual center for muslim scholars.


Answer: B. It was a commercial center in west africa that was an intellectual center for muslim scholars.

All Muslim who can afford to are supposed to go on a pilgrimage to


Mecca Saudi Arabia for the Muslim

What does Ira Berlin mean when he says that freedom and slavery were created at the same moment?


Ira Berlin mean when he says that freedom and slavery were created at the same moment means that the "slaves have their fate on their hand".

What do you mean by Freedom?

Freedom is defined as either having the capacity to act or change without restriction or having the strength and resources to pursue one's goals without interference.

Insisting frequently that slavery must be included as a key aspect of American labor history, Berlin treated the history of slavery and emancipation as a labor historian, but his expansive methodology also expanded to study the history of culture, kinship, and social relations.

Due to African Americans' resistance and the reality that the slave trade was not more lucrative, slavery was abolished in the United States.

Therefore, Ira Berlin mean Slaves have their fate on their hand.

Learn more about Freedom, here;



After the elections of 1908, _____ of _____ congressional leaders in oklahoma were republican. A. Four. . . Six b. Four. . . Five c. Three. . . Five d. Three. . . Six.


After the elections of 1908, three of five congressional leaders in Oklahoma were republican. Then an appropriate answer is C.

Who were the presidential nominees in 1908?The 1908 United States presidential election was the 31st quadrennial presidential election, held on Tuesday, November 3, 1908. Secretary of War and Republican Party nominee William Howard Taft defeated three-time Democratic nominee William Jennings Bryan.The first Republican elected to the highest office in Oklahoma was Henry Bellmon, he won election as Oklahoma's first Republican governor in 1962, by appealing to Democratic voters and as an anti-corruption candidate. Only 18 percent of Oklahomans were registered as Republicans at the time.

Learn more about government in Oklahoma here: brainly.com/question/21595376


What evidence did the historian William H. McNeill use to support the claim that “the potato led to empire?”


Historian William H. McNeill has argued , the potato led to empire: “By feeding rapidly growing populations. The potatoes permitted a handful of European nations to assert dominion over most of the world between 1750 and 1950.”

What is a potato?

The potato is a root vegetable that is indigenous to the Americas and is a starchy tuber of the plant Solanum tuberosum. The plant belongs to the nightshade family Solanaceae and is a perennial. The potato was once thought to have been independently domesticated by Native Americans in several different areas, but later genetic investigations revealed a single origin, in the region of today's extreme northwestern Bolivia and southern Peru.

Many researchers believe that the potato’s arrival in northern Europe spelled an end to famine there.  The potato, in other words, fueled the rise of the West.

Therefore, potato was an important factor that helped the populations.

To learn more about potato, click here:



During most of the 1900s, the de beers group of south africa was viewed as a monopoly because it controlled a large percentage of diamond production and sales.
a. True
b. False


It is True to say that during the most of the 1900s, the South African De Beers organization was seen as having a monopoly.

What is monopoly?

Monopoly is a board game where players take turns rolling dice, moving their pieces around a board, and buying and trading properties. The goal of the game is to collect as much wealth as possible by building hotels and houses on the properties, and ultimately to bankrupt the other players. Players must manage their money, negotiate deals with other players, and develop and execute a strategy to become the wealthiest. Monopoly also teaches important financial lessons, such as the importance of budgeting, saving, and smart investing.

Learn more about monopoly



Who are the "Four million persons" to whom Stevens refers?



Four million persons have just been freed from a condition of dependence. These are people who, through no fault of their own, have no knowledge of business and do not even have the simplest elements of education.

What were the 3 goals of Prohibition?


To protect people and families from the "scourge of intoxication," Prohibition was put into place.

But it also had unforeseen effects, such as an increase in organised crime linked to the illicit manufacturing and sale of alcohol, a rise in smuggling, and a decrease in tax revenue.

3 goals of Prohibition were:

1) To eradicate intoxication and the mistreatment of family members and others that results from it.

2) Eliminate saloons, which were hotbeds of prostitution, gambling, and other vices.

3) Prevent workplace accidents and absenteeism caused by intoxication.

To learn more about Prohibition, refer:



why were jewish refugees on the ocean liner st. louis turned away while trying to enter the united states in 1939?


The 937 passengers were almost all Jewish refugees. Cuba's government refused to allow the ship to land. The United States and Canada were unwilling to admit the passengers. The St.

Who Ran as the Republican candidate for President in 1928?



Herbert Hoover


Please help I will give brainliest


The Federal Reserve has increased the Discount Rate, which led to economic impact such as increased unemployment, money supply will be increased, economy will experience faster growth, increased inflation, Banks will be less reluctant to approve loans. Thus, option 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 7th

What is Federal Reserve?

The Federal Reserve analyzes financial system risks and engages in domestic and international activities to assist guarantee that the system maintains a healthy economy for US individuals, communities, and enterprises.

Lowering the discount rate encourages banks to lend more money. As a result, more loans are made to firms and consumers, resulting in a rise in the money supply, which stimulates economic activity but also contributes to higher inflation.

Therefore, it can be concluded that option 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 6th and 7th are correct.

Learn more about  Federal Reserve here:



Which of the following would have been one of the main trading partners of Lunda?
O Oromo
O Kongo
O Funj
O Swahili


Answer: I believe its D: Swahili but im not sure


I hope this helps :)





Why did europeans turn to africa as a source to enslaved people for labor in the americas?.



Africans were deemed suitable for work in the Americas because they were unfamiliar with the land and so less likely to escape, largely resistant to European diseases, accustomed to laboring in the tropics, and came from farming cultures.


Why was trade interrupted between european powers and the ming dynasty in the 15th century?


Answer: Its costed too much, but there are more reasons.

Explanation: One reason was the great cost, because they were undertaken when the Ming dynasty was still campaigning against the Mongols and building Beijing. Another widely accepted reason focuses on the leadership of the venture.

Which of these is considered a civic responsibility rather than an obligation?

Obeying the law

Paying taxes


Registering for Selective Service


I think it voting would be it

reconstruction is often characterized as a failure, though there were some successes. what were some of the achievements of the new republican state governments established during reconstruction?


Reconstruction is often characterized as a failure, though there were some successes.

Free public schools were established in many southern counties.Infrastructure improvements were made.Women gained rights they never had before. were some of the achievements of the new republican state governments established during reconstruction

What is a republican state government?

Generally, The system of government known as a republic is one in which a state is governed by representatives elected by the citizenry.

The concept that the people have the right to exercise sovereignty is the cornerstone of modern republics; nevertheless, throughout history, the definition of "people" has expanded and contracted in response to changing circumstances.

The definition a republic is a form of government in which the powers of sovereignty are vested in the people and are exercised by the people themselves, either directly or through representatives chosen by the people and to whom those powers are specially delegated. This is known as a republican form of government.

Read more about republican state governments



Did Prohibition reduce alcohol abuse explain your answer?


During the alcohol prohibition era, alcohol consumption reached historic highs.

In 1920, a national alcohol ban was enacted. Between 1914 and 1922, there was a decline in apparent alcohol use. It then ascended. Arrests for public intoxication and other alcohol-related offences had already surpassed pre-prohibition records by 1925. Women and children consumed far more.

Actually, no one is actually certain of the precise amounts by which alcohol consumption rose or fell during Prohibition. The explanation was straightforward: People like Al Capone produced their goods without paying taxes, and they did not notify the government of their output. Licensed saloons turned into illegal speakeasies, and many regular people took advantage of the high cost of illicit alcohol by covertly producing it in private bathtubs. One of the main issues with any drug restrictions is that they significantly impair our capacity to assess the situation accurately. The amount of illegal traffickers and those who covertly produce gin in their own bathrooms cannot be accurately counted.

To learn more about alcohol and prohibition, refer: https://brainly.com/question/451432


What happened during World War 1 summary?


World War Due to the industrial revolution, all the major nations desired such colonies where they could obtain raw materials and market all the manufactured goods produced in their nation. World War Every nation began trying to conquer other nations in order to accomplish this goal.

World War therefore military force was boosted and covert diplomatic agreements were created. War was unavoidable as a result of the rising nation-to-nation distrust and hostility. The assassinations of Archduke Ferdinand, the Austrian heir apparent, and his wife were the direct cause of the war. On June 28, 1914, this incident occurred in Sarajevo. Austria formally declared war on Serbia after a month.  Germany assisted Austria, while Russia, France, and the United Kingdom helped Serbia. August saw the likes of Japan, the UK, etc. This battle was fought on the three continents of Europe, Asia, and Africa as well as on the water, on land, and in the air. First, Germany prevailed. Germany sunk numerous merchant ships in 1917. World War A submarine from Germany once sank an English ship called the Lusitania. America entered the Great War on behalf of Britain, in which some American citizens received decorations, but Russia disassociated itself from the conflict as a result of the Russian Revolution. Britain, France, and America conquered Germany and other nations in 1918. On November 11, 1918, the war was declared over at Germany and Austria's request.

learn more about World War here:



“I believe that the time has come for us to declare war on Britain. The British Royal Navy has been impressing our sailors on the high seas. Moreover, they have no right to be in North America. Canada is ours for the taking!”

Whose point of view is most likely expressed in this speech?


“I believe that the time has come for us to declare war on Britain. The British Royal Navy has been impressing our sailors on the high seas. Moreover, they have no right to be in North America. Canada is ours for the taking!” A war hawk in the senate before the war of 1812 is the most likely person

What is war hawk ?

Generally, In the realm of politics, someone is said to be a war hawk, or just a hawk, if they are in favor of going to war or continuing to intensify an ongoing conflict rather than finding alternative solutions. Doves are considered to be the antithesis of war hawks.

They were largely younger politicians from the West and the South and were given the moniker "War Hawks." These politicians came from their respective regions. This tiny group of Jeffersonian Republicans, who were led by Henry Clay, the newly elected Speaker of the House, advocated for a military conflict as a means of redressing American concerns.

The naval fighting force of the United Kingdom is known as the Royal Navy. Although early medieval English and Scottish rulers made use of vessels, the first major naval battles were fought during the Hundred Years' War against France. These battles were the first of their kind on a significant scale.

Read more about  war hawk



Although the sumerians gave rise to the earliest examples of writing in cuneiform on clay tablets, we have less art available from this culture than from the ancient egyptians of the same period. How is this possible?.


This is possible because the Sumerians used mud and clay bricks, in their art and neither of which were very long-lasting.

Who were the Sumerians?

One of the first significant civilizations in human history was built by the ancient Sumerians. Around 6,000 years ago, among the floodplains between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in modern-day Iraq and Syria, their Mesopotamian homeland, Sumer, first appeared.

And while it would not seem like the Middle East's dry, old landscapes would be the best place for an agricultural breakthrough, Sumer actually had a significant advantage. The Sumerians benefited from fertile floodplain land and plenty of water to cultivate crops by locating between two significant rivers.

Paleographers have mapped out the general course of the Sumerian writing system's evolution. It has long been known that Sumerian script, also known as cuneiform in later stages, was the world's first writing system.

Even though the Sumerians invented cuneiform writing on clay tablets, we have less art from this civilization than from ancient Egypt during the same time period because of the non durable forms used in presenting their writing

Learn more on Sumerian writing at:



What does standard of living measure?
OA. The personal well-being of most people in a community
B. The degree of wealth and material comfort available to people
OC. The total amount someone has to pay to live in a community
D. The overall level of happiness of a person or community


The typical person's material well-being in a given demographic is referred to as their standard of living. Typically, gross domestic product (GDP) per capita is used to quantify it.

What is Standard of living?

The amount of comforts, amenities, and services that are accessible to a society or region as a whole, as opposed to just one person, is referred to as the standard of living. The standard of living is significant since it is thought to affect a person's quality of life.

The degree of wealth, comfort, material things, and requirements that are accessible to a certain social class or geographic location is referred to as the standard of life.

To know more about Standard of living, visit:



do yall love god there is like no questions about god



I like god


which julio-claudian emperor retired to capri for the final 11 years of his rule, trusting the bureaucratic machine to run the roman empire without him?


Julio-Claudian emperor retired to capri for the final 11 years of his rule, trusting the bureaucratic machine to run the roman empire without him was Tiberius.

The second Roman emperor was Tiberius Julius Caesar Augustus. He succeeded his stepfather, the first Roman emperor Augustus, and ruled from AD 14 to AD 37. In 42 BC, Tiberius was born in Rome. His mother, Livia Drusilla, who later got a divorce from his father and wed the future emperor Augustus in 38 BC, was the politician Tiberius Claudius Nero. Gaius and Lucius Caesar, Augustus' two grandsons and adopted successors, passed away suddenly, making Tiberius the new emperor. The roots for the empire's northern frontier were built by Tiberius' conquests of Pannonia, Dalmatia, Raetia, and (temporarily) portions of Germania, who had earlier proven himself to be a capable politician and one of the most effective Roman generals.

For more info about 'Tiberius' click on below link - https://brainly.com/question/401549


What was one effect of these actions on the united states? question 5 options: a. the signing of the treaty of guadalupe hidalgo b. international criticism of the monroe doctrine c. the expansion of manufacturing
d. increased profits from international commerce


International criticism of the Monroe Doctrine is one outcome of the Embargo Act of 1807 on the United States. Therefore, choice B is the right answer.

In 1823, American president James Monroe declared the country to be the protector of the Western Hemisphere and forbade other European countries from settling in the Americas.

The United States would not get involved in Western Hemisphere colonies or regions already occupied by Europeans. There wouldn't be any more attempts by European countries to colonize the Western Hemisphere.

The ideology is meant to act as a message to European nations that the US would not support slave kingdoms or future colonial expansion. The Western Hemisphere will be defended by the United States, according to the American president.

To learn more about the Embargo Act



In 1860 Abraham Lincoln was elected president on a Republican platform that advocated all of the following EXCEPTa. higher protective tariffsb. free western land for settlers who would live and work on itc. the exclusion of slavery from United States territorial possessionsd. the abolition of slavery throughout the United States Correcte. government subsidies for a transcontinental railroad


In 1860 Abraham Lincoln was elected president on a Republican platform that advocated all of the following EXCEPT

the abolition of slavery throughout the United State

What was Lincoln's foundation proclamation while running for president in 1860?

The 1860 Conservative Public Show in Chicago named Lincoln, a moderate previous one-term Whig Delegate from Illinois. Its foundation vowed not to impede servitude in the South however gone against expansion of subjugation into the regions.

What was Lincoln's political decision stage?

A previous Whig, Lincoln ran on a political stage went against to the extension of subjection in the domains. His political race filled in as the prompt stimulus for the episode of the Nationwide conflict. Subsequent to being confirmed as president, Lincoln wouldn't acknowledge any goal that would bring about Southern withdrawal from the Association.

What were the primary thoughts the conservatives ran on in 1860?

Giddings got back to his seat, emergency settled. The 1860 conservative stage comprised of 17 announcements of standard, of which 10 managed the issues of "free soil", servitude, the Criminal Slave Act, and the protection of the Association, while the excess 7 managed different issues.

Learn more about Abraham Lincoln here:



Which statement best illustrates the theme of location?



This theme answers the question “Where is it located?” Location refers to the position of something on the Earth's surface. Absolute and relative locations are two ways of describing the positions and distributions of people and places on the Earth's surface.

the works progress administration was created in 1935, as a part of the new deal. the effectiveness of the wpa was in the —


The Works Progress Administration hired both professional and unskilled labor to complete a wide range of tasks, many of which were public works projects like the construction of parks, roads, bridges, schools, and other government buildings.

In 1935, at the height of the Great Depression, President Franklin D. Roosevelt launched the expansive Works Progress Administration (WPA), a program to build infrastructure and create jobs. The WPA employed almost 8.5 million Americans to build schools, hospitals, roads, and other public works throughout its eight-year existence. The WPA, which is perhaps best known for its public works initiatives, also supported artistic endeavors; the organization hired tens of thousands of performers, musicians, writers, and other artists.

With the Federal Writers Project, the WPA made a substantial contribution to the preservation of Black history and culture. The program gathered oral histories from former slaves as well as interviews, publications, and notes about Black American life in the South.

To know more about the Work Progress Administration:



Why was the Homeland Security Act 2002 established?


Answer: The act was drafted in the aftermath of the September 11 attacks in 2001, when defending the United States against terrorist attacks and responding to large-scale emergencies had rapidly emerged as top priorities for the government.

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